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--- Title: Crimsync
--- Author: april#0001
--- Description: Recreates onetap's anti-aimbot system, originally made by Salvatore#0850
--region main
local main_c = {}
local main_mt = {__index = main_c}
--- Instantiate a main object.
--- @return table
function main_c.new()
local properties = {
menu = true,
modes = {"Desync", "Twist", "Anti-balance adjust"},
manual_antiaiming = false,
inverted = false
return properties
-- Create our main class
local main = main_c.new()
--region Menu
-- Create menu elements
local window = gui.Window("crimsync", "Crimsync settings", 1000, 500, 1015, 350)
local standing = gui.Groupbox(window, "Standing", 15, 15, 235, 285)
local running = gui.Groupbox(window, "Running", 265, 15, 235, 285)
local slowwalk = gui.Groupbox(window, "Slow-walking", 515, 15, 235, 285)
local manualaa = gui.Groupbox(window, "Manual anti-aiming", 765, 15, 235, 285)
local static_vars = gui.Groupbox(window, "static_vars", 0, 1020, 0, 0)
local body_lean = {
[1] = gui.Slider(standing, "standing_lean", "Body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[2] = gui.Slider(running, "running_lean", "Body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[3] = gui.Slider(slowwalk, "slowwalk_lean", "Body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[4] = gui.Slider(manualaa, "manual_lean", "Body lean", 55, 0, 100)
local inverted_body_lean = {
[1] = gui.Slider(standing, "standing_lean_inv", "Inverted body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[2] = gui.Slider(running, "running_lean_inv", "Inverted body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[3] = gui.Slider(slowwalk, "slowwalk_lean_inv", "Inverted body lean", 55, 0, 100),
[4] = gui.Slider(manualaa, "manual_lean_inv", "Inverted body lean", 55, 0, 100)
local desync_boxes = {
[1] = gui.Multibox(standing, "Crooked modes"),
[2] = gui.Multibox(running, "Crooked modes"),
[3] = gui.Multibox(slowwalk, "Crooked modes"),
[4] = gui.Multibox(manualaa, "Crooked modes")
local choke_limit = {
[1] = gui.Slider(standing, "standing_choke", "Choke limit", 1, 1, 4),
[2] = gui.Slider(running, "running_choke", "Choke limit", 15, 1, 16),
[3] = gui.Slider(slowwalk, "slowwalk_choke", "Choke limit", 10, 1, 16)
local manual_hotkeys = {
[1] = gui.Keybox( manualaa, "manual_left", "Override left", 0x5A ),
[2] = gui.Keybox( manualaa, "manual_right", "Override right", 0x43 ),
[3] = gui.Keybox( manualaa, "manual_back", "Override back", 0x58 ),
[4] = gui.Keybox( manualaa, "manual_inv", "Invert", 0x56 )
local desync_modes = {
[1] = {
[1] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[1], "standing_desync", "Desync", 0),
[2] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[1], "standing_twist", "Twist", 0),
--[3] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[1], "standing_anti", "Anti-balance adjust", 0)
[2] = {
[1] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[2], "running_desync", "Desync", 0),
[2] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[2], "running_twist", "Twist", 0)
[3] = {
[1] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[3], "slowwalk_desync", "Desync", 0),
[2] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[3], "slowwalk_twist", "Twist", 0)
[4] = {
[1] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[4], "manual_desync", "Desync", 0),
[2] = gui.Checkbox(desync_boxes[4], "manual_twist", "Twist", 0)
--region Functions
--region Locals
--- Calculates the local_player velocity
--- @return number
local function velocity()
local local_player = entities.GetLocalPlayer()
local x, y, z = local_player:GetPropVector("localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]")
return math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
--- Checks if a UI element exists
--- @param var
--- @param complement
local function get_value(var, complement)
if gui.GetValue( var .. complement ) ~= nil then
return var .. complement
return nil
--- Renders a triangle
--- @param x
--- @param y
--- @param size
--- @param narrowness
local function custom_triangle(x, y, size, narrowness, dir)
for i=0, size do
if dir == 1 then -- left
draw.Color(2, 2, 2, 155)
draw.Line(x + i + 1 - size / 2, y - i / narrowness + 1, x + i + 1 - size / 2, y + i / narrowness + 1)
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 155)
draw.Line(x + i - size / 2, y - i / narrowness, x + i - size / 2, y + i / narrowness)
elseif dir == 2 then -- right
draw.Color(2, 2, 2, 155)
draw.Line(x - i - 1 + size / 2, y - i / narrowness + 1, x - i - 1 + size / 2, y + i / narrowness + 1)
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 155)
draw.Line(x - i + size / 2, y - i / narrowness, x - i + size / 2, y + i / narrowness)
elseif dir == 3 then -- down
draw.Color(2, 2, 2, 155)
draw.Line(x + i / narrowness + 1, y - i - 1, x - i / narrowness + 1, y - i - 1)
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 155)
draw.Line(x + i / narrowness, y - i, x - i / narrowness, y - i)
elseif dir == 4 then -- up
draw.Color(2, 2, 2, 155)
draw.Line(x + i / narrowness + 1, y + i - 1, x - i / narrowness + 1, y + i - 1)
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 155)
draw.Line(x + i / narrowness, y + i, x - i / narrowness, y + i)
--- Updates the antiaim type
--- @return string
function main.update_state()
local local_player = entities.GetLocalPlayer()
if not local_player or not local_player:IsAlive() then
local vel = velocity()
if main.manual_antiaiming then
return "manual"
if gui.GetValue( "msc_slowwalk" ) ~= 0 and input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue( "msc_slowwalk" ) ) then
return "slowwalk"
if vel > 0.01 then
return "running"
return "standing"
local states = {left = false, right = false, back = false, inv = false}
local m_state = gui.Slider(static_vars, "m_state", "m_state", 0, 0, 3)
--- Handles the input system for the manual anti-aim binds
function main.do_manualaa()
if gui.GetValue("manual_left") == 0 or
gui.GetValue("manual_right") == 0 or
gui.GetValue("manual_back") == 0 or
gui.GetValue("manual_inv") == 0 then
local input_left, input_right, input_back, input_inv, state =
input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue("manual_left") ),
input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue("manual_right") ),
input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue("manual_back") ),
input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue("manual_inv") ),
gui.GetValue( "m_state" )
if input_left == states.left and
input_right == states.right and
input_back == states.back and
input_inv == states.inv then
states.left = input_left
states.right = input_right
states.back = input_back
states.inv = input_inv
if (input_inv) then
main.inverted = not main.inverted
if (input_left and state == 1) or (input_right and state == 2) or (input_back and state == 3) then
gui.SetValue( "m_state", 0 )
main.manual_antiaiming = false
if (input_left and state ~= 1) then
gui.SetValue( "m_state", 1 )
main.manual_antiaiming = true
if (input_right and state ~= 2) then
gui.SetValue( "m_state", 2 )
main.manual_antiaiming = true
if (input_back and state ~= 3) then
gui.SetValue( "m_state", 3 )
main.manual_antiaiming = true
--- Handles your menu
function main.menu_handle()
if input.IsButtonPressed( gui.GetValue( "msc_menutoggle" ) ) then
main.menu = not main.menu
--- Updates your anti-aim
function main.do_antiaim()
local local_player = entities.GetLocalPlayer()
if not local_player or not local_player:IsAlive() then
local current_type = main.update_state()
local label_lean = main.inverted and get_value(current_type, "_lean_inv") or get_value(current_type, "_lean")
local m_state = gui.GetValue("m_state")
local lean = 59 - (0.59 * gui.GetValue(label_lean))
local directions = {
[0] = lean,
[1] = -90 + lean,
[2] = 90 + lean,
[3] = 0 + lean
-- Set anti-aim values
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_real_add", directions[m_state])
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_move_real_add", directions[m_state])
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_edge_real_add", directions[m_state])
-- Do choking
-- Manual anti-aim doesn't have its own choke slider, so use current type's choke.
local velocity = velocity()
local choke_type = current_type == "manual" and ( ( gui.GetValue( "msc_slowwalk" ) ~= 0 and input.IsButtonDown( gui.GetValue( "msc_slowwalk" ) ) ) and "slowwalk" or (velocity > 0.01 and "running" or "standing") ) or current_type
local twist_label = get_value(current_type, "_twist")
local choke_label = get_value(choke_type, "_choke")
gui.SetValue("msc_fakelag_value", gui.GetValue(twist_label) and 4 or gui.GetValue(choke_label))
--- Updates your body desync
function main.do_desync()
local local_player = entities.GetLocalPlayer()
if not local_player or not local_player:IsAlive() then
-- Invert desync
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_stand_desync", main.inverted and 2 or 3)
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_move_desync", main.inverted and 2 or 3)
gui.SetValue("rbot_antiaim_edge_desync", main.inverted and 2 or 3)
-- Fix lower body target
local current_type = main.update_state()
local desync_label = get_value(current_type, "_desync")
local target_angles = gui.GetValue(desync_label) and local_player:GetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]") + (main.inverted and 120 or -120) or local_player:GetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]")
local_player:SetProp("m_flLowerBodyYawTarget", target_angles)
--region Callbacks
callbacks.Register( "Draw", function()
-- Do functions
local x, y = draw.GetScreenSize()
local m_state = gui.GetValue("m_state")
-- Draw our manual anti-aimbot indicators
custom_triangle(x / 2, y / 2 + 55, 15, 2, m_state)