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// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java: http://www.viva64.com
#include "animation_system.h"
#include "..\ragebot\aim.h"
void resolver::initialize(player_t* e, adjust_data* record, const float& goal_feet_yaw, const float& pitch)
player = e;
player_record = record;
original_goal_feet_yaw = math::normalize_yaw(goal_feet_yaw);
original_pitch = math::normalize_pitch(pitch);
void resolver::reset()
player = nullptr;
player_record = nullptr;
side = false;
fake = false;
was_first_bruteforce = false;
was_second_bruteforce = false;
original_goal_feet_yaw = 0.0f;
original_pitch = 0.0f;
last_delta_first = 0.0f;
last_delta_second = 0.0f;
last_delta_third = 0.0f;
void resolver::resolve_yaw()
player_info_t player_info;
if (!m_engine()->GetPlayerInfo(player->EntIndex(), &player_info))
if (player_info.fakeplayer || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || player->m_iTeamNum() == g_ctx.local()->m_iTeamNum())
if (!g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || player->m_iTeamNum() == g_ctx.local()->m_iTeamNum())
{ // do we need to resolve player?
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
// shit player?
auto animstate = player->get_animation_state();
if (!animstate)
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
//on the stairs or noclip antiaims dont' work
if (player->get_move_type() == MOVETYPE_LADDER || player->get_move_type() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
// speed for later using
auto speed = player->m_vecVelocity().Length2D();
// some bools for history checks
bool is_player_zero = false;
bool is_player_faking = false;
bool is_player_low = g_cfg.player_list.low_delta[player->EntIndex()];
int positives = 0;
int negatives = 0;
// save history resolver type
resolver_history res_history = HISTORY_UNKNOWN;
// do we have record for that player in history?
for (auto it = lagcompensation::get().player_sets.begin(); it != lagcompensation::get().player_sets.end(); ++it)
if (it->id == player_info.steamID64)
// copy information about resolver history to vars
res_history = it->res_type;
is_player_faking = it->faking;
positives = it->pos;
negatives = it->neg;
if (!is_player_low)
is_player_low = (speed > 38.f && it->low_move) || (speed <= 38.f && it->low_stand);
// we dont want to continue cycle any more
// ghetto way
auto choked = TIME_TO_TICKS(player->m_flSimulationTime() - player->m_flOldSimulationTime());
// if his pitch down, or he is choking or we already hitted in desync, we can say that he might use desync
if (fabs(original_pitch) > 65.f || choked >= 1 || is_player_faking)
fake = true;
else if (!fake && !g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()])
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
// did we hit player in low or zero side?
if (res_history == HISTORY_ZERO)
is_player_zero = true;
// did we hit a zero-desync ? stay zero : continue
if (is_player_zero && !g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()])
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ZERO;
player_record->type = resolver_type::HISTORY_SIDE;
bool was_low_detect = false;
// onetap.com method for stand checks
if (player_record->shot)
auto left_side_diff = fabsf(math::angle_diff(positive_side, gfy_default));
auto right_side_diff = fabsf(math::angle_diff(negative_side, gfy_default));
if (fabsf(left_side_diff - right_side_diff) > 30.f)
player_record->side = left_side_diff > right_side_diff ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::SHOT;
else {
player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
player_record->type = resolver_type::SHOT;
else if (speed <= 1.1f && player_record->layers[3].m_flWeight == 0.f && player_record->layers[3].m_flCycle == 0.f)
auto m_delta = math::angle_diff(player->m_angEyeAngles().y, gfy_default);
auto m_side = (2 * (m_delta <= 0.0f) - 1) > 0;
player_record->side = m_side ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::ANIM_s;
lock_side = m_globals()->m_curtime + 0.8f;
else if (speed <= 1.1f && (player_record->layers[12].m_flPlaybackRate == 0.f || player_record->layers[3].m_flWeight > 0.1f && player_record->layers[3].m_nSequence == 4 && player_record->layers[6].m_flCycle < 0.9f)) {
auto m_delta = math::angle_diff(player->m_angEyeAngles().y - player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(), 360.f) <= 0.f;
//proper lby resolver from pidoria.uno
if (2 * m_delta) {
if (2 * m_delta == 2) {
player_record->side = RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::LBY;
else {
player_record->side = RESOLVER_FIRST;
player_record->type = resolver_type::LBY;
lock_side = m_globals()->m_curtime + 0.8f;
goto res_label1;
else if (speed > 1.1f && (player_record->layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f) == (previous_layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f))
float delta_first = abs(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[0][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
float delta_second = abs(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[2][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
float delta_third = abs(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[1][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
last_delta_first = delta_first;
last_delta_second = delta_second;
last_delta_third = delta_third;
if (delta_first < delta_second || delta_third <= delta_second || (delta_second * 1000.0))
if (delta_first >= delta_third && delta_second > delta_third && !(delta_third * 1000.0)) {
player_record->side = RESOLVER_FIRST;
player_record->type = resolver_type::ANIM_m;
goto res_label1;
else {
player_record->side = RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::ANIM_m;
auto m_delta = math::angle_diff(player->m_angEyeAngles().y, gfy_default);
if ((last_delta_third > 0.f || last_delta_second > 0.f) && (m_delta > 0.f && fabs(m_delta) <= 35.f))
const float delta_first = fabsf(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[0][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
const float delta_second = fabsf(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[2][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
const float delta_third = fabsf(player_record->layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - resolver_layers[1][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
if (delta_third < last_delta_third && delta_second >= last_delta_second) {
was_low_detect = true;
player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
else if (delta_third < delta_second && last_delta_second < last_delta_third) {
was_low_detect = true;
player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;
goto freestand;
if (m_globals()->m_curtime - lock_side > 2.0f)
// lets compare two sides
auto fire_data_first = autowall::get().wall_penetration(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.first), player);
auto fire_data_second = autowall::get().wall_penetration(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.second), player);
// fake head check
if (fire_data_first.visible != fire_data_second.visible)
player_record->type = resolver_type::TRACE;
player_record->side = fire_data_second.visible ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
lock_side = m_globals()->m_curtime;
player_record->type = resolver_type::DIRECTIONAL;
if (fire_data_first.damage != fire_data_second.damage)
player_record->side = fire_data_first.damage < fire_data_second.damage ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
else if (abs(positives - negatives) > 3)
player_record->side = positives > negatives ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::HISTORY_SIDE;
else if (player_record->side <= 1)
player_record->side = positives > negatives ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->type = resolver_type::LOCKED_SIDE;
if (player_record->side == RESOLVER_FIRST && is_player_low)
player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;
else if (player_record->side == RESOLVER_SECOND && is_player_low)
player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
side = (int)player_record->side == 2 || (int)player_record->side == 4;
// bruteforce after miss, i think we have stored last side, yeah?
if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()])
player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
switch (last_side)
// did we missed in non-resolved side?
// start bruteforce from zero and set static fake = true;
g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] = 0;
fake = true;
goto start_side_detect;
was_first_bruteforce = false;
was_second_bruteforce = false;
was_first_low_bruteforce = false;
was_second_low_bruteforce = false;
// continue bruteforce with detect side
if (was_low_detect)
player_record->side = side ? RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST : RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
player_record->side = side ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND;
player_record->side = was_second_bruteforce ? ((was_first_low_bruteforce && was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_ZERO : ((was_first_low_bruteforce && !was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND : ((!was_first_low_bruteforce && was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST : (side ? RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST : RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND)))) : RESOLVER_SECOND;
was_first_bruteforce = true;
player_record->side = was_first_bruteforce ? ((was_first_low_bruteforce && was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_ZERO : ((was_first_low_bruteforce && !was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND : ((!was_first_low_bruteforce && was_second_low_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST : (side ? RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST : RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND)))) : RESOLVER_FIRST;
was_second_bruteforce = true;
player_record->side = was_second_low_bruteforce ? ((was_first_bruteforce && was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_ZERO : ((was_first_bruteforce && !was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_SECOND : ((!was_first_bruteforce && was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_FIRST : (side ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND)))) : RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
was_first_low_bruteforce = true;
player_record->side = was_first_low_bruteforce ? ((was_first_bruteforce && was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_ZERO : ((was_first_bruteforce && !was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_SECOND : ((!was_first_bruteforce && was_second_bruteforce) ? RESOLVER_FIRST : (side ? RESOLVER_FIRST : RESOLVER_SECOND)))) : RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;
was_second_low_bruteforce = true;
float resolver::resolve_pitch()
return original_pitch;
это как бы резольвер из elleqtcheatsпросто скинул ресольвер из ексодиума пиздец
АХХААХАХАХАХ Бекни ему те копейки чел на которые ты его заскамил... Ты говоришь что свой ресольвер не продашь, то нахуя ты ему засейлил его (похуй что ты спастил его, но по факту ты его продал как свой типо селф кодед)? На тебя скоро пойдёт арбитраж за нерабочее гавно которое ты ему продал, ещё и паблик...Мне тебе сколько раз говорить, что это не мое?
Мой ресольвер я тебе в жизни не продам :/
Ресольвер не крашит, я его взял с сурса, в котором 0 крашей)
Та пох, пусть радуется 160₽))99)9))))АХХААХАХАХАХ Бекни ему те копейки чел на которые ты его заскамил... Ты говоришь что свой ресольвер не продашь, то нахуя ты ему засейлил его (похуй что ты спастил его, но по факту ты его продал как свой типо селф кодед)? На тебя скоро пойдёт арбитраж за нерабочее гавно которое ты ему продал, ещё и паблик...
Bro, use translator plsstop shit posting wtf
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