Сделал .txt ибо югейм не пускает с js
var _0x4426 = ["clear", "delay", "resume", "func", "times", "max", "push", "run", "prototype", "splice", "forEach", "+----------------------------------------+\x0A", "|- Hello! |\x0A", "|- Thx for use v1cord |\x0A", "+------------------------------------------+", "| youtube.com/c/v1pix |", "| Credits: v1pix#0001 |", "| v1pixcord |", "Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", "Yaw offset", "Extra", "Pitch", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip", "At targets", "LegitAA key", "Script items", "Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Restrictions", "0", "Low Delta", "JAVASCRIPT", "enBZW", "ORqXw", "oTQmZ", "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]", "sqrt", "oWWho", "biXan", "Ping Spike", "GENERAL", "Extended backtracking", "Force Head", "Rage", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", "PISTOL", "HEAVY PISTOL", "SCOUT", "AWP", "AUTOSNIPER", "Reversed freestanding", "xHETv", "BgMFM", "DMG", "KmDlh", "Inverter", "Safe point on limbs", "PI", "sin", "cos", "Max Misses", "Max misses", "target_index", "userid", "attacker", "ceil", "Draw", "SetEnabledms", "Double Tap", "bind a 1", "GetProp", "ExecuteCommand", "OverrideShift", "bind w 1", "Enable", "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase", "Double tap Recharge speed", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack", "AddSliderInt", "RegisterCallback", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE", "CBaseCombatWeapon", "Print", "CreateMove", "GetLocalPlayer", "Double tap tolerance", "Recharge", "TickInterval", "m_yaw 1", "_TBC_UNLOAD", "GetValue", "GetWeapon", "GetUsername", "DisableRecharge", "quit", "Unload", "shift", "0x1a", "0x12", "0x10", "0x19", "0x1", "0xe", "0xf", "0x9", "0x18", "0x7", "0x4", "0x1c", "m_flNextAttack", "0x15", "0x11", "GetCharge", "0x0", "0xd", "Disable", "0x1b", "0x3", "OverrideTolerance", "0xb", "0x2", "0x000x0", "1", "0x16", "EnableRecharge", "SetEnabledDT", "0x17", "0x14", "0x13", "0x6", "0x1e", "Indicators", "Show indicators", "Doubletap", "Hide shots", "Safe point", "Override min dmg", "Inverter arrows", "Inverter arrows color", "Aspect Ratio", "Aspect ratio", "Watermark", "Watermark Color", "HotKey list", "HotKey", "HotKey_x", "HotKey_y", "Fake indicator", "Fake Color", "Fake_x", "Fake_y", "TickBase indicator", "TickBase Color", "Tickbase_x", "Tickbase_y", "DhBNa", "bFjnS", "DT", "Exploits", "LOW DELTA", "General", "Force safe point", "SAFEPOINT", "ONSHOT", "Override minimum dmg key", "SetEnabled1", "Tahoma", "Minimum damage", "length", "Jump Scout/Revolver Hitchance", "Hitchance", "ssg 08", "r8 revolver", "m_fFlags", "oxhiI", "SetEnabled11", "Verdana", "Slow walk", "min", "indexOf", "Fake duck", "Duck peek assist", "Movement", "Auto peek", "Anti-aim inverter", "Safe point override", "Force body aim", "Double tap", "Damage override", "v1cord", "[holding]", "[toggled]", "main_hotkeys", "SetEnabledhk", "\x0A", "getHours", "getMinutes", "getSeconds", ":", "v1 [beta] | ", " | ping: ", "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing", "round", "ms | ", "tick | ", "SetEnabledWatermark", "toFixed", "abs", "<", ">", " FAKE (", " ) | safety: ", "% | side: ", "FAKE (", "main_aa", "SetEnabledfakeind", "", "a", "desert eagle", "b", "dual berettas", "c", "five seven", "d", "glock 18", "e", "ak 47", "f", "aug", "g", "awp", "h", "famas", "i", "m249", "j", "g3sg1", "k", "galil ar", "l", "m4a4", "m", "m4a1 s", "n", "mac 10", "o", "p2000", "p", "mp5 sd", "q", "ump 45", "r", "xm1014", "s", "pp bizon", "t", "mag 7", "u", "negev", "v", "sawed off", "w", "tec 9", "x", "zeus x27", "y", "p250", "z", "mp7", "A", "mp9", "B", "nova", "C", "p90", "D", "scar 20", "E", "sg 553", "F", "G", "knife", "H", "flashbang", "I", "high explosive grenade", "J", "smoke grenade", "K", "molotov", "L", "decoy grenade", "M", "incendiary grenade", "N", "c4 explosive", "P", "usp s", "Q", "cz75 auto", "R", "V", "bayonet", "W", "flip knife", "X", "gut knife", "Y", "karambit", "Z", "m9 bayonet", "falchion knife", "2", "bowie knife", "3", "butterfly knife", "4", "shadow daggers", "5", "ursus knife", "6", "navaja knife", "7", "stiletto knife", "8", "skeleton knife", "huntsman knife", "talon knife", "25", "classic knife", "paracord knife", "survival knife", "nomad knife", "bullet", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 16", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 7", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 0", "CKnife", "CWeaponSSG08", "CWeaponAWP", "CHEGrenade", "CMolotovGrenade", "CIncendiaryGrenade", "CFlashbang", "CSmokeGrenade", "CDecoyGrenade", "CWeaponTaser", "CC4", "main_dt", "SetEnabledtickbaseind", "Grenade Helper", "Draw locations through walls", "Activate helper", "Silent throw (Rage)", "Enabled grenades", "Nade location tools", "SetEnabledgrenadhelper", "\", [", "You must specify a valid time to run!", "text", "running", " ]\x0A", "SetViewAngles", "attacked", "m_vecOrigin", "player_connect_full", "StringCustom", "Line", "on_chat", "FilledRect", "filter", "atan2", "TextSize", "WorldToScreen", "GetRenderOrigin", "You have cancelled this grenade setup!", "GetMapName", "SetButtons", "Molotovs", "cancel", "check_visibility", "locations.js", "Your grenade is ready to go!\x0A", "IsLocalPlayer", "start_tick", "Throw", "GetViewAngles", "AddMultiDropdown", "Please enter a number!", "], \"", "toLowerCase", "[ \"", "Smokes", "GetInt", "Curtime", "Grenade setup", "PrintChat", "draw", "GetScreenSize", "GetName", "Tickcount", "GetServerString", "], [", "m_vecViewOffset[2]", "GetEyePosition", "GetButtons", "IsHotkeyActive", "next_tick_ang", "high explosive grenades", "AddHotkey", "GetString", "Run+Jump+Throw", "SetMovement", "Circle", "Your grenade is ready to go, check console!", "run_start", "Please hold a valid grenade!", "GradientRect", "How far should you run (in ticks) to throw this nade? (default = 22)", "Jump+Throw", "Grenade setup has timed out!", "GetEntityFromUserID", "move_on_key", "Run+Throw", "SetEnabled", "closest", "ignore_input", "AddCheckbox", "player_say", "Half throw", "String", "\",\"", "Flashbangs", "\", \"", "Please enter a name for this grenade. (Type `cancel` to cancel setup!)", "print_nade_stats", "0x63", "0x34", "0x47", "0x42", "0x22", "0x45", "0x6a", "0x31", "0x2c", "0x68", "0x35", "0x25", "0x5", "0x43", "0x3d", "0x33", "0x6c", "0x54", "0x32", "0x59", "0x27", "0x48", "0x23", "0x36", "0x5d", "0x3b", "0x50", "0x1f", "0x69", "0x1d", "0x2b", "How do you throw this grenade? (0 = Throw, 1 = Run+Throw, 2 = Jump+Throw, 3 = Run+Jump+Throw, 4 = Half throw)", "0x2d", "0x2a", "0x5b", "0x56", "0x65", "0x55", "0x4d", "0x26", "0x53", "0x30", "0x40", "0x3e", "0x2e", "0x67", "0x6b", "\", 0 ]\x0A", "\",", "0x64", "0x4f", "locations", "0x5f", "0x8", "0x2f", "0x28", "0x57", "0x51", "0x5c", "0x58", "0x62", "0x4c", "0x52", "0x39", "0x21", "0xc", "0x3f", "0x61", "0x49", "0x4b", "0xa", "0x60", "0x29", "moved_base", "0x4e", "0x44", "0x5e", "sort", "0x41", "0x20", "0x3c", "0x4a", "hypot", "0x38", "0x37", "0x24", "0x5a", "on_local_connect", "0x46", "0x66", "0x3a", "DT_CSPlayer", "Chat Log", "generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "?", "body", "hitchance", "safepoint", "hitbox", "exploit", "Hit ", "hitgroup", "dmg_health", "health", "weapon", "T", "true", "false", "hegrenade", "Naded ", "inferno", "Burned ", "Knifed ", "[v1cord] ", " \x08[\x0Cv1cord\x08] [\x0C", "\x08] ", "\'s \x10", "\x08 for \x07", "\x08 (", " remaining) aimed=\x10", "\x08(", "%%) safety=\x03", "\x08 (\x10", "\x08) (\x10", "\x08:\x10", "\x08)\x0A", "[", "] ", "\'s ", " for ", " (", " remaining) aimed=", "(", "%%) safety=", ") (", ")\x0A", ")", " remaining) \x0A", " remaining)", " bought ", "Lucida Console", "death", "dead", "spread", "prediction error", "Missed ", "%%) due to ", ", safety=", "\x08Missed ", "%%) due to \x07", "\x08, safety=\x03", "\x08)", "ragebot_fire", "item_purchase", "player_hurt", "hitlog", "onDraw", "removelogs", "Better AutoSrafer", "AutoSrafer", "Turn speed", "apply", "SetEnabledbas", "ClanTags", "ClanTag", "Off", "YeahNOT", "weave.su", "x45foRQ", "145foRQ", "945foRQ", "Y45foRQ", "Y15foRQ", "Y55foRQ", "Yh5foRQ", "Ye5foRQ", "YeyfoRQ", "YeQfoRQ", "YeTfoRQ", "YeafoRQ", "YeaYoRQ", "YeapoRQ", "YeaUoRQ", "Yea1oRQ", "Yea8oRQ", "YeahoRQ", "YeahlRQ", "Yeah9RQ", "Yeah3RQ", "YeahQRQ", "YeahjRQ", "YeahmRQ", "YeahNRQ", "YeahNwQ", "YeahNkQ", "YeahNbQ", "YeahNCQ", "YeahNOQ", "YeahNOg", "YeahNO3", "YeahNO8", "YeahNO2", " WEAVE.SU ", " W3AVE.SU ", " W34VE.SU ", " WE4V3.SU ", " WEAV3.5U ", " W3AV3.5U ", " W34V3.5U ", " &E4VE.SU ", " $E@%^.S+ ", " $!@%^.?; ", "SetEnabledclantag", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled", "r_aspectratio ", "SetEnabledAR", "FrameStageNotify", "fsn", "--------------------------------------------", "Drawsss", "cM", "weapon_fire", "fire", "checkDelays", "onRender", "main", "draww", "pingspike", "v1pixaa", "on_ragebot_fire", "on_player_hurt", "on_create_move", "player_death", "on_player_death", "round_start", "reset_miss_logs"];
var delays = [];
function Delay(_0x154cx3, _0x154cx4, _0x154cx5) {
this[_0x4426[1]] = _0x154cx3;
this[_0x4426[2]] = Globals.Curtime() + _0x154cx3;
this[_0x4426[3]] = _0x154cx4;
this[_0x4426[4]] = 0;
this[_0x4426[5]] = _0x154cx5 || 1;
Delay[_0x4426[8]][_0x4426[7]] = function () {
this[_0x4426[2]] += this[_0x4426[1]];
return this[_0x4426[4]] >= this[_0x4426[5]]
function checkDelays() {
currTime = Globals.Curtime();
delays[_0x4426[10]](function (_0x154cx3, _0x154cx7) {
currTime >= _0x154cx3[_0x4426[2]] && _0x154cx3[_0x4426[7]]() && delays[_0x4426[9]](_0x154cx7, 1)
function worlda() {
Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[11])
function hello() {
Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[12])
function world() {
Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[13])
function worldaa() {
Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[11])
new Delay(1, worlda);
new Delay(2, hello);
new Delay(3, world);
new Delay(4, worldaa);
var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20]);
var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21]);
var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23]);
var Inverter_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25]);
var attargets_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26]);
function isActive(_0x154cx12) {
return UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], _0x154cx12)
function v1pixaa() {
localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (isActive(_0x4426[27])) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21], 180);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23], 0);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20], 0);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25], false);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26], false)
} else {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[30], _0x4426[31], _0x4426[32]);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21], 0);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20], jitter_cache);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23], pitch_cache);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25], Inverter_cache);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26], attargets_cache)
function LowDelta() {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33])) {
shouldDisableOverride = !![], AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
var _0x154cx15 = -9,
_0x154cx16 = 0,
_0x154cx17 = !![],
_0x154cx18 = 30,
_0x154cx19 = 17,
_0x154cx1a = _0x154cx17 ? _0x154cx18 : _0x154cx18 * 2;
if (_0x154cx15 > 0) {
if (_0x4426[35] === _0x4426[35]) {
AntiAim.SetRealOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx15 + _0x154cx1a);
if (_0x154cx15 < _0x154cx19) {
if (_0x4426[36] === _0x4426[36]) {
_0x154cx19 = _0x154cx15
} else {
function _0x154cx1b() {
firedThisTick = [], storedShotTime = [], info = []
_0x154cx17 ? AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx19) : AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx15 - _0x154cx19 * 2)
} else {
function _0x154cx1c() {
if (Exploit.GetCharge() == 1) {
return !![]
return ![]
} else {
if (_0x4426[37] !== _0x4426[37]) {
function _0x154cx1d() {
var _0x154cx1e = Entity.GetProp(entity_id, _0x4426[38], _0x4426[39]),
_0x154cx1f = Math[_0x4426[40]](_0x154cx1e[0] * _0x154cx1e[0] + _0x154cx1e[1] * _0x154cx1e[1]);
if (_0x154cx1f >= 10 && _0x154cx1f <= 85) {
return !![]
} else {
return ![]
} else {
_0x154cx15 > _0x154cx19 && (_0x154cx19 = _0x154cx15), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx15 - _0x154cx1a), _0x154cx17 ? AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx19) : AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx15 + _0x154cx19 * 2)
if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && shouldDisableOverride == !![]) {
if (_0x4426[41] === _0x4426[42]) {
function _0x154cx20() {
var _0x154cx21 = Entity.GetProp(entity_id, _0x4426[38], _0x4426[39]),
_0x154cx22 = Math[_0x4426[40]](_0x154cx21[0] * _0x154cx21[0] + _0x154cx21[1] * _0x154cx21[1]);
return 58 - 58 * _0x154cx22 / 580
} else {
shouldDisableOverride = ![], AntiAim.SetOverride(0)
var extended_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45]);
function isActive(a) {
return UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], a)
function pingspike() {
if (isActive(_0x4426[43])) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45], true)
} else {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45], extended_cache)
seta = false;
setb = true;
function main() {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) {
if (!seta) {
hba = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
hbb = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
hbc = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
hbd = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
hbe = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
hbf = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1);
seta = true;
setb = false
} else {
if (!setb) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hba);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbb);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbc);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbd);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbe);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbf);
setb = true;
seta = false
function ReversedFreestanding() {
if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[55])) {
var _0x154cx28 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (Entity.IsValid(_0x154cx28)) {
if (_0x4426[56] === _0x4426[57]) {
function _0x154cx29() {
drawnSoFar += 1, Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + (enabledCount - drawnSoFar) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[58], [255, 128, 0, 255], 3)
} else {
var _0x154cx2a = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0x154cx28);
left_distance = trace(_0x154cx28, [0, _0x154cx2a[1] - 33]), right_distance = trace(_0x154cx28, [0, _0x154cx2a[1] + 33]);
if (left_distance > right_distance) {
if (_0x4426[59] === _0x4426[59]) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])
} else {
function _0x154cx2b() {
if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[61])) {
Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(12), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(11), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(10), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(9)
if (right_distance > left_distance) {
if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])
function deg2rad(_0x154cx2d) {
return _0x154cx2d * Math[_0x4426[62]] / 180
function angle_to_vec(_0x154cx2f, _0x154cx30) {
var _0x154cx31 = deg2rad(_0x154cx2f),
_0x154cx32 = deg2rad(_0x154cx30),
_0x154cx33 = Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx31),
_0x154cx34 = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx31),
_0x154cx35 = Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx32),
_0x154cx36 = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx32);
return [_0x154cx34 * _0x154cx36, _0x154cx34 * _0x154cx35, -_0x154cx33]
function trace(_0x154cx38, _0x154cx39) {
var _0x154cx3a = angle_to_vec(_0x154cx39[0], _0x154cx39[1]),
_0x154cx3b = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(_0x154cx38);
_0x154cx3b[2] += 50;
var _0x154cx3c = [_0x154cx3b[0] + _0x154cx3a[0] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[1] + _0x154cx3a[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[2] + _0x154cx3a[2] * 8192],
_0x154cx3d = Trace.Line(_0x154cx38, _0x154cx3b, _0x154cx3c);
if (_0x154cx3d[1] == 1) {
_0x154cx3c = [_0x154cx3b[0] + _0x154cx3a[0] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[1] + _0x154cx3a[1] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[2] + _0x154cx3a[2] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192];
var _0x154cx3e = Math[_0x4426[40]]((_0x154cx3b[0] - _0x154cx3c[0]) * (_0x154cx3b[0] - _0x154cx3c[0]) + (_0x154cx3b[1] - _0x154cx3c[1]) * (_0x154cx3b[1] - _0x154cx3c[1]) + (_0x154cx3b[2] - _0x154cx3c[2]) * (_0x154cx3b[2] - _0x154cx3c[2]));
_0x154cx3b = Render.WorldToScreen(_0x154cx3b), _0x154cx3c = Render.WorldToScreen(_0x154cx3c);
if (_0x154cx3c[2] != 1 || _0x154cx3b[2] != 1) {
return _0x154cx3e
function CreateMove() {
if (!Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
ReversedFreestanding(), SetHitchanceInAir(), SafepointOnLimbs(), OverrideMinimumDamage(), LowDelta()
function SafepointOnLimbs() {
if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[61])) {
Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(12), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(11), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(10), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(9)
var waiting_for_hit = false;
var target_idx = 0;
var tick_count = -1;
var misses = [64];
var safety_ents = [64];
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[66], 1, 4);
function on_ragebot_fire() {
waiting_for_hit = true;
target_idx = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[67]);
tick_count = Globals.Tickcount()
function on_player_hurt() {
var _0x154cx48 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]));
if (_0x154cx48 == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
var _0x154cx49 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69]));
if (_0x154cx49 != Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
if (_0x154cx48 != target_idx) {
waiting_for_hit = false;
target_idx = 0;
tick_count = -1
function on_create_move() {
var _0x154cx4b = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate();
var _0x154cx4c = 1 + Math[_0x4426[70]]((Local.Latency() * 2) / _0x154cx4b);
if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= _0x154cx4c && waiting_for_hit) {
if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66])) {
safety_ents[target_idx] = 1
waiting_for_hit = false;
target_idx = 0;
tick_count = -1
var _0x154cx4d = Ragebot.GetTarget();
if (_0x154cx4d == 0) {
if (safety_ents[_0x154cx4d] == 1) {
function on_player_death() {
var _0x154cx4f = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]));
function reset_miss_logs() {
for (var _0x154cx51 = 0; _0x154cx51 < 64; _0x154cx51++) {
function reset_specific_miss_logs(_0x154cx4f) {
misses[_0x154cx4f] = 0;
safety_ents[_0x154cx4f] = 0
function SetEnabledms() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[65])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[72]);
var _0x356a = [_0x4426[74], _0x4426[75], _0x4426[76], _0x4426[77], _0x4426[78], _0x4426[79], _0x4426[80], _0x4426[81], _0x4426[82], _0x4426[83], _0x4426[84], _0x4426[85], _0x4426[86], _0x4426[87], _0x4426[88], _0x4426[89], _0x4426[29], _0x4426[90], _0x4426[91], _0x4426[92], _0x4426[93], _0x4426[94], _0x4426[95], _0x4426[96], _0x4426[97], _0x4426[98], _0x4426[99], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[100], _0x4426[101], _0x4426[34]];
(function (_0x154cx55, _0x154cx56) {
var _0x154cx57 = function (_0x154cx58) {
while (--_0x154cx58) {
}(_0x356a, 0x93));
var _0x3f03 = function (_0x154cx55, _0x154cx56) {
_0x154cx55 = _0x154cx55 - 0x0;
var _0x154cx57 = _0x356a[_0x154cx55];
return _0x154cx57
UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[104])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[103]), 0x0, 0x3), UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[104])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[105]), -0x2, 0xe);
function can_shift_shot(_0x154cx5b) {
var _0x154cx5c = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[106])](),
_0x154cx5d = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[107])](_0x154cx5c);
if (_0x154cx5c == null || _0x154cx5d == null) {
return ![]
var _0x154cx5e = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5c, _0x3f03(_0x4426[108]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[109])) + UI[_0x4426[96]](_0x3f03(_0x4426[111]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[112]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[113]), _0x4426[82]),
_0x154cx5f = Globals[_0x3f03(_0x4426[114])]() * (_0x154cx5e - _0x154cx5b);
if (_0x154cx5f < Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5c, _0x3f03(_0x4426[108]), _0x4426[115])) {
return ![]
if (_0x154cx5f < Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5d, _0x3f03(_0x4426[116]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[117]))) {
return ![]
return !![]
function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() {
var _0x154cx61 = Exploit[_0x4426[118]](),
_0x154cx62 = UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[119])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[111]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[112]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[113]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[103]));
Exploit[(_0x154cx61 != 0x1 ? _0x3f03(_0x4426[120]) : _0x4426[121]) + _0x3f03(_0x4426[122])](), can_shift_shot(0xe) && _0x154cx61 != 0x1 && (Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[123])](), Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[122])]()), Exploit[_0x4426[124]](_0x154cx62 / 0x2), Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[125])](0xe - _0x154cx62 / 0x2)
uname = Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[126])]();
if (uname != _0x4426[127]) {
} else {
function _TBC_UNLOAD() {
function SetEnabledDT() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[73])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[91], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[82], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[91], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[82], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[131]);
Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[134])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[132]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[133])), Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[134])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[135]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[136]));
UI.AddMultiDropdown(_0x4426[138], [_0x4426[33], _0x4426[139], _0x4426[140], _0x4426[141], _0x4426[142]]);
UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], [255, 165, 0, 230]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[146], 0, 200);
const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[151], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[152], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[155], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[156], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[159], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[160], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
function DrawToggles() {
if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[137])) {
var _0x154cx68 = Global.GetScreenSize(),
_0x154cx69 = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144]);
if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143])) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
if (_0x4426[161] === _0x4426[162]) {
function _0x154cx6a() {
_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[163], [0, 255, 0, 255], 3);
const _0x154cx6b = -255 * Exploit.GetCharge();
Render.Rect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 6, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 39, 13, 4, [0, 0, 0, 22]), Render.GradientRect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 5, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 40, (Exploit.GetCharge() + 0.1) * 10, 2, 1, [_0x154cx6b, 255, 0, 70], [_0x154cx6b, 255, 0, 200])
} else {
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9]
], [0, 0, 0, 80]), Render.Polygon([
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9]
], _0x154cx69)
} else {
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9]
], _0x154cx69), Render.Polygon([
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2],
[_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9]
], [0, 0, 0, 80])
var _0x154cx6c = GetActiveIndicators(),
_0x154cx6d = 0;
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 1)) {
_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[163], [0, 255, 0, 255], 3);
const _0x154cx6e = -255 * Exploit.GetCharge();
Render.Rect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 6, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 39, 13, 4, [0, 0, 0, 22]), Render.GradientRect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 5, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 40, (Exploit.GetCharge() + 0.1) * 10, 2, 1, [_0x154cx6e, 255, 0, 70], [_0x154cx6e, 255, 0, 200])
UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 0) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[165], [255, 255, 0, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 3) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[168], [0, 255, 255, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 2) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[169], [155, 255, 155, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 4) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[58], [255, 128, 0, 255], 3))
function SetEnabled1() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[137])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[171]);
var firedThisTick = [],
storedShotTime = [],
font = null,
fontFlags = 0,
shouldDisable, shouldDisableOverride, info = [],
safeTargets = [],
color = [255, 0, 0, 255];
function getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7a, _0x154cx7b) {
var _0x154cx7c = 1 << _0x154cx7b;
return _0x154cx7a & _0x154cx7c ? !![] : ![]
function GetActiveIndicators() {
var _0x154cx7e = 0,
_0x154cx7f = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]);
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 1)) {
_0x154cx7e += 1
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 2)) {
_0x154cx7e += 1
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 0)) {
_0x154cx7e += 1
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 3)) {
_0x154cx7e += 1
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 4)) {
_0x154cx7e += 1
return _0x154cx7e
function Drawsss() {
font == null && (font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[172], 7, 700));
if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {};
if (!Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[173], 0, 130);
safeTargets = [];
info = [];
function OverrideMinimumDamage() {
if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) {
var _0x154cx82 = Entity.GetEnemies();
value = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[173]);
for (i = 0; i < _0x154cx82[_0x4426[174]]; i++) {
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(_0x154cx82[i], value)
UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[176], 0, 100);
function SetHitchanceInAir() {
if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[175])) {
var _0x154cx84 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
if (_0x154cx84 != _0x4426[177] && _0x154cx84 != _0x4426[178]) {
var _0x154cx85 = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x4426[38], _0x4426[179]);
if (!(_0x154cx85 & 1 << 0) && !(_0x154cx85 & 1 << 18)) {
if (_0x4426[180] !== _0x4426[180]) {
function _0x154cx86() {
var _0x154cx87 = Entity.GetEyePosition(local);
left_distance = trace(local, [0, _0x154cx87[1] - 33]), right_distance = trace(local, [0, _0x154cx87[1] + 33]);
if (left_distance > right_distance) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])
if (right_distance > left_distance) {
if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])
} else {
target = Ragebot.GetTarget(), value = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176]), Ragebot.ForceTargetHitchance(target, value)
function SetEnabled11() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[175])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[181]);
var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150]);
if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], [89, 119, 239, 3])
var alpha = 0;
var maxwidth = 0;
var swalpha = 0;
var fdalpha = 0;
var apalpha = 0;
var aialpha = 0;
var spalpha = 0;
var fbalpha = 0;
var dtalpha = 0;
var hsalpha = 0;
var doalpha = 0;
var fsalpha = 0;
var psalpha = 0;
var textalpha = 0;
var h = new Array();
function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) {
return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e)
function main_hotkeys() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151]),
_0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152]);
colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150]);
var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100);
var _0x154cxa0 = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
var _0x154cxa1 = 75;
var maxwidth = 0;
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[183])) {
swalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](swalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
swalpha = swalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (swalpha < 0) {
swalpha = 0
if (swalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[186])) {
fdalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fdalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
fdalpha = fdalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (fdalpha < 0) {
fdalpha = 0
if (fdalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[189])) {
apalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](apalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
apalpha = apalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (apalpha < 0) {
apalpha = 0
if (apalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
aialpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
aialpha = aialpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (aialpha < 0) {
aialpha = 0
if (aialpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
aialpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
aialpha = aialpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (aialpha < 0) {
aialpha = 0
if (aialpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167])) {
spalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](spalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
spalpha = spalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (spalpha < 0) {
spalpha = 0
if (spalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[192])) {
fbalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fbalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
fbalpha = fbalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (fbalpha < 0) {
fbalpha = 0
if (fbalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) {
dtalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](dtalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
dtalpha = dtalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (dtalpha < 0) {
dtalpha = 0
if (dtalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) {
hsalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](hsalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
hsalpha = hsalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (hsalpha < 0) {
hsalpha = 0
if (hsalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[43])) {
psalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](psalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
psalpha = psalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (psalpha < 0) {
psalpha = 0
if (psalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) {
doalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](doalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
doalpha = doalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (doalpha < 0) {
doalpha = 0
if (doalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) {
fsalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fsalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
fsalpha = fsalpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (fsalpha < 0) {
fsalpha = 0
if (fsalpha == 0) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[183])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[183]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[186])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[187]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[189])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[189]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[190]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[191]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[192])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[192]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[193]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[140]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[43])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[43]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[46]) == -1) {
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) {
if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[194]) == -1) {
if (h[_0x4426[174]] > 0) {
alpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](alpha + _0x154cxa0, 1)
} else {
alpha = alpha - _0x154cxa0;
if (alpha < 0) {
alpha = 0
for (i = 0; i < h[_0x4426[174]]; i++) {
if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0]
if (maxwidth == 0) {
maxwidth = 50
_0x154cxa1 = _0x154cxa1 + maxwidth;
if (alpha > 0) {
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 3, _0x154cxa1, 2, [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], alpha * 255]);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 5, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, alpha * 255]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[195], font)[0] / 2) + 2, _0x154cx9c + 9, 0, _0x4426[195], [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[195], font)[0] / 2) + 1, _0x154cx9c + 8, 0, _0x4426[195], [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font);
for (i = 0; i < h[_0x4426[174]]; i++) {
switch (h[i]) {
case _0x4426[183]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[187]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[189]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[190]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[191]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[192]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[193]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[140]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[194]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[43]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](psalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, psalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, psalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, psalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, psalpha * 255], font);
case _0x4426[46]:
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fsalpha * 255], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, fsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, fsalpha * 255], font);
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1, _0x154cx9c + 30)) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], _0x154cxa2[0] - _0x154cxa1 / 2);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[198]);
function SetEnabledhk() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[199]);
username = Cheat.GetUsername();
Cheat.Print(username + _0x4426[200]);
var color = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148]);
if (color[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], [89, 119, 239, 255])
function draww() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
var _0x154cxa5 = new Date();
var _0x154cxa6 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]]();
var _0x154cxa7 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]]();
var _0x154cxa8 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]]();
var _0x154cxa9 = _0x154cxa6 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]]() + _0x4426[204] : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]]() + _0x4426[204];
var _0x154cxaa = _0x154cxa7 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]]() + _0x4426[204] : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]]() + _0x4426[204];
var _0x154cxab = _0x154cxa8 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]]() : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]]();
color = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148]);
var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100);
var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[205] + username + _0x4426[206] + Math[_0x4426[209]](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x4426[207], _0x4426[208])).toString() + _0x4426[210] + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + _0x4426[211] + _0x154cxa9 + _0x154cxaa + _0x154cxab;
var h = 18;
var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8;
var _0x154cx9b = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
var _0x154cx9c = 10;
_0x154cx9b = _0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad - 10;
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, h, [17, 17, 17, color[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font)
function SetEnabledWatermark() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[212]);
var colora = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154]);
if (colora[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], [89, 119, 239, 255])
function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) {
return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e)
function draw_arc(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxb1, _0x154cxb2, _0x154cxb3, _0x154cxb4, color) {
var _0x154cxb5 = (2 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) / 30;
var _0x154cxb6 = Math[_0x4426[62]] / 180;
var _0x154cxb7 = _0x154cxb1 - _0x154cxb4;
var _0x154cxb8 = (_0x154cxb2 + _0x154cxb3) * _0x154cxb6;
var _0x154cxb2 = (_0x154cxb2 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) / 180;
for (; _0x154cxb1 > _0x154cxb7; --_0x154cxb1) {
for (var _0x154cxb9 = _0x154cxb2; _0x154cxb9 < _0x154cxb8; _0x154cxb9 += _0x154cxb5) {
var _0x154cxba = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxb9));
var _0x154cxbb = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9c + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cxb9));
var _0x154cxbc = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxb9 + _0x154cxb5));
var _0x154cxbd = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9c + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cxb9 + _0x154cxb5));
Render.Line(_0x154cxba, _0x154cxbb, _0x154cxbc, _0x154cxbd, color)
function main_aa() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155]),
_0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156]);
var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100);
var _0x154cxbf = Local.GetRealYaw();
var _0x154cxc0 = Local.GetFakeYaw();
var _0x154cxc1 = Math[_0x4426[184]](Math[_0x4426[214]](_0x154cxbf - _0x154cxc0) / 2, 60)[_0x4426[213]](1);
var safety = Math[_0x4426[184]](Math[_0x4426[209]](1.7 * Math[_0x4426[214]](_0x154cxc1)), 100);
if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) {
var _0x154cxc3 = _0x4426[215]
} else {
var _0x154cxc3 = _0x4426[216]
var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[217] + _0x154cxc1.toString() + _0x4426[218] + safety.toString() + _0x4426[219] + _0x154cxc3;
var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8;
colora = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154]);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 2, [89, 89 + (_0x154cxc1 / 2), 89 + (_0x154cxc1 / 0.4), 255]);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, 18, [17, 17, 17, colora[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
Render.Circle(_0x154cx9b + 18 - _0x154cxad + Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[220] + _0x154cxc1.toString(), font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 8, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
draw_arc(_0x154cx9b + 7 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 10, 5, 0, _0x154cxc1 * 6, 2, [89, 119, 239, 255]);
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 30)) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], _0x154cxa2[0] + _0x154cxad / 2);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[221]);
function SetEnabledfakeind() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[222]);
var coloraa = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158]);
if (coloraa[3] == 0) {
UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], [89, 119, 239, 255])
function get_icon(a) {
var _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[223];
switch (a) {
case _0x4426[225]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[224];
case _0x4426[227]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[226];
case _0x4426[229]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[228];
case _0x4426[231]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[230];
case _0x4426[233]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[232];
case _0x4426[235]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[234];
case _0x4426[237]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[236];
case _0x4426[239]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[238];
case _0x4426[241]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[240];
case _0x4426[243]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[242];
case _0x4426[245]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[244];
case _0x4426[247]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[246];
case _0x4426[249]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[248];
case _0x4426[251]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[250];
case _0x4426[253]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[252];
case _0x4426[255]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[254];
case _0x4426[257]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[256];
case _0x4426[259]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[258];
case _0x4426[261]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[260];
case _0x4426[263]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[262];
case _0x4426[265]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[264];
case _0x4426[267]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[266];
case _0x4426[269]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[268];
case _0x4426[271]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[270];
case _0x4426[273]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[272];
case _0x4426[275]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[274];
case _0x4426[277]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[276];
case _0x4426[279]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[278];
case _0x4426[281]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[280];
case _0x4426[283]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[282];
case _0x4426[285]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[284];
case _0x4426[177]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[286];
case _0x4426[288]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[287];
case _0x4426[290]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[289];
case _0x4426[292]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[291];
case _0x4426[294]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[293];
case _0x4426[296]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[295];
case _0x4426[298]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[297];
case _0x4426[300]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[299];
case _0x4426[302]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[301];
case _0x4426[304]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[303];
case _0x4426[306]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[305];
case _0x4426[178]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[307];
case _0x4426[309]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[308];
case _0x4426[311]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[310];
case _0x4426[313]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[312];
case _0x4426[315]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[314];
case _0x4426[317]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316];
case _0x4426[318]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[128];
case _0x4426[320]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[319];
case _0x4426[322]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[321];
case _0x4426[324]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[323];
case _0x4426[326]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[325];
case _0x4426[328]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[327];
case _0x4426[330]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[329];
case _0x4426[332]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[331];
case _0x4426[333]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[32];
case _0x4426[334]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[331];
case _0x4426[336]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[335];
case _0x4426[337]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316];
case _0x4426[338]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316];
case _0x4426[339]:
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316];
_0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[223];
return _0x154cxc7
function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) {
return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e)
var fa = 0;
var sa = 0;
function main_dt() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159]),
_0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160]);
localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(localplayer_index);
weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon);
g_Local_classname = Entity.GetClassName(localplayer_weapon);
var _0x154cxcb = Entity.GetProp(localplayer_weapon, _0x4426[87], _0x4426[83]);
var _0x154cxcc = false;
if (_0x154cxcb <= Globals.Curtime()) {
_0x154cxcc = true
var _0x154cxa0 = 8 * Globals.Frametime();
var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100);
var _0x154cxcd = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[340], 18, 100);
if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) {
var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[341];
var color = [89, 119, 239, 255]
} else {
if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) {
var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[342];
var color = [89, 119, 239, 255]
} else {
var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[343];
var color = [89, 89, 89, 255]
var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8;
coloraa = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158]);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 2, color);
Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, 18, [17, 17, 17, coloraa[3]]);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);
Render.String(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 22, 0, get_icon(weapon_name), [255, 255, 255, 255], 5);
if ((g_Local_classname == _0x4426[344] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[345] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[346] || weapon_name == _0x4426[178] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[347] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[348] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[349] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[350] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[351] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[352] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[353] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[354])) {} else {
if (_0x154cxcc) {
fa = Math[_0x4426[184]](fa + _0x154cxa0, 1);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 10 + Render.TextSize(get_icon(weapon_name), 5)[0], _0x154cx9c + 18, 0, _0x4426[276], [255, 255, 255, fa * 255], _0x154cxcd)
} else {
fa = 0
if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) {
sa = Math[_0x4426[184]](sa + _0x154cxa0, 1);
Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 30 + Render.TextSize(get_icon(weapon_name), 5)[0], _0x154cx9c + 18, 0, _0x4426[276], [255, 255, 255, sa * 255], _0x154cxcd)
} else {
sa = 0
if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) {
const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition();
if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 30)) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], _0x154cxa2[0] - _0x154cxad / 2);
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[355]);
function SetEnabledtickbaseind() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[356]);
function SetEnabledgrenadhelper() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[357])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[358], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[359], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[360], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[361], 1);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[362], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[358], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[359], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[360], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[361], 0);
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[362], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[363]);
var _0x50e2 = [_0x4426[364], _0x4426[365], _0x4426[292], _0x4426[366], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[6], _0x4426[367], _0x4426[298], _0x4426[368], _0x4426[369], _0x4426[63], _0x4426[75], _0x4426[358], _0x4426[370], _0x4426[294], _0x4426[360], _0x4426[371], _0x4426[372], _0x4426[373], _0x4426[374], _0x4426[290], _0x4426[375], _0x4426[376], _0x4426[377], _0x4426[185], _0x4426[378], _0x4426[379], _0x4426[380], _0x4426[381], _0x4426[382], _0x4426[383], _0x4426[384], _0x4426[38], _0x4426[385], _0x4426[386], _0x4426[387], _0x4426[388], _0x4426[389], _0x4426[390], _0x4426[89], _0x4426[391], _0x4426[392], _0x4426[393], _0x4426[394], _0x4426[395], _0x4426[396], _0x4426[397], _0x4426[398], _0x4426[399], _0x4426[400], _0x4426[401], _0x4426[359], _0x4426[402], _0x4426[403], _0x4426[404], _0x4426[71], _0x4426[405], _0x4426[9], _0x4426[406], _0x4426[407], _0x4426[408], _0x4426[409], _0x4426[410], _0x4426[411], _0x4426[412], _0x4426[361], _0x4426[413], _0x4426[414], _0x4426[415], _0x4426[40], _0x4426[416], _0x4426[417], _0x4426[64], _0x4426[418], _0x4426[419], _0x4426[420], _0x4426[421], _0x4426[422], _0x4426[85], _0x4426[423], _0x4426[96], _0x4426[424], _0x4426[88], _0x4426[68], _0x4426[425], _0x4426[426], _0x4426[427], _0x4426[300], _0x4426[428], _0x4426[429], _0x4426[430], _0x4426[431], _0x4426[97], _0x4426[432], _0x4426[296], _0x4426[433], _0x4426[214], _0x4426[174], _0x4426[434], _0x4426[435], _0x4426[436], _0x4426[437], _0x4426[438], _0x4426[362], _0x4426[90], _0x4426[439], _0x4426[440], _0x4426[441], _0x4426[442]];
(function (_0x154cxd1, _0x154cxd2) {
var _0x154cxd3 = function (_0x154cxd4) {
while (--_0x154cxd4) {
}(_0x50e2, 0xd9));
var _0x482c = function (_0x154cxd1, _0x154cxd2) {
_0x154cxd1 = _0x154cxd1 - 0x0;
var _0x154cxd3 = _0x50e2[_0x154cxd1];
return _0x154cxd3
UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[451])](_0x482c(_0x4426[446]), [_0x482c(_0x4426[447]), _0x482c(_0x4426[448]), _0x482c(_0x4426[449]), _0x482c(_0x4426[450])]);
_locations = require(_0x482c(_0x4426[454]));
var ticks_to_run = 0x16;
var last_angle_time = 0x0;
var chat_tut = ![];
var chat_stage = 0x0;
var chat_start = 0x0;
var temp_nade = [];
function print_nade_stats() {
if (UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[456])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[453])) && !chat_tut && World[_0x482c(_0x4426[457])]() != _0x4426[223]) {
chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])]();
chat_stage = 0x0;
chat_tut = !![]
function on_chat() {
if (!Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[463])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[462])](Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[461])](_0x482c(_0x4426[460])))) || !chat_tut) {
var _0x154cxde = Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[464])](_0x482c(_0x4426[113]));
if (_0x154cxde[_0x4426[397]]() == _0x482c(_0x4426[465])) {
chat_tut = ![];
temp_nade = [];
chat_stage = 0x0;
chat_start = 0x0;
if (chat_stage == 0x0) {
if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x4426[90]]())))) {
return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[469]))
temp_nade[0x0] = World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]();
temp_nade[0x1] = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]());
temp_nade[0x2] = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]();
temp_nade[0x3] = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()));
temp_nade[0x4] = _0x154cxde + _0x4426[223];
chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])]();
} else {
if (chat_stage == 0x1) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(_0x154cxde)) || parseInt(_0x154cxde) > 0x4 || parseInt(_0x154cxde) < 0x0) {
return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[475]))
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x0) {
temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[476])
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x1) {
temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[477])
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x2) {
temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[478])
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x3) {
temp_nade[0x5] = _0x4426[418]
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x4) {
temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[479])
chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])]();
if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x1) {
chat_stage = 0x3;
} else {
temp_nade[0x6] = 0x0;
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x482c(_0x4426[484]) + World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[107]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[485])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()) + _0x482c(_0x4426[486]) + Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[487]) + Entity[_0x4426[406]](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())) + _0x482c(_0x4426[488]) + temp_nade[0x4] + _0x482c(_0x4426[489]) + temp_nade[0x5] + _0x4426[490]);
chat_stage = 0x0;
chat_tut = ![];
temp_nade = [];
chat_start = 0x0
} else {
if (chat_stage == 0x3) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(_0x154cxde)) || parseInt(_0x154cxde) < 0x1) {
return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[126]))
temp_nade[0x6] = parseInt(_0x154cxde);
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x482c(_0x4426[484]) + World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[107]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[485])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()) + _0x482c(_0x4426[486]) + Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[487]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())) + _0x4426[438] + temp_nade[0x4] + _0x482c(_0x4426[489]) + temp_nade[0x5] + _0x4426[491] + parseInt(_0x154cxde) + _0x482c(_0x4426[110]));
chat_stage = 0x0;
chat_tut = [];
temp_nade = [];
chat_start = 0x0
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[492]), _0x482c(_0x4426[129]));
var locations = _locations[_0x4426[494]];
var map_cache = [];
var enabled_grenades = [];
var selection_cache = 0x0;
var hand_cache = 0x0;
const GRENADE_TYPES = [_0x482c(_0x4426[123]), _0x482c(_0x4426[109]), _0x482c(_0x4426[495]), _0x482c(_0x4426[496]), _0x4426[300], _0x482c(_0x4426[116])];
var weapon = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()));
if (weapon == _0x4426[300]) {
weapon = _0x4426[296]
map_cache = locations[_0x4426[377]](function (_0x154cxe6) {
return _0x154cxe6[0x0] == World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() && ~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe6[0x3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]()) && _0x154cxe6[0x3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]() == weapon
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[119]));
function draw() {
if (chat_tut && Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])]() - chat_start > 15) {
chat_stage = 0;
chat_start = 0;
chat_tut = ![];
temp_nade = [];
UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[501])](_0x482c(_0x4426[453]), UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x4426[28], _0x482c(_0x4426[452])));
var _0x154cxe8 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()));
if (_0x154cxe8 == _0x482c(_0x4426[502])) {
_0x154cxe8 = _0x482c(_0x4426[495])
if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe8)) {
if (selection_cache != UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x4426[28], _0x482c(_0x4426[446])) || (hand_cache != _0x154cxe8 || !~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe8))) {
map_cache = locations[_0x4426[377]](function (_0x154cxe9) {
return _0x154cxe9[0] == World[_0x4426[383]]() && ~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe9[3][_0x4426[397]]()) && _0x154cxe9[3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]() == _0x154cxe8
if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0) {
var _0x154cxea;
for (_0x154cxea in map_cache) {
var _0x154cxeb = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[114])]([map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][0], map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][1], map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][2] - 63]);
if (!map_cache[_0x154cxea][7] && !UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[120]))) {
var _0x154cxec = angle_to_vec(map_cache[_0x154cxea][2][0], map_cache[_0x154cxea][2][1]);
var _0x154cxed = map_cache[_0x154cxea][1];
_0x154cxec = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[114])]([_0x154cxed[0] + _0x154cxec[0] * 400, _0x154cxed[1] + _0x154cxec[1] * 400, _0x154cxed[2] + _0x154cxec[2] * 400]);
var _0x154cxee = calc_dist(Entity[_0x4426[381]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()), map_cache[_0x154cxea][1]);
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[504])](_0x154cxeb[0], _0x154cxeb[1], 6, [89, 119, 239, 255]);
var _0x154cxef = Render[_0x4426[379]](map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], 8);
var _0x154cxf0 = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[122])](map_cache[_0x154cxea][5], 8);
Render[_0x4426[376]](_0x154cxeb[0] + 9, _0x154cxeb[1] - _0x154cxef[1] / 1.5, _0x154cxef[0] + 7, _0x154cxef[1] + 4, [45, 43, 48, 255]);
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[505])](_0x154cxeb[0] + 10, _0x154cxeb[1] - _0x154cxef[1] / 1.5, _0x154cxef[0] + 5, 2, 1, [89, 119, 239, 255], [89, 119, 239, 255]);
shadow(_0x154cxeb[0] + 12.5, _0x154cxeb[1] - 5, 0, map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], ![], undefined, [255, 255, 255, 255], 8);
if (_0x154cxee > 70) {
shadow(_0x154cxec[0] + 12.5, _0x154cxec[1] - 5, 0, map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], ![], undefined, [255, 255, 255, 255], 8);
Render[_0x4426[420]](_0x154cxec[0], _0x154cxec[1], 6, [56, 200, 56, 255]);
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[133])](Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[506])]()[0] / 2, Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[506])]()[1] / 2, _0x154cxec[0], _0x154cxec[1], [255, 255, 255, 255])
function check_visibility() {
if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0x0 || World[_0x482c(_0x4426[457])]() == _0x4426[223]) {
var _0x154cxf2 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]();
eye_angles = Local[_0x4426[393]]();
head = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[508])](_0x154cxf2, _0x482c(_0x4426[507]), _0x482c(_0x4426[117]));
offset = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[508])](_0x154cxf2, _0x482c(_0x4426[507]), _0x482c(_0x4426[509]));
head = vector_add(head, [0x0, 0x0, offset[0x0]]);
for (var _0x154cxf3 in map_cache) {
var _0x154cxf4 = Trace[_0x482c(_0x4426[133])](_0x154cxf2, head, map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x1]);
if (map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x7] == undefined) {
map_cache[_0x154cxf3][_0x482c(_0x4426[135])](_0x154cxf4[0x1] == 0x1)
} else {
map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x7] = _0x154cxf4[0x1] == 0x1
function fix_move(_0x154cxf6, _0x154cxf7, _0x154cxf8) {
var _0x154cxf9 = function (_0x154cxfa) {
return _0x154cxfa / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]
var _0x154cxfb, _0x154cxfc, _0x154cxfd;
if (_0x154cxf7[0x1] < 0x0) {
_0x154cxfb = 0x168 + _0x154cxf7[0x1]
} else {
_0x154cxfb = _0x154cxf7[0x1]
if (_0x154cxf6[0x1] < 0x0) {
_0x154cxfc = 0x168 + _0x154cxf6[0x1]
} else {
_0x154cxfc = _0x154cxf6[0x1]
if (_0x154cxfc < _0x154cxfb) {
_0x154cxfd = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[510])](_0x154cxfc - _0x154cxfb)
} else {
_0x154cxfd = 0x168 - Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[510])](_0x154cxfb - _0x154cxfc)
return [Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd)) * _0x154cxf8[0x0] + Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd + 0x5a)) * _0x154cxf8[0x1], Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd)) * _0x154cxf8[0x0] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd + 0x5a)) * _0x154cxf8[0x1], 0x0]
function move_forward(_0x154cxff) {
var _0x154cx100 = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]();
var _0x154cx101 = [0x1c2, 0x0, 0x0];
var _0x154cx102 = fix_move(_0x154cxff, _0x154cx100, _0x154cx101);
var _0x154cx103 = UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x4426[360]) == 0x1 ? !![] : ![];
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](_0x154cxff, _0x154cx103)
function move_on_key() {
if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0x0) {
if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())))) {
var _0x154cx105 = UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[105])) == 0x1 ? !![] : ![];
if (!UI[_0x4426[413]](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[444]))) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = 0x0;
this[_0x4426[414]] = [];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = ![];
this[_0x4426[516]] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0;
if (this[_0x4426[414]] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = []
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])]) {
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](this[_0x4426[414]], _0x154cx105);
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])][_0x4426[174]]) {
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])], _0x154cx105)
if (this[_0x4426[370]] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = ![]
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] == null) {
this[_0x4426[391]] = 0x0
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![]
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = []
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![]
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] == null) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0
var _0x154cx106 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x4426[90]]());
var _0x154cx107 = map_cache[_0x4426[520]](function (_0x154cx108, _0x154cx109) {
return calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx108[0x1]) - calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx109[0x1])
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) {
_0x154cx107 = this[_0x4426[432]]
if (calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx107[0x1]) > 0xc8 && !this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])]) {
var _0x154cx10a = move_to_target(_0x154cx107[0x1]);
if (_0x154cx10a || this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])]) {
if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[476])) {
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1);
this[_0x4426[370]] = !![];
this[_0x4426[433]] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2]
} else {
if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[477])) {
if (!this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = _0x154cx107
if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] == 0x0) {
this[_0x4426[391]] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]()
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = !![];
if (this[_0x4426[422]] == 0x0) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]()
if (this[_0x4426[367]] && Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] > _0x154cx107[0x6]) {
if (!this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])]) {
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1);
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![]
if (Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] > _0x154cx107[0x6] + 0x8) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![];
this[_0x4426[370]] = ![];
this[_0x4426[432]] = [];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0
} else {
if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[478])) {
UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 | 0x2);
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![]
} else {
if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[524])) {
if (!this[_0x4426[432]][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = _0x154cx107
if (this[_0x4426[391]] == 0x0) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]()
var _0x154cx10b = angle_to_vec(_0x154cx107[0x2][0x0], _0x154cx107[0x2][0x1]);
_0x154cx10b = vec_mul_fl(_0x154cx10b, 0x82);
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = !![];
var _0x154cx10c = vector_sub(vector_add(_0x154cx10b, _0x154cx107[0x1]), Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()));
var _0x154cx10d = Math[_0x4426[525]](_0x154cx10c[0x0], _0x154cx10c[0x1]);
if (_0x154cx10d < 0x50) {
UserCMD[_0x4426[384]](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 | 0x2);
this[_0x4426[370]] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = [];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![];
this[_0x4426[414]] = _0x154cx107[0x2]
} else {
if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x4426[436]) {
if (this[_0x4426[391]] == 0x0) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]()
UserCMD[_0x4426[384]](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 << 0x0 | 0x1 << 0xb);
if (Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x4426[391]] > 0x18) {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2]
} else {
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = [];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![];
this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = 0x0;
this[_0x4426[516]] = ![];
this[_0x4426[422]] = 0x0
function on_local_connect() {
if (Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[463])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[462])](Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[461])](_0x4426[68])))) {
map_cache = locations[_0x482c(_0x4426[111])](function (_0x154cx10f) {
return _0x154cx10f[0x0] == World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]()
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[526]), _0x482c(_0x4426[527]));
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[528]));
Cheat[_0x4426[85]](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[529]));
Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[104]), _0x4426[530]);
function getAngles(_0x154cx111, _0x154cx112) {
newPos = vector_sub(_0x154cx112, _0x154cx111);
xyDist = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](newPos[0x0] * newPos[0x0] + newPos[0x1] * newPos[0x1]);
yaw = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[103])](newPos[0x1], newPos[0x0]) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4426[62]];
pitch = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[103])](-newPos[0x2], xyDist) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4426[62]];
roll = 0x0;
angles = [pitch, yaw, roll];
return angles
function vector_sub(_0x154cx114, _0x154cx115) {
return [_0x154cx114[0x0] - _0x154cx115[0x0], _0x154cx114[0x1] - _0x154cx115[0x1], _0x154cx114[0x2] - _0x154cx115[0x2]]
function degreesToRadians(_0x154cx117) {
return _0x154cx117 * Math[_0x4426[62]] / 0xb4
function angle_to_vec(_0x154cx118, _0x154cx119) {
var _0x154cx11a = degreesToRadians(_0x154cx118);
var _0x154cx11b = degreesToRadians(_0x154cx119);
var _0x154cx11c = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx11a);
var _0x154cx11d = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx11a);
var _0x154cx11e = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx11b);
var _0x154cx11f = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx11b);
return [_0x154cx11d * _0x154cx11f, _0x154cx11d * _0x154cx11e, -_0x154cx11c]
function vector_add(_0x154cx121, _0x154cx122) {
newVec = [_0x154cx121[0x0] + _0x154cx122[0x0], _0x154cx121[0x1] + _0x154cx122[0x1], _0x154cx121[0x2] + _0x154cx122[0x2]];
return newVec
function shadow(_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx128, _0x154cx129, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx12b) {
if (_0x154cx128) {
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[134])](_0x154cx124 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx125 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff], _0x154cx129);
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[134])](_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx129)
} else {
Render[_0x4426[437]](_0x154cx124 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx125 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff], _0x154cx12b);
Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[532])](_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx12b)
function import_grenade_selection() {
var _0x154cx12d = UI[_0x4426[96]](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[446]));
if (_0x154cx12d == 0x0) {
enabled_grenades = []
if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x0) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[296])) {
} else {
if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[495])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x0)) {
enabled_grenades[_0x4426[9]](enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[495])), 0x1)
if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x1) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[123]))) {
} else {
if (~enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[292]) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x1)) {
enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[123])), 0x1)
if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x2) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[116]))) {
} else {
if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[116])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x2)) {
enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[116])), 0x1)
if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x3) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[294])) {
} else {
if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[109])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x3)) {
enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[294]), 0x1)
selection_cache = _0x154cx12d;
hand_cache = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()))
function vec_mul_fl(_0x154cx12f, _0x154cx130) {
return [_0x154cx12f[0x0] * _0x154cx130, _0x154cx12f[0x1] * _0x154cx130, _0x154cx12f[0x2] * _0x154cx130]
function calc_dist(_0x154cx132, _0x154cx133) {
x = _0x154cx132[0x0] - _0x154cx133[0x0];
y = _0x154cx132[0x1] - _0x154cx133[0x1];
z = _0x154cx132[0x2] - _0x154cx133[0x2];
return Math[_0x4426[40]](x * x + y * y + z * z)
function move_to_target(_0x154cx135, _0x154cx136) {
var _0x154cx137 = Entity[_0x4426[90]]();
var _0x154cx138 = Entity[_0x4426[381]](_0x154cx137);
_0x154cx138[0x2] = Entity[_0x4426[411]](_0x154cx137)[0x2];
var _0x154cx139 = [_0x154cx135[0x0] - _0x154cx138[0x0], _0x154cx135[0x1] - _0x154cx138[0x1], _0x154cx135[0x2] - _0x154cx138[0x2]];
var _0x154cx13a = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]()[0x1];
var _0x154cx13b = [];
var _0x154cx13c = 0x14;
_0x154cx13b[0x0] = (Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x1] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x0]) * _0x154cx13c;
_0x154cx13b[0x1] = (Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x0] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * -_0x154cx139[0x1]) * _0x154cx13c;
_0x154cx13b[0x2] = 0x0;
var _0x154cx13d = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](_0x154cx139[0x0] * _0x154cx139[0x0] + _0x154cx139[0x1] * _0x154cx139[0x1] + _0x154cx139[0x2] * _0x154cx139[0x2]);
var _0x154cx13e = Entity[_0x4426[75]](_0x154cx137, _0x4426[534], _0x4426[39]);
var _0x154cx13f = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](_0x154cx13e[0x0] * _0x154cx13e[0x0] + _0x154cx13e[0x1] * _0x154cx13e[0x1] + _0x154cx13e[0x2] * _0x154cx13e[0x2]);
return _0x154cx13d < (_0x154cx136 ? _0x154cx136 : 0x1) && (_0x154cx13f < 0x2 || _0x154cx136)
function getDropdownValue(_0x154cx140, _0x154cx141) {
var _0x154cx142 = 0x1 << _0x154cx141;
return _0x154cx140 & _0x154cx142 ? !![] : ![]
hitboxes = [_0x4426[536], _0x4426[537], _0x4426[538], _0x4426[539], _0x4426[540], _0x4426[541], _0x4426[542], _0x4426[543], _0x4426[544]];
var scriptitems = (_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28]);
var shots = 0;
var predicthc = 0;
var safety = 0;
var hitboxName = _0x4426[223];
var choked = 0;
var exploit = 0;
var logs = [];
var logsct = [];
var logsalpha = [];
function getHitboxName(_0x154cx7) {
switch (_0x154cx7) {
case 0:
hitboxName = _0x4426[537];
case 1:
hitboxName = _0x4426[537];
case 2:
hitboxName = _0x4426[539];
case 3:
hitboxName = _0x4426[539];
case 4:
hitboxName = _0x4426[539];
case 5:
hitboxName = _0x4426[538];
case 6:
hitboxName = _0x4426[538];
case 7:
hitboxName = _0x4426[542];
case 8:
hitboxName = _0x4426[543];
case 9:
hitboxName = _0x4426[542];
case 10:
hitboxName = _0x4426[543];
case 11:
hitboxName = _0x4426[542];
case 12:
hitboxName = _0x4426[543];
case 13:
hitboxName = _0x4426[540];
case 14:
hitboxName = _0x4426[541];
case 15:
hitboxName = _0x4426[540];
case 16:
hitboxName = _0x4426[540];
case 17:
hitboxName = _0x4426[541];
case 18:
hitboxName = _0x4426[541];
hitboxName = _0x4426[545]
return hitboxName
function HitgroupName(_0x154cx7) {
return hitboxes[_0x154cx7] || _0x4426[545]
var target = -1;
var shots_fired = 0;
var hits = 0;
var lastUpdate = 0;
var logged = false;
function ragebot_fire() {
predicthc = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[546]);
safety = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[547]);
hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[548]));
exploit = (Event.GetInt(_0x4426[549]) + 1).toString();
target = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[67]);
logged = false;
lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime()
function hitlog() {
var _0x154cx155 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]));
var _0x154cx49 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69]));
if (_0x154cx49 == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && _0x154cx155 == target) {
var _0x154cx156 = _0x4426[550];
me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
hitbox = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[551]);
target_damage = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[552]);
target_health = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[553]);
victim = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]);
_0x154cx49 = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69]);
weapon = Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]);
victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(_0x154cx49);
name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
var _0x154cx157 = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
var _0x154cx158 = _0x4426[223];
if (exploit == 2) {
_0x154cx158 += _0x4426[555]
_0x154cx158 += _0x4426[278];
if (hitbox == 1) {
_0x154cx158 += _0x4426[289]
if (safety == 1) {
safety = _0x4426[556]
} else {
safety = _0x4426[557]
if (weapon == _0x4426[558]) {
_0x154cx156 = _0x4426[559]
} else {
if (weapon == _0x4426[560]) {
_0x154cx156 = _0x4426[561]
} else {
if (weapon == _0x4426[288]) {
_0x154cx156 = _0x4426[562]
if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]);
if (_0x154cx156 == _0x4426[550]) {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[535])) {
Cheat.PrintChat(_0x4426[564] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[565] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[566] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[567] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[568] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[569] + hitboxName + _0x4426[570] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[571] + safety + _0x4426[572] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[573] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[574] + exploit + _0x4426[575])
Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[581] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[583] + safety + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[585]);
logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[581] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[583] + safety + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[586])
} else {
Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[587]);
logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[588])
if (shots == 99) {
shots = 0
} else {
function removelogs() {
if (logs[_0x4426[174]] > 6) {
if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
function item_purchase() {
Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]);
Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]))) + _0x4426[589] + Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]) + _0x4426[200]);
logs[_0x4426[6]](Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]))) + _0x4426[589] + Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]) + _0x4426[223]);
function onDraw() {
if (!World.GetServerString()) {
var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[590], 8, 0);
for (i = 0; i < logs[_0x4426[174]]; i++) {
Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13 * i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13 * i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font)
if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
shots_fired = 0;
hits = 0
if (!logged) {
var _0x154cx157 = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
logged = true;
var _0x154cx15c = _0x4426[556];
var _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[544];
if (safety == 0) {
_0x154cx15c = _0x4426[557]
if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false) {
_0x154cx15d = _0x4426[591]
} else {
if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false) {
_0x154cx15d = _0x4426[592]
} else {
if (safety == true && predicthc < 76) {
_0x154cx15d = _0x4426[593]
} else {
if (safety == true && predicthc > 76) {
_0x154cx15d = _0x4426[594]
var _0x154cx158 = _0x4426[223];
if (exploit == 2) {
_0x154cx158 += _0x4426[555]
_0x154cx158 += _0x4426[278];
Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]);
Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x4426[595] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[578] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[596] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[597] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[585]);
logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x4426[595] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[578] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[596] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[597] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[586]);
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[535])) {
Cheat.PrintChat(_0x4426[564] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[565] + _0x4426[598] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[566] + hitboxName + _0x4426[570] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[599] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[600] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[572] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[573] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[574] + exploit + _0x4426[601])
if (shots == 99) {
shots = 0
} else {
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[602], _0x4426[602]);
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[603], _0x4426[603]);
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[604], _0x4426[605]);
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[606]);
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[607]);
var a = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[609], 295, 400);
function d() {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[610], UI[_0x4426[96]][_0x4426[611]](null, a))
function SetEnabledbas() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[608])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[609], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[609], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[612]);
UI.AddDropdown(_0x4426[614], [_0x4426[615], _0x4426[616], _0x4426[617]]);
var lasttime = 0;
function onRender() {
var _0x154cx162 = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[614]);
var _0x154cx163 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 1));
var _0x154cx164 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 1.35));
var _0x154cx165 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 2));
if (_0x154cx163 != lasttime) {
if (_0x154cx162 == 1) {
switch ((_0x154cx163) % 40) {
case 0: {
case 1: {
case 2: {
case 3: {
case 4: {
case 5: {
case 6: {
case 7: {
case 8: {
case 9: {
case 10: {
case 11: {
case 12: {
case 13: {
case 14: {
case 15: {
case 16: {
case 17: {
case 18: {
case 19: {
case 20: {
case 21: {
case 22: {
case 23: {
case 24: {
case 25: {
case 26: {
case 27: {
case 28: {
case 29: {
case 30: {
case 31: {
case 32: {
case 33: {
case 34: {
case 35: {
case 36: {
case 37: {
case 38: {
case 39: {
case 40: {
if (_0x154cx162 == 2) {
switch ((_0x154cx164) % 9) {
case 0: {
case 1: {
case 2: {
case 3: {
case 4: {
case 5: {
case 6: {
case 7: {
case 8: {
case 9: {
lasttime = _0x154cx163
function SetEnabledclantag() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[613])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[614], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[614], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[662]);
var next_tick_should_fakelag = true;
function fire() {
var _0x154cx169 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]));
if (_0x154cx169 != Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) {
next_tick_should_fakelag = false
function cM() {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[663], _0x4426[664], true);
if (!next_tick_should_fakelag) {
UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[663], _0x4426[664], false);
next_tick_should_fakelag = true
function fsn() {
ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[146]);
switch (Global.FrameStage()) {
case 5: {
Global.ExecuteCommand(_0x4426[665] + ui_arat_val.toString() / 100);
function SetEnabledAR() {
if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145])) {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[146], 1)
} else {
UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[146], 0)
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[666]);
Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[667], _0x4426[668]);
function Main() {
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[89]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[670]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[89]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[671]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[672], _0x4426[673]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[674]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[675]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[230]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[676]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[606]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[677]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[86]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[101], _0x4426[95]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[678]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[679]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[602], _0x4426[680]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[604], _0x4426[681]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[682]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[683], _0x4426[684]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[685], _0x4426[686])
а как ты его вытащил, ибо у меня вск не читаетJavaScript:var _0x4426 = ["clear", "delay", "resume", "func", "times", "max", "push", "run", "prototype", "splice", "forEach", "+----------------------------------------+\x0A", "|- Hello! |\x0A", "|- Thx for use v1cord |\x0A", "+------------------------------------------+", "| youtube.com/c/v1pix |", "| Credits: v1pix#0001 |", "| v1pixcord |", "Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Jitter offset", "Yaw offset", "Extra", "Pitch", "Fake angles", "Inverter flip", "At targets", "LegitAA key", "Script items", "Misc", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "Restrictions", "0", "Low Delta", "JAVASCRIPT", "enBZW", "ORqXw", "oTQmZ", "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]", "sqrt", "oWWho", "biXan", "Ping Spike", "GENERAL", "Extended backtracking", "Force Head", "Rage", "Targeting", "Hitboxes", "PISTOL", "HEAVY PISTOL", "SCOUT", "AWP", "AUTOSNIPER", "Reversed freestanding", "xHETv", "BgMFM", "DMG", "KmDlh", "Inverter", "Safe point on limbs", "PI", "sin", "cos", "Max Misses", "Max misses", "target_index", "userid", "attacker", "ceil", "Draw", "SetEnabledms", "Double Tap", "bind a 1", "GetProp", "ExecuteCommand", "OverrideShift", "bind w 1", "Enable", "CCSPlayer", "m_nTickBase", "Double tap Recharge speed", "m_flNextPrimaryAttack", "AddSliderInt", "RegisterCallback", "_TBC_CREATE_MOVE", "CBaseCombatWeapon", "Print", "CreateMove", "GetLocalPlayer", "Double tap tolerance", "Recharge", "TickInterval", "m_yaw 1", "_TBC_UNLOAD", "GetValue", "GetWeapon", "GetUsername", "DisableRecharge", "quit", "Unload", "shift", "0x1a", "0x12", "0x10", "0x19", "0x1", "0xe", "0xf", "0x9", "0x18", "0x7", "0x4", "0x1c", "m_flNextAttack", "0x15", "0x11", "GetCharge", "0x0", "0xd", "Disable", "0x1b", "0x3", "OverrideTolerance", "0xb", "0x2", "0x000x0", "1", "0x16", "EnableRecharge", "SetEnabledDT", "0x17", "0x14", "0x13", "0x6", "0x1e", "Indicators", "Show indicators", "Doubletap", "Hide shots", "Safe point", "Override min dmg", "Inverter arrows", "Inverter arrows color", "Aspect Ratio", "Aspect ratio", "Watermark", "Watermark Color", "HotKey list", "HotKey", "HotKey_x", "HotKey_y", "Fake indicator", "Fake Color", "Fake_x", "Fake_y", "TickBase indicator", "TickBase Color", "Tickbase_x", "Tickbase_y", "DhBNa", "bFjnS", "DT", "Exploits", "LOW DELTA", "General", "Force safe point", "SAFEPOINT", "ONSHOT", "Override minimum dmg key", "SetEnabled1", "Tahoma", "Minimum damage", "length", "Jump Scout/Revolver Hitchance", "Hitchance", "ssg 08", "r8 revolver", "m_fFlags", "oxhiI", "SetEnabled11", "Verdana", "Slow walk", "min", "indexOf", "Fake duck", "Duck peek assist", "Movement", "Auto peek", "Anti-aim inverter", "Safe point override", "Force body aim", "Double tap", "Damage override", "v1cord", "[holding]", "[toggled]", "main_hotkeys", "SetEnabledhk", "\x0A", "getHours", "getMinutes", "getSeconds", ":", "v1 [beta] | ", " | ping: ", "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing", "round", "ms | ", "tick | ", "SetEnabledWatermark", "toFixed", "abs", "<", ">", " FAKE (", " ) | safety: ", "% | side: ", "FAKE (", "main_aa", "SetEnabledfakeind", "", "a", "desert eagle", "b", "dual berettas", "c", "five seven", "d", "glock 18", "e", "ak 47", "f", "aug", "g", "awp", "h", "famas", "i", "m249", "j", "g3sg1", "k", "galil ar", "l", "m4a4", "m", "m4a1 s", "n", "mac 10", "o", "p2000", "p", "mp5 sd", "q", "ump 45", "r", "xm1014", "s", "pp bizon", "t", "mag 7", "u", "negev", "v", "sawed off", "w", "tec 9", "x", "zeus x27", "y", "p250", "z", "mp7", "A", "mp9", "B", "nova", "C", "p90", "D", "scar 20", "E", "sg 553", "F", "G", "knife", "H", "flashbang", "I", "high explosive grenade", "J", "smoke grenade", "K", "molotov", "L", "decoy grenade", "M", "incendiary grenade", "N", "c4 explosive", "P", "usp s", "Q", "cz75 auto", "R", "V", "bayonet", "W", "flip knife", "X", "gut knife", "Y", "karambit", "Z", "m9 bayonet", "falchion knife", "2", "bowie knife", "3", "butterfly knife", "4", "shadow daggers", "5", "ursus knife", "6", "navaja knife", "7", "stiletto knife", "8", "skeleton knife", "huntsman knife", "talon knife", "25", "classic knife", "paracord knife", "survival knife", "nomad knife", "bullet", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 16", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 7", "DT [v1 beta] | tickbase(v): 0", "CKnife", "CWeaponSSG08", "CWeaponAWP", "CHEGrenade", "CMolotovGrenade", "CIncendiaryGrenade", "CFlashbang", "CSmokeGrenade", "CDecoyGrenade", "CWeaponTaser", "CC4", "main_dt", "SetEnabledtickbaseind", "Grenade Helper", "Draw locations through walls", "Activate helper", "Silent throw (Rage)", "Enabled grenades", "Nade location tools", "SetEnabledgrenadhelper", "\", [", "You must specify a valid time to run!", "text", "running", " ]\x0A", "SetViewAngles", "attacked", "m_vecOrigin", "player_connect_full", "StringCustom", "Line", "on_chat", "FilledRect", "filter", "atan2", "TextSize", "WorldToScreen", "GetRenderOrigin", "You have cancelled this grenade setup!", "GetMapName", "SetButtons", "Molotovs", "cancel", "check_visibility", "locations.js", "Your grenade is ready to go!\x0A", "IsLocalPlayer", "start_tick", "Throw", "GetViewAngles", "AddMultiDropdown", "Please enter a number!", "], \"", "toLowerCase", "[ \"", "Smokes", "GetInt", "Curtime", "Grenade setup", "PrintChat", "draw", "GetScreenSize", "GetName", "Tickcount", "GetServerString", "], [", "m_vecViewOffset[2]", "GetEyePosition", "GetButtons", "IsHotkeyActive", "next_tick_ang", "high explosive grenades", "AddHotkey", "GetString", "Run+Jump+Throw", "SetMovement", "Circle", "Your grenade is ready to go, check console!", "run_start", "Please hold a valid grenade!", "GradientRect", "How far should you run (in ticks) to throw this nade? (default = 22)", "Jump+Throw", "Grenade setup has timed out!", "GetEntityFromUserID", "move_on_key", "Run+Throw", "SetEnabled", "closest", "ignore_input", "AddCheckbox", "player_say", "Half throw", "String", "\",\"", "Flashbangs", "\", \"", "Please enter a name for this grenade. (Type `cancel` to cancel setup!)", "print_nade_stats", "0x63", "0x34", "0x47", "0x42", "0x22", "0x45", "0x6a", "0x31", "0x2c", "0x68", "0x35", "0x25", "0x5", "0x43", "0x3d", "0x33", "0x6c", "0x54", "0x32", "0x59", "0x27", "0x48", "0x23", "0x36", "0x5d", "0x3b", "0x50", "0x1f", "0x69", "0x1d", "0x2b", "How do you throw this grenade? (0 = Throw, 1 = Run+Throw, 2 = Jump+Throw, 3 = Run+Jump+Throw, 4 = Half throw)", "0x2d", "0x2a", "0x5b", "0x56", "0x65", "0x55", "0x4d", "0x26", "0x53", "0x30", "0x40", "0x3e", "0x2e", "0x67", "0x6b", "\", 0 ]\x0A", "\",", "0x64", "0x4f", "locations", "0x5f", "0x8", "0x2f", "0x28", "0x57", "0x51", "0x5c", "0x58", "0x62", "0x4c", "0x52", "0x39", "0x21", "0xc", "0x3f", "0x61", "0x49", "0x4b", "0xa", "0x60", "0x29", "moved_base", "0x4e", "0x44", "0x5e", "sort", "0x41", "0x20", "0x3c", "0x4a", "hypot", "0x38", "0x37", "0x24", "0x5a", "on_local_connect", "0x46", "0x66", "0x3a", "DT_CSPlayer", "Chat Log", "generic", "head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "?", "body", "hitchance", "safepoint", "hitbox", "exploit", "Hit ", "hitgroup", "dmg_health", "health", "weapon", "T", "true", "false", "hegrenade", "Naded ", "inferno", "Burned ", "Knifed ", "[v1cord] ", " \x08[\x0Cv1cord\x08] [\x0C", "\x08] ", "\'s \x10", "\x08 for \x07", "\x08 (", " remaining) aimed=\x10", "\x08(", "%%) safety=\x03", "\x08 (\x10", "\x08) (\x10", "\x08:\x10", "\x08)\x0A", "[", "] ", "\'s ", " for ", " (", " remaining) aimed=", "(", "%%) safety=", ") (", ")\x0A", ")", " remaining) \x0A", " remaining)", " bought ", "Lucida Console", "death", "dead", "spread", "prediction error", "Missed ", "%%) due to ", ", safety=", "\x08Missed ", "%%) due to \x07", "\x08, safety=\x03", "\x08)", "ragebot_fire", "item_purchase", "player_hurt", "hitlog", "onDraw", "removelogs", "Better AutoSrafer", "AutoSrafer", "Turn speed", "apply", "SetEnabledbas", "ClanTags", "ClanTag", "Off", "YeahNOT", "weave.su", "x45foRQ", "145foRQ", "945foRQ", "Y45foRQ", "Y15foRQ", "Y55foRQ", "Yh5foRQ", "Ye5foRQ", "YeyfoRQ", "YeQfoRQ", "YeTfoRQ", "YeafoRQ", "YeaYoRQ", "YeapoRQ", "YeaUoRQ", "Yea1oRQ", "Yea8oRQ", "YeahoRQ", "YeahlRQ", "Yeah9RQ", "Yeah3RQ", "YeahQRQ", "YeahjRQ", "YeahmRQ", "YeahNRQ", "YeahNwQ", "YeahNkQ", "YeahNbQ", "YeahNCQ", "YeahNOQ", "YeahNOg", "YeahNO3", "YeahNO8", "YeahNO2", " WEAVE.SU ", " W3AVE.SU ", " W34VE.SU ", " WE4V3.SU ", " WEAV3.5U ", " W3AV3.5U ", " W34V3.5U ", " &E4VE.SU ", " $E@%^.S+ ", " $!@%^.?; ", "SetEnabledclantag", "Fake-Lag", "Enabled", "r_aspectratio ", "SetEnabledAR", "FrameStageNotify", "fsn", "--------------------------------------------", "Drawsss", "cM", "weapon_fire", "fire", "checkDelays", "onRender", "main", "draww", "pingspike", "v1pixaa", "on_ragebot_fire", "on_player_hurt", "on_create_move", "player_death", "on_player_death", "round_start", "reset_miss_logs"]; var delays = []; Cheat.ExecuteCommand(_0x4426[0]); function Delay(_0x154cx3, _0x154cx4, _0x154cx5) { this[_0x4426[1]] = _0x154cx3; this[_0x4426[2]] = Globals.Curtime() + _0x154cx3; this[_0x4426[3]] = _0x154cx4; this[_0x4426[4]] = 0; this[_0x4426[5]] = _0x154cx5 || 1; delays[_0x4426[6]](this) } Delay[_0x4426[8]][_0x4426[7]] = function () { this[_0x4426[3]](); this[_0x4426[4]]++; this[_0x4426[2]] += this[_0x4426[1]]; return this[_0x4426[4]] >= this[_0x4426[5]] }; function checkDelays() { currTime = Globals.Curtime(); delays[_0x4426[10]](function (_0x154cx3, _0x154cx7) { currTime >= _0x154cx3[_0x4426[2]] && _0x154cx3[_0x4426[7]]() && delays[_0x4426[9]](_0x154cx7, 1) }) } function worlda() { Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[11]) } function hello() { Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[12]) } function world() { Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[13]) } function worldaa() { Cheat.PrintColor([135, 206, 235, 255], _0x4426[11]) } new Delay(1, worlda); new Delay(2, hello); new Delay(3, world); new Delay(4, worldaa); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[14]); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[15]); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[16]); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[17]); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[14]); var jitter_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20]); var yaw_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21]); var pitch_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23]); var Inverter_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25]); var attargets_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26]); UI.AddHotkey(_0x4426[27]); function isActive(_0x154cx12) { return UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], _0x154cx12) } function v1pixaa() { localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (isActive(_0x4426[27])) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21], 180); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23], 0); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20], 0); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25], false); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26], false) } else { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[30], _0x4426[31], _0x4426[32]); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[21], 0); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[20], jitter_cache); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[23], pitch_cache); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[25], Inverter_cache); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[19], _0x4426[26], attargets_cache) } } UI.AddHotkey(_0x4426[33]); function LowDelta() { if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33])) { shouldDisableOverride = !![], AntiAim.SetOverride(1); var _0x154cx15 = -9, _0x154cx16 = 0, _0x154cx17 = !![], _0x154cx18 = 30, _0x154cx19 = 17, _0x154cx1a = _0x154cx17 ? _0x154cx18 : _0x154cx18 * 2; AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(_0x154cx16); if (_0x154cx15 > 0) { if (_0x4426[35] === _0x4426[35]) { AntiAim.SetRealOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx15 + _0x154cx1a); if (_0x154cx15 < _0x154cx19) { if (_0x4426[36] === _0x4426[36]) { _0x154cx19 = _0x154cx15 } else { function _0x154cx1b() { firedThisTick = [], storedShotTime = [], info = [] } } }; _0x154cx17 ? AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx19) : AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx15 - _0x154cx19 * 2) } else { function _0x154cx1c() { if (Exploit.GetCharge() == 1) { return !![] }; return ![] } } } else { if (_0x4426[37] !== _0x4426[37]) { function _0x154cx1d() { var _0x154cx1e = Entity.GetProp(entity_id, _0x4426[38], _0x4426[39]), _0x154cx1f = Math[_0x4426[40]](_0x154cx1e[0] * _0x154cx1e[0] + _0x154cx1e[1] * _0x154cx1e[1]); if (_0x154cx1f >= 10 && _0x154cx1f <= 85) { return !![] } else { return ![] } } } else { _0x154cx15 > _0x154cx19 && (_0x154cx19 = _0x154cx15), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(_0x154cx16 - _0x154cx15 - _0x154cx1a), _0x154cx17 ? AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx19) : AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(_0x154cx16 + _0x154cx15 + _0x154cx19 * 2) } } }; if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && shouldDisableOverride == !![]) { if (_0x4426[41] === _0x4426[42]) { function _0x154cx20() { var _0x154cx21 = Entity.GetProp(entity_id, _0x4426[38], _0x4426[39]), _0x154cx22 = Math[_0x4426[40]](_0x154cx21[0] * _0x154cx21[0] + _0x154cx21[1] * _0x154cx21[1]); return 58 - 58 * _0x154cx22 / 580 } } else { shouldDisableOverride = ![], AntiAim.SetOverride(0) } } } UI.AddHotkey(_0x4426[43]); var extended_cache = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45]); function isActive(a) { return UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], a) } function pingspike() { if (isActive(_0x4426[43])) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45], true) } else { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[45], extended_cache) } } UI.AddHotkey(_0x4426[46]); seta = false; setb = true; function main() { if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) { if (!seta) { hba = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); hbb = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); hbc = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); hbd = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); hbe = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); hbf = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49]); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], 1); seta = true; setb = false } } else { if (!setb) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hba); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[50], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbb); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[51], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbc); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[52], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbd); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[53], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbe); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[54], _0x4426[48], _0x4426[49], hbf); setb = true; seta = false } } } UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[55]); function ReversedFreestanding() { if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[55])) { return }; var _0x154cx28 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (Entity.IsValid(_0x154cx28)) { if (_0x4426[56] === _0x4426[57]) { function _0x154cx29() { drawnSoFar += 1, Render.String(screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + (enabledCount - drawnSoFar) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[58], [255, 128, 0, 255], 3) } } else { var _0x154cx2a = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0x154cx28); left_distance = trace(_0x154cx28, [0, _0x154cx2a[1] - 33]), right_distance = trace(_0x154cx28, [0, _0x154cx2a[1] + 33]); if (left_distance > right_distance) { if (_0x4426[59] === _0x4426[59]) { if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60]) } } else { function _0x154cx2b() { if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[61])) { return }; Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(12), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(11), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(10), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(9) } } }; if (right_distance > left_distance) { if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60]) } } } } } function deg2rad(_0x154cx2d) { return _0x154cx2d * Math[_0x4426[62]] / 180 } function angle_to_vec(_0x154cx2f, _0x154cx30) { var _0x154cx31 = deg2rad(_0x154cx2f), _0x154cx32 = deg2rad(_0x154cx30), _0x154cx33 = Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx31), _0x154cx34 = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx31), _0x154cx35 = Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx32), _0x154cx36 = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx32); return [_0x154cx34 * _0x154cx36, _0x154cx34 * _0x154cx35, -_0x154cx33] } function trace(_0x154cx38, _0x154cx39) { var _0x154cx3a = angle_to_vec(_0x154cx39[0], _0x154cx39[1]), _0x154cx3b = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(_0x154cx38); _0x154cx3b[2] += 50; var _0x154cx3c = [_0x154cx3b[0] + _0x154cx3a[0] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[1] + _0x154cx3a[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[2] + _0x154cx3a[2] * 8192], _0x154cx3d = Trace.Line(_0x154cx38, _0x154cx3b, _0x154cx3c); if (_0x154cx3d[1] == 1) { return }; _0x154cx3c = [_0x154cx3b[0] + _0x154cx3a[0] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[1] + _0x154cx3a[1] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192, _0x154cx3b[2] + _0x154cx3a[2] * _0x154cx3d[1] * 8192]; var _0x154cx3e = Math[_0x4426[40]]((_0x154cx3b[0] - _0x154cx3c[0]) * (_0x154cx3b[0] - _0x154cx3c[0]) + (_0x154cx3b[1] - _0x154cx3c[1]) * (_0x154cx3b[1] - _0x154cx3c[1]) + (_0x154cx3b[2] - _0x154cx3c[2]) * (_0x154cx3b[2] - _0x154cx3c[2])); _0x154cx3b = Render.WorldToScreen(_0x154cx3b), _0x154cx3c = Render.WorldToScreen(_0x154cx3c); if (_0x154cx3c[2] != 1 || _0x154cx3b[2] != 1) { return }; return _0x154cx3e } function CreateMove() { if (!Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) { return }; if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) { return }; ReversedFreestanding(), SetHitchanceInAir(), SafepointOnLimbs(), OverrideMinimumDamage(), LowDelta() } UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[61]); function SafepointOnLimbs() { if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[61])) { return }; Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(12), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(11), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(10), Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(9) } UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[65]); var waiting_for_hit = false; var target_idx = 0; var tick_count = -1; var misses = [64]; var safety_ents = [64]; reset_miss_logs(); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[66], 1, 4); function on_ragebot_fire() { waiting_for_hit = true; target_idx = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[67]); tick_count = Globals.Tickcount() } function on_player_hurt() { var _0x154cx48 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68])); if (_0x154cx48 == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) { return }; var _0x154cx49 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69])); if (_0x154cx49 != Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) { return }; if (_0x154cx48 != target_idx) { return }; waiting_for_hit = false; target_idx = 0; tick_count = -1 } function on_create_move() { var _0x154cx4b = 1000 / Globals.Tickrate(); var _0x154cx4c = 1 + Math[_0x4426[70]]((Local.Latency() * 2) / _0x154cx4b); if (Globals.Tickcount() - tick_count >= _0x154cx4c && waiting_for_hit) { misses[target_idx]++; if (misses[target_idx] >= UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66])) { safety_ents[target_idx] = 1 }; waiting_for_hit = false; target_idx = 0; tick_count = -1 }; var _0x154cx4d = Ragebot.GetTarget(); if (_0x154cx4d == 0) { return }; if (safety_ents[_0x154cx4d] == 1) { Ragebot.ForceTargetSafety(_0x154cx4d) } } function on_player_death() { var _0x154cx4f = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68])); reset_specific_miss_logs(_0x154cx4f) } function reset_miss_logs() { for (var _0x154cx51 = 0; _0x154cx51 < 64; _0x154cx51++) { reset_specific_miss_logs(_0x154cx51) } } function reset_specific_miss_logs(_0x154cx4f) { misses[_0x154cx4f] = 0; safety_ents[_0x154cx4f] = 0 } function SetEnabledms() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[65])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[66], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[72]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[73]); var _0x356a = [_0x4426[74], _0x4426[75], _0x4426[76], _0x4426[77], _0x4426[78], _0x4426[79], _0x4426[80], _0x4426[81], _0x4426[82], _0x4426[83], _0x4426[84], _0x4426[85], _0x4426[86], _0x4426[87], _0x4426[88], _0x4426[89], _0x4426[29], _0x4426[90], _0x4426[91], _0x4426[92], _0x4426[93], _0x4426[94], _0x4426[95], _0x4426[96], _0x4426[97], _0x4426[98], _0x4426[99], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[100], _0x4426[101], _0x4426[34]]; (function (_0x154cx55, _0x154cx56) { var _0x154cx57 = function (_0x154cx58) { while (--_0x154cx58) { _0x154cx55[_0x4426[6]](_0x154cx55[_0x4426[102]]()) } }; _0x154cx57(++_0x154cx56) }(_0x356a, 0x93)); var _0x3f03 = function (_0x154cx55, _0x154cx56) { _0x154cx55 = _0x154cx55 - 0x0; var _0x154cx57 = _0x356a[_0x154cx55]; return _0x154cx57 }; UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[104])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[103]), 0x0, 0x3), UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[104])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[105]), -0x2, 0xe); function can_shift_shot(_0x154cx5b) { var _0x154cx5c = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[106])](), _0x154cx5d = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[107])](_0x154cx5c); if (_0x154cx5c == null || _0x154cx5d == null) { return ![] }; var _0x154cx5e = Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5c, _0x3f03(_0x4426[108]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[109])) + UI[_0x4426[96]](_0x3f03(_0x4426[111]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[112]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[113]), _0x4426[82]), _0x154cx5f = Globals[_0x3f03(_0x4426[114])]() * (_0x154cx5e - _0x154cx5b); if (_0x154cx5f < Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5c, _0x3f03(_0x4426[108]), _0x4426[115])) { return ![] }; if (_0x154cx5f < Entity[_0x3f03(_0x4426[110])](_0x154cx5d, _0x3f03(_0x4426[116]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[117]))) { return ![] }; return !![] } function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() { var _0x154cx61 = Exploit[_0x4426[118]](), _0x154cx62 = UI[_0x3f03(_0x4426[119])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[111]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[112]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[113]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[103])); Exploit[(_0x154cx61 != 0x1 ? _0x3f03(_0x4426[120]) : _0x4426[121]) + _0x3f03(_0x4426[122])](), can_shift_shot(0xe) && _0x154cx61 != 0x1 && (Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[123])](), Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[122])]()), Exploit[_0x4426[124]](_0x154cx62 / 0x2), Exploit[_0x3f03(_0x4426[125])](0xe - _0x154cx62 / 0x2) } uname = Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[126])](); if (uname != _0x4426[127]) { Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[129])](_0x4426[128]) } else { Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[129])](_0x4426[128]) }; function _TBC_UNLOAD() { Exploit[_0x4426[130]]() } function SetEnabledDT() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[73])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[91], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[82], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[91], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[82], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[131]); Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[134])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[132]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[133])), Cheat[_0x3f03(_0x4426[134])](_0x3f03(_0x4426[135]), _0x3f03(_0x4426[136])); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[137]); UI.AddMultiDropdown(_0x4426[138], [_0x4426[33], _0x4426[139], _0x4426[140], _0x4426[141], _0x4426[142]]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[143]); UI.AddColorPicker(_0x4426[144]); UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], [255, 165, 0, 230]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[145]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[146], 0, 200); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[147]); UI.AddColorPicker(_0x4426[148]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[149]); UI.AddColorPicker(_0x4426[150]); const x1 = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[151], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]); const y1 = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[152], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[153]); UI.AddColorPicker(_0x4426[154]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[155], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[156], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[157]); UI.AddColorPicker(_0x4426[158]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[159], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[160], 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]); function DrawToggles() { if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[137])) { return }; var _0x154cx68 = Global.GetScreenSize(), _0x154cx69; _0x154cx69 = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144]); if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143])) { if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { if (_0x4426[161] === _0x4426[162]) { function _0x154cx6a() { _0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[163], [0, 255, 0, 255], 3); const _0x154cx6b = -255 * Exploit.GetCharge(); Render.Rect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 6, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 39, 13, 4, [0, 0, 0, 22]), Render.GradientRect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 5, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 40, (Exploit.GetCharge() + 0.1) * 10, 2, 1, [_0x154cx6b, 255, 0, 70], [_0x154cx6b, 255, 0, 200]) } } else { Render.Polygon([ [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9] ], [0, 0, 0, 80]), Render.Polygon([ [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9] ], _0x154cx69) } } else { Render.Polygon([ [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9] ], _0x154cx69), Render.Polygon([ [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 - 9], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 65, _0x154cx68[1] / 2], [_0x154cx68[0] / 2 + 49, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + 9] ], [0, 0, 0, 80]) } }; var _0x154cx6c = GetActiveIndicators(), _0x154cx6d = 0; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 1)) { _0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[163], [0, 255, 0, 255], 3); const _0x154cx6e = -255 * Exploit.GetCharge(); Render.Rect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 6, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 39, 13, 4, [0, 0, 0, 22]), Render.GradientRect(_0x154cx68[0] / 2 - 5, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 40, (Exploit.GetCharge() + 0.1) * 10, 2, 1, [_0x154cx6e, 255, 0, 70], [_0x154cx6e, 255, 0, 200]) }; UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 0) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[165], [255, 255, 0, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 3) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[168], [0, 255, 255, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 2) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[169], [155, 255, 155, 255], 3)), UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170]) && getDropdownValue(UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]), 4) && (_0x154cx6d += 1, Render.String(_0x154cx68[0] / 2, _0x154cx68[1] / 2 + (_0x154cx6c - _0x154cx6d) * 10 + 20, 1, _0x4426[58], [255, 128, 0, 255], 3)) } function SetEnabled1() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[137])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[143], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[144], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[171]); var firedThisTick = [], storedShotTime = [], font = null, fontFlags = 0, shouldDisable, shouldDisableOverride, info = [], safeTargets = [], color = [255, 0, 0, 255]; function getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7a, _0x154cx7b) { var _0x154cx7c = 1 << _0x154cx7b; return _0x154cx7a & _0x154cx7c ? !![] : ![] } function GetActiveIndicators() { var _0x154cx7e = 0, _0x154cx7f = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[138]); if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 1)) { _0x154cx7e += 1 }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 2)) { _0x154cx7e += 1 }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[33]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 0)) { _0x154cx7e += 1 }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 3)) { _0x154cx7e += 1 }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170]) && getDropdownValue(_0x154cx7f, 4)) { _0x154cx7e += 1 }; return _0x154cx7e } function Drawsss() { font == null && (font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[172], 7, 700)); if (UI.IsMenuOpen()) {}; if (!Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) { return }; if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) { return }; DrawToggles() } UI.AddHotkey(_0x4426[170]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[173], 0, 130); safeTargets = []; info = []; function OverrideMinimumDamage() { if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) { return }; var _0x154cx82 = Entity.GetEnemies(); value = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[173]); for (i = 0; i < _0x154cx82[_0x4426[174]]; i++) { Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(_0x154cx82[i], value) } } UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[175]); UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[176], 0, 100); function SetHitchanceInAir() { if (!UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[175])) { return }; var _0x154cx84 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); if (_0x154cx84 != _0x4426[177] && _0x154cx84 != _0x4426[178]) { return }; var _0x154cx85 = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x4426[38], _0x4426[179]); if (!(_0x154cx85 & 1 << 0) && !(_0x154cx85 & 1 << 18)) { if (_0x4426[180] !== _0x4426[180]) { function _0x154cx86() { var _0x154cx87 = Entity.GetEyePosition(local); left_distance = trace(local, [0, _0x154cx87[1] - 33]), right_distance = trace(local, [0, _0x154cx87[1] + 33]); if (left_distance > right_distance) { if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60]) } }; if (right_distance > left_distance) { if (!UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { UI.ToggleHotkey(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60]) } } } } else { target = Ragebot.GetTarget(), value = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176]), Ragebot.ForceTargetHitchance(target, value) } } } function SetEnabled11() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[175])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[176], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[181]); var colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150]); if (colorhotkeys[3] == 0) { UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], [89, 119, 239, 3]) }; var alpha = 0; var maxwidth = 0; var swalpha = 0; var fdalpha = 0; var apalpha = 0; var aialpha = 0; var spalpha = 0; var fbalpha = 0; var dtalpha = 0; var hsalpha = 0; var doalpha = 0; var fsalpha = 0; var psalpha = 0; var textalpha = 0; var h = new Array(); function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) { return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e) } function main_hotkeys() { if (!World.GetServerString()) { return }; const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151]), _0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152]); colorhotkeys = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150]); var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100); var _0x154cxa0 = 8 * Globals.Frametime(); var _0x154cxa1 = 75; var maxwidth = 0; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[183])) { swalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](swalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { swalpha = swalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (swalpha < 0) { swalpha = 0 }; if (swalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[183])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[186])) { fdalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fdalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { fdalpha = fdalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (fdalpha < 0) { fdalpha = 0 }; if (fdalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[187])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[189])) { apalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](apalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { apalpha = apalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (apalpha < 0) { apalpha = 0 }; if (apalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[189])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { aialpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { aialpha = aialpha - _0x154cxa0; if (aialpha < 0) { aialpha = 0 }; if (aialpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[190])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { aialpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { aialpha = aialpha - _0x154cxa0; if (aialpha < 0) { aialpha = 0 }; if (aialpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[60])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167])) { spalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](spalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { spalpha = spalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (spalpha < 0) { spalpha = 0 }; if (spalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[191])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[192])) { fbalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fbalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { fbalpha = fbalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (fbalpha < 0) { fbalpha = 0 }; if (fbalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[192])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) { dtalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](dtalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { dtalpha = dtalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (dtalpha < 0) { dtalpha = 0 }; if (dtalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[193])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) { hsalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](hsalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { hsalpha = hsalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (hsalpha < 0) { hsalpha = 0 }; if (hsalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[140])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[43])) { psalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](psalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { psalpha = psalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (psalpha < 0) { psalpha = 0 }; if (psalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[43])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) { doalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](doalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { doalpha = doalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (doalpha < 0) { doalpha = 0 }; if (doalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[194])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) { fsalpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](fsalpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { fsalpha = fsalpha - _0x154cxa0; if (fsalpha < 0) { fsalpha = 0 }; if (fsalpha == 0) { h[_0x4426[9]](h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[43])) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[183])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[183]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[183]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[22], _0x4426[186])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[187]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[187]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[189])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[189]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[189]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[190]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[190]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[167])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[191]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[191]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[166], _0x4426[192])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[192]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[192]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[193]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[193]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[140]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[140]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[43])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[43]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[43]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[46])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[46]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[46]) } }; if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[170])) { if (h[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[194]) == -1) { h[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[194]) } }; if (h[_0x4426[174]] > 0) { alpha = Math[_0x4426[184]](alpha + _0x154cxa0, 1) } else { alpha = alpha - _0x154cxa0; if (alpha < 0) { alpha = 0 } }; for (i = 0; i < h[_0x4426[174]]; i++) { if (Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] > maxwidth) { maxwidth = Render.TextSizeCustom(h[i], font)[0] } }; if (maxwidth == 0) { maxwidth = 50 }; _0x154cxa1 = _0x154cxa1 + maxwidth; if (alpha > 0) { Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 3, _0x154cxa1, 2, [colorhotkeys[0], colorhotkeys[1], colorhotkeys[2], alpha * 255]); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 5, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, alpha * 255]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[195], font)[0] / 2) + 2, _0x154cx9c + 9, 0, _0x4426[195], [0, 0, 0, alpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1 / 2 - (Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[195], font)[0] / 2) + 1, _0x154cx9c + 8, 0, _0x4426[195], [255, 255, 255, alpha * 255], font); for (i = 0; i < h[_0x4426[174]]; i++) { switch (h[i]) { case _0x4426[183]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](swalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, swalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, swalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[187]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fdalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, fdalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, fdalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[189]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](apalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, apalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, apalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[190]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](aialpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, aialpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, aialpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[191]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](spalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, spalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, spalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[192]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fbalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, fbalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, fbalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[193]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](dtalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, dtalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, dtalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[140]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](hsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, hsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, hsalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[194]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](doalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [0, 0, 0, doalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[196], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[196], [255, 255, 255, doalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[43]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](psalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, psalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, psalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, psalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, psalpha * 255], font); break; case _0x4426[46]: Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 23 + 18 * i, _0x154cxa1, 18, [17, 17, 17, Math[_0x4426[184]](colorhotkeys[3], Math[_0x4426[184]](fsalpha * 255, colorhotkeys[3]))]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 3, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [0, 0, 0, fsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 2, _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, h[i], [255, 255, 255, fsalpha * 255], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 3 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [0, 0, 0, fsalpha * 255 / 1.3], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b - 2 + _0x154cxa1 - Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[197], font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 26 + 18 * i, 0, _0x4426[197], [255, 255, 255, fsalpha * 255], font); break } } }; if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) { const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition(); if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxa1, _0x154cx9c + 30)) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], _0x154cxa2[0] - _0x154cxa1 / 2); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20) } } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[198]); function SetEnabledhk() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[149])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[151], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[152], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[150], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[199]); username = Cheat.GetUsername(); Cheat.Print(username + _0x4426[200]); var color = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148]); if (color[3] == 0) { UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], [89, 119, 239, 255]) }; function draww() { if (!World.GetServerString()) { return }; var _0x154cxa5 = new Date(); var _0x154cxa6 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]](); var _0x154cxa7 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]](); var _0x154cxa8 = _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]](); var _0x154cxa9 = _0x154cxa6 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]]() + _0x4426[204] : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[201]]() + _0x4426[204]; var _0x154cxaa = _0x154cxa7 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]]() + _0x4426[204] : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[202]]() + _0x4426[204]; var _0x154cxab = _0x154cxa8 <= 9 ? _0x4426[32] + _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]]() : _0x154cxa5[_0x4426[203]](); color = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148]); var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100); var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[205] + username + _0x4426[206] + Math[_0x4426[209]](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), _0x4426[207], _0x4426[208])).toString() + _0x4426[210] + Globals.Tickrate().toString() + _0x4426[211] + _0x154cxa9 + _0x154cxaa + _0x154cxab; var h = 18; var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8; var _0x154cx9b = Global.GetScreenSize()[0]; var _0x154cx9c = 10; _0x154cx9b = _0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad - 10; Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 1, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, h, [17, 17, 17, color[3]]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font) } function SetEnabledWatermark() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[147])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[148], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[212]); var colora = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154]); if (colora[3] == 0) { UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], [89, 119, 239, 255]) }; function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) { return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e) } function draw_arc(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxb1, _0x154cxb2, _0x154cxb3, _0x154cxb4, color) { var _0x154cxb5 = (2 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) / 30; var _0x154cxb6 = Math[_0x4426[62]] / 180; var _0x154cxb7 = _0x154cxb1 - _0x154cxb4; var _0x154cxb8 = (_0x154cxb2 + _0x154cxb3) * _0x154cxb6; var _0x154cxb2 = (_0x154cxb2 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) / 180; for (; _0x154cxb1 > _0x154cxb7; --_0x154cxb1) { for (var _0x154cxb9 = _0x154cxb2; _0x154cxb9 < _0x154cxb8; _0x154cxb9 += _0x154cxb5) { var _0x154cxba = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxb9)); var _0x154cxbb = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9c + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cxb9)); var _0x154cxbc = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9b + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxb9 + _0x154cxb5)); var _0x154cxbd = Math[_0x4426[209]](_0x154cx9c + _0x154cxb1 * Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cxb9 + _0x154cxb5)); Render.Line(_0x154cxba, _0x154cxbb, _0x154cxbc, _0x154cxbd, color) } } } function main_aa() { if (!World.GetServerString()) { return }; const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155]), _0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156]); var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100); var _0x154cxbf = Local.GetRealYaw(); var _0x154cxc0 = Local.GetFakeYaw(); var _0x154cxc1 = Math[_0x4426[184]](Math[_0x4426[214]](_0x154cxbf - _0x154cxc0) / 2, 60)[_0x4426[213]](1); var safety = Math[_0x4426[184]](Math[_0x4426[209]](1.7 * Math[_0x4426[214]](_0x154cxc1)), 100); if (UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[24], _0x4426[60])) { var _0x154cxc3 = _0x4426[215] } else { var _0x154cxc3 = _0x4426[216] }; var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[217] + _0x154cxc1.toString() + _0x4426[218] + safety.toString() + _0x4426[219] + _0x154cxc3; var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8; colora = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154]); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 2, [89, 89 + (_0x154cxc1 / 2), 89 + (_0x154cxc1 / 0.4), 255]); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, 18, [17, 17, 17, colora[3]]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font); Render.Circle(_0x154cx9b + 18 - _0x154cxad + Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x4426[220] + _0x154cxc1.toString(), font)[0], _0x154cx9c + 8, 1, [255, 255, 255, 255]); draw_arc(_0x154cx9b + 7 - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 10, 5, 0, _0x154cxc1 * 6, 2, [89, 119, 239, 255]); if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) { const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition(); if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b - _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 30)) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], _0x154cxa2[0] + _0x154cxad / 2); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20) } } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[221]); function SetEnabledfakeind() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[153])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[155], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[156], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[154], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[222]); var coloraa = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158]); if (coloraa[3] == 0) { UI.SetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], [89, 119, 239, 255]) }; function get_icon(a) { var _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[223]; switch (a) { case _0x4426[225]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[224]; break; case _0x4426[227]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[226]; break; case _0x4426[229]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[228]; break; case _0x4426[231]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[230]; break; case _0x4426[233]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[232]; break; case _0x4426[235]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[234]; break; case _0x4426[237]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[236]; break; case _0x4426[239]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[238]; break; case _0x4426[241]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[240]; break; case _0x4426[243]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[242]; break; case _0x4426[245]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[244]; break; case _0x4426[247]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[246]; break; case _0x4426[249]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[248]; break; case _0x4426[251]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[250]; break; case _0x4426[253]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[252]; break; case _0x4426[255]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[254]; break; case _0x4426[257]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[256]; break; case _0x4426[259]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[258]; break; case _0x4426[261]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[260]; break; case _0x4426[263]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[262]; break; case _0x4426[265]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[264]; break; case _0x4426[267]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[266]; break; case _0x4426[269]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[268]; break; case _0x4426[271]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[270]; break; case _0x4426[273]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[272]; break; case _0x4426[275]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[274]; break; case _0x4426[277]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[276]; break; case _0x4426[279]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[278]; break; case _0x4426[281]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[280]; break; case _0x4426[283]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[282]; break; case _0x4426[285]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[284]; break; case _0x4426[177]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[286]; break; case _0x4426[288]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[287]; break; case _0x4426[290]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[289]; break; case _0x4426[292]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[291]; break; case _0x4426[294]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[293]; break; case _0x4426[296]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[295]; break; case _0x4426[298]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[297]; break; case _0x4426[300]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[299]; break; case _0x4426[302]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[301]; break; case _0x4426[304]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[303]; break; case _0x4426[306]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[305]; break; case _0x4426[178]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[307]; break; case _0x4426[309]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[308]; break; case _0x4426[311]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[310]; break; case _0x4426[313]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[312]; break; case _0x4426[315]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[314]; break; case _0x4426[317]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316]; break; case _0x4426[318]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[128]; break; case _0x4426[320]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[319]; break; case _0x4426[322]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[321]; break; case _0x4426[324]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[323]; break; case _0x4426[326]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[325]; break; case _0x4426[328]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[327]; break; case _0x4426[330]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[329]; break; case _0x4426[332]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[331]; break; case _0x4426[333]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[32]; break; case _0x4426[334]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[331]; break; case _0x4426[336]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[335]; break; case _0x4426[337]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316]; break; case _0x4426[338]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316]; break; case _0x4426[339]: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[316]; break; default: _0x154cxc7 = _0x4426[223]; break }; return _0x154cxc7 } function in_bounds(_0x154cx9a, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9d, _0x154cx9e) { return (_0x154cx9a[0] > _0x154cx9b) && (_0x154cx9a[1] > _0x154cx9c) && (_0x154cx9a[0] < _0x154cx9d) && (_0x154cx9a[1] < _0x154cx9e) } var fa = 0; var sa = 0; function main_dt() { if (!World.GetServerString()) { return }; const _0x154cx9b = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159]), _0x154cx9c = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160]); localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(localplayer_index); weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon); g_Local_classname = Entity.GetClassName(localplayer_weapon); var _0x154cxcb = Entity.GetProp(localplayer_weapon, _0x4426[87], _0x4426[83]); var _0x154cxcc = false; if (_0x154cxcb <= Globals.Curtime()) { _0x154cxcc = true }; var _0x154cxa0 = 8 * Globals.Frametime(); var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[182], 7, 100); var _0x154cxcd = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[340], 18, 100); if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) { var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[341]; var color = [89, 119, 239, 255] } else { if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[140])) { var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[342]; var color = [89, 119, 239, 255] } else { var _0x154cxac = _0x4426[343]; var color = [89, 89, 89, 255] } }; var _0x154cxad = Render.TextSizeCustom(_0x154cxac, font)[0] + 8; coloraa = UI.GetColor(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158]); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cxad, 2, color); Render.FilledRect(_0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c + 2, _0x154cxad, 18, [17, 17, 17, coloraa[3]]); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 5, _0x154cx9c + 5, 0, _0x154cxac, [0, 0, 0, 180], font); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 4, 0, _0x154cxac, [255, 255, 255, 255], font); Render.String(_0x154cx9b + 4, _0x154cx9c + 22, 0, get_icon(weapon_name), [255, 255, 255, 255], 5); if ((g_Local_classname == _0x4426[344] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[345] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[346] || weapon_name == _0x4426[178] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[347] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[348] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[349] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[350] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[351] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[352] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[353] || g_Local_classname == _0x4426[354])) {} else { if (_0x154cxcc) { fa = Math[_0x4426[184]](fa + _0x154cxa0, 1); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 10 + Render.TextSize(get_icon(weapon_name), 5)[0], _0x154cx9c + 18, 0, _0x4426[276], [255, 255, 255, fa * 255], _0x154cxcd) } else { fa = 0 }; if (_0x154cxcc && Exploit.GetCharge() == 1 && UI.IsHotkeyActive(_0x4426[47], _0x4426[164], _0x4426[139])) { sa = Math[_0x4426[184]](sa + _0x154cxa0, 1); Render.StringCustom(_0x154cx9b + 30 + Render.TextSize(get_icon(weapon_name), 5)[0], _0x154cx9c + 18, 0, _0x4426[276], [255, 255, 255, sa * 255], _0x154cxcd) } else { sa = 0 } }; if (Global.IsKeyPressed(1) && UI.IsMenuOpen()) { const _0x154cxa2 = Global.GetCursorPosition(); if (in_bounds(_0x154cxa2, _0x154cx9b, _0x154cx9c, _0x154cx9b + _0x154cxad, _0x154cx9c + 30)) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], _0x154cxa2[0] - _0x154cxad / 2); UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], _0x154cxa2[1] - 20) } } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[355]); function SetEnabledtickbaseind() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[157])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[159], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[160], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[158], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[356]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[357]); function SetEnabledgrenadhelper() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[357])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[358], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[359], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[360], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[361], 1); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[362], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[358], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[359], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[360], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[361], 0); UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[362], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[363]); var _0x50e2 = [_0x4426[364], _0x4426[365], _0x4426[292], _0x4426[366], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[6], _0x4426[367], _0x4426[298], _0x4426[368], _0x4426[369], _0x4426[63], _0x4426[75], _0x4426[358], _0x4426[370], _0x4426[294], _0x4426[360], _0x4426[371], _0x4426[372], _0x4426[373], _0x4426[374], _0x4426[290], _0x4426[375], _0x4426[376], _0x4426[377], _0x4426[185], _0x4426[378], _0x4426[379], _0x4426[380], _0x4426[381], _0x4426[382], _0x4426[383], _0x4426[384], _0x4426[38], _0x4426[385], _0x4426[386], _0x4426[387], _0x4426[388], _0x4426[389], _0x4426[390], _0x4426[89], _0x4426[391], _0x4426[392], _0x4426[393], _0x4426[394], _0x4426[395], _0x4426[396], _0x4426[397], _0x4426[398], _0x4426[399], _0x4426[400], _0x4426[401], _0x4426[359], _0x4426[402], _0x4426[403], _0x4426[404], _0x4426[71], _0x4426[405], _0x4426[9], _0x4426[406], _0x4426[407], _0x4426[408], _0x4426[409], _0x4426[410], _0x4426[411], _0x4426[412], _0x4426[361], _0x4426[413], _0x4426[414], _0x4426[415], _0x4426[40], _0x4426[416], _0x4426[417], _0x4426[64], _0x4426[418], _0x4426[419], _0x4426[420], _0x4426[421], _0x4426[422], _0x4426[85], _0x4426[423], _0x4426[96], _0x4426[424], _0x4426[88], _0x4426[68], _0x4426[425], _0x4426[426], _0x4426[427], _0x4426[300], _0x4426[428], _0x4426[429], _0x4426[430], _0x4426[431], _0x4426[97], _0x4426[432], _0x4426[296], _0x4426[433], _0x4426[214], _0x4426[174], _0x4426[434], _0x4426[435], _0x4426[436], _0x4426[437], _0x4426[438], _0x4426[362], _0x4426[90], _0x4426[439], _0x4426[440], _0x4426[441], _0x4426[442]]; (function (_0x154cxd1, _0x154cxd2) { var _0x154cxd3 = function (_0x154cxd4) { while (--_0x154cxd4) { _0x154cxd1[_0x4426[6]](_0x154cxd1[_0x4426[102]]()) } }; _0x154cxd3(++_0x154cxd2) }(_0x50e2, 0xd9)); var _0x482c = function (_0x154cxd1, _0x154cxd2) { _0x154cxd1 = _0x154cxd1 - 0x0; var _0x154cxd3 = _0x50e2[_0x154cxd1]; return _0x154cxd3 }; UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[443])](_0x482c(_0x4426[120])); UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[445])](_0x482c(_0x4426[444])); UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[443])](_0x482c(_0x4426[105])); UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[451])](_0x482c(_0x4426[446]), [_0x482c(_0x4426[447]), _0x482c(_0x4426[448]), _0x482c(_0x4426[449]), _0x482c(_0x4426[450])]); UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[443])](_0x482c(_0x4426[452])); UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[445])](_0x482c(_0x4426[453])); _locations = require(_0x482c(_0x4426[454])); var ticks_to_run = 0x16; var last_angle_time = 0x0; var chat_tut = ![]; var chat_stage = 0x0; var chat_start = 0x0; var temp_nade = []; function print_nade_stats() { if (UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[456])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[453])) && !chat_tut && World[_0x482c(_0x4426[457])]() != _0x4426[223]) { chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])](); Cheat[_0x4426[403]](_0x482c(_0x4426[459])); chat_stage = 0x0; chat_tut = !![] } } function on_chat() { if (!Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[463])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[462])](Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[461])](_0x482c(_0x4426[460])))) || !chat_tut) { return }; var _0x154cxde = Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[464])](_0x482c(_0x4426[113])); if (_0x154cxde[_0x4426[397]]() == _0x482c(_0x4426[465])) { chat_tut = ![]; temp_nade = []; chat_stage = 0x0; chat_start = 0x0; Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[136])); return }; if (chat_stage == 0x0) { if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x4426[90]]())))) { return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[469])) }; temp_nade[0x0] = World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])](); temp_nade[0x1] = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()); temp_nade[0x2] = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])](); temp_nade[0x3] = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())); temp_nade[0x4] = _0x154cxde + _0x4426[223]; Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x4426[474]); chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])](); chat_stage++ } else { if (chat_stage == 0x1) { if (isNaN(parseInt(_0x154cxde)) || parseInt(_0x154cxde) > 0x4 || parseInt(_0x154cxde) < 0x0) { return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[475])) }; if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x0) { temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[476]) }; if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x1) { temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[477]) }; if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x2) { temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[478]) }; if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x3) { temp_nade[0x5] = _0x4426[418] }; if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x4) { temp_nade[0x5] = _0x482c(_0x4426[479]) }; chat_start = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])](); if (parseInt(_0x154cxde) == 0x1) { chat_stage = 0x3; Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[480])) } else { temp_nade[0x6] = 0x0; Cheat[_0x4426[403]](_0x482c(_0x4426[481])); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x482c(_0x4426[482])); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x482c(_0x4426[484]) + World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[107]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[485])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()) + _0x482c(_0x4426[486]) + Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[487]) + Entity[_0x4426[406]](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())) + _0x482c(_0x4426[488]) + temp_nade[0x4] + _0x482c(_0x4426[489]) + temp_nade[0x5] + _0x4426[490]); chat_stage = 0x0; chat_tut = ![]; temp_nade = []; chat_start = 0x0 } } else { if (chat_stage == 0x3) { if (isNaN(parseInt(_0x154cxde)) || parseInt(_0x154cxde) < 0x1) { return Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[126])) }; temp_nade[0x6] = parseInt(_0x154cxde); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[481])); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x4426[389]); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[483])](_0x482c(_0x4426[484]) + World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[107]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[485])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()) + _0x482c(_0x4426[486]) + Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]() + _0x482c(_0x4426[487]) + Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())) + _0x4426[438] + temp_nade[0x4] + _0x482c(_0x4426[489]) + temp_nade[0x5] + _0x4426[491] + parseInt(_0x154cxde) + _0x482c(_0x4426[110])); chat_stage = 0x0; chat_tut = []; temp_nade = []; chat_start = 0x0 } } } } Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[492]), _0x482c(_0x4426[129])); var locations = _locations[_0x4426[494]]; var map_cache = []; var enabled_grenades = []; var selection_cache = 0x0; var hand_cache = 0x0; const GRENADE_TYPES = [_0x482c(_0x4426[123]), _0x482c(_0x4426[109]), _0x482c(_0x4426[495]), _0x482c(_0x4426[496]), _0x4426[300], _0x482c(_0x4426[116])]; import_grenade_selection(); var weapon = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())); if (weapon == _0x4426[300]) { weapon = _0x4426[296] }; map_cache = locations[_0x4426[377]](function (_0x154cxe6) { return _0x154cxe6[0x0] == World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() && ~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe6[0x3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]()) && _0x154cxe6[0x3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]() == weapon }); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[119])); function draw() { if (chat_tut && Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[458])]() - chat_start > 15) { chat_stage = 0; chat_start = 0; chat_tut = ![]; temp_nade = []; Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[466])](_0x482c(_0x4426[499])) }; UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[501])](_0x482c(_0x4426[453]), UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x4426[28], _0x482c(_0x4426[452]))); var _0x154cxe8 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())); if (_0x154cxe8 == _0x482c(_0x4426[502])) { _0x154cxe8 = _0x482c(_0x4426[495]) }; if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe8)) { return }; if (selection_cache != UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x4426[28], _0x482c(_0x4426[446])) || (hand_cache != _0x154cxe8 || !~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe8))) { import_grenade_selection(); map_cache = locations[_0x4426[377]](function (_0x154cxe9) { return _0x154cxe9[0] == World[_0x4426[383]]() && ~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x154cxe9[3][_0x4426[397]]()) && _0x154cxe9[3][_0x482c(_0x4426[497])]() == _0x154cxe8 }) }; if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0) { return }; var _0x154cxea; for (_0x154cxea in map_cache) { var _0x154cxeb = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[114])]([map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][0], map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][1], map_cache[_0x154cxea][1][2] - 63]); if (!map_cache[_0x154cxea][7] && !UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[120]))) { continue }; var _0x154cxec = angle_to_vec(map_cache[_0x154cxea][2][0], map_cache[_0x154cxea][2][1]); var _0x154cxed = map_cache[_0x154cxea][1]; _0x154cxec = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[114])]([_0x154cxed[0] + _0x154cxec[0] * 400, _0x154cxed[1] + _0x154cxec[1] * 400, _0x154cxed[2] + _0x154cxec[2] * 400]); var _0x154cxee = calc_dist(Entity[_0x4426[381]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]()), map_cache[_0x154cxea][1]); Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[504])](_0x154cxeb[0], _0x154cxeb[1], 6, [89, 119, 239, 255]); var _0x154cxef = Render[_0x4426[379]](map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], 8); var _0x154cxf0 = Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[122])](map_cache[_0x154cxea][5], 8); Render[_0x4426[376]](_0x154cxeb[0] + 9, _0x154cxeb[1] - _0x154cxef[1] / 1.5, _0x154cxef[0] + 7, _0x154cxef[1] + 4, [45, 43, 48, 255]); Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[505])](_0x154cxeb[0] + 10, _0x154cxeb[1] - _0x154cxef[1] / 1.5, _0x154cxef[0] + 5, 2, 1, [89, 119, 239, 255], [89, 119, 239, 255]); shadow(_0x154cxeb[0] + 12.5, _0x154cxeb[1] - 5, 0, map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], ![], undefined, [255, 255, 255, 255], 8); if (_0x154cxee > 70) { continue }; shadow(_0x154cxec[0] + 12.5, _0x154cxec[1] - 5, 0, map_cache[_0x154cxea][4], ![], undefined, [255, 255, 255, 255], 8); Render[_0x4426[420]](_0x154cxec[0], _0x154cxec[1], 6, [56, 200, 56, 255]); Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[133])](Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[506])]()[0] / 2, Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[506])]()[1] / 2, _0x154cxec[0], _0x154cxec[1], [255, 255, 255, 255]) } } function check_visibility() { if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0x0 || World[_0x482c(_0x4426[457])]() == _0x4426[223]) { return }; var _0x154cxf2 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])](); eye_angles = Local[_0x4426[393]](); head = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[508])](_0x154cxf2, _0x482c(_0x4426[507]), _0x482c(_0x4426[117])); offset = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[508])](_0x154cxf2, _0x482c(_0x4426[507]), _0x482c(_0x4426[509])); head = vector_add(head, [0x0, 0x0, offset[0x0]]); for (var _0x154cxf3 in map_cache) { var _0x154cxf4 = Trace[_0x482c(_0x4426[133])](_0x154cxf2, head, map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x1]); if (map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x7] == undefined) { map_cache[_0x154cxf3][_0x482c(_0x4426[135])](_0x154cxf4[0x1] == 0x1) } else { map_cache[_0x154cxf3][0x7] = _0x154cxf4[0x1] == 0x1 } } } function fix_move(_0x154cxf6, _0x154cxf7, _0x154cxf8) { var _0x154cxf9 = function (_0x154cxfa) { return _0x154cxfa / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]] }; var _0x154cxfb, _0x154cxfc, _0x154cxfd; if (_0x154cxf7[0x1] < 0x0) { _0x154cxfb = 0x168 + _0x154cxf7[0x1] } else { _0x154cxfb = _0x154cxf7[0x1] }; if (_0x154cxf6[0x1] < 0x0) { _0x154cxfc = 0x168 + _0x154cxf6[0x1] } else { _0x154cxfc = _0x154cxf6[0x1] }; if (_0x154cxfc < _0x154cxfb) { _0x154cxfd = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[510])](_0x154cxfc - _0x154cxfb) } else { _0x154cxfd = 0x168 - Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[510])](_0x154cxfb - _0x154cxfc) }; return [Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd)) * _0x154cxf8[0x0] + Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd + 0x5a)) * _0x154cxf8[0x1], Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd)) * _0x154cxf8[0x0] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cxf9(_0x154cxfd + 0x5a)) * _0x154cxf8[0x1], 0x0] } function move_forward(_0x154cxff) { var _0x154cx100 = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])](); var _0x154cx101 = [0x1c2, 0x0, 0x0]; var _0x154cx102 = fix_move(_0x154cxff, _0x154cx100, _0x154cx101); var _0x154cx103 = UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x4426[360]) == 0x1 ? !![] : ![]; UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[512])](_0x154cx102); UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](_0x154cxff, _0x154cx103) } function move_on_key() { if (map_cache[_0x482c(_0x4426[503])] == 0x0) { return }; if (!~GRENADE_TYPES[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[467])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())))) { return }; var _0x154cx105 = UI[_0x482c(_0x4426[500])](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[105])) == 0x1 ? !![] : ![]; if (!UI[_0x4426[413]](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[444]))) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = 0x0; this[_0x4426[414]] = []; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = ![]; this[_0x4426[516]] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0; return }; if (this[_0x4426[414]] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = [] }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])]) { UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](this[_0x4426[414]], _0x154cx105); return }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])][_0x4426[174]]) { UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[513])](this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])], _0x154cx105) }; if (this[_0x4426[370]] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = ![] }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] == null) { this[_0x4426[391]] = 0x0 }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![] }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = [] }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![] }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] == null) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0 }; var _0x154cx106 = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x4426[90]]()); var _0x154cx107 = map_cache[_0x4426[520]](function (_0x154cx108, _0x154cx109) { return calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx108[0x1]) - calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx109[0x1]) })[0x0]; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) { _0x154cx107 = this[_0x4426[432]] }; if (calc_dist(_0x154cx106, _0x154cx107[0x1]) > 0xc8 && !this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])]) { return }; var _0x154cx10a = move_to_target(_0x154cx107[0x1]); if (_0x154cx10a || this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])]) { if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[476])) { UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1); this[_0x4426[370]] = !![]; this[_0x4426[433]] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2] } else { if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[477])) { if (!this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = _0x154cx107 }; if (this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] == 0x0) { this[_0x4426[391]] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() }; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = !![]; if (this[_0x4426[422]] == 0x0) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() }; move_forward(_0x154cx107[0x2]); if (this[_0x4426[367]] && Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] > _0x154cx107[0x6]) { if (!this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])]) { UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1); this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![] }; if (Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] > _0x154cx107[0x6] + 0x8) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![]; this[_0x4426[370]] = ![]; this[_0x4426[432]] = []; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[517])] = 0x0 } } } else { if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[478])) { UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[522])](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 | 0x2); this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![] } else { if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x482c(_0x4426[524])) { if (!this[_0x4426[432]][_0x482c(_0x4426[503])]) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = _0x154cx107 }; if (this[_0x4426[391]] == 0x0) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() }; var _0x154cx10b = angle_to_vec(_0x154cx107[0x2][0x0], _0x154cx107[0x2][0x1]); _0x154cx10b = vec_mul_fl(_0x154cx10b, 0x82); this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = !![]; move_forward(_0x154cx107[0x2]); var _0x154cx10c = vector_sub(vector_add(_0x154cx10b, _0x154cx107[0x1]), Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[472])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())); var _0x154cx10d = Math[_0x4426[525]](_0x154cx10c[0x0], _0x154cx10c[0x1]); if (_0x154cx10d < 0x50) { UserCMD[_0x4426[384]](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 | 0x2); this[_0x4426[370]] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = []; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![]; this[_0x4426[414]] = _0x154cx107[0x2] } } else { if (_0x154cx107[0x5] == _0x4426[436]) { if (this[_0x4426[391]] == 0x0) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() }; UserCMD[_0x4426[384]](UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[521])]() | 0x1 << 0x0 | 0x1 << 0xb); if (Globals[_0x482c(_0x4426[523])]() - this[_0x4426[391]] > 0x18) { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[108])] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = !![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[518])] = _0x154cx107[0x2] } } } } } } } else { this[_0x482c(_0x4426[112])] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[519])] = []; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[514])] = ![]; this[_0x482c(_0x4426[515])] = 0x0; this[_0x4426[516]] = ![]; this[_0x4426[422]] = 0x0 } } function on_local_connect() { if (Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[463])](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[462])](Event[_0x482c(_0x4426[461])](_0x4426[68])))) { map_cache = locations[_0x482c(_0x4426[111])](function (_0x154cx10f) { return _0x154cx10f[0x0] == World[_0x482c(_0x4426[470])]() }) } } Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[526]), _0x482c(_0x4426[527])); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[528])); Cheat[_0x4426[85]](_0x482c(_0x4426[498]), _0x482c(_0x4426[529])); Cheat[_0x482c(_0x4426[493])](_0x482c(_0x4426[104]), _0x4426[530]); function getAngles(_0x154cx111, _0x154cx112) { newPos = vector_sub(_0x154cx112, _0x154cx111); xyDist = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](newPos[0x0] * newPos[0x0] + newPos[0x1] * newPos[0x1]); yaw = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[103])](newPos[0x1], newPos[0x0]) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4426[62]]; pitch = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[103])](-newPos[0x2], xyDist) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4426[62]]; roll = 0x0; angles = [pitch, yaw, roll]; return angles } function vector_sub(_0x154cx114, _0x154cx115) { return [_0x154cx114[0x0] - _0x154cx115[0x0], _0x154cx114[0x1] - _0x154cx115[0x1], _0x154cx114[0x2] - _0x154cx115[0x2]] } function degreesToRadians(_0x154cx117) { return _0x154cx117 * Math[_0x4426[62]] / 0xb4 } function angle_to_vec(_0x154cx118, _0x154cx119) { var _0x154cx11a = degreesToRadians(_0x154cx118); var _0x154cx11b = degreesToRadians(_0x154cx119); var _0x154cx11c = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx11a); var _0x154cx11d = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx11a); var _0x154cx11e = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx11b); var _0x154cx11f = Math[_0x4426[64]](_0x154cx11b); return [_0x154cx11d * _0x154cx11f, _0x154cx11d * _0x154cx11e, -_0x154cx11c] } function vector_add(_0x154cx121, _0x154cx122) { newVec = [_0x154cx121[0x0] + _0x154cx122[0x0], _0x154cx121[0x1] + _0x154cx122[0x1], _0x154cx121[0x2] + _0x154cx122[0x2]]; return newVec } function shadow(_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx128, _0x154cx129, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx12b) { if (_0x154cx128) { Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[134])](_0x154cx124 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx125 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff], _0x154cx129); Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[134])](_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx129) } else { Render[_0x4426[437]](_0x154cx124 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx125 + _0x154cx12b / 7.17, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff], _0x154cx12b); Render[_0x482c(_0x4426[532])](_0x154cx124, _0x154cx125, _0x154cx126, _0x154cx127, _0x154cx12a, _0x154cx12b) } } function import_grenade_selection() { var _0x154cx12d = UI[_0x4426[96]](_0x482c(_0x4426[455]), _0x482c(_0x4426[446])); if (_0x154cx12d == 0x0) { enabled_grenades = [] }; if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x0) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[296])) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[135])](_0x482c(_0x4426[495])) } else { if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[495])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x0)) { enabled_grenades[_0x4426[9]](enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[495])), 0x1) } }; if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x1) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[123]))) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[135])](_0x482c(_0x4426[123])) } else { if (~enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x4426[292]) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x1)) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[123])), 0x1) } }; if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x2) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[116]))) { enabled_grenades[_0x4426[6]](_0x482c(_0x4426[116])) } else { if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[116])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x2)) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x4426[185]](_0x482c(_0x4426[116])), 0x1) } }; if (getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x3) && !~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[294])) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[135])](_0x4426[294]) } else { if (~enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x482c(_0x4426[109])) && !getDropdownValue(_0x154cx12d, 0x3)) { enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[533])](enabled_grenades[_0x482c(_0x4426[106])](_0x4426[294]), 0x1) } }; selection_cache = _0x154cx12d; hand_cache = Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[468])](Entity[_0x4426[97]](Entity[_0x482c(_0x4426[471])]())) } function vec_mul_fl(_0x154cx12f, _0x154cx130) { return [_0x154cx12f[0x0] * _0x154cx130, _0x154cx12f[0x1] * _0x154cx130, _0x154cx12f[0x2] * _0x154cx130] } function calc_dist(_0x154cx132, _0x154cx133) { x = _0x154cx132[0x0] - _0x154cx133[0x0]; y = _0x154cx132[0x1] - _0x154cx133[0x1]; z = _0x154cx132[0x2] - _0x154cx133[0x2]; return Math[_0x4426[40]](x * x + y * y + z * z) } function move_to_target(_0x154cx135, _0x154cx136) { var _0x154cx137 = Entity[_0x4426[90]](); var _0x154cx138 = Entity[_0x4426[381]](_0x154cx137); _0x154cx138[0x2] = Entity[_0x4426[411]](_0x154cx137)[0x2]; var _0x154cx139 = [_0x154cx135[0x0] - _0x154cx138[0x0], _0x154cx135[0x1] - _0x154cx138[0x1], _0x154cx135[0x2] - _0x154cx138[0x2]]; var _0x154cx13a = Local[_0x482c(_0x4426[473])]()[0x1]; var _0x154cx13b = []; var _0x154cx13c = 0x14; _0x154cx13b[0x0] = (Math[_0x4426[63]](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x1] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x0]) * _0x154cx13c; _0x154cx13b[0x1] = (Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[125])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * _0x154cx139[0x0] + Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[511])](_0x154cx13a / 0xb4 * Math[_0x4426[62]]) * -_0x154cx139[0x1]) * _0x154cx13c; _0x154cx13b[0x2] = 0x0; var _0x154cx13d = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](_0x154cx139[0x0] * _0x154cx139[0x0] + _0x154cx139[0x1] * _0x154cx139[0x1] + _0x154cx139[0x2] * _0x154cx139[0x2]); var _0x154cx13e = Entity[_0x4426[75]](_0x154cx137, _0x4426[534], _0x4426[39]); var _0x154cx13f = Math[_0x482c(_0x4426[531])](_0x154cx13e[0x0] * _0x154cx13e[0x0] + _0x154cx13e[0x1] * _0x154cx13e[0x1] + _0x154cx13e[0x2] * _0x154cx13e[0x2]); UserCMD[_0x482c(_0x4426[512])](_0x154cx13b); return _0x154cx13d < (_0x154cx136 ? _0x154cx136 : 0x1) && (_0x154cx13f < 0x2 || _0x154cx136) } function getDropdownValue(_0x154cx140, _0x154cx141) { var _0x154cx142 = 0x1 << _0x154cx141; return _0x154cx140 & _0x154cx142 ? !![] : ![] } UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[535]); hitboxes = [_0x4426[536], _0x4426[537], _0x4426[538], _0x4426[539], _0x4426[540], _0x4426[541], _0x4426[542], _0x4426[543], _0x4426[544]]; var scriptitems = (_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28]); var shots = 0; var predicthc = 0; var safety = 0; var hitboxName = _0x4426[223]; var choked = 0; var exploit = 0; var logs = []; var logsct = []; var logsalpha = []; function getHitboxName(_0x154cx7) { switch (_0x154cx7) { case 0: hitboxName = _0x4426[537]; break; case 1: hitboxName = _0x4426[537]; break; case 2: hitboxName = _0x4426[539]; break; case 3: hitboxName = _0x4426[539]; break; case 4: hitboxName = _0x4426[539]; break; case 5: hitboxName = _0x4426[538]; break; case 6: hitboxName = _0x4426[538]; break; case 7: hitboxName = _0x4426[542]; break; case 8: hitboxName = _0x4426[543]; break; case 9: hitboxName = _0x4426[542]; break; case 10: hitboxName = _0x4426[543]; break; case 11: hitboxName = _0x4426[542]; break; case 12: hitboxName = _0x4426[543]; break; case 13: hitboxName = _0x4426[540]; break; case 14: hitboxName = _0x4426[541]; break; case 15: hitboxName = _0x4426[540]; break; case 16: hitboxName = _0x4426[540]; break; case 17: hitboxName = _0x4426[541]; break; case 18: hitboxName = _0x4426[541]; break; default: hitboxName = _0x4426[545] }; return hitboxName } function HitgroupName(_0x154cx7) { return hitboxes[_0x154cx7] || _0x4426[545] } var target = -1; var shots_fired = 0; var hits = 0; var lastUpdate = 0; var logged = false; function ragebot_fire() { predicthc = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[546]); safety = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[547]); hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[548])); exploit = (Event.GetInt(_0x4426[549]) + 1).toString(); target = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[67]); shots_fired++; logged = false; lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime() } function hitlog() { var _0x154cx155 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68])); var _0x154cx49 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69])); if (_0x154cx49 == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && _0x154cx155 == target) { hits++ }; var _0x154cx156 = _0x4426[550]; me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); hitbox = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[551]); target_damage = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[552]); target_health = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[553]); victim = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]); _0x154cx49 = Event.GetInt(_0x4426[69]); weapon = Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]); victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim); attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(_0x154cx49); name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex); var _0x154cx157 = Globals.Tickcount() % 17; var _0x154cx158 = _0x4426[223]; if (exploit == 2) { _0x154cx158 += _0x4426[555] }; _0x154cx158 += _0x4426[278]; if (hitbox == 1) { _0x154cx158 += _0x4426[289] }; if (safety == 1) { safety = _0x4426[556] } else { safety = _0x4426[557] }; if (weapon == _0x4426[558]) { _0x154cx156 = _0x4426[559] } else { if (weapon == _0x4426[560]) { _0x154cx156 = _0x4426[561] } else { if (weapon == _0x4426[288]) { _0x154cx156 = _0x4426[562] } } }; if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) { Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]); if (_0x154cx156 == _0x4426[550]) { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[535])) { Cheat.PrintChat(_0x4426[564] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[565] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[566] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[567] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[568] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[569] + hitboxName + _0x4426[570] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[571] + safety + _0x4426[572] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[573] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[574] + exploit + _0x4426[575]) }; Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[581] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[583] + safety + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[585]); logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[581] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[583] + safety + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[586]) } else { Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[587]); logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x154cx156 + name + _0x4426[578] + HitgroupName(hitbox) + _0x4426[579] + target_damage.toString() + _0x4426[580] + target_health.toString() + _0x4426[588]) }; logsct[_0x4426[6]](Globals.Curtime()); logsalpha[_0x4426[6]](255) }; if (shots == 99) { shots = 0 } else { shots++ } } function removelogs() { if (logs[_0x4426[174]] > 6) { logs[_0x4426[102]](); logsct[_0x4426[102]](); logsalpha[_0x4426[102]]() }; if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) { logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600; if (logsalpha[0] < 0) { logs[_0x4426[102]](); logsct[_0x4426[102]](); logsalpha[_0x4426[102]]() } } } function item_purchase() { Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]); Cheat.Print(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]))) + _0x4426[589] + Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]) + _0x4426[200]); logs[_0x4426[6]](Entity.GetName(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68]))) + _0x4426[589] + Event.GetString(_0x4426[554]) + _0x4426[223]); logsct[_0x4426[6]](Globals.Curtime()); logsalpha[_0x4426[6]](255) } function onDraw() { if (!World.GetServerString()) { return }; var font = Render.AddFont(_0x4426[590], 8, 0); for (i = 0; i < logs[_0x4426[174]]; i++) { Render.StringCustom(4, 4 + 13 * i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font); Render.StringCustom(3, 3 + 13 * i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font) }; if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) { if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) { shots_fired = 0; hits = 0 }; if (!logged) { var _0x154cx157 = Globals.Tickcount() % 16; logged = true; var _0x154cx15c = _0x4426[556]; var _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[544]; if (safety == 0) { _0x154cx15c = _0x4426[557] }; if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false) { _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[591] } else { if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false) { _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[592] } else { if (safety == true && predicthc < 76) { _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[593] } else { if (safety == true && predicthc > 76) { _0x154cx15d = _0x4426[594] } } } }; var _0x154cx158 = _0x4426[223]; if (exploit == 2) { _0x154cx158 += _0x4426[555] }; _0x154cx158 += _0x4426[278]; Cheat.PrintColor([89, 119, 239, 255], _0x4426[563]); Cheat.Print(_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x4426[595] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[578] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[596] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[597] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[585]); logs[_0x4426[6]](_0x4426[576] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[577] + _0x4426[595] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[578] + hitboxName + _0x4426[582] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[596] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[597] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[580] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[584] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[204] + exploit + _0x4426[586]); if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[535])) { Cheat.PrintChat(_0x4426[564] + shots.toString() + _0x4426[565] + _0x4426[598] + Entity.GetName(target) + _0x4426[566] + hitboxName + _0x4426[570] + predicthc.toString() + _0x4426[599] + _0x154cx15d + _0x4426[600] + _0x154cx15c + _0x4426[572] + _0x154cx158 + _0x4426[573] + _0x154cx157 + _0x4426[574] + exploit + _0x4426[601]) }; logsct[_0x4426[6]](Globals.Curtime()); logsalpha[_0x4426[6]](255); if (shots == 99) { shots = 0 } else { shots++ } } } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[602], _0x4426[602]); Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[603], _0x4426[603]); Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[604], _0x4426[605]); Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[606]); Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[607]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[608]); var a = UI.AddSliderInt(_0x4426[609], 295, 400); function d() { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[44], _0x4426[188], _0x4426[610], UI[_0x4426[96]][_0x4426[611]](null, a)) } function SetEnabledbas() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[608])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[609], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[609], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[612]); UI.AddCheckbox(_0x4426[613]); UI.AddDropdown(_0x4426[614], [_0x4426[615], _0x4426[616], _0x4426[617]]); var lasttime = 0; function onRender() { var _0x154cx162 = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[28], _0x4426[614]); var _0x154cx163 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 1)); var _0x154cx164 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 1.35)); var _0x154cx165 = parseInt((Globals.Curtime() * 2)); if (_0x154cx163 != lasttime) { if (_0x154cx162 == 1) { switch ((_0x154cx163) % 40) { case 0: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[618]); break }; case 1: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[619]); break }; case 2: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[620]); break }; case 3: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[621]); break }; case 4: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[622]); break }; case 5: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[623]); break }; case 6: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[624]); break }; case 7: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[625]); break }; case 8: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[626]); break }; case 9: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[627]); break }; case 10: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[628]); break }; case 11: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[629]); break }; case 12: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[630]); break }; case 13: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[631]); break }; case 14: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[632]); break }; case 15: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[633]); break }; case 16: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[634]); break }; case 17: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[635]); break }; case 18: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[636]); break }; case 19: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[637]); break }; case 20: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[638]); break }; case 21: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[639]); break }; case 22: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[640]); break }; case 23: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[641]); break }; case 24: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[642]); break }; case 25: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[643]); break }; case 26: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[644]); break }; case 27: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[645]); break }; case 28: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[646]); break }; case 29: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[647]); break }; case 30: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[648]); break }; case 31: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[649]); break }; case 32: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[650]); break }; case 33: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[651]); break }; case 34: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 35: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 36: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 37: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 38: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 39: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break }; case 40: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[616]); break } } }; if (_0x154cx162 == 2) { switch ((_0x154cx164) % 9) { case 0: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[652]); break }; case 1: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[653]); break }; case 2: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[654]); break }; case 3: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[655]); break }; case 4: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[656]); break }; case 5: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[657]); break }; case 6: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[658]); break }; case 7: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[659]); break }; case 8: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[660]); break }; case 9: { Local.SetClanTag(_0x4426[661]); break } } } }; lasttime = _0x154cx163 } function SetEnabledclantag() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[613])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[614], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[614], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[662]); var next_tick_should_fakelag = true; function fire() { var _0x154cx169 = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt(_0x4426[68])); if (_0x154cx169 != Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) { return }; next_tick_should_fakelag = false } function cM() { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[663], _0x4426[664], true); if (!next_tick_should_fakelag) { UI.SetValue(_0x4426[18], _0x4426[663], _0x4426[664], false); next_tick_should_fakelag = true } } function fsn() { ui_arat_val = UI.GetValue(_0x4426[146]); switch (Global.FrameStage()) { case 5: { Global.ExecuteCommand(_0x4426[665] + ui_arat_val.toString() / 100); break }; default: break } } function SetEnabledAR() { if (UI.GetValue(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[145])) { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[146], 1) } else { UI.SetEnabled(_0x4426[29], _0x4426[34], _0x4426[28], _0x4426[146], 0) } } Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[666]); Global.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[667], _0x4426[668]); UI.AddLabel(_0x4426[669]); function Main() { Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[89]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[670]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[89]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[671]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[672], _0x4426[673]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[674]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[675]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[230]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[676]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[606]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[71], _0x4426[677]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[86]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[101], _0x4426[95]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[678]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[679]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[602], _0x4426[680]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[604], _0x4426[681]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[89], _0x4426[682]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[683], _0x4426[684]); Cheat.RegisterCallback(_0x4426[685], _0x4426[686]) } Main()
а как ты его вытащил, ибо у меня вск не читает
Пусть сам угадывает что под _0x4426))Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
це уже в ручнуюПусть сам угадывает что под _0x4426))
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