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- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Procedural Trash Placer представляет собой пак комбинированных блюпринтов и мешей с грудами мусора и бесполезного хлама.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
The Blueprint-built system enables you to realistically place trash in your environment with the help of physics. This system utilizes UE4's Simulate capability and Physics to allows realtime placement. Any staticmesh can be used in the setup as long as they have collision. Placed trash can then be baked into InstancedMesh with much lower performance costs.
The screenshots show 375 instances of trash mesh (totalling 17 types shown).
Both Dynamic/Static lighting is supported.
A collection of high quality PBR-adjusted assets is provided together with the atlas texture allowing you to construct more trash.
A set of 20 high-quality asset trash with PBR-adjusted atlas texture has also been included.
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