UE4 Vaultcache Customizable Paths

27 Июл 2020
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Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Этот пак включает 58 экземпляров материала основания, которые позволяют комбинировать и настраивать уникальные текстуры, созданные для создания пути. Эти текстуры включают грязь, траву, булыжник, песок, гравий и снег.

Технические детали / Technical Details:
  • 6 of the 15 texture sets include a ColorMask for up to 4 different color change options. These textures would be applied to the Texture Settings category of the Material Instance.
  • The other 9 textures are suitable for general, non-directional blending between the Texture Settings inputs. While these do not include a Color Mask, you can still change their primarily color for more accurate texture blending between your splines and terrain. These textures would be applied to the Blend Settings category of the Material Instance. These textures can also be used for generic painted paths with the terrain material.
  • Also included are 3 "Wetness" textures that allow you to override the Roughness textures found within the AORH maps. Just slide the "Roughness Intensity" setting to zero, and then increase the "Roughness Override Intensity" setting.
  • Two-way texture blending that lets you paint unique details onto any of your spline meshes. Please note that your mesh will have to be somewhat subdivided for more accurate painting. More notes about this are found in the Overview map.
  • The spline tessellation features allow you to get the most out of each texture - primarily the cobblestones - without sacrificing too much in performance. Included with this are optimization settings for the distance and multiplication (or subtraction) of tessellated polygons, all within the material instance.
More elaborate information can be found within the Overview map.
Texture Resolutions:
  • 2048x2048
Number of Master Materials: 2 Master Materials, 58 Instances
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Number of Textures: 54
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

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