Help with adding a feature

26 Дек 2018
Hello so I'm new to coding / pasting whatever u wanna refer to it is, started 2 days ago and have struggled to make the progress I wanted to, I'm using Gladiator as a base since it's imgui and it's pretty basic, so far I've added the new knives (not fixed animations though), changed all the naming, made the watermark rainbow even though it is a pretty shitty and simple watermark to me it's still progress. I don't know how to actually add stuff though, the source doesn't have a hooks.cpp and so I'm having trouble adding code for features and I'm sure once I add one I'll be able to learn from that method.

The feature I'm currently trying to add is a preserve killfeed, I have the checkbox done and linked with imgui so it does appear on the menu and I've also added
"void Visuals :: PreserveKillfeed ()" into my visuals.cpp. I'm really confused how to add code as tutorials on the web only ever seem to use hooks.cpp and of course as I mentioned, I don't have that, any sort of advice / help or any guides you may know of would be extremely appreciated, thank you! .

My dc is tapsen#9248 if you want to add me, If I don't respond then I am at work :)

Sorry I don’t speak Russian so I can’t type in that language
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