Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
so here's this code I've managed to convert it to weave from pandora, axaxaxxa
remember to add these codes (yes I've added 2 lbyupdate codes because I haven't used weave for a month and I don't remember which one was it xD)
btw you gotta make your fakelag on stand atleast 2-3 ticks incase you're using the getvelocity code, if not just use 2 ticks maximum, also you can make a bool to each time you switch to opposite it forces 2 tick fakelag for standing or whatever.
also the negate define is this:
no I don't care if it's a shit code or a shit release, I just don't even care. I released it for fun.
Now if you have issues getting it in to ur weave, not my problem
also, for the love of god if you're gonna use this and say "omg I did it myself axxaxxxxaxaxax", you're disgusting.
remember to add these codes (yes I've added 2 lbyupdate codes because I haven't used weave for a month and I don't remember which one was it xD)
void CMAntiAim::Sidemove() {
if (!g_csgo->should_sidemove)
float sideAmount = 2 * ((g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_DUCK || g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_WALK) ? 3.f : 0.505f);
if (g_csgo->local->GetVelocity().Length2D() <= 0.f || std::fabs(g_csgo->local->GetVelocity().z) <= 100.f)
g_csgo->cmd->sidemove += g_csgo->cmd->command_number % 2 ? sideAmount : -sideAmount;
float CMAntiAim::CorrectedTickbase()
CUserCmd* last_ucmd = nullptr;
int corrected_tickbase = 0;
corrected_tickbase = (!last_ucmd || last_ucmd->hasbeenpredicted) ? (float)g_csgo->local->GetTickBase() : corrected_tickbase++;
last_ucmd = g_csgo->cmd;
float corrected_curtime = corrected_tickbase * interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick;
return corrected_curtime;
bool lby_update()
static float next_lby_update = 0.f;
auto state = g_csgo->local->GetPlayerAnimState();
float curtime = interfaces.global_vars->curtime;
if (!state)
return false;
if (g_csgo->local->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f || fabs(g_csgo->local->GetAbsVelocity().z) > 100.f)
next_lby_update = curtime + 0.22f;
if (next_lby_update < curtime)
next_lby_update = curtime + 1.1f;
return true;
return false;
void CMAntiAim::PredictLbyUpdate()
g_csgo->InLbyUpdate = false;
static float next_lby_update_time = 0;
auto local = g_csgo->local;
if (!(local->GetFlags() & 1))
if (local->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 0.1f)
next_lby_update_time = CorrectedTickbase() + 0.22f;
else if (next_lby_update_time - CorrectedTickbase() <= 0.0f) {
next_lby_update_time = CorrectedTickbase() + 1.1f;
g_csgo->InLbyUpdate = true;
g_csgo->send_packet = false;
else if (next_lby_update_time - CorrectedTickbase() <= 1 * interfaces.global_vars->interval_per_tick)
g_csgo->send_packet = true;
Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо авторизоваться.
btw you gotta make your fakelag on stand atleast 2-3 ticks incase you're using the getvelocity code, if not just use 2 ticks maximum, also you can make a bool to each time you switch to opposite it forces 2 tick fakelag for standing or whatever.
also the negate define is this:
static bool negate = false;
Now if you have issues getting it in to ur weave, not my problem
also, for the love of god if you're gonna use this and say "omg I did it myself axxaxxxxaxaxax", you're disgusting.
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