Автор темы
- #1
1. Add this in menu.cpp
2. Add this in config.h(Add in config.cpp by yourself, I dont really care about people who cant c+p from another function)
3. Add this in other_esp.cpp
4. Hook it in FrameStageNotify
5. You will have to remove smthing in FrameStageNotify to make this scope correctly, but smart pasters can understand what I am about
Credits: AkatsukiSun
ImGui::Checkbox(crypt_str("New scope"), &g_cfg.esp.new_scope);
ImGui::ColorEdit(crypt_str("##new_scope_color"), &g_cfg.esp.new_scope_color, ALPHA);
bool new_scope;
Color new_scope_color;
void otheresp::new_scope()
if (!g_cfg.player.enable)
if (!g_cfg.esp.new_scope)
const auto weapon = g_ctx.local()->m_hActiveWeapon().Get();
auto is_scoped = g_ctx.local()->m_bIsScoped();
float alpha = 0;
if (weapon->m_iItemDefinitionIndex() != WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE && weapon->m_iItemDefinitionIndex() != WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE)
if (is_scoped)
int r = g_cfg.esp.new_scope_color.r();
int g = g_cfg.esp.new_scope_color.g();
int b = g_cfg.esp.new_scope_color.b();
int a = g_cfg.esp.new_scope_color.a();
static int width, height;
m_engine()->GetScreenSize(width, height);
render::get().gradient(width / 2, height / 2 - 165, 1, 150, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color(r, g, b, a), GRADIENT_VERTICAL);
render::get().gradient(width / 2 - 170, height / 2, 150, 1, Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color(r, g, b, a), GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL);
render::get().gradient(width / 2 + 19, height / 2, 150, 1, Color(r, g, b, a), Color(0, 0, 0, 0), GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL);
render::get().gradient(width / 2, height / 2 + 15, 1, 150, Color(r, g, b, a), Color(0, 0, 0, 0), GRADIENT_VERTICAL);
Credits: AkatsukiSun