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- #1
I've seen the supremacy overhaul that has custom materials. When I tried to create a material the same way they did, I was met with this.
This is my code for creating the material.
This is where I actually setup the material.
This is what color means.
Any help would be much appreciated! [/ CODE]
This is my code for creating the material.
if ((g_cfg [XOR ("esp_chams_local_luminate_material")]. get <int> ()) == 0) {
static bool loaded {false};
if (! loaded)
std :: ofstream ("csgo / materials / frog.vmt") << R "# (" VertexLitGeneric "{
"$ additive" "1"
"$ envmap" "models / effects / cube_white"
"$ envmaptint" "[0 0.1 0.2]"
"$ envmapfresnel" "1"
"$ envmapfresnelminmaxexp" "[0 1 2]"
"$ alpha" "0.8"
}) # ";
loaded = true;
custom_material = g_csgo.m_material_system-> FindMaterial (XOR ("frog"), nullptr);
if ((g_cfg [XOR ("esp_chams_local_luminate_material")]. get <int> ())> = 0)
// glow start (g_cfg [XOR ("esp_chams_local_color")]. get_color () / 100.f)
SetAlpha (g_cfg [XOR ("chams_glow_mat_player_blend")]. Get <float> () / 100.f);
SetupMaterial (custom_material, color, false);
//g_hooks.m_model_render.GetOldMethod <Hooks :: DrawModelExecute_t> (IVModelRender :: DRAWMODELEXECUTE) (player);
Color color = g_cfg [XOR ("esp_chams_local_color")]. Get_color ();