UE4 Asset Medieval Series: Farmer and WoodCutter Tools

25 Июл 2020

V4.25 (4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24)
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Hello guys, here are some medieval tools to go along with all of the cool medieval assets being posted.

Технические детали / Technical Details:
Features :
  • 44 Meshes
  • Two texture variances for most of the assets
  • 8 Different Material Instances
Texture Sizes :
  • Most assets 2048x2048
  • Working Table, Harrow, and Barrel 4096x4096
  • Little assets 1024x1024
Scaled to Epic Skeleton : Yes
Collision : Yes, LOD2 is used as collision
Vertex Count : From 132 (smallest) to 12.608 (biggest)
LODs : Yes, Generated in the Engine
Number of Meshes : 44 Static Meshes + 2 Skeletal Meshes
Number of Materials and Material Instances : 59 Materials + 8 Material Instances
Number of Textures : Three for each Material (Diffuse, Normal, Lightmask RGB) +2 additional Opacity Masks for Winnowing Baskets + 4 for each of the 8 Material Instances
Supported Development Platforms : PC / Mac / Xbox 1 / PS4 / HTC Vive / Oculus Rift
Supported Target Build Platforms : PC / Mac / Xbox 1 / PS4 / HTC Vive / Oculus Rift
Additional Notes : Most of the Assets were realized from actual medieval references and documentation. Some assets come in two variances as the tool itself had variances during the Middle Age (for example the Haymaking Fork)

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