This is a character I was using in the early stages of making my game, but decided to give it away to the community instead. It took roughly 70 to 80 hours in total to make him (Most of that was used just fumbling around the programs though, learning them) so I hope someone can get some use out of him, and maybe help them get further on their project. :) I've added separate files for anything you might want to use him for as well....since FBX seems to be the standard format of 3D meshes, we'll go with that for right now. If you need another format for your project, just let me know in the comments and I'll upload it. Also I've added a project file for Unreal Engine 4 containing the entire AI system used to animate him and make him chase and attack...Enjoy.
Game Ready Mesh and Animations (FBX):
4K Character Textures:
Blender .blend File:
UE4 Monster Character Project:
(Just drop unpacked folder into the My Document\Unreal Projects folder on your computer) Super High Poly Mesh:
UE4 Monster AI Project File: