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Подробности по ссылке:
interface.cppНаверное, нужен код, тут гадать не умеют
#include "Interfaces.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
//SDK Specific Definitions
typedef void* (__cdecl* CreateInterface_t)(const char*, int*);
typedef void* (*CreateInterfaceFn)(const char *pName, int *pReturnCode);
//Some globals for later
CreateInterface_t EngineFactory = NULL; // These are used to store the individual
CreateInterface_t ClientFactory = NULL; // CreateInterface functions for each game
CreateInterface_t VGUISurfaceFactory = NULL; // dll that we need access to. Can call
CreateInterface_t VGUI2Factory = NULL; // them to recieve pointers to game classes.
CreateInterface_t MatFactory = NULL;
CreateInterface_t PhysFactory = NULL;
CreateInterface_t StdFactory = NULL;
void Interfaces::Initialise()
//Get function pointers to the CreateInterface function of each module
EngineFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::Engine, "CreateInterface");
ClientFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::Client, "CreateInterface");
VGUI2Factory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::VGUI2, "CreateInterface");
VGUISurfaceFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::VGUISurface, "CreateInterface");
MatFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::Material, "CreateInterface");
PhysFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::VPhysics, "CreateInterface");
StdFactory = (CreateInterface_t)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)Offsets::Modules::Stdlib, "CreateInterface");
//Get the interface names regardless of their version number by scanning for each string
char* CHLClientInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("client.dll", "VClient0");
char* VGUI2PanelsInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("vgui2.dll", "VGUI_Panel0");
char* VGUISurfaceInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("vguimatsurface.dll", "VGUI_Surface0");
char* EntityListInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("client.dll", "VClientEntityList0");
char* EngineDebugThingInterface = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "VDebugOverlay0");
char* EngineClientInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll","VEngineClient0");
char* ClientPredictionInterface = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("client.dll", "VClientPrediction0");
char* MatSystemInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("materialsystem.dll", "VMaterialSystem0");
char* EngineRenderViewInterface = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "VEngineRenderView0");
char* EngineModelRenderInterface = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "VEngineModel0");
char* EngineModelInfoInterface = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "VModelInfoClient0");
char* EngineTraceInterfaceName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "EngineTraceClient0");
char* PhysPropsInterfaces = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("client.dll", "VPhysicsSurfaceProps0");
char* VEngineCvarName = (char*)Utilities::Memory::FindTextPattern("engine.dll", "VEngineCvar00");
// Use the factory function pointers along with the interface versions to grab
// pointers to the interfaces
Client = (IBaseClientDLL*)ClientFactory(CHLClientInterfaceName, NULL);
Engine = (IVEngineClient*)EngineFactory(EngineClientInterfaceName, NULL);
Panels = (IPanel*)VGUI2Factory(VGUI2PanelsInterfaceName, NULL);
Surface = (ISurface*)VGUISurfaceFactory(VGUISurfaceInterfaceName, NULL);
EntList = (IClientEntityList*)ClientFactory(EntityListInterfaceName, NULL);
DebugOverlay = (IVDebugOverlay*)EngineFactory(EngineDebugThingInterface, NULL);
Prediction = (DWORD*)ClientFactory(ClientPredictionInterface, NULL);
MaterialSystem = (CMaterialSystem*)MatFactory(MatSystemInterfaceName, NULL);
RenderView = (CVRenderView*)EngineFactory(EngineRenderViewInterface, NULL);
ModelRender = (IVModelRender*)EngineFactory(EngineModelRenderInterface, NULL);
ModelInfo = (CModelInfo*)EngineFactory(EngineModelInfoInterface, NULL);
Trace = (IEngineTrace*)EngineFactory(EngineTraceInterfaceName, NULL);
PhysProps = (IPhysicsSurfaceProps*)PhysFactory(PhysPropsInterfaces, NULL);
CVar = (ICVar*)StdFactory(VEngineCvarName, NULL);
// Get ClientMode Pointer
DWORD* ppClientMode;
ppClientMode = nullptr; // before "scripts/vgui_screens.txt"
DWORD p = Utilities::Memory::FindPattern("client.dll", (BYTE*)"\x8B\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x75\x08\x8B\x01\xFF\x50\x64", "xx????xxxxxxxx");
if (p)
ppClientMode = **(DWORD***)(p + 2);
ClientMode = **(IClientModeShared***)((*(uintptr_t**)Client)[10] + 0x5);
// Search through the first entry of the Client VTable
// The initializer contains a pointer to the 'GlobalsVariables' Table
PDWORD pdwClient = (PDWORD)*(PDWORD)Client;
DWORD dwInitAddr = (DWORD)(pdwClient[0]);
for (DWORD dwIter = 0; dwIter <= 0xFF; dwIter++)
if (*(PBYTE)(dwInitAddr + dwIter - 1) == 0x08 && *(PBYTE)(dwInitAddr + dwIter) == 0xA3)
Globals = **(CGlobalVarsBase***)((*(DWORD**)Interfaces::Client)[0] + 0x1B);
Utilities::Log("Interfaces Loaded");
// Namespace to contain all the valve interfaces
namespace Interfaces
IBaseClientDLL* Client;
IVEngineClient* Engine;
IPanel* Panels;
IClientEntityList* EntList;
ISurface* Surface;
IVDebugOverlay* DebugOverlay;
IClientModeShared* ClientMode;
CGlobalVarsBase *Globals;
DWORD *Prediction;
CMaterialSystem* MaterialSystem;
CVRenderView* RenderView;
IVModelRender* ModelRender;
CModelInfo* ModelInfo;
IEngineTrace* Trace;
IPhysicsSurfaceProps* PhysProps;
ICVar *CVar;
Syn's AyyWare Framework 2015
#include "LegitBot.h"
#include "RenderManager.h"
void CLegitBot::Init()
IsLocked = false;
TargetID = -1;
void CLegitBot::Draw()
void CLegitBot::Move(CUserCmd *pCmd, bool& bSendPacket)
// Master switch
if (!Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.Active.GetState())
// Aimbot
if (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotEnable.GetState())
// Triggerbot
if (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.TriggerEnable.GetState() && (!Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.TriggerKeyPress.GetState() || GUI.GetKeyState(Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.TriggerKeyBind.GetKey())))
void CLegitBot::SyncWeaponSettings()
IClientEntity* pLocal = hackManager.pLocal();
CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon = (CBaseCombatWeapon*)Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(pLocal->GetActiveWeaponHandle());
if (!pWeapon)
if (GameUtils::IsPistol(pWeapon))
Speed = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponPistSpeed.GetValue();
FoV = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponPistFoV.GetValue();
RecoilControl = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponPistRecoil.GetState();
switch (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponPistHitbox.GetIndex())
case 0:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Head);
case 1:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Neck);
case 2:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Chest);
case 3:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Stomach);
else if (GameUtils::IsSniper(pWeapon))
Speed = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponSnipSpeed.GetValue();
FoV = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponSnipFoV.GetValue();
RecoilControl = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponSnipRecoil.GetState();
switch (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponSnipHitbox.GetIndex())
case 0:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Head);
case 1:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Neck);
case 2:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Chest);
case 3:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Stomach);
Speed = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponMainSpeed.GetValue();
FoV = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponMainFoV.GetValue();
RecoilControl = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponMainRecoil.GetState();
switch (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.WeaponMainHitbox.GetIndex())
case 0:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Head);
case 1:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Neck);
case 2:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Chest);
case 3:
HitBox = ((int)CSGOHitboxID::Stomach);
// Functionality
void CLegitBot::DoAimbot(CUserCmd *pCmd)
IClientEntity* pTarget = nullptr;
IClientEntity* pLocal = hackManager.pLocal();
bool FindNewTarget = true;
//IsLocked = false;
// Don't aimbot with the knife..
CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon = (CBaseCombatWeapon*)Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(pLocal->GetActiveWeaponHandle());
if (pWeapon)
if (pWeapon->GetAmmoInClip() == 0 || !GameUtils::IsBallisticWeapon(pWeapon))
//TargetID = 0;
//pTarget = nullptr;
//HitBox = -1;
// Make sure we have a good target
if (IsLocked && TargetID >= 0 && HitBox >= 0)
pTarget = Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntity(TargetID);
if (pTarget && TargetMeetsRequirements(pTarget))
if (HitBox >= 0)
Vector ViewOffset = pLocal->GetOrigin() + pLocal->GetViewOffset();
Vector View; Interfaces::Engine->GetViewAngles(View);
View += pLocal->localPlayerExclusive()->GetAimPunchAngle() * 2.f;
float nFoV = FovToPlayer(ViewOffset, View, pTarget, HitBox);
if (nFoV < FoV)
FindNewTarget = false;
// Find a new target, apparently we need to
if (FindNewTarget)
TargetID = 0;
pTarget = nullptr;
HitBox = -1;
TargetID = GetTargetCrosshair();
// Memes
if (TargetID >= 0)
pTarget = Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntity(TargetID);
pTarget = nullptr;
HitBox = -1;
// If we finally have a good target
if (TargetID >= 0 && pTarget)
//HitBox = (int)CSGOHitboxID::Head;//
// Key
if (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotKeyPress.GetState())
int Key = Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotKeyBind.GetKey();
if (Key >= 0 && !GUI.GetKeyState(Key))
TargetID = -1;
pTarget = nullptr;
HitBox = -1;
Vector AimPoint = GetHitboxPosition(pTarget, HitBox);
if (AimAtPoint(pLocal, AimPoint, pCmd))
//IsLocked = true;
if (Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotAutoFire.GetState() && !(pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK))
pCmd->buttons |= IN_ATTACK;
// Auto Pistol
static bool WasFiring = false;
CSWeaponInfo* WeaponInfo = pWeapon->GetCSWpnData();
if (!WeaponInfo->m_IsFullAuto && Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotAutoPistol.GetState())
if (pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK)
if (WasFiring)
pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK;
WasFiring = pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK ? true : false;
bool TargetMeetsTriggerRequirements(IClientEntity* pEntity)
// Is a valid player
if (pEntity && pEntity->IsDormant() == false && pEntity->IsAlive() && pEntity->GetIndex() != hackManager.pLocal()->GetIndex())
// Entity Type checks
ClientClass *pClientClass = pEntity->GetClientClass();
player_info_t pinfo;
if (pClientClass->m_ClassID == (int)CSGOClassID::CCSPlayer && Interfaces::Engine->GetPlayerInfo(pEntity->GetIndex(), &pinfo))
// Team Check
if (pEntity->GetTeamNum() != hackManager.pLocal()->GetTeamNum() || Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotFriendlyFire.GetState())
// Spawn Check
if (!pEntity->HasGunGameImmunity())
return true;
// They must have failed a requirement
return false;
void CLegitBot::DoTrigger(CUserCmd *pCmd)
IClientEntity* pLocal = hackManager.pLocal();
// Don't triggerbot with the knife..
CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon = (CBaseCombatWeapon*)Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntityFromHandle(pLocal->GetActiveWeaponHandle());
if (pWeapon)
if (pWeapon->GetAmmoInClip() == 0 || !GameUtils::IsBallisticWeapon(pWeapon))
// Triggerbot
// Get the view with the recoil
Vector ViewAngles;
ViewAngles += pLocal->localPlayerExclusive()->GetAimPunchAngle() * 2.f;
// Build a ray going fowards at that angle
Vector fowardVec;
AngleVectors(ViewAngles, &fowardVec);
fowardVec *= 10000;
// Get ray start / end
Vector start = pLocal->GetOrigin() + pLocal->GetViewOffset();
Vector end = start + fowardVec, endScreen;
trace_t Trace;
UTIL_TraceLine(start, end, MASK_SOLID, pLocal, 0, &Trace);
if (Trace.m_pEnt && 0 < Trace.hitgroup <= 7)
if (TargetMeetsTriggerRequirements(Trace.m_pEnt))
pCmd->buttons |= IN_ATTACK;
// Auto Pistol
static bool WasFiring = false;
CSWeaponInfo* WeaponInfo = pWeapon->GetCSWpnData();
if (!WeaponInfo->m_IsFullAuto && Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotAutoPistol.GetState())
if (pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK)
if (WasFiring)
pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK;
WasFiring = pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK ? true : false;
bool CLegitBot::TargetMeetsRequirements(IClientEntity* pEntity)
// Is a valid player
if (pEntity && pEntity->IsDormant() == false && pEntity->IsAlive() && pEntity->GetIndex() != hackManager.pLocal()->GetIndex())
// Entity Type checks
ClientClass *pClientClass = pEntity->GetClientClass();
player_info_t pinfo;
if (pClientClass->m_ClassID == (int)CSGOClassID::CCSPlayer && Interfaces::Engine->GetPlayerInfo(pEntity->GetIndex(), &pinfo))
// Team Check
if (pEntity->GetTeamNum() != hackManager.pLocal()->GetTeamNum() || Menu::Window.LegitBotTab.AimbotFriendlyFire.GetState())
// Spawn Check
if (!pEntity->HasGunGameImmunity() && GameUtils::IsVisible(hackManager.pLocal(), pEntity, HitBox))
return true;
// They must have failed a requirement
return false;
float CLegitBot::FovToPlayer(Vector ViewOffSet, Vector View, IClientEntity* pEntity, int aHitBox)
// Anything past 180 degrees is just going to wrap around
CONST FLOAT MaxDegrees = 180.0f;
// Get local angles
Vector Angles = View;
// Get local view / eye position
Vector Origin = ViewOffSet;
// Create and intiialize vectors for calculations below
Vector Delta(0, 0, 0);
//Vector Origin(0, 0, 0);
Vector Forward(0, 0, 0);
// Convert angles to normalized directional forward vector
AngleVectors(Angles, &Forward);
Vector AimPos = GetHitboxPosition(pEntity, aHitBox);
// Get delta vector between our local eye position and passed vector
VectorSubtract(AimPos, Origin, Delta);
//Delta = AimPos - Origin;
// Normalize our delta vector
Normalize(Delta, Delta);
// Get dot product between delta position and directional forward vectors
FLOAT DotProduct = Forward.Dot(Delta);
// Time to calculate the field of view
return (acos(DotProduct) * (MaxDegrees / PI));
int CLegitBot::GetTargetCrosshair()
// Target selection
int target = -1;
float minFoV = FoV;
IClientEntity* pLocal = hackManager.pLocal();
Vector ViewOffset = pLocal->GetOrigin() + pLocal->GetViewOffset();
Vector View; Interfaces::Engine->GetViewAngles(View);
View += pLocal->localPlayerExclusive()->GetAimPunchAngle() * 2.f;
for (int i = 0; i < Interfaces::EntList->GetHighestEntityIndex(); i++)
IClientEntity *pEntity = Interfaces::EntList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (TargetMeetsRequirements(pEntity))
int NewHitBox = HitBox;
if (NewHitBox >= 0)
float fov = FovToPlayer(ViewOffset, View, pEntity, 0);
if (fov < minFoV)
minFoV = fov;
target = i;
return target;
bool CLegitBot::AimAtPoint(IClientEntity* pLocal, Vector point, CUserCmd *pCmd)
// Get the full angles
if (point.Length() == 0) return false;
Vector angles;
Vector src = pLocal->GetOrigin() + pLocal->GetViewOffset();
CalcAngle(src, point, angles);
if (angles[0] != angles[0] || angles[1] != angles[1])
return false;
if (RecoilControl)
Vector AimPunch = pLocal->localPlayerExclusive()->GetAimPunchAngle();
if (AimPunch.Length2D() > 0 && AimPunch.Length2D() < 150)
angles -= AimPunch * 2;
IsLocked = true;
Vector shit = angles - pCmd->viewangles;
bool v = false;
if (shit.Length() > Speed)
Normalize(shit, shit);
shit *= Speed;
v = true;
pCmd->viewangles += shit;
return v;
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz