• На форуме разыгрывается более 300 ключей на приватные читы! Для этого нужно всего-лишь нажать соответствующую кнопку в теме!

    Подробности по ссылке:

Вопрос Почему не работает,

человечек который хсает
28 Апр 2021
username = Cheat.GetUsername();

function authorization() {
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
    if (y <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha >= 0 && state >= 0 && alpha_b > 0) {
        alpha -= 1.275;
        alpha_b -= 0.775
    if (y > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 1 && alpha < 255 && alpha_b < 155) {
        y -= 0.25;
        alpha += 1.275;
        alpha_b += 0.775
    if (y1 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha1 >= 0 && state == 3 && alpha1_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha1 -= 1.275;
        alpha1_b -= 0.775
    if (y1 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 2 && alpha1 < 255 && alpha1_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y1 -= 0.25;
        alpha1 += 1.275;
        alpha1_b += 0.775
    if (y2 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha2 >= 0 && state >= 4 && alpha2_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha2 -= 1.275;
        alpha2_b -= 0.775
    if (y2 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 3 && alpha2 < 255 && alpha2_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y2 -= 0.25;
        alpha2 += 1.275;
        alpha2_b += 0.775
    if (y3 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha3 >= 0 && state >= 5 && alpha3_b > 0) {
        alpha3 -= 1.275;
        alpha3_b -= 0.775
    if (y3 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state == 4 && alpha3 < 255 && alpha3_b < 155) {
        y3 -= 0.25;
        alpha3 += 1.275;
        alpha3_b += 0.775
    if (y4 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha4 >= 0 && state >= 9 && alpha4_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha4 -= 1.275;
        alpha4_b -= 0.775
    if (y4 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 8 && state != 10 && alpha4 < 255 && alpha4_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y4 -= 0.25;
        alpha4 += 1.275;
        alpha4_b += 0.775
    if (y5 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha5 >= 0 && state >= 6 && alpha5_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha5 -= 1.275;
        alpha5_b -= 0.775
    if (y5 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 5 && alpha5 < 255 && alpha5_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y5 -= 0.25;
        alpha5 += 1.275;
        alpha5_b += 0.775
    if (y6 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha6 >= 0 && state >= 7 && alpha6_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha6 -= 1.275;
        alpha6_b -= 0.775
    if (y6 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 6 && alpha6 < 255 && alpha6_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y6 -= 0.25;
        alpha6 += 1.275;
        alpha6_b += 0.775
    if (y7 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha7 >= 0 && state >= 8 && alpha7_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha7 -= 1.275;
        alpha7_b -= 0.775
    if (y7 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 7 && alpha7 < 255 && alpha7_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y7 -= 0.25;
        alpha7 += 1.275;
        alpha7_b += 0.775
    if (state >= 1) {
        width = 310;
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y, width, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y - 3, 310, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha], [5, 30, 110, alpha]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 50, y + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 80, y + 9, 0, 'Connecting to the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 20, y + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha], 5)
    if (state >= 2 && state < 4) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1, 340, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha1_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1 - 3, 340, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha1], [5, 30, 110, alpha1]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y1 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha1], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 90, y1 + 9, 0, 'Authorization from remote host...', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y1 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], 5)
    if (state >= 3 && state < 7) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2, 380, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha2_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2 - 3, 380, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha2], [5, 30, 110, alpha2]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y2 + 9, 0, '[!]', [246, 146, 46, alpha2], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y2 + 9, 0, 'Receiving information from the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 180, y2 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && _0x7f35x21 && state <= 5) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3, 550, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3 - 3, 550, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y3 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 205, y3 + 9, 0, ' Successfully loaded: Syndic | [v1.0] [DEV Version] | Last Update 15.07.2021', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 255, y3 + 8, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        var _0x7f35x22 = (username['length'] * 10) + 390;
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4, _0x7f35x22, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha4_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4 - 3, _0x7f35x22, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha4], [5, 30, 110, alpha4]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y4 + 9, 0, '[>.<]', [246, 224, 23, alpha4], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 155, y4 + 9, 0, 'Syndic ' + username + '.', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y4 + 10, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state < 9 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3, 390, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3 - 3, 390, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 160, y3 + 9, 0, '[-]', [255, 0, 0, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 130, y3 + 9, 0, 'Authorization failed. Closing the game', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 190, y3 + 9, 0, 'U', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {
        CanUse1 = true
    if (state >= 5 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 6 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 7 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 10) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Connecting to the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 1
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 1) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization from remote host...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 2
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 2) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 146, 46, 255], '[!] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Receiving information from the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 3
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' Successfully loaded' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[-] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization failed. Closing the game' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5;
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 0.1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 224, 23, 255], '[>.<]');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' XoXol-Tech has finished loaded. Welcome, ' + username + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 8
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 5 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 6
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 6 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 7
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'authorization');
27 Июл 2020
username = Cheat.GetUsername();

function authorization() {
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
    if (y <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha >= 0 && state >= 0 && alpha_b > 0) {
        alpha -= 1.275;
        alpha_b -= 0.775
    if (y > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 1 && alpha < 255 && alpha_b < 155) {
        y -= 0.25;
        alpha += 1.275;
        alpha_b += 0.775
    if (y1 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha1 >= 0 && state == 3 && alpha1_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha1 -= 1.275;
        alpha1_b -= 0.775
    if (y1 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 2 && alpha1 < 255 && alpha1_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y1 -= 0.25;
        alpha1 += 1.275;
        alpha1_b += 0.775
    if (y2 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha2 >= 0 && state >= 4 && alpha2_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha2 -= 1.275;
        alpha2_b -= 0.775
    if (y2 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 3 && alpha2 < 255 && alpha2_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y2 -= 0.25;
        alpha2 += 1.275;
        alpha2_b += 0.775
    if (y3 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha3 >= 0 && state >= 5 && alpha3_b > 0) {
        alpha3 -= 1.275;
        alpha3_b -= 0.775
    if (y3 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state == 4 && alpha3 < 255 && alpha3_b < 155) {
        y3 -= 0.25;
        alpha3 += 1.275;
        alpha3_b += 0.775
    if (y4 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha4 >= 0 && state >= 9 && alpha4_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha4 -= 1.275;
        alpha4_b -= 0.775
    if (y4 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 8 && state != 10 && alpha4 < 255 && alpha4_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y4 -= 0.25;
        alpha4 += 1.275;
        alpha4_b += 0.775
    if (y5 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha5 >= 0 && state >= 6 && alpha5_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha5 -= 1.275;
        alpha5_b -= 0.775
    if (y5 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 5 && alpha5 < 255 && alpha5_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y5 -= 0.25;
        alpha5 += 1.275;
        alpha5_b += 0.775
    if (y6 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha6 >= 0 && state >= 7 && alpha6_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha6 -= 1.275;
        alpha6_b -= 0.775
    if (y6 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 6 && alpha6 < 255 && alpha6_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y6 -= 0.25;
        alpha6 += 1.275;
        alpha6_b += 0.775
    if (y7 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha7 >= 0 && state >= 8 && alpha7_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha7 -= 1.275;
        alpha7_b -= 0.775
    if (y7 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 7 && alpha7 < 255 && alpha7_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y7 -= 0.25;
        alpha7 += 1.275;
        alpha7_b += 0.775
    if (state >= 1) {
        width = 310;
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y, width, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y - 3, 310, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha], [5, 30, 110, alpha]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 50, y + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 80, y + 9, 0, 'Connecting to the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 20, y + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha], 5)
    if (state >= 2 && state < 4) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1, 340, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha1_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1 - 3, 340, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha1], [5, 30, 110, alpha1]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y1 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha1], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 90, y1 + 9, 0, 'Authorization from remote host...', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y1 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], 5)
    if (state >= 3 && state < 7) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2, 380, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha2_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2 - 3, 380, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha2], [5, 30, 110, alpha2]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y2 + 9, 0, '[!]', [246, 146, 46, alpha2], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y2 + 9, 0, 'Receiving information from the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 180, y2 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && _0x7f35x21 && state <= 5) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3, 550, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3 - 3, 550, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y3 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 205, y3 + 9, 0, ' Successfully loaded: Syndic | [v1.0] [DEV Version] | Last Update 15.07.2021', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 255, y3 + 8, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        var _0x7f35x22 = (username['length'] * 10) + 390;
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4, _0x7f35x22, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha4_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4 - 3, _0x7f35x22, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha4], [5, 30, 110, alpha4]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y4 + 9, 0, '[>.<]', [246, 224, 23, alpha4], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 155, y4 + 9, 0, 'Syndic ' + username + '.', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y4 + 10, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state < 9 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3, 390, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3 - 3, 390, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 160, y3 + 9, 0, '[-]', [255, 0, 0, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 130, y3 + 9, 0, 'Authorization failed. Closing the game', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 190, y3 + 9, 0, 'U', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {
        CanUse1 = true
    if (state >= 5 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 6 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 7 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 10) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Connecting to the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 1
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 1) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization from remote host...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 2
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 2) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 146, 46, 255], '[!] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Receiving information from the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 3
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' Successfully loaded' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[-] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization failed. Closing the game' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5;
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 0.1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 224, 23, 255], '[>.<]');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' XoXol-Tech has finished loaded. Welcome, ' + username + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 8
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 5 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 6
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 6 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 7
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'authorization');
какой то код чистый, а какой то обфусцирован, и по этому конфликтует сам джава скрипт:)
legacy king
29 Апр 2021
username = Cheat.GetUsername();

function authorization() {
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
    if (y <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha >= 0 && state >= 0 && alpha_b > 0) {
        alpha -= 1.275;
        alpha_b -= 0.775
    if (y > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 1 && alpha < 255 && alpha_b < 155) {
        y -= 0.25;
        alpha += 1.275;
        alpha_b += 0.775
    if (y1 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha1 >= 0 && state == 3 && alpha1_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha1 -= 1.275;
        alpha1_b -= 0.775
    if (y1 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 2 && alpha1 < 255 && alpha1_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y1 -= 0.25;
        alpha1 += 1.275;
        alpha1_b += 0.775
    if (y2 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha2 >= 0 && state >= 4 && alpha2_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha2 -= 1.275;
        alpha2_b -= 0.775
    if (y2 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 3 && alpha2 < 255 && alpha2_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y2 -= 0.25;
        alpha2 += 1.275;
        alpha2_b += 0.775
    if (y3 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha3 >= 0 && state >= 5 && alpha3_b > 0) {
        alpha3 -= 1.275;
        alpha3_b -= 0.775
    if (y3 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state == 4 && alpha3 < 255 && alpha3_b < 155) {
        y3 -= 0.25;
        alpha3 += 1.275;
        alpha3_b += 0.775
    if (y4 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha4 >= 0 && state >= 9 && alpha4_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha4 -= 1.275;
        alpha4_b -= 0.775
    if (y4 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 8 && state != 10 && alpha4 < 255 && alpha4_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y4 -= 0.25;
        alpha4 += 1.275;
        alpha4_b += 0.775
    if (y5 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha5 >= 0 && state >= 6 && alpha5_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha5 -= 1.275;
        alpha5_b -= 0.775
    if (y5 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 5 && alpha5 < 255 && alpha5_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y5 -= 0.25;
        alpha5 += 1.275;
        alpha5_b += 0.775
    if (y6 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha6 >= 0 && state >= 7 && alpha6_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha6 -= 1.275;
        alpha6_b -= 0.775
    if (y6 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 6 && alpha6 < 255 && alpha6_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y6 -= 0.25;
        alpha6 += 1.275;
        alpha6_b += 0.775
    if (y7 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha7 >= 0 && state >= 8 && alpha7_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha7 -= 1.275;
        alpha7_b -= 0.775
    if (y7 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 7 && alpha7 < 255 && alpha7_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y7 -= 0.25;
        alpha7 += 1.275;
        alpha7_b += 0.775
    if (state >= 1) {
        width = 310;
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y, width, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y - 3, 310, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha], [5, 30, 110, alpha]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 50, y + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 80, y + 9, 0, 'Connecting to the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 20, y + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha], 5)
    if (state >= 2 && state < 4) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1, 340, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha1_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1 - 3, 340, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha1], [5, 30, 110, alpha1]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y1 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha1], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 90, y1 + 9, 0, 'Authorization from remote host...', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y1 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], 5)
    if (state >= 3 && state < 7) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2, 380, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha2_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2 - 3, 380, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha2], [5, 30, 110, alpha2]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y2 + 9, 0, '[!]', [246, 146, 46, alpha2], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y2 + 9, 0, 'Receiving information from the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 180, y2 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && _0x7f35x21 && state <= 5) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3, 550, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3 - 3, 550, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y3 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 205, y3 + 9, 0, ' Successfully loaded: Syndic | [v1.0] [DEV Version] | Last Update 15.07.2021', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 255, y3 + 8, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        var _0x7f35x22 = (username['length'] * 10) + 390;
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4, _0x7f35x22, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha4_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4 - 3, _0x7f35x22, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha4], [5, 30, 110, alpha4]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y4 + 9, 0, '[>.<]', [246, 224, 23, alpha4], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 155, y4 + 9, 0, 'Syndic ' + username + '.', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y4 + 10, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state < 9 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3, 390, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3 - 3, 390, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 160, y3 + 9, 0, '[-]', [255, 0, 0, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 130, y3 + 9, 0, 'Authorization failed. Closing the game', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 190, y3 + 9, 0, 'U', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {
        CanUse1 = true
    if (state >= 5 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 6 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 7 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 10) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Connecting to the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 1
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 1) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization from remote host...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 2
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 2) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 146, 46, 255], '[!] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Receiving information from the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 3
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' Successfully loaded' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[-] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization failed. Closing the game' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5;
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 0.1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 224, 23, 255], '[>.<]');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' XoXol-Tech has finished loaded. Welcome, ' + username + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 8
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 5 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 6
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 6 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 7
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'authorization');
варнов нету, гений
23 Авг 2020
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
username = Cheat.GetUsername();

function authorization() {
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
    if (y <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha >= 0 && state >= 0 && alpha_b > 0) {
        alpha -= 1.275;
        alpha_b -= 0.775
    if (y > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 1 && alpha < 255 && alpha_b < 155) {
        y -= 0.25;
        alpha += 1.275;
        alpha_b += 0.775
    if (y1 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha1 >= 0 && state == 3 && alpha1_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha1 -= 1.275;
        alpha1_b -= 0.775
    if (y1 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 2 && alpha1 < 255 && alpha1_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y1 -= 0.25;
        alpha1 += 1.275;
        alpha1_b += 0.775
    if (y2 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha2 >= 0 && state >= 4 && alpha2_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha2 -= 1.275;
        alpha2_b -= 0.775
    if (y2 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 3 && alpha2 < 255 && alpha2_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y2 -= 0.25;
        alpha2 += 1.275;
        alpha2_b += 0.775
    if (y3 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha3 >= 0 && state >= 5 && alpha3_b > 0) {
        alpha3 -= 1.275;
        alpha3_b -= 0.775
    if (y3 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state == 4 && alpha3 < 255 && alpha3_b < 155) {
        y3 -= 0.25;
        alpha3 += 1.275;
        alpha3_b += 0.775
    if (y4 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha4 >= 0 && state >= 9 && alpha4_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha4 -= 1.275;
        alpha4_b -= 0.775
    if (y4 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 8 && state != 10 && alpha4 < 255 && alpha4_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y4 -= 0.25;
        alpha4 += 1.275;
        alpha4_b += 0.775
    if (y5 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha5 >= 0 && state >= 6 && alpha5_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha5 -= 1.275;
        alpha5_b -= 0.775
    if (y5 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 5 && alpha5 < 255 && alpha5_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y5 -= 0.25;
        alpha5 += 1.275;
        alpha5_b += 0.775
    if (y6 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha6 >= 0 && state >= 7 && alpha6_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha6 -= 1.275;
        alpha6_b -= 0.775
    if (y6 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 6 && alpha6 < 255 && alpha6_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y6 -= 0.25;
        alpha6 += 1.275;
        alpha6_b += 0.775
    if (y7 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha7 >= 0 && state >= 8 && alpha7_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha7 -= 1.275;
        alpha7_b -= 0.775
    if (y7 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 7 && alpha7 < 255 && alpha7_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y7 -= 0.25;
        alpha7 += 1.275;
        alpha7_b += 0.775
    if (state >= 1) {
        width = 310;
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y, width, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y - 3, 310, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha], [5, 30, 110, alpha]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 50, y + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 80, y + 9, 0, 'Connecting to the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 20, y + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha], 5)
    if (state >= 2 && state < 4) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1, 340, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha1_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1 - 3, 340, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha1], [5, 30, 110, alpha1]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y1 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha1], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 90, y1 + 9, 0, 'Authorization from remote host...', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y1 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], 5)
    if (state >= 3 && state < 7) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2, 380, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha2_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2 - 3, 380, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha2], [5, 30, 110, alpha2]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y2 + 9, 0, '[!]', [246, 146, 46, alpha2], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y2 + 9, 0, 'Receiving information from the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 180, y2 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && _0x7f35x21 && state <= 5) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3, 550, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3 - 3, 550, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y3 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 205, y3 + 9, 0, ' Successfully loaded: Syndic | [v1.0] [DEV Version] | Last Update 15.07.2021', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 255, y3 + 8, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        var _0x7f35x22 = (username['length'] * 10) + 390;
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4, _0x7f35x22, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha4_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4 - 3, _0x7f35x22, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha4], [5, 30, 110, alpha4]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y4 + 9, 0, '[>.<]', [246, 224, 23, alpha4], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 155, y4 + 9, 0, 'Syndic ' + username + '.', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y4 + 10, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state < 9 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3, 390, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3 - 3, 390, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 160, y3 + 9, 0, '[-]', [255, 0, 0, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 130, y3 + 9, 0, 'Authorization failed. Closing the game', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 190, y3 + 9, 0, 'U', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {
        CanUse1 = true
    if (state >= 5 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 6 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 7 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 10) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Connecting to the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 1
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 1) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization from remote host...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 2
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 2) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 146, 46, 255], '[!] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Receiving information from the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 3
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' Successfully loaded' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[-] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization failed. Closing the game' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5;
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 0.1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 224, 23, 255], '[>.<]');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' XoXol-Tech has finished loaded. Welcome, ' + username + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 8
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 5 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 6
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 6 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 7
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'authorization');
Непонятно, какой он ник пытается засканить и пустить в рендер скрипт.
Попробуй вырезать проверку на ник, либо замени на свой.
24 Апр 2018
username = Cheat.GetUsername();

function authorization() {
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
    if (y <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha >= 0 && state >= 0 && alpha_b > 0) {
        alpha -= 1.275;
        alpha_b -= 0.775
    if (y > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 1 && alpha < 255 && alpha_b < 155) {
        y -= 0.25;
        alpha += 1.275;
        alpha_b += 0.775
    if (y1 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha1 >= 0 && state == 3 && alpha1_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha1 -= 1.275;
        alpha1_b -= 0.775
    if (y1 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 2 && alpha1 < 255 && alpha1_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y1 -= 0.25;
        alpha1 += 1.275;
        alpha1_b += 0.775
    if (y2 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha2 >= 0 && state >= 4 && alpha2_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha2 -= 1.275;
        alpha2_b -= 0.775
    if (y2 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 3 && alpha2 < 255 && alpha2_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y2 -= 0.25;
        alpha2 += 1.275;
        alpha2_b += 0.775
    if (y3 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha3 >= 0 && state >= 5 && alpha3_b > 0) {
        alpha3 -= 1.275;
        alpha3_b -= 0.775
    if (y3 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state == 4 && alpha3 < 255 && alpha3_b < 155) {
        y3 -= 0.25;
        alpha3 += 1.275;
        alpha3_b += 0.775
    if (y4 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha4 >= 0 && state >= 9 && alpha4_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha4 -= 1.275;
        alpha4_b -= 0.775
    if (y4 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 8 && state != 10 && alpha4 < 255 && alpha4_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y4 -= 0.25;
        alpha4 += 1.275;
        alpha4_b += 0.775
    if (y5 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha5 >= 0 && state >= 6 && alpha5_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha5 -= 1.275;
        alpha5_b -= 0.775
    if (y5 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 5 && alpha5 < 255 && alpha5_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y5 -= 0.25;
        alpha5 += 1.275;
        alpha5_b += 0.775
    if (y6 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha6 >= 0 && state >= 7 && alpha6_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha6 -= 1.275;
        alpha6_b -= 0.775
    if (y6 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 6 && alpha6 < 255 && alpha6_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y6 -= 0.25;
        alpha6 += 1.275;
        alpha6_b += 0.775
    if (y7 <= screen_size[1] - 250 && alpha7 >= 0 && state >= 8 && alpha7_b > 0 && state != 10) {
        alpha7 -= 1.275;
        alpha7_b -= 0.775
    if (y7 > screen_size[1] - 250 && state >= 7 && alpha7 < 255 && alpha7_b < 155 && state != 10) {
        y7 -= 0.25;
        alpha7 += 1.275;
        alpha7_b += 0.775
    if (state >= 1) {
        width = 310;
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y, width, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - width / 2, y - 3, 310, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha], [5, 30, 110, alpha]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 50, y + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 80, y + 9, 0, 'Connecting to the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - (width / 2) + 20, y + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha], 5)
    if (state >= 2 && state < 4) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1, 340, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha1_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 170, y1 - 3, 340, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha1], [5, 30, 110, alpha1]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y1 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha1], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 90, y1 + 9, 0, 'Authorization from remote host...', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y1 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha1], 5)
    if (state >= 3 && state < 7) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2, 380, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha2_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y2 - 3, 380, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha2], [5, 30, 110, alpha2]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 150, y2 + 9, 0, '[!]', [246, 146, 46, alpha2], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 120, y2 + 9, 0, 'Receiving information from the server...', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 180, y2 + 10, 0, '#', [255, 255, 255, alpha2], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && _0x7f35x21 && state <= 5) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 7, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3, 550, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 275, y3 - 3, 550, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y3 + 9, 0, '[+]', [46, 246, 53, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 205, y3 + 9, 0, ' Successfully loaded: Syndic | [v1.0] [DEV Version] | Last Update 15.07.2021', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 255, y3 + 8, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        var _0x7f35x22 = (username['length'] * 10) + 390;
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4, _0x7f35x22, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha4_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 245, y4 - 3, _0x7f35x22, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha4], [5, 30, 110, alpha4]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 200, y4 + 9, 0, '[>.<]', [246, 224, 23, alpha4], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 155, y4 + 9, 0, 'Syndic ' + username + '.', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 225, y4 + 10, 0, '!', [255, 255, 255, alpha4], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state < 9 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 800);
        Render.FilledRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3, 390, 30, [0, 0, 0, alpha3_b]);
        Render.GradientRect((screen_size[0] / 2) - 210, y3 - 3, 390, 3, 0, [104, 106, 128, alpha3], [5, 30, 110, alpha3]);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 160, y3 + 9, 0, '[-]', [255, 0, 0, alpha3], font);
        Render.StringCustom((screen_size[0] / 2) - 130, y3 + 9, 0, 'Authorization failed. Closing the game', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], font);
        Render.String((screen_size[0] / 2) - 190, y3 + 9, 0, 'U', [255, 255, 255, alpha3], 5)
    if (state >= 4 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {
        CanUse1 = true
    if (state >= 5 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 6 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (state >= 7 && state != 10 && _0x7f35x21) {};
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 10) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Connecting to the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 1
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 1) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization from remote host...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 2
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 2) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 146, 46, 255], '[!] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Receiving information from the server...' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 3
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([46, 246, 53, 255], '[+] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' Successfully loaded' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 3 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 0, 0, 255], '[-] ');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], 'Authorization failed. Closing the game' + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 4
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 4 && !_0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 5;
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 0.1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 8 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 9
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 7 && _0x7f35x21) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([246, 224, 23, 255], '[>.<]');
        Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], ' XoXol-Tech has finished loaded. Welcome, ' + username + '\x0A');
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 8
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 5 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 6
    if (Globals.Realtime() > time + 1 && state == 6 && _0x7f35x21) {
        time = Globals.Realtime();
        state = 7
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'authorization');
Так у тебя варов нету
По этому и не работает
Вот готовый вариант

Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.

20 Июн 2021
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
    var _0x7f35x21 = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) && isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) && isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative(Cheat.RegisterCallback) && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand)) {
        _0x7f35x21 = true
    } else {
        _0x7f35x21 = false
как минимум. Вот оригинальный код
    var zaebis = false;
    if (whitelist() && isNative(Cheat.GetUsername) &&
    isNative(Cheat.Print) && isNative(Cheat.PrintChat) &&
    isNative(Cheat.PrintColor) && isNative (Cheat.RegisterCallback)
     && isNative(Cheat.ExecuteCommand) ) zaebis = true;
    else {zaebis =false}
Сверху Снизу