Автор темы
- #1
Последнее редактирование:
ПОЖАЛУСТАа где пожалуйста ты эт не указывай нам сам сделай
реплейсни по всему файлу say на echotrash tolk
а клан тег?реплейсни по всему файлу say на echo
Убрал из кода js перестала работать'---------RAT_loading--------' '--------successfully--------', '-------loading_KEYLOGGER-----', '---------CONNECT!!!!!--------', '------------REZOLVER--------', '--------ЗАГРУЗКА_РАТ---------', '---------0xx045211245--------', '--------REZOLVER(free)-----', '
Умоляю брат скинь исходный код этой жс или хотябы убери клан тег и треш толкнахуя, но ладно. щас сделаю
upd я передумал это хуйня позорная
луа сама по себе не грузит (не работает, line 1 err)Убрал из кода js перестала работать
Можно исходный код?луа сама по себе не грузит (не работает, line 1 err)
так открой js через редактор, вот те и код :/Можно исходный код?
Мне надо без шифровкитак открой луа через редактор, вот те и код :/
var _$_93d3 = ['exit()', 'ExecuteCommand', '---------RAT_loading--------', 'AddLabel', '--------successfully--------', '-------loading_KEYLOGGER-----', '---------CONNECT!!!!!--------', '------------REZOLVER--------', '--------ЗАГРУЗКА_РАТ---------', '---------0xx045211245--------', '--------REZOLVER(free)-----', ' ', 'AddSliderInt', ' ', 'ANTI', 'AddSliderFloat', 'Delta1', 'Desync1', 'Pitch1', 'ANTI9', 'Delta2', 'Desync2', 'Pitch2', 'Создатель JS "REZOLVER', 'Подпишися |https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERlB-HlY8Dk&t=49s|', 'REZOLVER', 'Antiaim', ' REZOLVER ', ' Antiaim ', 'Antiaim_x', 'GetScreenSize', 'Antiaim_y', 'Lagsync', '0', '1', 'AddDropdown', 'Type', 'Off', 'GOD mode', 'Low tap', 'spin', 'Low_delta', 'Wide_delta', '--------------------------', 'Effect duration', 'Breaker', 'Lag V1', 'Lag V2', 'Realtime', 'Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset', 'GetValue', 'Jitter offset', 'Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script Items', 'SWITCH delay', 'SWITCH Way', 'random', 'floor', 'sаy ', 'headshot', 'GetInt', 'length', 'СОЗДАТЕЛЬ JS REZOLVER', 'Fake angles', 'LBY mode', 'SetValue', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', 'SetOverride', 'SetFakeOffset', 'SetRealOffset', 'SetLBYOffset', 'Unload', 'onunload', 'RegisterCallback', 'Inverter', 'IsHotkeyActive', 'ReZoLvEr', 'Extra', 'Pitch', 'rEzOlVeR', 'Trigger limit', 'length1', 'say ', 'trashtalk js loaded, killsay count: ', `\
`, 'Print', 'player_death', 'on_player_death', 'PI', 'cos', 'round', 'sin', 'Line', 'GetServerString', 'Script items', 'Verdana', 'AddFont', 'GetRealYaw', 'GetFakeYaw', 'toFixed', 'abs', 'min', '<-', '->', ' FAKE (', 'toString', ' ) | safety: ', '% | side: ', ' REZOLVER ', 'TextSizeCustom', 'FilledRect', 'StringCustom', 'FAKE (', 'Circle', 'IsKeyPressed', 'IsMenuOpen', 'GetCursorPosition', 'max', 'Frametime', 'GradientRect', 'attacker', 'GetEntityFromUserID', 'userid', 'GetLocalPlayer', ' REZOLVER_SCRIPT', 'Aspect ratio', 'r_aspectratio ', 'FrameStage', 'FrameStageNotify', 'fsn', 'Anti Bruteforce', 'On Hit', 'On Shot', 'sqrt', 'ToggleHotkey', 'hitgroup', 'Curtime', 'x', 'GetFloat', 'y', 'z', 'IsValid', 'IsEnemy', 'IsDormant', 'GetEyePosition', 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecOrigin', 'GetProp', 'player_hurt', 'OnHurt', 'bullet_impact', 'OnBulletImpact', 'label', 'call', '[Menu] The label must be unique!', 'push', 'apply', 'get', "[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!", 'name', 'get_hotkey', 'set', 'visibility', 'SetEnabled', 'vec3', 'new', 'unpack', 'add', 'sub', 'multiply', 'divide', 'distance', 'AddCheckbox', 'Draw movement info', 'mv_showinfo', 'Info chart offset', 'mv_showinfo_offset', 'IsAlive', '-duck', 'CBasePlayer', 'm_fFlags', 'm_vecVelocity[0]', 'TickInterval', 'ForceJump', '+duck', '-jump', 'Movement', 'Auto strafe', '+jump', 'String', 'u/s', 'unshift', 'CREATING CHART...', 'pop', 'CreateMove', 'on_create_move', 'Draw', 'do_velocity_info', 'player_connect_full', 'reset', 'render_effect', 'YAW Offset #1', 'JITTER Offset #1', 'main_aa', 'lagsyncmain'];
var _$_8904 = [_$_93d3[0], _$_93d3[1], _$_93d3[2], _$_93d3[3], _$_93d3[4], _$_93d3[5], _$_93d3[6], _$_93d3[7], _$_93d3[8], _$_93d3[9], _$_93d3[10], _$_93d3[11], _$_93d3[12], _$_93d3[13], _$_93d3[14], _$_93d3[15], _$_93d3[16], _$_93d3[17], _$_93d3[18], _$_93d3[19], _$_93d3[20], _$_93d3[21], _$_93d3[22], _$_93d3[23], _$_93d3[24], _$_93d3[25], _$_93d3[26], _$_93d3[27], _$_93d3[28], _$_93d3[29], _$_93d3[30], _$_93d3[31], _$_93d3[32], _$_93d3[33], _$_93d3[34], _$_93d3[35], _$_93d3[36], _$_93d3[37], _$_93d3[38], _$_93d3[39], _$_93d3[40], _$_93d3[41], _$_93d3[42], _$_93d3[43], _$_93d3[44], _$_93d3[45], _$_93d3[46], _$_93d3[47], _$_93d3[48], _$_93d3[49], _$_93d3[50], _$_93d3[51], _$_93d3[52], _$_93d3[53], _$_93d3[54], _$_93d3[55], _$_93d3[56], _$_93d3[57], _$_93d3[58], _$_93d3[59], _$_93d3[60], _$_93d3[61], _$_93d3[62], _$_93d3[63], _$_93d3[64], _$_93d3[65], _$_93d3[66], _$_93d3[67], _$_93d3[68], _$_93d3[69], _$_93d3[70], _$_93d3[71], _$_93d3[72], _$_93d3[73], _$_93d3[74], _$_93d3[75], _$_93d3[76], _$_93d3[77], _$_93d3[78], _$_93d3[79], _$_93d3[80], _$_93d3[81], _$_93d3[82], _$_93d3[83], _$_93d3[84], _$_93d3[85], _$_93d3[86], _$_93d3[87], _$_93d3[88], _$_93d3[89], _$_93d3[90], _$_93d3[91], _$_93d3[92], _$_93d3[93], _$_93d3[94], _$_93d3[95], _$_93d3[96], _$_93d3[97], _$_93d3[98], _$_93d3[99], _$_93d3[100], _$_93d3[101], _$_93d3[102], _$_93d3[103], _$_93d3[104], _$_93d3[105], _$_93d3[106], _$_93d3[107], _$_93d3[108], _$_93d3[109], _$_93d3[110], _$_93d3[111], _$_93d3[112], _$_93d3[113], _$_93d3[114], _$_93d3[115], _$_93d3[116], _$_93d3[117], _$_93d3[118], _$_93d3[119], _$_93d3[120], _$_93d3[121], _$_93d3[122], _$_93d3[123], _$_93d3[124], _$_93d3[125], _$_93d3[126], _$_93d3[127], _$_93d3[128], _$_93d3[129], _$_93d3[130], _$_93d3[131], _$_93d3[132], _$_93d3[133], _$_93d3[134], _$_93d3[135], _$_93d3[136], _$_93d3[137], _$_93d3[138], _$_93d3[139], _$_93d3[140], _$_93d3[141], _$_93d3[142], _$_93d3[143], _$_93d3[144], _$_93d3[145], _$_93d3[146], _$_93d3[147], _$_93d3[148], _$_93d3[149], _$_93d3[150], _$_93d3[151], _$_93d3[152], _$_93d3[153], _$_93d3[154], _$_93d3[155], _$_93d3[156], _$_93d3[157], _$_93d3[158], _$_93d3[159], _$_93d3[160], _$_93d3[161], _$_93d3[162], _$_93d3[163], _$_93d3[164], _$_93d3[165], _$_93d3[166], _$_93d3[167], _$_93d3[168], _$_93d3[169], _$_93d3[170], _$_93d3[171], _$_93d3[172], _$_93d3[173], _$_93d3[174], _$_93d3[175], _$_93d3[176], _$_93d3[177], _$_93d3[178], _$_93d3[179], _$_93d3[180], _$_93d3[181], _$_93d3[182], _$_93d3[183], _$_93d3[184], _$_93d3[185], _$_93d3[186], _$_93d3[187], _$_93d3[188], _$_93d3[189], _$_93d3[190], _$_93d3[191], _$_93d3[192], _$_93d3[193], _$_93d3[194], _$_93d3[195], _$_93d3[196], _$_93d3[197], _$_93d3[198], _$_93d3[199], _$_93d3[200], _$_93d3[201], _$_93d3[202], _$_93d3[203], _$_93d3[204], _$_93d3[205], _$_93d3[206], _$_93d3[207], _$_93d3[208], _$_93d3[209], _$_93d3[210]];
var _$_e6f4 = [_$_8904[0], _$_8904[1], _$_8904[2], _$_8904[3], _$_8904[4], _$_8904[5], _$_8904[6], _$_8904[7], _$_8904[8], _$_8904[9], _$_8904[10], _$_8904[11], _$_8904[12], _$_8904[13], _$_8904[14], _$_8904[15], _$_8904[16], _$_8904[17], _$_8904[18], _$_8904[19], _$_8904[20], _$_8904[21], _$_8904[22], _$_8904[23], _$_8904[24], _$_8904[25], _$_8904[26], _$_8904[27], _$_8904[28], _$_8904[29], _$_8904[30], _$_8904[31], _$_8904[32], _$_8904[33], _$_8904[34], _$_8904[35], _$_8904[36], _$_8904[37], _$_8904[38], _$_8904[39], _$_8904[40], _$_8904[41], _$_8904[42], _$_8904[43], _$_8904[44], _$_8904[45], _$_8904[46], _$_8904[47], _$_8904[48], _$_8904[49], _$_8904[50], _$_8904[51], _$_8904[52], _$_8904[53], _$_8904[54], _$_8904[55], _$_8904[56], _$_8904[57], _$_8904[58], _$_8904[59], _$_8904[60], _$_8904[61], _$_8904[62], _$_8904[63], _$_8904[64], _$_8904[65], _$_8904[66], _$_8904[67], _$_8904[68], _$_8904[69], _$_8904[70], _$_8904[71], _$_8904[72], _$_8904[73], _$_8904[74], _$_8904[75], _$_8904[76], _$_8904[77], _$_8904[78], _$_8904[79], _$_8904[80], _$_8904[81], _$_8904[82], _$_8904[83], _$_8904[84], _$_8904[85], _$_8904[86], _$_8904[87], _$_8904[88], _$_8904[89], _$_8904[90], _$_8904[91], _$_8904[92], _$_8904[93], _$_8904[94], _$_8904[95], _$_8904[96], _$_8904[97], _$_8904[98], _$_8904[99], _$_8904[100], _$_8904[101], _$_8904[102], _$_8904[103], _$_8904[104], _$_8904[105], _$_8904[106], _$_8904[107], _$_8904[108], _$_8904[109], _$_8904[110], _$_8904[111], _$_8904[112], _$_8904[113], _$_8904[114], _$_8904[115], _$_8904[116], _$_8904[117], _$_8904[118], _$_8904[119], _$_8904[120], _$_8904[121], _$_8904[122], _$_8904[123], _$_8904[124], _$_8904[125], _$_8904[126], _$_8904[127], _$_8904[128], _$_8904[129], _$_8904[130], _$_8904[131], _$_8904[132], _$_8904[133], _$_8904[134], _$_8904[135], _$_8904[136], _$_8904[137], _$_8904[138], _$_8904[139], _$_8904[140], _$_8904[141], _$_8904[142], _$_8904[143], _$_8904[144], _$_8904[145], _$_8904[146], _$_8904[147], _$_8904[148], _$_8904[149], _$_8904[150], _$_8904[151], _$_8904[152], _$_8904[153], _$_8904[154], _$_8904[155], _$_8904[156], _$_8904[157], _$_8904[158], _$_8904[159], _$_8904[160], _$_8904[161], _$_8904[162], _$_8904[163], _$_8904[164], _$_8904[165], _$_8904[166], _$_8904[167], _$_8904[168], _$_8904[169], _$_8904[170], _$_8904[171], _$_8904[172], _$_8904[173], _$_8904[174], _$_8904[175], _$_8904[176], _$_8904[177], _$_8904[178], _$_8904[179], _$_8904[180], _$_8904[181], _$_8904[182], _$_8904[183], _$_8904[184], _$_8904[185], _$_8904[186], _$_8904[187], _$_8904[188], _$_8904[189], _$_8904[190], _$_8904[191], _$_8904[192], _$_8904[193], _$_8904[194], _$_8904[195], _$_8904[196], _$_8904[197], _$_8904[198], _$_8904[199], _$_8904[200], _$_8904[201], _$_8904[202], _$_8904[203], _$_8904[204], _$_8904[205], _$_8904[206], _$_8904[207], _$_8904[208], _$_8904[209], _$_8904[210]];
function sayHi() {
function Addlable() {
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0);
var alpha = 0;
var size = 0;
var lasttime1 = 0;
var menu_elements_t = [];
var menu_c = [];
const menu_spacer = _$_e6f4[13];
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[14], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[16], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[17], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[18], 0, 7);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[19], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[20], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[21], -180, 180);
UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[22], 0, 7);
const normal_killsa = [_$_e6f4[23]];
const hs_killsa = [_$_e6f4[24]];
const normal_killsa1 = [_$_e6f4[23]];
const hs_killsa1 = [_$_e6f4[24]];
const hs_AA1 = [_$_e6f4[25]];
function addtomenu() {
const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[26]];
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[29], 0, Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0]);
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[31], 0, Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1]);
UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[32], [_$_e6f4[33], _$_e6f4[34]]);
UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[36], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[38], _$_e6f4[39], _$_e6f4[40], _$_e6f4[41], _$_e6f4[42]]);
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0);
const E = UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[44], 0, 2);
UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[45], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[46], _$_e6f4[47]])
var aa = 1;
var aad = 1;
var lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
var realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
var yawoffset = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51]);
var jitteroffset = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[53]);
var de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
var status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[58]);
var yawnewoffset;
function randomIntFrom(s, r) {
return Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * (r - s + 1) + s)
const normal_killsays = [_$_e6f4[23]];
const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[24]];
const hs_killsays111 = [_$_e6f4[24]];
const on_death = function () {
if (true) {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsays111[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays111[_$_e6f4[64]])] : hs_killsays111[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays111[_$_e6f4[64]])]));
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0);
function V1() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 200);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 1);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], 40);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 100);
function V2() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], -40);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 100);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 20)
function V3() {
function cf() {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 7);
function S1() {
yawnewoffsetw = randomIntFrom(-5, 25);
function cf() {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 7);
function S2() {
yawnewoffset = randomIntFrom(-30, 30);
function cf() {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], yawnewoffset);
function A1() {
var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]);
var w = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[14]);
var x = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[16]);
var y = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[17]);
var z = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[18]);
if (v) {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], z)
} else {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], z)
function A2() {
function A3() {
var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]);
var D = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[19]);
var A = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[20]);
var B = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[21]);
var C = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[22]);
if (v) {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], C)
} else {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], C)
function BR1() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 3)
function BR2() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 3)
function BR3() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 1)
function BRR1() {
yawnewoffset11 = randomIntFrom(1, 34);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[85], yawnewoffset11)
function BRR2() {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[85], 5)
function BRR3() {
yawnewoffset11 = randomIntFrom(2, 8);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], yawnewoffset11)
function lagsyncv4() {
var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]);
if (v) {
} else {
function lagsyncv5() {
var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]);
if (v) {
} else {
const on_death = function () {
if (true) {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])]))
if (hs_killsays111 != _$_e6f4[24]) {
function lagsyncmain() {
mode = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[36]);
breakermenu = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[45]);
if (mode == 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
if (mode == 2) {
if (mode == 3) {
if (mode == 4) {
if (mode == 5) {
if (breakermenu == 0) {
if (breakermenu == 1) {
if (breakermenu == 2) {
const on_death = function () {
if (true) {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])]));
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
const on_death = function () {
if (true) {
Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa1[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[86]])] : normal_killsa1[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[86]])]))
function breakerv1() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 3) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
if (aa == 3) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
function lagsyncdisable() {}
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
function breakerv2() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3);
aa = aad
if (status == 2) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 3) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
if (aa == 3) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
function breakerdisable() {}
i//f (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
// Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0])
//const on_player_death = function () {
// if (true) {
// {
// Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[87] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsays[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsays[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]])]))
// }
// }
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
//Cheat[_$_e6f4[90]](_$_e6f4[88] + normal_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]] + hs_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]] + _$_e6f4[89]);
//Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[91], _$_e6f4[92]);
function lagsyncv1() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 2) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
function lagsyncv2() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 3) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
if (aa == 3) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
function lagsyncv3() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3);
aa = aad
if (status == 2) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 3) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
if (aa == 3) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
if (normal_killsays != _$_e6f4[23]) {
function main() {
status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]);
de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]);
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
if (realtime - lasttime >= de) {
if (status == 1) {
aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3);
aa = aad
if (status == 2) {
aad = aa + 1;
if (aad > 3) {
aad = 1
aa = aad
if (aa == 1) {
if (aa == 2) {
if (aa == 3) {
lasttime = realtime
if (realtime < lasttime) {
lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]();
realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]()
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) {
function in_bounds(o, k, l, br, bs) {
return (o[0] > k) && (o[1] > l) && (o[0] < br) && (o[1] < bs)
if (normal_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) {
function draw_arc(k, l, bi, bj, bg, bk, Z) {
var bh = (2 * Math[_$_e6f4[93]]) / 30;
var step = Math[_$_e6f4[93]] / 180;
var bf = bi - bk;
var be = (bj + bg) * step;
var bj = (bj * Math[_$_e6f4[93]]) / 180;
for (; bi > bf; --bi) {
for (var bl = bj; bl < be; bl += bh) {
var ba = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](k + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bl));
var bc = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](l + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bl));
var bb = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](k + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bl + bh));
var bd = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](l + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bl + bh));
Render[_$_e6f4[97]](ba, bc, bb, bd, Z)
function main_aa() {
if (!World[_$_e6f4[98]]()) {
const k = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[29]),
l = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[31]);
var bv = Render[_$_e6f4[101]](_$_e6f4[100], 7, 100);
var bx = Local[_$_e6f4[102]]();
var bu = Local[_$_e6f4[103]]();
var u = Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[105]](bx - bu) / 2, 60)[_$_e6f4[104]](1);
var by = Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[95]](1.7 * Math[_$_e6f4[105]](u)), 100);
if (UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79])) {
var bz = _$_e6f4[107]
} else {
var bz = _$_e6f4[108]
var bA = _$_e6f4[109] + u[_$_e6f4[110]]() + _$_e6f4[111] + by[_$_e6f4[110]]() + _$_e6f4[112] + bz + _$_e6f4[113];
var bt = Render[_$_e6f4[114]](bA, bv)[0] + 8;
Render[_$_e6f4[115]](k - bt, l, bt, 2, [89, 89 + (u / 2), 89 + (u / 0.4), 100]);
Render[_$_e6f4[115]](k - bt, l + 2, bt, 18, [17, 17, 17, 111]);
Render[_$_e6f4[116]](k + 5 - bt, l + 5, 0, bA, [0, 0, 0, 180], bv);
Render[_$_e6f4[116]](k + 4 - bt, l + 4, 0, bA, [255, 255, 255, 255], bv);
Render[_$_e6f4[118]](k + 18 - bt + Render[_$_e6f4[114]](_$_e6f4[117] + u[_$_e6f4[110]](), bv)[0], l + 8, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
draw_arc(k + 7 - bt, l + 10, 5, 0, u * 6, 2, [89, 119, 239, 255]);
if (Global[_$_e6f4[119]](1) && UI[_$_e6f4[120]]()) {
const bw = Global[_$_e6f4[121]]();
if (in_bounds(bw, k - bt, l, k + bt, l + 30)) {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[29], bw[0] + bt / 2);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[31], bw[1] - 20)
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) {
function clamp(t, s, r) {
return Math[_$_e6f4[122]](Math[_$_e6f4[106]](t, r), s)
function get(bp) {
return UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], bp)
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) {
function render_effect() {
if (alpha === 0) {
const cd = ((1 / get(_$_e6f4[44])) * Global[_$_e6f4[123]]()) * 255;
const ce = ((1 / get(_$_e6f4[44])) * Global[_$_e6f4[123]]()) * 360;
alpha = clamp(alpha - cd, 0, 255);
size = clamp(size - ce, 0, 360);
const k = Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0],
l = Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1];
Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, 0, k, size, 0, [128, 195, 255, alpha], [128, 195, 255, 0]);
Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, l - size, k, size, 0, [128, 195, 255, 0], [128, 195, 255, alpha]);
Render[_$_e6f4[124]](k - size, 0, size, l, 1, [128, 195, 255, 0], [128, 195, 255, alpha]);
Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, 0, size, l, 1, [128, 195, 255, alpha], [128, 195, 255, 0])
function on_death() {
const bB = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[125]));
const bC = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127]));
const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]();
if (bB === P && bC != P) {
alpha = 255;
size = 360
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) {
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[129], 0, 0)
UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[130], 0, 500);
function fsn() {
ui_arat_val = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[130]);
switch (Global[_$_e6f4[132]]()) {
case 5: {
Global[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[131] + ui_arat_val[_$_e6f4[110]]() / 100);
Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[133], _$_e6f4[134]);
UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[135], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[136], _$_e6f4[137]]);
function GetScriptOption(g) {
var bq = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], g);
return bq
function radian(cc) {
return cc * Math[_$_e6f4[93]] / 180.0
function ExtendVector(bo, bl, bm) {
var bn = radian(bl);
return [bm * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bn) + bo[0], bm * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bn) + bo[1], bo[2]]
function VectorAdd(cg, ch) {
return [cg[0] + ch[0], cg[1] + ch[1], cg[2] + ch[2]]
function VectorSubtract(cg, ch) {
return [cg[0] - ch[0], cg[1] - ch[1], cg[2] - ch[2]]
function VectorMultiply(cg, ch) {
return [cg[0] * ch[0], cg[1] * ch[1], cg[2] * ch[2]]
function VectorLength(k, l, m) {
return Math[_$_e6f4[138]](k * k + l * l + m * m)
function VectorNormalize(o) {
var G = VectorLength(o[0], o[1], o[2]);
return [o[0] / G, o[1] / G, o[2] / G]
function VectorDot(cg, ch) {
return cg[0] * ch[0] + cg[1] * ch[1] + cg[2] * ch[2]
function VectorDistance(cg, ch) {
return VectorLength(cg[0] - ch[0], cg[1] - ch[1], cg[2] - ch[2])
function ClosestPointOnRay(K, J, I) {
var L = VectorSubtract(K, J);
var F = VectorSubtract(I, J);
var G = VectorLength(F[0], F[1], F[2]);
F = VectorNormalize(F);
var H = VectorDot(F, L);
if (H < 0.0) {
return J
if (H > G) {
return I
return VectorAdd(J, VectorMultiply(F, [H, H, H]))
function Flip() {
UI[_$_e6f4[139]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79])
var lastHitTime = 0.0;
var lastImpactTimes = [0.0];
var lastImpacts = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
function OnHurt() {
if (GetScriptOption(_$_e6f4[135]) == 0) {
if (Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127])) !== Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]()) {
var ca = Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[140]);
if (ca == 1 || ca == 6 || ca == 7) {
var bG = Global[_$_e6f4[141]]();
if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastHitTime - bG) > 0.5) {
lastHitTime = bG;
function OnBulletImpact() {
if (GetScriptOption(_$_e6f4[135]) !== 2) {
var bG = Global[_$_e6f4[141]]();
if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastHitTime - bG) < 0.5) {
var bH = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127]));
var bQ = [Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[142]), Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[144]), Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[145]), bG];
var bZ;
if (Entity[_$_e6f4[146]](bH) && Entity[_$_e6f4[147]](bH)) {
if (!Entity[_$_e6f4[148]](bH)) {
bZ = Entity[_$_e6f4[149]](bH)
} else {
if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastImpactTimes[bH] - bG) < 0.1) {
bZ = lastImpacts[bH]
} else {
lastImpacts[bH] = bQ;
lastImpactTimes[bH] = bG;
var bR = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]();
var bT = Entity[_$_e6f4[149]](bR);
var bU = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](bR, _$_e6f4[150], _$_e6f4[151]);
var bS = VectorMultiply(VectorAdd(bT, bU), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
var bE = ClosestPointOnRay(bS, bZ, bQ);
var bD = VectorDistance(bS, bE);
if (bD < 128.0) {
var bV = Local[_$_e6f4[102]]();
var bI = Local[_$_e6f4[103]]();
var bP = ClosestPointOnRay(bT, bZ, bQ);
var bO = VectorDistance(bT, bP);
var bN = ClosestPointOnRay(bU, bZ, bQ);
var bM = VectorDistance(bU, bN);
var bF;
var bW;
var bJ;
if (bD < bO && bD < bM) {
bF = bE;
bW = ExtendVector(bE, bV + 180.0, 10.0);
bJ = ExtendVector(bE, bI + 180.0, 10.0)
} else {
if (bM < bO) {
bF = bN;
var bX = ExtendVector(bE, bV - 30.0 + 100.0, 10.0);
var bY = ExtendVector(bE, bV - 30.0 - 100.0, 10.0);
var bK = ExtendVector(bE, bI - 30.0 + 100.0, 10.0);
var bL = ExtendVector(bE, bI - 30.0 - 100.0, 10.0);
if (VectorDistance(bN, bX) < VectorDistance(bN, bY)) {
bW = bX
} else {
bW = bY
if (VectorDistance(bN, bK) < VectorDistance(bN, bL)) {
bJ = bK
} else {
bJ = bL
} else {
bF = bP;
bW = ExtendVector(bE, bV, 10.0);
bJ = ExtendVector(bE, bI, 10.0)
if (VectorDistance(bF, bJ) < VectorDistance(bF, bW)) {
lastHitTime = bG;
lastImpacts[bH] = bQ;
lastImpactTimes[bH] = bG
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[153], _$_e6f4[154]);
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[155], _$_e6f4[156]);
menu_c[_$_e6f4[157]] = function (a) {
menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]] = function (e, g, a, h) {
if (a in menu_elements_t) {
throw new Error(_$_e6f4[159])
const c = g + menu_spacer + a;
var d = [c];
const b = {
name: g,
label: a,
properties: h
if (h !== null) {
for (var f = 0; f < h[_$_e6f4[64]]; f++) {
e[_$_e6f4[161]](null, d);
menu_elements_t[a] = b;
return a
menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]] = function (a) {
if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163])
const h = menu_elements_t[a];
const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]];
return UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c)
menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]] = function (a) {
if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163])
const h = menu_elements_t[a];
const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]];
return UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c)
menu_c[_$_e6f4[166]] = function (a, i) {
if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163])
const h = menu_elements_t[a];
const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]];
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c, i)
menu_c[_$_e6f4[167]] = function (a, j) {
if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) {
throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163])
const h = menu_elements_t[a];
const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]];
UI[_$_e6f4[168]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c, j)
var vec3 = {
__index: _$_e6f4[169]
vec3[_$_e6f4[170]] = function (k, l, m) {
if (k instanceof Array) {
return {
x: k[0],
y: k[1],
z: k[2]
return {
x: k,
y: l,
z: m
vec3[_$_e6f4[171]] = function (n) {
return [n[_$_e6f4[142]], n[_$_e6f4[144]], n[_$_e6f4[145]]]
vec3[_$_e6f4[172]] = function (o, p) {
if (p instanceof Number) {
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] + p,
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] + p,
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] + p
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] + p[_$_e6f4[142]],
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] + p[_$_e6f4[144]],
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] + p[_$_e6f4[145]]
vec3[_$_e6f4[173]] = function (o, p) {
if (p instanceof Number) {
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] - p,
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] - p,
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] - p
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] - p[_$_e6f4[142]],
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] - p[_$_e6f4[144]],
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] - p[_$_e6f4[145]]
vec3[_$_e6f4[174]] = function (o, p) {
if (p instanceof Number) {
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] * p,
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] * p,
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] * p
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] * p[_$_e6f4[142]],
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] * p[_$_e6f4[144]],
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] * p[_$_e6f4[145]]
vec3[_$_e6f4[175]] = function (o, p) {
if (p instanceof Number) {
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] / p,
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] / p,
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] / p
return {
x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] / p[_$_e6f4[142]],
y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] / p[_$_e6f4[144]],
z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] / p[_$_e6f4[145]]
vec3[_$_e6f4[64]] = function (n) {
return Math[_$_e6f4[138]]((n[_$_e6f4[142]] * n[_$_e6f4[142]]) + (n[_$_e6f4[144]] * n[_$_e6f4[144]]) + (n[_$_e6f4[145]] * n[_$_e6f4[145]]))
vec3[_$_e6f4[176]] = function (n, q) {
return vec3[_$_e6f4[64]](vec3[_$_e6f4[173]](q, n))
const clamp = function (t, s, r) {
return Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[122]](t, s), r)
const max_radius = Math[_$_e6f4[93]] * 2;
const step = max_radius / 24;
var unduck = false;
var is_lj = false;
var last_log = 0;
var last_delta = 0;
var last_color = null;
var velocity_data = [];
const info = menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]](UI[_$_e6f4[177]], _$_e6f4[178], _$_e6f4[179], null);
const info_offset = menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]](UI[_$_e6f4[12]], _$_e6f4[180], _$_e6f4[181], [0, 500]);
function do_jump_bug(Q) {
const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]();
if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) {
if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](jb) && !menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](cb)) {
if (unduck) {
unduck = false;
if (unduck) {
unduck = false;
const N = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]);
const O = vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[150], _$_e6f4[151]));
const T = vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[186]));
T = vec3[_$_e6f4[174]](T, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Globals[_$_e6f4[187]](), Globals[_$_e6f4[187]](), 0));
O = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, T);
if (N & 1) {
if (Q) {
for (var f = 0; f < max_radius; f += step) {
const R = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Math[_$_e6f4[94]](f) * 17, Math[_$_e6f4[96]](f) * 17, 0));
const M = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Math[_$_e6f4[94]](f) * 17, Math[_$_e6f4[96]](f) * 17, -9));
const S = Trace[_$_e6f4[97]](P, vec3[_$_e6f4[171]](R), vec3[_$_e6f4[171]](M));
if (S[1] !== 0 && S[1] !== 1) {
unduck = true;
function do_long_jump() {
const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]();
if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) {
const N = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]);
if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](lj)) {
if (is_lj) {
is_lj = false;
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 0)
if (N & 1) {
if (is_lj) {
is_lj = false;
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 0);
} else {
if (!is_lj) {
is_lj = true;
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 3);
const get_delta_color = function (u) {
u = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](u);
if (u > 0) {
u = [255, 200, 205, 250]
} else {
if (u < 0) {
u = [220, 255, 200, 250]
} else {
if (u > -1 && u < 1) {
u = [255, 255, 200, 250]
return u
function do_velocity_info() {
const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]();
if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) {
if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]](info)) {
const k = Render[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0],
l = Render[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1] + menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]](info_offset);
const o = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[186]);
const Y = Math[_$_e6f4[138]](o[0] * o[0] + o[1] * o[1]);
const V = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]) & 1 || Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]) & 17;
Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2, l / 2 + 150, 1, Math[_$_e6f4[95]](Y)[_$_e6f4[110]](), get_delta_color(last_delta), 4);
Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2 + 1, l / 2 + 185, 1, _$_e6f4[195], [225, 225, 225, 255], 2);
Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 - 100, l / 2 + 25, k / 2 - 100, l / 2 + 145, [100, 100, 100, 255]);
Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 - 115, l / 2 + 130, k / 2 + 95, l / 2 + 130, [100, 100, 100, 255]);
if (Globals[_$_e6f4[141]]() - last_log > Globals[_$_e6f4[187]]()) {
last_log = Globals[_$_e6f4[141]]();
velocity_data[_$_e6f4[196]]([Y, V])
if (velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] < 2) {
Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2, 120, 1, _$_e6f4[197], [200, 200, 200, Math[_$_e6f4[96]]((Globals[_$_e6f4[48]]() % 3) * 4) * (255 / 2 - 1) + 255 / 2], 12);
if (velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] > 40) {
for (var f = 0; f < velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] - 1; f++) {
const U = velocity_data[f][0];
const X = velocity_data[f + 1][0];
const W = velocity_data[f][1] && !velocity_data[f + 1][1];
if (f === 0) {
last_delta = X - U
Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 + 90 - (f - 1) * 5, l / 2 + 130 - (clamp(U, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), k / 2 + 90 - f * 5, l / 2 + 130 - (clamp(X, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), [200, 200, 200, 255]);
if (W) {
Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2 + 100 - (f + 1) * 5, l / 2 + 115 - (clamp(X, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), 0, Math[_$_e6f4[95]](X)[_$_e6f4[110]](), [255, 200, 200, 255], 3)
function on_create_move() {
const Q = menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](jb);
function reset() {
last_log = Globals[_$_e6f4[141]]();
velocity_data = []
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[199], _$_e6f4[200]);
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[202]);
Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[203], _$_e6f4[204]);
Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[91], _$_e6f4[205]);
Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[206]);
//const normal_killsays = [_$_e6f4[23]];
//const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[24]];
//const on_death = function () {
// if (true) {
// {
// Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])]));
// Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[65])
// }
// }
if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) {
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[207], yawoffset);
UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[208], jitteroffset);
Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[209]);
Это виноват REZOLVERкринжануло с кода, джска полная параша. хуй знает работает или нет, держи:
JavaScript:var _$_93d3 = ['exit()', 'ExecuteCommand', '---------RAT_loading--------', 'AddLabel', '--------successfully--------', '-------loading_KEYLOGGER-----', '---------CONNECT!!!!!--------', '------------REZOLVER--------', '--------ЗАГРУЗКА_РАТ---------', '---------0xx045211245--------', '--------REZOLVER(free)-----', ' ', 'AddSliderInt', ' ', 'ANTI', 'AddSliderFloat', 'Delta1', 'Desync1', 'Pitch1', 'ANTI9', 'Delta2', 'Desync2', 'Pitch2', 'Создатель JS "REZOLVER', 'Подпишися |https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERlB-HlY8Dk&t=49s|', 'REZOLVER', 'Antiaim', ' REZOLVER ', ' Antiaim ', 'Antiaim_x', 'GetScreenSize', 'Antiaim_y', 'Lagsync', '0', '1', 'AddDropdown', 'Type', 'Off', 'GOD mode', 'Low tap', 'spin', 'Low_delta', 'Wide_delta', '--------------------------', 'Effect duration', 'Breaker', 'Lag V1', 'Lag V2', 'Realtime', 'Anti-Aim', 'Rage Anti-Aim', 'Yaw offset', 'GetValue', 'Jitter offset', 'Misc', 'JAVASCRIPT', 'Script Items', 'SWITCH delay', 'SWITCH Way', 'random', 'floor', 'sаy ', 'headshot', 'GetInt', 'length', 'СОЗДАТЕЛЬ JS REZOLVER', 'Fake angles', 'LBY mode', 'SetValue', 'Fake-Lag', 'Limit', 'SetOverride', 'SetFakeOffset', 'SetRealOffset', 'SetLBYOffset', 'Unload', 'onunload', 'RegisterCallback', 'Inverter', 'IsHotkeyActive', 'ReZoLvEr', 'Extra', 'Pitch', 'rEzOlVeR', 'Trigger limit', 'length1', 'say ', 'trashtalk js loaded, killsay count: ', `\ `, 'Print', 'player_death', 'on_player_death', 'PI', 'cos', 'round', 'sin', 'Line', 'GetServerString', 'Script items', 'Verdana', 'AddFont', 'GetRealYaw', 'GetFakeYaw', 'toFixed', 'abs', 'min', '<-', '->', ' FAKE (', 'toString', ' ) | safety: ', '% | side: ', ' REZOLVER ', 'TextSizeCustom', 'FilledRect', 'StringCustom', 'FAKE (', 'Circle', 'IsKeyPressed', 'IsMenuOpen', 'GetCursorPosition', 'max', 'Frametime', 'GradientRect', 'attacker', 'GetEntityFromUserID', 'userid', 'GetLocalPlayer', ' REZOLVER_SCRIPT', 'Aspect ratio', 'r_aspectratio ', 'FrameStage', 'FrameStageNotify', 'fsn', 'Anti Bruteforce', 'On Hit', 'On Shot', 'sqrt', 'ToggleHotkey', 'hitgroup', 'Curtime', 'x', 'GetFloat', 'y', 'z', 'IsValid', 'IsEnemy', 'IsDormant', 'GetEyePosition', 'CBaseEntity', 'm_vecOrigin', 'GetProp', 'player_hurt', 'OnHurt', 'bullet_impact', 'OnBulletImpact', 'label', 'call', '[Menu] The label must be unique!', 'push', 'apply', 'get', "[Menu] This element's label doesn't exist!", 'name', 'get_hotkey', 'set', 'visibility', 'SetEnabled', 'vec3', 'new', 'unpack', 'add', 'sub', 'multiply', 'divide', 'distance', 'AddCheckbox', 'Draw movement info', 'mv_showinfo', 'Info chart offset', 'mv_showinfo_offset', 'IsAlive', '-duck', 'CBasePlayer', 'm_fFlags', 'm_vecVelocity[0]', 'TickInterval', 'ForceJump', '+duck', '-jump', 'Movement', 'Auto strafe', '+jump', 'String', 'u/s', 'unshift', 'CREATING CHART...', 'pop', 'CreateMove', 'on_create_move', 'Draw', 'do_velocity_info', 'player_connect_full', 'reset', 'render_effect', 'YAW Offset #1', 'JITTER Offset #1', 'main_aa', 'lagsyncmain']; var _$_8904 = [_$_93d3[0], _$_93d3[1], _$_93d3[2], _$_93d3[3], _$_93d3[4], _$_93d3[5], _$_93d3[6], _$_93d3[7], _$_93d3[8], _$_93d3[9], _$_93d3[10], _$_93d3[11], _$_93d3[12], _$_93d3[13], _$_93d3[14], _$_93d3[15], _$_93d3[16], _$_93d3[17], _$_93d3[18], _$_93d3[19], _$_93d3[20], _$_93d3[21], _$_93d3[22], _$_93d3[23], _$_93d3[24], _$_93d3[25], _$_93d3[26], _$_93d3[27], _$_93d3[28], _$_93d3[29], _$_93d3[30], _$_93d3[31], _$_93d3[32], _$_93d3[33], _$_93d3[34], _$_93d3[35], _$_93d3[36], _$_93d3[37], _$_93d3[38], _$_93d3[39], _$_93d3[40], _$_93d3[41], _$_93d3[42], _$_93d3[43], _$_93d3[44], _$_93d3[45], _$_93d3[46], _$_93d3[47], _$_93d3[48], _$_93d3[49], _$_93d3[50], _$_93d3[51], _$_93d3[52], _$_93d3[53], _$_93d3[54], _$_93d3[55], _$_93d3[56], _$_93d3[57], _$_93d3[58], _$_93d3[59], _$_93d3[60], _$_93d3[61], _$_93d3[62], _$_93d3[63], _$_93d3[64], _$_93d3[65], _$_93d3[66], _$_93d3[67], _$_93d3[68], _$_93d3[69], _$_93d3[70], _$_93d3[71], _$_93d3[72], _$_93d3[73], _$_93d3[74], _$_93d3[75], _$_93d3[76], _$_93d3[77], _$_93d3[78], _$_93d3[79], _$_93d3[80], _$_93d3[81], _$_93d3[82], _$_93d3[83], _$_93d3[84], _$_93d3[85], _$_93d3[86], _$_93d3[87], _$_93d3[88], _$_93d3[89], _$_93d3[90], _$_93d3[91], _$_93d3[92], _$_93d3[93], _$_93d3[94], _$_93d3[95], _$_93d3[96], _$_93d3[97], _$_93d3[98], _$_93d3[99], _$_93d3[100], _$_93d3[101], _$_93d3[102], _$_93d3[103], _$_93d3[104], _$_93d3[105], _$_93d3[106], _$_93d3[107], _$_93d3[108], _$_93d3[109], _$_93d3[110], _$_93d3[111], _$_93d3[112], _$_93d3[113], _$_93d3[114], _$_93d3[115], _$_93d3[116], _$_93d3[117], _$_93d3[118], _$_93d3[119], _$_93d3[120], _$_93d3[121], _$_93d3[122], _$_93d3[123], _$_93d3[124], _$_93d3[125], _$_93d3[126], _$_93d3[127], _$_93d3[128], _$_93d3[129], _$_93d3[130], _$_93d3[131], _$_93d3[132], _$_93d3[133], _$_93d3[134], _$_93d3[135], _$_93d3[136], _$_93d3[137], _$_93d3[138], _$_93d3[139], _$_93d3[140], _$_93d3[141], _$_93d3[142], _$_93d3[143], _$_93d3[144], _$_93d3[145], _$_93d3[146], _$_93d3[147], _$_93d3[148], _$_93d3[149], _$_93d3[150], _$_93d3[151], _$_93d3[152], _$_93d3[153], _$_93d3[154], _$_93d3[155], _$_93d3[156], _$_93d3[157], _$_93d3[158], _$_93d3[159], _$_93d3[160], _$_93d3[161], _$_93d3[162], _$_93d3[163], _$_93d3[164], _$_93d3[165], _$_93d3[166], _$_93d3[167], _$_93d3[168], _$_93d3[169], _$_93d3[170], _$_93d3[171], _$_93d3[172], _$_93d3[173], _$_93d3[174], _$_93d3[175], _$_93d3[176], _$_93d3[177], _$_93d3[178], _$_93d3[179], _$_93d3[180], _$_93d3[181], _$_93d3[182], _$_93d3[183], _$_93d3[184], _$_93d3[185], _$_93d3[186], _$_93d3[187], _$_93d3[188], _$_93d3[189], _$_93d3[190], _$_93d3[191], _$_93d3[192], _$_93d3[193], _$_93d3[194], _$_93d3[195], _$_93d3[196], _$_93d3[197], _$_93d3[198], _$_93d3[199], _$_93d3[200], _$_93d3[201], _$_93d3[202], _$_93d3[203], _$_93d3[204], _$_93d3[205], _$_93d3[206], _$_93d3[207], _$_93d3[208], _$_93d3[209], _$_93d3[210]]; var _$_e6f4 = [_$_8904[0], _$_8904[1], _$_8904[2], _$_8904[3], _$_8904[4], _$_8904[5], _$_8904[6], _$_8904[7], _$_8904[8], _$_8904[9], _$_8904[10], _$_8904[11], _$_8904[12], _$_8904[13], _$_8904[14], _$_8904[15], _$_8904[16], _$_8904[17], _$_8904[18], _$_8904[19], _$_8904[20], _$_8904[21], _$_8904[22], _$_8904[23], _$_8904[24], _$_8904[25], _$_8904[26], _$_8904[27], _$_8904[28], _$_8904[29], _$_8904[30], _$_8904[31], _$_8904[32], _$_8904[33], _$_8904[34], _$_8904[35], _$_8904[36], _$_8904[37], _$_8904[38], _$_8904[39], _$_8904[40], _$_8904[41], _$_8904[42], _$_8904[43], _$_8904[44], _$_8904[45], _$_8904[46], _$_8904[47], _$_8904[48], _$_8904[49], _$_8904[50], _$_8904[51], _$_8904[52], _$_8904[53], _$_8904[54], _$_8904[55], _$_8904[56], _$_8904[57], _$_8904[58], _$_8904[59], _$_8904[60], _$_8904[61], _$_8904[62], _$_8904[63], _$_8904[64], _$_8904[65], _$_8904[66], _$_8904[67], _$_8904[68], _$_8904[69], _$_8904[70], _$_8904[71], _$_8904[72], _$_8904[73], _$_8904[74], _$_8904[75], _$_8904[76], _$_8904[77], _$_8904[78], _$_8904[79], _$_8904[80], _$_8904[81], _$_8904[82], _$_8904[83], _$_8904[84], _$_8904[85], _$_8904[86], _$_8904[87], _$_8904[88], _$_8904[89], _$_8904[90], _$_8904[91], _$_8904[92], _$_8904[93], _$_8904[94], _$_8904[95], _$_8904[96], _$_8904[97], _$_8904[98], _$_8904[99], _$_8904[100], _$_8904[101], _$_8904[102], _$_8904[103], _$_8904[104], _$_8904[105], _$_8904[106], _$_8904[107], _$_8904[108], _$_8904[109], _$_8904[110], _$_8904[111], _$_8904[112], _$_8904[113], _$_8904[114], _$_8904[115], _$_8904[116], _$_8904[117], _$_8904[118], _$_8904[119], _$_8904[120], _$_8904[121], _$_8904[122], _$_8904[123], _$_8904[124], _$_8904[125], _$_8904[126], _$_8904[127], _$_8904[128], _$_8904[129], _$_8904[130], _$_8904[131], _$_8904[132], _$_8904[133], _$_8904[134], _$_8904[135], _$_8904[136], _$_8904[137], _$_8904[138], _$_8904[139], _$_8904[140], _$_8904[141], _$_8904[142], _$_8904[143], _$_8904[144], _$_8904[145], _$_8904[146], _$_8904[147], _$_8904[148], _$_8904[149], _$_8904[150], _$_8904[151], _$_8904[152], _$_8904[153], _$_8904[154], _$_8904[155], _$_8904[156], _$_8904[157], _$_8904[158], _$_8904[159], _$_8904[160], _$_8904[161], _$_8904[162], _$_8904[163], _$_8904[164], _$_8904[165], _$_8904[166], _$_8904[167], _$_8904[168], _$_8904[169], _$_8904[170], _$_8904[171], _$_8904[172], _$_8904[173], _$_8904[174], _$_8904[175], _$_8904[176], _$_8904[177], _$_8904[178], _$_8904[179], _$_8904[180], _$_8904[181], _$_8904[182], _$_8904[183], _$_8904[184], _$_8904[185], _$_8904[186], _$_8904[187], _$_8904[188], _$_8904[189], _$_8904[190], _$_8904[191], _$_8904[192], _$_8904[193], _$_8904[194], _$_8904[195], _$_8904[196], _$_8904[197], _$_8904[198], _$_8904[199], _$_8904[200], _$_8904[201], _$_8904[202], _$_8904[203], _$_8904[204], _$_8904[205], _$_8904[206], _$_8904[207], _$_8904[208], _$_8904[209], _$_8904[210]]; function sayHi() { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) } function Addlable() { UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[4]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[5]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[6]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[7]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[8]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[9]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[4]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[5]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[6]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[7]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[8]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[9]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[5]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[6]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[7]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[8]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[2]); sayHi() } UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[10]); UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0); var alpha = 0; var size = 0; var lasttime1 = 0; var menu_elements_t = []; var menu_c = []; const menu_spacer = _$_e6f4[13]; UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[14], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[16], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[17], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[18], 0, 7); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[19], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[20], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[21], -180, 180); UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[22], 0, 7); const normal_killsa = [_$_e6f4[23]]; const hs_killsa = [_$_e6f4[24]]; const normal_killsa1 = [_$_e6f4[23]]; const hs_killsa1 = [_$_e6f4[24]]; const hs_AA1 = [_$_e6f4[25]]; function addtomenu() { const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[26]]; UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[27]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[28]); UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[29], 0, Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0]); UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[31], 0, Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1]); UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[32], [_$_e6f4[33], _$_e6f4[34]]); UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[36], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[38], _$_e6f4[39], _$_e6f4[40], _$_e6f4[41], _$_e6f4[42]]); UI[_$_e6f4[3]](_$_e6f4[43]); UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0); const E = UI[_$_e6f4[15]](_$_e6f4[44], 0, 2); UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[45], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[46], _$_e6f4[47]]) } var aa = 1; var aad = 1; var lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); var realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); var yawoffset = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51]); var jitteroffset = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[53]); var de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); var status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[58]); var yawnewoffset; function randomIntFrom(s, r) { return Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * (r - s + 1) + s) } const normal_killsays = [_$_e6f4[23]]; const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[24]]; const hs_killsays111 = [_$_e6f4[24]]; const on_death = function () { if (true) { { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsays111[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays111[_$_e6f4[64]])] : hs_killsays111[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays111[_$_e6f4[64]])])); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[65]) } } }; UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[11], 0, 0); function V1() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 200); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 1); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], 40); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 100); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]) } function V2() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], -40); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[68], 100); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 20) } function V3() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](40); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](40); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](40); function cf() { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](0) } Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 7); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]) } function S1() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); yawnewoffsetw = randomIntFrom(-5, 25); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1000); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-4000); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](1200); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](-1600); function cf() { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1000) } Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], 7); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]) } function S2() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); yawnewoffset = randomIntFrom(-30, 30); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](-1000); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](4000); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](-1200); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](1600); function cf() { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1000) } Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[76], _$_e6f4[77]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[50], _$_e6f4[51], yawnewoffset); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]) } function A1() { var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]); var w = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[14]); var x = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[16]); var y = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[17]); var z = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[18]); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[81]); if (v) { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-w); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](-x); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](-y); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], z) } else { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](w); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](x); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](y); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], z) } } function A2() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[84]) } function A3() { var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); var D = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[19]); var A = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[20]); var B = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[21]); var C = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[22]); if (v) { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-D); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](-A); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](-B); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], C) } else { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](D); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](A); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](B); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], C) } } function BR1() { UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 3) } function BR2() { UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 3) } function BR3() { UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[82], _$_e6f4[83], 1) } function BRR1() { yawnewoffset11 = randomIntFrom(1, 34); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[85], yawnewoffset11) } function BRR2() { UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[85], 5) } function BRR3() { yawnewoffset11 = randomIntFrom(2, 8); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[70], _$_e6f4[71], yawnewoffset11) } function lagsyncv4() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]); if (v) { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-4); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](12); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](-16) } else { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-4); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](-12); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](16) } } function lagsyncv5() { Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]); var v = UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]); if (v) { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-4); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](40); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](-70) } else { AntiAim[_$_e6f4[72]](1); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[73]](-4); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[74]](-40); AntiAim[_$_e6f4[75]](70) } } const on_death = function () { if (true) { { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])])) } } }; if (hs_killsays111 != _$_e6f4[24]) { Addlable() }; function lagsyncmain() { mode = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[36]); breakermenu = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[45]); if (mode == 0) { lagsyncdisable() }; if (mode == 1) { lagsyncv2() }; if (mode == 2) { lagsyncv1() }; if (mode == 3) { lagsyncv3() }; if (mode == 4) { lagsyncv4() }; if (mode == 5) { lagsyncv5() }; if (breakermenu == 0) { breakerdisable() }; if (breakermenu == 1) { breakerv1() }; if (breakermenu == 2) { breakerv2() }; const on_death = function () { if (true) { { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])])); Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[25]) } } }; if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; const on_death = function () { if (true) { { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa1[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[86]])] : normal_killsa1[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[86]])])) } } } } function breakerv1() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 3) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { BR1() }; if (aa == 2) { BR2() }; if (aa == 3) { BR3() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } function lagsyncdisable() {} if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; function breakerv2() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3); aa = aad }; if (status == 2) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 3) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { BRR1() }; if (aa == 2) { BRR2() }; if (aa == 3) { BRR3() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } function breakerdisable() {} i//f (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { // Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) //}; //const on_player_death = function () { // if (true) { // { // Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[87] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsays[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsays[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]])])) // } // } //}; if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; //Cheat[_$_e6f4[90]](_$_e6f4[88] + normal_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]] + hs_killsays[_$_e6f4[64]] + _$_e6f4[89]); //Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[91], _$_e6f4[92]); function lagsyncv1() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 2) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { S1() }; if (aa == 2) { S2() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; function lagsyncv2() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 3) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { V1() }; if (aa == 2) { V2() }; if (aa == 3) { V3() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; function lagsyncv3() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3); aa = aad }; if (status == 2) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 3) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { A1() }; if (aa == 2) { A2() }; if (aa == 3) { A3() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } if (normal_killsays != _$_e6f4[23]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; function main() { status = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[32]); de = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[57]); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); if (realtime - lasttime >= de) { if (status == 1) { aad = 1 + Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * 3); aa = aad }; if (status == 2) { aad = aa + 1; if (aad > 3) { aad = 1 }; aa = aad }; if (aa == 1) { S1() }; if (aa == 2) { S2() }; if (aa == 3) { S3() }; lasttime = realtime }; if (realtime < lasttime) { lasttime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]](); realtime = Global[_$_e6f4[48]]() } } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) { function in_bounds(o, k, l, br, bs) { return (o[0] > k) && (o[1] > l) && (o[0] < br) && (o[1] < bs) } }; if (normal_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) { function draw_arc(k, l, bi, bj, bg, bk, Z) { var bh = (2 * Math[_$_e6f4[93]]) / 30; var step = Math[_$_e6f4[93]] / 180; var bf = bi - bk; var be = (bj + bg) * step; var bj = (bj * Math[_$_e6f4[93]]) / 180; for (; bi > bf; --bi) { for (var bl = bj; bl < be; bl += bh) { var ba = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](k + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bl)); var bc = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](l + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bl)); var bb = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](k + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bl + bh)); var bd = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](l + bi * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bl + bh)); Render[_$_e6f4[97]](ba, bc, bb, bd, Z) } } } }; function main_aa() { if (!World[_$_e6f4[98]]()) { return }; const k = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[29]), l = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[31]); var bv = Render[_$_e6f4[101]](_$_e6f4[100], 7, 100); var bx = Local[_$_e6f4[102]](); var bu = Local[_$_e6f4[103]](); var u = Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[105]](bx - bu) / 2, 60)[_$_e6f4[104]](1); var by = Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[95]](1.7 * Math[_$_e6f4[105]](u)), 100); if (UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79])) { var bz = _$_e6f4[107] } else { var bz = _$_e6f4[108] }; var bA = _$_e6f4[109] + u[_$_e6f4[110]]() + _$_e6f4[111] + by[_$_e6f4[110]]() + _$_e6f4[112] + bz + _$_e6f4[113]; var bt = Render[_$_e6f4[114]](bA, bv)[0] + 8; Render[_$_e6f4[115]](k - bt, l, bt, 2, [89, 89 + (u / 2), 89 + (u / 0.4), 100]); Render[_$_e6f4[115]](k - bt, l + 2, bt, 18, [17, 17, 17, 111]); Render[_$_e6f4[116]](k + 5 - bt, l + 5, 0, bA, [0, 0, 0, 180], bv); Render[_$_e6f4[116]](k + 4 - bt, l + 4, 0, bA, [255, 255, 255, 255], bv); Render[_$_e6f4[118]](k + 18 - bt + Render[_$_e6f4[114]](_$_e6f4[117] + u[_$_e6f4[110]](), bv)[0], l + 8, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]); draw_arc(k + 7 - bt, l + 10, 5, 0, u * 6, 2, [89, 119, 239, 255]); if (Global[_$_e6f4[119]](1) && UI[_$_e6f4[120]]()) { const bw = Global[_$_e6f4[121]](); if (in_bounds(bw, k - bt, l, k + bt, l + 30)) { UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[29], bw[0] + bt / 2); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], _$_e6f4[31], bw[1] - 20) } } } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[24]) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[0]) }; function clamp(t, s, r) { return Math[_$_e6f4[122]](Math[_$_e6f4[106]](t, r), s) } function get(bp) { return UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], bp) } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) { function render_effect() { if (alpha === 0) { return }; const cd = ((1 / get(_$_e6f4[44])) * Global[_$_e6f4[123]]()) * 255; const ce = ((1 / get(_$_e6f4[44])) * Global[_$_e6f4[123]]()) * 360; alpha = clamp(alpha - cd, 0, 255); size = clamp(size - ce, 0, 360); const k = Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0], l = Global[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1]; Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, 0, k, size, 0, [128, 195, 255, alpha], [128, 195, 255, 0]); Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, l - size, k, size, 0, [128, 195, 255, 0], [128, 195, 255, alpha]); Render[_$_e6f4[124]](k - size, 0, size, l, 1, [128, 195, 255, 0], [128, 195, 255, alpha]); Render[_$_e6f4[124]](0, 0, size, l, 1, [128, 195, 255, alpha], [128, 195, 255, 0]) } }; function on_death() { const bB = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[125])); const bC = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127])); const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]](); if (bB === P && bC != P) { alpha = 255; size = 360 } } if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) { UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[129], 0, 0) }; UI[_$_e6f4[12]](_$_e6f4[130], 0, 500); function fsn() { ui_arat_val = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[130]); switch (Global[_$_e6f4[132]]()) { case 5: { Global[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[131] + ui_arat_val[_$_e6f4[110]]() / 100); break }; default: break } } Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[133], _$_e6f4[134]); UI[_$_e6f4[35]](_$_e6f4[135], [_$_e6f4[37], _$_e6f4[136], _$_e6f4[137]]); function GetScriptOption(g) { var bq = UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], g); return bq } function radian(cc) { return cc * Math[_$_e6f4[93]] / 180.0 } function ExtendVector(bo, bl, bm) { var bn = radian(bl); return [bm * Math[_$_e6f4[94]](bn) + bo[0], bm * Math[_$_e6f4[96]](bn) + bo[1], bo[2]] } function VectorAdd(cg, ch) { return [cg[0] + ch[0], cg[1] + ch[1], cg[2] + ch[2]] } function VectorSubtract(cg, ch) { return [cg[0] - ch[0], cg[1] - ch[1], cg[2] - ch[2]] } function VectorMultiply(cg, ch) { return [cg[0] * ch[0], cg[1] * ch[1], cg[2] * ch[2]] } function VectorLength(k, l, m) { return Math[_$_e6f4[138]](k * k + l * l + m * m) } function VectorNormalize(o) { var G = VectorLength(o[0], o[1], o[2]); return [o[0] / G, o[1] / G, o[2] / G] } function VectorDot(cg, ch) { return cg[0] * ch[0] + cg[1] * ch[1] + cg[2] * ch[2] } function VectorDistance(cg, ch) { return VectorLength(cg[0] - ch[0], cg[1] - ch[1], cg[2] - ch[2]) } function ClosestPointOnRay(K, J, I) { var L = VectorSubtract(K, J); var F = VectorSubtract(I, J); var G = VectorLength(F[0], F[1], F[2]); F = VectorNormalize(F); var H = VectorDot(F, L); if (H < 0.0) { return J }; if (H > G) { return I }; return VectorAdd(J, VectorMultiply(F, [H, H, H])) } function Flip() { UI[_$_e6f4[139]](_$_e6f4[49], _$_e6f4[67], _$_e6f4[79]) } var lastHitTime = 0.0; var lastImpactTimes = [0.0]; var lastImpacts = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ]; function OnHurt() { if (GetScriptOption(_$_e6f4[135]) == 0) { return }; if (Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127])) !== Entity[_$_e6f4[128]]()) { return }; var ca = Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[140]); if (ca == 1 || ca == 6 || ca == 7) { var bG = Global[_$_e6f4[141]](); if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastHitTime - bG) > 0.5) { lastHitTime = bG; Flip() } } } function OnBulletImpact() { if (GetScriptOption(_$_e6f4[135]) !== 2) { return }; var bG = Global[_$_e6f4[141]](); if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastHitTime - bG) < 0.5) { return }; var bH = Entity[_$_e6f4[126]](Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[127])); var bQ = [Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[142]), Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[144]), Event[_$_e6f4[143]](_$_e6f4[145]), bG]; var bZ; if (Entity[_$_e6f4[146]](bH) && Entity[_$_e6f4[147]](bH)) { if (!Entity[_$_e6f4[148]](bH)) { bZ = Entity[_$_e6f4[149]](bH) } else { if (Math[_$_e6f4[105]](lastImpactTimes[bH] - bG) < 0.1) { bZ = lastImpacts[bH] } else { lastImpacts[bH] = bQ; lastImpactTimes[bH] = bG; return } }; var bR = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]](); var bT = Entity[_$_e6f4[149]](bR); var bU = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](bR, _$_e6f4[150], _$_e6f4[151]); var bS = VectorMultiply(VectorAdd(bT, bU), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); var bE = ClosestPointOnRay(bS, bZ, bQ); var bD = VectorDistance(bS, bE); if (bD < 128.0) { var bV = Local[_$_e6f4[102]](); var bI = Local[_$_e6f4[103]](); var bP = ClosestPointOnRay(bT, bZ, bQ); var bO = VectorDistance(bT, bP); var bN = ClosestPointOnRay(bU, bZ, bQ); var bM = VectorDistance(bU, bN); var bF; var bW; var bJ; if (bD < bO && bD < bM) { bF = bE; bW = ExtendVector(bE, bV + 180.0, 10.0); bJ = ExtendVector(bE, bI + 180.0, 10.0) } else { if (bM < bO) { bF = bN; var bX = ExtendVector(bE, bV - 30.0 + 100.0, 10.0); var bY = ExtendVector(bE, bV - 30.0 - 100.0, 10.0); var bK = ExtendVector(bE, bI - 30.0 + 100.0, 10.0); var bL = ExtendVector(bE, bI - 30.0 - 100.0, 10.0); if (VectorDistance(bN, bX) < VectorDistance(bN, bY)) { bW = bX } else { bW = bY }; if (VectorDistance(bN, bK) < VectorDistance(bN, bL)) { bJ = bK } else { bJ = bL } } else { bF = bP; bW = ExtendVector(bE, bV, 10.0); bJ = ExtendVector(bE, bI, 10.0) } }; if (VectorDistance(bF, bJ) < VectorDistance(bF, bW)) { lastHitTime = bG; Flip() } }; lastImpacts[bH] = bQ; lastImpactTimes[bH] = bG } } Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[153], _$_e6f4[154]); Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[155], _$_e6f4[156]); menu_c[_$_e6f4[157]] = function (a) { UI[_$_e6f4[3]](a) }; menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]] = function (e, g, a, h) { if (a in menu_elements_t) { throw new Error(_$_e6f4[159]) }; const c = g + menu_spacer + a; var d = [c]; const b = { name: g, label: a, properties: h }; if (h !== null) { for (var f = 0; f < h[_$_e6f4[64]]; f++) { d[_$_e6f4[160]](h[f]) } }; e[_$_e6f4[161]](null, d); menu_elements_t[a] = b; return a }; menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]] = function (a) { if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) { throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163]) }; const h = menu_elements_t[a]; const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]]; return UI[_$_e6f4[52]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c) }; menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]] = function (a) { if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) { throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163]) }; const h = menu_elements_t[a]; const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]]; return UI[_$_e6f4[80]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c) }; menu_c[_$_e6f4[166]] = function (a, i) { if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) { throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163]) }; const h = menu_elements_t[a]; const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]]; UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c, i) }; menu_c[_$_e6f4[167]] = function (a, j) { if (!(a in menu_elements_t)) { throw new Error(_$_e6f4[163]) }; const h = menu_elements_t[a]; const c = h[_$_e6f4[164]] + menu_spacer + h[_$_e6f4[157]]; UI[_$_e6f4[168]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[99], c, j) }; var vec3 = { __index: _$_e6f4[169] }; vec3[_$_e6f4[170]] = function (k, l, m) { if (k instanceof Array) { return { x: k[0], y: k[1], z: k[2] } }; return { x: k, y: l, z: m } }; vec3[_$_e6f4[171]] = function (n) { return [n[_$_e6f4[142]], n[_$_e6f4[144]], n[_$_e6f4[145]]] }; vec3[_$_e6f4[172]] = function (o, p) { if (p instanceof Number) { return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] + p, y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] + p, z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] + p } }; return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] + p[_$_e6f4[142]], y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] + p[_$_e6f4[144]], z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] + p[_$_e6f4[145]] } }; vec3[_$_e6f4[173]] = function (o, p) { if (p instanceof Number) { return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] - p, y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] - p, z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] - p } }; return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] - p[_$_e6f4[142]], y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] - p[_$_e6f4[144]], z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] - p[_$_e6f4[145]] } }; vec3[_$_e6f4[174]] = function (o, p) { if (p instanceof Number) { return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] * p, y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] * p, z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] * p } }; return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] * p[_$_e6f4[142]], y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] * p[_$_e6f4[144]], z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] * p[_$_e6f4[145]] } }; vec3[_$_e6f4[175]] = function (o, p) { if (p instanceof Number) { return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] / p, y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] / p, z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] / p } }; return { x: o[_$_e6f4[142]] / p[_$_e6f4[142]], y: o[_$_e6f4[144]] / p[_$_e6f4[144]], z: o[_$_e6f4[145]] / p[_$_e6f4[145]] } }; vec3[_$_e6f4[64]] = function (n) { return Math[_$_e6f4[138]]((n[_$_e6f4[142]] * n[_$_e6f4[142]]) + (n[_$_e6f4[144]] * n[_$_e6f4[144]]) + (n[_$_e6f4[145]] * n[_$_e6f4[145]])) }; vec3[_$_e6f4[176]] = function (n, q) { return vec3[_$_e6f4[64]](vec3[_$_e6f4[173]](q, n)) }; const clamp = function (t, s, r) { return Math[_$_e6f4[106]](Math[_$_e6f4[122]](t, s), r) }; const max_radius = Math[_$_e6f4[93]] * 2; const step = max_radius / 24; var unduck = false; var is_lj = false; var last_log = 0; var last_delta = 0; var last_color = null; var velocity_data = []; const info = menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]](UI[_$_e6f4[177]], _$_e6f4[178], _$_e6f4[179], null); const info_offset = menu_c[_$_e6f4[158]](UI[_$_e6f4[12]], _$_e6f4[180], _$_e6f4[181], [0, 500]); function do_jump_bug(Q) { const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]](); if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) { return }; if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](jb) && !menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](cb)) { if (unduck) { unduck = false; Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[183]) }; return }; if (unduck) { unduck = false; Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[183]) }; const N = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]); const O = vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[150], _$_e6f4[151])); const T = vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[186])); T = vec3[_$_e6f4[174]](T, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Globals[_$_e6f4[187]](), Globals[_$_e6f4[187]](), 0)); O = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, T); if (N & 1) { if (Q) { UserCMD[_$_e6f4[188]]() }; return }; for (var f = 0; f < max_radius; f += step) { const R = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Math[_$_e6f4[94]](f) * 17, Math[_$_e6f4[96]](f) * 17, 0)); const M = vec3[_$_e6f4[172]](O, vec3[_$_e6f4[170]](Math[_$_e6f4[94]](f) * 17, Math[_$_e6f4[96]](f) * 17, -9)); const S = Trace[_$_e6f4[97]](P, vec3[_$_e6f4[171]](R), vec3[_$_e6f4[171]](M)); if (S[1] !== 0 && S[1] !== 1) { Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[189]); unduck = true; return } } } function do_long_jump() { const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]](); if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) { return }; const N = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]); if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](lj)) { if (is_lj) { is_lj = false; Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[190]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 0) }; return }; if (N & 1) { if (is_lj) { is_lj = false; Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[190]); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 0); return } } else { if (!is_lj) { is_lj = true; UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[191], _$_e6f4[192], 3); return }; Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[193]) } } const get_delta_color = function (u) { u = Math[_$_e6f4[95]](u); if (u > 0) { u = [255, 200, 205, 250] } else { if (u < 0) { u = [220, 255, 200, 250] } else { if (u > -1 && u < 1) { u = [255, 255, 200, 250] } } }; return u }; function do_velocity_info() { const P = Entity[_$_e6f4[128]](); if (!P || !Entity[_$_e6f4[182]](P)) { return }; if (!menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]](info)) { return }; const k = Render[_$_e6f4[30]]()[0], l = Render[_$_e6f4[30]]()[1] + menu_c[_$_e6f4[162]](info_offset); const o = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[186]); const Y = Math[_$_e6f4[138]](o[0] * o[0] + o[1] * o[1]); const V = Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]) & 1 || Entity[_$_e6f4[152]](P, _$_e6f4[184], _$_e6f4[185]) & 17; Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2, l / 2 + 150, 1, Math[_$_e6f4[95]](Y)[_$_e6f4[110]](), get_delta_color(last_delta), 4); Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2 + 1, l / 2 + 185, 1, _$_e6f4[195], [225, 225, 225, 255], 2); Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 - 100, l / 2 + 25, k / 2 - 100, l / 2 + 145, [100, 100, 100, 255]); Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 - 115, l / 2 + 130, k / 2 + 95, l / 2 + 130, [100, 100, 100, 255]); if (Globals[_$_e6f4[141]]() - last_log > Globals[_$_e6f4[187]]()) { last_log = Globals[_$_e6f4[141]](); velocity_data[_$_e6f4[196]]([Y, V]) }; if (velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] < 2) { Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2, 120, 1, _$_e6f4[197], [200, 200, 200, Math[_$_e6f4[96]]((Globals[_$_e6f4[48]]() % 3) * 4) * (255 / 2 - 1) + 255 / 2], 12); return }; if (velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] > 40) { velocity_data[_$_e6f4[198]]() }; for (var f = 0; f < velocity_data[_$_e6f4[64]] - 1; f++) { const U = velocity_data[f][0]; const X = velocity_data[f + 1][0]; const W = velocity_data[f][1] && !velocity_data[f + 1][1]; if (f === 0) { last_delta = X - U }; Render[_$_e6f4[97]](k / 2 + 90 - (f - 1) * 5, l / 2 + 130 - (clamp(U, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), k / 2 + 90 - f * 5, l / 2 + 130 - (clamp(X, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), [200, 200, 200, 255]); if (W) { Render[_$_e6f4[194]](k / 2 + 100 - (f + 1) * 5, l / 2 + 115 - (clamp(X, 0, 450) * 75 / 320), 0, Math[_$_e6f4[95]](X)[_$_e6f4[110]](), [255, 200, 200, 255], 3) } } } function on_create_move() { const Q = menu_c[_$_e6f4[165]](jb); do_jump_bug(Q); do_long_jump() } function reset() { last_log = Globals[_$_e6f4[141]](); velocity_data = [] } Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[199], _$_e6f4[200]); Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[202]); Cheat[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[203], _$_e6f4[204]); Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[91], _$_e6f4[205]); Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[206]); //const normal_killsays = [_$_e6f4[23]]; //const hs_killsays = [_$_e6f4[24]]; //const on_death = function () { // if (true) { // { // Cheat[_$_e6f4[1]](_$_e6f4[61] + (Event[_$_e6f4[63]](_$_e6f4[62]) == 1 && Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() > 0.5 ? hs_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * hs_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])] : normal_killsa[Math[_$_e6f4[60]](Math[_$_e6f4[59]]() * normal_killsa[_$_e6f4[64]])])); // Local[_$_e6f4[66]](_$_e6f4[65]) // } // } //}; if (hs_killsays != _$_e6f4[34]) { addtomenu() }; UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[207], yawoffset); UI[_$_e6f4[69]](_$_e6f4[54], _$_e6f4[55], _$_e6f4[56], _$_e6f4[208], jitteroffset); Global[_$_e6f4[78]](_$_e6f4[201], _$_e6f4[209]);
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