Dme govno помогите

got a brand new bitch
28 Дек 2018
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
мне короче помогли сделать дме и теперь блять у меня локал чамс красный хотя у меня стоит синий цвет
че делать
got a brand new bitch
28 Дек 2018
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
код чамсов кинешь не?
#include <Windows.h>
#include "ESP.h"
#include "../../Menu/config.h"
#include "..\..\SDK\ISurface.h"
#include "..\..\Utils\Math.h"
#include "..\Aimbot\Aimbot.h"
#include "..\..\SDK\IVModelInfo.h"
#include "..\..\SDK\IEngineTrace.h"
#include "../../SDK/ClientClass.h"

#include <algorithm>

float flPlayerAlpha[1024];
bool WorldToScreen(const Vector& world, Vector& screen) {
    auto screen_transform = [&world, &screen]() -> bool {
        static auto &matrix = g_pEngine->WorldToScreenMatrix();

        screen.x = matrix[0][0] * world.x + matrix[0][1] * world.y + matrix[0][2] * world.z + matrix[0][3];
        screen.y = matrix[1][0] * world.x + matrix[1][1] * world.y + matrix[1][2] * world.z + matrix[1][3];
        screen.z = 0.0f;

        float w = matrix[3][0] * world.x + matrix[3][1] * world.y + matrix[3][2] * world.z + matrix[3][3];

        if (w < 0.001f) {
            screen.x *= 100000;
            screen.y *= 100000;
            return false;

        screen.x /= w;
        screen.y /= w;

        return true;

    if (screen_transform()) {
        int w, h;
        g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(w, h);

        screen.x = (w / 2.0f) + (screen.x * w) / 2.0f;
        screen.y = (h / 2.0f) - (screen.y * h) / 2.0f;

        return true;

    return false;

float StoredCurtimePlayer[1024];
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#include <minwindef.h>

void c_visuals::BoxESP(C_BaseEntity* Entity) {
    Vector min, max;
    Entity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = Entity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);
    Color ESP = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(c_config::get().box_esp_color_r, c_config::get().box_esp_color_g, c_config::get().box_esp_color_b, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);
    Color ESP2 = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        int y = top.y;
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - ((width / 2) / 2);
        int x2 = pos.x - (width / 2);
        int h = height;
        int w = width / 2;

        int iw = w / 3.5;
        int ih = (h / 3.5) - 1;
        bool IsTeammate = Entity->GetTeam() == Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsEnemy = Entity->GetTeam() != Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsLocal = Entity == Globals::LocalPlayer;

        if (IsEnemy) {

                g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2, y, width, height, ESP);
                g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2 - 1, y - 1, width + 2, height + 2, ESP2);
                g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2 + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, ESP2);

void c_visuals::NameESP(C_BaseEntity* Entity) {
    Vector min, max;
    Entity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = Entity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);
    PlayerInfo_s EntityInfo;
    g_pEngine->GetPlayerInfo(Entity->EntIndex(), &EntityInfo);
    Color ESP = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(c_config::get().name_esp_color_r, c_config::get().name_esp_color_g, c_config::get().name_esp_color_b, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);
    Color ESP2 = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        int y = top.y;
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - (width / 2);

        g_pSurface->DrawT(x + (width / 2), y - 14, ESP, Globals::SmallText, true, EntityInfo.szName);

mstudiobbox_t* get_hitbox(C_BaseEntity* entity, int hitbox_index)
    if (entity->IsDormant() || entity->GetHealth() <= 0)
        return NULL;

    const auto pModel = entity->GetModel();
    if (!pModel)
        return NULL;

    auto pStudioHdr = g_pModelInfo->GetStudiomodel(pModel);
    if (!pStudioHdr)
        return NULL;

    auto pSet = pStudioHdr->GetHitboxSet(0);
    if (!pSet)
        return NULL;

    if (hitbox_index >= pSet->numhitboxes || hitbox_index < 0)
        return NULL;

    return pSet->GetHitbox(hitbox_index);
Vector GetHitboxPosition(C_BaseEntity* entity, int hitbox_id)
    auto hitbox = get_hitbox(entity, hitbox_id);
    if (!hitbox)
        return Vector(0, 0, 0);

    auto bone_matrix = entity->GetBoneMatrix(hitbox->bone);

    Vector bbmin, bbmax;
    g_Math.VectorTransform(hitbox->min, bone_matrix, bbmin);
    g_Math.VectorTransform(hitbox->max, bone_matrix, bbmax);

    return (bbmin + bbmax) * 0.5f;

bool IsOnScreen(Vector origin, Vector& screen)
    if (!WorldToScreen(origin, screen)) return false;
    int iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight;
    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight);
    bool xOk = iScreenWidth > screen.x > 0, yOk = iScreenHeight > screen.y > 0;
    return xOk && yOk;

void TexturedPolygon(int n, std::vector<Vertex_t> vertice, Color color)
    static int texture_id = g_pSurface->CreateNewTextureID(true); //
    static unsigned char buf[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
    g_pSurface->DrawSetTextureRGBA(texture_id, buf, 1, 1); //
    g_pSurface->DrawSetColor(color); //
    g_pSurface->DrawSetTexture(texture_id); //
    g_pSurface->DrawTexturedPolygon(n,; //

#include <map>

void c_visuals::PlayerIndicator(C_BaseEntity* entity)
    auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;

    if (!local_player)

    Vector screenPos;

    auto client_viewangles = Vector();
    auto screen_width = 0, screen_height = 0;

    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(screen_width, screen_height);

    auto radius = 450.f;
    Vector local_position = local_player->GetOrigin() + local_player->m_vecViewOffset();

    const auto screen_center = Vector(screen_width / 2.f, screen_height / 2.f, 0);
    const auto rot = DEG2RAD(client_viewangles.y - g_Math.CalcAngle(local_position, GetHitboxPosition(entity, HitboxList::HITBOX_BODY)).y - 90);

    std::vector<Vertex_t> vertices;

    vertices.push_back(Vertex_t(Vector2D(screen_center.x + cosf(rot) * radius, screen_center.y + sinf(rot) * radius)));
    vertices.push_back(Vertex_t(Vector2D(screen_center.x + cosf(rot + DEG2RAD(2)) * (radius - 16), screen_center.y + sinf(rot + DEG2RAD(2)) * (radius - 16))));
    vertices.push_back(Vertex_t(Vector2D(screen_center.x + cosf(rot - DEG2RAD(2)) * (radius - 16), screen_center.y + sinf(rot - DEG2RAD(2)) * (radius - 16))));

    TexturedPolygon(3, vertices, Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); //255, 40, 230
bool DisplayAmmo[65];
void c_visuals::WeaponESP(C_BaseEntity* Entity) {
    Vector min, max;
    Entity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = Entity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);
    auto Weapon = Entity->GetActiveWeapon();

    Color ESP = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(c_config::get().weapon_esp_color_r, c_config::get().weapon_esp_color_g, c_config::get().weapon_esp_color_b, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);
    Color ESP2 = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);;
        int y = top.y;
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - (width / 2);

        if (!Weapon)

        auto weapon_data = Weapon->GetCSWpnData();

        auto item_definition_index = Weapon->GetItemDefinitionIndex();

        if (!weapon_data)
        std::string WeaponName = weapon_data->hud_name;
        WeaponName.erase(0, 13);
        const auto xposition = x + (width / 2);
        const auto yposition = y + height + 1;

        bool IsTeammate = Entity->GetTeam() == Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsEnemy = Entity->GetTeam() != Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsLocal = Entity == Globals::LocalPlayer;
        int TypeOfEntity;
        if (IsLocal) {
        else if (IsEnemy) {

        else if (IsTeammate) {

        auto add = c_config::get().ammo_enemy && DisplayAmmo[Entity->EntIndex()] ? 5 : 0;
        auto DrawWeaponIcon = [Weapon, xposition, yposition, IsLocal, IsEnemy, IsTeammate, add, ESP]() -> bool
            char icon_letter = '\0';

            if (IsLocal && !c_config::get().show_icon_when_possible_local) {
                return false;
            else if (IsTeammate && !c_config::get().show_icon_when_possible_teammates && !(IsLocal)) {
                return false;
            else if (IsEnemy && !c_config::get().show_icon_when_possible_enemies) {
                return false;

            switch (reinterpret_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(Weapon)->GetItemDefinitionIndex())
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_DEAGLE:
                icon_letter = 'F';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_KNIFE:
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_KNIFE_T:
                icon_letter = 'J';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_AUG:
                icon_letter = 'E';

            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_G3SG1:
                icon_letter = 'I';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_MAC10:
                icon_letter = 'L';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_P90:
                icon_letter = 'M';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_SSG08:
                icon_letter = 'N';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_SCAR20:
                icon_letter = 'O';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_UMP45:
                icon_letter = 'Q';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_ELITE:
                icon_letter = 'S';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_FAMAS:
                icon_letter = 'T';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_FIVESEVEN:
                icon_letter = 'U';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_GALILAR:
                icon_letter = 'V';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_M4A1:
                icon_letter = 'W';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_P250:
                icon_letter = 'Y';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_M249:
                icon_letter = 'Z';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_XM1014:
                icon_letter = ']';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_C4:
                icon_letter = 'd';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_GLOCK:
                icon_letter = 'C';
            case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_HKP2000:
                icon_letter = 'Y';
                return false;

            char buffer[2] = { icon_letter, '\0' };

            g_pSurface->DrawT(xposition, yposition - 2 + add, ESP, Globals::WeaponIcon, true, buffer);

            return true;

        if (!DrawWeaponIcon())
            std::transform(WeaponName.begin(), WeaponName.end(), WeaponName.begin(), ::toupper);
            g_pSurface->DrawT(x + (width / 2), y + height + 1 + add, ESP, Globals::WeaponESP, true, WeaponName.c_str());


void c_visuals::Ammo(C_BaseEntity* Entity) {
    Vector min, max;
    Entity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = Entity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);

    Color ESP = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(81, 140, 201, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);
    Color ESP2 = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);

    auto Weapon = Entity->GetActiveWeapon();
    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top) && Weapon)
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);;
        int y = top.y;
        int width2 = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - (width2 / 2);

        float offset = (height / 4.f) + 5;
        UINT hp = height - (UINT)((height * 3) / 100);

        auto animLayer = Entity->GetAnimOverlay4(1);

        if (!animLayer)

        auto activity = Entity->GetSequenceActivity(animLayer->m_nSequence);

        if (!activity)

        int iClip = Weapon->GetAmmo();
        int iClipMax = Weapon->GetCSWpnData()->max_clip;

        if (!animLayer || !activity) {
            DisplayAmmo[Entity->EntIndex()] = false;

        float box_w = (float)fabs(height / 2);
        float width;

        DisplayAmmo[Entity->EntIndex()] = iClip > 0 || (activity == 967 && animLayer->m_flWeight != 0.f);

        if (activity == 967 && animLayer->m_flWeight != 0.f)
            float cycle = animLayer->m_flCycle;
            width = (((box_w * cycle) / 1.f));
            width = (((box_w * iClip) / iClipMax));

        if (!DisplayAmmo[Entity->EntIndex()])

        g_pSurface->FilledRect(x, y + height + 2, box_w, 4, ESP2);
        g_pSurface->FilledRect(x, y + height + 2, width, 4, Color(ESP));
        g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x, y + height + 2, box_w, 4, ESP2);

void c_visuals::HealthESP(C_BaseEntity* Entity) {
    Vector min, max;
    Entity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = Entity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);

    Color ESP = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 255, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);
    Color ESP2 = Entity->IsDormant() ? Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]) : Color(0, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()]);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - (width / 2);
        int y = top.y;
        auto health = Entity->GetHealth();

        int Style = c_config::get().health_enemies;

        if (Style == 1)/*Whats a switch statement?*/ {
            g_pSurface->FilledRect(x - 6, y, 4, height, ESP2);
            g_pSurface->FilledRect(x - 6, y, 4, (height / 100.f) * health, ESP);
            g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x - 6, y, 4, height, ESP2);
        else if (Style == 2) {
            float flBoxes = std::ceil(Entity->GetHealth() / 10.f);
            float flX = x - 6; float flY = y - 1;
            float flHeight = height / 10.f;
            float flMultiplier = 12 / 360.f; flMultiplier *= flBoxes - 1;

            g_pSurface->FilledRect(flX, flY, 4, height + 2, ESP2);
            g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(flX, flY, 4, height + 2, ESP2);
            g_pSurface->FilledRect(flX + 1, flY, 2, flHeight * flBoxes + 1, ESP);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                g_pSurface->Line(flX, flY + i * flHeight, flX + 4, flY + i * flHeight, ESP2);

inline void CrossProduct2(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result)




    Assert(&a != &result);

    Assert(&b != &result);

    result.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;

    result.y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z;

    result.z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;


void CalcAngle2(Vector src, Vector dst, Vector &angles)
    Vector delta = src - dst;
    double hyp = delta.Length2D(); //delta.Length
    angles.y = (atan(delta.y / delta.x) * 57.295779513082f);
    angles.x = (atan(delta.z / hyp) * 57.295779513082f);
    angles[2] = 0.00;

    if (delta.x >= 0.0)
        angles.y += 180.0f;

#include "../../SDK/vector2d.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <istream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <intrin.h>
void rotate(std::array< vec2_t, 3 >& points, float rotation)
    const auto points_center = ( + + / 3;
    for (auto& point : points) {
        point -= points_center;

        const auto temp_x = point.x;
        const auto temp_y = point.y;

        const auto theta = DEG2RAD(rotation);
        const auto c = cos(theta);
        const auto s = sin(theta);

        point.x = temp_x * c - temp_y * s;
        point.y = temp_x * s + temp_y * c;

        point += points_center;
float meme = 0.f;
int arrow_alpha[65];
template <typename t> t clamp_value(t value, t min, t max) {
    if (value > max) {
        return max;
    if (value < min) {
        return min;
    return value;

void arrows(C_BaseEntity* player) {

    auto local = Globals::LocalPlayer;


    if (g_pEngine->IsInGame() && g_pEngine->IsConnected())

    // another case of unnecessary float divison. gotta watch out for that guys! ~chance
//    const int fade = ( int )( ( ( 1 / 0.25f ) * interfaces::globals->frame_time ) * 255 );
    const int fade = (int)((4 * g_pGlobalVars->frametime) * 255);

//    if (!elements::get().vis_arrows)
//        return;

    if (!local)

    if (!local->IsAlive())

    if (!player)

    if (player->IsDormant())

    arrow_alpha[player->EntIndex()] = 255;
    Vector position;
    if (WorldToScreen(GetHitboxPosition(player, 2), position) && !c_config::get().fov_arrows_always_indicate)

    Vector viewangles;
    int width, height;

    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(width, height);

    // more float division, i'm just gonna stop putting comments next to it at this point xD. ~chance
//    const auto screen_center = vec2_t( width / 2.f, height / 2.f );
    const auto screen_center = vec2_t(width * .5f, height * .5f);

    const auto angle_yaw_rad = DEG2RAD(viewangles.y - g_Math.CalcAngle(local->GetEyePosition(), GetHitboxPosition(player, 2)).y - 90);

    int radius = c_config::get().fov_arrows_enemy_distance;
    int size = c_config::get().fov_arrows_enemy_size;

    const auto new_point_x = screen_center.x + ((((width - (size * 3)) * .5f) * (radius / 100.0f)) * cos(angle_yaw_rad)) + (int)(6.0f * (((float)size - 4.f) / 16.0f));
    const auto new_point_y = screen_center.y + ((((height - (size * 3)) * .5f) * (radius / 100.0f)) * sin(angle_yaw_rad));

    Color ESP = player->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()]) : Color(c_config::get().fov_arrows_esp_color_r, c_config::get().fov_arrows_esp_color_g, c_config::get().fov_arrows_esp_color_b, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()]);

    Color clr = ESP;

    std::array< vec2_t, 3 >points{ vec2_t(new_point_x - size, new_point_y - size),
        vec2_t(new_point_x + size, new_point_y),
        vec2_t(new_point_x - size, new_point_y + size) };

    rotate(points, viewangles.y - g_Math.CalcAngle(local->GetEyePosition(), GetHitboxPosition(player, 2)).y - 90);
    g_pSurface->draw_filled_triangle(points, clr);
#include "..\..\SDK\ICvar.h"
enum cvar_flags {
    fcvar_none = 0,
    fcvar_unregistered = (1 << 0),
    fcvar_developmentonly = (1 << 1),
    fcvar_gamedll = (1 << 2),
    fcvar_clientdll = (1 << 3),
    fcvar_hidden = (1 << 4),
    fcvar_protected = (1 << 5),
    fcvar_sponly = (1 << 6),
    fcvar_archive = (1 << 7),
    fcvar_notify = (1 << 8),
    fcvar_userinfo = (1 << 9),
    fcvar_printableonly = (1 << 10),
    fcvar_unlogged = (1 << 11),
    fcvar_never_as_string = (1 << 12),
    fcvar_replicated = (1 << 13),
    fcvar_cheat = (1 << 14),
    fcvar_ss = (1 << 15),
    fcvar_demo = (1 << 16),
    fcvar_dontrecord = (1 << 17),
    fcvar_ss_added = (1 << 18),
    fcvar_release = (1 << 19),
    fcvar_reload_materials = (1 << 20),
    fcvar_reload_textures = (1 << 21),
    fcvar_not_connected = (1 << 22),
    fcvar_material_system_thread = (1 << 23),
    fcvar_archive_xbox = (1 << 24),
    fcvar_accessible_from_threads = (1 << 25),
    fcvar_server_can_execute = (1 << 28),
    fcvar_server_cannot_query = (1 << 29),
    fcvar_clientcmd_can_execute = (1 << 30),
    fcvar_meme_dll = (1 << 31),
    fcvar_material_thread_mask = (fcvar_reload_materials | fcvar_reload_textures | fcvar_material_system_thread)

void c_visuals::spectators() {
    if (!c_config::get().visual_spectator_list)

    if (g_pEngine->IsInGame() && g_pEngine->IsConnected()) {
        int index = 0;
        int w, h;
        g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(w, h);

        for (int i = 1; i < 65; i++) {
            auto p_local = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer()); // what's csgo::local_player???????
            auto p_entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
            PlayerInfo_t e_info;

            if (p_entity && p_entity != p_local) {
                g_pEngine->GetPlayerInfo(i, &e_info);
                if (!p_entity->IsAlive() && !p_entity->IsDormant()) {
                    //HANDLE target = p_entity->ObserverTarget();

void c_visuals::force_crosshair()
    auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;

    static ConVar* weapon_debug_spread_show = g_pCvar->FindVar("weapon_debug_spread_show");

    weapon_debug_spread_show->nFlags &= ~fcvar_cheat;

    if (local_player && local_player->GetHealth() > 0)
        weapon_debug_spread_show->SetValue(local_player->IsScoped() || !c_config::get().force_crosshair ? 0 : 3);

void c_visuals::flags(C_BaseEntity* player) {

    Vector min, max;
    player->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = player->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);
    Color ESP = player->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 2) : Color(255, 255, 255, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 1.3);

    Color Money = player->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 2) : Color(115, 180, 25, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 1.3);

    Color Zoom = player->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 2) : Color(53, 166, 208, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 1.3);

    Color FakeDuck = player->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 2) : Color(255, 0, 0, flPlayerAlpha[player->EntIndex()] / 1.3);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - (width / 2);
        int y = top.y;

        auto fakeDuck = [&]() -> bool
            static float storedTick;
            static float crouchedTicks[65];

            if (!player->AnimState())
                return false;

            float m_flDuckAmount = player->AnimState()->m_fDuckAmount;
            float m_flDuckSpeed = player->m_fDuckSpeed();
            float m_fFlags = player->GetFlags();

            if (m_flDuckSpeed != 0.f && m_flDuckAmount != 0.f)
                if (m_flDuckSpeed == 8.f && m_flDuckAmount <= 0.9f && m_flDuckAmount > 0.01f)
                    if (storedTick != g_pGlobalVars->tickcount)
                        crouchedTicks[player->EntIndex()] = crouchedTicks[player->EntIndex()] + 1;
                        storedTick = g_pGlobalVars->tickcount;
                    return (crouchedTicks[player->EntIndex()] >= 5);
                    crouchedTicks[player->EntIndex()] = 0;

            return false;

        if (c_config::get().flags_enemy) {
            std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Color>> flags;

            if (player->Money())
                flags.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Color>(std::string("$").append(std::to_string(player->Money())), Money));

            if (player->HasHelmet() && player->ArmorValue() > 0)
                flags.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Color>("HK", ESP));
            else if (!player->HasHelmet() && player->ArmorValue() > 0)
                flags.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Color>("K", ESP));

            if (player->IsScoped())
                flags.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Color>(std::string("ZOOM"), Zoom));

            if (fakeDuck())
                flags.push_back(std::pair<std::string, Color>(std::string("FAKEDUCK"), FakeDuck));

            int pos = 0;
            for (auto text : flags) {
                g_pSurface->DrawT(x + width + 2, y + pos, text.second, Globals::WeaponESP, false, text.first.c_str());
                pos += 10;
RECT GetViewport()
    RECT Viewport = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int w, h;
    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(w, h);
    Viewport.right = w; Viewport.bottom = h;
    return Viewport;

void DrawWeapon(C_BaseEntity* player) {
    Vector min, max;
    player->GetRenderBounds(min, max);
    Vector pos, pos3D, top, top3D;
    pos3D = player->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 11);

    if (WorldToScreen(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreen(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        int y = top.y;
        int width = height / 2;
        int x = pos.x - ((width / 2) / 2);
        int x2 = pos.x - (width / 2);
        int h = height;
        int w = width / 2;

        g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2, y, width, height, Color(255, 255, 255));
        g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2 - 1, y - 1, width + 2, height + 2, Color(0, 0, 0));
        g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(x2 + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, Color(0, 0, 0));

void c_visuals::DrawPlayers() {

    int spectator_count = 0;
    for (int Index = 1; Index < g_pGlobalVars->maxClients; Index++)
        auto Entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(Index);
        auto LocalPlayer = Globals::LocalPlayer;

        if (Entity && !Entity->IsDormant())

        if (!Entity || !LocalPlayer || !Entity->IsAlive())


        ClientClass* cClass = (ClientClass*)Entity->GetClientClass();
        if (cClass->ClassID != (int)EClassIds::CBaseWeaponWorldModel && ((strstr(cClass->pNetworkName, "Weapon") || cClass->ClassID == (int)EClassIds::CDEagle || cClass->ClassID == (int)EClassIds::CAK47))) {

        bool IsTeammate = Entity->GetTeam() == LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsEnemy = Entity->GetTeam() != LocalPlayer->GetTeam();
        bool IsLocal = Entity == LocalPlayer;

        if (!Entity->IsDormant()) {
            StoredCurtimePlayer[Entity->EntIndex()] = g_pGlobalVars->curtime;

        if (Entity->IsDormant() && flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()] > 0 &&  g_pGlobalVars->curtime - StoredCurtimePlayer[Entity->EntIndex()] > 2)
            flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()] -= 5;
        else if (flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()] < 255 && !(Entity->IsDormant()))
            flPlayerAlpha[Entity->EntIndex()] += 5;
        if (IsEnemy) {

            if (c_config::get().name_enemies)    NameESP(Entity);
            if (c_config::get().box_enemies)    BoxESP(Entity);
            if (c_config::get().weapon_enemies)    WeaponESP(Entity);
            if (c_config::get().ammo_enemy)    Ammo(Entity);
            if (c_config::get().health_enemies > 0)    HealthESP(Entity);
            if (c_config::get().fov_arrows_enemy) arrows(Entity);

template<class T>
constexpr const T& clampv2(const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi)
    return clampv2(v, lo, hi, std::less<>());

template<class T, class Compare>
constexpr const T& clampv2(const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi, Compare comp)
    return assert(!comp(hi, lo)),
        comp(v, lo) ? lo : comp(hi, v) ? hi : v;

void c_visuals::draw_scope() {

    if (!c_config::get().remove_scope || !c_config::get().visuals_enabled)

    if (!g_pEngine->IsConnected() || !g_pEngine->IsInGame())

    auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;

    if (!local_player)

    if (!local_player->IsAlive())

    int width_2, height_2;

    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(width_2, height_2);

    if (local_player->IsScoped()) {
        auto weapon = local_player->GetActiveWeapon();

        if (!weapon)

        float spread = weapon->GetInaccuracy() * 100;
        int height = clampv2(spread, 1.f, 30.f);
        int alpha = 255 - (height * 4.2f);

        bool Dynamic = c_config::get().dynamic_scope;

        if (Dynamic) {
            g_pSurface->FilledRect(0, height_2 / 2 - (height / 2), width_2, height, Color(0, 0, 0, alpha));
            g_pSurface->FilledRect(width_2 / 2 - (height / 2), 0, height, height_2, Color(0, 0, 0, alpha));
        else {
            g_pSurface->Line(0, height_2 / 2, width_2, height_2 / 2, Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
            g_pSurface->Line(width_2 / 2, 0, width_2 / 2, height_2, Color(0, 0, 0, 255));

int RadarX = 110;
int RadarY = 110;
int RadarSize = 100;
void c_visuals::DrawRadarPoint(Vector vOriginX, Vector vOriginY, QAngle qAngle, C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity, Color col)
    auto pLocalEntity = Globals::LocalPlayer;
    if (pLocalEntity == NULL)

    float flDeltaX = vOriginX.x - vOriginY.x;
    float flDeltaY = vOriginX.y - vOriginY.y;

    float flAngle = qAngle.y;

    float flYaw = (flAngle)* (3.14159265358979323846 / 180.0);
    float flMainViewAngles_CosYaw = cos(flYaw);
    float flMainViewAngles_SinYaw = sin(flYaw);

    // rotate
    float x = flDeltaY * (-flMainViewAngles_CosYaw) + flDeltaX * flMainViewAngles_SinYaw;
    float y = flDeltaX * (-flMainViewAngles_CosYaw) - flDeltaY * flMainViewAngles_SinYaw;

    float flRange = 2000;

    if (fabs(x) > flRange || fabs(y) > flRange)
        // clipping
        if (y > x)
            if (y > -x)
                x = flRange * x / y;
                y = flRange;
                y = -flRange * y / x;
                x = -flRange;
            if (y > -x)
                y = flRange * y / x;
                x = flRange;
                x = -flRange * x / y;
                y = -flRange;

    int    iScreenX = RadarX + int(x / flRange * RadarSize);
    int iScreenY = RadarY + int(y / flRange * RadarSize);

    g_pSurface->FilledRect(iScreenX - 3, iScreenY - 3, 7, 7, Color(0, 0, 0, 255));

    g_pSurface->FilledRect(iScreenX - 2, iScreenY - 2, 5, 5, Color(255, 255, 255));

#define M_PI        3.14159265358979323846f
Vector RotatePoint(Vector p, Vector c, float ang)
    float angleInRadians = ang * (M_PI / 180.f);
    float cosTheta = cos(angleInRadians);
    float sinTheta = sin(angleInRadians);
    return Vector(
        (cosTheta * (p.x - c.x) -
            sinTheta * (p.y - c.y) + c.x),
            (sinTheta * (p.x - c.x) +
                cosTheta * (p.y - c.y) + c.y),
void GradientV2(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c1, Color c2)

    g_pSurface->FilledRect(x, y, w, h, c1);
    BYTE first =;
    BYTE second =;
    BYTE third =;
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
        float fi = i, fh = h;
        float a = fi / fh;
        DWORD ia = a * 255;
        g_pSurface->FilledRect(x, y + i, w, 1, Color(first, second, third, ia));
int RadarSizeFinal = 150;
void GradientH2(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c1, Color c2)

    g_pSurface->FilledRect(x, y, w, h, c1);
    BYTE first =;
    BYTE second =;
    BYTE third =;
    for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
        float fi = i, fw = w;
        float a = fi / fw;
        DWORD ia = a * 255;
        g_pSurface->FilledRect(x + i, y, 1, h, Color(first, second, third, ia));

#include "../../Menu/Menu.h"
static Vector TL(110, 110, 0);
void c_visuals::DrawRadarBackground()
    if (!c_config::get().visuals_radar)

    static int W, H;
    static int centerW, centerh, topH;
    centerW = W / 2;
    centerh = H / 2;
    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(W, H);
     // pos
    Vector TR(TL.x + RadarSizeFinal, TL.y, 0);
    Vector BL(TL.x, TL.y + RadarSizeFinal, 0);
    Vector BR(TL.x + RadarSizeFinal, TL.y + RadarSizeFinal, 0);
    Vector2D _mouse_pos = g_pSurface->GetMousePosition();

    static Vector2D oldPos;
    static Vector2D mousePos;
    static bool _dragging = false;
    bool _click = false;
    static bool _resizing = false;
    static int _drag_x = 300;
    static int _drag_y = 300;

    if (g_Menu.menuOpened)
        //MenuAlpha_Main = 255;
        //MenuAlpha_Text = 255;

        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON))
            _click = true;

        Vector2D _mouse_pos = g_pSurface->GetMousePosition();

        if (_dragging && !_click)
            _dragging = false;

        if (_resizing && !_click)
            _resizing = false;

        if (_dragging && _click)
            TL.x = _mouse_pos.x - _drag_x;
            TL.y = _mouse_pos.y - _drag_y;

        if (g_pSurface->MouseInRegion(TL.x, TL.y, RadarSizeFinal, RadarSizeFinal) && !(g_pSurface->MouseInRegion(
            TL.x + 10, TL.y + 20, RadarSizeFinal - 10, RadarSizeFinal - 10)))
            _dragging = true;
            _drag_x = _mouse_pos.x - TL.x;
            _drag_y = _mouse_pos.y - TL.y;

    GradientH2(TL.x, TL.y, RadarSizeFinal, RadarSizeFinal, Color(29, 29, 37, 255), Color(49, 49, 57, 255));

    g_pSurface->FilledRect(TL.x + 1, TL.y + 20, RadarSizeFinal - 2, RadarSizeFinal - 20, Color(23, 23, 30, 255));

    for (int i = 0; i < RadarSizeFinal / 2; i++) {
        g_pSurface->Line(TL.x + (i * 2), TL.y + 20, TL.x + (i * 2), TL.y + RadarSizeFinal, Color(10, 10, 18, 255));

    for (int i = 0; i < RadarSizeFinal / 2.4; i++) {
        g_pSurface->Line(TL.x, TL.y + 22 + (i * 2), TL.x + RadarSizeFinal, TL.y + 22 + (i * 2), Color(10, 10, 18, 255));

    g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(TL.x, TL.y, RadarSizeFinal, RadarSizeFinal, Color(65, 63, 79, 255));
    g_pSurface->OutlinedRect(TL.x, TL.y + 19, RadarSizeFinal, 1, Color(65, 63, 79, 255));

    RECT TitleText_Size = g_pSurface->GetTextSizeRect(Globals::CourierNew, "Radar");

    g_pSurface->DrawT(TL.x + 3, TL.y + (20 / 2) - (TitleText_Size.bottom / 2), Color(143, 143, 143, 255), Globals::CourierNew, false, "Radar");

void c_visuals::DrawRadar(C_BaseEntity *pEntity)
    if (!c_config::get().visuals_radar)

    static int W, H;
    int centerW, centerh, topH;
    centerW = W / 2;
    centerh = H / 2;
    g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(W, H);
    Vector TR(TL.x + RadarSizeFinal, TL.y, 0);
    Vector BL(TL.x, TL.y + RadarSizeFinal, 0);
    Vector BR(TL.x + RadarSizeFinal, TL.y + RadarSizeFinal, 0);

    if (!pEntity || !Globals::LocalPlayer)
    Color ESP = pEntity->IsDormant() ? Color(150, 150, 150, flPlayerAlpha[pEntity->EntIndex()]) : Color(c_config::get().box_esp_color_r, c_config::get().box_esp_color_g, c_config::get().box_esp_color_b, flPlayerAlpha[pEntity->EntIndex()]);
    Vector center = Vector((TL.x + TR.x) / 2, (TL.y + BL.y) / 2, 0.f);
    auto m_local = Globals::LocalPlayer;
            Color c = pEntity->GetTeam() == m_local->GetTeam() ? Color(50, 50, 255, 255) : Color(255, 50, 50, 255);
            Vector relPos = (pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - m_local->GetAbsOrigin()) * 0.05f;
            relPos.y *= -1.f;
            Vector drawAt = Vector(relPos.x + center.x, relPos.y + center.y, 0);
            Vector localAng;
            drawAt = RotatePoint(drawAt, center, localAng.y - 90);
            if (drawAt.x < TR.x && drawAt.x > TL.x && drawAt.y < BL.y && drawAt.y > TL.y + 25)
                g_pSurface->FilledRect(drawAt.x - 2, drawAt.y - 2, 4, 4, ESP);
auto spectator_count = 0;
bool WorldToScreenAlpha(const Vector &origin, Vector2D &screen)
    const auto screenTransform = [&origin, &screen]() -> bool
        static std::uintptr_t pViewMatrix;
        if (!pViewMatrix)
            pViewMatrix = static_cast<std::uintptr_t>(Utils::FindSignature("client_panorama.dll", "0F 10 05 ? ? ? ? 8D 85 ? ? ? ? B9"));
            pViewMatrix += 3;
            pViewMatrix = *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t*>(pViewMatrix);
            pViewMatrix += 176;

        const VMatrix& w2sMatrix = *reinterpret_cast<VMatrix*>(pViewMatrix);
        screen.x = w2sMatrix.m[0][0] * origin.x + w2sMatrix.m[0][1] * origin.y + w2sMatrix.m[0][2] * origin.z + w2sMatrix.m[0][3];
        screen.y = w2sMatrix.m[1][0] * origin.x + w2sMatrix.m[1][1] * origin.y + w2sMatrix.m[1][2] * origin.z + w2sMatrix.m[1][3];

        float w = w2sMatrix.m[3][0] * origin.x + w2sMatrix.m[3][1] * origin.y + w2sMatrix.m[3][2] * origin.z + w2sMatrix.m[3][3];

        if (w < 0.001f)
            screen.x *= 100000;
            screen.y *= 100000;
            return true;

        float invw = 1.f / w;
        screen.x *= invw;
        screen.y *= invw;

        return false;

    if (!screenTransform())
        int iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight;
        g_pEngine->GetScreenSize(iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight);

        screen.x = (iScreenWidth * 0.5f) + (screen.x * iScreenWidth) * 0.5f;
        screen.y = (iScreenHeight * 0.5f) - (screen.y * iScreenHeight) * 0.5f;

        return true;
    return false;
    //int left, right, top, bottom;
    int x, y, w, h;
} Box;
bool boundingBox(C_BaseEntity* pEntity, Vector offset = Vector(0, 0, 0))
    Vector min, max;
    pEntity->GetRenderBounds(min, max);

    Vector pos3D, top3D;
    Vector2D pos, top;
    pos3D = pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 10);
    top3D = pos3D + Vector(0, 0, max.z + 15);

    if (WorldToScreenAlpha(pos3D, pos) && WorldToScreenAlpha(top3D, top))
        int height = (pos.y - top.y);
        Box.h = height; //h
        int width = Box.h / 2;
        Box.w = width; //w

        Box.x = pos.x - width / 2; //x
        Box.y = top.y; //y

        return true;

    return false;

void c_visuals::worldWeapon(C_BaseEntity * pEntity)
    ClientClass* clientClass = pEntity->GetClientClass();

    if (!clientClass)

    if (!boundingBox(pEntity))

    auto owner = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(pEntity->owner());

    if (!owner && (clientClass->ClassID != (int)EClassIds::CBaseWeaponWorldModel && (std::strstr(clientClass->pNetworkName, "Weapon") || clientClass->ClassID == (int)EClassIds::CDEagle || clientClass->ClassID == (int)EClassIds::CAK47)))
        auto weapon = static_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon*>(pEntity);

        if (!weapon)

        if (!weapon->ItemDefinitionIndex2())

        const auto info = weapon->GetCSWpnData();

        if (!info)

        //if (config->get_int("worldWeapon") & (1 << 1))

            std::string localised_name = info->hud_name;
            localised_name.erase(0, 13);

            std::transform(localised_name.begin(), localised_name.end(), localised_name.begin(), ::toupper);

            g_pSurface->DrawT(Box.x + (Box.w / 2), Box.y + Box.h - 11, Color(255, 255, 255), Globals::SmallText, true, localised_name.c_str());


void GrenadePrediction(C_BaseEntity* localPlayer, C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon)
    auto IsGrenade = [](ItemDefinitionIndex item)
        if (item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_FLASHBANG
            || item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_HEGRENADE
            || item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE
            || item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_MOLOTOV
            || item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_DECOY
            || item == ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_INCGRENADE)
            //|| item == ItemDefinitionIndex::weapon_tagrenade
            return true;
            return false;
    auto molotov_throw_detonate_time = g_pCvar->FindVar("molotov_throw_detonate_time");
    auto GetGrenadeDetonateTime = [molotov_throw_detonate_time](ItemDefinitionIndex item)
        switch (item)
        case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_FLASHBANG:
        case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_HEGRENADE:
            return 1.5f;
        case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_INCGRENADE:
        case ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_MOLOTOV:
            return molotov_throw_detonate_time->GetFloat();
        //case ItemDefinitionIndex::weapon_tagrenade:
        //    return 5.f;
        //    break;

        return 3.f;

    auto DrawLine = [](Vector start, Vector end, int r, int g, int b, int a = 255)
        Vector startw2s, endw2s;

        if (!Utils::WorldToScreen2(start, startw2s)
            || !Utils::WorldToScreen2(end, endw2s))

        g_pSurface->DrawSetColor(r, g, b, a);
        g_pSurface->DrawLine(startw2s.x, startw2s.y, endw2s.x, endw2s.y);

    auto PhysicsClipVelocity = [](const Vector& in, const Vector& normal, Vector& out, float overbounce)
        int blocked = 0;
        float angle = normal[2];

        if (angle > 0)
            blocked |= 1; // floor

        if (!angle)
            blocked |= 2; // step

        float backoff = in.Dot(normal) * overbounce;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            out[i] = in[i] - (normal[i] * backoff);

            if (out[i] > -0.1f && out[i] < 0.1f)
                out[i] = 0;

        return blocked;

    PlayerInfo_t playerInfo;
    auto itemIndex = weapon->GetItemDefinitionIndex();
    auto wpnData = weapon->GetCSWpnData();

    if (!wpnData
        || !IsGrenade(itemIndex))

    Vector angThrow, forward;


    angThrow.x = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(angThrow.x);
    angThrow.x -= (90.f - abs(angThrow.x)) * 0.11111111f;

    g_Math.AngleVectors(angThrow, &forward);

    // WIP

#include "..\..\SDK\IVModelInfo.h"
Сверху Снизу