Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Этот пак содержит 130 уникальных модульных моделей, 69 материалов (37 материалов + 32 экземпляра), 6 блюпринтов и несколько (126) текстур. У большинства мешей есть пользовательская колизия, у некоторых есть LODы и нет UV. Внутри пака есть обзорная карта с небольшой средой, которая дает хорошее представление о масштабе и геометрии этих моделей.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
130 meshes
- Furniture: Chair, stool, bench, cushions, table, furnace, shelves, chests, boxes, barrels...
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)- Carpets: a few types, colors easy to change, rolled one, spline blueprint
- Ropes: Differently shaped and bunched + spline
- Lamps: hanging, wall - mounted, standing
- Pottery: a few types of ceramic vases and a bowl
- Rows: Egyptian and European
- Entire war galleon (!) and small modular pieces of modular meshes it consists of (like cannon, beams, grates, planks, sails, masts
- Architecture pieces: Roofs, doors, windows, beams, trims, columns, stairs, ladder
- Details, such as bottles, coins, cups, paper, cornices, dragon's head, scope
- 126 textures from 128 to 4k resolution.
- 4 k resolution vertex painted M_wood and its instances. Fully parametric, PBR material
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, mostly custom
Vertex Count: Average
LODs: Meshes are optimized and several of them have LODs set up
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, HTML 5, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, HTML 5, Mac
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