Модератор раздела «Reallusion Software»
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- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Постапокалиптическая пустынная среда с большим количеством реквизита и управляемым транспортным средством. Этот проект поставляется с различными наборами ресурсов, таких как листва, материалы которые имеют полезные функции (adaptive landscape tessellation, interactive foliage и dirt blending). В проекте используется динамическое или статическое освещение в зависимости от потребностей.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Over 100+ model assets
- Spline assets for roads, light poles, fences
- Drive able car based on the Advanced Vehicle Blueprint
- Master materials for foliage, building, prop, terrain
- 3 layer terrain material with adaptive tessellation, distance based blending and triplanar mapping
- Assets built with AAA quality
- Building have rigged doors and interior
- Large amount of different props and foliage assets
- Procedural foliage and rock spawning
- Built in colliders for assets
- LODs for models
- Dynamic or static lighting level versions
- Included desert scene with abandoned diner and roads
- 2K (53)
- 1K (104)
- 512 (31)
LODs: Yes (Auto generated)
Number of Meshes: 105
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 87
Number of Textures: 189
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Everything except mobile
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