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- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Send your players to the dedicated server with the Battle Royale Game Mode loaded and the addon will handle the rest based on your settings in the 1 UStructure included.
Integrate with your existing game already or use this as a starting point.
This add-on includes everything needed to start a Battle Royale Game Mode and Level.
Be sure to have Dedicated Server checked when running the Demo Level!
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Battle Royale System from start to finish
- Player Loading/Starting based on "OnPlayerLogon" event.
- Integrates with your existing matchmaking system
- Air Control (Skydiving) / Auto Parachute Deployment (easily configurable)
- Circle Closing, Damage Dealt Outside Circle
- Character Status Component System Included (easily replace with yours)
- Win/Loss Screen On Death
- Auto Start Timer or Max Players Connected
- Settings and Configs ready to be set to match your custom level
- Built for Dedicated Servers
- Add the Battle Royale Component, Variables, and Camera to your character. Name everything exactly the same way!
- Save & Close UE4. Then relaunch your project. Do not open anything in UE4!
- Delete and replace the BRDemoCharacter included in the addon with your character.
- Add the battleroyale game mode component to your level and copy the existing code/variables from the demo level.
- Be sure dedicated server is checked!
- Hit play, you will receive a few errors. Follow the errors and re-link the replaced references.
- Hit play again and the BR game mode should be integrated into your existing game.
Configure settings in the "BattleRoyaleSettings" ustructure file.
This system is created from scratch and meant to be sold as a stand alone game mode that can easily integrate into an existing system with minimal integration time.
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Manifest V4.20:
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