Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- High quality wings VFX
- Flight System that is multiplayer ready
- Air Dash feature with animations included
- Exposed values for quick change in the behavior (Flight speed, Dash speed, etc)
- Flying Character Movement Component that enables any character to ride the board
- Animation Blueprint for the custom character easy to retarget to any character using the Epic Skeleton
Type of Emitters: CPU and mesh emitters
Number of Effects: 33
Number of Textures: 15
Number of Materials: 31
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of Meshes: 4
Number of Meshes: 6
Network Replicated: Yes
- Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
- Rigged: Yes
- Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
- Animated: Yes
- Number of Characters: 0 (Default Epic Mannequin)
- Number of Animations: 32 animations, 5 blendspaces, 6 animation montags
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, MacOs
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, MacOs
Documentation: Inside the Tutorial Blueprint in the package found in /Content/Blueprints/Tutorial
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