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- #1
V4.25 (Only)
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Пак упакованный из восточного стилевого горного храма с модульными деталями для создания храма и автоматического ландшафтного материала с листвой и скальными мешами.
Модульный комплект для создания экстерьера храма, с уникальными мешами для добавления к настройкам и несколькими блюпринтам фонарей и бантингом для упрощения укладки.
Ландшафтный материал на основе склона с травяными мешами для спавна на ровном грунте и скал на склонах.
Трехпланарные материалы по породным деталям и снежным материалам для более плавного перехода
Глобальные параметры снега, которые могут изменять уровень и градиент снега.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Modular Kit is fit to a 1m base with variations in 3m and 5m length pieces.
- Several more unique assets to fill scene, and where necessary have been made into blueprints with particle effects for easier set dressing.
- Spline mesh Blueprints of rope and hanging bunting.
- All light/lantern blueprints have been made with static lights and with a faked volumetric light that fades and culls over distance.
- 10 weapon meshes in static mesh form.
- An automatic landscape material based on slope angle with tri-planar and tessellation and all layers are paint-able.
- A global parameters settings that affect Sow level/gradient, wind direction, moss mask tiling, triplanar materials.
- Several Cliff, boulder and rock meshes.
- A collection of ground plants and foliage- linked to a Grass function in the Landscape material
- Particle effects of fire, candle flames, smoke and dust particles.
- VFX Blueprints of cloud and fog cards.
Collision: Yes- Made in Maya
Vertex Count: from 200 tris to 20k tris depending on the mesh and size
LODs: Yes - Made in Maya - minimum of 2 LODs with some Rock/Cliff meshes going up to 6
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 17 Master materials, 9 Material Functions, 39 material Instances
Number of Textures: 113
Texture Resolutions: Majority of textures at 2k, with some exceptions at 4k for the larger cliff meshes. And VFX has maximum of 1k with a LOD bias of 1 set
Supported Development Platforms:
Mac: No
Documentation: PDF in uproject directory
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Asset V4.25:
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