UE4 Vaultcache Quest Map and Navigation System

15 Июл 2020
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Трейлер / Trailer:

Quest Map and Navigation System - это система навигации на базе блюпринта - невероятно простая в установке, использовании и настройке.

Технические детали / Technical Details:
• An interactive world map that shows all world locations that the player has previously discovered. Locations can be given their own unique icon, coloring, and can be fast traveled to.
• The map can be zoomed in and out of and panned to enable easier exploration for the player.
Dynamic local map system that automatically detects when the player enters a new world location and updates based on information placed in a world location actor. Can be used to show the players movement through the location in real time.
Player driven custom waypoint system that allows a player to place a waypoint on the world map by clicking which will show up on the HUD to indicate where they should head.
On screen compass, showing directions (North, South, East, West) as well as the custom waypoint location.

All easily configurable to include new/different artwork, extended functionality, etc. All blueprints are easy-to-read and logical, to encourage learning and expansion.

Number of Blueprints: 22
List of Features: World map with interactive zoom, pan and waypoint placement. Local map based on current world location. World compass with waypoint indicator. On screen waypoint indicator. Gamepad support.
Intended Platform: Windows, Mac
Platforms Tested: Windows , Mac

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