kill me
Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Кто даст переделанный resolver под xy0 ?
Resolver g_Resolver;
my attempt at fixing desync and i was pretty successful
it can resolve static desync pretty perfectly
and can resolve some jitter desync but
it still gets rekt by other things
void Resolver::AnimationFix(C_BaseEntity* entity)
auto old_curtime = g_pGlobalVars->curtime;
auto old_frametime = g_pGlobalVars->frametime;
auto old_anim_overlay = entity->GetAnimOverlayy();
g_pGlobalVars->curtime = entity->GetSimulationTime();
g_pGlobalVars->frametime = g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick; // обновление анимации теперь будет происходит по тикам
auto player_animation_state = entity->AnimState();
auto player_model_time = reinterpret_cast<int*>(player_animation_state + 112);
if (player_animation_state != nullptr && player_model_time != nullptr) // заставляем игру обновить анимации
if (*player_model_time == g_pGlobalVars->framecount)
*player_model_time = g_pGlobalVars->framecount - 1;
entity->UpdateClientAnimation(); // обновление анимации
entity->GetAnimOverlayy() = old_anim_overlay; // возвращаем серверные аним оверлеи
matrix3x4_t matrix[128];
entity->SetupBones(matrix, 128, 0x0007FF00 | 0x00000200, g_pGlobalVars->curtime);
g_pGlobalVars->curtime = old_curtime;
g_pGlobalVars->frametime = old_frametime;
void enemy_anim_fix(C_BaseEntity* entity)
auto state = entity->AnimState(); if (!state) return;
auto index = entity->EntIndex();
static float sim_time[65];
if (sim_time[index] != entity->GetSimulationTime())
const float curtime = g_pGlobalVars->curtime;
const float frametime = g_pGlobalVars->frametime;
static auto host_timescale = g_pCvar->FindVar(("host_timescale"));
g_pGlobalVars->frametime = g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick * host_timescale->GetFloat();
g_pGlobalVars->curtime = entity->GetSimulationTime() + g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick;
Vector backup_velocity = entity->GetVelocity();
int backup_flags = entity->GetFlags();
Vector abs = entity->GetAbsAngles();
AnimationLayer backup_layers[15];
std::memcpy(backup_layers, entity->AnimOverlays(), (sizeof(AnimationLayer) * 15));
state->m_bOnGround ? backup_flags |= (1 << 0) : backup_flags &= ~(1 << 0);
backup_flags &= ~0x1000;
abs = entity->GetVelocity();
abs = entity->GetVelocity();
if (state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount == g_pGlobalVars->framecount)
state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount = g_pGlobalVars->framecount - 1;
float lby_delta = entity->GetLowerBodyYaw() - entity->GetEyeAngles().y;
lby_delta = std::remainderf(lby_delta, 360.f);
lby_delta = std::clamp(lby_delta, -60.f, 60.f);
float feet_yaw = std::remainderf(entity->GetEyeAngles().y + lby_delta, 360.f);
if (feet_yaw < 0.f) {
feet_yaw += 360.f;
static float pitch, yaw = 0.f;
entity->AnimState()->m_flGoalFeetYaw = entity->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw = feet_yaw;
std::memcpy(entity->AnimOverlays(), backup_layers, (sizeof(AnimationLayer) * 15));
g_pGlobalVars->curtime = curtime;
g_pGlobalVars->frametime = frametime;
sim_time[index] = entity->GetSimulationTime();
// entity->InvalidateBoneCache();
entity->SetupBones(nullptr, -1, 0x7FF00, g_pGlobalVars->curtime);
bool Resolver::enemy_is_slow_walking(C_BaseEntity* entity)
C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon = entity->GetActiveWeapon();
if (!weapon)
return false;
float speed = entity->GetVelocity().Length2D();
float get_gun = g_Resolver.get_gun(weapon);
if (speed - get_gun < 34) // if it's more or less the same.
return true;
return false;
bool is_slow_walking(C_BaseEntity* entity) {
float large = 0;
float velocity_2D[64], old_velocity_2D[64];
if (entity->GetVelocity().Length2D() != velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] && entity->GetVelocity().Length2D() != NULL) {
old_velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] = velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()];
velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] = entity->GetVelocity().Length2D();
if (large == 0)return false;
Vector velocity = entity->GetVelocity();
Vector direction = entity->GetEyeAngles();
float speed = velocity.Length();
direction.y = entity->GetEyeAngles().y - direction.y;
//method 1
if (velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] > 1) {
int tick_counter[64];
if (velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] == old_velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()])
tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] += 1;
tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] = 0;
while (tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] > (1 / g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick) * fabsf(0.1f))//should give use 100ms in ticks if their speed stays the same for that long they are definetely up to something..
return true;
return false;
float NormalizeYaw180(float yaw)
if (yaw > 180)
yaw -= (round(yaw / 360) * 360.f);
else if (yaw < -180)
yaw += (round(yaw / 360) * -360.f);
return yaw;
void Resolver::LBY_FIX(C_BaseEntity* pEnt)
int index = pEnt->EntIndex();
static Vector Angle;
Angle = pEnt->GetEyeAngles();
AnimationLayer* anim = nullptr;
static float moving_lby[65];
static float moving_sim[65];
static float stored_lby[65];
static float old_lby[65];
static float lby_delta[65];
static float predicted_yaw[65];
static bool lby_changes[65];
static int shots_check[65];
static float angle_brute[65];
static float AtTargetAngle;
static float FixPitch;
static float FixPitch2;
static bool HitNS[65];
static Vector StoredAngle[65];
static Vector Hitstored[65];
static int StoredShots[65];
static int HitShots[65];
static int HitShotsStored[65];
int Missedshots[65];
if (stored_lby[index] != pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw())
old_lby[index] = stored_lby[index];
lby_changes[index] = true;
stored_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
lby_delta[index] = NormalizeYaw180(stored_lby[index] - old_lby[index]);
if (lby_changes[index])
if ((pEnt->GetSimulationTime() - moving_sim[index]) > .22f)
predicted_yaw[index] = lby_delta[index];
lby_changes[index] = false;
if (stored_lby[index] != pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw())
old_lby[index] = stored_lby[index];
Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
lby_changes[index] = true;
stored_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
else if (abs(pEnt->GetVelocity().Length2D()) > 29.f && (pEnt->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND))
Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
moving_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
moving_sim[index] = pEnt->GetSimulationTime();
lby_changes[index] = false;
predicted_yaw[index] = 0;
Missedshots[index] = 0;
angle_brute[index] = 0;
else if ((pEnt->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND))
if (shots_check[index] != Missedshots[index])
angle_brute[index] += predicted_yaw[index];
shots_check[index] = Missedshots[index];
Angle.y = NormalizeYaw180(angle_brute[index] + moving_lby[index]);
Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw();
void HandleHits(C_BaseEntity* pEnt)
auto NetChannel = g_pEngine->GetNetChannelInfo();
if (!NetChannel)
static float predTime[65];
static bool init[65];
if (Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()])
if (init[pEnt->EntIndex()])
g_Resolver.pitchHit[pEnt->EntIndex()] = pEnt->GetEyeAngles().x;
predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] = g_pGlobalVars->curtime + NetChannel->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_INCOMING) + NetChannel->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING) + TICKS_TO_TIME(1) + TICKS_TO_TIME(g_pEngine->GetNetChannel()->m_nChokedPackets);
init[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false;
if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime > predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] && !Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()])
Globals::MissedShots[pEnt->EntIndex()] += 1;
Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false;
else if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime <= predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] && Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()])
Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false;
init[pEnt->EntIndex()] = true;
Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false;
void Resolver::OnCreateMove() // cancer v2
if (!c_config::get().aimbot_resolver)
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive())
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() || Globals::LocalPlayer->IsKnifeorNade())
for (int i = 1; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
C_BaseEntity* pPlayerEntity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!pPlayerEntity
|| !pPlayerEntity->IsAlive()
|| pPlayerEntity->IsDormant()
|| pPlayerEntity == Globals::LocalPlayer
|| pPlayerEntity->GetTeam() == Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam())
UseFreestandAngle[i] = false;
if (abs(pPlayerEntity->GetVelocity().Length2D()) > 29.f)
UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = false;
if (abs(pPlayerEntity->GetVelocity().Length2D()) <= 29.f && !UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()])
bool Autowalled = false, HitSide1 = false, HitSide2 = false;
float angToLocal = g_Math.CalcAngle(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin(), pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin()).y;
Vector ViewPoint = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 90);
Vector2D Side1 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) };
Vector2D Side2 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) };
Vector2D Side3 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) };
Vector2D Side4 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) };
Vector Origin = pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin();
Vector2D OriginLeftRight[] = { Vector2D(Side1.x, Side1.y), Vector2D(Side2.x, Side2.y) };
Vector2D OriginLeftRightLocal[] = { Vector2D(Side3.x, Side3.y), Vector2D(Side4.x, Side4.y) };
for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
Vector OriginAutowall = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side].y , Origin.z + 90 };
Vector OriginAutowall2 = { ViewPoint.x + OriginLeftRightLocal[side].x, ViewPoint.y - OriginLeftRightLocal[side].y , ViewPoint.z };
if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall, ViewPoint))
if (side == 0)
HitSide1 = true;
FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = 90;
else if (side == 1)
HitSide2 = true;
FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = -90;
Autowalled = true;
for (int side222 = 0; side222 < 2; side222++)
Vector OriginAutowall222 = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side222].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side222].y , Origin.z + 90 };
if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall222, OriginAutowall2))
if (side222 == 0)
HitSide1 = true;
FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = 90;
else if (side222 == 1)
HitSide2 = true;
FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = -90;
Autowalled = true;
if (Autowalled)
if (HitSide1 && HitSide2)
UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = false;
UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = true;
float AngleNormalize(float angle)
angle = fmodf(angle, 360.0f);
if (angle > 180)
angle -= 360;
if (angle < -180)
angle += 360;
return angle;
float max_desync_angle(C_BaseEntity* entity) {
auto animstate = uintptr_t(entity->AnimState());
float duckammount = *(float*)(animstate + 0xA4);
float speedfraction = max(0, min(*reinterpret_cast<float*>(animstate + 0xF8), 1));
float speedfactor = max(0, min(1, *reinterpret_cast<float*> (animstate + 0xFC)));
float unk1 = ((*reinterpret_cast<float*> (animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * speedfraction;
float unk2 = unk1 + 1.f;
float unk3;
if (duckammount > 0)
unk2 += ((duckammount * speedfactor) * (0.5f - unk2));
unk3 = *(float*)(animstate + 0x334) * unk2;
return unk3;
bool delta_58(float first, float second)
if (first - second < 58.f && first - second > -58.f)
return true;
return false;
float NormalizeYaw1801(float yaw)
if (yaw > 180)
yaw -= (round(yaw / 360) * 360.f);
else if (yaw < -180)
yaw += (round(yaw / 360) * -360.f);
return yaw;
float angle_difference(float a, float b) {
auto diff = NormalizeYaw1801(a - b);
if (diff < 180)
return diff;
return diff - 360;
bool delta_35(float first, float second)
if (first - second <= 35.f && first - second >= -35.f)
return true;
return false;
float approach(float cur, float target, float inc) {
inc = abs(inc);
if (cur < target)
return min(cur + inc, target);
if (cur > target)
return max(cur - inc, target);
return target;
float approach_angle(float cur, float target, float inc) {
auto diff = angle_difference(target, cur);
return approach(cur, cur + diff, inc);
float Resolver::get_gun(C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon)
if (!weapon)
return 0.f;
if (weapon->isAuto())
return 40.f;
else if (weapon->is_scout())
return 70.f;
else if (weapon->is_awp())
return 30.f;
return 34.f;
bool solve_desync_simple(C_BaseEntity* e) // 979
if (!e || e->IsDormant() || !e->IsAlive())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->NumOverlays(); i++)
auto layer = e->get_anim_overlay_index(i);
if (!layer)
if (e->get_sequence_act(layer->m_nSequence) == 979)
if (layer->m_flWeight == 0.0f && (layer->m_flCycle == 0.0f || layer->m_flCycle != layer->m_flPrevCycle))
return true;
return false;
void Resolver::resolveOldMethod(C_BaseEntity* player)
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
if (!c_config::get().resolve_old)
if (!player)
bool is_local_player = player == local_player;
bool is_teammate = local_player->GetTeam() == player->GetTeam() && !is_local_player;
if (is_local_player)
if (is_teammate)
if (player->GetHealth() <= 0)
if (local_player->GetHealth() <= 0)
auto idx = player->EntIndex();
auto state = player->GetBasePlayerAnimState();
auto lby = player->GetLowerBodyYaw();
static float oldSimtimeShot[65];
static float storedSimtimeShot[65];
static float ShotTime[65];
bool shot = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
if (storedSimtimeShot[idx] != player->GetSimulationTime())
if (player->GetActiveWeapon() && !player->IsKnifeorNade())
if (ShotTime[idx] != player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime())
shot = true;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = true;
ShotTime[idx] = player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime();
shot = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
shot = false;
ShotTime[idx] = 0.f;
oldSimtimeShot[idx] = storedSimtimeShot[idx];
storedSimtimeShot[idx] = player->GetSimulationTime();
auto& record = _player[idx];
if (state)
state->m_flEyeYaw = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y;
state->m_flEyePitch = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x;
if (state && state->speed_2d > 0.1f || fabs(state->flUpVelocity) > 100.0f)
state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(state->m_flEyeYaw, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw,
((state->m_flUnknownFraction * 20.0f) + 30.0f) * state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime);
if (state)
state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(lby, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw,
state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime * 100.0f);
record.current_tick.eyes = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby == FLT_MAX)
record.current_tick.last_lby = lby;
bool one = false;
bool two = false;
record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby;
record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta = lby - record.current_tick.eyes;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != FLT_MAX)
if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f)
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby)
record.current_tick.last_lby = lby;
one = false, two = false;
record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby)
if (solve_desync_simple(player))
if (delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, lby))
record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.high_delta = false;
record.current_tick.low_delta = false;
record.current_tick.high_delta = true;
if (delta_58(lby, record.current_tick.eyes) && delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
if (!one || !two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false;
if (one && two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
if (!one)
one = true;
if (!two && one)
two = true;
if (one && two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
// else
// record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.static_desync = true;
if (!solve_desync_simple(player))
one = false, two = false;
record.current_tick.static_desync = true;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false;
if (!delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
record.current_tick.low_delta = false;
record.current_tick.high_delta = true;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.high_delta = false;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
auto slow_walking = [&player]() -> bool
bool s = g_Resolver.enemy_is_slow_walking(player);
if (s)
if (!(player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING))
g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = true;
return true;
g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = false;
return false;
return false;
if (slow_walking() && Globals::MissedShots[player->EntIndex()] >= 1)
Globals::enemyslow[player->EntIndex()] = true;
auto max_rotate = max_desync_angle(player);
auto delta = angle_difference(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y, player->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw);
if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.lby_delta < 58.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 4;
else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && (!record.current_tick.high_delta || record.current_tick.low_delta))
// record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby + (-record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta);
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 5;
else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.high_delta)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 6;
else if (record.current_tick.low_delta && record.current_tick.jitter_desync)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby - record.current_tick.lby_delta;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 7;
if (delta < 35.f && delta > -35) {
if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = player->GetLowerBodyYaw();
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 1;
else if (delta > 35.f) {
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 2;
if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > -180.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y + delta);
else if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 180.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y - delta);
else if (delta < -35.f) {
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 3;
if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > -180.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y - delta);
else if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 180.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y + delta);
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 9;
auto player_animation_state = player->AnimState();
float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTimeDelta = fabs(player_animation_state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - player_animation_state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime);
auto FeetSpeed = 0.f;
if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays >= 0.0f)
FeetSpeed = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1.0f);
FeetSpeed = 0.0f;
float Fraction = ((player_animation_state->m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * FeetSpeed;
float YawMod = Fraction + 1.0;
if (player_animation_state->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0) // duck checks
float curfeet = 0.0f;
if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways >= 0.0)
curfeet = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 1.0);
curfeet = 0.0f;
float flMaxYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[516] * YawMod;
float flMinYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[512] * YawMod;
float newFeetYaw = 0.f;
auto eyeYaw = player_animation_state->m_flEyeYaw;
auto lbyYaw = player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
float eye_feet_delta = fabs(eyeYaw - lbyYaw);
if (eye_feet_delta <= flMaxYawModifier) // SetupVelocity in help
if (flMinYawModifier > eye_feet_delta)
newFeetYaw = fabs(flMinYawModifier) + eyeYaw;
newFeetYaw = eyeYaw - fabs(flMaxYawModifier);
float EndYaw = fmod(newFeetYaw, 360.0);
if (EndYaw > 180.0)
EndYaw = EndYaw - 360.0;
if (EndYaw < 180.0)
EndYaw = EndYaw + 360.0;
player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = EndYaw;
void Resolver::resolve(C_BaseEntity* player)
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
if (!c_config::get().resolve_new)
if (!player)
bool is_local_player = player == local_player;
bool is_teammate = local_player->GetTeam() == player->GetTeam() && !is_local_player;
if (is_local_player)
if (is_teammate)
if (player->GetHealth() <= 0)
if (local_player->GetHealth() <= 0)
auto idx = player->EntIndex();
auto state = player->GetBasePlayerAnimState();
auto lby = player->GetLowerBodyYaw();
static float oldSimtimeShot[65];
static float storedSimtimeShot[65];
static float ShotTime[65];
bool shot = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
if (storedSimtimeShot[idx] != player->GetSimulationTime())
if (player->GetActiveWeapon() && !player->IsKnifeorNade())
if (ShotTime[idx] != player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime())
shot = true;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = true;
ShotTime[idx] = player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime();
shot = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false;
shot = false;
ShotTime[idx] = 0.f;
oldSimtimeShot[idx] = storedSimtimeShot[idx];
storedSimtimeShot[idx] = player->GetSimulationTime();
auto& record = _player[idx];
if (state)
state->m_flEyeYaw = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y;
state->m_flEyePitch = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x;
if (state && state->speed_2d > 0.1f || fabs(state->flUpVelocity) > 100.0f)
state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(state->m_flEyeYaw, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw,
((state->m_flUnknownFraction * 20.0f) + 30.0f) * state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime);
if (state)
state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(lby, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw,
state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime * 100.0f);
record.current_tick.eyes = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby == FLT_MAX)
record.current_tick.last_lby = lby;
bool one = false;
bool two = false;
record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby;
record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta = lby - record.current_tick.eyes;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != FLT_MAX)
if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f)
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby)
record.current_tick.last_lby = lby;
one = false, two = false;
record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby;
if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby)
if (solve_desync_simple(player))
if (delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, lby))
record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.high_delta = false;
record.current_tick.low_delta = false;
record.current_tick.high_delta = true;
if (delta_58(lby, record.current_tick.eyes) && delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
if (!one || !two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false;
if (one && two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
if (!one)
one = true;
if (!two && one)
two = true;
if (one && two)
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
// else
// record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.static_desync = true;
if (!solve_desync_simple(player))
one = false, two = false;
record.current_tick.static_desync = true;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false;
if (!delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes))
record.current_tick.low_delta = false;
record.current_tick.high_delta = true;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
record.current_tick.low_delta = true;
record.current_tick.high_delta = false;
record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true;
auto slow_walking = [&player]() -> bool
bool s = g_Resolver.enemy_is_slow_walking(player);
if (s)
if (!(player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING))
g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = true;
return true;
g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = false;
return false;
return false;
if (slow_walking() && Globals::MissedShots[player->EntIndex()] >= 1)
Globals::enemyslow[player->EntIndex()] = true;
auto max_rotate = max_desync_angle(player);
auto delta = angle_difference(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y, player->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw);
if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.lby_delta < 58.f)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 4;
else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && (!record.current_tick.high_delta || record.current_tick.low_delta))
// record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby + (-record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta);
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 5;
else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.high_delta)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 6;
else if (record.current_tick.low_delta && record.current_tick.jitter_desync)
player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby - record.current_tick.lby_delta;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 7;
Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 9;
auto player_animation_state = player->AnimState();
float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTimeDelta = fabs(player_animation_state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - player_animation_state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime);
auto v48 = 0.f;
if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays >= 0.0f)
v48 = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1.0f);
v48 = 0.0f;
float v49 = ((player_animation_state->m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * v48;
float flYawModifier = v49 + 1.0;
if (player_animation_state->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0)
float v53 = 0.0f;
if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways >= 0.0)
v53 = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 1.0);
v53 = 0.0f;
float flMaxYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[516] * flYawModifier;
float flMinYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[512] * flYawModifier;
float newFeetYaw = 0.f;
auto eyeYaw = player_animation_state->m_flEyeYaw;
auto lbyYaw = player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
float eye_feet_delta = fabs(eyeYaw - lbyYaw);
if (eye_feet_delta <= flMaxYawModifier)
if (flMinYawModifier > eye_feet_delta)
newFeetYaw = fabs(flMinYawModifier) + eyeYaw;
newFeetYaw = eyeYaw - fabs(flMaxYawModifier);
float v136 = fmod(newFeetYaw, 360.0);
if (v136 > 180.0)
v136 = v136 - 360.0;
if (v136 < 180.0)
v136 = v136 + 360.0;
player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = v136;
void bruhResolver(C_BaseEntity* ent)
if (!c_config::get().resolver_fix)
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive())
auto animstate = ent->AnimState();
auto v9 = (animstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - animstate->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime);
auto speedfraction = 0.0f;
if (animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays < 0.0f)
speedfraction = 0.0f;
speedfraction = fminf(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 0x3F800000);
auto v2 = (animstate->pad_0x0120() * -0.30000001 - 0.19999999) * speedfraction;
auto v18 = v2;
auto v3 = v2 + 1.0;
auto v23 = v3;
if (animstate->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0)
auto v29 = 0.0;
if (animstate->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways < 0.0)
v29 = 0.0;
v29 = fminf(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 0x3F800000);
auto localplayer_index = Globals::LocalPlayer->EntIndex();
auto localplayer = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (localplayer)
auto fix_goal_feet_yaw = [](float rotation, float invertedrotation, float yawfeetdelta, float yaw, C_AnimState* state) // some shit i found on pastebin lol
if (yawfeetdelta < rotation)
if (invertedrotation > yawfeetdelta)
*(float*)(uintptr_t(state) + 0x80) = invertedrotation + yaw;
*(float*)(uintptr_t(state) + 0x80) = yaw - rotation;
auto get_rotation = [&](int rotation_type, C_AnimState* state) {
float v43 = *(float*)((uintptr_t)state + 0xA4);
float v54 = max(0, min(*reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0xF8), 1));
float v55 = max(0, min(1, *reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0xFC)));
float v56;
v56 = ((*reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0x11C) * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * v54;
if (v43 > 0)
v56 += ((v43 * v55) * (0.5 - v56));
v56 = *(float*)((uintptr_t)state + rotation_type) * v56;
return v56;
float inverted = get_rotation(0x2B4, ent->AnimState());
float max = get_rotation(0x2B0, ent->AnimState());
float yawfeetdelta = ent->AnimState()->m_flEyeYaw - ent->AnimState()->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
float yaw = ent->GetEyeAngles().y;
//if (c_config::get().fixfeet)
//fix_goal_feet_yaw(max, inverted, yawfeetdelta, yaw, ent->AnimState());
float speed;
if (*(float*)(animstate + 0xF8) < 0.f)
speed = 0.0;
speed = fminf(*(DWORD*)(animstate + 0xF8), 1.0f);
float flYawModifier = (*(float*)(animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001 - 0.19999999) * speed;
flYawModifier += 1.0f;
if (*(float*)(animstate + 0xA4) > 0.0 && *(float*)(animstate + 0xFC) >= 0.0)
flYawModifier = fminf(*(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0xFC), 1.0f);
float m_flMaxBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0x334) * flYawModifier;
float m_flMinBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0x330) * flYawModifier;
float ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw;
float delta = std::abs(animstate->m_flEyeYaw - animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw);
if (m_flMaxBodyYaw < delta)
ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw - std::abs(m_flMaxBodyYaw);
else if (m_flMinBodyYaw > delta)
ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw + std::abs(m_flMinBodyYaw);
auto player = ent;
auto v8 = 0;
auto v7 = 0;
for (int a2a = 0; a2a < Globals::LocalPlayer->GetNumAnimOverlays(); ++a2a)
auto v32 = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetAnimOverlay4(a2a);
if (v32)
auto v6 = Globals::LocalPlayer;
auto v20 = animstate->flUpVelocity * v23;
auto a1 = animstate->m_vVelocityY * v23;
auto v30 = 0.0;
auto eye_angles_y = animstate->m_flEyeYaw;
auto goal_feet_yaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw;
auto v22 = (eye_angles_y - goal_feet_yaw);
if (v20 < v22)
auto v11 = v20;
auto v30 = eye_angles_y - v11;
else if (a1 > v22)
auto v12 = a1;
auto v30 = v12 + eye_angles_y;
float v36 = std::fmodf(v30, 360.0f);
if (v36 > 180.0f)
v36 = v36 - 360.0f;
if (v36 < 180.0f)
v36 = v36 + 360.0f;
float inverse = 0 - v36;
switch (Globals::MissedShot % 4)
case 0:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 45.0;
case 1:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 45.0;
case 2:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 30.0;
case 3:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 30.0;
case 4:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 89.0;
case 5:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 89.0;
case 6:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 116.0;
case 7:
animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 116.0;
switch (Globals::MissedShot % 3)
case 0:
ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, v36, 0));
case 1:
ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, inverse, 0));
case 2:
ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, AngleNormalize(ResolvedYaw), 0));
void FixPitch(C_BaseEntity* pEnt)
float last_simtime[64] = { 0.f };
float stored_pitch_1[64] = { 0.f };
float fixed_pitch[64] = { 0.f };
int to_spread_in_resolver[64];
bool has_been_set[64] = { false };
const auto local = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local)
if (!c_config::get().pitch_resolver)
for (auto i = 0; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
const auto eye = pEnt->GetEyeAnglesXY();
auto pitch = 0.f;
if (stored_pitch_1[i] == FLT_MAX || !has_been_set[i])
stored_pitch_1[i] = eye->x;
has_been_set[i] = true;
if (stored_pitch_1[i] - eye->x < 30 && stored_pitch_1[i] - eye->x > -30)
pitch = eye->x;
pitch = stored_pitch_1[i];
pEnt->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x = pitch;
Vector GetSmoothedVelocity1(float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) {
Vector delta = a - b;
float delta_length = delta.Length();
if (delta_length <= min_delta) {
Vector result;
if (-min_delta <= delta_length) {
return a;
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
float Resolver::approach(float cur, float target, float inc) {
inc = abs(inc);
if (cur < target)
return min(cur + inc, target);
if (cur > target)
return max(cur - inc, target);
return target;
float Resolver::approach_angle(float cur, float target, float inc) {
auto diff = angle_difference(target, cur);
return approach(cur, cur + diff, inc);
Vector GetSmoothedVelocity(float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) {
Vector delta = a - b;
float delta_length = delta.Length();
if (delta_length <= min_delta) {
Vector result;
if (-min_delta <= delta_length) {
return a;
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
void resolve1(C_BaseEntity* ent)
if (!c_config::get().aimbot_resolver)
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive())
if (ent != Globals::LocalPlayer)
auto animState = ent->AnimState();
static auto GetSmoothedVelocity = [](float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) {
Vector delta = a - b;
float delta_length = delta.Length();
if (delta_length <= min_delta) {
Vector result;
if (-min_delta <= delta_length) {
return a;
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
else {
float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON);
return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta);
float v25;
v25 = std::clamp(animState->m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething + ent->m_flDuckAmount(), 1.0f, 0.0f);
float v32;
v32 = ent->GetSimulationTime() - ent->GetOldSimulationTime();
float v26 = animState->m_fDuckAmount;
float v27 = v32 * 6.0f;
float v28;
// clamp
if ((v25 - v26) <= v27) {
if (-v27 <= (v25 - v26))
v28 = v25;
v28 = v26 - v27;
else {
v28 = v26 + v27;
Vector velocity = ent->GetVelocity();
float flDuckAmount = std::clamp(v28, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector animationVelocity = GetSmoothedVelocity1(v32 * 2000.0f, velocity, animState->m_flVelocity());
float speed = std::fminf(animationVelocity.Length(), 260.0f);
auto weapon = (WeaponInfo_t*)Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
float flMaxMovementSpeed = 260.0f;
if (weapon) {
flMaxMovementSpeed = std::fmaxf(weapon->max_speed, 0.001f);
float flRunningSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.520f);
float flDuckingSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.340f);
flRunningSpeed = std::clamp(flRunningSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float flYawModifier = (((*(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x11c) * -0.3f) - 0.2f) * flRunningSpeed) + 1.0f;
if (flDuckAmount > 0.0f) {
float flDuckingSpeed = std::clamp(flDuckingSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
flYawModifier += (flDuckAmount * flDuckingSpeed) * (0.5f - flYawModifier);
float m_flMaxBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x334) * flYawModifier;
float m_flMinBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x330) * flYawModifier;
float flEyeYaw = ent->GetEyeAngles().y;
float flEyeDiff = std::remainderf(flEyeYaw - g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, 360.f);
if (flEyeDiff <= m_flMaxBodyYaw) {
if (m_flMinBodyYaw > flEyeDiff)
g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = fabs(m_flMinBodyYaw) + flEyeYaw;
else {
g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = flEyeYaw - fabs(m_flMaxBodyYaw);
g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = std::remainderf(g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, 360.f);
if (speed > 0.1f || fabs(velocity.z) > 100.0f) {
g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = g_Resolver.approach_angle(
((*(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x11c) * 20.0f) + 30.0f)
* v32);
else {
g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = g_Resolver.approach_angle(
v32 * 100.0f);
float Left = flEyeYaw - m_flMinBodyYaw;
float Right = flEyeYaw - m_flMaxBodyYaw;
float resolveYaw;
switch (Globals::MissedShots[ent->EntIndex()] % 2)
case 0:
resolveYaw = Left;
case 1:
resolveYaw = Right;
animState->m_flGoalFeetYaw = resolveYaw;
void Resolver::FrameStage(ClientFrameStage_t stage)
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer || !g_pEngine->IsInGame())
static bool wasDormant[65];
for (int i = 1; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
C_BaseEntity* pPlayerEntity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!pPlayerEntity
|| !pPlayerEntity->IsAlive())
if (pPlayerEntity->IsDormant())
wasDormant[i] = true;
if (stage == FRAME_RENDER_START)
/*if (c_config::get().lby_fix && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) {
if (c_config::get().resolver_fix && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) {
if (c_config::get().pitch_resolver && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) {
if (c_config::get().resolve_old && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) {
if (c_config::get().resolve_new && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) {
if (c_config::get().aimbot_resolver1)
if (pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer)
if (pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer)
if (stage == FRAME_NET_UPDATE_END && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer)
auto VarMap = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pPlayerEntity) + 36;
auto VarMapSize = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(VarMap + 20);
for (auto index = 0; index < VarMapSize; index++)
*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(VarMap) + index * 12) = 0;
wasDormant[i] = false;
А можно файлами мне просто настраивать лень?!вот вроде норм ресик для ху0
что то да могет, сам игралC++:Resolver g_Resolver; /* my attempt at fixing desync and i was pretty successful it can resolve static desync pretty perfectly and can resolve some jitter desync but it still gets rekt by other things */ void Resolver::AnimationFix(C_BaseEntity* entity) { entity->ClientAnimations(true); auto old_curtime = g_pGlobalVars->curtime; auto old_frametime = g_pGlobalVars->frametime; auto old_anim_overlay = entity->GetAnimOverlayy(); g_pGlobalVars->curtime = entity->GetSimulationTime(); g_pGlobalVars->frametime = g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick; // обновление анимации теперь будет происходит по тикам auto player_animation_state = entity->AnimState(); auto player_model_time = reinterpret_cast<int*>(player_animation_state + 112); if (player_animation_state != nullptr && player_model_time != nullptr) // заставляем игру обновить анимации if (*player_model_time == g_pGlobalVars->framecount) *player_model_time = g_pGlobalVars->framecount - 1; entity->UpdateClientAnimation(); // обновление анимации entity->GetAnimOverlayy() = old_anim_overlay; // возвращаем серверные аним оверлеи matrix3x4_t matrix[128]; entity->SetupBones(matrix, 128, 0x0007FF00 | 0x00000200, g_pGlobalVars->curtime); g_pGlobalVars->curtime = old_curtime; g_pGlobalVars->frametime = old_frametime; entity->ClientAnimations(false); } void enemy_anim_fix(C_BaseEntity* entity) { auto state = entity->AnimState(); if (!state) return; auto index = entity->EntIndex(); static float sim_time[65]; if (sim_time[index] != entity->GetSimulationTime()) { const float curtime = g_pGlobalVars->curtime; const float frametime = g_pGlobalVars->frametime; static auto host_timescale = g_pCvar->FindVar(("host_timescale")); g_pGlobalVars->frametime = g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick * host_timescale->GetFloat(); g_pGlobalVars->curtime = entity->GetSimulationTime() + g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick; Vector backup_velocity = entity->GetVelocity(); int backup_flags = entity->GetFlags(); Vector abs = entity->GetAbsAngles(); AnimationLayer backup_layers[15]; std::memcpy(backup_layers, entity->AnimOverlays(), (sizeof(AnimationLayer) * 15)); state->m_bOnGround ? backup_flags |= (1 << 0) : backup_flags &= ~(1 << 0); backup_flags &= ~0x1000; abs = entity->GetVelocity(); abs = entity->GetVelocity(); if (state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount == g_pGlobalVars->framecount) state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount = g_pGlobalVars->framecount - 1; entity->UpdateClientAnimation(); float lby_delta = entity->GetLowerBodyYaw() - entity->GetEyeAngles().y; lby_delta = std::remainderf(lby_delta, 360.f); lby_delta = std::clamp(lby_delta, -60.f, 60.f); float feet_yaw = std::remainderf(entity->GetEyeAngles().y + lby_delta, 360.f); if (feet_yaw < 0.f) { feet_yaw += 360.f; } static float pitch, yaw = 0.f; entity->AnimState()->m_flGoalFeetYaw = entity->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw = feet_yaw; std::memcpy(entity->AnimOverlays(), backup_layers, (sizeof(AnimationLayer) * 15)); g_pGlobalVars->curtime = curtime; g_pGlobalVars->frametime = frametime; sim_time[index] = entity->GetSimulationTime(); } // entity->InvalidateBoneCache(); entity->SetupBones(nullptr, -1, 0x7FF00, g_pGlobalVars->curtime); } bool Resolver::enemy_is_slow_walking(C_BaseEntity* entity) { C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon = entity->GetActiveWeapon(); if (!weapon) return false; float speed = entity->GetVelocity().Length2D(); float get_gun = g_Resolver.get_gun(weapon); if (speed - get_gun < 34) // if it's more or less the same. { return true; } return false; } bool is_slow_walking(C_BaseEntity* entity) { float large = 0; float velocity_2D[64], old_velocity_2D[64]; if (entity->GetVelocity().Length2D() != velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] && entity->GetVelocity().Length2D() != NULL) { old_velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] = velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()]; velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] = entity->GetVelocity().Length2D(); } if (large == 0)return false; Vector velocity = entity->GetVelocity(); Vector direction = entity->GetEyeAngles(); float speed = velocity.Length(); direction.y = entity->GetEyeAngles().y - direction.y; //method 1 if (velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] > 1) { int tick_counter[64]; if (velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()] == old_velocity_2D[entity->EntIndex()]) tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] += 1; else tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] = 0; while (tick_counter[entity->EntIndex()] > (1 / g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick) * fabsf(0.1f))//should give use 100ms in ticks if their speed stays the same for that long they are definetely up to something.. return true; } return false; } float NormalizeYaw180(float yaw) { if (yaw > 180) yaw -= (round(yaw / 360) * 360.f); else if (yaw < -180) yaw += (round(yaw / 360) * -360.f); return yaw; } void Resolver::LBY_FIX(C_BaseEntity* pEnt) { int index = pEnt->EntIndex(); static Vector Angle; Angle = pEnt->GetEyeAngles(); AnimationLayer* anim = nullptr; static float moving_lby[65]; static float moving_sim[65]; static float stored_lby[65]; static float old_lby[65]; static float lby_delta[65]; static float predicted_yaw[65]; static bool lby_changes[65]; static int shots_check[65]; static float angle_brute[65]; static float AtTargetAngle; static float FixPitch; static float FixPitch2; static bool HitNS[65]; static Vector StoredAngle[65]; static Vector Hitstored[65]; static int StoredShots[65]; static int HitShots[65]; static int HitShotsStored[65]; int Missedshots[65]; if (stored_lby[index] != pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw()) { old_lby[index] = stored_lby[index]; lby_changes[index] = true; stored_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); } lby_delta[index] = NormalizeYaw180(stored_lby[index] - old_lby[index]); if (lby_changes[index]) { if ((pEnt->GetSimulationTime() - moving_sim[index]) > .22f) predicted_yaw[index] = lby_delta[index]; lby_changes[index] = false; } if (stored_lby[index] != pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw()) { old_lby[index] = stored_lby[index]; Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); lby_changes[index] = true; stored_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); } else if (abs(pEnt->GetVelocity().Length2D()) > 29.f && (pEnt->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND)) { Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); moving_lby[index] = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); moving_sim[index] = pEnt->GetSimulationTime(); lby_changes[index] = false; predicted_yaw[index] = 0; Missedshots[index] = 0; angle_brute[index] = 0; } else if ((pEnt->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND)) { if (shots_check[index] != Missedshots[index]) { angle_brute[index] += predicted_yaw[index]; shots_check[index] = Missedshots[index]; } Angle.y = NormalizeYaw180(angle_brute[index] + moving_lby[index]); } else { Angle.y = pEnt->GetLowerBodyYaw(); } pEnt->SetEyeAngles(Angle); } void HandleHits(C_BaseEntity* pEnt) { auto NetChannel = g_pEngine->GetNetChannelInfo(); if (!NetChannel) return; static float predTime[65]; static bool init[65]; if (Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()]) { if (init[pEnt->EntIndex()]) { g_Resolver.pitchHit[pEnt->EntIndex()] = pEnt->GetEyeAngles().x; predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] = g_pGlobalVars->curtime + NetChannel->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_INCOMING) + NetChannel->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING) + TICKS_TO_TIME(1) + TICKS_TO_TIME(g_pEngine->GetNetChannel()->m_nChokedPackets); init[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false; } if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime > predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] && !Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()]) { Globals::MissedShots[pEnt->EntIndex()] += 1; Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false; } else if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime <= predTime[pEnt->EntIndex()] && Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()]) Globals::Shot[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false; } else init[pEnt->EntIndex()] = true; Globals::Hit[pEnt->EntIndex()] = false; } void Resolver::OnCreateMove() // cancer v2 { if (!c_config::get().aimbot_resolver) return; if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return; if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() || Globals::LocalPlayer->IsKnifeorNade()) return; for (int i = 1; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i) { C_BaseEntity* pPlayerEntity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i); if (!pPlayerEntity || !pPlayerEntity->IsAlive() || pPlayerEntity->IsDormant() || pPlayerEntity == Globals::LocalPlayer || pPlayerEntity->GetTeam() == Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam()) { UseFreestandAngle[i] = false; continue; } if (abs(pPlayerEntity->GetVelocity().Length2D()) > 29.f) UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = false; if (abs(pPlayerEntity->GetVelocity().Length2D()) <= 29.f && !UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()]) { bool Autowalled = false, HitSide1 = false, HitSide2 = false; float angToLocal = g_Math.CalcAngle(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin(), pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin()).y; Vector ViewPoint = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 90); Vector2D Side1 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) }; Vector2D Side2 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) }; Vector2D Side3 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) }; Vector2D Side4 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) }; Vector Origin = pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin(); Vector2D OriginLeftRight[] = { Vector2D(Side1.x, Side1.y), Vector2D(Side2.x, Side2.y) }; Vector2D OriginLeftRightLocal[] = { Vector2D(Side3.x, Side3.y), Vector2D(Side4.x, Side4.y) }; for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) { Vector OriginAutowall = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side].y , Origin.z + 90 }; Vector OriginAutowall2 = { ViewPoint.x + OriginLeftRightLocal[side].x, ViewPoint.y - OriginLeftRightLocal[side].y , ViewPoint.z }; if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall, ViewPoint)) { if (side == 0) { HitSide1 = true; FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = 90; } else if (side == 1) { HitSide2 = true; FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = -90; } Autowalled = true; } else { for (int side222 = 0; side222 < 2; side222++) { Vector OriginAutowall222 = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side222].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side222].y , Origin.z + 90 }; if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall222, OriginAutowall2)) { if (side222 == 0) { HitSide1 = true; FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = 90; } else if (side222 == 1) { HitSide2 = true; FreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = -90; } Autowalled = true; } } } } if (Autowalled) { if (HitSide1 && HitSide2) UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = false; else UseFreestandAngle[pPlayerEntity->EntIndex()] = true; } } } } float AngleNormalize(float angle) { angle = fmodf(angle, 360.0f); if (angle > 180) { angle -= 360; } if (angle < -180) { angle += 360; } return angle; } float max_desync_angle(C_BaseEntity* entity) { auto animstate = uintptr_t(entity->AnimState()); float duckammount = *(float*)(animstate + 0xA4); float speedfraction = max(0, min(*reinterpret_cast<float*>(animstate + 0xF8), 1)); float speedfactor = max(0, min(1, *reinterpret_cast<float*> (animstate + 0xFC))); float unk1 = ((*reinterpret_cast<float*> (animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * speedfraction; float unk2 = unk1 + 1.f; float unk3; if (duckammount > 0) unk2 += ((duckammount * speedfactor) * (0.5f - unk2)); unk3 = *(float*)(animstate + 0x334) * unk2; return unk3; } bool delta_58(float first, float second) { if (first - second < 58.f && first - second > -58.f) { return true; } return false; } float NormalizeYaw1801(float yaw) { if (yaw > 180) yaw -= (round(yaw / 360) * 360.f); else if (yaw < -180) yaw += (round(yaw / 360) * -360.f); return yaw; } float angle_difference(float a, float b) { auto diff = NormalizeYaw1801(a - b); if (diff < 180) return diff; return diff - 360; } bool delta_35(float first, float second) { if (first - second <= 35.f && first - second >= -35.f) { return true; } return false; } float approach(float cur, float target, float inc) { inc = abs(inc); if (cur < target) return min(cur + inc, target); if (cur > target) return max(cur - inc, target); return target; } float approach_angle(float cur, float target, float inc) { auto diff = angle_difference(target, cur); return approach(cur, cur + diff, inc); } float Resolver::get_gun(C_BaseCombatWeapon* weapon) { if (!weapon) return 0.f; if (weapon->isAuto()) return 40.f; else if (weapon->is_scout()) return 70.f; else if (weapon->is_awp()) return 30.f; else return 34.f; } bool solve_desync_simple(C_BaseEntity* e) // 979 { if (!e || e->IsDormant() || !e->IsAlive()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < e->NumOverlays(); i++) { auto layer = e->get_anim_overlay_index(i); if (!layer) continue; if (e->get_sequence_act(layer->m_nSequence) == 979) { if (layer->m_flWeight == 0.0f && (layer->m_flCycle == 0.0f || layer->m_flCycle != layer->m_flPrevCycle)) return true; } } return false; } void Resolver::resolveOldMethod(C_BaseEntity* player) { auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer; if (!local_player) return; if (!c_config::get().resolve_old) return; if (!player) return; bool is_local_player = player == local_player; bool is_teammate = local_player->GetTeam() == player->GetTeam() && !is_local_player; if (is_local_player) return; if (is_teammate) return; if (player->GetHealth() <= 0) return; if (local_player->GetHealth() <= 0) return; auto idx = player->EntIndex(); auto state = player->GetBasePlayerAnimState(); auto lby = player->GetLowerBodyYaw(); static float oldSimtimeShot[65]; static float storedSimtimeShot[65]; static float ShotTime[65]; bool shot = false; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; if (storedSimtimeShot[idx] != player->GetSimulationTime()) { if (player->GetActiveWeapon() && !player->IsKnifeorNade()) { if (ShotTime[idx] != player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime()) { shot = true; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = true; ShotTime[idx] = player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime(); } else { shot = false; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; } } else { Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; shot = false; ShotTime[idx] = 0.f; } oldSimtimeShot[idx] = storedSimtimeShot[idx]; storedSimtimeShot[idx] = player->GetSimulationTime(); } auto& record = _player[idx]; if (state) { state->m_flEyeYaw = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y; state->m_flEyePitch = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x; player->setAnimationState(state); } if (state && state->speed_2d > 0.1f || fabs(state->flUpVelocity) > 100.0f) { state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(state->m_flEyeYaw, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw, ((state->m_flUnknownFraction * 20.0f) + 30.0f) * state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime); player->setAnimationState(state); } else { if (state) { state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(lby, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw, state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime * 100.0f); player->setAnimationState(state); } } record.current_tick.eyes = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y; if (record.current_tick.last_lby == FLT_MAX) { record.current_tick.last_lby = lby; } bool one = false; bool two = false; record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby; record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta = lby - record.current_tick.eyes; if (record.current_tick.last_lby != FLT_MAX) { if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f) { if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby) record.current_tick.last_lby = lby; one = false, two = false; } else { record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby; if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby) { if (solve_desync_simple(player)) { if (delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, lby)) { record.current_tick.low_delta = true; record.current_tick.high_delta = false; } else { record.current_tick.low_delta = false; record.current_tick.high_delta = true; } if (delta_58(lby, record.current_tick.eyes) && delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { if (!one || !two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false; if (one && two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { if (!one) one = true; if (!two && one) two = true; if (one && two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } // else // record.current_tick.low_delta = true; } else record.current_tick.static_desync = true; } else { if (!solve_desync_simple(player)) { one = false, two = false; record.current_tick.static_desync = true; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false; } else { if (!delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { record.current_tick.low_delta = false; record.current_tick.high_delta = true; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } else { record.current_tick.low_delta = true; record.current_tick.high_delta = false; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } } } } } auto slow_walking = [&player]() -> bool { bool s = g_Resolver.enemy_is_slow_walking(player); if (s) { if (!(player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING)) { g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = true; return true; } else { g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = false; return false; } } else return false; }; if (slow_walking() && Globals::MissedShots[player->EntIndex()] >= 1) { Globals::enemyslow[player->EntIndex()] = true; } auto max_rotate = max_desync_angle(player); auto delta = angle_difference(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y, player->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw); if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.lby_delta < 58.f) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 4; } else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && (!record.current_tick.high_delta || record.current_tick.low_delta)) { // record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby + (-record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta); Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 5; } else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.high_delta) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 6; } else if (record.current_tick.low_delta && record.current_tick.jitter_desync) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby - record.current_tick.lby_delta; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 7; } else { if (delta < 35.f && delta > -35) { if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = player->GetLowerBodyYaw(); Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 1; } } else if (delta > 35.f) { Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 2; if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > -180.f) player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y + delta); else if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 180.f) player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y - delta); } else if (delta < -35.f) { Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 3; if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > -180.f) player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y - delta); else if (player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y > 0.f && player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y < 180.f) player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y + delta); } else { Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 9; auto player_animation_state = player->AnimState(); float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTimeDelta = fabs(player_animation_state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - player_animation_state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime); auto FeetSpeed = 0.f; if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays >= 0.0f) { FeetSpeed = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1.0f); } else { FeetSpeed = 0.0f; } float Fraction = ((player_animation_state->m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * FeetSpeed; float YawMod = Fraction + 1.0; if (player_animation_state->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0) // duck checks { float curfeet = 0.0f; if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways >= 0.0) { curfeet = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 1.0); } else { curfeet = 0.0f; } } float flMaxYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[516] * YawMod; float flMinYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[512] * YawMod; float newFeetYaw = 0.f; auto eyeYaw = player_animation_state->m_flEyeYaw; auto lbyYaw = player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw; float eye_feet_delta = fabs(eyeYaw - lbyYaw); if (eye_feet_delta <= flMaxYawModifier) // SetupVelocity in help { if (flMinYawModifier > eye_feet_delta) { newFeetYaw = fabs(flMinYawModifier) + eyeYaw; } } else { newFeetYaw = eyeYaw - fabs(flMaxYawModifier); } float EndYaw = fmod(newFeetYaw, 360.0); if (EndYaw > 180.0) { EndYaw = EndYaw - 360.0; } if (EndYaw < 180.0) { EndYaw = EndYaw + 360.0; } player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = EndYaw; } } } void Resolver::resolve(C_BaseEntity* player) { auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer; if (!local_player) return; if (!c_config::get().resolve_new) return; if (!player) return; bool is_local_player = player == local_player; bool is_teammate = local_player->GetTeam() == player->GetTeam() && !is_local_player; if (is_local_player) return; if (is_teammate) return; if (player->GetHealth() <= 0) return; if (local_player->GetHealth() <= 0) return; auto idx = player->EntIndex(); auto state = player->GetBasePlayerAnimState(); auto lby = player->GetLowerBodyYaw(); static float oldSimtimeShot[65]; static float storedSimtimeShot[65]; static float ShotTime[65]; bool shot = false; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; if (storedSimtimeShot[idx] != player->GetSimulationTime()) { if (player->GetActiveWeapon() && !player->IsKnifeorNade()) { if (ShotTime[idx] != player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime()) { shot = true; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = true; ShotTime[idx] = player->GetActiveWeapon()->GetLastShotTime(); } else { shot = false; Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; } } else { Globals::enemyshot[idx] = false; shot = false; ShotTime[idx] = 0.f; } oldSimtimeShot[idx] = storedSimtimeShot[idx]; storedSimtimeShot[idx] = player->GetSimulationTime(); } auto& record = _player[idx]; if (state) { state->m_flEyeYaw = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y; state->m_flEyePitch = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x; player->setAnimationState(state); } if (state && state->speed_2d > 0.1f || fabs(state->flUpVelocity) > 100.0f) { state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(state->m_flEyeYaw, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw, ((state->m_flUnknownFraction * 20.0f) + 30.0f) * state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime); player->setAnimationState(state); } else { if (state) { state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = approach_angle(lby, state->m_flGoalFeetYaw, state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime * 100.0f); player->setAnimationState(state); } } record.current_tick.eyes = player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y; if (record.current_tick.last_lby == FLT_MAX) { record.current_tick.last_lby = lby; } bool one = false; bool two = false; record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby; record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta = lby - record.current_tick.eyes; if (record.current_tick.last_lby != FLT_MAX) { if (player->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f) { if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby) record.current_tick.last_lby = lby; one = false, two = false; } else { record.current_tick.lby_delta = record.current_tick.last_lby - lby; if (record.current_tick.last_lby != lby) { if (solve_desync_simple(player)) { if (delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, lby)) { record.current_tick.low_delta = true; record.current_tick.high_delta = false; } else { record.current_tick.low_delta = false; record.current_tick.high_delta = true; } if (delta_58(lby, record.current_tick.eyes) && delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { if (!one || !two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false; if (one && two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { if (!one) one = true; if (!two && one) two = true; if (one && two) record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } // else // record.current_tick.low_delta = true; } else record.current_tick.static_desync = true; } else { if (!solve_desync_simple(player)) { one = false, two = false; record.current_tick.static_desync = true; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = false; } else { if (!delta_58(record.current_tick.last_lby, record.current_tick.eyes)) { record.current_tick.low_delta = false; record.current_tick.high_delta = true; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } else { record.current_tick.low_delta = true; record.current_tick.high_delta = false; record.current_tick.jitter_desync = true; } } } } } auto slow_walking = [&player]() -> bool { bool s = g_Resolver.enemy_is_slow_walking(player); if (s) { if (!(player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING)) { g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = true; return true; } else { g_Resolver.enemy_slowwalk = false; return false; } } else return false; }; if (slow_walking() && Globals::MissedShots[player->EntIndex()] >= 1) { Globals::enemyslow[player->EntIndex()] = true; } auto max_rotate = max_desync_angle(player); auto delta = angle_difference(player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y, player->AnimState()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw); if (record.current_tick.low_delta && !record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.lby_delta < 58.f) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 4; } else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && (!record.current_tick.high_delta || record.current_tick.low_delta)) { // record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby + (-record.current_tick.eye_lby_delta); Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 5; } else if (record.current_tick.jitter_desync && record.current_tick.high_delta) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = record.current_tick.last_lby; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 6; } else if (record.current_tick.low_delta && record.current_tick.jitter_desync) { player->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = lby - record.current_tick.lby_delta; Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 7; } else { Globals::rmode[player->EntIndex()] = 9; auto player_animation_state = player->AnimState(); float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTimeDelta = fabs(player_animation_state->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - player_animation_state->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime); auto v48 = 0.f; if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays >= 0.0f) { v48 = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1.0f); } else { v48 = 0.0f; } float v49 = ((player_animation_state->m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * v48; float flYawModifier = v49 + 1.0; if (player_animation_state->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0) { float v53 = 0.0f; if (player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways >= 0.0) { v53 = fminf(player_animation_state->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 1.0); } else { v53 = 0.0f; } } float flMaxYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[516] * flYawModifier; float flMinYawModifier = player_animation_state->pad10[512] * flYawModifier; float newFeetYaw = 0.f; auto eyeYaw = player_animation_state->m_flEyeYaw; auto lbyYaw = player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw; float eye_feet_delta = fabs(eyeYaw - lbyYaw); if (eye_feet_delta <= flMaxYawModifier) { if (flMinYawModifier > eye_feet_delta) { newFeetYaw = fabs(flMinYawModifier) + eyeYaw; } } else { newFeetYaw = eyeYaw - fabs(flMaxYawModifier); } float v136 = fmod(newFeetYaw, 360.0); if (v136 > 180.0) { v136 = v136 - 360.0; } if (v136 < 180.0) { v136 = v136 + 360.0; } player_animation_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = v136; } } void bruhResolver(C_BaseEntity* ent) { if (!c_config::get().resolver_fix) return; if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return; auto animstate = ent->AnimState(); auto v9 = (animstate->m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount - animstate->m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime); auto speedfraction = 0.0f; if (animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays < 0.0f) speedfraction = 0.0f; else speedfraction = fminf(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 0x3F800000); auto v2 = (animstate->pad_0x0120() * -0.30000001 - 0.19999999) * speedfraction; auto v18 = v2; auto v3 = v2 + 1.0; auto v23 = v3; if (animstate->m_fDuckAmount > 0.0) { auto v29 = 0.0; if (animstate->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways < 0.0) v29 = 0.0; else v29 = fminf(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways, 0x3F800000); } auto localplayer_index = Globals::LocalPlayer->EntIndex(); auto localplayer = Globals::LocalPlayer; if (localplayer) { auto fix_goal_feet_yaw = [](float rotation, float invertedrotation, float yawfeetdelta, float yaw, C_AnimState* state) // some shit i found on pastebin lol { if (yawfeetdelta < rotation) { if (invertedrotation > yawfeetdelta) *(float*)(uintptr_t(state) + 0x80) = invertedrotation + yaw; } else *(float*)(uintptr_t(state) + 0x80) = yaw - rotation; }; auto get_rotation = [&](int rotation_type, C_AnimState* state) { float v43 = *(float*)((uintptr_t)state + 0xA4); float v54 = max(0, min(*reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0xF8), 1)); float v55 = max(0, min(1, *reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0xFC))); float v56; v56 = ((*reinterpret_cast<float*>((uintptr_t)state + 0x11C) * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * v54; if (v43 > 0) v56 += ((v43 * v55) * (0.5 - v56)); v56 = *(float*)((uintptr_t)state + rotation_type) * v56; return v56; }; float inverted = get_rotation(0x2B4, ent->AnimState()); float max = get_rotation(0x2B0, ent->AnimState()); float yawfeetdelta = ent->AnimState()->m_flEyeYaw - ent->AnimState()->m_flGoalFeetYaw; float yaw = ent->GetEyeAngles().y; //if (c_config::get().fixfeet) //fix_goal_feet_yaw(max, inverted, yawfeetdelta, yaw, ent->AnimState()); float speed; if (*(float*)(animstate + 0xF8) < 0.f) { speed = 0.0; } else { speed = fminf(*(DWORD*)(animstate + 0xF8), 1.0f); } float flYawModifier = (*(float*)(animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001 - 0.19999999) * speed; flYawModifier += 1.0f; if (*(float*)(animstate + 0xA4) > 0.0 && *(float*)(animstate + 0xFC) >= 0.0) flYawModifier = fminf(*(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0xFC), 1.0f); float m_flMaxBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0x334) * flYawModifier; float m_flMinBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animstate) + 0x330) * flYawModifier; float ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw; float delta = std::abs(animstate->m_flEyeYaw - animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw); if (m_flMaxBodyYaw < delta) { ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw - std::abs(m_flMaxBodyYaw); } else if (m_flMinBodyYaw > delta) { ResolvedYaw = animstate->m_flEyeYaw + std::abs(m_flMinBodyYaw); } auto player = ent; auto v8 = 0; auto v7 = 0; for (int a2a = 0; a2a < Globals::LocalPlayer->GetNumAnimOverlays(); ++a2a) { auto v32 = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetAnimOverlay4(a2a); if (v32) auto v6 = Globals::LocalPlayer; } auto v20 = animstate->flUpVelocity * v23; auto a1 = animstate->m_vVelocityY * v23; auto v30 = 0.0; auto eye_angles_y = animstate->m_flEyeYaw; auto goal_feet_yaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw; auto v22 = (eye_angles_y - goal_feet_yaw); if (v20 < v22) { auto v11 = v20; auto v30 = eye_angles_y - v11; } else if (a1 > v22) { auto v12 = a1; auto v30 = v12 + eye_angles_y; } float v36 = std::fmodf(v30, 360.0f); if (v36 > 180.0f) v36 = v36 - 360.0f; if (v36 < 180.0f) v36 = v36 + 360.0f; float inverse = 0 - v36; switch (Globals::MissedShot % 4) { case 0: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 45.0; break; case 1: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 45.0; break; case 2: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 30.0; break; case 3: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 30.0; break; case 4: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 89.0; break; case 5: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 89.0; break; case 6: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw - 116.0; break; case 7: animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw = animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 116.0; break; } switch (Globals::MissedShot % 3) { case 0: ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, v36, 0)); break; case 1: ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, inverse, 0)); break; case 2: ent->SetAbsAngles(Vector(0, AngleNormalize(ResolvedYaw), 0)); break; } } } void FixPitch(C_BaseEntity* pEnt) { float last_simtime[64] = { 0.f }; float stored_pitch_1[64] = { 0.f }; float fixed_pitch[64] = { 0.f }; int to_spread_in_resolver[64]; bool has_been_set[64] = { false }; const auto local = Globals::LocalPlayer; if (!local) return; if (!c_config::get().pitch_resolver) return; for (auto i = 0; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i) { const auto eye = pEnt->GetEyeAnglesXY(); auto pitch = 0.f; if (stored_pitch_1[i] == FLT_MAX || !has_been_set[i]) { stored_pitch_1[i] = eye->x; has_been_set[i] = true; } if (stored_pitch_1[i] - eye->x < 30 && stored_pitch_1[i] - eye->x > -30) { pitch = eye->x; } else { pitch = stored_pitch_1[i]; } pEnt->GetEyeAnglesXY()->x = pitch; } } Vector GetSmoothedVelocity1(float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) { Vector delta = a - b; float delta_length = delta.Length(); if (delta_length <= min_delta) { Vector result; if (-min_delta <= delta_length) { return a; } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } } float Resolver::approach(float cur, float target, float inc) { inc = abs(inc); if (cur < target) return min(cur + inc, target); if (cur > target) return max(cur - inc, target); return target; } float Resolver::approach_angle(float cur, float target, float inc) { auto diff = angle_difference(target, cur); return approach(cur, cur + diff, inc); } Vector GetSmoothedVelocity(float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) { Vector delta = a - b; float delta_length = delta.Length(); if (delta_length <= min_delta) { Vector result; if (-min_delta <= delta_length) { return a; } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } } void resolve1(C_BaseEntity* ent) { if (!c_config::get().aimbot_resolver) return; if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) return; if (ent != Globals::LocalPlayer) enemy_anim_fix(ent); auto animState = ent->AnimState(); static auto GetSmoothedVelocity = [](float min_delta, Vector a, Vector b) { Vector delta = a - b; float delta_length = delta.Length(); if (delta_length <= min_delta) { Vector result; if (-min_delta <= delta_length) { return a; } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b - ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } } else { float iradius = 1.0f / (delta_length + FLT_EPSILON); return b + ((delta * iradius) * min_delta); } }; float v25; v25 = std::clamp(animState->m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething + ent->m_flDuckAmount(), 1.0f, 0.0f); float v32; v32 = ent->GetSimulationTime() - ent->GetOldSimulationTime(); float v26 = animState->m_fDuckAmount; float v27 = v32 * 6.0f; float v28; // clamp if ((v25 - v26) <= v27) { if (-v27 <= (v25 - v26)) v28 = v25; else v28 = v26 - v27; } else { v28 = v26 + v27; } Vector velocity = ent->GetVelocity(); float flDuckAmount = std::clamp(v28, 1.0f, 0.0f); Vector animationVelocity = GetSmoothedVelocity1(v32 * 2000.0f, velocity, animState->m_flVelocity()); float speed = std::fminf(animationVelocity.Length(), 260.0f); auto weapon = (WeaponInfo_t*)Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon(); float flMaxMovementSpeed = 260.0f; if (weapon) { flMaxMovementSpeed = std::fmaxf(weapon->max_speed, 0.001f); } float flRunningSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.520f); float flDuckingSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.340f); flRunningSpeed = std::clamp(flRunningSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f); float flYawModifier = (((*(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x11c) * -0.3f) - 0.2f) * flRunningSpeed) + 1.0f; if (flDuckAmount > 0.0f) { float flDuckingSpeed = std::clamp(flDuckingSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f); flYawModifier += (flDuckAmount * flDuckingSpeed) * (0.5f - flYawModifier); } float m_flMaxBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x334) * flYawModifier; float m_flMinBodyYaw = *(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x330) * flYawModifier; float flEyeYaw = ent->GetEyeAngles().y; float flEyeDiff = std::remainderf(flEyeYaw - g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, 360.f); if (flEyeDiff <= m_flMaxBodyYaw) { if (m_flMinBodyYaw > flEyeDiff) g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = fabs(m_flMinBodyYaw) + flEyeYaw; } else { g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = flEyeYaw - fabs(m_flMaxBodyYaw); } g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = std::remainderf(g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, 360.f); if (speed > 0.1f || fabs(velocity.z) > 100.0f) { g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = g_Resolver.approach_angle( flEyeYaw, g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, ((*(float*)(uintptr_t(animState) + 0x11c) * 20.0f) + 30.0f) * v32); } else { g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw = g_Resolver.approach_angle( ent->GetLowerBodyYaw(), g_Resolver.resolverinfoo.fakegoalfeetyaw, v32 * 100.0f); } float Left = flEyeYaw - m_flMinBodyYaw; float Right = flEyeYaw - m_flMaxBodyYaw; float resolveYaw; switch (Globals::MissedShots[ent->EntIndex()] % 2) { case 0: resolveYaw = Left; break; case 1: resolveYaw = Right; break; } animState->m_flGoalFeetYaw = resolveYaw; } void Resolver::FrameStage(ClientFrameStage_t stage) { if (!Globals::LocalPlayer || !g_pEngine->IsInGame()) return; static bool wasDormant[65]; for (int i = 1; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i) { C_BaseEntity* pPlayerEntity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i); if (!pPlayerEntity || !pPlayerEntity->IsAlive()) continue; if (pPlayerEntity->IsDormant()) { wasDormant[i] = true; continue; } if (stage == FRAME_RENDER_START) { HandleHits(pPlayerEntity); AnimationFix(pPlayerEntity); /*if (c_config::get().lby_fix && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { LBY_FIX(pPlayerEntity); } if (c_config::get().resolver_fix && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { bruhResolver(pPlayerEntity); } if (c_config::get().pitch_resolver && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { FixPitch(pPlayerEntity); } if (c_config::get().resolve_old && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { resolveOldMethod(pPlayerEntity); } if (c_config::get().resolve_new && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { resolve(pPlayerEntity); }*/ if (c_config::get().aimbot_resolver1) { if (pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) resolve1(pPlayerEntity); if (pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) pPlayerEntity->UpdateClientAnimation(); } } if (stage == FRAME_NET_UPDATE_END && pPlayerEntity != Globals::LocalPlayer) { auto VarMap = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pPlayerEntity) + 36; auto VarMapSize = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(VarMap + 20); for (auto index = 0; index < VarMapSize; index++) *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(VarMap) + index * 12) = 0; } wasDormant[i] = false; } }
в дс меня тогда найди, скину...А можно файлами мне просто настраивать лень?!
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: