Как пользоваться binary to compressed

28 Май 2017
Короче это тул для имгуи, чтобы шрифт в байты перевести(на сколько я понимаю),
в индиго хочу шрифт поменять, вот ссыль на тул, там все понятнее написанно
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

но у меня не получилось*(
12 Июн 2014
собираешь этот код как консольное приложение(это исправленный binary_to_compressed_c.cpp)
// ImGui - binary_to_compressed_c.cpp
// Helper tool to turn a file into a C array, if you want to embed font data in your source code.

// The data is first compressed with stb_compress() to reduce source code size,
// then encoded in Base85 to fit in a string so we can fit roughly 4 bytes of compressed data into 5 bytes of source code (suggested by @mmalex)
// (If we used 32-bits constants it would require take 11 bytes of source code to encode 4 bytes, and be endianness dependent)
// Note that even with compression, the output array is likely to be bigger than the binary file..
// Load compressed TTF fonts with ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF()

// Build with, e.g:
//   # cl.exe binary_to_compressed_c.cpp
//   # gcc binary_to_compressed_c.cpp
// You can also find a precompiled Windows binary in the binary/demo package available from https://github.com/ocornut/imgui

// Usage:
//   binary_to_compressed_c.exe [-base85] [-nocompress] <inputfile> <symbolname>
// Usage example:
//   # binary_to_compressed_c.exe myfont.ttf MyFont > myfont.cpp
//   # binary_to_compressed_c.exe -base85 myfont.ttf MyFont > myfont.cpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

// stb_compress* from stb.h - declaration
typedef unsigned int stb_uint;
typedef unsigned char stb_uchar;
stb_uint stb_compress(stb_uchar *out, stb_uchar *in, stb_uint len);

static bool binary_to_compressed_c(const char* filename, const char* symbol, bool use_base85_encoding, bool use_compression);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 3)
        printf("Syntax: %s [-base85] [-nocompress] <inputfile> <symbolname>\n", argv[0]);
        return 0;

    int argn = 1;
    bool use_base85_encoding = false;
    bool use_compression = true;
    if (argv[argn][0] == '-')
        if (strcmp(argv[argn], "-base85") == 0) { use_base85_encoding = true; argn++; }
        else if (strcmp(argv[argn], "-nocompress") == 0) { use_compression = false; argn++; }
            printf("Unknown argument: '%s'\n", argv[argn]);
            return 1;

    binary_to_compressed_c(argv[argn], argv[argn + 1], use_base85_encoding, use_compression);
    return 1;

char Encode85Byte(unsigned int x)
    x = (x % 85) + 35;
    return (x >= '\\') ? x + 1 : x;

bool binary_to_compressed_c(const char* filename, const char* symbol, bool use_base85_encoding, bool use_compression)
    // Read file
    FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (!f) return false;
    int data_sz;
    if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) || (data_sz = (int)ftell(f)) == -1 || fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET)) { fclose(f); return false; }
    char* data = new char[data_sz + 4];
    if (fread(data, 1, data_sz, f) != (size_t)data_sz) { fclose(f); delete[] data; return false; }
    memset((void *)(((char*)data) + data_sz), 0, 4);

    // Compress
    int maxlen = data_sz + 512 + (data_sz >> 2) + sizeof(int); // total guess
    char* compressed = use_compression ? new char[maxlen] : data;
    int compressed_sz = use_compression ? stb_compress((stb_uchar*)compressed, (stb_uchar*)data, data_sz) : data_sz;
    if (use_compression)
        memset(compressed + compressed_sz, 0, maxlen - compressed_sz);

    // Output as Base85 encoded
    FILE*   out  = fopen("OutFontCompress.h", "w"); //   stdout;
    fprintf(out, "// File: '%s' (%d bytes)\n", filename, (int)data_sz);
    fprintf(out, "// Exported using binary_to_compressed_c.cpp\n");
    const char* compressed_str = use_compression ? "compressed_" : "";
    if (use_base85_encoding)
        fprintf(out, "static const char %s_%sdata_base85[%d+1] =\n    \"", symbol, compressed_str, (int)((compressed_sz + 3) / 4) * 5);
        char prev_c = 0;
        for (int src_i = 0; src_i < compressed_sz; src_i += 4)
            // This is made a little more complicated by the fact that ??X sequences are interpreted as trigraphs by old C/C++ compilers. So we need to escape pairs of ??.
            unsigned int d = *(unsigned int*)(compressed + src_i);
            for (unsigned int n5 = 0; n5 < 5; n5++, d /= 85)
                char c = Encode85Byte(d);
                fprintf(out, (c == '?' && prev_c == '?') ? "\\%c" : "%c", c);
                prev_c = c;
            if ((src_i % 112) == 112 - 4)
                fprintf(out, "\"\n    \"");
        fprintf(out, "\";\n\n");
        fprintf(out, "static const unsigned int %s_%ssize = %d;\n", symbol, compressed_str, (int)compressed_sz);
        fprintf(out, "static const unsigned int %s_%sdata[%d/4] =\n{", symbol, compressed_str, (int)((compressed_sz + 3) / 4) * 4);
        int column = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < compressed_sz; i += 4)
            unsigned int d = *(unsigned int*)(compressed + i);
            if ((column++ % 12) == 0)
                fprintf(out, "\n    0x%08x, ", d);
                fprintf(out, "0x%08x, ", d);
        fprintf(out, "\n};\n\n");

    // Cleanup
    delete[] data;
    if (use_compression)
        delete[] compressed;
    return true;

// stb_compress* from stb.h - definition

////////////////////           compressor         ///////////////////////

static stb_uint stb_adler32(stb_uint adler32, stb_uchar *buffer, stb_uint buflen)
    const unsigned long ADLER_MOD = 65521;
    unsigned long s1 = adler32 & 0xffff, s2 = adler32 >> 16;
    unsigned long blocklen, i;

    blocklen = buflen % 5552;
    while (buflen) {
        for (i = 0; i + 7 < blocklen; i += 8) {
            s1 += buffer[0], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[1], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[2], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[3], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[4], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[5], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[6], s2 += s1;
            s1 += buffer[7], s2 += s1;

            buffer += 8;

        for (; i < blocklen; ++i)
            s1 += *buffer++, s2 += s1;

        s1 %= ADLER_MOD, s2 %= ADLER_MOD;
        buflen -= blocklen;
        blocklen = 5552;
    return (s2 << 16) + s1;

static unsigned int stb_matchlen(stb_uchar *m1, stb_uchar *m2, stb_uint maxlen)
    stb_uint i;
    for (i = 0; i < maxlen; ++i)
        if (m1[i] != m2[i]) return i;
    return i;

// simple implementation that just takes the source data in a big block

static stb_uchar *stb__out;
static FILE      *stb__outfile;
static stb_uint   stb__outbytes;

static void stb__write(unsigned char v)
    fputc(v, stb__outfile);

//#define stb_out(v)    (stb__out ? *stb__out++ = (stb_uchar) (v) : stb__write((stb_uchar) (v)))
#define stb_out(v)    do { if (stb__out) *stb__out++ = (stb_uchar) (v); else stb__write((stb_uchar) (v)); } while (0)

static void stb_out2(stb_uint v) { stb_out(v >> 8); stb_out(v); }
static void stb_out3(stb_uint v) { stb_out(v >> 16); stb_out(v >> 8); stb_out(v); }
static void stb_out4(stb_uint v) { stb_out(v >> 24); stb_out(v >> 16); stb_out(v >> 8); stb_out(v); }

static void outliterals(stb_uchar *in, int numlit)
    while (numlit > 65536) {
        outliterals(in, 65536);
        in += 65536;
        numlit -= 65536;

    if (numlit == 0);
    else if (numlit <= 32)    stb_out(0x000020 + numlit - 1);
    else if (numlit <= 2048)    stb_out2(0x000800 + numlit - 1);
    else /*  numlit <= 65536) */ stb_out3(0x070000 + numlit - 1);

    if (stb__out) {
        memcpy(stb__out, in, numlit);
        stb__out += numlit;
        fwrite(in, 1, numlit, stb__outfile);

static int stb__window = 0x40000; // 256K

static int stb_not_crap(int best, int dist)
    return   ((best > 2 && dist <= 0x00100)
        || (best > 5 && dist <= 0x04000)
        || (best > 7 && dist <= 0x80000));

static  stb_uint stb__hashsize = 32768;

// note that you can play with the hashing functions all you
// want without needing to change the decompressor
#define stb__hc(q,h,c)      (((h) << 7) + ((h) >> 25) + q[c])
#define stb__hc2(q,h,c,d)   (((h) << 14) + ((h) >> 18) + (q[c] << 7) + q[d])
#define stb__hc3(q,c,d,e)   ((q[c] << 14) + (q[d] << 7) + q[e])

static unsigned int stb__running_adler;

static int stb_compress_chunk(stb_uchar *history,
    stb_uchar *start,
    stb_uchar *end,
    int length,
    int *pending_literals,
    stb_uchar **chash,
    stb_uint mask)
    int window = stb__window;
    stb_uint match_max;
    stb_uchar *lit_start = start - *pending_literals;
    stb_uchar *q = start;

#define STB__SCRAMBLE(h)   (((h) + ((h) >> 16)) & mask)

    // stop short of the end so we don't scan off the end doing
    // the hashing; this means we won't compress the last few bytes
    // unless they were part of something longer
    while (q < start + length && q + 12 < end) {
        int m;
        stb_uint h1, h2, h3, h4, h;
        stb_uchar *t;
        int best = 2, dist = 0;

        if (q + 65536 > end)
            match_max = end - q;
            match_max = 65536;

#define stb__nc(b,d)  ((d) <= window && ((b) > 9 || stb_not_crap(b,d)))

#define STB__TRY(t,p)  /* avoid retrying a match we already tried */ \
    if (p ? dist != q-t : 1)                             \
    if ((m = stb_matchlen(t, q, match_max)) > best)     \
    if (stb__nc(m,q-(t)))                                \
    best = m, dist = q - (t)

        // rather than search for all matches, only try 4 candidate locations,
        // chosen based on 4 different hash functions of different lengths.
        // this strategy is inspired by LZO; hashing is unrolled here using the
        // 'hc' macro
        h = stb__hc3(q, 0, 1, 2); h1 = STB__SCRAMBLE(h);
        t = chash[h1]; if (t) STB__TRY(t, 0);
        h = stb__hc2(q, h, 3, 4); h2 = STB__SCRAMBLE(h);
        h = stb__hc2(q, h, 5, 6);        t = chash[h2]; if (t) STB__TRY(t, 1);
        h = stb__hc2(q, h, 7, 8); h3 = STB__SCRAMBLE(h);
        h = stb__hc2(q, h, 9, 10);        t = chash[h3]; if (t) STB__TRY(t, 1);
        h = stb__hc2(q, h, 11, 12); h4 = STB__SCRAMBLE(h);
        t = chash[h4]; if (t) STB__TRY(t, 1);

        // because we use a shared hash table, can only update it
        // _after_ we've probed all of them
        chash[h1] = chash[h2] = chash[h3] = chash[h4] = q;

        if (best > 2)
            assert(dist > 0);

        // see if our best match qualifies
        if (best < 3) { // fast path literals
        else if (best > 2 && best <= 0x80 && dist <= 0x100) {
            outliterals(lit_start, q - lit_start); lit_start = (q += best);
            stb_out(0x80 + best - 1);
            stb_out(dist - 1);
        else if (best > 5 && best <= 0x100 && dist <= 0x4000) {
            outliterals(lit_start, q - lit_start); lit_start = (q += best);
            stb_out2(0x4000 + dist - 1);
            stb_out(best - 1);
        else if (best > 7 && best <= 0x100 && dist <= 0x80000) {
            outliterals(lit_start, q - lit_start); lit_start = (q += best);
            stb_out3(0x180000 + dist - 1);
            stb_out(best - 1);
        else if (best > 8 && best <= 0x10000 && dist <= 0x80000) {
            outliterals(lit_start, q - lit_start); lit_start = (q += best);
            stb_out3(0x100000 + dist - 1);
            stb_out2(best - 1);
        else if (best > 9 && dist <= 0x1000000) {
            if (best > 65536) best = 65536;
            outliterals(lit_start, q - lit_start); lit_start = (q += best);
            if (best <= 0x100) {
                stb_out3(dist - 1);
                stb_out(best - 1);
            else {
                stb_out3(dist - 1);
                stb_out2(best - 1);
        else {  // fallback literals if no match was a balanced tradeoff

    // if we didn't get all the way, add the rest to literals
    if (q - start < length)
        q = start + length;

    // the literals are everything from lit_start to q
    *pending_literals = (q - lit_start);

    stb__running_adler = stb_adler32(stb__running_adler, start, q - start);
    return q - start;

static int stb_compress_inner(stb_uchar *input, stb_uint length)
    int literals = 0;
    stb_uint len, i;

    stb_uchar **chash;
    chash = (stb_uchar**)malloc(stb__hashsize * sizeof(stb_uchar*));
    if (chash == NULL) return 0; // failure
    for (i = 0; i < stb__hashsize; ++i)
        chash[i] = NULL;

    // stream signature
    stb_out(0x57); stb_out(0xbc);

    stb_out4(0);       // 64-bit length requires 32-bit leading 0

    stb__running_adler = 1;

    len = stb_compress_chunk(input, input, input + length, length, &literals, chash, stb__hashsize - 1);
    assert(len == length);

    outliterals(input + length - literals, literals);


    stb_out2(0x05fa); // end opcode


    return 1; // success

stb_uint stb_compress(stb_uchar *out, stb_uchar *input, stb_uint length)
    stb__out = out;
    stb__outfile = NULL;

    stb_compress_inner(input, length);

    return stb__out - out;
рядом с консолью помещаешь свой фаил шрифта(не более 90Кб вроде) и запускаешь консоль с параметрами:
 -base85 ИмяТвоегоШрифта.ttf
получишь рядом новый фаил м кодированными данными. Грузишь его из памяти в новый объект шрифта ImGui - PROFIT!!!
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