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Rolling Thunder
When I was thinking for ideas for round 2 search for a star I knew that I wanted to do something I had never done before, I had done a lot of sci-fi scene’s in my previous work, so I wanted to avoid that genre as much as I could. The inspiration for this scene came from visiting the imperial war museum in London and getting a close up look at a flak 88 German anti aircraft gun. I had never done any world war 2 scenes, and there's a lot of rich materials and real life references to take and run with so I decided to create a world war 2 scene
All in all I am happy with this scene, especially with it being my first foray into the time period, I’m happy that I created the lighting and the mood that I set out to convey, and I am pleased with the models I created, I believe that it feels realistic and has realistic surface detail. If I had more time, I would have liked to maybe add some more depth to the areas outside of the trench, in particular I kept toying with the idea of a crashed spitfire plan flaming next to the trench, which would give of a much more fierce lighting effect, depending on where my other university projects take me and if I have the time, I may revisit this and eventually create that, but for now, I'm happy with it, and am looking forward to some feedback.
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