JS-скрипт Colorpicker for your menu

26 Май 2019
Осторожно! Присутствует трешкод.
Написал тут колорпикер для дополнительных менюшек, а кодер сказал ему не надо, сливаю. Мб кому пригодится для пастинга в свое меню
Прошу оценить бесполезность этого скрипта хотя бы словами
function draw(){
    renderColorPicker(540, 480, 'color tested')
    Render.FilledCircle(500, 500, 20, UI.GetColor('Script items', 'color tested'))
UI.AddCheckbox('is_added_' + 'color tested')
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + 'color tested', false)
function renderColorPicker(x, y, color_picker){
    if (!UI.GetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + color_picker)){
        UI.AddColorPicker(color_picker + '_cache')
        UI.SetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + color_picker, true)
    var color = UI.GetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache')
    var color_non_cached = UI.GetColor('Script items', color_picker)
    Render.GradientRect(x, y, 102, 20, 1, [0,0,0,255], color)
    Render.GradientRect(x + 102, y, 102, 20, 1, color, [255,255,255,255])
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 33, 204, 20, 1, [color_non_cached[0],color_non_cached[1],color_non_cached[2],255], [color_non_cached[0],color_non_cached[1],color_non_cached[2],0])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y, 204, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((cursor[0] - x - 100)/100*255)
        Render.String(x, y-13, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new = [color[0] + color_x, color[1] + color_x, color[2] + color_x, color[3]]
        if (color[0] + color_x < 0) color_new[0] = 0
        if (color[1] + color_x < 0) color_new[1] = 0
        if (color[2] + color_x < 0) color_new[2] = 0
        if (color[0] + color_x > 255) color_new[0] = 255
        if (color[1] + color_x > 255) color_new[1] = 255
        if (color[2] + color_x > 255) color_new[2] = 255
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker, color_new)
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y + 33, 204, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((cursor[0] - x)/204*255)
        Render.String(x, y + 20, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_alpha = [color_non_cached[0], color_non_cached[1], color_non_cached[2], 255 - color_x]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_alpha)
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker, color_new_alpha)
    //red to yellow
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,0,0,255], [255,255,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255, color_x, 0, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //yellow to green
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,255,0,255], [0,255,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255-color_x, 255, 0, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //green to cyan
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 2, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,255,0,255], [0,255,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 2, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 2)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [0, 255, color_x, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //cyan to blue
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 3, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,255,255,255], [0,0,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 3, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 3)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [0, 255 - color_x, 255, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //blue to pink
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 4, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,0,255,255], [255,0,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 4, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 4)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [color_x, 0, 255, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //pink to red
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 5, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,0,255,255], [255,0,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 5, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 5)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255, 0, 255 - color_x, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
UI.IsCursorInBox = function(x, y, width, height) {
    var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
    if (cursor[0] > x && cursor[0] < x + width && cursor[1] > y && cursor[1] < y + height)
        return true
    return false

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')
UPD. Ах, да, ss
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Последнее редактирование:
19 Фев 2021
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Осторожно! Присутствует трешкод.
Написал тут колорпикер для дополнительных менюшек, а кодер сказал ему не надо, сливаю. Мб кому пригодится для пастинга в свое меню
Прошу оценить бесполезность этого скрипта хотя бы словами
function draw(){
    renderColorPicker(540, 480, 'color tested')
    Render.FilledCircle(500, 500, 20, UI.GetColor('Script items', 'color tested'))
UI.AddCheckbox('is_added_' + 'color tested')
UI.SetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + 'color tested', false)
function renderColorPicker(x, y, color_picker){
    if (!UI.GetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + color_picker)){
        UI.AddColorPicker(color_picker + '_cache')
        UI.SetValue('Script items', 'is_added_' + color_picker, true)
    var color = UI.GetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache')
    var color_non_cached = UI.GetColor('Script items', color_picker)
    Render.GradientRect(x, y, 102, 20, 1, [0,0,0,255], color)
    Render.GradientRect(x + 102, y, 102, 20, 1, color, [255,255,255,255])
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 33, 204, 20, 1, [color_non_cached[0],color_non_cached[1],color_non_cached[2],255], [color_non_cached[0],color_non_cached[1],color_non_cached[2],0])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y, 204, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((cursor[0] - x - 100)/100*255)
        Render.String(x, y-13, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new = [color[0] + color_x, color[1] + color_x, color[2] + color_x, color[3]]
        if (color[0] + color_x < 0) color_new[0] = 0
        if (color[1] + color_x < 0) color_new[1] = 0
        if (color[2] + color_x < 0) color_new[2] = 0
        if (color[0] + color_x > 255) color_new[0] = 255
        if (color[1] + color_x > 255) color_new[1] = 255
        if (color[2] + color_x > 255) color_new[2] = 255
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker, color_new)
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y + 33, 204, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((cursor[0] - x)/204*255)
        Render.String(x, y + 20, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_alpha = [color_non_cached[0], color_non_cached[1], color_non_cached[2], 255 - color_x]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_alpha)
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker, color_new_alpha)
    //red to yellow
    Render.GradientRect(x, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,0,0,255], [255,255,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255, color_x, 0, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //yellow to green
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,255,0,255], [0,255,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255-color_x, 255, 0, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //green to cyan
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 2, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,255,0,255], [0,255,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 2, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 2)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [0, 255, color_x, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //cyan to blue
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 3, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,255,255,255], [0,0,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 3, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 3)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [0, 255 - color_x, 255, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //blue to pink
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 4, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [0,0,255,255], [255,0,255,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 4, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 4)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [color_x, 0, 255, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
    //pink to red
    Render.GradientRect(x + 34 * 5, y + 66, 34, 20, 1, [255,0,255,255], [255,0,0,255])
    if (UI.IsCursorInBox(x + 34 * 5, y + 66, 34, 20)&&Input.IsKeyPressed(0x01)){
        var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
        var color_x = Math.floor((255*((cursor[0] - x - 34 * 5)/34)))
        Render.String(x, y + 53, 0, color_x.toString(),[255, 255,255,255],11)
        color_new_color = [255, 0, 255 - color_x, color[3]]
        UI.SetColor('Script items', color_picker + '_cache', color_new_color)
UI.IsCursorInBox = function(x, y, width, height) {
    var cursor = Input.GetCursorPosition()
    if (cursor[0] > x && cursor[0] < x + width && cursor[1] > y && cursor[1] < y + height)
        return true
    return false

Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'draw')
nice release
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