Вопрос Вопрос по поводу меню

14 Сен 2016
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Кароче, удаляю из меню например скинченджер, но потом в других вкладках другие функции появляются. Как фиксить?​
я выблядок
15 Июн 2017
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
14 Сен 2016
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
26 Июн 2017
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
ImGui change i vse top
14 Авг 2017
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Во первых:

    • 1.4. Запрещено создавать темы с названиями, не объясняющими вкратце её сути: "погомите", "проблема" и им подобными.
Во вторых:
Если ты удаляешь любую функцию, ты, похоже, из-за своей не внимательности удаляешь ещё и конец какой-либо вкладки.
Какой сурс?
UPD: Если создал одну тему, не нужно создавать несколько. Nevermind https://yougame.biz/threads/21874/
14 Сен 2016
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Во первых:

Во вторых:
Если ты удаляешь любую функцию, ты, похоже, из-за своей не внимательности удаляешь ещё и конец какой-либо вкладки.
Какой сурс?
14 Сен 2016
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
14 Авг 2017
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
не шарю в этом, можно твой вк?)
Смотри, в сурсе добавляешь файлы отсюда:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

А именно:

Так же файлы создай файлы:
Под файлы с ImGui рекомендую создать фильтр с тем же названием, а под те файлы которые ты создал (Gui.cpp, Gui.h) - рекомендую создать фильтр "Gui".
В Gui.cpp вставляешь данный код ( взято из Indigo D: ) :
#include "Gui.h"
using namespace Client;
//[enc_string_enable /]
//[junk_enable /]
bool bIsGuiInitalize = false;
bool bIsGuiVisible = false;
WNDPROC WndProc_o = nullptr;
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR)  ((int)(sizeof(_ARR)/sizeof(*_ARR)))
LRESULT WINAPI GUI_WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
CGui::CGui() {}
void CGui::GUI_Init( IDirect3DDevice9 * pDevice )
HWND hWindow = FindWindowA( "Valve001" , 0 );
ImGui_ImplDX9_Init( hWindow , pDevice );
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
io.IniFilename = GuiFile.c_str();
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF( "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Courier New.ttf" ,
// 14.f , 0 , io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic() );
ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF( 
Avalon_compressed_data , Avalon_compressed_size , 12.f );
style.WindowMinSize = ImVec2( 200 , 200 );
style.FramePadding = ImVec2( 4 , 2 );
style.ItemSpacing = ImVec2( 6 , 3 );
style.ItemInnerSpacing = ImVec2( 6 , 4 );
style.Alpha = 1.f;
style.WindowRounding = 0.0f;
style.FrameRounding = 0.0f;
style.IndentSpacing = 6.0f;
style.ItemInnerSpacing = ImVec2( 3 , 4 );
style.ColumnsMinSpacing = 50.0f;
style.GrabMinSize = 14.0f;
style.GrabRounding = 16.0f;
style.ScrollbarSize = 12.0f;
style.ScrollbarRounding = 16.0f;
style.AntiAliasedLines = true;
style.AntiAliasedShapes = true;
WndProc_o = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongA( hWindow , GWL_WNDPROC , (LONG)(LONG_PTR)GUI_WndProc );
bIsGuiInitalize = true;
void CGui::GUI_Begin_Render()
void CGui::GUI_End_Render()
LRESULT WINAPI GUI_WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
static bool is_down = false;
static bool is_clicked = false;
static bool check_closed = false;
is_clicked = false;
is_down = true;
else if ( !GUI_KEY_DOWN( VK_INSERT ) && is_down )
is_clicked = true;
is_down = false;
is_clicked = false;
is_down = false;
if ( !bIsGuiVisible && !is_clicked && check_closed )
string msg = "cl_mouseenable " + to_string( !bIsGuiVisible );
Interfaces::Engine()->ClientCmd_Unrestricted2( msg.c_str() );
check_closed = false;
if ( is_clicked )
bIsGuiVisible = !bIsGuiVisible;
string msg = "cl_mouseenable " + to_string( !bIsGuiVisible );
Interfaces::Engine()->ClientCmd_Unrestricted2( msg.c_str() );
if ( !check_closed )
check_closed = true;
if ( bIsGuiVisible && ImGui_ImplDX9_WndProcHandler( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) )
return true;
return CallWindowProcA( WndProc_o , hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam );
void CGui::GUI_Draw_Elements()
if ( !bIsGuiInitalize || Interfaces::Engine()->IsTakingScreenshot() || !Interfaces::Engine()->IsActiveApp() )
ImGui::GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = bIsGuiVisible;
bool bOpenTimer = ( bIsGuiVisible || ( bC4Timer && iC4Timer ) );
if ( g_pEsp && Settings::Esp::esp_BombTimer && bOpenTimer )
ImVec2 OldMinSize = ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize;
ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize = ImVec2( 0.f , 0.f );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 125.f , 30.f ) );
if ( ImGui::Begin( "Bomb Timer" , &bOpenTimer ,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar ) )
ImGui::Text( C4_TIMER_STRING , g_pEsp->fC4Timer );
ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize = OldMinSize;
if ( bIsGuiVisible )
int pX , pY;
Interfaces::InputSystem()->GetCursorPosition( &pX , &pY );
ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x = (float)pX;
ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.y = (float)pY;
if ( g_pRadar )
void CGui::DefaultSheme()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.60f , 0.60f , 0.60f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.94f , 0.94f , 0.94f , 1.f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.39f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.10f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.94f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.40f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 0.96f , 0.96f , 0.96f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.51f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.82f , 0.82f , 0.82f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.86f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.98f , 0.98f , 0.53f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4( 0.69f , 0.69f , 0.69f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4( 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.59f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.49f , 0.49f , 0.49f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ComboBg] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.99f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4( 0.24f , 0.52f , 0.88f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.40f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.06f , 0.53f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.31f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.80f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Column] = ImVec4( 0.39f , 0.39f , 0.39f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.50f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.95f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButton] = ImVec4( 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.50f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.39f , 0.36f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.39f , 0.36f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4( 0.39f , 0.39f , 0.39f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 0.43f , 0.35f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4( 0.90f , 0.70f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 0.60f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.20f , 0.20f , 0.35f );
void CGui::RedSheme()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.13f , 0.14f , 0.17f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.58f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.75f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.47f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4( 0.09f , 0.15f , 0.16f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ComboBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4( 0.71f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.37f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.75f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.86f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.76f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.86f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Column] = ImVec4( 0.15f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.59f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButton] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.51f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.43f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.73f );
namespace ImGui
static auto vector_getter = []( void* vec , int idx , const char** out_text )
auto& vector = *static_cast<std::vector<std::string>*>( vec );
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= static_cast<int>( vector.size() ) ) { return false; }
*out_text = vector.at( idx ).c_str();
return true;
IMGUI_API bool ComboBoxArray( const char* label , int* currIndex , std::vector<std::string>& values )
if ( values.empty() ) { return false; }
return Combo( label , currIndex , vector_getter ,
 static_cast<void*>( &values ) , values.size() );
IMGUI_API bool TabLabels( const char **tabLabels , int tabSize , int &tabIndex , int *tabOrder )
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
const ImVec2 itemSpacing = style.ItemSpacing;
const ImVec4 color = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
const ImVec4 colorActive = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive];
const ImVec4 colorHover = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered];
const ImVec4 colorText = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
style.ItemSpacing.x = 1;
style.ItemSpacing.y = 1;
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTab = ImVec4( color.x , color.y , color.z , color.w*0.5f );
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabHovered = ImVec4( colorHover.x , colorHover.y , colorHover.z , colorHover.w*0.5f );
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabText = ImVec4( colorText.x*0.8f , colorText.y*0.8f , colorText.z*0.8f , colorText.w*0.8f );
if ( tabSize>0 && ( tabIndex<0 || tabIndex >= tabSize ) )
if ( !tabOrder )
tabIndex = 0;
tabIndex = -1;
float windowWidth = 0.f , sumX = 0.f;
windowWidth = ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - style.WindowPadding.x - ( ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()>0 ? style.ScrollbarSize : 0.f );
static int draggingTabIndex = -1; int draggingTabTargetIndex = -1;
static ImVec2 draggingtabSize( 0 , 0 );
static ImVec2 draggingTabOffset( 0 , 0 );
const bool isMMBreleased = ImGui::IsMouseReleased( 2 );
const bool isMouseDragging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0 , 2.f );
int justClosedTabIndex = -1 , newtabIndex = tabIndex;
bool selection_changed = false; bool noButtonDrawn = true;
for ( int j = 0 , i; j < tabSize; j++ )
i = tabOrder ? tabOrder[j] : j;
if ( i == -1 ) continue;
if ( sumX > 0.f )
sumX += style.ItemSpacing.x;
sumX += ImGui::CalcTextSize( tabLabels[i] ).x + 2.f*style.FramePadding.x;
if ( sumX>windowWidth )
sumX = 0.f;
if ( i != tabIndex )
// Push the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = colorSelectedTab;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorSelectedTab;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorSelectedTabHovered;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorSelectedTabText;
// Draw the button
ImGui::PushID( i );   // otherwise two tabs with the same name would clash.
if ( ImGui::Button( tabLabels[i] , ImVec2( 67.f , 15.f ) ) ) { selection_changed = ( tabIndex != i ); newtabIndex = i; }
if ( i != tabIndex )
// Reset the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = color;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorActive;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorHover;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorText;
noButtonDrawn = false;
if ( sumX == 0.f ) sumX = style.WindowPadding.x + ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x; // First element of a line
if ( ImGui::IsItemHoveredRect() )
if ( tabOrder )
// tab reordering
if ( isMouseDragging )
if ( draggingTabIndex == -1 )
draggingTabIndex = j;
draggingtabSize = ImGui::GetItemRectSize();
const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
const ImVec2 draggingTabCursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
draggingTabOffset = ImVec2(
mp.x + draggingtabSize.x*0.5f - sumX + ImGui::GetScrollX() ,
mp.y + draggingtabSize.y*0.5f - draggingTabCursorPos.y + ImGui::GetScrollY()
else if ( draggingTabIndex >= 0 && draggingTabIndex<tabSize && draggingTabIndex != j )
draggingTabTargetIndex = j; // For some odd reasons this seems to get called only when draggingTabIndex < i ! (Probably during mouse dragging ImGui owns the mouse someway and sometimes ImGui::IsItemHovered() is not getting called)
tabIndex = newtabIndex;
// Draw tab label while mouse drags it
if ( draggingTabIndex >= 0 && draggingTabIndex<tabSize )
const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
const ImVec2 wp = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
ImVec2 start( wp.x + mp.x - draggingTabOffset.x - draggingtabSize.x*0.5f , wp.y + mp.y - draggingTabOffset.y - draggingtabSize.y*0.5f );
const ImVec2 end( start.x + draggingtabSize.x , start.y + draggingtabSize.y );
ImDrawList* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const float draggedBtnAlpha = 0.65f;
const ImVec4& btnColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
drawList->AddRectFilled( start , end , ImColor( btnColor.x , btnColor.y , btnColor.z , btnColor.w*draggedBtnAlpha ) , style.FrameRounding );
start.x += style.FramePadding.x; start.y += style.FramePadding.y;
const ImVec4& txtColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
drawList->AddText( start , ImColor( txtColor.x , txtColor.y , txtColor.z , txtColor.w*draggedBtnAlpha ) , tabLabels[tabOrder[draggingTabIndex]] );
ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_Move );
// Drop tab label
if ( draggingTabTargetIndex != -1 )
// swap draggingTabIndex and draggingTabTargetIndex in tabOrder
const int tmp = tabOrder[draggingTabTargetIndex];
tabOrder[draggingTabTargetIndex] = tabOrder[draggingTabIndex];
tabOrder[draggingTabIndex] = tmp;
//fprintf(stderr,"%d %d\n",draggingTabIndex,draggingTabTargetIndex);
draggingTabTargetIndex = draggingTabIndex = -1;
// Reset draggingTabIndex if necessary
if ( !isMouseDragging ) draggingTabIndex = -1;
// Change selected tab when user closes the selected tab
if ( tabIndex == justClosedTabIndex && tabIndex >= 0 )
tabIndex = -1;
for ( int j = 0 , i; j < tabSize; j++ )
i = tabOrder ? tabOrder[j] : j;
if ( i == -1 )
tabIndex = i;
// Restore the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = color;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorActive;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorHover;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorText;
style.ItemSpacing = itemSpacing;
return selection_changed;
В Gui.h вставляешь данный код ( взято из Indigo D: ):
#pragma once
#include "../Main/Main.h"
#include "../ImGui/imgui.h"
#include "../ImGui/imgui_impl_dx9.h"
#define GUI_KEY_DOWN( KeyNum ) ( GetAsyncKeyState(KeyNum) & 0x1 )
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR)  ((int)(sizeof(_ARR)/sizeof(*_ARR)))
class CGui
void GUI_Init( IDirect3DDevice9* pDevice );
void GUI_Begin_Render();
void GUI_End_Render();
void GUI_Draw_Elements();
void DefaultSheme();
void RedSheme();
extern bool bIsGuiVisible;
extern LRESULT ImGui_ImplDX9_WndProcHandler( HWND hWnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API bool ComboBoxArray( const char* label , int* currIndex , std::vector<std::string>& values );
IMGUI_API bool TabLabels( const char **tabLabels , int tabSize , int &tabIndex , int *tabOrder );
static const unsigned int Avalon_compressed_size = 26726;
static const unsigned int Avalon_compressed_data[26728 / 4] =
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0x0004012b, 0x05710103, 0x01050400, 0x089e8207, 0x2e003120, 0x1101302b, 0x11213521, 0xb0fee102, 0xc1042502, 0xf8a86e06, 0x040000ea, 0x0000a201,
0x3d82e10c, 0x00034808, 0x00140009, 0x404b0017, 0x040f1640, 0x090d0503, 0x34050108, 0x08080c02, 0x12021015, 0x0b0d3401, 0x0402060a, 0x0900090a,
0x030d0e17, 0x1209090a, 0x02011301, 0x70011601, 0x051e0a0f, 0x01000107, 0x0504096f, 0x82190206, 0x312b2b6f, 0x2b3f3f00, 0x0121302b, 0x76850121,
0x27080583, 0x33113301, 0x03112315, 0x79030111, 0x06015005, 0x6afeb0fa, 0x2502b9fe, 0x31fc8907, 0xb8f2b603, 0x02fdd9b8, 0x29f4d70b, 0xfb319c86,
0xa850013f, 0xd9fa2705, 0x01b0fea8, 0xfb2904f8, 0x24d382d7, 0x0d000089, 0x29ad8606, 0x40450024, 0x0204163c, 0xaa880b12, 0x121a3425, 0x82220600,
0x340b368b, 0x070a090a, 0x16220403, 0x05020b15, 0x2409090e, 0x0e1e7101, 0x20a78401, 0x20a78471, 0x8da78526, 0x01353ba5, 0x2e343524, 0x06222301,
0x12342315, 0x04323324, 0x06141516, 0x15210107, 0xb2825003, 0xfa0a2208, 0xfe83feac, 0x042502b0, 0x01ed026b, 0x74c26c2b, 0x9fddccbd, 0xa3b91f01,
0xb2aa1901, 0x03bffdc3, 0x08c08cb2, 0x9702a866, 0xaf6cdff0, 0xb6c7f766, 0x81991701, 0xf8bdacfc, 0xa800feb1, 0x39000400, 0xe10c0000, 0x0a00f80b,
0x11000d00, 0x65003a00, 0x011d5940, 0x19091319, 0x000c2134, 0x02053208, 0x0a123413, 0x010c0704, 0x102d3534, 0x02060b06, 0x03340108, 0x04060a01,
0x100a2604, 0x00090e0c, 0x131d3109, 0x040d1203, 0x29000303, 0x0939fe82, 0x0c011001, 0x00057001, 0x2973051e, 0x26060039, 0x2472020e, 0x03060415,
0x21e6833c, 0x00823f2b, 0x1122e983, 0x85413521, 0x01092709, 0x35010121, 0xf0881120, 0x33013e24, 0xbe420032, 0x22232608, 0x33350224, 0x2513821e,
0x0235013e, 0xa441500b, 0xfb2a0809, 0x01500564, 0xfdb1fa0a, 0x51ae0168, 0xa07f578f, 0x94e57fc9, 0xd92601d2, 0xfea8b296, 0xfeaaaedf, 0x09c1a0e3,
0xc376b2eb, 0xc2410a71, 0xfe6a080f, 0xf4d70b08, 0xa8770829, 0x85511201, 0x877ec249, 0xf0fe81e0, 0x3d8ecabf, 0xa19cf1fe, 0xa59bf3fe, 0xb49f1601,
0x70bf72fe, 0x02008e01, 0xf8ff6f00, 0xcf0bf80b, 0x20001000, 0x30403800, 0x0c18260c, 0x01150800, 0x0d250113, 0x01060a0f, 0x00091226, 0x0f040307,
0x090d0601, 0x00061d65, 0x15010005, 0x65011601, 0x060e120d, 0xdf412202, 0x01303206, 0x00012c21, 0x010a1312, 0x01292400, 0x21112111, 0x83038201,
0x0c3b0807, 0x11010801, 0x03000010, 0x01890127, 0x01260254, 0x0303f3a9, 0xfd58fef5, 0xfeaefed9, 0xfd100277, 0xfc1002f0, 0x0177fec1, 0x012f0389,
0x01750273, 0xfe0d01dc, 0x01f4fc41, 0x82710306, 0xeb320883, 0x68016f01, 0x1701e701, 0xfe10fc74, 0x053afaed, 0x041301c6, 0xfeaa03fe, 0xfebefd98,
0xfdf7fd6f, 0xffc4fe56, 0x000800ff, 0x0f790900, 0x0022009e, 0x6b820049, 0x01990029, 0x000603b6, 0x82370102, 0x0e290817, 0x0c00d70b, 0x2a001c00,
0x13232140, 0x25060000, 0x06000d02, 0x0c120402, 0x18650910, 0x12050006, 0x0e650201, 0x02060811, 0x25cc821e, 0x3f3f0031, 0xc182302b, 0x1224202a,
0x26023411, 0x13232324, 0x8f08c988, 0x02101100, 0x66020404, 0x06010902, 0x91ee7c01, 0xc9e0fef2, 0xc6fdb083, 0x2f01d1fe, 0x7201f001, 0x41010502,
0xfeccfeae, 0xfb5e086c, 0x1601591b, 0x01d70801, 0xfa207700, 0x0b9afd08, 0x05a2fdd7, 0xfe71fe87, 0xfefafe89, 0x0053caa2, 0xffb00002, 0x0cd709cf,
0x000f0029, 0x40400030, 0x021d1e35, 0x1f00011a, 0x08110a18, 0x09102108, 0x04020700, 0x0c232526, 0x20252628, 0x0c061d1e, 0x1a270904, 0x0c2d6502,
0x1f220504, 0x14046502, 0x32020610, 0x22057c41, 0x822e2e3f, 0x22aa08b1, 0x14150204, 0x32330412, 0x34351224, 0x20032402, 0x10110108, 0x20210108,
0x27002617, 0x26012d05, 0x17162125, 0x16051725, 0x13011a00, 0x05000010, 0x6dfef148, 0x9101ede5, 0x8e01f3eb, 0x73fee8df, 0xfdc7feeb, 0x01bffee2,
0x011c023b, 0xf98e0141, 0xe5b3fe55, 0xfefe49fe, 0xfee9d701, 0x7a3e02b4, 0xe5310290, 0x01bdbbfd, 0x0694fb3b, 0xe7fdc9fe, 0xfeeecf07, 0xfeecf065,
0x01f1e870, 0x01eaf19b, 0x00f8e98d, 0x15023701, 0x4b013b01, 0x38012102, 0x67018fe1, 0xa86ba078, 0x501f5f7e, 0x8ccd73c1, 0x63feb3fe, 0xeafe12fe,
0x6682b3fe, 0xffffcb2e, 0xf2fc2900, 0x980c6f08, 0x69002200, 0x2006b341, 0x08078260, 0x0601023b, 0x420ae9fc, 0x1200cf0b, 0x37002300, 0x01022d40,
0x0a041f1c, 0x01100804, 0x090d1f13, 0x04020710, 0x0c010712, 0x01180104, 0x18096409, 0x01100500, 0x01640120, 0x02060900, 0x08144525, 0x01309408,
0x25001121, 0x12000432, 0x01081015, 0x27012c21, 0x32012111, 0x35123624, 0x23240234, 0x15020422, 0x01041210, 0x01330106, 0xd9200249, 0x5501aa01,
0xfdbefec8, 0xfeb6fed3, 0x9b67fee4, 0x8b04cdfe, 0xf74601b7, 0x6dfeea89, 0x63fef2ef, 0x9001d2f2, 0x79fbcf0b, 0xae0b9f01, 0x49febffe, 0xfdbafefa,
0x0dcbfee7, 0x81fbccd1, 0xed800004, 0xf3ba4201, 0xddeb9701, 0xfef075fe, 0xe466fef8, 0xc7010200, 0xfa020000, 0x0300d70b, 0x21000700, 0x01031940,
0x82041806, 0x04012dbb, 0x01070c01, 0x02640105, 0x01050a00, 0x2105eb47, 0xad832b3f, 0x82192121, 0xc70131b2, 0xcdfe3301, 0xd70b3301, 0xe9fc40f7,
0xf8fd0802, 0x01254682, 0x0339082f, 0x214b88c7, 0x4482061a, 0x0211002e, 0x01080a0c, 0x05077304, 0x03700500, 0x220b3848, 0x84331101, 0x2f012401,
0x82cdf2d9, 0xfc9e2339, 0x03820362, 0x00020027, 0x08000019, 0x084782d1, 0x1f001b2f, 0x48405300, 0x1c02041b, 0x072d0219, 0x1e060a09, 0x12150217,
0x0d0b2c02, 0x0402060a, 0x09100914, 0x0c020c06, 0x1c1d1e1f, 0x18191a1b, 0x0c924a17, 0x2707914a, 0x1608401e, 0x21010501, 0x20063243, 0x24c5823f,
0x01330109, 0x27038321, 0x21032107, 0x23012107, 0x03820d82, 0x21374208, 0x05372113, 0x03132103, 0xa82f019a, 0x6c01d9fe, 0xfea83301, 0x4a7302cd,
0x02989afd, 0x91fd4267, 0x01b1dafe, 0xfe8ffe30, 0x2f01b0d1, 0x023da2fd, 0x99fd8f6b, 0x98d10246, 0x07987101, 0xfc0004d7, 0x23038300, 0xf209feee,
0x04250985, 0xf701f200, 0x080f82ee, 0x00f70128, 0xff370101, 0x0cae0727, 0x003100f2, 0x213f4048, 0x0c030912, 0x00030923, 0x0c021502, 0x011b0601,
0x23270119, 0xd582061c, 0x27010938, 0x01080902, 0x01271567, 0x1b011905, 0x020c1201, 0x0b00026c, 0xa4822006, 0x2e0f6726, 0x33030605, 0x3808aa46,
0x11211101, 0x1712021e, 0x25022621, 0x16070222, 0x00041712, 0x04021411, 0x08178207, 0x02002629, 0x21122135, 0x35013e32, 0x2c262734, 0x34030201,
0xf0032412, 0xec760a01, 0xfe0373bf, 0xfebc18de, 0x06f5c3e4, 0x82d1de07, 0xcb6a08e7, 0xc7c1feae, 0xfefef6fe, 0x1f0181c6, 0x840f0212, 0x5a5696f6,
0x53fe6ffe, 0x018603fc, 0x01a20b0f, 0x0cb0fe50, 0xf6fec171, 0x2701b4a2, 0xbaf3fe05, 0x2cf8fea3, 0xfe58fe56, 0x82fec1ba, 0xb0fe07f9, 0x012b5001,
0x9e580112, 0xf891d7fd, 0x8289a690, 0x4001a092, 0x01853d01, 0x0500de26, 0xc7ff3100, 0x000c000c, 0x1b000f00, 0xff821f00, 0x003f4408, 0x2b42404d,
0x09353d01, 0x0c032019, 0x13210800, 0x2006000b, 0x06003d2f, 0x09271f35, 0x04040700, 0x0c1d091f, 0x1016010b, 0x6a011d09, 0x05043923, 0x002b3266,
0x16076906, 0x011f0600, 0x100e1067, 0x43410406, 0x2b270842, 0x24361330, 0x49043233, 0x24270564, 0x05360300, 0x82171614, 0x012e26f6, 0x01062223,
0x49018221, 0x23260580, 0x27022422, 0x2b831236, 0x21830120, 0x2e350223, 0x08218202, 0x0151c175, 0x01c2b533, 0xfebbbb47, 0xd5fec2b9, 0x0d0e70fe,
0xadf51a01, 0xf206f6b0, 0x06fbafa6, 0xfa2701e1, 0x08d9feb0, 0xc8694f5f, 0xb8bcb3fe, 0x07c3c2fe, 0x3d01b90c, 0x1b019dc6, 0xb4f1abfc, 0x0473c077,
0xa770c47a, 0x7cfa0af0, 0xbffeb68a, 0xbcfec6ca, 0x010c07bf, 0xef30019d, 0x08dfd0ef, 0xb9d8e708, 0xd201d4c8, 0x870429f4, 0x9cecfe58, 0xbcbefeba,
0x824201c1, 0x586e0871, 0xbafd7acf, 0x0506e3cd, 0x7b92c966, 0x00d85db2, 0xffe90003, 0x0cbe0bc7, 0x000b0000, 0x00390018, 0x364a4052, 0x24252728,
0x05060a0c, 0x02130a00, 0x1c221309, 0x2b08000c, 0x29012f01, 0x2a210201, 0x02071309, 0x02272904, 0x02020612, 0x2809170f, 0x25012401, 0x20650205,
0x3605150f, 0x63010001, 0x06113817, 0x00330a69, 0x0f3b0306, 0x00832b03, 0x1601302f, 0x13003605, 0x02040601, 0x24011607, 0x05dd4812, 0x15010e24,
0x43410314, 0x0963080a, 0x01092101, 0x00060107, 0x24222304, 0x00122702, 0x36030025, 0x01cba002, 0x7801d114, 0xb92ffd88, 0x049ee4fe, 0x01c4020d,
0xc272f206, 0x62c28a6e, 0x4c0160c9, 0x5701b6bb, 0xf4fe96d4, 0x014202b0, 0xfd5801b2, 0xccf502cf, 0xfe5b47fd, 0xc48ffed6, 0xfb5ffef1, 0x73010709,
0xc5fe2e01, 0xcf010c0c, 0x82080ed8, 0x363508c1, 0xd34bc002, 0xc195fbfe, 0x015bd104, 0xb46e8f06, 0x5eaa6867, 0x963902e9, 0xbffebda9, 0xebfe91ba,
0xc7fd3cd7, 0xdbfb5803, 0x02d10ffd, 0xd1fecd9f, 0xa901ffa3, 0x2f3882f1, 0x1a018eeb, 0x00b84c01, 0x08790101, 0x0b1004c1, 0x2606614c, 0x0c010a03,
0x4c03015d, 0x01380b61, 0x02210121, 0xfe2f01e1, 0x0bd1fe98, 0x00eafcd7, 0xe9000100, 0x6005f8fd, 0x132e3382, 0x10401700, 0x0f0c050f, 0x63120206,
0x3682000a, 0x0f154708, 0x3f2b2b03, 0x1a13302e, 0x37010801, 0x01080611, 0x00121003, 0x08241105, 0x07e90201, 0x013401b2, 0xfeb2ed9d, 0x0bf1fe8d,
0x017401a1, 0xfef1fe2a, 0x92dafe50, 0x02011f05, 0xe5012402, 0xfe4a6301, 0x7efe66fa, 0x2282b1fd, 0xb8fde62e, 0xfeaff0fd, 0x8d0165f2, 0x2b020602,
0x8f207783, 0x06207782, 0x05217787, 0x2177850f, 0x778a0a00, 0x02100124, 0x6e820108, 0x11120022, 0x272e0882, 0x01081611, 0x94060512, 0x4ffedefe,
0xf782f0fe, 0x0ba27522, 0x2b087382, 0x01eeb28c, 0xb03401a0, 0xf6fe1f05, 0x00fed6fd, 0x016572fe, 0x1102ae0e, 0x1a014802, 0x4f027301, 0x01668201,
0x9afe4906, 0xddfd1dfe, 0x22087782, 0x79070601, 0x080cc705, 0x38001100, 0x01032d40, 0x010c0111, 0x062f010f, 0x01061e08, 0x040b0d04, 0x4f0c020c,
0xc24f06c4, 0x550e2706, 0x05011108, 0x30451301, 0x2e590806, 0x01302b2e, 0x011b3703, 0x15210317, 0x0b071321, 0x21132701, 0xe1b00235, 0xbce2d0c9,
0xfe9e01dd, 0xe2bcdd62, 0xfee1c9d0, 0x01210a56, 0x90fe6e79, 0xfe6e7001, 0x97fed187, 0xfe70016e, 0x69016e90, 0x000100d1, 0x08c900d1, 0x00e108e9,
0x4027000b, 0x0b01011f, 0x07051c01, 0x317f820a, 0x070a040a, 0x08120201, 0x63010a01, 0x050a0204, 0x82410d01, 0x302b2305, 0xcc481113, 0x2c078206,
0x017103d1, 0xfc700337, 0x04c9fe90, 0x3a098242, 0xfe98fc68, 0x0387fcc9, 0x01010079, 0x04f2fe79, 0x00080210, 0x40130003, 0x4101030b, 0x2e220bff,
0xff41302e, 0xfe902408, 0x410802d9, 0x7f2605ff, 0xd9044a04, 0x31825805, 0x10401726, 0x00030126, 0x57228782, 0x36420002, 0x827b8208, 0x047f287a,
0x05a6fb5a, 0x82f2fe58, 0x00a22663, 0x02e90200, 0x2b318229, 0x02114018, 0x00090016, 0x60040107, 0x4f0acb4e, 0x01270505, 0x024701a2, 0x82d7fd29,
0xfda826ef, 0x0b5e06f8, 0x263182d7, 0x000c4014, 0x8a4f0c02, 0x2e3f235f, 0x97821330, 0xa004a82c, 0x50fb1601, 0xdf0df8fd, 0x608221f2, 0xff7f0038,
0x0c6608c7, 0x00140008, 0x40230023, 0x0420221c, 0x1a08000c, 0x6d820f1f, 0x6504022a, 0x05001e0a, 0x00001666, 0x21053c48, 0xa5820031, 0x08108508,
0x04323301, 0x11151200, 0x04000206, 0x00242623, 0x11013502, 0x33041214, 0x11130020, 0x23240210, 0x1d017f04, 0xdbfecc01, 0x15017b01, 0xfead0695,
0xbe95fedc, 0xfe8efed8, 0x2b0191f4, 0xcc3b01ad, 0xb0012301, 0xb8feb106, 0x0749fdd8, 0x013c01e7, 0xa50201e3, 0x7cfed7fe, 0xf3f0fbdf, 0xf8fe82fe,
0x01a70387, 0xca75011f, 0x90fcc203, 0xc88dfef4, 0x65016701, 0x0001ec03, 0x2fc27501, 0x7f020100, 0xae050000, 0x0535e582, 0x16401d00, 0x0c032600,
0x04010800, 0x01020905, 0x05046512, 0x056b4e00, 0x35482b20, 0x21112d06, 0x00fe7f04, 0xd1fe2f03, 0x0e01c90a, 0x2405ef4f, 0x08000087, 0x2af18210,
0x402c001a, 0x17010025, 0x8417090c, 0x011037f4, 0x090f240c, 0x04020701, 0x03000c10, 0x67010912, 0x0508130e, 0xc4441c01, 0x30390805, 0x24001213,
0x010c3225, 0x09101512, 0x21112101, 0x11000111, 0x27240234, 0x98110020, 0x01120104, 0xb40401bd, 0x05015001, 0xfb56fe98, 0xf8e705c3, 0x01480577,
0xeafea81a, 0x08da829c, 0x0008612d, 0xce015401, 0xf98c05e1, 0xfec2aefe, 0xfc6ffe39, 0x01e9fe00, 0x0123050e, 0xa924011a, 0x08a71a01, 0x85fe9afe,
0x00010000, 0x84cfff7f, 0x002e2a9d, 0x17314039, 0x091a2201, 0x289d842b, 0x2428010b, 0x1a060122, 0x056e4c21, 0x240a0023, 0x2da48216, 0x001e0e65,
0x67012705, 0x06020b08, 0xa9833002, 0x2b2b3f24, 0x6e460130, 0x15123f05, 0x16070214, 0x02101500, 0x24222100, 0x12210300, 0x24361700, 0x02343712,
0x11012b24, 0x734d2420, 0x04a10805, 0x07500103, 0xbe5501d8, 0xd26601ce, 0x01ed9493, 0x49fefe02, 0xfef6f7fe, 0x07e8fe42, 0x01293701, 0x01aff565,
0xd204c134, 0x35e392fe, 0x93010501, 0xa67bd983, 0x0829fcfe, 0x6d01fee9, 0x9cfed2b4, 0xd6fea5cc, 0x61fe8266, 0xfefafefa, 0xebedfe32, 0x3401c801,
0xa0fea3fe, 0x01a70507, 0x01d7be2d, 0x0601a039, 0x860001cf, 0xfff877d6, 0x00020000, 0x08000039, 0x00d70b6f, 0x000d000a, 0x0d24402d, 0x0108020a,
0x0a040226, 0x0b040106, 0x0c010907, 0x12020a0c, 0x01010104, 0x0565010b, 0x01051a07, 0x24d6840f, 0x302b2e3f, 0x099c4301, 0x01092b08, 0x01e70521,
0xfe0f0179, 0xfad1fef1, 0xfbf80508, 0x0ba00460, 0xfe68f7d7, 0x02cffdf2, 0x060e0131, 0x0006f9fa, 0x5e000100, 0x6d84cfff, 0x00252b08, 0x252d4034,
0x19210215, 0x01240209, 0x2408000c, 0x22010401, 0x06052106, 0x09102519, 0x04030700, 0x03041425, 0x63010212, 0xe5821d0b, 0xf5412720, 0x37728306,
0x32213603, 0x15120004, 0x04000214, 0x00242007, 0x12162103, 0x24361704, 0x37072d4b, 0x21022707, 0x9efb5805, 0x1301fd98, 0x016b01cf, 0xfe90970f,
0xc89cfef5, 0x46089a82, 0x14c1fe18, 0xd10d3c01, 0xc7b44301, 0xb3ba4701, 0xaec7c2fe, 0xf278a7fe, 0xeafed70b, 0xaf87c0fc, 0x81fed5fe, 0x8afec4c8,
0x03aed3fe, 0x01c401dc, 0xb3feb747, 0xd70904cd, 0xc5c75f01, 0xa5d96401, 0x00005a96, 0x82660002, 0x0b773bc3, 0x001400d7, 0x403a0025, 0x000a1330,
0x091b2303, 0x05240103, 0x1b060123, 0xbe820e21, 0x02040238, 0x0201030c, 0x0209171f, 0x1f0a6501, 0x01000504, 0x01131764, 0xc8840206, 0x3f00312a,
0x09302b2b, 0x36012101, 0x2c05bb43, 0x21010802, 0x02002422, 0x06251227, 0x4dcd8203, 0x6a080716, 0x01042223, 0x01600358, 0x8937fd61, 0x6701c8bf,
0x179c1401, 0x34fefdfe, 0xfed4cdfe, 0x99f2fe94, 0xbb011011, 0xab050d8a, 0xb2e14c01, 0xc8d04f01, 0xa2caa8fe, 0xd106d8fe, 0xdffb0605, 0xcafeaf42,
0xfed970fe, 0xfe3afefc, 0x2b01a8ef, 0x01d07501, 0xfea85f89, 0x96fec2d9, 0x6001cbe2, 0x6101c6ca, 0x00008cd3, 0x00060101, 0x82df0700, 0x00062acf,
0x05194021, 0x04260101, 0x2d90820c, 0x06090004, 0x4b030001, 0x05010305, 0x07460801, 0x302b2105, 0x0805284f, 0xbe01015c, 0x66fae204, 0x23fbd906,
0x0e01c90a, 0x37f5f2fe, 0xb0000300, 0x3908c7ff, 0x1c00080c, 0x3b002b00, 0x38404000, 0x0c0f2229, 0x08160800, 0x3a212002, 0x21320601, 0x07000900,
0x0f320403, 0x091d2502, 0x00361963, 0x66011605, 0x06042513, 0x1d650108, 0x6706100b, 0x0600042e, 0xd3493d04, 0x302b3105, 0x02002005, 0x36123635,
0x27022637, 0x25241236, 0x3605dc49, 0x17000407, 0x01000010, 0x3e33021e, 0x2e343502, 0x00062301, 0x42030613, 0xca080b02, 0xfe660420, 0xed4dfeea,
0x9ee27305, 0x0506b7a3, 0x017001b6, 0x6b01e504, 0x01b1afca, 0x06020100, 0x3cfefbfe, 0x9b0707fd, 0xe3797aec, 0x87eb8e8b, 0x18d3fec2, 0xb1070cac,
0xb6b22501, 0xbcb63001, 0xfeafc7fe, 0x120139e0, 0xb1e4b401, 0x46fa3e01, 0xc947014a, 0xe06301c7, 0x97fedd04, 0xc1febbc8, 0x5afe7768, 0xfefdfeea,
0x09f8fe41, 0x6edc9933, 0x7fd88408, 0x077be292, 0x58fbf5fe, 0xaffffec6, 0x09a9e2fe, 0x2801ad09, 0x2201b1b2, 0x000200a4, 0x0800005e, 0x00080c6f,
0x00240014, 0x132f4039, 0x091b0001, 0x20000123, 0x08020c03, 0x1b1d010d, 0x0206010f, 0x0f090c04, 0x1f030b0d, 0x08670917, 0x0c05001f, 0x13176201,
0x52020610, 0x45440690, 0x42242005, 0x102d052c, 0x01210103, 0x00240706, 0x25120302, 0x08f98c00, 0xaa012264, 0xcd7b0185, 0x017701d5, 0xfcc19616,
0x0298fe7b, 0xfeca9ed0, 0xf84dfeec, 0x97020d0c, 0x070da5fe, 0xc64601c2, 0xce4f01bc, 0xc9b5febd, 0x89e10ab8, 0xcafeb19e, 0xfed076fe, 0xfae5fe9c,
0x451904b8, 0x3b01070d, 0x0b01f401, 0xfed1a601, 0xc86efefa, 0x06cbacfe, 0x4f01a405, 0x6101d9ed, 0x020000c8, 0x0482a201, 0x2908d122, 0x33062b4e,
0x0705191a, 0x18010600, 0x07000903, 0x01060402, 0x02650104, 0x44092c4e, 0x01250923, 0xfe2f01a2, 0x270383d1, 0xf8fd0802, 0x00fe2908, 0x00254682,
0x03f2fea8, 0x234b883f, 0x00021918, 0x04214b82, 0x26478406, 0x03650105, 0x4e050e01, 0x2e200676, 0x2105ac54, 0xfb820911, 0x01100227, 0x0169fd2f,
0x2a4d8268, 0x02290698, 0xf800fe00, 0x471603c9, 0xc93605d7, 0xf2089800, 0x06000e09, 0x0f401700, 0x01050105, 0x02440103, 0xc1420900, 0x2e2e2407,
0x82011330, 0x01113844, 0xf92908c9, 0xf7a00660, 0x035805d7, 0xfcd1feb6, 0xfeedfcf2, 0x83ba03da, 0x02d12695, 0x06e108a8, 0x33e184fa, 0x1d194020,
0x06000301, 0x0006041c, 0x05040206, 0x46010701, 0x132ce08c, 0x01211121, 0xd1112111, 0xf0f71008, 0x062e0383, 0xfecdfefa, 0x01c9fe18, 0x01000037,
0x8f82d100, 0x8209fa21, 0x298f833b, 0x01060206, 0x01440104, 0x8f8a0303, 0x84150121, 0xfa083490, 0xa006d7f7, 0x500560f9, 0x0146fcfe, 0x03130326,
0x8227010e, 0x0601278d, 0x66080000, 0x8d82080c, 0x001e2e08, 0x042c4033, 0x09011a01, 0x0c08221a, 0x01120800, 0x09031801, 0x04020710, 0x65120104,
0x0500170c, 0x01120111, 0x02650108, 0x02060b00, 0x0a324520, 0x0010013e, 0x04203724, 0x02141300, 0x21150200, 0x3600011a, 0x21000235, 0x07020406,
0x2f013904, 0xcd20fe82, 0x9f219882, 0x08dd82e6, 0x0c01c0a7, 0x7ffebf04, 0x04d1febe, 0xad8301ca, 0xfe73fe11, 0xeefe95e6, 0x080204ab, 0x2108f8fd,
0xbe013201, 0xfedb0dea, 0xcde2fe60, 0x7bfed5fe, 0x01c1e6fe, 0x0161010b, 0x01b4e870, 0x08350125, 0xcbc1feb6, 0x01020000, 0x0cd7ff1f, 0x000c0cc5,
0x005a0049, 0x1854405e, 0x09515801, 0x0c03302f, 0x011f0800, 0x2a1c0121, 0x07050a58, 0x2702103d, 0x06011251, 0x000e262e, 0x41313906, 0x05070009,
0x550c0004, 0x2f393c4a, 0x1f202426, 0x000e1012, 0x094d2a0d, 0x013d0121, 0x052a0a73, 0x184d6305, 0x34700600, 0x03060046, 0x05fe4e5c, 0x2b3f2e08,
0x3201302b, 0x08203336, 0x16141301, 0x01081015, 0x06272607, 0x27022e05, 0x08122726, 0x04322101, 0x01213717, 0x17141506, 0x13122436, 0x08118210,
0x010c237e, 0x1a150200, 0x05040001, 0x33130024, 0x21040006, 0x01082420, 0x00001003, 0x07020613, 0x33161712, 0x35120032, 0x22232634, 0x0d020706,
0x35010f36, 0xb0016a02, 0xd8fe041e, 0xeed53efe, 0xe4fed076, 0x229cd678, 0x01050d2c, 0x01cc0105, 0x0601b019, 0x17014229, 0x7e0831fe, 0xeb380182,
0xfdddfe14, 0x0892fed8, 0x0bfee0fe, 0x03c399fe, 0x017701dc, 0x010301de, 0xce4f0245, 0x56fe94ee, 0xfc201582, 0xae082282, 0xfe3ffed4, 0x95010cf3,
0x4f4eb402, 0xc30e06b9, 0x01ae303e, 0x887ebc36, 0x080cef6f, 0xfdfcfe04, 0x0f4ffec8, 0xdbfe0d36, 0xb0fedefd, 0xbed00d05, 0x9d58050e, 0x01c47366,
0x0136020f, 0xc0819173, 0x251588fa, 0xd9050c6a, 0x3901b301, 0x07021301, 0xea034401, 0x24fe7bfe, 0xfdbffef1, 0xba9cfefa, 0x20010603, 0xfefd1301,
0x01cca7aa, 0x0138028d, 0x02b5015f, 0xfbaa01d2, 0x31fe45b2, 0x42d9fecd, 0x01570114, 0xb48cc9ec, 0x02000078, 0x00003100, 0xd70bae0b, 0x0a000700,
0x1b402600, 0x00050a24, 0x08040106, 0x09030907, 0x090a0c01, 0x823b0308, 0x01052960, 0x2b030f0c, 0x3f3f0031, 0x2105fa47, 0x01832101, 0x01092d08,
0x01480521, 0xfe160550, 0xfa42feb8, 0xfe4afe87, 0xfdbf05b8, 0x0b9704b2, 0x0329f4d7, 0x0a08fcf8, 0x0097fa77, 0x37010300, 0xb8080000, 0x11376382,
0x23001a00, 0x2c403300, 0x0c002412, 0x01080800, 0x011b1425, 0x47261d06, 0x633405f3, 0x05001f0b, 0x04670108, 0x1c060417, 0x11136501, 0x25030608,
0x2b3c7684, 0x04200130, 0x0e141712, 0x12160701, 0x04021411, 0x01110129, 0x00202111, 0x21242611, 0x113c0883, 0x23240234, 0x25014a04, 0x0ce8ad01,
0xf5718d41, 0x42feebf2, 0x4efcdafe, 0xec012f01, 0x51082b82, 0x9afe1186, 0x10fee4fe, 0xf2022902, 0xf294fec5, 0xfec6d70b, 0xe896d3ab, 0xfe7a57c2,
0xd0cdfe8a, 0x0be687fe, 0xfceafed7, 0x01010108, 0xfaeefa0f, 0x0258fbf5, 0x0501bd63, 0x01000083, 0xcfffb400, 0x080c560c, 0x2a002600, 0x011c2240,
0x0e09170e, 0xbe82041e, 0x20231734, 0x02070009, 0x1c0a0a04, 0x64120209, 0x05002513, 0xfa592801, 0x08123208, 0x0c322101, 0x21170001, 0x23012c26,
0x02000422, 0x26128211, 0x012c3605, 0x42022137, 0x87080677, 0x2dc13411, 0xaf02cb01, 0x01ce7901, 0x0167018a, 0xb0fe7535, 0xfeacfe83, 0xfefabb8a,
0xd393fe2f, 0x02690104, 0xc149014c, 0x58017e01, 0xa5500186, 0x03fe46fe, 0xd3feeffe, 0x39fec5fd, 0xc106fafe, 0x68029401, 0xcb644b01, 0xacd2cafe,
0xfeb470ec, 0xfe26feae, 0xfd95fee6, 0x05bdfebd, 0xbaf57a05, 0x88fee5fe, 0xa201dfb5, 0x5a014a02, 0x01020068, 0x0b000037, 0x00d70b37, 0x0017000c,
0x0d1c4023, 0x000c0226, 0x00240f08, 0x652bc684, 0x05001207, 0x00010e65, 0x41190206, 0x21240675, 0x04202111, 0x22058a4e, 0x82012104, 0x004b080c,
0x00023413, 0x37012124, 0xaa013803, 0xb7018e02, 0xfbfe03d9, 0xcdfd3dfe, 0x58fdd5fe, 0x7702d301, 0xae283003, 0xdffd9dfe, 0xd70b99fe, 0xfd54fef1,
0xfec2fed3, 0xfed4fdae, 0xc90ac978, 0x51024ef6, 0x01fd6702, 0xcd6501cb, 0x83010000, 0xae07218d, 0x0b268d82, 0x23402900, 0x8b832403, 0x07052626,
0x26090600, 0x2b052a48, 0x0303070b, 0x65010912, 0x05080105, 0x2105154e, 0x744a302b, 0x11213909, 0x77063701, 0x1b05b8fa, 0x4805e5fa, 0xeafed70b,
0xf2febefb, 0xf2fe9dfb, 0xe9835b87, 0x25000924, 0x5b8a1e40, 0x00040228, 0x02030709, 0x56860812, 0xaf410b20, 0x82578a05, 0xfb002655, 0xfba0042f,
0x21538760, 0x51828ffa, 0xb8003208, 0x500dcfff, 0x2800080c, 0x27402e00, 0x1f0f010b, 0x05220f09, 0x2508000c, 0x06001c1f, 0x09242318, 0x04030700,
0x0a1c1e1f, 0x14671204, 0x01050000, 0x08ab4c2a, 0x24010823, 0x060a4225, 0x2324002f, 0x0200010c, 0x01081007, 0x00243205, 0x25cf8213, 0x04010802,
0x14822c21, 0x04b83808, 0xc8011101, 0x1d012f02, 0x01b301df, 0x5e3d018a, 0xfe699ffe, 0xdc56fea1, 0x20fedafe, 0x03b2b1fe, 0x5a028801, 0x02e52801,
0x4bb00116, 0x080869f9, 0xfed4fe2b, 0x82e0fd3f, 0xc946081e, 0x3dfebffd, 0x01e705ff, 0x0148026c, 0x6a06d493, 0xd1bafed7, 0x820001b7, 0x90fede09,
0xfee83dfe, 0xfec4fd8a, 0x01bb0dc1, 0x012d0195, 0xfd9dfe13, 0xb597fed7, 0xae01f003, 0x01003702, 0x00001701, 0xd70bb609, 0xdb820c00, 0x24232108,
0x06000a04, 0x09080401, 0x0c020c06, 0x01080900, 0x02040767, 0x0c010a05, 0x00026501, 0x0e02060c, 0x3122d782, 0x00823f00, 0x3a0d8e41, 0x01370121,
0x0129062f, 0xf9d9fe27, 0x0bb1fed7, 0x05d1fad7, 0x0529f42f, 0x416ffa91, 0x02210691, 0x08a75166, 0x09010c25, 0x4f020065, 0x3f2c0870, 0x0129303f,
0x66022111, 0x2f01d1fe, 0x00272482, 0xff310001, 0x827f06cf, 0x0011350a, 0x0f17401f, 0x00090723, 0x0c040107, 0x010b0c02, 0x00036512, 0x13203982,
0x2b218782, 0x0619483f, 0x02103808, 0x24222304, 0x16213502, 0x00361700, 0x2f015005, 0xd597fed9, 0xeb83fecf, 0x01182701, 0x01d0c22e, 0x08170320,
0xfe71f7c0, 0xc370feda, 0xe46101bd, 0x08fefede, 0x821d0108, 0x820e20fd, 0x0b582dfd, 0x000c00cf, 0x091c4027, 0x05090803, 0x0724f884, 0x12030506,
0x0521f687, 0x20f68301, 0x2af4822b, 0x302e2e3f, 0x11211121, 0x83092101, 0x11250802, 0x012f0121, 0x0179052f, 0x0458fb81, 0xfc87fea0, 0xfe77fe10,
0xf9cf0bb0, 0xfacd0633, 0x05f8f939, 0xfc18fe17, 0x06ed42d1, 0xcf825020, 0xcf820520, 0x0f821820, 0x09032423, 0x82d18201, 0x21d0826b, 0x2b4f0405,
0x8225200b, 0x0221265e, 0xf9ea0466, 0x235c82e7, 0xe9fe090e, 0x01263782, 0x00003701, 0x0982810d, 0x31000c2c, 0x080b2440, 0x0a130303, 0xac860709,
0x0203042f, 0x090b0703, 0x00070665, 0x010b6505, 0x05a64100, 0x2205b145, 0x832a3f3f, 0x84ae82b1, 0x11013fb6, 0xd7013701, 0x4e045204, 0xd1fed301,
0xfafe8dfb, 0xd70b8dfb, 0x190ae7f5, 0x870a29f4, 0x038379f5, 0x0a21af85, 0x3d6d82a0, 0x402c0009, 0x0804091f, 0x030c0609, 0x0309010c, 0x09090401,
0x07650108, 0x65050204, 0x68820209, 0x8c470b20, 0x3f3f2706, 0x302e2e3f, 0x11490129, 0x01213505, 0xd1fe6602, 0xa0069a01, 0xd1fe2f01, 0xd70bf5f8,
0xcf0931f6, 0x663a6182, 0xb8000200, 0x370dc7ff, 0x1200080c, 0x23002500, 0x22211c40, 0x08000c05, 0x3b4d1f18, 0x09652705, 0x6505001d, 0x5a820013,
0x5a822720, 0x2b003122, 0x24058d53, 0x01082021, 0x072c4311, 0x1a010029, 0x33040001, 0x47002436, 0x7a0805d8, 0x02000420, 0x01e605b8, 0x014702aa,
0x02b60155, 0x06b101e7, 0x28fee8fe, 0xd5febbfd, 0xd2fddffe, 0xf9fe3dfe, 0xf1072f01, 0xba018101, 0xbc01d6cf, 0x11f98301, 0xa5fd8efe, 0xfafeb7fe,
0x97fe2afe, 0x010806c6, 0x0123021b, 0xfe0401be, 0xfe20fd5a, 0xfdaffe45, 0xdb66fec6, 0xa501e609, 0x72014c02, 0x04fea6fe, 0x0393c2fe, 0x012e018f,
0x014201db, 0x0158027b, 0x96fed347, 0x450047fe, 0x092e0557, 0x00d70b12, 0x0017000e, 0x0f1f4027, 0xcf820226, 0x0c112622, 0x042dc282, 0x08640900,
0x10050014, 0x010d6501, 0x075a4508, 0x302b3f22, 0x08055b45, 0x15161369, 0x29040014, 0x01191101, 0x11002021, 0x01210002, 0x011b0337, 0x01050266,
0xfe04163b, 0xfe22fef5, 0x026cfdd1, 0x01900173, 0x35fe1176, 0xd70b74fe, 0xfe85fe97, 0xfc351dba, 0xfbdc74fe, 0xfbc90a37, 0x0170010e, 0x01430138,
0x03000007, 0xbeffb000, 0x080c680d, 0x31001c00, 0x49003d00, 0x0c213f40, 0x09103c02, 0x8204222b, 0x1d300891, 0x3c1f2501, 0x01360601, 0x10020e14,
0x0909161f, 0x11040307, 0x14363809, 0x30240404, 0x11010c09, 0x0a67020e, 0x32050524, 0x1b306301, 0x3f020610, 0x08096649, 0x081213e1, 0x04202501,
0x15130108, 0x17160110, 0x22113336, 0x21002724, 0x02010820, 0x24013603, 0x36012021, 0x27343512, 0x24000226, 0x00042225, 0x13160302, 0x17040016,
0x2c262524, 0xd9222301, 0x02dc0167, 0x01630183, 0x012f022f, 0x1d2301c8, 0xd3ae09fe, 0xfed6311c, 0x2efe6e9d, 0xbafe2cfe, 0x46feb8fd, 0x010e03f7,
0x0137015b, 0x024f0350, 0x19c7dbb1, 0xb1fee22e, 0xfdfe47fe, 0xfe28fefc, 0x0e04dc8d, 0x7901889a, 0x01d89e01, 0xba07019d, 0x30fe39fe, 0x1f07fee2,
0x33029c01, 0xb7051501, 0xd7fd93fe, 0xfd9c97fe, 0x8c64fe5f, 0xe6fe080c, 0xedfe748e, 0xc2010501, 0x26013402, 0x6acbfdcd, 0x01b869fd, 0x8092f5d0,
0x017c01e9, 0xbf06960f, 0x20fea5fe, 0xfeb0e8fe, 0xdbfedf52, 0xab0e0587, 0x4479feb6, 0x350806a3, 0xd70b3f09, 0x39001900, 0x01072e40, 0x18090e18,
0x000c0224, 0x0b0e2c08, 0x04020600, 0x0900090d, 0x13020b0d, 0x010c0918, 0x01130765, 0x65010e05, 0x06100118, 0x89581b02, 0x05d7410a, 0x1017122a,
0x01210002, 0x20330121, 0x08069a50, 0x0111215a, 0x012f0337, 0x01eb017a, 0xe70f6401, 0xfffe67fe, 0x83fe5903, 0x01fef7fb, 0xdc950110, 0xd57cfeee,
0xd70b9dfd, 0xfee8feb1, 0x00ffb1cc, 0xfdfe49fe, 0x600591fb, 0xd435019f, 0xa13c01dc, 0x01003ff5, 0xcfff5600, 0x080c9a07, 0x3c003400, 0x12233240,
0x041f0300, 0x16201f09, 0x2208a182, 0x092f2104, 0x04020700, 0x1c1f0a1c, 0x09230802, 0x2a66011b, 0x34050108, 0x02001201, 0x050f2364, 0x41360206,
0x012009cc, 0x28086450, 0x012c2627, 0x36341100, 0x06a45235, 0x011d8d08, 0x27242621, 0x07010e22, 0x00010c10, 0x14151613, 0x2304010a, 0x02262422,
0x0aa20135, 0xa02001b5, 0xa7130194, 0x11fe5a5f, 0xd0fe25fe, 0x01ef0c05, 0x01f6d07c, 0xd1fed181, 0xcedffe22, 0x0797f48e, 0x88022901, 0x11579101,
0xa7fee275, 0x9dfed4da, 0x500385fe, 0x88effec5, 0x9b0c019e, 0xab8e93bd, 0x0141019f, 0x162f0d35, 0xb75101d9, 0xad96feef, 0x14f7fd29, 0xfe7ad47c,
0xfebbdce3, 0x79b8feed, 0xc3fe9a47, 0x8b9ffdfe, 0xb84501f9, 0x212af182, 0xb8060000, 0x0700d70b, 0x9d502000, 0x03052a0d, 0x06651202, 0x01050000,
0x0ec24709, 0xfdd90227, 0xfd970648, 0x089b5050, 0x37010126, 0x4809cfff, 0x17374582, 0x1a402300, 0x09132507, 0x04010700, 0x0c020c0d, 0x000b0e65,
0x48026505, 0x3f2809f3, 0x01302b3f, 0x14112111, 0x08055452, 0x2101194f, 0x00021011, 0x24222304, 0x37010200, 0x01cc2f01, 0x01c2bf4e, 0x2f01cc4c,
0xfedafeaa, 0xfec5c990, 0xa9dafe8c, 0xe707f003, 0xfef229f8, 0x0505bd95, 0x018601c1, 0xf8950715, 0xfee8fe73, 0x8de0fe4a, 0x0110018b, 0x0001008d,
0x0b000029, 0x25838217, 0x401a0006, 0x62460310, 0x053c2205, 0x20c08201, 0x08c08208, 0x3f003121, 0x302e3f3f, 0x09210121, 0x05012101, 0x0123fb06,
0x04210450, 0xfb50012d, 0xf5d70b12, 0x555e0aa2, 0x4582052f, 0xc1490f20, 0x40243405, 0x00050a18, 0x0c0c1303, 0x09070c09, 0x0c020904, 0x82080239,
0x099e474d, 0x302a3f22, 0x51844c83, 0x23080483, 0xe902170b, 0xa0fc3701, 0x64fd73fe, 0x7bfe60fd, 0x3701a0fc, 0xd502ea02, 0x89012301, 0x29f44e0a,
0x52f6ae09, 0xb2236b82, 0x41004e0a, 0x09210579, 0x2eaf82a2, 0x4027000b, 0x09040a1b, 0x030c0609, 0x5d09000c, 0x07270653, 0x0100083d, 0x870d0105,
0x2e3f24ba, 0x8233302e, 0x0802856d, 0x21010128, 0x35fc0804, 0x23036001, 0x60011f03, 0x110431fc, 0x9ffca0fe, 0x1006a8fc, 0x40fbc705, 0x39fac004,
0x0e05f0f9, 0x6782f2fa, 0x00000824, 0x67827909, 0x1f000825, 0x85041640, 0x02062764, 0x01041202, 0x62830767, 0x62820a20, 0x1c412b20, 0x41112005,
0x1139051d, 0xdffb2904, 0x71034801, 0x50016803, 0xf803d7fb, 0x58f9df07, 0x21f8a806, 0x259382fc, 0x00004a00, 0x4f829a07, 0xb7820920, 0x01042039,
0x0c032600, 0x01090802, 0x09082605, 0x04020708, 0x00020405, 0x82074a04, 0x0b012110, 0x2b20bc84, 0x3005c954, 0x21112101, 0xfa190611, 0xfaf90656,
0xf8f8053a, 0x053e42b0, 0xfe45f62a, 0x000e01f2, 0xc7010100, 0x3206bb59, 0x40170016, 0x0c120710, 0x12020713, 0x000d0166, 0x84180105, 0x2e4e08a1,
0x14110130, 0x17011e12, 0x00242611, 0x34113502, 0x3724011a, 0x02010e11, 0xaa74f202, 0xfe7a2dc5, 0xa2fdfee4, 0x4301c054, 0xaef76fe8, 0xcdfa8907,
0xb2dffecc, 0xc9fe1870, 0x1501a718, 0x05d67701, 0x5401b63f, 0x4cf73201, 0xc727c9fe, 0x7182b2fe, 0xc9825820, 0x31497120, 0x01092308, 0x42584d0c,
0x823f200b, 0x210129b7, 0x27015801, 0xe5fef204, 0x24073f67, 0x03f8fd98, 0x843382d7, 0x051029a5, 0x0205110c, 0x000b6712, 0x5108a58b, 0x27260234,
0x1a041611, 0x14111501, 0x0704010a, 0x12023e11, 0xb0b00235, 0x01ea70f8, 0xa154c041, 0x7be3fefe, 0x75a7c82c, 0x01dc8907, 0x0127c64e, 0xfef74c37,
0xb6acfece, 0xfed8c1fa, 0xa7ecfe8a, 0x18370118, 0x2201af72, 0x010000cc, 0xe9024a00, 0x6f826809, 0x1800062d, 0x04051040, 0x02130300, 0x83033e0c,
0x06d5426f, 0x13302a24, 0xa7823301, 0x044a0136, 0x2004ea14, 0x6bfcfefe, 0xe9027ffc, 0x12f7ee08, 0x49f8b707, 0x00264383, 0x000800fe, 0x8d59f2fe,
0x012c2705, 0x01060003, 0x8d594804, 0x2111260c, 0x00082115, 0x2a2482f8, 0x010100f2, 0x04cf092f, 0x59770ce1, 0x582007ef, 0x45082a8a, 0x01302e2e,
0x01070137, 0x33037f2f, 0xf6810b8b, 0x00f24afe, 0xa8000200, 0xf009cfff, 0x1300fa08, 0x30002300, 0x01072740, 0x0a051f20, 0x010c0804, 0x090f2118,
0x04020710, 0x0a09090b, 0x67020b1c, 0x0502070a, 0x62591463, 0x3f3f2d09, 0x1a13302b, 0x33240001, 0x21110104, 0x062b0182, 0x24262104, 0x10010200,
0x45170412, 0x610806d9, 0x02002027, 0x01cc03a8, 0xddad0157, 0x0a016702, 0xd9fe2701, 0xfe22fe7e, 0x5afee6d2, 0x01beb3fe, 0x8e01f337, 0x010101df,
0xfee4eb9e, 0xfdfeee71, 0x04e660fe, 0x010c0152, 0xa63801be, 0x0123fe0f, 0x013ff7b3, 0x06f9e2aa, 0x013001a5, 0xfe4401aa, 0xe457feec, 0x9101f705,
0x9201eed8, 0xfefe0cf1, 0x6f827cfe, 0xc7ff0226, 0xd70b420a, 0x2529c182, 0x2e403800, 0x1f220103, 0x24c18206, 0x1f190112, 0x37c1840e, 0x09000c02,
0x03060e19, 0x6409021d, 0x05001d0a, 0x63021214, 0x06010102, 0x82087356, 0x36c083c9, 0x20250036, 0x10130108, 0x22050108, 0x1127012c, 0x011a1411,
0x64321704, 0x97080740, 0x01000422, 0x70370102, 0x1101cf01, 0x23025401, 0xfe093901, 0xfef9fdf1, 0x93fed1a3, 0x6856e6fe, 0xf46701e3, 0xea8301da,
0xbffefd95, 0x60feb1aa, 0xd70be1fe, 0x01c840fb, 0xbdfe0c0f, 0xfbfe06fe, 0xc4fdb2fe, 0x680ca5fe, 0x77fe91c9, 0xfebea804, 0x9af6feaf, 0xa801e803,
0x01ac0d01, 0xbb7fe332, 0x000091fe, 0xffa80001, 0x08be09cf, 0x002100fa, 0x1824402b, 0x0c030009, 0x1f0c0914, 0x08000a05, 0x091a2114, 0x04020700,
0x12020818, 0x10630100, 0x0105011f, 0x2b030f23, 0x88410082, 0x20373405, 0x26211300, 0x04062124, 0x12140702, 0x24201704, 0x57002137, 0x5c08053e,
0x03b03636, 0x014d01c5, 0x8001d397, 0xfe937c02, 0x5cfe7ba8, 0xfefee8fe, 0xe505ce81, 0x01f69601, 0x73a90103, 0x92fe4f01, 0xfee210fd, 0xcaa6fe51,
0x04030503, 0x010a0166, 0xa32e01b0, 0xfe97fe09, 0x10ded090, 0xdd7bfef7, 0xee70feef, 0xfdb4e907, 0x3c01a940, 0x05f6ac01, 0x00020009, 0x3ab182ac,
0x00d70bf8, 0x00260014, 0x0034403f, 0x091b2301, 0x1f230107, 0x08040a04, 0x421b010c, 0x0c210946, 0x2998821b, 0x0b1f0917, 0x070a6502, 0xf9570501,
0x47282007, 0x3f23067d, 0x49302b2b, 0x1720064b, 0x27075042, 0x11010824, 0x15062534, 0x3225ce83, 0x34110024, 0x08d08202, 0xb0000456, 0x0153011b,
0x010d01fc, 0x9aec011c, 0xe1fe2f01, 0xfe41fea0, 0xfdecfebd, 0x01a7fee2, 0x01e8083b, 0x01def693, 0xbd0801a3, 0xcdfe67fe, 0xfe91fea7, 0x01c904db,
0x01e40139, 0xe9da090b, 0x29f4a004, 0xecefaa01, 0x022d010c, 0x3e4e0114, 0xde522939, 0x04fc6afe, 0x14283183, 0x018f0194, 0xadfe9525, 0xb020d782,
0x2c08d782, 0x00fa08c7, 0x0024001b, 0x2024402b, 0x000a0521, 0x26011408, 0x06040a1c, 0x0918210f, 0x04030700, 0x13141c24, 0x0a3f050b, 0x01050100,
0x09914b26, 0x37240023, 0x08b98220, 0x16211552, 0x32330400, 0x21373624, 0x23040002, 0x01000024, 0x23240226, 0x07020020, 0x01c507b0, 0xd697014e,
0x1a021f01, 0x18f85701, 0x010a0114, 0x01a3b77b, 0x0135ff4c, 0x97fe5e37, 0xfee441fe, 0xfef7fdd5, 0x26f007c5, 0xd78ffef3, 0x82fee0fe, 0x6f040eb4,
0xae3af382, 0x039e2f01, 0xd1fde9fe, 0xf9397dfe, 0x82aea1fe, 0xfefe8ae3, 0x0cab9bfe, 0xcf822701, 0x01c2f029, 0xeffec54a, 0x826faffe, 0x002a086d,
0x0500004a, 0x00cf0b02, 0x40300010, 0x06240729, 0x0c08000c, 0x01010e01, 0x0a0a0326, 0x00040208, 0x02070e09, 0x03010f12, 0x7f820001, 0x040c6526,
0x1201050f, 0x080b3348, 0x11211073, 0x16030420, 0x21112115, 0xfea20111, 0x035801a8, 0xfe00ff60, 0x020805cc, 0x07cffd31, 0x030e01aa, 0xcfe9fe17,
0x1110f0fe, 0x56f8f2fe, 0xb0000200, 0xc709a8fc, 0x2400fa08, 0x3e003500, 0x01083540, 0x0a041f32, 0x011e0804, 0x21290116, 0x07120920, 0x07102419,
0x04030700, 0x04160a0a, 0x09250802, 0x69021e2d, 0x0502080b, 0x25650115, 0x02060100, 0x060e4237, 0x2405c25d, 0x010c3225, 0x487c8217, 0x2c2c0569,
0x21270201, 0x32210012, 0x013d1224, 0x2405da42, 0x04121001, 0x051a4217, 0x2426b808, 0x02000423, 0x024901b0, 0xcd0c0101, 0x1b017101, 0xb31f0149,
0x71fecafe, 0x90fec0d6, 0x31e0cafe, 0x016e2701, 0xdc0a01c7, 0xfee77d01, 0xd1a1fdf6, 0xaefe61fe, 0xe72c01ca, 0xb9eb8601, 0x1d019b01, 0xb3fef88c,
0xfebffeb8, 0x66048c8d, 0x12026001, 0x7a051d01, 0xc30195e5, 0xfefef8f7, 0xf9fe74fe, 0x01cc6884, 0xfdfec231, 0x01b7f2fe, 0xfef5f163, 0x2f019a11,
0x4c01bc01, 0x56fee6fe, 0x01c005e5, 0x9d36019f, 0x8bef3101, 0xfec0fe08, 0x01000086, 0x00000601, 0xd70bc908, 0x2a001700, 0x01032040, 0x0a071f12,
0x04010804, 0x0c02090d, 0x0c650900, 0x1605000d, 0x4c026401, 0x3f200afc, 0x2a068b44, 0x3324013e, 0x19000432, 0x66112101, 0x3a0807ea, 0x01060111,
0x01d84d33, 0x01f78a01, 0xfe1d01cc, 0xc1fec3d1, 0xc9feb3b7, 0xfbd70bbe, 0x50a77aaa, 0xfe37fef5, 0x05f2fada, 0x3c01df0e, 0xd3fe989e, 0x00d1fad3,
0x00020102, 0x82310200, 0x00032b81, 0x40220007, 0x06180419, 0x8182000c, 0x000a022a, 0x05010709, 0x01036501, 0x8609c166, 0x11013d7b, 0x02011121,
0xd1fe2f01, 0xc1082f01, 0xcf093ff7, 0xf8fd0802, 0x48ff0200, 0x4202f2fc, 0x0a2a4b82, 0x24000e00, 0x180d1c40, 0x4b830c0b, 0x0207062d, 0x1201070a,
0x010e010c, 0x82000364, 0x0f10244e, 0x832b2b03, 0x822520c9, 0x00102649, 0x013e1105, 0x29548412, 0xfe34010e, 0x864bfebb, 0x08827fc1, 0x087fcc38,
0xfe60f742, 0x190afee0, 0x56062701, 0x570c0b01, 0x0802f8fd, 0xb3830100, 0x82f80721, 0x000b2b67, 0x091a4025, 0x05090803, 0x5f49020a, 0x12032605,
0x0265010a, 0x07f45201, 0x83127350, 0x08043eb8, 0xa0fc7d01, 0x77fea203, 0x97fe2bfd, 0xb2f7d70b, 0x9dfb3805, 0x7903a2fb, 0x56fe31fe, 0x41618500,
0x7b6f0615, 0x6f652006, 0x4983117b, 0xf4d70b23, 0x082f8629, 0x08000e35, 0x002800f2, 0x082e403a, 0x01220202, 0x0a051f17, 0x04010806, 0x091d0928,
0x0a0b0912, 0x11670a01, 0x08050012, 0x1d1b6301, 0x01010601, 0x01002665, 0x4a2a0306, 0xe85f0804, 0x24362505, 0x17043233, 0x0c240583, 0x11151201,
0x8b0adc41, 0x0879820a, 0x01501f51, 0x01ebc244, 0x01787daa, 0x01b3d382, 0x9c080153, 0xfeb1d9fe, 0xfe97a8de, 0xc8fe9ef8, 0xa8dafeb5, 0x9afefe99,
0xc108d1fe, 0xb9a8d0fe, 0xd4cdc8e2, 0xb8feea81, 0x0587fabd, 0x2201cb48, 0xfefe8392, 0x056ffab1, 0x1801bc60, 0xeefe8793, 0x8598fac6, 0xc10821f5,
0x8d42c582, 0x42062008, 0x0a2d078d, 0x0c670900, 0x0205000d, 0x01166501, 0x088a4f01, 0x84078d42, 0x8d0020b6, 0x33a483b0, 0xd980016f, 0x016001bd,
0xd9fea516, 0xb7bdfec7, 0xbfcafeb3, 0xb0369082, 0xfe88c8b9, 0xf07cfefc, 0xf2040efb, 0xa44901e8, 0xdac7fe9d, 0x5345e9fa, 0x82db2006, 0x50142081,
0x223405dd, 0x000a0521, 0x11231908, 0x02070009, 0x1d0c6204, 0x15670500, 0x250cdd50, 0x24001236, 0xc4583221, 0x02142705, 0x20230400, 0xf2430000,
0x066f080d, 0x03b00204, 0x014301b4, 0xf60301bb, 0x60010302, 0xfeba0416, 0xeb55feb4, 0xe3fde4fe, 0x2701aafe, 0xee9401ef, 0x018d01c7, 0xfef08804,
0xfee2a6c6, 0x8704f96e, 0x019a01dd, 0xe6feb73d, 0xdafe17fe, 0xf80d3a0f, 0xb9fe4ffe, 0x021c01b4, 0xfe650127, 0xe16cfef3, 0x9f01d60c, 0x01a31901,
0x058df335, 0x007cfede, 0xfc0e0102, 0x08520af2, 0x821500fa, 0x066548b9, 0x040a0728, 0x1a011408, 0x65481121, 0x000a3305, 0x07111a07, 0x09141e03,
0x001e0c62, 0x02021605, 0x65481464, 0x11012d0e, 0x2c361121, 0x04323701, 0x10171200, 0x072ace82, 0x11272420, 0x00121603, 0x0b4f3205, 0x010c2106,
0x3d086b82, 0x01652301, 0xab3b010d, 0x01b401e4, 0xb606d05b, 0x51feb3fe, 0xfedafef6, 0x05196b29, 0x019601bf, 0x9401e42b, 0x62feecf1, 0xfefbfefc,
0xf2fcd572, 0x6efed70b, 0x0565c693, 0xfed6fea3, 0xc182f35e, 0xfe442408, 0xfd06b1b7, 0x0744fbe2, 0x79fec760, 0xe207f5fe, 0xeaf79301, 0x09f29501,
0x0069fefc, 0xfcb00002, 0x82f009f2, 0x00142bcd, 0x403a0029, 0x23010430, 0xcd82001f, 0xcd820920, 0xcd840c20, 0x0607083b, 0x001a230a, 0x09150803,
0x6502041f, 0x05010807, 0x15650127, 0x02060111, 0x08af472b, 0x45013021, 0x8908069d, 0x00061121, 0x00242621, 0x00123502, 0x12140100, 0x32170416,
0x37123624, 0x25240234, 0x07020422, 0x0e051632, 0x018201c1, 0x1f014e32, 0xfe51d1fe, 0xeacbfe04, 0xb8fe5dfe, 0x290110ba, 0x05fef101, 0x3701f58e,
0x4c01b8a6, 0xd6038ffc, 0xebfe6afe, 0xed69fef1, 0x08030504, 0x93d068fa, 0x29f49a01, 0xfecab804, 0x01b30eef, 0xf6a6013a, 0xff015301, 0x6dfb2501,
0xe9c7feb0, 0xe57b0383, 0xf9bb3d01, 0x04ef9901, 0xf466feef, 0x73450006, 0xb0042105, 0x0c2bdb82, 0x1c402400, 0x1d060103, 0x44040a05, 0x062906f1,
0x01021201, 0x01010b66, 0x07b35405, 0x21302b2b, 0x12112111, 0x0e221121, 0x36dd8302, 0x01bb1b01, 0xbfe46ad4, 0xfec90872, 0xfe8101b0, 0xdea65acd,
0x8298fa81, 0x4a003a57, 0xc705cfff, 0x3000f208, 0x34403d00, 0x1524252e, 0x09280f04, 0x210f010c, 0x3f5f8206, 0x09202528, 0x04020700, 0x0c15282e,
0x09122b04, 0x1a65010b, 0x2405012b, 0x68012501, 0x06050212, 0x3f07e46d, 0x13302b2b, 0x12343526, 0x1e323324, 0x2e211702, 0x06222301, 0x17011e07,
0x12010c16, 0x06071415, 0x2006ab55, 0x08128225, 0x35013e69, 0x24272634, 0xc204a024, 0x718b2501, 0x0673b9e0, 0xbf08cdfe, 0x07d07989, 0x1f031501,
0x6d016801, 0xdf1909fc, 0xcb92d2fe, 0x01b1c0fe, 0x9ff9062f, 0xbcb5e1a0, 0x95fe00ff, 0x39213106, 0x8c1801c3, 0x92e6964c, 0x999e96a1, 0x6f0e5d04,
0xf6fe8995, 0xcf512af6, 0xba77f4fe, 0x09c44201, 0x0e06f0c1, 0xe18a9cdb, 0x83f8452f, 0x312708dd, 0x3f050000, 0x0b00d70b, 0x21402900, 0x01090107,
0x0a032501, 0x0401080a, 0x09000c06, 0x12020309, 0x0100010a, 0x66040665, 0x3f200885, 0x370de256, 0x29fe0802, 0x2f01d701, 0xf8fd0802, 0x1301ae07,
0xeafc1603, 0x52f8edfe, 0x23085b82, 0xc7ff0201, 0xc108b808, 0x2a001500, 0x010f2040, 0x09122306, 0x04010710, 0x0a0c090e, 0x010e0a02, 0x010a0d65,
0x21066950, 0x4a5b0f17, 0x056a5006, 0x05001026, 0x35122436, 0x08060d4a, 0x24222337, 0x01020100, 0x018c012f, 0x3d01b914, 0xfe2f01c2, 0x72fe64ea,
0x46fef3ef, 0x8903eefe, 0xf5fa3805, 0x81feb0fe, 0x01b30506, 0xc904fb64, 0x60013ff7, 0x01ded5c4, 0x05b14fb6, 0x82c10821, 0x50062081, 0x76820561,
0x41090022, 0x35166150, 0x52fccf03, 0x07034701, 0x48010a03, 0xc10845fc, 0x4007c0f8, 0xc7823ff7, 0x00210025, 0x822f0d00, 0x000c3545, 0x08174022,
0x04000507, 0x0a090c13, 0x020a040a, 0x030a3a09, 0x500c6050, 0x2208085f, 0x21010933, 0xa0062101, 0xa8fe29fe, 0x3f01b0fc, 0x0802c102, 0x020802f6,
0xfc3f01c9, 0x05a0feb0, 0x8231facf, 0x06a72662, 0x07c3f946, 0x20668250, 0x3e658301, 0xc1089107, 0x26000b00, 0x040a1a40, 0x0a060909, 0x09000a03,
0x01000108, 0x49020107, 0x500b0206, 0x25081b5c, 0x02fdfe02, 0x4e026801, 0x60015a02, 0x0203fefc, 0xa6fda0fe, 0x7704b2fd, 0x9ffc4a04, 0xaefb6103,
0x810391fb, 0xcd837ffc, 0xf2fc2924, 0x67826f08, 0x1e000733, 0x07031440, 0x020a0507, 0x0006070a, 0x01054303, 0x053a5201, 0x79513120, 0x50252005,
0x2120055b, 0xa8203882, 0xd131c082, 0x4001f602, 0xc1fef1fa, 0xf977084a, 0xf4fa0606, 0x234d8431, 0xa8060000, 0x20084d82, 0x40270009, 0x05010920,
0x020a0825, 0x00010408, 0x08090326, 0x09040207, 0x04000507, 0x0104024c, 0x125b5005, 0x05a20137, 0x0481f906, 0x0669fbc0, 0xfe0e0104, 0x060e01f2,
0xfe1301a0, 0x285783ed, 0x04f4fda0, 0x00d70b56, 0x34a5821d, 0x0c081716, 0x10020815, 0x02000e01, 0x0b67011a, 0x01051e03, 0x0531421f, 0x13302e3b,
0x1135013e, 0x21243634, 0x1115010e, 0x19040510, 0x011e1401, 0x22230617, 0x08168224, 0x79a02639, 0x14014dce, 0x98b00e01, 0x6c0194fe, 0x1d65865d,
0xd4fef135, 0x20e904c9, 0x600399a0, 0x3aa9ef9d, 0xb9fcb2db, 0x4b4d6dfe, 0x90fc99fe, 0x2052b8a5, 0x03f0e304, 0x82ad86d3, 0x77042083, 0x8f282fa9,
0x4a04f8fd, 0x1e00db0b, 0x0622b383, 0xae820c16, 0x06208d82, 0x6626b882, 0x051e0a03, 0xb3872001, 0xab840120, 0x023e2122, 0x4c08a282, 0x19243736,
0x27263401, 0x12203336, 0x1e141115, 0x4a041601, 0x8dfdd078, 0xbe5c7a72, 0x988ffeb3, 0x013921b0, 0x6947ce4b, 0x15e90462, 0x2dfc83b7, 0x4a2b31fe,
0x7003a4b6, 0x4e1ee2b2, 0x3f039a01, 0x0433deb6, 0xfcf9c0fe, 0x4c7f5ca8, 0x2eb58226, 0x6803c900, 0x4206e908, 0x24001700, 0x820d1d40, 0x0420356a,
0x17061115, 0x1a010001, 0x06051109, 0x0e450402, 0x01050000, 0x0807d05c, 0x023e1353, 0x04163233, 0x023e1716, 0x04061737, 0x26252607, 0xc9032023,
0x9bdf806c, 0x0f01c86a, 0xa66c65aa, 0x8ab04464, 0xddb6e6fe, 0x91a7c5fe, 0x04b8f2fe, 0x84a2a131, 0x0b428141, 0x677e7004, 0x03e7edc1, 0xfe62bf06,
0x00ffff97, 0x0b000031, 0x00c00eae, 0x27098322, 0x9a000300, 0xe902c902, 0x0f211787, 0x081788b2, 0x4803d342, 0x0100e902, 0x6ffcb000, 0x080c560c,
0x55003f00, 0x011b4b40, 0x3738160d, 0x20042c35, 0x0d09022f, 0x000c0520, 0x02212308, 0x09201d16, 0x012d0704, 0x072f3229, 0x04030810, 0x0a0a0939,
0x1202091b, 0x12092982, 0x20232c2d, 0x1232080d, 0x02213909, 0x04322678, 0x3e126305, 0x41020600, 0x2b2b030f, 0x2b3f3f2b, 0x1213302a, 0x21240108,
0x1700010c, 0x25000221, 0x02000422, 0x01081003, 0x012c3221, 0x00062137, 0x0723010c, 0x011e3736, 0x23010e15, 0x37272622, 0x36323316, 0x27263435,
0x13270706, 0x01082426, 0x1db83411, 0xca012601, 0x17012a02, 0x1a020301, 0xfe71b601, 0xc6fda3b0, 0xfefde9fe, 0xd68efe2a, 0x025e0104, 0xe94a0142,
0x43019c01, 0x6850016d, 0x7ffec3fe, 0x4eec3bfe, 0xb8806324, 0x7e91dd0b, 0x23b81dc5, 0x7b765285, 0x7f3b5d55, 0x39fed998, 0xfdfe63fe, 0x3801a006,
0x6b010502, 0xfed008c0, 0x0101f28b, 0xb8071001, 0x3cfeb3fe, 0x68fef8fe, 0xd1feb1fd, 0xc49ff589, 0x76d9c3fe, 0x070e1bb9, 0xc8a8a3ae, 0x8310909b,
0x774c566a, 0x4e580e06, 0xc8293f01, 0x32027101, 0xff357c01, 0x003701ff, 0x0fae0700, 0x0022009e, 0x00000035, 0x00990003, 0x850603e1, 0xa00a2317,
0x1782880e, 0x17843e20, 0x5202d126, 0xffff1703, 0x21055f5a, 0x1782270f, 0x17843f20, 0xd7039a24, 0x2f835003, 0x09cfff25, 0x82060f48, 0x85452017,
0x42022317, 0x2f822f03, 0x1782a820, 0xa00cf022, 0x51201782, 0x99241784, 0x08006602, 0x7f201788, 0x50201788, 0x0b21178b, 0x241788d7, 0x007901d0,
0x8a2f8700, 0x029a2217, 0x20178a87, 0x222f8871, 0x89f801d1, 0xc90c2117, 0xd3221788, 0x7f82c902, 0xb000012f, 0xc70977fc, 0x3c00f208, 0x4e405800,
0x072b4209, 0x022f1e38, 0x04230d09, 0x1908000a, 0x02212301, 0x091e1e16, 0x012d0714, 0x2d423329, 0x09202307, 0x2d420819, 0x04162208, 0x052e4209,
0x3226792b, 0x12650504, 0x02060000, 0x0d2e423e, 0x0432253c, 0x2e211700, 0x06232401, 0x15020604, 0x17041216, 0x0e210120, 0x23010c01, 0x2e422722,
0x24970818, 0x04b00200, 0x1f025801, 0x01f32501, 0x6d5e01b9, 0xe84d9ffe, 0xd9acd3fe, 0x70ddadfe, 0x9601ec04, 0x01fb01fb, 0x28470114, 0xfee1fec7,
0x1d39c59a, 0x88611e46, 0x93d30bb0, 0xb011cf80, 0x724f7246, 0x435d5a77, 0xd9fe9077, 0x04fc3bfe, 0x02560166, 0x0922010b, 0xeabcfea3, 0x0f6ec484,
0xc8fefaa0, 0x7ffef4ac, 0x950105d6, 0x82d3fc73, 0x130db804, 0x9dbbb707, 0x14899aaa, 0x484e7287, 0x480e0673, 0x40470146, 0xdd013001, 0x00ffff00,
0x09cfffb0, 0x006f0cc7, 0x41550022, 0x082206b9, 0x1788d7ff, 0x1788a820, 0xd7015024, 0x17873100, 0x889e0b21, 0x01d02417, 0x88c7ff27, 0x88b62017,
0x029a2e17, 0xffdfff42, 0x00aeffff, 0x0c580300, 0x201782b9, 0x235f85cf, 0x21007ffe, 0x81201782, 0x33221782, 0x1788870c, 0x52fe502d, 0xffff1000,
0x0000c9fe, 0x830b7b04, 0x222f8547, 0x849afdd0, 0x82e72047, 0x0c70222f, 0x2e2f8800, 0x00b8fe9a, 0x01ffff29, 0x08000002, 0x82690bc1, 0x845e2017,
0x01d1245f, 0x86f8ff71, 0x84db208f, 0x845f20d7, 0x02992217, 0x22d7884a, 0x825e0cdb, 0x2417852f, 0xff390250, 0x212f87e7, 0x1788a60b, 0x0601d024,
0x1788cfff, 0x17889520, 0x5e029a24, 0x1788beff, 0x17881f20, 0x8901d124, 0x8f83aeff, 0x08c7ff25, 0x82b10cb8, 0x85652017, 0xc7012377, 0x17881900,
0x17887720, 0xd7015024, 0x17870000, 0x88d70b21, 0x00d02217, 0x201794b0, 0x272f839a, 0xf2000100, 0xe707f8fd, 0x0b2a2f82, 0x20402800, 0x0109010b,
0x81492605, 0x02082d05, 0x02050b0c, 0x08010612, 0x00026601, 0x5f088049, 0xf66106de, 0xd7033907, 0xe5022b01, 0xd5fe1bfd, 0xa0081bfd, 0xc9fc3703,
0x67f6f1fe, 0x0f019909, 0x36085b82, 0x080201b8, 0x00480b29, 0x40350024, 0x0301082f, 0x13020200, 0x07050a0b, 0x191c0116, 0x1b131402, 0x04020611,
0x12020716, 0x011b0119, 0x026b0113, 0x65050b00, 0x6900200f, 0x8c490667, 0x04162905, 0x26211712, 0x04222324, 0x08050f43, 0x2113246a, 0x11070006,
0x00241121, 0x1a342702, 0x29042401, 0x01aa0e01, 0xfe3cdf2d, 0xd0fe52a8, 0xc3feb0b7, 0x01c510c4, 0x6301a62d, 0x5b4701d7, 0xfedc5efe, 0xfefdfef2,
0x7805da71, 0x094a01e3, 0xfe7901cf, 0xfea11687, 0xa29ea9f9, 0xd5c6fea1, 0x98e7feb9, 0x11010e05, 0x14bffeed, 0x64019cfe, 0x0112011c, 0x01a0efa6,
0xaf09013b, 0x6508c182, 0x0900004a, 0x00080c71, 0x405d0035, 0x10010c54, 0x20100916, 0x08000c06, 0x01260135, 0x16240133, 0x2e060e18, 0x1d012001,
0x09092d26, 0x0c040307, 0x2f202301, 0x14310216, 0x18250902, 0x020b2602, 0x05232867, 0x06101b06, 0x02191d03, 0x09312063, 0x35013306, 0x0100022e,
0x0d021466, 0x10370306, 0x312a2b03, 0xe9822b00, 0x36272628, 0x32250012, 0xed83010c, 0x38056578, 0x21171607, 0x11002111, 0x16320714, 0x11002033,
0x16212734, 0x04021415, 0x08158223, 0x10353677, 0x01112101, 0x050e4471, 0x01c401ef, 0x4b01ae2f, 0x14b61801, 0xac20ddfe, 0xd6c9ddfe, 0x05a5c4fe,
0x9804610d, 0x27018ffc, 0x175a1687, 0xbf018501, 0x210e0108, 0xf073fee4, 0x3d02e2fa, 0xfe7bfea0, 0x8ba00600, 0xd601f9dd, 0x78042d01, 0xbfbcfee5,
0xa905018b, 0xbbbdfec2, 0xe9fea4dd, 0x9bfecefe, 0x0104eff5, 0x77740113, 0xee51ba42, 0x01d483fe, 0x01e9f20e, 0x08eb8280, 0x00001754, 0xfd600102,
0x0c7708cf, 0x00330008, 0x404d0040, 0x11192f43, 0x280e0400, 0x0e010b09, 0x040c0622, 0x1f282308, 0x04020600, 0x03243439, 0x2f343913, 0x2c050b1f,
0x010a0911, 0x013b1767, 0x69011905, 0x06012c1b, 0x36022332, 0x65030024, 0x06050211, 0xdc4d4203, 0x412a2005, 0x24360709, 0x12043233, 0x24342115,
0x07062223, 0x16010510, 0x01101512, 0xfc821116, 0x2420072a, 0x1e212702, 0x32330401, 0x0805a94c, 0x032401bb, 0x11062512, 0x36010516, 0x2e253435,
0xd1022401, 0xaf050ea2, 0xb1cd3f01, 0xfed35101, 0xabecfeea, 0x010ce5a0, 0xafa4020e, 0xc9c0fec6, 0xcabffead, 0x64fee7fe, 0x230108dd, 0x0401a704,
0x8bdd6b8e, 0xb0fc7180, 0x0d0dcdfe, 0x0cf21402, 0xa8022301, 0x4897feea, 0x07e3fea0, 0xabf8a2df, 0x98b82c01, 0x85a9effe, 0xfe96b9ae, 0xa8fe87fd,
0xace6fe5a, 0xfafeccfe, 0xa9e2feb1, 0x07cfbffe, 0xe67d01dc, 0x6d8cfa9f, 0xc8756cbd, 0x96ba0134, 0x58014101, 0xd8feb777, 0xa7fe959a, 0x9dfce2ac,
0x00985421, 0x00020100, 0xe707e701, 0x0f00cf07, 0x0b401300, 0x044e0008, 0x0105000c, 0x25f58211, 0x2e2e0031, 0xed830130, 0x2a08dc82, 0x02242223,
0x24123435, 0x01cd0205, 0xfecac355, 0xfee5d6a2, 0x01cdb2ae, 0xb6cf0762, 0xdbdeaefe, 0xcfc59efe, 0xced66601, 0x72bf5001, 0x072305cf, 0x82d70bdf,
0x40233a53, 0x09260d1b, 0x0108000c, 0x040b0f04, 0x0a651201, 0x6405000b, 0x06000f0d, 0x26638302, 0x2b2e2e2b, 0x77260130, 0x29200568, 0x08053659,
0xae032141, 0xb1a3fef3, 0x01b70505, 0x0404016f, 0xfed1fe08, 0x05cdfe31, 0x01ed11aa, 0x01cfc663, 0x21f2d760, 0x2ff3d10c, 0x00020000, 0x08cffffa,
0x00080c66, 0x00320019, 0x323e4048, 0x091d2301, 0x8207222d, 0x2530086e, 0x24010e01, 0x06052326, 0x1f1d0119, 0x07100915, 0x09010403, 0x322a011a,
0x20116509, 0x010e0500, 0x042a0b64, 0x19012606, 0x02326501, 0x34030611, 0x8209f15e, 0x1a342486, 0x82332401, 0x141726f9, 0x00160702, 0x05844e11,
0x27269108, 0x33001213, 0x10370032, 0x07222100, 0x12243211, 0x23003435, 0x15020622, 0xfe100211, 0x01c656ea, 0x01e3ee4e, 0xbb0cdd73, 0x4601efa5,
0x79fef807, 0xdcfe9cd2, 0x18d94ef0, 0xd8fb1b01, 0xfe192f01, 0x877dfea2, 0x4601ba46, 0xf6b1fed5, 0x087fe28f, 0x4f01a039, 0xe0b72901, 0xf7c993fe,
0x2c5288fe, 0x87fe66fe, 0xce8ffee4, 0x01a5e271, 0xfefffe78, 0xd12f01bc, 0x6f011001, 0x651e0108, 0xf8de0701, 0xfeb61801, 0xe9faaccf, 0xd7ff0400,
0x190ccfff, 0x1333f982, 0x35002600, 0x53003e00, 0x31354a40, 0x091e3302, 0x82003114, 0x283f08fe, 0x000a3a35, 0x34012f07, 0x0602333c, 0x321e011c,
0x0701090a, 0x31320404, 0x05001c1e, 0x75093336, 0x06002205, 0x012f012c, 0x0c363076, 0x72013b06, 0x06082733, 0x000f1874, 0x10400406, 0x432b2b03,
0x203a05f9, 0x13120004, 0x01080210, 0x01082021, 0x12101102, 0x04052400, 0x10030108, 0x44820108, 0x08241909, 0x02261101, 0x21012400, 0x17011e32,
0x01050214, 0x11210123, 0x26340123, 0x21112123, 0xe7053632, 0x46025a01, 0x09e7a201, 0xfd63fee6, 0xfed2feda, 0xfe92fd74, 0x01f6d261, 0x013602b1,
0xfd73fe33, 0x08b1fe9d, 0x78025301, 0x21199d01, 0x55026c01, 0xc70c5501, 0x04fe97fe, 0x2b0396fc, 0x0271f6bc, 0x02edfef9, 0x00fef60c, 0x04d177fe,
0xfed6ed94, 0xb9290200, 0xff080cdc, 0xdefd4afe, 0xccfedffe, 0x3afec0fd, 0x0701f9fe, 0x3902c301, 0x3b012e01, 0xa2012b02, 0xfe04b4f4, 0xfe99fd80,
0xfda1feb3, 0x0462fe70, 0x90010c08, 0x74018a02, 0x01d801fa, 0x10fedb7a, 0xdd7ace7f, 0xfc03f9fe, 0xfc2b03d5, 0xa21205d5, 0x7b9afd85, 0xdfff0300,
0x1d0ccfff, 0x1400080c, 0x45003300, 0x3e404700, 0x231b0128, 0x00323409, 0x1908000c, 0x1b311501, 0x3107040a, 0x06002c23, 0x090c323d, 0x04040700,
0x1927283d, 0x07001518, 0x76091f42, 0x06004207, 0x00301f6e, 0x11397506, 0x47030600, 0x210e4141, 0x43411516, 0x0000280a, 0x13002001, 0x7e210223,
0x3e3108d7, 0x06333701, 0x24230402, 0x36350200, 0x0c132412, 0x058e4b01, 0x2005af08, 0x11120024, 0x05000010, 0x025f01c7, 0xefa80147, 0xfedc0415,
0xfec9fd65, 0xfd9efeb2, 0xe255fead, 0xba029701, 0x18010102, 0xde2da101, 0x9e52fe5a, 0xb5b0e4fe, 0x81a22401, 0xdd158edc, 0xbbfec812, 0xfef9fec7,
0xc009cb7a, 0xfec47901, 0xfe0cfee1, 0x0103ca99, 0x017b0253, 0x011e01a2, 0xca7101f7, 0x7afd86fe, 0xfeef080c, 0xfef0fd5c, 0xfe4621e5, 0xfed2fdd9,
0x01fffe42, 0x02bf0102, 0x012c0134, 0x01c80293, 0xfe85fdb1, 0x01dffecf, 0xc7fe9a92, 0xb1fef1de, 0x80bc66a1, 0xa3e8fea7, 0x01050107, 0x01e2feb0,
0xd301ef83, 0x7ffee403, 0x6c820ffe, 0xfda66708, 0x0472fe83, 0x018701e2, 0x010001e7, 0x01880274, 0x0102007d, 0x0f170502, 0x00d70b06, 0x00140007,
0x0d35403d, 0x1013020a, 0x2b000304, 0x080a0c03, 0x0f120401, 0x0507080b, 0x12010213, 0x030a0b0c, 0x6b09130f, 0x05000f0e, 0x136b0104, 0x65060409,
0x06000705, 0x030f1603, 0x2a2b2b2b, 0x2101302b, 0x21152135, 0x02822111, 0x82010921, 0x11310804, 0x11012301, 0xdbfd2703, 0xdffd7505, 0x8304d1fe,
0xf001b601, 0xb6010002, 0xaafdf2fe, 0x0ab6fda0, 0xfaf6f6e1, 0xfbc00636, 0xf9c00440, 0xfaca0540, 0x2c038336, 0x01010000, 0x04d7092f, 0x00980cd9,
0x05077803, 0x175e5920, 0x0109220d, 0x2c228217, 0xfc8f1b03, 0x01b80ae5, 0x2dfeeee0, 0x24c78200, 0x04cf092f, 0x20c782b8, 0x29c98203, 0x051a4021,
0x03010701, 0xc4840118, 0x04066525, 0x82650500, 0x02062244, 0x21ac8209, 0xab830031, 0x83211121, 0x2f0127a3, 0xd1fe2f01, 0x05835a02, 0xfdd70b24,
0xfd7e02f8, 0x31002505, 0x020f0000, 0x34084d82, 0x0012000f, 0x11304036, 0x01240201, 0x2608040c, 0x06000604, 0x000d1026, 0x08010f06, 0x02090b26,
0x12040407, 0x02060a0f, 0x01041205, 0x08670111, 0x01050a0b, 0x20638214, 0x0932712b, 0x83211121, 0x21012101, 0x08381f82, 0xfa9c065e, 0xfbea04ed,
0xf91b0516, 0xfd9dfbbf, 0x0897fe3c, 0x0b5efc90, 0x2a0af36a, 0x00fc0004, 0x48050e05, 0x8200b8fa, 0xb05408ff, 0x370db0fe, 0x0900270d, 0x2b001400,
0x46404f00, 0x080a1521, 0x0c030501, 0x14011f09, 0x03011e01, 0x150c1c22, 0x2a010008, 0x0c012901, 0x15092723, 0x2a040207, 0x141e1f29, 0x00010a0c,
0x09081009, 0x01200121, 0x05102361, 0x2b011505, 0x18086301, 0x2d020611, 0x82054d45, 0x092408a2, 0x20212401, 0x07020004, 0x05040112, 0x11010824,
0x27010a34, 0x03002401, 0x21010812, 0x17010520, 0x10110001, 0xa6080a83, 0x03270125, 0xfef80581, 0xffa8feb8, 0xfe35fe00, 0x0f07c6a6, 0x65016802,
0x52015c01, 0x4c013b02, 0xf887bc5f, 0xfef3fe7b, 0x010906f2, 0x01d502af, 0x01ac01a4, 0xd581019c, 0x29028ffe, 0x1efd4efe, 0x47fe57fe, 0x83fe6dfe,
0x074a02e1, 0xfed5b9ef, 0xfb28fe8d, 0xd4fdf7fd, 0x01090faa, 0x01470260, 0x5a01b04e, 0xf7763301, 0x4902eac6, 0x9f013c01, 0xbe01e402, 0xb00002e9,
0x12fe10fe, 0x55fe57fd, 0x5cfe2efd, 0xa8f8fde9, 0xd1000200, 0xe9080000, 0x0b00e108, 0x2f000f00, 0x010b2840, 0x031b0109, 0x08060a05, 0x561c0e01,
0x022f050c, 0x0b0d0f0a, 0x06120405, 0x63010801, 0x470a0002, 0x2b200530, 0x20060f64, 0x058f4121, 0x01191126, 0x42041121, 0x3b078a7a, 0x18088ffc,
0x97024a06, 0xc4fe69fd, 0x9f0261fd, 0xb6f93c01, 0xc9fe3701, 0x00010000, 0x4a080082, 0xd70b7109, 0x42001600, 0x01033840, 0x16090a08, 0x29011401,
0x060a0806, 0x01100112, 0x0a0c0a2a, 0x0f040206, 0x020c0509, 0x0c12160c, 0x01050608, 0x0a120800, 0x03011301, 0x0f0d6501, 0x18010615, 0x2b2b0310,
0x2b3f3f3f, 0x5209302b, 0x1124069d, 0x15210321, 0x35208b84, 0x68080982, 0xfd560211, 0x034801aa, 0x01600379, 0x01aefd50, 0xc9e8fd91, 0xc0fcc902,
0xb0fcd1fe, 0xfdcdd502, 0x045807e0, 0x0658f97f, 0xfe81fba8, 0xfa73fefe, 0xcf0331fc, 0x018d01fa, 0x01000002, 0xf2fc0601, 0xc908c108, 0x31001500,
0x01052640, 0x21120109, 0x07110907, 0x0a0d0401, 0x0904070b, 0x01040a02, 0x01000365, 0x64010d05, 0x209d8209, 0x08b55402, 0x22081141, 0x47202100,
0x142c05dd, 0x36330412, 0x91071224, 0xe1fe3001, 0x72080182, 0xfe75fe4e, 0x01cdfef3, 0x32018f33, 0x3c01c3e7, 0x042904b1, 0x0137f7a0, 0x016ffe60,
0x0b21fc02, 0xf160fbd7, 0x07d48efe, 0x007301db, 0x7f000300, 0x71053705, 0x1000080c, 0x21001d00, 0x35403e00, 0x3311010f, 0x08040c0d, 0x01020104,
0x11061733, 0x211f3306, 0x04030600, 0x040d0c00, 0x09140202, 0x0f1b0120, 0x02017702, 0x011e050a, 0x02091477, 0x42230206, 0x9a84059c, 0x35236908,
0x24210623, 0x12361100, 0x17203724, 0x00060535, 0x17121407, 0x35013e32, 0x21010034, 0x71052115, 0xfe8d08b9, 0xfeebfec6, 0x01a10cab, 0x3001ae0f,
0xa731fe9f, 0xfb06fbfe, 0x73ce7dc8, 0xccfcfbfe, 0x0efbf204, 0x4ffbf00b, 0x010cd1b9, 0x950d017e, 0x04a30e01, 0x0698c1d9, 0xc89afefe, 0x8106effe,
0x01b372d0, 0xb08ffa0b, 0x6820bb86, 0x0338bb82, 0x22001500, 0x2c403400, 0x0c043216, 0x010f0800, 0x010c1d32, 0x03013306, 0x0f35b783, 0x1920020c,
0x77010209, 0x05102008, 0x19770100, 0x02060412, 0x22b28524, 0x8213302b, 0x48012093, 0x04240598, 0x23263407, 0x5808ba82, 0x17241234, 0x14070622,
0x3233011e, 0x02343512, 0xfbe9047f, 0xb2620217, 0x05a42401, 0xade7fea0, 0xdcfe0206, 0x0199b9fe, 0xdfbdb613, 0x76c8750e, 0x05eef9bd, 0xd106b0e7,
0x9eebfea7, 0xb8d4fea7, 0x06030504, 0x06017701, 0xad1b0196, 0x80b2f4b8, 0x0c017dd6, 0x0101adbf, 0x08b18200, 0xd7ffa85a, 0x0609f011, 0x37002e00,
0x53004a00, 0x002c4c40, 0x2e013802, 0x20330228, 0x08070a04, 0x01240112, 0x05092f26, 0x02181b06, 0x4002161a, 0x1f43020e, 0x0713091e, 0x122f0403,
0x40120309, 0x3c1a021e, 0x020a3709, 0x012c012e, 0x18690147, 0x24051b1a, 0x223c6301, 0x4c020601, 0x2b08d183, 0x01302b2b, 0x33012c36, 0x12000416,
0x00162111, 0x00363304, 0x00062137, 0x01200704, 0x06112111, 0x08200504, 0x35360301, 0x21010812, 0x32055859, 0x24022601, 0x00042227, 0x04060107,
0x12140702, 0x693e0500, 0x3f080535, 0x09000226, 0x2d0173f8, 0xefa04101, 0x3a01a101, 0x2110f8ad, 0x82010601, 0xa301e2d8, 0x513c0160, 0x5bfebbfe,
0xfee3fdde, 0xd3e1fe8c, 0xdefe74fe, 0xdafdbefe, 0x0804bcfe, 0x021a010c, 0x9465010d, 0xd408c982, 0x1f019346, 0xfc27b006, 0xc2bea1fe, 0xfbfe8afe,
0xff38fb1b, 0x11d77efe, 0x018901d2, 0x02090605, 0xa2011201, 0xfed208dd, 0x91600765, 0xc10757be, 0x30fea7fe, 0xfef0ebfe, 0x0109b6a0, 0xfeeedc0a,
0x010cbca4, 0x0166fe9a, 0x06b3e19a, 0x14023f01, 0x21142801, 0x15021901, 0xb8384d01, 0xfca201b2, 0x4201ea0c, 0xfeab05a0, 0xd102deb8, 0x8ffee907,
0x4dfef8ce, 0x0504f9fe, 0xa101fe03, 0x8a01c0ee, 0x03000601, 0x48ff9800, 0x8109b609, 0x1f001600, 0x55002800, 0x1d214a40, 0x05030e17, 0x01092319,
0x00012001, 0x15211901, 0x1f08150a, 0x0b010c01, 0x09232301, 0x02071509, 0x02090d04, 0x2021230a, 0x0b0c171f, 0x27090001, 0x0103091d, 0x05690102,
0x0e050527, 0x25db8201, 0x0611101d, 0x41422a02, 0x3f3f2805, 0x01302b2b, 0x45031713, 0x9c080775, 0x00132703, 0x00123603, 0x13203324, 0x00222326,
0x17120702, 0x17160109, 0x35122436, 0xe59a0710, 0x4701f1e1, 0xf9fddafe, 0xc5febffe, 0xd1e2e5fe, 0x0e8dfeda, 0x4701bb06, 0x01e7a801, 0xe5cd7248,
0xec72feef, 0x04f40e07, 0xa5e4fbf5, 0x8a01f1f8, 0x014a08de, 0xc1fea037, 0xfcfdb8fe, 0xeafdc5fe, 0xfea0cafe, 0x1f019fd9, 0xe6017201, 0x01ab01e9,
0x5efebf51, 0xfefcfe7f, 0xa2fee453, 0xfab804f4, 0x091255a0, 0xeda101ff, 0x00005e01, 0xfc020102, 0x086f0898, 0x000300c1, 0x40340024, 0x08f0822b,
0x00091023, 0x000a0219, 0x19102208, 0x04020600, 0x01150515, 0x04010512, 0x01036501, 0x0120050a, 0x011e0c65, 0x05fb7806, 0x832e2e21, 0x211130da,
0x14210111, 0x07000602, 0x12160706, 0x82323304, 0x10212bc7, 0x22230400, 0x2702012c, 0xea823536, 0x04125808, 0xfe2f0110, 0x8b2f01d1, 0x44c7feb0,
0xaf040e48, 0xa7a42001, 0x01c33601, 0xfee1fe27, 0xfeaef63e, 0x9900ffb2, 0xbf090401, 0x06bf8301, 0xfe0002c1, 0xdff5fe00, 0xfec5bffe, 0xb56a62d9,
0xacdffea6, 0xea4701a0, 0x39feb3fe, 0x01f184db, 0x1419ca5a, 0x011401d0, 0x83280177, 0xfcc724c1, 0x84fa02f2, 0x00072ac1, 0x04184021, 0x000a0619,
0x23af8208, 0x01070703, 0x0e1e4718, 0x2106177d, 0xb2820119, 0x3301c72c, 0x3301cdfe, 0x3cf7b605, 0x7183cf09, 0x0100003f, 0xa002e100, 0x0607f208,
0x1b000500, 0x011a1440, 0x01060004, 0x01000304, 0x03026012, 0x062d7f00, 0x13224382, 0x01821121, 0x1108e12c, 0x37f9b8fe, 0x9afb0607, 0x3b822703,
0xfc422f08, 0x0cb0084e, 0x001c0000, 0x07294030, 0x000c0420, 0x1a011c08, 0x0e0c2101, 0x151d060a, 0x03060012, 0x1a1b1c04, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x42090007,
0x9c821506, 0xb8481e20, 0x1a840807, 0x32332401, 0x0e220317, 0x03211502, 0x21020121, 0x32112722, 0x01373624, 0x06051321, 0x5401ca30, 0x414a24ee,
0x357dd695, 0xfe41be01, 0x6c98fe41, 0x6a2999fc, 0xdf2501f0, 0xfe810132, 0x5208421d, 0xa5011101, 0xe1fe08f8, 0x47d3db92, 0x8ff8ddfe, 0x010890fc,
0xf9ed3b2b, 0x23018d07, 0xa0000200, 0x2906a201, 0x05000008, 0x22000b00, 0x070b1b40, 0x13040105, 0x0a0b0102, 0x05070809, 0x09000103, 0x09060451,
0x2707d259, 0x0109302a, 0x07010917, 0x033f0585, 0xf2cf0168, 0x81017ffe, 0x0169fbf2, 0x6ffef1d7, 0x04e98901, 0x7f2f03d1, 0x48fd58fd, 0x832f037f,
0xfd502309, 0x65887f50, 0x65880820, 0x03050925, 0x83081304, 0x20648265, 0x20658502, 0x26658a03, 0x01013702, 0x82010925, 0x3e648205, 0xee76fe8a,
0x2dfed301, 0x89014afc, 0x01f177fe, 0x0231fecf, 0x02a80229, 0xc9fc87b0, 0x877fd9fc, 0x00d12e09, 0x00190203, 0x02f00d00, 0x00030008, 0x3bcf8207,
0x0a214028, 0x04080206, 0x00180202, 0x01070a09, 0x090b6504, 0x07650500, 0x65060005, 0x0622da82, 0x65410d03, 0x11212106, 0x022d0189, 0x042f0119,
0x04300120, 0x022f0129, 0x05224a08, 0xff200783, 0x21063958, 0x21587d0f, 0x02502408, 0x580603d9, 0x73200851, 0xd1241788, 0x02034202, 0xb8261782,
0x370dc7ff, 0xcd56a80e, 0x03d12e08, 0x00370358, 0xffbc0002, 0x0c4212cf, 0x08178210, 0x4b003246, 0x22234440, 0x08000c1e, 0x26030100, 0x08040c02,
0x05260119, 0x0d060107, 0x0c240901, 0x2b071009, 0x00091121, 0x0b040507, 0x12030307, 0x270c011e, 0x2f010509, 0x09630200, 0x1905090c, 0x16276601,
0x34020601, 0x8a07bf45, 0x112123c6, 0x9d740006, 0x34113605, 0x011a3536, 0x32252400, 0x2504010c, 0x11010804, 0x21010812, 0x08078224, 0x00000250,
0x4206000c, 0xe104edfa, 0x0a051ffb, 0xfe84bff9, 0xfe27fe84, 0xfd8efef8, 0xe158fea0, 0x01e40f05, 0x01270292, 0x8a01e34b, 0x1c014e01, 0x91fe3afb,
0xc9fec4fd, 0x02430105, 0x018e015a, 0x0142025b, 0xb8fe084c, 0x9a09a4fd, 0xf2fe3d02, 0x0382b6fb, 0xfea68908, 0xaa4a02e9, 0x06afdefe, 0x02b301fc,
0x0f360136, 0x1201193a, 0xa3010702, 0xa05409f9, 0xfe0cc2ec, 0xfeb9fd8c, 0xfdbcfec5, 0x0d96feb0, 0x4f026601, 0x38015401, 0x6a014802, 0x00030000,
0x11cfffc1, 0x00fa08aa, 0x00320029, 0x40390042, 0x33010032, 0x271f2e01, 0x1308060a, 0x082a2501, 0x011b0604, 0x011e013b, 0x0918210e, 0x0403071a,
0x323f0a03, 0x0809132a, 0x37651206, 0x01050022, 0x2b030f44, 0x302b3f2b, 0x21001201, 0x2106c846, 0xe4661612, 0x02062906, 0x2023010c, 0x00060300,
0x3426fc84, 0x25240012, 0xc4460020, 0x23a08206, 0x1502010c, 0x0806a544, 0x022611bd, 0x9b480924, 0x51011c02, 0x019201df, 0x2df8b138, 0x01f29d13,
0x019e9521, 0x013cf137, 0xfeeb4337, 0xaab2fed5, 0xe8fdd0fe, 0xf2fd9090, 0x92fea7fe, 0xf6fef1fd, 0x011b0194, 0x010201a5, 0x07230271, 0xfef725cc,
0xfedabaa7, 0xfb2efa91, 0xfefcfe68, 0xd908ca7f, 0xfbf88701, 0x0cd18401, 0x067bfeda, 0x012201a0, 0xfeb20630, 0xfe26feb3, 0xe0febadd, 0xde7762c2,
0xd8fec392, 0x420160bf, 0xfee91801, 0x5c01108f, 0x19011202, 0x019a01d1, 0xfe0ed249, 0xd473fd95, 0x09ae4201, 0xdabbfeae, 0xfe09cd02, 0xdbe963fe,
0xfcee79fe, 0x0c01b601, 0xea7501c0, 0x00010000, 0x084a0400, 0x6b600508, 0x2420058f, 0x38058f6b, 0x00000247, 0x10050106, 0x00312b03, 0x2111302b,
0x08082111, 0x6005f8f7, 0x2c3187fe, 0x58050010, 0x17000500, 0x02261040, 0x232a8205, 0x00033804, 0x8506d144, 0x11332731, 0xf80f2321, 0x5a82f008,
0xf2fe582b, 0x01020000, 0x06c10889, 0x067b4d7f, 0x1c402338, 0x01040106, 0x0c021200, 0x0401080a, 0x02040607, 0x52060001, 0xa55d0503, 0x302b2408,
0x84210109, 0x50052901, 0x300197fe, 0x73fc6801, 0x2f280782, 0xc1086901, 0xeafc1603, 0x2205037e, 0x82680102, 0x894a2055, 0x01052655, 0x12030107,
0x27558401, 0x03040506, 0x53060002, 0x05211282, 0x09d34d01, 0x03210122, 0x052a5882, 0xfe2b011f, 0xedcdfe97, 0x06822f01, 0xd70be122, 0x01265286,
0xc1089101, 0x51842904, 0x0d401528, 0x0a000c02, 0x5418035d, 0x97830cc3, 0x82fa0221, 0x0138228b, 0x248b8560, 0x01010000, 0x97481879, 0xffff272f,
0xf2fc2900, 0x69826f08, 0x07654e18, 0x019a5a08, 0x00000060, 0x005e0002, 0x087708c9, 0x001c00d9, 0x4055002c, 0x0b0f194a, 0x251d0400, 0x03080a09,
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0x01021718, 0x21640600, 0x2026821b, 0x0b3f482e, 0x1737272a, 0x20332436, 0x07173717, 0x032e4882, 0x04270717, 0x07272405, 0x03023727, 0xd7500112,
0x24520808, 0x02263512, 0xb02f0124, 0x016bb0d9, 0x7b01b043, 0xb0cdb8f8, 0xd5b0c9c9, 0xfed8feb0, 0xffa9fead, 0xc6b0d1b8, 0x0d040c0b, 0x9fb0fef7,
0xd85001b6, 0xb34f01df, 0xb7feb305, 0xdab03707, 0xc96a5fb1, 0xfeb0e2b9, 0xfecbfebf, 0xb1e6fec8, 0x0ec3b1d5, 0x0682c70a, 0x24013108, 0x36013e01,
0xfee7af01, 0xfeb7a3ad, 0x01d7d3a9, 0x01b9b85a, 0x0100ce4a, 0xa201a800, 0x00086003, 0x17000500, 0x01050f40, 0x01030104, 0x0900025c, 0x08c45418,
0x13302e2f, 0x01091701, 0xcf01a807, 0x017ffee9, 0x06394681, 0x50fd5023, 0x283d907f, 0x01010003, 0x02045c01, 0x083d8b03, 0x37010955, 0x01a80101,
0xf27ffe81, 0x31fec601, 0xb0022102, 0xfc7fb002, 0x00d1fcd1, 0x00310003, 0x0bd10600, 0x001000d7, 0x00180014, 0x17374040, 0x15010701, 0x090c0618,
0x020c1308, 0x2501010e, 0x080a0a03, 0x11000402, 0x0e011809, 0x01160207, 0x0e121465, 0x6a010f05, 0x0634096b, 0x030f1a02, 0x3f00312b, 0x25302b2e,
0x21112111, 0x22112110, 0x20076d6a, 0x20108205, 0x08038301, 0xa0fe912c, 0x58036001, 0x07d0fefa, 0xfd280209, 0x01e102d8, 0x01d1fe2f, 0xa607082f,
0x16031301, 0xfeceeafe, 0xfe1010ee, 0x085af8ed, 0xac68c108, 0x02002108, 0xc920a184, 0x392ca186, 0x01133040, 0x0c062407, 0x010c0808, 0x9a829c8c,
0x04209882, 0x1620988e, 0x9490989e, 0x9094d920, 0xf4d70b23, 0x0ad95929, 0x00132f08, 0x132d4035, 0x05011101, 0x0a0a0323, 0x0d010f08, 0x09072401,
0x0402060a, 0x130c020c, 0x0405090f, 0x02070a12, 0x65020c11, 0x050a0002, 0x84821501, 0x4708c579, 0x0985093e, 0x01d70327, 0xfde1022f, 0x0803831f,
0xfdd1fe28, 0xfde5021b, 0x0202091b, 0xfe2bfdd5, 0xfe7ffee5, 0x07a8f8ea, 0x01160158, 0x001b0181, 0x02010100, 0x48030804, 0xb7442906, 0x02172705,
0x01060000, 0xaa435e04, 0x2b23080a, 0x21110130, 0x02020111, 0x02080446, 0x00dffd21, 0x1f010200, 0x8f06befd, 0x0b002102, 0x2c001700, 0x820d2340,
0x1701294d, 0x070a090a, 0x06120401, 0x5f25a782, 0x05010002, 0x24158213, 0x030c0e5f, 0x06187d06, 0xe6492e20, 0x0e142b05, 0x3e112301, 0x01233501,
0x0b881121, 0x026f042b, 0xa5f47f20, 0xfcf18267, 0x240982b0, 0x767bacf5, 0x286c82f1, 0x8be4818d, 0x6b141b01, 0x320b82a8, 0x8edf7689, 0x68260a01,
0x000700a1, 0x12cfff39, 0x82080c66, 0x144408b3, 0x38002700, 0x58004800, 0x5e006800, 0x013d5440, 0x04090d04, 0x000c3922, 0x21010a08, 0x0601410d,
0x01150159, 0x0a284920, 0x61012006, 0x021d2f01, 0x09512132, 0x0404070b, 0x0c010903, 0x00355d69, 0x652b6905, 0x0138f282, 0x04244d6a, 0x55196806,
0x3d690600, 0x03060011, 0x45076901, 0x6a060610, 0x3905ed41, 0x302b2b3f, 0x21012101, 0x07010e13, 0x3e171214, 0x023e3301, 0x26012e35, 0x10832201,
0x83011e21, 0x82322011, 0x201282d4, 0x05824e21, 0x12201184, 0xa54e2384, 0x22232c06, 0x36350224, 0x16012412, 0x58171204, 0x0f820748, 0x1f8e2120,
0x39085a08, 0xb0fa2701, 0xc51dd9fe, 0xbcee06e3, 0x7d020703, 0x700564b9, 0x84d305be, 0x650564c1, 0x090682be, 0x63ba7c02, 0x05be6f05, 0x0ddec7f3,
0x0580c169, 0xe1b90106, 0xf2bb7005, 0x3601e1ee, 0xfea90d9d, 0xfedad6be, 0xb305adba, 0x12074501, 0x9f3501dc, 0xc2feaa08, 0xb8fed6d0, 0x081282b3,
0x3207493e, 0x9b3601df, 0xc0feaa0c, 0xb7fedad2, 0x01b608ae, 0xf4d70b45, 0x06e90a29, 0xfea6aafa, 0x030506f6, 0x6ecc8104, 0xf979bf61, 0x6ebe7659,
0x0480c96a, 0xd0810306, 0x76bb616d, 0xca69adf5, 0x26080d83, 0x62ae1001, 0xc60776ba, 0x9cc5fed1, 0xd0a7fec8, 0xb85501d4, 0xc74301ae, 0xd00460f9,
0xce9ac7fe, 0xcdcba7fe, 0x83bf5501, 0xfed12f12, 0xfecaa0ca, 0x01d5cda5, 0x01aabb59, 0xaf49c640, 0x49d92008, 0xd02408af, 0x0203ae01, 0x23059560,
0xd10eae07, 0x352a1782, 0x03000000, 0x3100d000, 0x2f87fa02, 0x88bf0f21, 0x0299242f, 0x882703d1, 0x88e5202f, 0x019a242f, 0x870e03a2, 0x580f2117,
0x50281788, 0xe1027901, 0xcfffffff, 0x79225482, 0x17829a0f, 0x5f843920, 0xa0fe9923, 0x27778203, 0x0000edfe, 0xee0e9f04, 0xd0241788, 0x1703befd,
0x24837782, 0x830e8921, 0x222f855f, 0x83d1fe9a, 0x2247845f, 0x888e0f81, 0x8250202f, 0x242f8347, 0x0dc7ffb8, 0x20a78437, 0x215f853f, 0xa783c703,
0x20065561, 0x08874a0e, 0xbf82d020, 0x6d613720, 0x88962008, 0x04502417, 0x611f0308, 0xcf20086d, 0x6d611782, 0x02992305, 0x2f82035e, 0x21058d77,
0x1788f60e, 0x2701d022, 0x9e202f8a, 0x50391788, 0x27033902, 0x02010100, 0x31020000, 0x0300c108, 0x0d401500, 0x09000a02, 0x0d7f4765, 0x21112125,
0x6d020111, 0x002005c6, 0x2f372f82, 0xe106cf09, 0x0600d70b, 0x10401800, 0x03030406, 0x500c0113, 0x18000602, 0x3f077645, 0x01302a3f, 0x09210121,
0x81032101, 0x5a020601, 0xa0fe87fe, 0x8ffe98fe, 0xf8fdd70b, 0xcdfe3301, 0x05254386, 0x00710bd7, 0x2b438212, 0x0c101211, 0x06020709, 0x000a5613,
0x14254482, 0x312b030f, 0x08438200, 0x32333634, 0x3617021e, 0x07061737, 0x23262726, 0x2f010722, 0x6a3ebaaf, 0x743a629b, 0x9bbd7775, 0x453ae58c,
0xc90a776e, 0x294e24a8, 0xc8590d05, 0x7b0c0997, 0x9f847721, 0x1006c736, 0x0c00790b, 0x13401a00, 0x2c020107, 0x06100a04, 0x07530401, 0xbe775d83,
0x822b2005, 0x011e21a1, 0x2e085b82, 0x07040621, 0x2f012426, 0xd71d0201, 0x0171f385, 0x9dfe2802, 0xa2fee3eb, 0x6f4a790b, 0xcbb11008, 0xe20606e1,
0x01020000, 0x04cf0937, 0x82c90c21, 0x00183953, 0x3518401f, 0x06001300, 0x00070d36, 0x16040206, 0x045b0210, 0x0105010a, 0x82058846, 0x3243085a,
0x1415011e, 0x012e2306, 0x13363635, 0x2e353632, 0x06222301, 0x02161407, 0x68b36e98, 0xc3b6a6cb, 0x64b4bf06, 0x6e7d0675, 0x7b067655, 0xaf6bc90c,
0x06ed945f, 0xd68dabe0, 0x6892a3fd, 0x50817059, 0x8300945e, 0xfc2908c7, 0x0008046f, 0x001a0000, 0x19204029, 0x0a030e17, 0x10071132, 0x04040108,
0x1a090102, 0x0212020d, 0x07770201, 0x01050414, 0x05e4451c, 0x302b2e24, 0x57623321, 0x257e8205, 0x37272622, 0x8764011e, 0x022c0809, 0x3b5e9010,
0xe4b79044, 0x24bc789d, 0x385d13b0, 0x57727356, 0xe97f445c, 0xa9070b0d, 0x96cda3a0, 0x42411095, 0x684a5a6f, 0x3d480e06, 0x00217682, 0x82048201,
0x3dd62a03, 0x0f5ffbfe, 0x0300f53c, 0x8d108210, 0xc9fe2702, 0x66124efc, 0x1582cf0f, 0x02000622, 0x00203184, 0x0c220583, 0xc282fc10, 0xfe171327,
0x12b4fec9, 0x82178666, 0x21028624, 0x2c820cd5, 0x00280b86, 0xe1043106, 0x31005005, 0x01250385, 0x01480d91, 0x080382a2, 0x480d893e, 0xa00c3900,
0x79096f00, 0x79090800, 0x770a3701, 0x8f08b000, 0xe90a2900, 0x6f040601, 0xb8040000, 0xf204c701, 0xe1082f01, 0xe1081900, 0x660c3701, 0x210c3100,
0xa205e900, 0xe7057901, 0xe72c0782, 0xd1068f00, 0xae090601, 0x6f04d100, 0x50221382, 0x07827f00, 0x0207a224, 0x3382a800, 0xe1087f23, 0x21038202,
0x0b858700, 0x82390021, 0x825e2007, 0x82662003, 0x8206204b, 0x82b02007, 0x835e2003, 0x206b822f, 0x204382a8, 0x200382c9, 0x3c0384d1, 0x0d060179,
0x0b1f01df, 0x093100d7, 0x0d37012f, 0x0bb40002, 0x083701e7, 0x0737018f, 0x280f82be, 0x0ab800f0, 0x031701f2, 0x200f82a2, 0x2c2382b6, 0x070e0179,
0x0e370168, 0x0b3701b8, 0x221f82d7, 0x83b800e7, 0xf00d25cf, 0xb609b000, 0xf8282382, 0xd1065600, 0x770a2100, 0x372a1f82, 0x600f2900, 0xbe092900,
0xf7832100, 0x00ae0730, 0x01a2054a, 0x01ae09c7, 0x00a20558, 0x0f820998, 0x00000831, 0x01100600, 0x00f20a2f, 0x01e90aa8, 0x82560a02, 0x00fa2c07,
0x00660aac, 0x000605b0, 0x82c90a4a, 0x01be2c57, 0x012f0306, 0xff3f0302, 0x82080848, 0x250b8207, 0x0201020f, 0x2f82be09, 0xb0007722, 0x0e2a3782,
0xb000e90a, 0x0601d104, 0x63823906, 0xa7827120, 0x0201b622, 0x212cf382, 0x2100480d, 0x2100ae07, 0x29008f08, 0x29209782, 0xa0247782, 0xe104c10a,
0x8f240782, 0xc900ae09, 0x0383f783, 0x00020d23, 0x87f383b0, 0x84bf83d3, 0x8f978393, 0x82562003, 0x839f8273, 0x230387a3, 0xaeff2f03, 0x81240382,
0xc9fe2f03, 0xe7200782, 0x9f839b88, 0x0920038a, 0x038b9782, 0x00d90823, 0x20a782f2, 0x2c0382b8, 0x01d7094a, 0x02ae0960, 0x00060900, 0x240f82a8,
0xfff00bfa, 0x340382d7, 0x010010df, 0x01000602, 0x01e7052f, 0x00df0f2f, 0x00df0d31, 0x20bb82b0, 0x202382d1, 0x244b8200, 0x00e70506, 0x2f03837f,
0xa8007f12, 0x98006f0a, 0x02017909, 0xc701b804, 0xe1202382, 0x42202382, 0xa020f782, 0x10230383, 0x88190200, 0x00e72fef, 0x001713b8, 0x003112bc,
0x000008c1, 0x03821000, 0x0108082b, 0x01be0789, 0x01a20568, 0x24038291, 0x008f0879, 0x243f8229, 0x0008045e, 0x270383a8, 0x3100c707, 0x3100be07,
0x0423b383, 0x8202016f, 0x121f242f, 0x833900c9, 0x053b4153, 0x8f201b82, 0x2c053b42, 0xcfffa203, 0xedfea203, 0x0000a203, 0x200b8203, 0x876f820d,
0x770a2303, 0x03873701, 0x842f0321, 0x072f2647, 0x072f0106, 0x26e3823f, 0x05370150, 0x822f012f, 0x0001348e, 0x00600200, 0x01630001, 0x00060080,
0x003100d2, 0x82b8fe44, 0xfe462205, 0x22058210, 0x8277fe47, 0x84492005, 0xfe66220b, 0x220b82d9, 0x82fafe67, 0x82692005, 0x0036220b, 0x3017821c,
0xfe1e0036, 0x003600c1, 0x0006ff31, 0xff44003c, 0x2205823f, 0x8231fe46, 0xfe472205, 0x220582f2, 0x8287fe49, 0xff692405, 0x824000a2, 0x8208202f,
0x821e2005, 0x00402a11, 0x00d1fe31, 0x00440042, 0x22058219, 0x8260ff46, 0x00472205, 0x22058208, 0x82aeff49, 0x00692405, 0x8244007f, 0x825e202f,
0xfe1e2205, 0x220582e1, 0x8210002a, 0xff2b2205, 0x20058289, 0x24a18231, 0xff510044, 0x220b8227, 0x822fff53, 0xff552205, 0x20058237, 0x20358459,
0x200b845f, 0x20298462, 0x22778263, 0x82650044, 0x00442495, 0x82210067, 0x82692023, 0x82462071, 0x00522259, 0x20b98246, 0x220582d1, 0x8279ff2b,
0xfe312205, 0x22058210, 0x8256fe51, 0xfe552205, 0x2005825e, 0x20298459, 0x200b845f, 0x20a18262, 0x20478246, 0x24178260, 0x009aff69, 0x20418447,
0x21418447, 0x41830047, 0xd1824720, 0x1782d920, 0x8f825120, 0x55004722, 0x47227182, 0x41825900, 0x5f004722, 0x8f830b84, 0x41824720, 0x49008922,
0x6f203b82, 0x1e220582, 0x0582fafe, 0x29002a22, 0x2b200582, 0x4920a782, 0x10204182, 0x51220b82, 0x05827ffe, 0x8ffe5522, 0x59220582, 0x05823900,
0x0b845f20, 0xf2fe6022, 0x61200b82, 0x65221d84, 0x0b82e9fe, 0xb6ff6624, 0x01825600, 0x62001022, 0x62208f84, 0xd9208f82, 0x56220b82, 0x0582c900,
0x08005722, 0x58220582, 0x05827700, 0x6f005d22, 0x5e200582, 0xb6202b82, 0xb6207d84, 0xfa232982, 0x8300b600, 0x82b6207d, 0x82a220bf, 0xfe31220b,
0x22058210, 0x82b8fe44, 0x84462005, 0xfe47220b, 0x200b8277, 0x830b8449, 0x00b62195, 0xb6209583, 0x3920d782, 0x95831782, 0x8300b621, 0x00b62195,
0xb6219583, 0x24958300, 0xfe6600b6, 0x201d82d9, 0x22dd8267, 0x826900b6, 0x8400200b, 0x824a2000, 0x28038705, 0x0100007a, 0x01000004, 0x300382c0,
0x020000fe, 0x030000ac, 0x04000074, 0x0500009a, 0x2703825e, 0x06000076, 0x07000012, 0x2a200383, 0xee200782, 0x08340385, 0x0800003a, 0x09000082,
0x0a000058, 0x0b000052, 0x0c00007c, 0x0c243b82, 0x0d0000e0, 0x0d251382, 0x0e0000d0, 0x20038254, 0x820382ae, 0x820f2013, 0x440f293f, 0x780f0000,
0x2a100000, 0x6a240382, 0x08110000, 0xea230382, 0x82120000, 0x1c13312f, 0xec130000, 0x34140000, 0x4c150000, 0x1a160000, 0x66200382, 0xb8200382,
0xfc240382, 0x48170000, 0x8a270382, 0x40180000, 0x82190000, 0x501a2527, 0x0e1b0000, 0xd8240382, 0x661c0000, 0xc2240382, 0x141d0000, 0xf0240382,
0x541e0000, 0x84200382, 0xee230382, 0x821f0000, 0x961f250b, 0x04200000, 0x60240382, 0x30210000, 0xba2c0382, 0xf8220000, 0x98230000, 0x8a240000,
0xab820382, 0x27822520, 0x009a2524, 0x27822600, 0x826c2621, 0x00bc2307, 0x4f822700, 0x82862721, 0x202f8207, 0x25b38228, 0x00006e28, 0x03829e28,
0x29242f82, 0x2a000092, 0x2b204f82, 0x2b20d782, 0x2c20c382, 0x2d25e782, 0x2e000020, 0x2003822e, 0x820382b0, 0x642f25b3, 0xc62f0000, 0xf6280382,
0xbc300000, 0x3e310000, 0x77820382, 0x00c63225, 0x82a23300, 0x00fa2303, 0xbf823400, 0xf3823520, 0x00b63524, 0x33823500, 0x00623629, 0x00ca3600,
0x82183700, 0x82702003, 0x00f42403, 0x82243800, 0x00aa2303, 0x07823900, 0x823c3921, 0x25ab8207, 0x0000903a, 0x0382a83a, 0x0382c020, 0x0382d820,
0x3b24f782, 0x3b000008, 0x3b218382, 0x20078238, 0x20038250, 0x24038268, 0x3c000080, 0x200382aa, 0x200382c2, 0x240382da, 0x3d0000f2, 0x2003820a,
0x20038222, 0x2003823a, 0x20038252, 0x2003826a, 0x20038282, 0x2003829a, 0x820382b2, 0xe23d217f, 0x9f820782, 0xdf823e20, 0xfb823e20, 0x00423e25,
0x825a3e00, 0x24a78203, 0x0000783f, 0x257f8240, 0x0000c041, 0x03821442, 0x00007c27, 0x00007643, 0x20d78244, 0x20578246, 0x25238246, 0x0000ea46,
0x03823847, 0x48252382, 0x490000d2, 0x27038244, 0x4a0000e4, 0x4b00006e, 0x4b2d4f82, 0x4d0000dc, 0x4e00004e, 0x4f00004c, 0x8203820e, 0x964f255b,
0x32500000, 0x98240382, 0x00510000, 0x5e200382, 0x57820382, 0x828e5121, 0x00a62307, 0x4b825200, 0x00fe5325, 0x82305400, 0x82662003, 0x00bc2303,
0x3b825500, 0x5b825520, 0x93825520, 0x93825520, 0x008a5629, 0x00c85600, 0x82085700, 0x24f78203, 0x00003458, 0x208f8258, 0x208f8258, 0x25e78259,
0x0000265b, 0x03823e5b, 0x03825620, 0x5b218b82, 0x20078286, 0x8203829e, 0xce5b2123, 0xe6200782, 0x63820382, 0x00165c25, 0x822e5c00, 0x82462003,
0x20878203, 0x2087825c, 0x2587825c, 0x0000be5c, 0x0382025d, 0x5d241382, 0x5e0000b2, 0x5e364f82, 0x000100a6, 0x00d50000, 0x00070069, 0x0004003d,
0x000c0002, 0x41820006, 0x00ca0023, 0x830f8265, 0x0010221d, 0x822584c6, 0x3a002128, 0x13830482, 0x01000022, 0x3a202782, 0x02201786, 0x40203d82,
0x03200b86, 0x47204182, 0x04200b86, 0x53202382, 0x05200b86, 0x59202382, 0x06240b86, 0x60000b00, 0x07200b86, 0x6b265182, 0x01000300, 0x09820904,
0x87007421, 0x8201200b, 0x86df2047, 0x00022417, 0x86eb000e, 0x0003240b, 0x86f90018, 0x0004240b, 0x8611010c, 0x0005240b, 0x861d010e, 0x21c1820b,
0x0b862b01, 0xaa820720, 0x6f434138, 0x69727970, 0x20746867, 0x20296328, 0x32393931, 0x726f4320, 0x05836c65, 0x726f702e, 0x6f697461, 0x41202e6e,
0x52206c6c, 0x73372583, 0x73655220, 0x65767265, 0x76412e64, 0x6e6f6c61, 0x75676552, 0x8572616c, 0x5020250c, 0x6e69616c, 0x30260b85, 0x302e3130,
0x0c853330, 0x00391784, 0x006f0043, 0x00790070, 0x00690072, 0x00680067, 0x00200074, 0x00630028, 0x22078229, 0x82390031, 0x82322001, 0x24258309,
0x00650072, 0x200b886c, 0x22378270, 0x82610072, 0x8269202f, 0x006e2209, 0x2019822e, 0x831f8241, 0x88522021, 0x8273204b, 0x82522015, 0x82732037,
0x00722203, 0x20058276, 0x20298264, 0x20098241, 0x232b8261, 0x006e006f, 0x67221d83, 0x0d827500, 0x72006123, 0x22198b00, 0x84500020, 0x82692015,
0x24178b25, 0x00300030, 0x83458231, 0x8c332007, 0x222f8931, 0x84000200, 0x9cff2300, 0x08843200, 0xd520048f, 0x01201082, 0x3c082582, 0x00f200e8,
0x00f100f3, 0x00f400f5, 0x00e900f6, 0x00ed00eb, 0x00ec00ea, 0x000300ee, 0x00050004, 0x00070006, 0x00090008, 0x000b000a, 0x000d000c, 0x000f000e,
0x00110010, 0x00130012, 0x716f1814, 0x6fd008b4, 0x71007000, 0x73007200, 0x75007400, 0x77007600, 0x79007800, 0x7b007a00, 0x7d007c00, 0x7f007e00,
0x81008000, 0x84008200, 0x86008500, 0x88008700, 0x8a008900, 0x8c008b00, 0x8e008d00, 0x91009000, 0x96009300, 0x9d009700, 0xa0009e00, 0xa200a100,
0xa400a300, 0xa900a600, 0xab00aa00, 0xae00ad00, 0xb000af00, 0xb300b100, 0xb400b200, 0xb600b500, 0xba00b700, 0xbe00bd00, 0xc000bf00, 0xc200c100,
0xc500c300, 0xc700c600, 0xc900c800, 0xcb00ca00, 0xcd00cc00, 0xcf00ce00, 0xd100d000, 0xd400d300, 0xd600d500, 0xd800d700, 0xdb00d900, 0xde00dd00,
0x26141640, 0x180c210a, 0x0e652103, 0x36710d0d, 0x65650265, 0x00300d38, 0x3c03b88d, 0x2b2b1d85, 0x3260fa05, 0x0000d96c,
Если хочешь создать свой стиль, используй эту программу:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Так же что-бы его изменить в коде, измени строчки 172-214 или 221-263 на те которые ты скопировал из программы выше или нашёл на нашем форуме.
P.S. Я НЕ заставляю тебя использовать именно файлы из Indigo, это мой совет. Так же перепиши Gui.h под свой SDK.
14 Сен 2016
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Смотри, в сурсе добавляешь файлы отсюда:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

А именно:

Так же файлы создай файлы:
Под файлы с ImGui рекомендую создать фильтр с тем же названием, а под те файлы которые ты создал (Gui.cpp, Gui.h) - рекомендую создать фильтр "Gui".
В Gui.cpp вставляешь данный код ( взято из Indigo D: ) :
#include "Gui.h"
using namespace Client;
//[enc_string_enable /]
//[junk_enable /]
bool bIsGuiInitalize = false;
bool bIsGuiVisible = false;
WNDPROC WndProc_o = nullptr;
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR)  ((int)(sizeof(_ARR)/sizeof(*_ARR)))
LRESULT WINAPI GUI_WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
CGui::CGui() {}
void CGui::GUI_Init( IDirect3DDevice9 * pDevice )
HWND hWindow = FindWindowA( "Valve001" , 0 );
ImGui_ImplDX9_Init( hWindow , pDevice );
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
io.IniFilename = GuiFile.c_str();
//ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF( "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Courier New.ttf" ,
// 14.f , 0 , io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic() );
ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(
Avalon_compressed_data , Avalon_compressed_size , 12.f );
style.WindowMinSize = ImVec2( 200 , 200 );
style.FramePadding = ImVec2( 4 , 2 );
style.ItemSpacing = ImVec2( 6 , 3 );
style.ItemInnerSpacing = ImVec2( 6 , 4 );
style.Alpha = 1.f;
style.WindowRounding = 0.0f;
style.FrameRounding = 0.0f;
style.IndentSpacing = 6.0f;
style.ItemInnerSpacing = ImVec2( 3 , 4 );
style.ColumnsMinSpacing = 50.0f;
style.GrabMinSize = 14.0f;
style.GrabRounding = 16.0f;
style.ScrollbarSize = 12.0f;
style.ScrollbarRounding = 16.0f;
style.AntiAliasedLines = true;
style.AntiAliasedShapes = true;
WndProc_o = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongA( hWindow , GWL_WNDPROC , (LONG)(LONG_PTR)GUI_WndProc );
bIsGuiInitalize = true;
void CGui::GUI_Begin_Render()
void CGui::GUI_End_Render()
LRESULT WINAPI GUI_WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
static bool is_down = false;
static bool is_clicked = false;
static bool check_closed = false;
is_clicked = false;
is_down = true;
else if ( !GUI_KEY_DOWN( VK_INSERT ) && is_down )
is_clicked = true;
is_down = false;
is_clicked = false;
is_down = false;
if ( !bIsGuiVisible && !is_clicked && check_closed )
string msg = "cl_mouseenable " + to_string( !bIsGuiVisible );
Interfaces::Engine()->ClientCmd_Unrestricted2( msg.c_str() );
check_closed = false;
if ( is_clicked )
bIsGuiVisible = !bIsGuiVisible;
string msg = "cl_mouseenable " + to_string( !bIsGuiVisible );
Interfaces::Engine()->ClientCmd_Unrestricted2( msg.c_str() );
if ( !check_closed )
check_closed = true;
if ( bIsGuiVisible && ImGui_ImplDX9_WndProcHandler( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) )
return true;
return CallWindowProcA( WndProc_o , hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam );
void CGui::GUI_Draw_Elements()
if ( !bIsGuiInitalize || Interfaces::Engine()->IsTakingScreenshot() || !Interfaces::Engine()->IsActiveApp() )
ImGui::GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = bIsGuiVisible;
bool bOpenTimer = ( bIsGuiVisible || ( bC4Timer && iC4Timer ) );
if ( g_pEsp && Settings::Esp::esp_BombTimer && bOpenTimer )
ImVec2 OldMinSize = ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize;
ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize = ImVec2( 0.f , 0.f );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 125.f , 30.f ) );
if ( ImGui::Begin( "Bomb Timer" , &bOpenTimer ,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar ) )
ImGui::Text( C4_TIMER_STRING , g_pEsp->fC4Timer );
ImGui::GetStyle().WindowMinSize = OldMinSize;
if ( bIsGuiVisible )
int pX , pY;
Interfaces::InputSystem()->GetCursorPosition( &pX , &pY );
ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x = (float)pX;
ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.y = (float)pY;
if ( g_pRadar )
void CGui::DefaultSheme()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.60f , 0.60f , 0.60f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.94f , 0.94f , 0.94f , 1.f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.39f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.10f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.94f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.40f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 0.96f , 0.96f , 0.96f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.51f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.82f , 0.82f , 0.82f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.86f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.98f , 0.98f , 0.53f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4( 0.69f , 0.69f , 0.69f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4( 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.59f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.49f , 0.49f , 0.49f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ComboBg] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.86f , 0.99f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4( 0.24f , 0.52f , 0.88f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.40f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.06f , 0.53f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.31f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.80f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Column] = ImVec4( 0.39f , 0.39f , 0.39f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.50f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.95f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButton] = ImVec4( 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.59f , 0.50f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.39f , 0.36f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.98f , 0.39f , 0.36f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4( 0.39f , 0.39f , 0.39f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 0.43f , 0.35f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4( 0.90f , 0.70f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 0.60f , 0.00f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4( 0.26f , 0.59f , 0.98f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.20f , 0.20f , 0.35f );
void CGui::RedSheme()
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.13f , 0.14f , 0.17f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.58f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4( 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.75f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.47f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4( 0.09f , 0.15f , 0.16f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ComboBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4( 0.71f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.37f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.75f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.86f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.76f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.86f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Column] = ImVec4( 0.15f , 0.00f , 0.00f , 0.35f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.59f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ColumnActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButton] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.51f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.67f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive] = ImVec4( 1.00f , 1.00f , 1.00f , 0.78f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4( 0.86f , 0.93f , 0.89f , 0.63f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 1.00f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4( 0.92f , 0.18f , 0.29f , 0.43f );
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4( 0.20f , 0.22f , 0.27f , 0.73f );
namespace ImGui
static auto vector_getter = []( void* vec , int idx , const char** out_text )
auto& vector = *static_cast<std::vector<std::string>*>( vec );
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= static_cast<int>( vector.size() ) ) { return false; }
*out_text = vector.at( idx ).c_str();
return true;
IMGUI_API bool ComboBoxArray( const char* label , int* currIndex , std::vector<std::string>& values )
if ( values.empty() ) { return false; }
return Combo( label , currIndex , vector_getter ,
 static_cast<void*>( &values ) , values.size() );
IMGUI_API bool TabLabels( const char **tabLabels , int tabSize , int &tabIndex , int *tabOrder )
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
const ImVec2 itemSpacing = style.ItemSpacing;
const ImVec4 color = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
const ImVec4 colorActive = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive];
const ImVec4 colorHover = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered];
const ImVec4 colorText = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
style.ItemSpacing.x = 1;
style.ItemSpacing.y = 1;
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTab = ImVec4( color.x , color.y , color.z , color.w*0.5f );
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabHovered = ImVec4( colorHover.x , colorHover.y , colorHover.z , colorHover.w*0.5f );
const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabText = ImVec4( colorText.x*0.8f , colorText.y*0.8f , colorText.z*0.8f , colorText.w*0.8f );
if ( tabSize>0 && ( tabIndex<0 || tabIndex >= tabSize ) )
if ( !tabOrder )
tabIndex = 0;
tabIndex = -1;
float windowWidth = 0.f , sumX = 0.f;
windowWidth = ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - style.WindowPadding.x - ( ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()>0 ? style.ScrollbarSize : 0.f );
static int draggingTabIndex = -1; int draggingTabTargetIndex = -1;
static ImVec2 draggingtabSize( 0 , 0 );
static ImVec2 draggingTabOffset( 0 , 0 );
const bool isMMBreleased = ImGui::IsMouseReleased( 2 );
const bool isMouseDragging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0 , 2.f );
int justClosedTabIndex = -1 , newtabIndex = tabIndex;
bool selection_changed = false; bool noButtonDrawn = true;
for ( int j = 0 , i; j < tabSize; j++ )
i = tabOrder ? tabOrder[j] : j;
if ( i == -1 ) continue;
if ( sumX > 0.f )
sumX += style.ItemSpacing.x;
sumX += ImGui::CalcTextSize( tabLabels[i] ).x + 2.f*style.FramePadding.x;
if ( sumX>windowWidth )
sumX = 0.f;
if ( i != tabIndex )
// Push the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = colorSelectedTab;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorSelectedTab;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorSelectedTabHovered;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorSelectedTabText;
// Draw the button
ImGui::PushID( i );   // otherwise two tabs with the same name would clash.
if ( ImGui::Button( tabLabels[i] , ImVec2( 67.f , 15.f ) ) ) { selection_changed = ( tabIndex != i ); newtabIndex = i; }
if ( i != tabIndex )
// Reset the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = color;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorActive;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorHover;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorText;
noButtonDrawn = false;
if ( sumX == 0.f ) sumX = style.WindowPadding.x + ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x; // First element of a line
if ( ImGui::IsItemHoveredRect() )
if ( tabOrder )
// tab reordering
if ( isMouseDragging )
if ( draggingTabIndex == -1 )
draggingTabIndex = j;
draggingtabSize = ImGui::GetItemRectSize();
const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
const ImVec2 draggingTabCursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
draggingTabOffset = ImVec2(
mp.x + draggingtabSize.x*0.5f - sumX + ImGui::GetScrollX() ,
mp.y + draggingtabSize.y*0.5f - draggingTabCursorPos.y + ImGui::GetScrollY()
else if ( draggingTabIndex >= 0 && draggingTabIndex<tabSize && draggingTabIndex != j )
draggingTabTargetIndex = j; // For some odd reasons this seems to get called only when draggingTabIndex < i ! (Probably during mouse dragging ImGui owns the mouse someway and sometimes ImGui::IsItemHovered() is not getting called)
tabIndex = newtabIndex;
// Draw tab label while mouse drags it
if ( draggingTabIndex >= 0 && draggingTabIndex<tabSize )
const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
const ImVec2 wp = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
ImVec2 start( wp.x + mp.x - draggingTabOffset.x - draggingtabSize.x*0.5f , wp.y + mp.y - draggingTabOffset.y - draggingtabSize.y*0.5f );
const ImVec2 end( start.x + draggingtabSize.x , start.y + draggingtabSize.y );
ImDrawList* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const float draggedBtnAlpha = 0.65f;
const ImVec4& btnColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
drawList->AddRectFilled( start , end , ImColor( btnColor.x , btnColor.y , btnColor.z , btnColor.w*draggedBtnAlpha ) , style.FrameRounding );
start.x += style.FramePadding.x; start.y += style.FramePadding.y;
const ImVec4& txtColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
drawList->AddText( start , ImColor( txtColor.x , txtColor.y , txtColor.z , txtColor.w*draggedBtnAlpha ) , tabLabels[tabOrder[draggingTabIndex]] );
ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_Move );
// Drop tab label
if ( draggingTabTargetIndex != -1 )
// swap draggingTabIndex and draggingTabTargetIndex in tabOrder
const int tmp = tabOrder[draggingTabTargetIndex];
tabOrder[draggingTabTargetIndex] = tabOrder[draggingTabIndex];
tabOrder[draggingTabIndex] = tmp;
//fprintf(stderr,"%d %d\n",draggingTabIndex,draggingTabTargetIndex);
draggingTabTargetIndex = draggingTabIndex = -1;
// Reset draggingTabIndex if necessary
if ( !isMouseDragging ) draggingTabIndex = -1;
// Change selected tab when user closes the selected tab
if ( tabIndex == justClosedTabIndex && tabIndex >= 0 )
tabIndex = -1;
for ( int j = 0 , i; j < tabSize; j++ )
i = tabOrder ? tabOrder[j] : j;
if ( i == -1 )
tabIndex = i;
// Restore the style
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = color;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = colorActive;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = colorHover;
style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = colorText;
style.ItemSpacing = itemSpacing;
return selection_changed;
В Gui.h вставляешь данный код ( взято из Indigo D: ):
#pragma once
#include "../Main/Main.h"
#include "../ImGui/imgui.h"
#include "../ImGui/imgui_impl_dx9.h"
#define GUI_KEY_DOWN( KeyNum ) ( GetAsyncKeyState(KeyNum) & 0x1 )
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR)  ((int)(sizeof(_ARR)/sizeof(*_ARR)))
class CGui
void GUI_Init( IDirect3DDevice9* pDevice );
void GUI_Begin_Render();
void GUI_End_Render();
void GUI_Draw_Elements();
void DefaultSheme();
void RedSheme();
extern bool bIsGuiVisible;
extern LRESULT ImGui_ImplDX9_WndProcHandler( HWND hWnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API bool ComboBoxArray( const char* label , int* currIndex , std::vector<std::string>& values );
IMGUI_API bool TabLabels( const char **tabLabels , int tabSize , int &tabIndex , int *tabOrder );
static const unsigned int Avalon_compressed_size = 26726;
static const unsigned int Avalon_compressed_data[26728 / 4] =
0x0000bc57, 0x00000000, 0x00740000, 0x00000400, 0x00010033, 0x000f0000, 0x00030080, 0x2f534f70, 0x94b50232, 0x20118220, 0x2c0382fc, 0x4c43504e,
0x56e1ae54, 0x01000011, 0x280f824c, 0x616d6336, 0x2ee64e70, 0x300f82db, 0x03000084, 0x74766384, 0x00c78b20, 0x050000b7, 0x2b1f8208, 0x677066f6,
0x14c37c6d, 0x060000e0, 0x013d0e82, 0x796c67d8, 0x11080e66, 0x070000eb, 0x5e0000d8, 0x616568a6, 0x84561664, 0x66000045, 0x21208280, 0x10826836,
0x410e3723, 0x200f821c, 0x280f82b8, 0x746d6824, 0xeac9a578, 0x200f8215, 0x355f82dc, 0x72656b54, 0x9ff63f6e, 0x6a0000bd, 0x02000030, 0x636f6c64,
0x3d824c61, 0x6c000023, 0x271f8294, 0x78616d58, 0xd1011470, 0x6f213a82, 0x2c0482ec, 0x6d616e20, 0x10947065, 0x70000012, 0x3b2f820c, 0x736f7007,
0x7830be74, 0x720000ff, 0x01000014, 0x657270cc, 0x4bba4f70, 0x73000009, 0x0020a382, 0x082fe782, 0x009001a8, 0x03030005, 0x00e10233, 0x85a8fc00,
0x850a2507, 0x2404cc00, 0x0b214182, 0x98568272, 0x00402e02, 0x0c6b2620, 0x00a8fc10, 0x03cf0f00, 0x202783b2, 0x25048301, 0xfa046f80, 0x00820008,
0x85821020, 0x6176412b, 0x206e6f6c, 0x69616c50, 0x2112826e, 0x0082ff00, 0xffff3723, 0x240b83fe, 0xfbfb0000, 0x21088540, 0x3a840002, 0x00140023,
0x26098303, 0x00001a01, 0x86000601, 0x25078214, 0x00000002, 0x008d0002, 0x00019808, 0x12111000, 0x16151413, 0x1a191817, 0x1e1d1c1b, 0x2221201f,
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0xa80000a7, 0xab02aaa9, 0xafaeadac, 0xb3b2b1b0, 0x0000b5b4, 0xb70000b6, 0xbbbab9b8, 0xbe00bdbc, 0xc2c1c0bf, 0xc6c5c4c3, 0xcac9c8c7, 0xcdcccb00,
0xd1d0cfce, 0xd300d200, 0x224683d4, 0x826a0204, 0x00143a06, 0x00030010, 0x007e0004, 0x013101ff, 0x02920153, 0x213a20dc, 0xff02f022, 0x221d82ff,
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0x5b005a00, 0x5d005c00, 0x5f005e00, 0x61006000, 0x63006200, 0x65006400, 0x67006600, 0x69006800, 0x6b006a00, 0x6d006c00, 0xa5006e00, 0x91009000,
0x9e00b700, 0x92000300, 0x97009a00, 0xa800a000, 0xf782a600, 0x03829620, 0x00004c08, 0x0004009d, 0x00990005, 0x0094009f, 0x00d400bd, 0x00a10006,
0x000700a9, 0x00090008, 0x00ab00a4, 0x00c000c2, 0x006f00ac, 0x009b0070, 0x00c40071, 0x00c10072, 0x00c800c3, 0x00c600c5, 0x000a00c7, 0x00cb0073,
0x00ca00c9, 0x827400ad, 0x9c58084f, 0xcc00ce00, 0x7500cd00, 0x0c000b00, 0x77009500, 0x78007600, 0x79007a00, 0xa2007b00, 0x7e007c00, 0x7f007d00,
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0xd000a700, 0x029f1b82, 0x2082d220, 0x0382d320, 0xb000d124, 0x0782b100, 0xb4220283, 0x0683b500, 0x00b20025, 0x82be00b3, 0x008f2409, 0x829300bc,
0x20028307, 0x8e0483aa, 0x8ebf2003, 0x00002a0f, 0x00b900b8, 0x00ba0098, 0x221982bb, 0x82080006, 0x2a5c0897, 0x43003800, 0xf2fca8fc, 0x0000beff,
0xfa08c108, 0x100ccf0b, 0xa8045208, 0x9e035204, 0xa0021703, 0x5a028702, 0x21022902, 0x00020802, 0x3b013f01, 0x33013701, 0x2b012f01, 0x23012701,
0x1b011f01, 0x12011701, 0x0a010e01, 0x02010601, 0xf600fa00, 0xee00f200, 0xd100e500, 0xc100cd00, 0xb0246f82, 0xa000a800, 0x52087382, 0x0f001042,
0x0b0e0d0e, 0x09ee0a7d, 0x091f0981, 0x08b80817, 0x086f08a0, 0x08290846, 0x08100821, 0x07000808, 0x06500771, 0x067f06d9, 0x05e70519, 0x05b205b6,
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0x208782c9, 0x2a8986bc, 0x40000042, 0x13141516, 0x82101112, 0x0c2a088d, 0x08090a0b, 0x04050607, 0x00010203, 0x8000b22c, 0x8a204300, 0x42238a62,
0x2c2d5666, 0x00002ab2, 0xb0785443, 0x17582b00, 0x06845939, 0x06843c20, 0x2a0ab027, 0x4301b059, 0x22128e10, 0x822b2c2d, 0x02b02402, 0x852c2d2a,
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0x080a8250, 0x0400b124, 0x68462025, 0x452507b0, 0x5100b061, 0xb01b2158, 0x59384305, 0x5964611b, 0x2f235853, 0x2f1bf923, 0x7b82e923, 0xb0206882,
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0x42604460, 0x20452c2d, 0x422303b0, 0x050201b2, 0x23437643, 0x82238a43, 0x04b02618, 0xb0184223, 0x82f0830b, 0x451826e8, 0x6140b069, 0x22b78420,
0x821b41b0, 0x2a0a830b, 0xb01b46b0, 0xb0595948, 0x82422305, 0x23013c42, 0x02b06942, 0x0cb04223, 0x2c2d182a, 0x44684520, 0x00ba2c2d, 0xff050011,
0x822b42c0, 0x0511227b, 0x36078300, 0x02b12020, 0x23428a03, 0x426101b0, 0xb0206846, 0xb0585440, 0x83596040, 0x2c2d216f, 0x43221a82, 0xae824311,
0x2d003135, 0x2c2d2e2c, 0x3f2c2dc5, 0x2d2a14b0, 0x00020200, 0x820a0000, 0x002c0801, 0x00070003, 0x371b4022, 0x06000602, 0x09003704, 0x04020700,
0x0005037a, 0x01077a05, 0x09020600, 0x312b030f, 0x21302b00, 0x27112111, 0x02390382, 0x42000800, 0x000a84f8, 0x094200f6, 0x0084f67c, 0x00e10401,
0x0be70500, 0x2d4982d7, 0x020d4015, 0x6d09000c, 0x05000103, 0x39840501, 0x843f3f21, 0x043b083a, 0x0b0601e1, 0x0029f4d7, 0x31000100, 0x1f05c104,
0x1900f00b, 0x25402c00, 0x1602000a, 0x3516090b, 0x08000c04, 0x0b34010f, 0x0206080e, 0x000b0f04, 0x010d1203, 0x0112086f, 0x821b0105, 0x2b530847,
0x13302b2b, 0x33241236, 0x15120432, 0x21010510, 0x01352115, 0x2e343536, 0x04222701, 0xad044215, 0x9dae2001, 0xfea71a01, 0x034ffdfa, 0x0323fba6,
0xa561b160, 0xfcfebe63, 0x01cf9109, 0xfe928010, 0xf8fe9dfd, 0xa7a1fdef, 0x95f602a7, 0x6db76acb, 0x84e8d704, 0x82a02089, 0x00f82d89, 0x40390029,
0x26010031, 0x33260920, 0x16328883, 0x1f352001, 0x3307040a, 0x06001119, 0x0a0a0403, 0x90821520, 0x1c0d732d, 0x010a0500, 0x04230874, 0x832b0206,
0x2b3f2195, 0x3e3f9682, 0x1e323302, 0x07141501, 0x14151216, 0x26070402, 0x33270224, 0x3617011e, 0x24343524, 0x82323523, 0x266208a6, 0x07062223,
0xde8a04c1, 0x97ee7b7b, 0xafb39dd9, 0x9ea0e0fe, 0x09bae2fe, 0xa1ef0ec9, 0xfe0801b2, 0xf7bffbd2, 0xa46e80b7, 0x98190a1d, 0xcf776ed9, 0x4f76ea79,
0xa095f4fe, 0x059cf8fe, 0x13019305, 0x07d9d2b7, 0xc5aedd06, 0x9585a0d9, 0x99969d72, 0x91010100, 0xb603c104, 0x0500d70b, 0x14401c00, 0xb6833401,
0x0004012b, 0x05710103, 0x01050400, 0x089e8207, 0x2e003120, 0x1101302b, 0x11213521, 0xb0fee102, 0xc1042502, 0xf8a86e06, 0x040000ea, 0x0000a201,
0x3d82e10c, 0x00034808, 0x00140009, 0x404b0017, 0x040f1640, 0x090d0503, 0x34050108, 0x08080c02, 0x12021015, 0x0b0d3401, 0x0402060a, 0x0900090a,
0x030d0e17, 0x1209090a, 0x02011301, 0x70011601, 0x051e0a0f, 0x01000107, 0x0504096f, 0x82190206, 0x312b2b6f, 0x2b3f3f00, 0x0121302b, 0x76850121,
0x27080583, 0x33113301, 0x03112315, 0x79030111, 0x06015005, 0x6afeb0fa, 0x2502b9fe, 0x31fc8907, 0xb8f2b603, 0x02fdd9b8, 0x29f4d70b, 0xfb319c86,
0xa850013f, 0xd9fa2705, 0x01b0fea8, 0xfb2904f8, 0x24d382d7, 0x0d000089, 0x29ad8606, 0x40450024, 0x0204163c, 0xaa880b12, 0x121a3425, 0x82220600,
0x340b368b, 0x070a090a, 0x16220403, 0x05020b15, 0x2409090e, 0x0e1e7101, 0x20a78401, 0x20a78471, 0x8da78526, 0x01353ba5, 0x2e343524, 0x06222301,
0x12342315, 0x04323324, 0x06141516, 0x15210107, 0xb2825003, 0xfa0a2208, 0xfe83feac, 0x042502b0, 0x01ed026b, 0x74c26c2b, 0x9fddccbd, 0xa3b91f01,
0xb2aa1901, 0x03bffdc3, 0x08c08cb2, 0x9702a866, 0xaf6cdff0, 0xb6c7f766, 0x81991701, 0xf8bdacfc, 0xa800feb1, 0x39000400, 0xe10c0000, 0x0a00f80b,
0x11000d00, 0x65003a00, 0x011d5940, 0x19091319, 0x000c2134, 0x02053208, 0x0a123413, 0x010c0704, 0x102d3534, 0x02060b06, 0x03340108, 0x04060a01,
0x100a2604, 0x00090e0c, 0x131d3109, 0x040d1203, 0x29000303, 0x0939fe82, 0x0c011001, 0x00057001, 0x2973051e, 0x26060039, 0x2472020e, 0x03060415,
0x21e6833c, 0x00823f2b, 0x1122e983, 0x85413521, 0x01092709, 0x35010121, 0xf0881120, 0x33013e24, 0xbe420032, 0x22232608, 0x33350224, 0x2513821e,
0x0235013e, 0xa441500b, 0xfb2a0809, 0x01500564, 0xfdb1fa0a, 0x51ae0168, 0xa07f578f, 0x94e57fc9, 0xd92601d2, 0xfea8b296, 0xfeaaaedf, 0x09c1a0e3,
0xc376b2eb, 0xc2410a71, 0xfe6a080f, 0xf4d70b08, 0xa8770829, 0x85511201, 0x877ec249, 0xf0fe81e0, 0x3d8ecabf, 0xa19cf1fe, 0xa59bf3fe, 0xb49f1601,
0x70bf72fe, 0x02008e01, 0xf8ff6f00, 0xcf0bf80b, 0x20001000, 0x30403800, 0x0c18260c, 0x01150800, 0x0d250113, 0x01060a0f, 0x00091226, 0x0f040307,
0x090d0601, 0x00061d65, 0x15010005, 0x65011601, 0x060e120d, 0xdf412202, 0x01303206, 0x00012c21, 0x010a1312, 0x01292400, 0x21112111, 0x83038201,
0x0c3b0807, 0x11010801, 0x03000010, 0x01890127, 0x01260254, 0x0303f3a9, 0xfd58fef5, 0xfeaefed9, 0xfd100277, 0xfc1002f0, 0x0177fec1, 0x012f0389,
0x01750273, 0xfe0d01dc, 0x01f4fc41, 0x82710306, 0xeb320883, 0x68016f01, 0x1701e701, 0xfe10fc74, 0x053afaed, 0x041301c6, 0xfeaa03fe, 0xfebefd98,
0xfdf7fd6f, 0xffc4fe56, 0x000800ff, 0x0f790900, 0x0022009e, 0x6b820049, 0x01990029, 0x000603b6, 0x82370102, 0x0e290817, 0x0c00d70b, 0x2a001c00,
0x13232140, 0x25060000, 0x06000d02, 0x0c120402, 0x18650910, 0x12050006, 0x0e650201, 0x02060811, 0x25cc821e, 0x3f3f0031, 0xc182302b, 0x1224202a,
0x26023411, 0x13232324, 0x8f08c988, 0x02101100, 0x66020404, 0x06010902, 0x91ee7c01, 0xc9e0fef2, 0xc6fdb083, 0x2f01d1fe, 0x7201f001, 0x41010502,
0xfeccfeae, 0xfb5e086c, 0x1601591b, 0x01d70801, 0xfa207700, 0x0b9afd08, 0x05a2fdd7, 0xfe71fe87, 0xfefafe89, 0x0053caa2, 0xffb00002, 0x0cd709cf,
0x000f0029, 0x40400030, 0x021d1e35, 0x1f00011a, 0x08110a18, 0x09102108, 0x04020700, 0x0c232526, 0x20252628, 0x0c061d1e, 0x1a270904, 0x0c2d6502,
0x1f220504, 0x14046502, 0x32020610, 0x22057c41, 0x822e2e3f, 0x22aa08b1, 0x14150204, 0x32330412, 0x34351224, 0x20032402, 0x10110108, 0x20210108,
0x27002617, 0x26012d05, 0x17162125, 0x16051725, 0x13011a00, 0x05000010, 0x6dfef148, 0x9101ede5, 0x8e01f3eb, 0x73fee8df, 0xfdc7feeb, 0x01bffee2,
0x011c023b, 0xf98e0141, 0xe5b3fe55, 0xfefe49fe, 0xfee9d701, 0x7a3e02b4, 0xe5310290, 0x01bdbbfd, 0x0694fb3b, 0xe7fdc9fe, 0xfeeecf07, 0xfeecf065,
0x01f1e870, 0x01eaf19b, 0x00f8e98d, 0x15023701, 0x4b013b01, 0x38012102, 0x67018fe1, 0xa86ba078, 0x501f5f7e, 0x8ccd73c1, 0x63feb3fe, 0xeafe12fe,
0x6682b3fe, 0xffffcb2e, 0xf2fc2900, 0x980c6f08, 0x69002200, 0x2006b341, 0x08078260, 0x0601023b, 0x420ae9fc, 0x1200cf0b, 0x37002300, 0x01022d40,
0x0a041f1c, 0x01100804, 0x090d1f13, 0x04020710, 0x0c010712, 0x01180104, 0x18096409, 0x01100500, 0x01640120, 0x02060900, 0x08144525, 0x01309408,
0x25001121, 0x12000432, 0x01081015, 0x27012c21, 0x32012111, 0x35123624, 0x23240234, 0x15020422, 0x01041210, 0x01330106, 0xd9200249, 0x5501aa01,
0xfdbefec8, 0xfeb6fed3, 0x9b67fee4, 0x8b04cdfe, 0xf74601b7, 0x6dfeea89, 0x63fef2ef, 0x9001d2f2, 0x79fbcf0b, 0xae0b9f01, 0x49febffe, 0xfdbafefa,
0x0dcbfee7, 0x81fbccd1, 0xed800004, 0xf3ba4201, 0xddeb9701, 0xfef075fe, 0xe466fef8, 0xc7010200, 0xfa020000, 0x0300d70b, 0x21000700, 0x01031940,
0x82041806, 0x04012dbb, 0x01070c01, 0x02640105, 0x01050a00, 0x2105eb47, 0xad832b3f, 0x82192121, 0xc70131b2, 0xcdfe3301, 0xd70b3301, 0xe9fc40f7,
0xf8fd0802, 0x01254682, 0x0339082f, 0x214b88c7, 0x4482061a, 0x0211002e, 0x01080a0c, 0x05077304, 0x03700500, 0x220b3848, 0x84331101, 0x2f012401,
0x82cdf2d9, 0xfc9e2339, 0x03820362, 0x00020027, 0x08000019, 0x084782d1, 0x1f001b2f, 0x48405300, 0x1c02041b, 0x072d0219, 0x1e060a09, 0x12150217,
0x0d0b2c02, 0x0402060a, 0x09100914, 0x0c020c06, 0x1c1d1e1f, 0x18191a1b, 0x0c924a17, 0x2707914a, 0x1608401e, 0x21010501, 0x20063243, 0x24c5823f,
0x01330109, 0x27038321, 0x21032107, 0x23012107, 0x03820d82, 0x21374208, 0x05372113, 0x03132103, 0xa82f019a, 0x6c01d9fe, 0xfea83301, 0x4a7302cd,
0x02989afd, 0x91fd4267, 0x01b1dafe, 0xfe8ffe30, 0x2f01b0d1, 0x023da2fd, 0x99fd8f6b, 0x98d10246, 0x07987101, 0xfc0004d7, 0x23038300, 0xf209feee,
0x04250985, 0xf701f200, 0x080f82ee, 0x00f70128, 0xff370101, 0x0cae0727, 0x003100f2, 0x213f4048, 0x0c030912, 0x00030923, 0x0c021502, 0x011b0601,
0x23270119, 0xd582061c, 0x27010938, 0x01080902, 0x01271567, 0x1b011905, 0x020c1201, 0x0b00026c, 0xa4822006, 0x2e0f6726, 0x33030605, 0x3808aa46,
0x11211101, 0x1712021e, 0x25022621, 0x16070222, 0x00041712, 0x04021411, 0x08178207, 0x02002629, 0x21122135, 0x35013e32, 0x2c262734, 0x34030201,
0xf0032412, 0xec760a01, 0xfe0373bf, 0xfebc18de, 0x06f5c3e4, 0x82d1de07, 0xcb6a08e7, 0xc7c1feae, 0xfefef6fe, 0x1f0181c6, 0x840f0212, 0x5a5696f6,
0x53fe6ffe, 0x018603fc, 0x01a20b0f, 0x0cb0fe50, 0xf6fec171, 0x2701b4a2, 0xbaf3fe05, 0x2cf8fea3, 0xfe58fe56, 0x82fec1ba, 0xb0fe07f9, 0x012b5001,
0x9e580112, 0xf891d7fd, 0x8289a690, 0x4001a092, 0x01853d01, 0x0500de26, 0xc7ff3100, 0x000c000c, 0x1b000f00, 0xff821f00, 0x003f4408, 0x2b42404d,
0x09353d01, 0x0c032019, 0x13210800, 0x2006000b, 0x06003d2f, 0x09271f35, 0x04040700, 0x0c1d091f, 0x1016010b, 0x6a011d09, 0x05043923, 0x002b3266,
0x16076906, 0x011f0600, 0x100e1067, 0x43410406, 0x2b270842, 0x24361330, 0x49043233, 0x24270564, 0x05360300, 0x82171614, 0x012e26f6, 0x01062223,
0x49018221, 0x23260580, 0x27022422, 0x2b831236, 0x21830120, 0x2e350223, 0x08218202, 0x0151c175, 0x01c2b533, 0xfebbbb47, 0xd5fec2b9, 0x0d0e70fe,
0xadf51a01, 0xf206f6b0, 0x06fbafa6, 0xfa2701e1, 0x08d9feb0, 0xc8694f5f, 0xb8bcb3fe, 0x07c3c2fe, 0x3d01b90c, 0x1b019dc6, 0xb4f1abfc, 0x0473c077,
0xa770c47a, 0x7cfa0af0, 0xbffeb68a, 0xbcfec6ca, 0x010c07bf, 0xef30019d, 0x08dfd0ef, 0xb9d8e708, 0xd201d4c8, 0x870429f4, 0x9cecfe58, 0xbcbefeba,
0x824201c1, 0x586e0871, 0xbafd7acf, 0x0506e3cd, 0x7b92c966, 0x00d85db2, 0xffe90003, 0x0cbe0bc7, 0x000b0000, 0x00390018, 0x364a4052, 0x24252728,
0x05060a0c, 0x02130a00, 0x1c221309, 0x2b08000c, 0x29012f01, 0x2a210201, 0x02071309, 0x02272904, 0x02020612, 0x2809170f, 0x25012401, 0x20650205,
0x3605150f, 0x63010001, 0x06113817, 0x00330a69, 0x0f3b0306, 0x00832b03, 0x1601302f, 0x13003605, 0x02040601, 0x24011607, 0x05dd4812, 0x15010e24,
0x43410314, 0x0963080a, 0x01092101, 0x00060107, 0x24222304, 0x00122702, 0x36030025, 0x01cba002, 0x7801d114, 0xb92ffd88, 0x049ee4fe, 0x01c4020d,
0xc272f206, 0x62c28a6e, 0x4c0160c9, 0x5701b6bb, 0xf4fe96d4, 0x014202b0, 0xfd5801b2, 0xccf502cf, 0xfe5b47fd, 0xc48ffed6, 0xfb5ffef1, 0x73010709,
0xc5fe2e01, 0xcf010c0c, 0x82080ed8, 0x363508c1, 0xd34bc002, 0xc195fbfe, 0x015bd104, 0xb46e8f06, 0x5eaa6867, 0x963902e9, 0xbffebda9, 0xebfe91ba,
0xc7fd3cd7, 0xdbfb5803, 0x02d10ffd, 0xd1fecd9f, 0xa901ffa3, 0x2f3882f1, 0x1a018eeb, 0x00b84c01, 0x08790101, 0x0b1004c1, 0x2606614c, 0x0c010a03,
0x4c03015d, 0x01380b61, 0x02210121, 0xfe2f01e1, 0x0bd1fe98, 0x00eafcd7, 0xe9000100, 0x6005f8fd, 0x132e3382, 0x10401700, 0x0f0c050f, 0x63120206,
0x3682000a, 0x0f154708, 0x3f2b2b03, 0x1a13302e, 0x37010801, 0x01080611, 0x00121003, 0x08241105, 0x07e90201, 0x013401b2, 0xfeb2ed9d, 0x0bf1fe8d,
0x017401a1, 0xfef1fe2a, 0x92dafe50, 0x02011f05, 0xe5012402, 0xfe4a6301, 0x7efe66fa, 0x2282b1fd, 0xb8fde62e, 0xfeaff0fd, 0x8d0165f2, 0x2b020602,
0x8f207783, 0x06207782, 0x05217787, 0x2177850f, 0x778a0a00, 0x02100124, 0x6e820108, 0x11120022, 0x272e0882, 0x01081611, 0x94060512, 0x4ffedefe,
0xf782f0fe, 0x0ba27522, 0x2b087382, 0x01eeb28c, 0xb03401a0, 0xf6fe1f05, 0x00fed6fd, 0x016572fe, 0x1102ae0e, 0x1a014802, 0x4f027301, 0x01668201,
0x9afe4906, 0xddfd1dfe, 0x22087782, 0x79070601, 0x080cc705, 0x38001100, 0x01032d40, 0x010c0111, 0x062f010f, 0x01061e08, 0x040b0d04, 0x4f0c020c,
0xc24f06c4, 0x550e2706, 0x05011108, 0x30451301, 0x2e590806, 0x01302b2e, 0x011b3703, 0x15210317, 0x0b071321, 0x21132701, 0xe1b00235, 0xbce2d0c9,
0xfe9e01dd, 0xe2bcdd62, 0xfee1c9d0, 0x01210a56, 0x90fe6e79, 0xfe6e7001, 0x97fed187, 0xfe70016e, 0x69016e90, 0x000100d1, 0x08c900d1, 0x00e108e9,
0x4027000b, 0x0b01011f, 0x07051c01, 0x317f820a, 0x070a040a, 0x08120201, 0x63010a01, 0x050a0204, 0x82410d01, 0x302b2305, 0xcc481113, 0x2c078206,
0x017103d1, 0xfc700337, 0x04c9fe90, 0x3a098242, 0xfe98fc68, 0x0387fcc9, 0x01010079, 0x04f2fe79, 0x00080210, 0x40130003, 0x4101030b, 0x2e220bff,
0xff41302e, 0xfe902408, 0x410802d9, 0x7f2605ff, 0xd9044a04, 0x31825805, 0x10401726, 0x00030126, 0x57228782, 0x36420002, 0x827b8208, 0x047f287a,
0x05a6fb5a, 0x82f2fe58, 0x00a22663, 0x02e90200, 0x2b318229, 0x02114018, 0x00090016, 0x60040107, 0x4f0acb4e, 0x01270505, 0x024701a2, 0x82d7fd29,
0xfda826ef, 0x0b5e06f8, 0x263182d7, 0x000c4014, 0x8a4f0c02, 0x2e3f235f, 0x97821330, 0xa004a82c, 0x50fb1601, 0xdf0df8fd, 0x608221f2, 0xff7f0038,
0x0c6608c7, 0x00140008, 0x40230023, 0x0420221c, 0x1a08000c, 0x6d820f1f, 0x6504022a, 0x05001e0a, 0x00001666, 0x21053c48, 0xa5820031, 0x08108508,
0x04323301, 0x11151200, 0x04000206, 0x00242623, 0x11013502, 0x33041214, 0x11130020, 0x23240210, 0x1d017f04, 0xdbfecc01, 0x15017b01, 0xfead0695,
0xbe95fedc, 0xfe8efed8, 0x2b0191f4, 0xcc3b01ad, 0xb0012301, 0xb8feb106, 0x0749fdd8, 0x013c01e7, 0xa50201e3, 0x7cfed7fe, 0xf3f0fbdf, 0xf8fe82fe,
0x01a70387, 0xca75011f, 0x90fcc203, 0xc88dfef4, 0x65016701, 0x0001ec03, 0x2fc27501, 0x7f020100, 0xae050000, 0x0535e582, 0x16401d00, 0x0c032600,
0x04010800, 0x01020905, 0x05046512, 0x056b4e00, 0x35482b20, 0x21112d06, 0x00fe7f04, 0xd1fe2f03, 0x0e01c90a, 0x2405ef4f, 0x08000087, 0x2af18210,
0x402c001a, 0x17010025, 0x8417090c, 0x011037f4, 0x090f240c, 0x04020701, 0x03000c10, 0x67010912, 0x0508130e, 0xc4441c01, 0x30390805, 0x24001213,
0x010c3225, 0x09101512, 0x21112101, 0x11000111, 0x27240234, 0x98110020, 0x01120104, 0xb40401bd, 0x05015001, 0xfb56fe98, 0xf8e705c3, 0x01480577,
0xeafea81a, 0x08da829c, 0x0008612d, 0xce015401, 0xf98c05e1, 0xfec2aefe, 0xfc6ffe39, 0x01e9fe00, 0x0123050e, 0xa924011a, 0x08a71a01, 0x85fe9afe,
0x00010000, 0x84cfff7f, 0x002e2a9d, 0x17314039, 0x091a2201, 0x289d842b, 0x2428010b, 0x1a060122, 0x056e4c21, 0x240a0023, 0x2da48216, 0x001e0e65,
0x67012705, 0x06020b08, 0xa9833002, 0x2b2b3f24, 0x6e460130, 0x15123f05, 0x16070214, 0x02101500, 0x24222100, 0x12210300, 0x24361700, 0x02343712,
0x11012b24, 0x734d2420, 0x04a10805, 0x07500103, 0xbe5501d8, 0xd26601ce, 0x01ed9493, 0x49fefe02, 0xfef6f7fe, 0x07e8fe42, 0x01293701, 0x01aff565,
0xd204c134, 0x35e392fe, 0x93010501, 0xa67bd983, 0x0829fcfe, 0x6d01fee9, 0x9cfed2b4, 0xd6fea5cc, 0x61fe8266, 0xfefafefa, 0xebedfe32, 0x3401c801,
0xa0fea3fe, 0x01a70507, 0x01d7be2d, 0x0601a039, 0x860001cf, 0xfff877d6, 0x00020000, 0x08000039, 0x00d70b6f, 0x000d000a, 0x0d24402d, 0x0108020a,
0x0a040226, 0x0b040106, 0x0c010907, 0x12020a0c, 0x01010104, 0x0565010b, 0x01051a07, 0x24d6840f, 0x302b2e3f, 0x099c4301, 0x01092b08, 0x01e70521,
0xfe0f0179, 0xfad1fef1, 0xfbf80508, 0x0ba00460, 0xfe68f7d7, 0x02cffdf2, 0x060e0131, 0x0006f9fa, 0x5e000100, 0x6d84cfff, 0x00252b08, 0x252d4034,
0x19210215, 0x01240209, 0x2408000c, 0x22010401, 0x06052106, 0x09102519, 0x04030700, 0x03041425, 0x63010212, 0xe5821d0b, 0xf5412720, 0x37728306,
0x32213603, 0x15120004, 0x04000214, 0x00242007, 0x12162103, 0x24361704, 0x37072d4b, 0x21022707, 0x9efb5805, 0x1301fd98, 0x016b01cf, 0xfe90970f,
0xc89cfef5, 0x46089a82, 0x14c1fe18, 0xd10d3c01, 0xc7b44301, 0xb3ba4701, 0xaec7c2fe, 0xf278a7fe, 0xeafed70b, 0xaf87c0fc, 0x81fed5fe, 0x8afec4c8,
0x03aed3fe, 0x01c401dc, 0xb3feb747, 0xd70904cd, 0xc5c75f01, 0xa5d96401, 0x00005a96, 0x82660002, 0x0b773bc3, 0x001400d7, 0x403a0025, 0x000a1330,
0x091b2303, 0x05240103, 0x1b060123, 0xbe820e21, 0x02040238, 0x0201030c, 0x0209171f, 0x1f0a6501, 0x01000504, 0x01131764, 0xc8840206, 0x3f00312a,
0x09302b2b, 0x36012101, 0x2c05bb43, 0x21010802, 0x02002422, 0x06251227, 0x4dcd8203, 0x6a080716, 0x01042223, 0x01600358, 0x8937fd61, 0x6701c8bf,
0x179c1401, 0x34fefdfe, 0xfed4cdfe, 0x99f2fe94, 0xbb011011, 0xab050d8a, 0xb2e14c01, 0xc8d04f01, 0xa2caa8fe, 0xd106d8fe, 0xdffb0605, 0xcafeaf42,
0xfed970fe, 0xfe3afefc, 0x2b01a8ef, 0x01d07501, 0xfea85f89, 0x96fec2d9, 0x6001cbe2, 0x6101c6ca, 0x00008cd3, 0x00060101, 0x82df0700, 0x00062acf,
0x05194021, 0x04260101, 0x2d90820c, 0x06090004, 0x4b030001, 0x05010305, 0x07460801, 0x302b2105, 0x0805284f, 0xbe01015c, 0x66fae204, 0x23fbd906,
0x0e01c90a, 0x37f5f2fe, 0xb0000300, 0x3908c7ff, 0x1c00080c, 0x3b002b00, 0x38404000, 0x0c0f2229, 0x08160800, 0x3a212002, 0x21320601, 0x07000900,
0x0f320403, 0x091d2502, 0x00361963, 0x66011605, 0x06042513, 0x1d650108, 0x6706100b, 0x0600042e, 0xd3493d04, 0x302b3105, 0x02002005, 0x36123635,
0x27022637, 0x25241236, 0x3605dc49, 0x17000407, 0x01000010, 0x3e33021e, 0x2e343502, 0x00062301, 0x42030613, 0xca080b02, 0xfe660420, 0xed4dfeea,
0x9ee27305, 0x0506b7a3, 0x017001b6, 0x6b01e504, 0x01b1afca, 0x06020100, 0x3cfefbfe, 0x9b0707fd, 0xe3797aec, 0x87eb8e8b, 0x18d3fec2, 0xb1070cac,
0xb6b22501, 0xbcb63001, 0xfeafc7fe, 0x120139e0, 0xb1e4b401, 0x46fa3e01, 0xc947014a, 0xe06301c7, 0x97fedd04, 0xc1febbc8, 0x5afe7768, 0xfefdfeea,
0x09f8fe41, 0x6edc9933, 0x7fd88408, 0x077be292, 0x58fbf5fe, 0xaffffec6, 0x09a9e2fe, 0x2801ad09, 0x2201b1b2, 0x000200a4, 0x0800005e, 0x00080c6f,
0x00240014, 0x132f4039, 0x091b0001, 0x20000123, 0x08020c03, 0x1b1d010d, 0x0206010f, 0x0f090c04, 0x1f030b0d, 0x08670917, 0x0c05001f, 0x13176201,
0x52020610, 0x45440690, 0x42242005, 0x102d052c, 0x01210103, 0x00240706, 0x25120302, 0x08f98c00, 0xaa012264, 0xcd7b0185, 0x017701d5, 0xfcc19616,
0x0298fe7b, 0xfeca9ed0, 0xf84dfeec, 0x97020d0c, 0x070da5fe, 0xc64601c2, 0xce4f01bc, 0xc9b5febd, 0x89e10ab8, 0xcafeb19e, 0xfed076fe, 0xfae5fe9c,
0x451904b8, 0x3b01070d, 0x0b01f401, 0xfed1a601, 0xc86efefa, 0x06cbacfe, 0x4f01a405, 0x6101d9ed, 0x020000c8, 0x0482a201, 0x2908d122, 0x33062b4e,
0x0705191a, 0x18010600, 0x07000903, 0x01060402, 0x02650104, 0x44092c4e, 0x01250923, 0xfe2f01a2, 0x270383d1, 0xf8fd0802, 0x00fe2908, 0x00254682,
0x03f2fea8, 0x234b883f, 0x00021918, 0x04214b82, 0x26478406, 0x03650105, 0x4e050e01, 0x2e200676, 0x2105ac54, 0xfb820911, 0x01100227, 0x0169fd2f,
0x2a4d8268, 0x02290698, 0xf800fe00, 0x471603c9, 0xc93605d7, 0xf2089800, 0x06000e09, 0x0f401700, 0x01050105, 0x02440103, 0xc1420900, 0x2e2e2407,
0x82011330, 0x01113844, 0xf92908c9, 0xf7a00660, 0x035805d7, 0xfcd1feb6, 0xfeedfcf2, 0x83ba03da, 0x02d12695, 0x06e108a8, 0x33e184fa, 0x1d194020,
0x06000301, 0x0006041c, 0x05040206, 0x46010701, 0x132ce08c, 0x01211121, 0xd1112111, 0xf0f71008, 0x062e0383, 0xfecdfefa, 0x01c9fe18, 0x01000037,
0x8f82d100, 0x8209fa21, 0x298f833b, 0x01060206, 0x01440104, 0x8f8a0303, 0x84150121, 0xfa083490, 0xa006d7f7, 0x500560f9, 0x0146fcfe, 0x03130326,
0x8227010e, 0x0601278d, 0x66080000, 0x8d82080c, 0x001e2e08, 0x042c4033, 0x09011a01, 0x0c08221a, 0x01120800, 0x09031801, 0x04020710, 0x65120104,
0x0500170c, 0x01120111, 0x02650108, 0x02060b00, 0x0a324520, 0x0010013e, 0x04203724, 0x02141300, 0x21150200, 0x3600011a, 0x21000235, 0x07020406,
0x2f013904, 0xcd20fe82, 0x9f219882, 0x08dd82e6, 0x0c01c0a7, 0x7ffebf04, 0x04d1febe, 0xad8301ca, 0xfe73fe11, 0xeefe95e6, 0x080204ab, 0x2108f8fd,
0xbe013201, 0xfedb0dea, 0xcde2fe60, 0x7bfed5fe, 0x01c1e6fe, 0x0161010b, 0x01b4e870, 0x08350125, 0xcbc1feb6, 0x01020000, 0x0cd7ff1f, 0x000c0cc5,
0x005a0049, 0x1854405e, 0x09515801, 0x0c03302f, 0x011f0800, 0x2a1c0121, 0x07050a58, 0x2702103d, 0x06011251, 0x000e262e, 0x41313906, 0x05070009,
0x550c0004, 0x2f393c4a, 0x1f202426, 0x000e1012, 0x094d2a0d, 0x013d0121, 0x052a0a73, 0x184d6305, 0x34700600, 0x03060046, 0x05fe4e5c, 0x2b3f2e08,
0x3201302b, 0x08203336, 0x16141301, 0x01081015, 0x06272607, 0x27022e05, 0x08122726, 0x04322101, 0x01213717, 0x17141506, 0x13122436, 0x08118210,
0x010c237e, 0x1a150200, 0x05040001, 0x33130024, 0x21040006, 0x01082420, 0x00001003, 0x07020613, 0x33161712, 0x35120032, 0x22232634, 0x0d020706,
0x35010f36, 0xb0016a02, 0xd8fe041e, 0xeed53efe, 0xe4fed076, 0x229cd678, 0x01050d2c, 0x01cc0105, 0x0601b019, 0x17014229, 0x7e0831fe, 0xeb380182,
0xfdddfe14, 0x0892fed8, 0x0bfee0fe, 0x03c399fe, 0x017701dc, 0x010301de, 0xce4f0245, 0x56fe94ee, 0xfc201582, 0xae082282, 0xfe3ffed4, 0x95010cf3,
0x4f4eb402, 0xc30e06b9, 0x01ae303e, 0x887ebc36, 0x080cef6f, 0xfdfcfe04, 0x0f4ffec8, 0xdbfe0d36, 0xb0fedefd, 0xbed00d05, 0x9d58050e, 0x01c47366,
0x0136020f, 0xc0819173, 0x251588fa, 0xd9050c6a, 0x3901b301, 0x07021301, 0xea034401, 0x24fe7bfe, 0xfdbffef1, 0xba9cfefa, 0x20010603, 0xfefd1301,
0x01cca7aa, 0x0138028d, 0x02b5015f, 0xfbaa01d2, 0x31fe45b2, 0x42d9fecd, 0x01570114, 0xb48cc9ec, 0x02000078, 0x00003100, 0xd70bae0b, 0x0a000700,
0x1b402600, 0x00050a24, 0x08040106, 0x09030907, 0x090a0c01, 0x823b0308, 0x01052960, 0x2b030f0c, 0x3f3f0031, 0x2105fa47, 0x01832101, 0x01092d08,
0x01480521, 0xfe160550, 0xfa42feb8, 0xfe4afe87, 0xfdbf05b8, 0x0b9704b2, 0x0329f4d7, 0x0a08fcf8, 0x0097fa77, 0x37010300, 0xb8080000, 0x11376382,
0x23001a00, 0x2c403300, 0x0c002412, 0x01080800, 0x011b1425, 0x47261d06, 0x633405f3, 0x05001f0b, 0x04670108, 0x1c060417, 0x11136501, 0x25030608,
0x2b3c7684, 0x04200130, 0x0e141712, 0x12160701, 0x04021411, 0x01110129, 0x00202111, 0x21242611, 0x113c0883, 0x23240234, 0x25014a04, 0x0ce8ad01,
0xf5718d41, 0x42feebf2, 0x4efcdafe, 0xec012f01, 0x51082b82, 0x9afe1186, 0x10fee4fe, 0xf2022902, 0xf294fec5, 0xfec6d70b, 0xe896d3ab, 0xfe7a57c2,
0xd0cdfe8a, 0x0be687fe, 0xfceafed7, 0x01010108, 0xfaeefa0f, 0x0258fbf5, 0x0501bd63, 0x01000083, 0xcfffb400, 0x080c560c, 0x2a002600, 0x011c2240,
0x0e09170e, 0xbe82041e, 0x20231734, 0x02070009, 0x1c0a0a04, 0x64120209, 0x05002513, 0xfa592801, 0x08123208, 0x0c322101, 0x21170001, 0x23012c26,
0x02000422, 0x26128211, 0x012c3605, 0x42022137, 0x87080677, 0x2dc13411, 0xaf02cb01, 0x01ce7901, 0x0167018a, 0xb0fe7535, 0xfeacfe83, 0xfefabb8a,
0xd393fe2f, 0x02690104, 0xc149014c, 0x58017e01, 0xa5500186, 0x03fe46fe, 0xd3feeffe, 0x39fec5fd, 0xc106fafe, 0x68029401, 0xcb644b01, 0xacd2cafe,
0xfeb470ec, 0xfe26feae, 0xfd95fee6, 0x05bdfebd, 0xbaf57a05, 0x88fee5fe, 0xa201dfb5, 0x5a014a02, 0x01020068, 0x0b000037, 0x00d70b37, 0x0017000c,
0x0d1c4023, 0x000c0226, 0x00240f08, 0x652bc684, 0x05001207, 0x00010e65, 0x41190206, 0x21240675, 0x04202111, 0x22058a4e, 0x82012104, 0x004b080c,
0x00023413, 0x37012124, 0xaa013803, 0xb7018e02, 0xfbfe03d9, 0xcdfd3dfe, 0x58fdd5fe, 0x7702d301, 0xae283003, 0xdffd9dfe, 0xd70b99fe, 0xfd54fef1,
0xfec2fed3, 0xfed4fdae, 0xc90ac978, 0x51024ef6, 0x01fd6702, 0xcd6501cb, 0x83010000, 0xae07218d, 0x0b268d82, 0x23402900, 0x8b832403, 0x07052626,
0x26090600, 0x2b052a48, 0x0303070b, 0x65010912, 0x05080105, 0x2105154e, 0x744a302b, 0x11213909, 0x77063701, 0x1b05b8fa, 0x4805e5fa, 0xeafed70b,
0xf2febefb, 0xf2fe9dfb, 0xe9835b87, 0x25000924, 0x5b8a1e40, 0x00040228, 0x02030709, 0x56860812, 0xaf410b20, 0x82578a05, 0xfb002655, 0xfba0042f,
0x21538760, 0x51828ffa, 0xb8003208, 0x500dcfff, 0x2800080c, 0x27402e00, 0x1f0f010b, 0x05220f09, 0x2508000c, 0x06001c1f, 0x09242318, 0x04030700,
0x0a1c1e1f, 0x14671204, 0x01050000, 0x08ab4c2a, 0x24010823, 0x060a4225, 0x2324002f, 0x0200010c, 0x01081007, 0x00243205, 0x25cf8213, 0x04010802,
0x14822c21, 0x04b83808, 0xc8011101, 0x1d012f02, 0x01b301df, 0x5e3d018a, 0xfe699ffe, 0xdc56fea1, 0x20fedafe, 0x03b2b1fe, 0x5a028801, 0x02e52801,
0x4bb00116, 0x080869f9, 0xfed4fe2b, 0x82e0fd3f, 0xc946081e, 0x3dfebffd, 0x01e705ff, 0x0148026c, 0x6a06d493, 0xd1bafed7, 0x820001b7, 0x90fede09,
0xfee83dfe, 0xfec4fd8a, 0x01bb0dc1, 0x012d0195, 0xfd9dfe13, 0xb597fed7, 0xae01f003, 0x01003702, 0x00001701, 0xd70bb609, 0xdb820c00, 0x24232108,
0x06000a04, 0x09080401, 0x0c020c06, 0x01080900, 0x02040767, 0x0c010a05, 0x00026501, 0x0e02060c, 0x3122d782, 0x00823f00, 0x3a0d8e41, 0x01370121,
0x0129062f, 0xf9d9fe27, 0x0bb1fed7, 0x05d1fad7, 0x0529f42f, 0x416ffa91, 0x02210691, 0x08a75166, 0x09010c25, 0x4f020065, 0x3f2c0870, 0x0129303f,
0x66022111, 0x2f01d1fe, 0x00272482, 0xff310001, 0x827f06cf, 0x0011350a, 0x0f17401f, 0x00090723, 0x0c040107, 0x010b0c02, 0x00036512, 0x13203982,
0x2b218782, 0x0619483f, 0x02103808, 0x24222304, 0x16213502, 0x00361700, 0x2f015005, 0xd597fed9, 0xeb83fecf, 0x01182701, 0x01d0c22e, 0x08170320,
0xfe71f7c0, 0xc370feda, 0xe46101bd, 0x08fefede, 0x821d0108, 0x820e20fd, 0x0b582dfd, 0x000c00cf, 0x091c4027, 0x05090803, 0x0724f884, 0x12030506,
0x0521f687, 0x20f68301, 0x2af4822b, 0x302e2e3f, 0x11211121, 0x83092101, 0x11250802, 0x012f0121, 0x0179052f, 0x0458fb81, 0xfc87fea0, 0xfe77fe10,
0xf9cf0bb0, 0xfacd0633, 0x05f8f939, 0xfc18fe17, 0x06ed42d1, 0xcf825020, 0xcf820520, 0x0f821820, 0x09032423, 0x82d18201, 0x21d0826b, 0x2b4f0405,
0x8225200b, 0x0221265e, 0xf9ea0466, 0x235c82e7, 0xe9fe090e, 0x01263782, 0x00003701, 0x0982810d, 0x31000c2c, 0x080b2440, 0x0a130303, 0xac860709,
0x0203042f, 0x090b0703, 0x00070665, 0x010b6505, 0x05a64100, 0x2205b145, 0x832a3f3f, 0x84ae82b1, 0x11013fb6, 0xd7013701, 0x4e045204, 0xd1fed301,
0xfafe8dfb, 0xd70b8dfb, 0x190ae7f5, 0x870a29f4, 0x038379f5, 0x0a21af85, 0x3d6d82a0, 0x402c0009, 0x0804091f, 0x030c0609, 0x0309010c, 0x09090401,
0x07650108, 0x65050204, 0x68820209, 0x8c470b20, 0x3f3f2706, 0x302e2e3f, 0x11490129, 0x01213505, 0xd1fe6602, 0xa0069a01, 0xd1fe2f01, 0xd70bf5f8,
0xcf0931f6, 0x663a6182, 0xb8000200, 0x370dc7ff, 0x1200080c, 0x23002500, 0x22211c40, 0x08000c05, 0x3b4d1f18, 0x09652705, 0x6505001d, 0x5a820013,
0x5a822720, 0x2b003122, 0x24058d53, 0x01082021, 0x072c4311, 0x1a010029, 0x33040001, 0x47002436, 0x7a0805d8, 0x02000420, 0x01e605b8, 0x014702aa,
0x02b60155, 0x06b101e7, 0x28fee8fe, 0xd5febbfd, 0xd2fddffe, 0xf9fe3dfe, 0xf1072f01, 0xba018101, 0xbc01d6cf, 0x11f98301, 0xa5fd8efe, 0xfafeb7fe,
0x97fe2afe, 0x010806c6, 0x0123021b, 0xfe0401be, 0xfe20fd5a, 0xfdaffe45, 0xdb66fec6, 0xa501e609, 0x72014c02, 0x04fea6fe, 0x0393c2fe, 0x012e018f,
0x014201db, 0x0158027b, 0x96fed347, 0x450047fe, 0x092e0557, 0x00d70b12, 0x0017000e, 0x0f1f4027, 0xcf820226, 0x0c112622, 0x042dc282, 0x08640900,
0x10050014, 0x010d6501, 0x075a4508, 0x302b3f22, 0x08055b45, 0x15161369, 0x29040014, 0x01191101, 0x11002021, 0x01210002, 0x011b0337, 0x01050266,
0xfe04163b, 0xfe22fef5, 0x026cfdd1, 0x01900173, 0x35fe1176, 0xd70b74fe, 0xfe85fe97, 0xfc351dba, 0xfbdc74fe, 0xfbc90a37, 0x0170010e, 0x01430138,
0x03000007, 0xbeffb000, 0x080c680d, 0x31001c00, 0x49003d00, 0x0c213f40, 0x09103c02, 0x8204222b, 0x1d300891, 0x3c1f2501, 0x01360601, 0x10020e14,
0x0909161f, 0x11040307, 0x14363809, 0x30240404, 0x11010c09, 0x0a67020e, 0x32050524, 0x1b306301, 0x3f020610, 0x08096649, 0x081213e1, 0x04202501,
0x15130108, 0x17160110, 0x22113336, 0x21002724, 0x02010820, 0x24013603, 0x36012021, 0x27343512, 0x24000226, 0x00042225, 0x13160302, 0x17040016,
0x2c262524, 0xd9222301, 0x02dc0167, 0x01630183, 0x012f022f, 0x1d2301c8, 0xd3ae09fe, 0xfed6311c, 0x2efe6e9d, 0xbafe2cfe, 0x46feb8fd, 0x010e03f7,
0x0137015b, 0x024f0350, 0x19c7dbb1, 0xb1fee22e, 0xfdfe47fe, 0xfe28fefc, 0x0e04dc8d, 0x7901889a, 0x01d89e01, 0xba07019d, 0x30fe39fe, 0x1f07fee2,
0x33029c01, 0xb7051501, 0xd7fd93fe, 0xfd9c97fe, 0x8c64fe5f, 0xe6fe080c, 0xedfe748e, 0xc2010501, 0x26013402, 0x6acbfdcd, 0x01b869fd, 0x8092f5d0,
0x017c01e9, 0xbf06960f, 0x20fea5fe, 0xfeb0e8fe, 0xdbfedf52, 0xab0e0587, 0x4479feb6, 0x350806a3, 0xd70b3f09, 0x39001900, 0x01072e40, 0x18090e18,
0x000c0224, 0x0b0e2c08, 0x04020600, 0x0900090d, 0x13020b0d, 0x010c0918, 0x01130765, 0x65010e05, 0x06100118, 0x89581b02, 0x05d7410a, 0x1017122a,
0x01210002, 0x20330121, 0x08069a50, 0x0111215a, 0x012f0337, 0x01eb017a, 0xe70f6401, 0xfffe67fe, 0x83fe5903, 0x01fef7fb, 0xdc950110, 0xd57cfeee,
0xd70b9dfd, 0xfee8feb1, 0x00ffb1cc, 0xfdfe49fe, 0x600591fb, 0xd435019f, 0xa13c01dc, 0x01003ff5, 0xcfff5600, 0x080c9a07, 0x3c003400, 0x12233240,
0x041f0300, 0x16201f09, 0x2208a182, 0x092f2104, 0x04020700, 0x1c1f0a1c, 0x09230802, 0x2a66011b, 0x34050108, 0x02001201, 0x050f2364, 0x41360206,
0x012009cc, 0x28086450, 0x012c2627, 0x36341100, 0x06a45235, 0x011d8d08, 0x27242621, 0x07010e22, 0x00010c10, 0x14151613, 0x2304010a, 0x02262422,
0x0aa20135, 0xa02001b5, 0xa7130194, 0x11fe5a5f, 0xd0fe25fe, 0x01ef0c05, 0x01f6d07c, 0xd1fed181, 0xcedffe22, 0x0797f48e, 0x88022901, 0x11579101,
0xa7fee275, 0x9dfed4da, 0x500385fe, 0x88effec5, 0x9b0c019e, 0xab8e93bd, 0x0141019f, 0x162f0d35, 0xb75101d9, 0xad96feef, 0x14f7fd29, 0xfe7ad47c,
0xfebbdce3, 0x79b8feed, 0xc3fe9a47, 0x8b9ffdfe, 0xb84501f9, 0x212af182, 0xb8060000, 0x0700d70b, 0x9d502000, 0x03052a0d, 0x06651202, 0x01050000,
0x0ec24709, 0xfdd90227, 0xfd970648, 0x089b5050, 0x37010126, 0x4809cfff, 0x17374582, 0x1a402300, 0x09132507, 0x04010700, 0x0c020c0d, 0x000b0e65,
0x48026505, 0x3f2809f3, 0x01302b3f, 0x14112111, 0x08055452, 0x2101194f, 0x00021011, 0x24222304, 0x37010200, 0x01cc2f01, 0x01c2bf4e, 0x2f01cc4c,
0xfedafeaa, 0xfec5c990, 0xa9dafe8c, 0xe707f003, 0xfef229f8, 0x0505bd95, 0x018601c1, 0xf8950715, 0xfee8fe73, 0x8de0fe4a, 0x0110018b, 0x0001008d,
0x0b000029, 0x25838217, 0x401a0006, 0x62460310, 0x053c2205, 0x20c08201, 0x08c08208, 0x3f003121, 0x302e3f3f, 0x09210121, 0x05012101, 0x0123fb06,
0x04210450, 0xfb50012d, 0xf5d70b12, 0x555e0aa2, 0x4582052f, 0xc1490f20, 0x40243405, 0x00050a18, 0x0c0c1303, 0x09070c09, 0x0c020904, 0x82080239,
0x099e474d, 0x302a3f22, 0x51844c83, 0x23080483, 0xe902170b, 0xa0fc3701, 0x64fd73fe, 0x7bfe60fd, 0x3701a0fc, 0xd502ea02, 0x89012301, 0x29f44e0a,
0x52f6ae09, 0xb2236b82, 0x41004e0a, 0x09210579, 0x2eaf82a2, 0x4027000b, 0x09040a1b, 0x030c0609, 0x5d09000c, 0x07270653, 0x0100083d, 0x870d0105,
0x2e3f24ba, 0x8233302e, 0x0802856d, 0x21010128, 0x35fc0804, 0x23036001, 0x60011f03, 0x110431fc, 0x9ffca0fe, 0x1006a8fc, 0x40fbc705, 0x39fac004,
0x0e05f0f9, 0x6782f2fa, 0x00000824, 0x67827909, 0x1f000825, 0x85041640, 0x02062764, 0x01041202, 0x62830767, 0x62820a20, 0x1c412b20, 0x41112005,
0x1139051d, 0xdffb2904, 0x71034801, 0x50016803, 0xf803d7fb, 0x58f9df07, 0x21f8a806, 0x259382fc, 0x00004a00, 0x4f829a07, 0xb7820920, 0x01042039,
0x0c032600, 0x01090802, 0x09082605, 0x04020708, 0x00020405, 0x82074a04, 0x0b012110, 0x2b20bc84, 0x3005c954, 0x21112101, 0xfa190611, 0xfaf90656,
0xf8f8053a, 0x053e42b0, 0xfe45f62a, 0x000e01f2, 0xc7010100, 0x3206bb59, 0x40170016, 0x0c120710, 0x12020713, 0x000d0166, 0x84180105, 0x2e4e08a1,
0x14110130, 0x17011e12, 0x00242611, 0x34113502, 0x3724011a, 0x02010e11, 0xaa74f202, 0xfe7a2dc5, 0xa2fdfee4, 0x4301c054, 0xaef76fe8, 0xcdfa8907,
0xb2dffecc, 0xc9fe1870, 0x1501a718, 0x05d67701, 0x5401b63f, 0x4cf73201, 0xc727c9fe, 0x7182b2fe, 0xc9825820, 0x31497120, 0x01092308, 0x42584d0c,
0x823f200b, 0x210129b7, 0x27015801, 0xe5fef204, 0x24073f67, 0x03f8fd98, 0x843382d7, 0x051029a5, 0x0205110c, 0x000b6712, 0x5108a58b, 0x27260234,
0x1a041611, 0x14111501, 0x0704010a, 0x12023e11, 0xb0b00235, 0x01ea70f8, 0xa154c041, 0x7be3fefe, 0x75a7c82c, 0x01dc8907, 0x0127c64e, 0xfef74c37,
0xb6acfece, 0xfed8c1fa, 0xa7ecfe8a, 0x18370118, 0x2201af72, 0x010000cc, 0xe9024a00, 0x6f826809, 0x1800062d, 0x04051040, 0x02130300, 0x83033e0c,
0x06d5426f, 0x13302a24, 0xa7823301, 0x044a0136, 0x2004ea14, 0x6bfcfefe, 0xe9027ffc, 0x12f7ee08, 0x49f8b707, 0x00264383, 0x000800fe, 0x8d59f2fe,
0x012c2705, 0x01060003, 0x8d594804, 0x2111260c, 0x00082115, 0x2a2482f8, 0x010100f2, 0x04cf092f, 0x59770ce1, 0x582007ef, 0x45082a8a, 0x01302e2e,
0x01070137, 0x33037f2f, 0xf6810b8b, 0x00f24afe, 0xa8000200, 0xf009cfff, 0x1300fa08, 0x30002300, 0x01072740, 0x0a051f20, 0x010c0804, 0x090f2118,
0x04020710, 0x0a09090b, 0x67020b1c, 0x0502070a, 0x62591463, 0x3f3f2d09, 0x1a13302b, 0x33240001, 0x21110104, 0x062b0182, 0x24262104, 0x10010200,
0x45170412, 0x610806d9, 0x02002027, 0x01cc03a8, 0xddad0157, 0x0a016702, 0xd9fe2701, 0xfe22fe7e, 0x5afee6d2, 0x01beb3fe, 0x8e01f337, 0x010101df,
0xfee4eb9e, 0xfdfeee71, 0x04e660fe, 0x010c0152, 0xa63801be, 0x0123fe0f, 0x013ff7b3, 0x06f9e2aa, 0x013001a5, 0xfe4401aa, 0xe457feec, 0x9101f705,
0x9201eed8, 0xfefe0cf1, 0x6f827cfe, 0xc7ff0226, 0xd70b420a, 0x2529c182, 0x2e403800, 0x1f220103, 0x24c18206, 0x1f190112, 0x37c1840e, 0x09000c02,
0x03060e19, 0x6409021d, 0x05001d0a, 0x63021214, 0x06010102, 0x82087356, 0x36c083c9, 0x20250036, 0x10130108, 0x22050108, 0x1127012c, 0x011a1411,
0x64321704, 0x97080740, 0x01000422, 0x70370102, 0x1101cf01, 0x23025401, 0xfe093901, 0xfef9fdf1, 0x93fed1a3, 0x6856e6fe, 0xf46701e3, 0xea8301da,
0xbffefd95, 0x60feb1aa, 0xd70be1fe, 0x01c840fb, 0xbdfe0c0f, 0xfbfe06fe, 0xc4fdb2fe, 0x680ca5fe, 0x77fe91c9, 0xfebea804, 0x9af6feaf, 0xa801e803,
0x01ac0d01, 0xbb7fe332, 0x000091fe, 0xffa80001, 0x08be09cf, 0x002100fa, 0x1824402b, 0x0c030009, 0x1f0c0914, 0x08000a05, 0x091a2114, 0x04020700,
0x12020818, 0x10630100, 0x0105011f, 0x2b030f23, 0x88410082, 0x20373405, 0x26211300, 0x04062124, 0x12140702, 0x24201704, 0x57002137, 0x5c08053e,
0x03b03636, 0x014d01c5, 0x8001d397, 0xfe937c02, 0x5cfe7ba8, 0xfefee8fe, 0xe505ce81, 0x01f69601, 0x73a90103, 0x92fe4f01, 0xfee210fd, 0xcaa6fe51,
0x04030503, 0x010a0166, 0xa32e01b0, 0xfe97fe09, 0x10ded090, 0xdd7bfef7, 0xee70feef, 0xfdb4e907, 0x3c01a940, 0x05f6ac01, 0x00020009, 0x3ab182ac,
0x00d70bf8, 0x00260014, 0x0034403f, 0x091b2301, 0x1f230107, 0x08040a04, 0x421b010c, 0x0c210946, 0x2998821b, 0x0b1f0917, 0x070a6502, 0xf9570501,
0x47282007, 0x3f23067d, 0x49302b2b, 0x1720064b, 0x27075042, 0x11010824, 0x15062534, 0x3225ce83, 0x34110024, 0x08d08202, 0xb0000456, 0x0153011b,
0x010d01fc, 0x9aec011c, 0xe1fe2f01, 0xfe41fea0, 0xfdecfebd, 0x01a7fee2, 0x01e8083b, 0x01def693, 0xbd0801a3, 0xcdfe67fe, 0xfe91fea7, 0x01c904db,
0x01e40139, 0xe9da090b, 0x29f4a004, 0xecefaa01, 0x022d010c, 0x3e4e0114, 0xde522939, 0x04fc6afe, 0x14283183, 0x018f0194, 0xadfe9525, 0xb020d782,
0x2c08d782, 0x00fa08c7, 0x0024001b, 0x2024402b, 0x000a0521, 0x26011408, 0x06040a1c, 0x0918210f, 0x04030700, 0x13141c24, 0x0a3f050b, 0x01050100,
0x09914b26, 0x37240023, 0x08b98220, 0x16211552, 0x32330400, 0x21373624, 0x23040002, 0x01000024, 0x23240226, 0x07020020, 0x01c507b0, 0xd697014e,
0x1a021f01, 0x18f85701, 0x010a0114, 0x01a3b77b, 0x0135ff4c, 0x97fe5e37, 0xfee441fe, 0xfef7fdd5, 0x26f007c5, 0xd78ffef3, 0x82fee0fe, 0x6f040eb4,
0xae3af382, 0x039e2f01, 0xd1fde9fe, 0xf9397dfe, 0x82aea1fe, 0xfefe8ae3, 0x0cab9bfe, 0xcf822701, 0x01c2f029, 0xeffec54a, 0x826faffe, 0x002a086d,
0x0500004a, 0x00cf0b02, 0x40300010, 0x06240729, 0x0c08000c, 0x01010e01, 0x0a0a0326, 0x00040208, 0x02070e09, 0x03010f12, 0x7f820001, 0x040c6526,
0x1201050f, 0x080b3348, 0x11211073, 0x16030420, 0x21112115, 0xfea20111, 0x035801a8, 0xfe00ff60, 0x020805cc, 0x07cffd31, 0x030e01aa, 0xcfe9fe17,
0x1110f0fe, 0x56f8f2fe, 0xb0000200, 0xc709a8fc, 0x2400fa08, 0x3e003500, 0x01083540, 0x0a041f32, 0x011e0804, 0x21290116, 0x07120920, 0x07102419,
0x04030700, 0x04160a0a, 0x09250802, 0x69021e2d, 0x0502080b, 0x25650115, 0x02060100, 0x060e4237, 0x2405c25d, 0x010c3225, 0x487c8217, 0x2c2c0569,
0x21270201, 0x32210012, 0x013d1224, 0x2405da42, 0x04121001, 0x051a4217, 0x2426b808, 0x02000423, 0x024901b0, 0xcd0c0101, 0x1b017101, 0xb31f0149,
0x71fecafe, 0x90fec0d6, 0x31e0cafe, 0x016e2701, 0xdc0a01c7, 0xfee77d01, 0xd1a1fdf6, 0xaefe61fe, 0xe72c01ca, 0xb9eb8601, 0x1d019b01, 0xb3fef88c,
0xfebffeb8, 0x66048c8d, 0x12026001, 0x7a051d01, 0xc30195e5, 0xfefef8f7, 0xf9fe74fe, 0x01cc6884, 0xfdfec231, 0x01b7f2fe, 0xfef5f163, 0x2f019a11,
0x4c01bc01, 0x56fee6fe, 0x01c005e5, 0x9d36019f, 0x8bef3101, 0xfec0fe08, 0x01000086, 0x00000601, 0xd70bc908, 0x2a001700, 0x01032040, 0x0a071f12,
0x04010804, 0x0c02090d, 0x0c650900, 0x1605000d, 0x4c026401, 0x3f200afc, 0x2a068b44, 0x3324013e, 0x19000432, 0x66112101, 0x3a0807ea, 0x01060111,
0x01d84d33, 0x01f78a01, 0xfe1d01cc, 0xc1fec3d1, 0xc9feb3b7, 0xfbd70bbe, 0x50a77aaa, 0xfe37fef5, 0x05f2fada, 0x3c01df0e, 0xd3fe989e, 0x00d1fad3,
0x00020102, 0x82310200, 0x00032b81, 0x40220007, 0x06180419, 0x8182000c, 0x000a022a, 0x05010709, 0x01036501, 0x8609c166, 0x11013d7b, 0x02011121,
0xd1fe2f01, 0xc1082f01, 0xcf093ff7, 0xf8fd0802, 0x48ff0200, 0x4202f2fc, 0x0a2a4b82, 0x24000e00, 0x180d1c40, 0x4b830c0b, 0x0207062d, 0x1201070a,
0x010e010c, 0x82000364, 0x0f10244e, 0x832b2b03, 0x822520c9, 0x00102649, 0x013e1105, 0x29548412, 0xfe34010e, 0x864bfebb, 0x08827fc1, 0x087fcc38,
0xfe60f742, 0x190afee0, 0x56062701, 0x570c0b01, 0x0802f8fd, 0xb3830100, 0x82f80721, 0x000b2b67, 0x091a4025, 0x05090803, 0x5f49020a, 0x12032605,
0x0265010a, 0x07f45201, 0x83127350, 0x08043eb8, 0xa0fc7d01, 0x77fea203, 0x97fe2bfd, 0xb2f7d70b, 0x9dfb3805, 0x7903a2fb, 0x56fe31fe, 0x41618500,
0x7b6f0615, 0x6f652006, 0x4983117b, 0xf4d70b23, 0x082f8629, 0x08000e35, 0x002800f2, 0x082e403a, 0x01220202, 0x0a051f17, 0x04010806, 0x091d0928,
0x0a0b0912, 0x11670a01, 0x08050012, 0x1d1b6301, 0x01010601, 0x01002665, 0x4a2a0306, 0xe85f0804, 0x24362505, 0x17043233, 0x0c240583, 0x11151201,
0x8b0adc41, 0x0879820a, 0x01501f51, 0x01ebc244, 0x01787daa, 0x01b3d382, 0x9c080153, 0xfeb1d9fe, 0xfe97a8de, 0xc8fe9ef8, 0xa8dafeb5, 0x9afefe99,
0xc108d1fe, 0xb9a8d0fe, 0xd4cdc8e2, 0xb8feea81, 0x0587fabd, 0x2201cb48, 0xfefe8392, 0x056ffab1, 0x1801bc60, 0xeefe8793, 0x8598fac6, 0xc10821f5,
0x8d42c582, 0x42062008, 0x0a2d078d, 0x0c670900, 0x0205000d, 0x01166501, 0x088a4f01, 0x84078d42, 0x8d0020b6, 0x33a483b0, 0xd980016f, 0x016001bd,
0xd9fea516, 0xb7bdfec7, 0xbfcafeb3, 0xb0369082, 0xfe88c8b9, 0xf07cfefc, 0xf2040efb, 0xa44901e8, 0xdac7fe9d, 0x5345e9fa, 0x82db2006, 0x50142081,
0x223405dd, 0x000a0521, 0x11231908, 0x02070009, 0x1d0c6204, 0x15670500, 0x250cdd50, 0x24001236, 0xc4583221, 0x02142705, 0x20230400, 0xf2430000,
0x066f080d, 0x03b00204, 0x014301b4, 0xf60301bb, 0x60010302, 0xfeba0416, 0xeb55feb4, 0xe3fde4fe, 0x2701aafe, 0xee9401ef, 0x018d01c7, 0xfef08804,
0xfee2a6c6, 0x8704f96e, 0x019a01dd, 0xe6feb73d, 0xdafe17fe, 0xf80d3a0f, 0xb9fe4ffe, 0x021c01b4, 0xfe650127, 0xe16cfef3, 0x9f01d60c, 0x01a31901,
0x058df335, 0x007cfede, 0xfc0e0102, 0x08520af2, 0x821500fa, 0x066548b9, 0x040a0728, 0x1a011408, 0x65481121, 0x000a3305, 0x07111a07, 0x09141e03,
0x001e0c62, 0x02021605, 0x65481464, 0x11012d0e, 0x2c361121, 0x04323701, 0x10171200, 0x072ace82, 0x11272420, 0x00121603, 0x0b4f3205, 0x010c2106,
0x3d086b82, 0x01652301, 0xab3b010d, 0x01b401e4, 0xb606d05b, 0x51feb3fe, 0xfedafef6, 0x05196b29, 0x019601bf, 0x9401e42b, 0x62feecf1, 0xfefbfefc,
0xf2fcd572, 0x6efed70b, 0x0565c693, 0xfed6fea3, 0xc182f35e, 0xfe442408, 0xfd06b1b7, 0x0744fbe2, 0x79fec760, 0xe207f5fe, 0xeaf79301, 0x09f29501,
0x0069fefc, 0xfcb00002, 0x82f009f2, 0x00142bcd, 0x403a0029, 0x23010430, 0xcd82001f, 0xcd820920, 0xcd840c20, 0x0607083b, 0x001a230a, 0x09150803,
0x6502041f, 0x05010807, 0x15650127, 0x02060111, 0x08af472b, 0x45013021, 0x8908069d, 0x00061121, 0x00242621, 0x00123502, 0x12140100, 0x32170416,
0x37123624, 0x25240234, 0x07020422, 0x0e051632, 0x018201c1, 0x1f014e32, 0xfe51d1fe, 0xeacbfe04, 0xb8fe5dfe, 0x290110ba, 0x05fef101, 0x3701f58e,
0x4c01b8a6, 0xd6038ffc, 0xebfe6afe, 0xed69fef1, 0x08030504, 0x93d068fa, 0x29f49a01, 0xfecab804, 0x01b30eef, 0xf6a6013a, 0xff015301, 0x6dfb2501,
0xe9c7feb0, 0xe57b0383, 0xf9bb3d01, 0x04ef9901, 0xf466feef, 0x73450006, 0xb0042105, 0x0c2bdb82, 0x1c402400, 0x1d060103, 0x44040a05, 0x062906f1,
0x01021201, 0x01010b66, 0x07b35405, 0x21302b2b, 0x12112111, 0x0e221121, 0x36dd8302, 0x01bb1b01, 0xbfe46ad4, 0xfec90872, 0xfe8101b0, 0xdea65acd,
0x8298fa81, 0x4a003a57, 0xc705cfff, 0x3000f208, 0x34403d00, 0x1524252e, 0x09280f04, 0x210f010c, 0x3f5f8206, 0x09202528, 0x04020700, 0x0c15282e,
0x09122b04, 0x1a65010b, 0x2405012b, 0x68012501, 0x06050212, 0x3f07e46d, 0x13302b2b, 0x12343526, 0x1e323324, 0x2e211702, 0x06222301, 0x17011e07,
0x12010c16, 0x06071415, 0x2006ab55, 0x08128225, 0x35013e69, 0x24272634, 0xc204a024, 0x718b2501, 0x0673b9e0, 0xbf08cdfe, 0x07d07989, 0x1f031501,
0x6d016801, 0xdf1909fc, 0xcb92d2fe, 0x01b1c0fe, 0x9ff9062f, 0xbcb5e1a0, 0x95fe00ff, 0x39213106, 0x8c1801c3, 0x92e6964c, 0x999e96a1, 0x6f0e5d04,
0xf6fe8995, 0xcf512af6, 0xba77f4fe, 0x09c44201, 0x0e06f0c1, 0xe18a9cdb, 0x83f8452f, 0x312708dd, 0x3f050000, 0x0b00d70b, 0x21402900, 0x01090107,
0x0a032501, 0x0401080a, 0x09000c06, 0x12020309, 0x0100010a, 0x66040665, 0x3f200885, 0x370de256, 0x29fe0802, 0x2f01d701, 0xf8fd0802, 0x1301ae07,
0xeafc1603, 0x52f8edfe, 0x23085b82, 0xc7ff0201, 0xc108b808, 0x2a001500, 0x010f2040, 0x09122306, 0x04010710, 0x0a0c090e, 0x010e0a02, 0x010a0d65,
0x21066950, 0x4a5b0f17, 0x056a5006, 0x05001026, 0x35122436, 0x08060d4a, 0x24222337, 0x01020100, 0x018c012f, 0x3d01b914, 0xfe2f01c2, 0x72fe64ea,
0x46fef3ef, 0x8903eefe, 0xf5fa3805, 0x81feb0fe, 0x01b30506, 0xc904fb64, 0x60013ff7, 0x01ded5c4, 0x05b14fb6, 0x82c10821, 0x50062081, 0x76820561,
0x41090022, 0x35166150, 0x52fccf03, 0x07034701, 0x48010a03, 0xc10845fc, 0x4007c0f8, 0xc7823ff7, 0x00210025, 0x822f0d00, 0x000c3545, 0x08174022,
0x04000507, 0x0a090c13, 0x020a040a, 0x030a3a09, 0x500c6050, 0x2208085f, 0x21010933, 0xa0062101, 0xa8fe29fe, 0x3f01b0fc, 0x0802c102, 0x020802f6,
0xfc3f01c9, 0x05a0feb0, 0x8231facf, 0x06a72662, 0x07c3f946, 0x20668250, 0x3e658301, 0xc1089107, 0x26000b00, 0x040a1a40, 0x0a060909, 0x09000a03,
0x01000108, 0x49020107, 0x500b0206, 0x25081b5c, 0x02fdfe02, 0x4e026801, 0x60015a02, 0x0203fefc, 0xa6fda0fe, 0x7704b2fd, 0x9ffc4a04, 0xaefb6103,
0x810391fb, 0xcd837ffc, 0xf2fc2924, 0x67826f08, 0x1e000733, 0x07031440, 0x020a0507, 0x0006070a, 0x01054303, 0x053a5201, 0x79513120, 0x50252005,
0x2120055b, 0xa8203882, 0xd131c082, 0x4001f602, 0xc1fef1fa, 0xf977084a, 0xf4fa0606, 0x234d8431, 0xa8060000, 0x20084d82, 0x40270009, 0x05010920,
0x020a0825, 0x00010408, 0x08090326, 0x09040207, 0x04000507, 0x0104024c, 0x125b5005, 0x05a20137, 0x0481f906, 0x0669fbc0, 0xfe0e0104, 0x060e01f2,
0xfe1301a0, 0x285783ed, 0x04f4fda0, 0x00d70b56, 0x34a5821d, 0x0c081716, 0x10020815, 0x02000e01, 0x0b67011a, 0x01051e03, 0x0531421f, 0x13302e3b,
0x1135013e, 0x21243634, 0x1115010e, 0x19040510, 0x011e1401, 0x22230617, 0x08168224, 0x79a02639, 0x14014dce, 0x98b00e01, 0x6c0194fe, 0x1d65865d,
0xd4fef135, 0x20e904c9, 0x600399a0, 0x3aa9ef9d, 0xb9fcb2db, 0x4b4d6dfe, 0x90fc99fe, 0x2052b8a5, 0x03f0e304, 0x82ad86d3, 0x77042083, 0x8f282fa9,
0x4a04f8fd, 0x1e00db0b, 0x0622b383, 0xae820c16, 0x06208d82, 0x6626b882, 0x051e0a03, 0xb3872001, 0xab840120, 0x023e2122, 0x4c08a282, 0x19243736,
0x27263401, 0x12203336, 0x1e141115, 0x4a041601, 0x8dfdd078, 0xbe5c7a72, 0x988ffeb3, 0x013921b0, 0x6947ce4b, 0x15e90462, 0x2dfc83b7, 0x4a2b31fe,
0x7003a4b6, 0x4e1ee2b2, 0x3f039a01, 0x0433deb6, 0xfcf9c0fe, 0x4c7f5ca8, 0x2eb58226, 0x6803c900, 0x4206e908, 0x24001700, 0x820d1d40, 0x0420356a,
0x17061115, 0x1a010001, 0x06051109, 0x0e450402, 0x01050000, 0x0807d05c, 0x023e1353, 0x04163233, 0x023e1716, 0x04061737, 0x26252607, 0xc9032023,
0x9bdf806c, 0x0f01c86a, 0xa66c65aa, 0x8ab04464, 0xddb6e6fe, 0x91a7c5fe, 0x04b8f2fe, 0x84a2a131, 0x0b428141, 0x677e7004, 0x03e7edc1, 0xfe62bf06,
0x00ffff97, 0x0b000031, 0x00c00eae, 0x27098322, 0x9a000300, 0xe902c902, 0x0f211787, 0x081788b2, 0x4803d342, 0x0100e902, 0x6ffcb000, 0x080c560c,
0x55003f00, 0x011b4b40, 0x3738160d, 0x20042c35, 0x0d09022f, 0x000c0520, 0x02212308, 0x09201d16, 0x012d0704, 0x072f3229, 0x04030810, 0x0a0a0939,
0x1202091b, 0x12092982, 0x20232c2d, 0x1232080d, 0x02213909, 0x04322678, 0x3e126305, 0x41020600, 0x2b2b030f, 0x2b3f3f2b, 0x1213302a, 0x21240108,
0x1700010c, 0x25000221, 0x02000422, 0x01081003, 0x012c3221, 0x00062137, 0x0723010c, 0x011e3736, 0x23010e15, 0x37272622, 0x36323316, 0x27263435,
0x13270706, 0x01082426, 0x1db83411, 0xca012601, 0x17012a02, 0x1a020301, 0xfe71b601, 0xc6fda3b0, 0xfefde9fe, 0xd68efe2a, 0x025e0104, 0xe94a0142,
0x43019c01, 0x6850016d, 0x7ffec3fe, 0x4eec3bfe, 0xb8806324, 0x7e91dd0b, 0x23b81dc5, 0x7b765285, 0x7f3b5d55, 0x39fed998, 0xfdfe63fe, 0x3801a006,
0x6b010502, 0xfed008c0, 0x0101f28b, 0xb8071001, 0x3cfeb3fe, 0x68fef8fe, 0xd1feb1fd, 0xc49ff589, 0x76d9c3fe, 0x070e1bb9, 0xc8a8a3ae, 0x8310909b,
0x774c566a, 0x4e580e06, 0xc8293f01, 0x32027101, 0xff357c01, 0x003701ff, 0x0fae0700, 0x0022009e, 0x00000035, 0x00990003, 0x850603e1, 0xa00a2317,
0x1782880e, 0x17843e20, 0x5202d126, 0xffff1703, 0x21055f5a, 0x1782270f, 0x17843f20, 0xd7039a24, 0x2f835003, 0x09cfff25, 0x82060f48, 0x85452017,
0x42022317, 0x2f822f03, 0x1782a820, 0xa00cf022, 0x51201782, 0x99241784, 0x08006602, 0x7f201788, 0x50201788, 0x0b21178b, 0x241788d7, 0x007901d0,
0x8a2f8700, 0x029a2217, 0x20178a87, 0x222f8871, 0x89f801d1, 0xc90c2117, 0xd3221788, 0x7f82c902, 0xb000012f, 0xc70977fc, 0x3c00f208, 0x4e405800,
0x072b4209, 0x022f1e38, 0x04230d09, 0x1908000a, 0x02212301, 0x091e1e16, 0x012d0714, 0x2d423329, 0x09202307, 0x2d420819, 0x04162208, 0x052e4209,
0x3226792b, 0x12650504, 0x02060000, 0x0d2e423e, 0x0432253c, 0x2e211700, 0x06232401, 0x15020604, 0x17041216, 0x0e210120, 0x23010c01, 0x2e422722,
0x24970818, 0x04b00200, 0x1f025801, 0x01f32501, 0x6d5e01b9, 0xe84d9ffe, 0xd9acd3fe, 0x70ddadfe, 0x9601ec04, 0x01fb01fb, 0x28470114, 0xfee1fec7,
0x1d39c59a, 0x88611e46, 0x93d30bb0, 0xb011cf80, 0x724f7246, 0x435d5a77, 0xd9fe9077, 0x04fc3bfe, 0x02560166, 0x0922010b, 0xeabcfea3, 0x0f6ec484,
0xc8fefaa0, 0x7ffef4ac, 0x950105d6, 0x82d3fc73, 0x130db804, 0x9dbbb707, 0x14899aaa, 0x484e7287, 0x480e0673, 0x40470146, 0xdd013001, 0x00ffff00,
0x09cfffb0, 0x006f0cc7, 0x41550022, 0x082206b9, 0x1788d7ff, 0x1788a820, 0xd7015024, 0x17873100, 0x889e0b21, 0x01d02417, 0x88c7ff27, 0x88b62017,
0x029a2e17, 0xffdfff42, 0x00aeffff, 0x0c580300, 0x201782b9, 0x235f85cf, 0x21007ffe, 0x81201782, 0x33221782, 0x1788870c, 0x52fe502d, 0xffff1000,
0x0000c9fe, 0x830b7b04, 0x222f8547, 0x849afdd0, 0x82e72047, 0x0c70222f, 0x2e2f8800, 0x00b8fe9a, 0x01ffff29, 0x08000002, 0x82690bc1, 0x845e2017,
0x01d1245f, 0x86f8ff71, 0x84db208f, 0x845f20d7, 0x02992217, 0x22d7884a, 0x825e0cdb, 0x2417852f, 0xff390250, 0x212f87e7, 0x1788a60b, 0x0601d024,
0x1788cfff, 0x17889520, 0x5e029a24, 0x1788beff, 0x17881f20, 0x8901d124, 0x8f83aeff, 0x08c7ff25, 0x82b10cb8, 0x85652017, 0xc7012377, 0x17881900,
0x17887720, 0xd7015024, 0x17870000, 0x88d70b21, 0x00d02217, 0x201794b0, 0x272f839a, 0xf2000100, 0xe707f8fd, 0x0b2a2f82, 0x20402800, 0x0109010b,
0x81492605, 0x02082d05, 0x02050b0c, 0x08010612, 0x00026601, 0x5f088049, 0xf66106de, 0xd7033907, 0xe5022b01, 0xd5fe1bfd, 0xa0081bfd, 0xc9fc3703,
0x67f6f1fe, 0x0f019909, 0x36085b82, 0x080201b8, 0x00480b29, 0x40350024, 0x0301082f, 0x13020200, 0x07050a0b, 0x191c0116, 0x1b131402, 0x04020611,
0x12020716, 0x011b0119, 0x026b0113, 0x65050b00, 0x6900200f, 0x8c490667, 0x04162905, 0x26211712, 0x04222324, 0x08050f43, 0x2113246a, 0x11070006,
0x00241121, 0x1a342702, 0x29042401, 0x01aa0e01, 0xfe3cdf2d, 0xd0fe52a8, 0xc3feb0b7, 0x01c510c4, 0x6301a62d, 0x5b4701d7, 0xfedc5efe, 0xfefdfef2,
0x7805da71, 0x094a01e3, 0xfe7901cf, 0xfea11687, 0xa29ea9f9, 0xd5c6fea1, 0x98e7feb9, 0x11010e05, 0x14bffeed, 0x64019cfe, 0x0112011c, 0x01a0efa6,
0xaf09013b, 0x6508c182, 0x0900004a, 0x00080c71, 0x405d0035, 0x10010c54, 0x20100916, 0x08000c06, 0x01260135, 0x16240133, 0x2e060e18, 0x1d012001,
0x09092d26, 0x0c040307, 0x2f202301, 0x14310216, 0x18250902, 0x020b2602, 0x05232867, 0x06101b06, 0x02191d03, 0x09312063, 0x35013306, 0x0100022e,
0x0d021466, 0x10370306, 0x312a2b03, 0xe9822b00, 0x36272628, 0x32250012, 0xed83010c, 0x38056578, 0x21171607, 0x11002111, 0x16320714, 0x11002033,
0x16212734, 0x04021415, 0x08158223, 0x10353677, 0x01112101, 0x050e4471, 0x01c401ef, 0x4b01ae2f, 0x14b61801, 0xac20ddfe, 0xd6c9ddfe, 0x05a5c4fe,
0x9804610d, 0x27018ffc, 0x175a1687, 0xbf018501, 0x210e0108, 0xf073fee4, 0x3d02e2fa, 0xfe7bfea0, 0x8ba00600, 0xd601f9dd, 0x78042d01, 0xbfbcfee5,
0xa905018b, 0xbbbdfec2, 0xe9fea4dd, 0x9bfecefe, 0x0104eff5, 0x77740113, 0xee51ba42, 0x01d483fe, 0x01e9f20e, 0x08eb8280, 0x00001754, 0xfd600102,
0x0c7708cf, 0x00330008, 0x404d0040, 0x11192f43, 0x280e0400, 0x0e010b09, 0x040c0622, 0x1f282308, 0x04020600, 0x03243439, 0x2f343913, 0x2c050b1f,
0x010a0911, 0x013b1767, 0x69011905, 0x06012c1b, 0x36022332, 0x65030024, 0x06050211, 0xdc4d4203, 0x412a2005, 0x24360709, 0x12043233, 0x24342115,
0x07062223, 0x16010510, 0x01101512, 0xfc821116, 0x2420072a, 0x1e212702, 0x32330401, 0x0805a94c, 0x032401bb, 0x11062512, 0x36010516, 0x2e253435,
0xd1022401, 0xaf050ea2, 0xb1cd3f01, 0xfed35101, 0xabecfeea, 0x010ce5a0, 0xafa4020e, 0xc9c0fec6, 0xcabffead, 0x64fee7fe, 0x230108dd, 0x0401a704,
0x8bdd6b8e, 0xb0fc7180, 0x0d0dcdfe, 0x0cf21402, 0xa8022301, 0x4897feea, 0x07e3fea0, 0xabf8a2df, 0x98b82c01, 0x85a9effe, 0xfe96b9ae, 0xa8fe87fd,
0xace6fe5a, 0xfafeccfe, 0xa9e2feb1, 0x07cfbffe, 0xe67d01dc, 0x6d8cfa9f, 0xc8756cbd, 0x96ba0134, 0x58014101, 0xd8feb777, 0xa7fe959a, 0x9dfce2ac,
0x00985421, 0x00020100, 0xe707e701, 0x0f00cf07, 0x0b401300, 0x044e0008, 0x0105000c, 0x25f58211, 0x2e2e0031, 0xed830130, 0x2a08dc82, 0x02242223,
0x24123435, 0x01cd0205, 0xfecac355, 0xfee5d6a2, 0x01cdb2ae, 0xb6cf0762, 0xdbdeaefe, 0xcfc59efe, 0xced66601, 0x72bf5001, 0x072305cf, 0x82d70bdf,
0x40233a53, 0x09260d1b, 0x0108000c, 0x040b0f04, 0x0a651201, 0x6405000b, 0x06000f0d, 0x26638302, 0x2b2e2e2b, 0x77260130, 0x29200568, 0x08053659,
0xae032141, 0xb1a3fef3, 0x01b70505, 0x0404016f, 0xfed1fe08, 0x05cdfe31, 0x01ed11aa, 0x01cfc663, 0x21f2d760, 0x2ff3d10c, 0x00020000, 0x08cffffa,
0x00080c66, 0x00320019, 0x323e4048, 0x091d2301, 0x8207222d, 0x2530086e, 0x24010e01, 0x06052326, 0x1f1d0119, 0x07100915, 0x09010403, 0x322a011a,
0x20116509, 0x010e0500, 0x042a0b64, 0x19012606, 0x02326501, 0x34030611, 0x8209f15e, 0x1a342486, 0x82332401, 0x141726f9, 0x00160702, 0x05844e11,
0x27269108, 0x33001213, 0x10370032, 0x07222100, 0x12243211, 0x23003435, 0x15020622, 0xfe100211, 0x01c656ea, 0x01e3ee4e, 0xbb0cdd73, 0x4601efa5,
0x79fef807, 0xdcfe9cd2, 0x18d94ef0, 0xd8fb1b01, 0xfe192f01, 0x877dfea2, 0x4601ba46, 0xf6b1fed5, 0x087fe28f, 0x4f01a039, 0xe0b72901, 0xf7c993fe,
0x2c5288fe, 0x87fe66fe, 0xce8ffee4, 0x01a5e271, 0xfefffe78, 0xd12f01bc, 0x6f011001, 0x651e0108, 0xf8de0701, 0xfeb61801, 0xe9faaccf, 0xd7ff0400,
0x190ccfff, 0x1333f982, 0x35002600, 0x53003e00, 0x31354a40, 0x091e3302, 0x82003114, 0x283f08fe, 0x000a3a35, 0x34012f07, 0x0602333c, 0x321e011c,
0x0701090a, 0x31320404, 0x05001c1e, 0x75093336, 0x06002205, 0x012f012c, 0x0c363076, 0x72013b06, 0x06082733, 0x000f1874, 0x10400406, 0x432b2b03,
0x203a05f9, 0x13120004, 0x01080210, 0x01082021, 0x12101102, 0x04052400, 0x10030108, 0x44820108, 0x08241909, 0x02261101, 0x21012400, 0x17011e32,
0x01050214, 0x11210123, 0x26340123, 0x21112123, 0xe7053632, 0x46025a01, 0x09e7a201, 0xfd63fee6, 0xfed2feda, 0xfe92fd74, 0x01f6d261, 0x013602b1,
0xfd73fe33, 0x08b1fe9d, 0x78025301, 0x21199d01, 0x55026c01, 0xc70c5501, 0x04fe97fe, 0x2b0396fc, 0x0271f6bc, 0x02edfef9, 0x00fef60c, 0x04d177fe,
0xfed6ed94, 0xb9290200, 0xff080cdc, 0xdefd4afe, 0xccfedffe, 0x3afec0fd, 0x0701f9fe, 0x3902c301, 0x3b012e01, 0xa2012b02, 0xfe04b4f4, 0xfe99fd80,
0xfda1feb3, 0x0462fe70, 0x90010c08, 0x74018a02, 0x01d801fa, 0x10fedb7a, 0xdd7ace7f, 0xfc03f9fe, 0xfc2b03d5, 0xa21205d5, 0x7b9afd85, 0xdfff0300,
0x1d0ccfff, 0x1400080c, 0x45003300, 0x3e404700, 0x231b0128, 0x00323409, 0x1908000c, 0x1b311501, 0x3107040a, 0x06002c23, 0x090c323d, 0x04040700,
0x1927283d, 0x07001518, 0x76091f42, 0x06004207, 0x00301f6e, 0x11397506, 0x47030600, 0x210e4141, 0x43411516, 0x0000280a, 0x13002001, 0x7e210223,
0x3e3108d7, 0x06333701, 0x24230402, 0x36350200, 0x0c132412, 0x058e4b01, 0x2005af08, 0x11120024, 0x05000010, 0x025f01c7, 0xefa80147, 0xfedc0415,
0xfec9fd65, 0xfd9efeb2, 0xe255fead, 0xba029701, 0x18010102, 0xde2da101, 0x9e52fe5a, 0xb5b0e4fe, 0x81a22401, 0xdd158edc, 0xbbfec812, 0xfef9fec7,
0xc009cb7a, 0xfec47901, 0xfe0cfee1, 0x0103ca99, 0x017b0253, 0x011e01a2, 0xca7101f7, 0x7afd86fe, 0xfeef080c, 0xfef0fd5c, 0xfe4621e5, 0xfed2fdd9,
0x01fffe42, 0x02bf0102, 0x012c0134, 0x01c80293, 0xfe85fdb1, 0x01dffecf, 0xc7fe9a92, 0xb1fef1de, 0x80bc66a1, 0xa3e8fea7, 0x01050107, 0x01e2feb0,
0xd301ef83, 0x7ffee403, 0x6c820ffe, 0xfda66708, 0x0472fe83, 0x018701e2, 0x010001e7, 0x01880274, 0x0102007d, 0x0f170502, 0x00d70b06, 0x00140007,
0x0d35403d, 0x1013020a, 0x2b000304, 0x080a0c03, 0x0f120401, 0x0507080b, 0x12010213, 0x030a0b0c, 0x6b09130f, 0x05000f0e, 0x136b0104, 0x65060409,
0x06000705, 0x030f1603, 0x2a2b2b2b, 0x2101302b, 0x21152135, 0x02822111, 0x82010921, 0x11310804, 0x11012301, 0xdbfd2703, 0xdffd7505, 0x8304d1fe,
0xf001b601, 0xb6010002, 0xaafdf2fe, 0x0ab6fda0, 0xfaf6f6e1, 0xfbc00636, 0xf9c00440, 0xfaca0540, 0x2c038336, 0x01010000, 0x04d7092f, 0x00980cd9,
0x05077803, 0x175e5920, 0x0109220d, 0x2c228217, 0xfc8f1b03, 0x01b80ae5, 0x2dfeeee0, 0x24c78200, 0x04cf092f, 0x20c782b8, 0x29c98203, 0x051a4021,
0x03010701, 0xc4840118, 0x04066525, 0x82650500, 0x02062244, 0x21ac8209, 0xab830031, 0x83211121, 0x2f0127a3, 0xd1fe2f01, 0x05835a02, 0xfdd70b24,
0xfd7e02f8, 0x31002505, 0x020f0000, 0x34084d82, 0x0012000f, 0x11304036, 0x01240201, 0x2608040c, 0x06000604, 0x000d1026, 0x08010f06, 0x02090b26,
0x12040407, 0x02060a0f, 0x01041205, 0x08670111, 0x01050a0b, 0x20638214, 0x0932712b, 0x83211121, 0x21012101, 0x08381f82, 0xfa9c065e, 0xfbea04ed,
0xf91b0516, 0xfd9dfbbf, 0x0897fe3c, 0x0b5efc90, 0x2a0af36a, 0x00fc0004, 0x48050e05, 0x8200b8fa, 0xb05408ff, 0x370db0fe, 0x0900270d, 0x2b001400,
0x46404f00, 0x080a1521, 0x0c030501, 0x14011f09, 0x03011e01, 0x150c1c22, 0x2a010008, 0x0c012901, 0x15092723, 0x2a040207, 0x141e1f29, 0x00010a0c,
0x09081009, 0x01200121, 0x05102361, 0x2b011505, 0x18086301, 0x2d020611, 0x82054d45, 0x092408a2, 0x20212401, 0x07020004, 0x05040112, 0x11010824,
0x27010a34, 0x03002401, 0x21010812, 0x17010520, 0x10110001, 0xa6080a83, 0x03270125, 0xfef80581, 0xffa8feb8, 0xfe35fe00, 0x0f07c6a6, 0x65016802,
0x52015c01, 0x4c013b02, 0xf887bc5f, 0xfef3fe7b, 0x010906f2, 0x01d502af, 0x01ac01a4, 0xd581019c, 0x29028ffe, 0x1efd4efe, 0x47fe57fe, 0x83fe6dfe,
0x074a02e1, 0xfed5b9ef, 0xfb28fe8d, 0xd4fdf7fd, 0x01090faa, 0x01470260, 0x5a01b04e, 0xf7763301, 0x4902eac6, 0x9f013c01, 0xbe01e402, 0xb00002e9,
0x12fe10fe, 0x55fe57fd, 0x5cfe2efd, 0xa8f8fde9, 0xd1000200, 0xe9080000, 0x0b00e108, 0x2f000f00, 0x010b2840, 0x031b0109, 0x08060a05, 0x561c0e01,
0x022f050c, 0x0b0d0f0a, 0x06120405, 0x63010801, 0x470a0002, 0x2b200530, 0x20060f64, 0x058f4121, 0x01191126, 0x42041121, 0x3b078a7a, 0x18088ffc,
0x97024a06, 0xc4fe69fd, 0x9f0261fd, 0xb6f93c01, 0xc9fe3701, 0x00010000, 0x4a080082, 0xd70b7109, 0x42001600, 0x01033840, 0x16090a08, 0x29011401,
0x060a0806, 0x01100112, 0x0a0c0a2a, 0x0f040206, 0x020c0509, 0x0c12160c, 0x01050608, 0x0a120800, 0x03011301, 0x0f0d6501, 0x18010615, 0x2b2b0310,
0x2b3f3f3f, 0x5209302b, 0x1124069d, 0x15210321, 0x35208b84, 0x68080982, 0xfd560211, 0x034801aa, 0x01600379, 0x01aefd50, 0xc9e8fd91, 0xc0fcc902,
0xb0fcd1fe, 0xfdcdd502, 0x045807e0, 0x0658f97f, 0xfe81fba8, 0xfa73fefe, 0xcf0331fc, 0x018d01fa, 0x01000002, 0xf2fc0601, 0xc908c108, 0x31001500,
0x01052640, 0x21120109, 0x07110907, 0x0a0d0401, 0x0904070b, 0x01040a02, 0x01000365, 0x64010d05, 0x209d8209, 0x08b55402, 0x22081141, 0x47202100,
0x142c05dd, 0x36330412, 0x91071224, 0xe1fe3001, 0x72080182, 0xfe75fe4e, 0x01cdfef3, 0x32018f33, 0x3c01c3e7, 0x042904b1, 0x0137f7a0, 0x016ffe60,
0x0b21fc02, 0xf160fbd7, 0x07d48efe, 0x007301db, 0x7f000300, 0x71053705, 0x1000080c, 0x21001d00, 0x35403e00, 0x3311010f, 0x08040c0d, 0x01020104,
0x11061733, 0x211f3306, 0x04030600, 0x040d0c00, 0x09140202, 0x0f1b0120, 0x02017702, 0x011e050a, 0x02091477, 0x42230206, 0x9a84059c, 0x35236908,
0x24210623, 0x12361100, 0x17203724, 0x00060535, 0x17121407, 0x35013e32, 0x21010034, 0x71052115, 0xfe8d08b9, 0xfeebfec6, 0x01a10cab, 0x3001ae0f,
0xa731fe9f, 0xfb06fbfe, 0x73ce7dc8, 0xccfcfbfe, 0x0efbf204, 0x4ffbf00b, 0x010cd1b9, 0x950d017e, 0x04a30e01, 0x0698c1d9, 0xc89afefe, 0x8106effe,
0x01b372d0, 0xb08ffa0b, 0x6820bb86, 0x0338bb82, 0x22001500, 0x2c403400, 0x0c043216, 0x010f0800, 0x010c1d32, 0x03013306, 0x0f35b783, 0x1920020c,
0x77010209, 0x05102008, 0x19770100, 0x02060412, 0x22b28524, 0x8213302b, 0x48012093, 0x04240598, 0x23263407, 0x5808ba82, 0x17241234, 0x14070622,
0x3233011e, 0x02343512, 0xfbe9047f, 0xb2620217, 0x05a42401, 0xade7fea0, 0xdcfe0206, 0x0199b9fe, 0xdfbdb613, 0x76c8750e, 0x05eef9bd, 0xd106b0e7,
0x9eebfea7, 0xb8d4fea7, 0x06030504, 0x06017701, 0xad1b0196, 0x80b2f4b8, 0x0c017dd6, 0x0101adbf, 0x08b18200, 0xd7ffa85a, 0x0609f011, 0x37002e00,
0x53004a00, 0x002c4c40, 0x2e013802, 0x20330228, 0x08070a04, 0x01240112, 0x05092f26, 0x02181b06, 0x4002161a, 0x1f43020e, 0x0713091e, 0x122f0403,
0x40120309, 0x3c1a021e, 0x020a3709, 0x012c012e, 0x18690147, 0x24051b1a, 0x223c6301, 0x4c020601, 0x2b08d183, 0x01302b2b, 0x33012c36, 0x12000416,
0x00162111, 0x00363304, 0x00062137, 0x01200704, 0x06112111, 0x08200504, 0x35360301, 0x21010812, 0x32055859, 0x24022601, 0x00042227, 0x04060107,
0x12140702, 0x693e0500, 0x3f080535, 0x09000226, 0x2d0173f8, 0xefa04101, 0x3a01a101, 0x2110f8ad, 0x82010601, 0xa301e2d8, 0x513c0160, 0x5bfebbfe,
0xfee3fdde, 0xd3e1fe8c, 0xdefe74fe, 0xdafdbefe, 0x0804bcfe, 0x021a010c, 0x9465010d, 0xd408c982, 0x1f019346, 0xfc27b006, 0xc2bea1fe, 0xfbfe8afe,
0xff38fb1b, 0x11d77efe, 0x018901d2, 0x02090605, 0xa2011201, 0xfed208dd, 0x91600765, 0xc10757be, 0x30fea7fe, 0xfef0ebfe, 0x0109b6a0, 0xfeeedc0a,
0x010cbca4, 0x0166fe9a, 0x06b3e19a, 0x14023f01, 0x21142801, 0x15021901, 0xb8384d01, 0xfca201b2, 0x4201ea0c, 0xfeab05a0, 0xd102deb8, 0x8ffee907,
0x4dfef8ce, 0x0504f9fe, 0xa101fe03, 0x8a01c0ee, 0x03000601, 0x48ff9800, 0x8109b609, 0x1f001600, 0x55002800, 0x1d214a40, 0x05030e17, 0x01092319,
0x00012001, 0x15211901, 0x1f08150a, 0x0b010c01, 0x09232301, 0x02071509, 0x02090d04, 0x2021230a, 0x0b0c171f, 0x27090001, 0x0103091d, 0x05690102,
0x0e050527, 0x25db8201, 0x0611101d, 0x41422a02, 0x3f3f2805, 0x01302b2b, 0x45031713, 0x9c080775, 0x00132703, 0x00123603, 0x13203324, 0x00222326,
0x17120702, 0x17160109, 0x35122436, 0xe59a0710, 0x4701f1e1, 0xf9fddafe, 0xc5febffe, 0xd1e2e5fe, 0x0e8dfeda, 0x4701bb06, 0x01e7a801, 0xe5cd7248,
0xec72feef, 0x04f40e07, 0xa5e4fbf5, 0x8a01f1f8, 0x014a08de, 0xc1fea037, 0xfcfdb8fe, 0xeafdc5fe, 0xfea0cafe, 0x1f019fd9, 0xe6017201, 0x01ab01e9,
0x5efebf51, 0xfefcfe7f, 0xa2fee453, 0xfab804f4, 0x091255a0, 0xeda101ff, 0x00005e01, 0xfc020102, 0x086f0898, 0x000300c1, 0x40340024, 0x08f0822b,
0x00091023, 0x000a0219, 0x19102208, 0x04020600, 0x01150515, 0x04010512, 0x01036501, 0x0120050a, 0x011e0c65, 0x05fb7806, 0x832e2e21, 0x211130da,
0x14210111, 0x07000602, 0x12160706, 0x82323304, 0x10212bc7, 0x22230400, 0x2702012c, 0xea823536, 0x04125808, 0xfe2f0110, 0x8b2f01d1, 0x44c7feb0,
0xaf040e48, 0xa7a42001, 0x01c33601, 0xfee1fe27, 0xfeaef63e, 0x9900ffb2, 0xbf090401, 0x06bf8301, 0xfe0002c1, 0xdff5fe00, 0xfec5bffe, 0xb56a62d9,
0xacdffea6, 0xea4701a0, 0x39feb3fe, 0x01f184db, 0x1419ca5a, 0x011401d0, 0x83280177, 0xfcc724c1, 0x84fa02f2, 0x00072ac1, 0x04184021, 0x000a0619,
0x23af8208, 0x01070703, 0x0e1e4718, 0x2106177d, 0xb2820119, 0x3301c72c, 0x3301cdfe, 0x3cf7b605, 0x7183cf09, 0x0100003f, 0xa002e100, 0x0607f208,
0x1b000500, 0x011a1440, 0x01060004, 0x01000304, 0x03026012, 0x062d7f00, 0x13224382, 0x01821121, 0x1108e12c, 0x37f9b8fe, 0x9afb0607, 0x3b822703,
0xfc422f08, 0x0cb0084e, 0x001c0000, 0x07294030, 0x000c0420, 0x1a011c08, 0x0e0c2101, 0x151d060a, 0x03060012, 0x1a1b1c04, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x42090007,
0x9c821506, 0xb8481e20, 0x1a840807, 0x32332401, 0x0e220317, 0x03211502, 0x21020121, 0x32112722, 0x01373624, 0x06051321, 0x5401ca30, 0x414a24ee,
0x357dd695, 0xfe41be01, 0x6c98fe41, 0x6a2999fc, 0xdf2501f0, 0xfe810132, 0x5208421d, 0xa5011101, 0xe1fe08f8, 0x47d3db92, 0x8ff8ddfe, 0x010890fc,
0xf9ed3b2b, 0x23018d07, 0xa0000200, 0x2906a201, 0x05000008, 0x22000b00, 0x070b1b40, 0x13040105, 0x0a0b0102, 0x05070809, 0x09000103, 0x09060451,
0x2707d259, 0x0109302a, 0x07010917, 0x033f0585, 0xf2cf0168, 0x81017ffe, 0x0169fbf2, 0x6ffef1d7, 0x04e98901, 0x7f2f03d1, 0x48fd58fd, 0x832f037f,
0xfd502309, 0x65887f50, 0x65880820, 0x03050925, 0x83081304, 0x20648265, 0x20658502, 0x26658a03, 0x01013702, 0x82010925, 0x3e648205, 0xee76fe8a,
0x2dfed301, 0x89014afc, 0x01f177fe, 0x0231fecf, 0x02a80229, 0xc9fc87b0, 0x877fd9fc, 0x00d12e09, 0x00190203, 0x02f00d00, 0x00030008, 0x3bcf8207,
0x0a214028, 0x04080206, 0x00180202, 0x01070a09, 0x090b6504, 0x07650500, 0x65060005, 0x0622da82, 0x65410d03, 0x11212106, 0x022d0189, 0x042f0119,
0x04300120, 0x022f0129, 0x05224a08, 0xff200783, 0x21063958, 0x21587d0f, 0x02502408, 0x580603d9, 0x73200851, 0xd1241788, 0x02034202, 0xb8261782,
0x370dc7ff, 0xcd56a80e, 0x03d12e08, 0x00370358, 0xffbc0002, 0x0c4212cf, 0x08178210, 0x4b003246, 0x22234440, 0x08000c1e, 0x26030100, 0x08040c02,
0x05260119, 0x0d060107, 0x0c240901, 0x2b071009, 0x00091121, 0x0b040507, 0x12030307, 0x270c011e, 0x2f010509, 0x09630200, 0x1905090c, 0x16276601,
0x34020601, 0x8a07bf45, 0x112123c6, 0x9d740006, 0x34113605, 0x011a3536, 0x32252400, 0x2504010c, 0x11010804, 0x21010812, 0x08078224, 0x00000250,
0x4206000c, 0xe104edfa, 0x0a051ffb, 0xfe84bff9, 0xfe27fe84, 0xfd8efef8, 0xe158fea0, 0x01e40f05, 0x01270292, 0x8a01e34b, 0x1c014e01, 0x91fe3afb,
0xc9fec4fd, 0x02430105, 0x018e015a, 0x0142025b, 0xb8fe084c, 0x9a09a4fd, 0xf2fe3d02, 0x0382b6fb, 0xfea68908, 0xaa4a02e9, 0x06afdefe, 0x02b301fc,
0x0f360136, 0x1201193a, 0xa3010702, 0xa05409f9, 0xfe0cc2ec, 0xfeb9fd8c, 0xfdbcfec5, 0x0d96feb0, 0x4f026601, 0x38015401, 0x6a014802, 0x00030000,
0x11cfffc1, 0x00fa08aa, 0x00320029, 0x40390042, 0x33010032, 0x271f2e01, 0x1308060a, 0x082a2501, 0x011b0604, 0x011e013b, 0x0918210e, 0x0403071a,
0x323f0a03, 0x0809132a, 0x37651206, 0x01050022, 0x2b030f44, 0x302b3f2b, 0x21001201, 0x2106c846, 0xe4661612, 0x02062906, 0x2023010c, 0x00060300,
0x3426fc84, 0x25240012, 0xc4460020, 0x23a08206, 0x1502010c, 0x0806a544, 0x022611bd, 0x9b480924, 0x51011c02, 0x019201df, 0x2df8b138, 0x01f29d13,
0x019e9521, 0x013cf137, 0xfeeb4337, 0xaab2fed5, 0xe8fdd0fe, 0xf2fd9090, 0x92fea7fe, 0xf6fef1fd, 0x011b0194, 0x010201a5, 0x07230271, 0xfef725cc,
0xfedabaa7, 0xfb2efa91, 0xfefcfe68, 0xd908ca7f, 0xfbf88701, 0x0cd18401, 0x067bfeda, 0x012201a0, 0xfeb20630, 0xfe26feb3, 0xe0febadd, 0xde7762c2,
0xd8fec392, 0x420160bf, 0xfee91801, 0x5c01108f, 0x19011202, 0x019a01d1, 0xfe0ed249, 0xd473fd95, 0x09ae4201, 0xdabbfeae, 0xfe09cd02, 0xdbe963fe,
0xfcee79fe, 0x0c01b601, 0xea7501c0, 0x00010000, 0x084a0400, 0x6b600508, 0x2420058f, 0x38058f6b, 0x00000247, 0x10050106, 0x00312b03, 0x2111302b,
0x08082111, 0x6005f8f7, 0x2c3187fe, 0x58050010, 0x17000500, 0x02261040, 0x232a8205, 0x00033804, 0x8506d144, 0x11332731, 0xf80f2321, 0x5a82f008,
0xf2fe582b, 0x01020000, 0x06c10889, 0x067b4d7f, 0x1c402338, 0x01040106, 0x0c021200, 0x0401080a, 0x02040607, 0x52060001, 0xa55d0503, 0x302b2408,
0x84210109, 0x50052901, 0x300197fe, 0x73fc6801, 0x2f280782, 0xc1086901, 0xeafc1603, 0x2205037e, 0x82680102, 0x894a2055, 0x01052655, 0x12030107,
0x27558401, 0x03040506, 0x53060002, 0x05211282, 0x09d34d01, 0x03210122, 0x052a5882, 0xfe2b011f, 0xedcdfe97, 0x06822f01, 0xd70be122, 0x01265286,
0xc1089101, 0x51842904, 0x0d401528, 0x0a000c02, 0x5418035d, 0x97830cc3, 0x82fa0221, 0x0138228b, 0x248b8560, 0x01010000, 0x97481879, 0xffff272f,
0xf2fc2900, 0x69826f08, 0x07654e18, 0x019a5a08, 0x00000060, 0x005e0002, 0x087708c9, 0x001c00d9, 0x4055002c, 0x0b0f194a, 0x251d0400, 0x03080a09,
0x211d0401, 0x08010a06, 0x12161718, 0x1e061011, 0x06011425, 0x0a090402, 0x14160a02, 0x05030812, 0x11092129, 0x0a0b0f10, 0x0d670609, 0x19050129,
0x01021718, 0x21640600, 0x2026821b, 0x0b3f482e, 0x1737272a, 0x20332436, 0x07173717, 0x032e4882, 0x04270717, 0x07272405, 0x03023727, 0xd7500112,
0x24520808, 0x02263512, 0xb02f0124, 0x016bb0d9, 0x7b01b043, 0xb0cdb8f8, 0xd5b0c9c9, 0xfed8feb0, 0xffa9fead, 0xc6b0d1b8, 0x0d040c0b, 0x9fb0fef7,
0xd85001b6, 0xb34f01df, 0xb7feb305, 0xdab03707, 0xc96a5fb1, 0xfeb0e2b9, 0xfecbfebf, 0xb1e6fec8, 0x0ec3b1d5, 0x0682c70a, 0x24013108, 0x36013e01,
0xfee7af01, 0xfeb7a3ad, 0x01d7d3a9, 0x01b9b85a, 0x0100ce4a, 0xa201a800, 0x00086003, 0x17000500, 0x01050f40, 0x01030104, 0x0900025c, 0x08c45418,
0x13302e2f, 0x01091701, 0xcf01a807, 0x017ffee9, 0x06394681, 0x50fd5023, 0x283d907f, 0x01010003, 0x02045c01, 0x083d8b03, 0x37010955, 0x01a80101,
0xf27ffe81, 0x31fec601, 0xb0022102, 0xfc7fb002, 0x00d1fcd1, 0x00310003, 0x0bd10600, 0x001000d7, 0x00180014, 0x17374040, 0x15010701, 0x090c0618,
0x020c1308, 0x2501010e, 0x080a0a03, 0x11000402, 0x0e011809, 0x01160207, 0x0e121465, 0x6a010f05, 0x0634096b, 0x030f1a02, 0x3f00312b, 0x25302b2e,
0x21112111, 0x22112110, 0x20076d6a, 0x20108205, 0x08038301, 0xa0fe912c, 0x58036001, 0x07d0fefa, 0xfd280209, 0x01e102d8, 0x01d1fe2f, 0xa607082f,
0x16031301, 0xfeceeafe, 0xfe1010ee, 0x085af8ed, 0xac68c108, 0x02002108, 0xc920a184, 0x392ca186, 0x01133040, 0x0c062407, 0x010c0808, 0x9a829c8c,
0x04209882, 0x1620988e, 0x9490989e, 0x9094d920, 0xf4d70b23, 0x0ad95929, 0x00132f08, 0x132d4035, 0x05011101, 0x0a0a0323, 0x0d010f08, 0x09072401,
0x0402060a, 0x130c020c, 0x0405090f, 0x02070a12, 0x65020c11, 0x050a0002, 0x84821501, 0x4708c579, 0x0985093e, 0x01d70327, 0xfde1022f, 0x0803831f,
0xfdd1fe28, 0xfde5021b, 0x0202091b, 0xfe2bfdd5, 0xfe7ffee5, 0x07a8f8ea, 0x01160158, 0x001b0181, 0x02010100, 0x48030804, 0xb7442906, 0x02172705,
0x01060000, 0xaa435e04, 0x2b23080a, 0x21110130, 0x02020111, 0x02080446, 0x00dffd21, 0x1f010200, 0x8f06befd, 0x0b002102, 0x2c001700, 0x820d2340,
0x1701294d, 0x070a090a, 0x06120401, 0x5f25a782, 0x05010002, 0x24158213, 0x030c0e5f, 0x06187d06, 0xe6492e20, 0x0e142b05, 0x3e112301, 0x01233501,
0x0b881121, 0x026f042b, 0xa5f47f20, 0xfcf18267, 0x240982b0, 0x767bacf5, 0x286c82f1, 0x8be4818d, 0x6b141b01, 0x320b82a8, 0x8edf7689, 0x68260a01,
0x000700a1, 0x12cfff39, 0x82080c66, 0x144408b3, 0x38002700, 0x58004800, 0x5e006800, 0x013d5440, 0x04090d04, 0x000c3922, 0x21010a08, 0x0601410d,
0x01150159, 0x0a284920, 0x61012006, 0x021d2f01, 0x09512132, 0x0404070b, 0x0c010903, 0x00355d69, 0x652b6905, 0x0138f282, 0x04244d6a, 0x55196806,
0x3d690600, 0x03060011, 0x45076901, 0x6a060610, 0x3905ed41, 0x302b2b3f, 0x21012101, 0x07010e13, 0x3e171214, 0x023e3301, 0x26012e35, 0x10832201,
0x83011e21, 0x82322011, 0x201282d4, 0x05824e21, 0x12201184, 0xa54e2384, 0x22232c06, 0x36350224, 0x16012412, 0x58171204, 0x0f820748, 0x1f8e2120,
0x39085a08, 0xb0fa2701, 0xc51dd9fe, 0xbcee06e3, 0x7d020703, 0x700564b9, 0x84d305be, 0x650564c1, 0x090682be, 0x63ba7c02, 0x05be6f05, 0x0ddec7f3,
0x0580c169, 0xe1b90106, 0xf2bb7005, 0x3601e1ee, 0xfea90d9d, 0xfedad6be, 0xb305adba, 0x12074501, 0x9f3501dc, 0xc2feaa08, 0xb8fed6d0, 0x081282b3,
0x3207493e, 0x9b3601df, 0xc0feaa0c, 0xb7fedad2, 0x01b608ae, 0xf4d70b45, 0x06e90a29, 0xfea6aafa, 0x030506f6, 0x6ecc8104, 0xf979bf61, 0x6ebe7659,
0x0480c96a, 0xd0810306, 0x76bb616d, 0xca69adf5, 0x26080d83, 0x62ae1001, 0xc60776ba, 0x9cc5fed1, 0xd0a7fec8, 0xb85501d4, 0xc74301ae, 0xd00460f9,
0xce9ac7fe, 0xcdcba7fe, 0x83bf5501, 0xfed12f12, 0xfecaa0ca, 0x01d5cda5, 0x01aabb59, 0xaf49c640, 0x49d92008, 0xd02408af, 0x0203ae01, 0x23059560,
0xd10eae07, 0x352a1782, 0x03000000, 0x3100d000, 0x2f87fa02, 0x88bf0f21, 0x0299242f, 0x882703d1, 0x88e5202f, 0x019a242f, 0x870e03a2, 0x580f2117,
0x50281788, 0xe1027901, 0xcfffffff, 0x79225482, 0x17829a0f, 0x5f843920, 0xa0fe9923, 0x27778203, 0x0000edfe, 0xee0e9f04, 0xd0241788, 0x1703befd,
0x24837782, 0x830e8921, 0x222f855f, 0x83d1fe9a, 0x2247845f, 0x888e0f81, 0x8250202f, 0x242f8347, 0x0dc7ffb8, 0x20a78437, 0x215f853f, 0xa783c703,
0x20065561, 0x08874a0e, 0xbf82d020, 0x6d613720, 0x88962008, 0x04502417, 0x611f0308, 0xcf20086d, 0x6d611782, 0x02992305, 0x2f82035e, 0x21058d77,
0x1788f60e, 0x2701d022, 0x9e202f8a, 0x50391788, 0x27033902, 0x02010100, 0x31020000, 0x0300c108, 0x0d401500, 0x09000a02, 0x0d7f4765, 0x21112125,
0x6d020111, 0x002005c6, 0x2f372f82, 0xe106cf09, 0x0600d70b, 0x10401800, 0x03030406, 0x500c0113, 0x18000602, 0x3f077645, 0x01302a3f, 0x09210121,
0x81032101, 0x5a020601, 0xa0fe87fe, 0x8ffe98fe, 0xf8fdd70b, 0xcdfe3301, 0x05254386, 0x00710bd7, 0x2b438212, 0x0c101211, 0x06020709, 0x000a5613,
0x14254482, 0x312b030f, 0x08438200, 0x32333634, 0x3617021e, 0x07061737, 0x23262726, 0x2f010722, 0x6a3ebaaf, 0x743a629b, 0x9bbd7775, 0x453ae58c,
0xc90a776e, 0x294e24a8, 0xc8590d05, 0x7b0c0997, 0x9f847721, 0x1006c736, 0x0c00790b, 0x13401a00, 0x2c020107, 0x06100a04, 0x07530401, 0xbe775d83,
0x822b2005, 0x011e21a1, 0x2e085b82, 0x07040621, 0x2f012426, 0xd71d0201, 0x0171f385, 0x9dfe2802, 0xa2fee3eb, 0x6f4a790b, 0xcbb11008, 0xe20606e1,
0x01020000, 0x04cf0937, 0x82c90c21, 0x00183953, 0x3518401f, 0x06001300, 0x00070d36, 0x16040206, 0x045b0210, 0x0105010a, 0x82058846, 0x3243085a,
0x1415011e, 0x012e2306, 0x13363635, 0x2e353632, 0x06222301, 0x02161407, 0x68b36e98, 0xc3b6a6cb, 0x64b4bf06, 0x6e7d0675, 0x7b067655, 0xaf6bc90c,
0x06ed945f, 0xd68dabe0, 0x6892a3fd, 0x50817059, 0x8300945e, 0xfc2908c7, 0x0008046f, 0x001a0000, 0x19204029, 0x0a030e17, 0x10071132, 0x04040108,
0x1a090102, 0x0212020d, 0x07770201, 0x01050414, 0x05e4451c, 0x302b2e24, 0x57623321, 0x257e8205, 0x37272622, 0x8764011e, 0x022c0809, 0x3b5e9010,
0xe4b79044, 0x24bc789d, 0x385d13b0, 0x57727356, 0xe97f445c, 0xa9070b0d, 0x96cda3a0, 0x42411095, 0x684a5a6f, 0x3d480e06, 0x00217682, 0x82048201,
0x3dd62a03, 0x0f5ffbfe, 0x0300f53c, 0x8d108210, 0xc9fe2702, 0x66124efc, 0x1582cf0f, 0x02000622, 0x00203184, 0x0c220583, 0xc282fc10, 0xfe171327,
0x12b4fec9, 0x82178666, 0x21028624, 0x2c820cd5, 0x00280b86, 0xe1043106, 0x31005005, 0x01250385, 0x01480d91, 0x080382a2, 0x480d893e, 0xa00c3900,
0x79096f00, 0x79090800, 0x770a3701, 0x8f08b000, 0xe90a2900, 0x6f040601, 0xb8040000, 0xf204c701, 0xe1082f01, 0xe1081900, 0x660c3701, 0x210c3100,
0xa205e900, 0xe7057901, 0xe72c0782, 0xd1068f00, 0xae090601, 0x6f04d100, 0x50221382, 0x07827f00, 0x0207a224, 0x3382a800, 0xe1087f23, 0x21038202,
0x0b858700, 0x82390021, 0x825e2007, 0x82662003, 0x8206204b, 0x82b02007, 0x835e2003, 0x206b822f, 0x204382a8, 0x200382c9, 0x3c0384d1, 0x0d060179,
0x0b1f01df, 0x093100d7, 0x0d37012f, 0x0bb40002, 0x083701e7, 0x0737018f, 0x280f82be, 0x0ab800f0, 0x031701f2, 0x200f82a2, 0x2c2382b6, 0x070e0179,
0x0e370168, 0x0b3701b8, 0x221f82d7, 0x83b800e7, 0xf00d25cf, 0xb609b000, 0xf8282382, 0xd1065600, 0x770a2100, 0x372a1f82, 0x600f2900, 0xbe092900,
0xf7832100, 0x00ae0730, 0x01a2054a, 0x01ae09c7, 0x00a20558, 0x0f820998, 0x00000831, 0x01100600, 0x00f20a2f, 0x01e90aa8, 0x82560a02, 0x00fa2c07,
0x00660aac, 0x000605b0, 0x82c90a4a, 0x01be2c57, 0x012f0306, 0xff3f0302, 0x82080848, 0x250b8207, 0x0201020f, 0x2f82be09, 0xb0007722, 0x0e2a3782,
0xb000e90a, 0x0601d104, 0x63823906, 0xa7827120, 0x0201b622, 0x212cf382, 0x2100480d, 0x2100ae07, 0x29008f08, 0x29209782, 0xa0247782, 0xe104c10a,
0x8f240782, 0xc900ae09, 0x0383f783, 0x00020d23, 0x87f383b0, 0x84bf83d3, 0x8f978393, 0x82562003, 0x839f8273, 0x230387a3, 0xaeff2f03, 0x81240382,
0xc9fe2f03, 0xe7200782, 0x9f839b88, 0x0920038a, 0x038b9782, 0x00d90823, 0x20a782f2, 0x2c0382b8, 0x01d7094a, 0x02ae0960, 0x00060900, 0x240f82a8,
0xfff00bfa, 0x340382d7, 0x010010df, 0x01000602, 0x01e7052f, 0x00df0f2f, 0x00df0d31, 0x20bb82b0, 0x202382d1, 0x244b8200, 0x00e70506, 0x2f03837f,
0xa8007f12, 0x98006f0a, 0x02017909, 0xc701b804, 0xe1202382, 0x42202382, 0xa020f782, 0x10230383, 0x88190200, 0x00e72fef, 0x001713b8, 0x003112bc,
0x000008c1, 0x03821000, 0x0108082b, 0x01be0789, 0x01a20568, 0x24038291, 0x008f0879, 0x243f8229, 0x0008045e, 0x270383a8, 0x3100c707, 0x3100be07,
0x0423b383, 0x8202016f, 0x121f242f, 0x833900c9, 0x053b4153, 0x8f201b82, 0x2c053b42, 0xcfffa203, 0xedfea203, 0x0000a203, 0x200b8203, 0x876f820d,
0x770a2303, 0x03873701, 0x842f0321, 0x072f2647, 0x072f0106, 0x26e3823f, 0x05370150, 0x822f012f, 0x0001348e, 0x00600200, 0x01630001, 0x00060080,
0x003100d2, 0x82b8fe44, 0xfe462205, 0x22058210, 0x8277fe47, 0x84492005, 0xfe66220b, 0x220b82d9, 0x82fafe67, 0x82692005, 0x0036220b, 0x3017821c,
0xfe1e0036, 0x003600c1, 0x0006ff31, 0xff44003c, 0x2205823f, 0x8231fe46, 0xfe472205, 0x220582f2, 0x8287fe49, 0xff692405, 0x824000a2, 0x8208202f,
0x821e2005, 0x00402a11, 0x00d1fe31, 0x00440042, 0x22058219, 0x8260ff46, 0x00472205, 0x22058208, 0x82aeff49, 0x00692405, 0x8244007f, 0x825e202f,
0xfe1e2205, 0x220582e1, 0x8210002a, 0xff2b2205, 0x20058289, 0x24a18231, 0xff510044, 0x220b8227, 0x822fff53, 0xff552205, 0x20058237, 0x20358459,
0x200b845f, 0x20298462, 0x22778263, 0x82650044, 0x00442495, 0x82210067, 0x82692023, 0x82462071, 0x00522259, 0x20b98246, 0x220582d1, 0x8279ff2b,
0xfe312205, 0x22058210, 0x8256fe51, 0xfe552205, 0x2005825e, 0x20298459, 0x200b845f, 0x20a18262, 0x20478246, 0x24178260, 0x009aff69, 0x20418447,
0x21418447, 0x41830047, 0xd1824720, 0x1782d920, 0x8f825120, 0x55004722, 0x47227182, 0x41825900, 0x5f004722, 0x8f830b84, 0x41824720, 0x49008922,
0x6f203b82, 0x1e220582, 0x0582fafe, 0x29002a22, 0x2b200582, 0x4920a782, 0x10204182, 0x51220b82, 0x05827ffe, 0x8ffe5522, 0x59220582, 0x05823900,
0x0b845f20, 0xf2fe6022, 0x61200b82, 0x65221d84, 0x0b82e9fe, 0xb6ff6624, 0x01825600, 0x62001022, 0x62208f84, 0xd9208f82, 0x56220b82, 0x0582c900,
0x08005722, 0x58220582, 0x05827700, 0x6f005d22, 0x5e200582, 0xb6202b82, 0xb6207d84, 0xfa232982, 0x8300b600, 0x82b6207d, 0x82a220bf, 0xfe31220b,
0x22058210, 0x82b8fe44, 0x84462005, 0xfe47220b, 0x200b8277, 0x830b8449, 0x00b62195, 0xb6209583, 0x3920d782, 0x95831782, 0x8300b621, 0x00b62195,
0xb6219583, 0x24958300, 0xfe6600b6, 0x201d82d9, 0x22dd8267, 0x826900b6, 0x8400200b, 0x824a2000, 0x28038705, 0x0100007a, 0x01000004, 0x300382c0,
0x020000fe, 0x030000ac, 0x04000074, 0x0500009a, 0x2703825e, 0x06000076, 0x07000012, 0x2a200383, 0xee200782, 0x08340385, 0x0800003a, 0x09000082,
0x0a000058, 0x0b000052, 0x0c00007c, 0x0c243b82, 0x0d0000e0, 0x0d251382, 0x0e0000d0, 0x20038254, 0x820382ae, 0x820f2013, 0x440f293f, 0x780f0000,
0x2a100000, 0x6a240382, 0x08110000, 0xea230382, 0x82120000, 0x1c13312f, 0xec130000, 0x34140000, 0x4c150000, 0x1a160000, 0x66200382, 0xb8200382,
0xfc240382, 0x48170000, 0x8a270382, 0x40180000, 0x82190000, 0x501a2527, 0x0e1b0000, 0xd8240382, 0x661c0000, 0xc2240382, 0x141d0000, 0xf0240382,
0x541e0000, 0x84200382, 0xee230382, 0x821f0000, 0x961f250b, 0x04200000, 0x60240382, 0x30210000, 0xba2c0382, 0xf8220000, 0x98230000, 0x8a240000,
0xab820382, 0x27822520, 0x009a2524, 0x27822600, 0x826c2621, 0x00bc2307, 0x4f822700, 0x82862721, 0x202f8207, 0x25b38228, 0x00006e28, 0x03829e28,
0x29242f82, 0x2a000092, 0x2b204f82, 0x2b20d782, 0x2c20c382, 0x2d25e782, 0x2e000020, 0x2003822e, 0x820382b0, 0x642f25b3, 0xc62f0000, 0xf6280382,
0xbc300000, 0x3e310000, 0x77820382, 0x00c63225, 0x82a23300, 0x00fa2303, 0xbf823400, 0xf3823520, 0x00b63524, 0x33823500, 0x00623629, 0x00ca3600,
0x82183700, 0x82702003, 0x00f42403, 0x82243800, 0x00aa2303, 0x07823900, 0x823c3921, 0x25ab8207, 0x0000903a, 0x0382a83a, 0x0382c020, 0x0382d820,
0x3b24f782, 0x3b000008, 0x3b218382, 0x20078238, 0x20038250, 0x24038268, 0x3c000080, 0x200382aa, 0x200382c2, 0x240382da, 0x3d0000f2, 0x2003820a,
0x20038222, 0x2003823a, 0x20038252, 0x2003826a, 0x20038282, 0x2003829a, 0x820382b2, 0xe23d217f, 0x9f820782, 0xdf823e20, 0xfb823e20, 0x00423e25,
0x825a3e00, 0x24a78203, 0x0000783f, 0x257f8240, 0x0000c041, 0x03821442, 0x00007c27, 0x00007643, 0x20d78244, 0x20578246, 0x25238246, 0x0000ea46,
0x03823847, 0x48252382, 0x490000d2, 0x27038244, 0x4a0000e4, 0x4b00006e, 0x4b2d4f82, 0x4d0000dc, 0x4e00004e, 0x4f00004c, 0x8203820e, 0x964f255b,
0x32500000, 0x98240382, 0x00510000, 0x5e200382, 0x57820382, 0x828e5121, 0x00a62307, 0x4b825200, 0x00fe5325, 0x82305400, 0x82662003, 0x00bc2303,
0x3b825500, 0x5b825520, 0x93825520, 0x93825520, 0x008a5629, 0x00c85600, 0x82085700, 0x24f78203, 0x00003458, 0x208f8258, 0x208f8258, 0x25e78259,
0x0000265b, 0x03823e5b, 0x03825620, 0x5b218b82, 0x20078286, 0x8203829e, 0xce5b2123, 0xe6200782, 0x63820382, 0x00165c25, 0x822e5c00, 0x82462003,
0x20878203, 0x2087825c, 0x2587825c, 0x0000be5c, 0x0382025d, 0x5d241382, 0x5e0000b2, 0x5e364f82, 0x000100a6, 0x00d50000, 0x00070069, 0x0004003d,
0x000c0002, 0x41820006, 0x00ca0023, 0x830f8265, 0x0010221d, 0x822584c6, 0x3a002128, 0x13830482, 0x01000022, 0x3a202782, 0x02201786, 0x40203d82,
0x03200b86, 0x47204182, 0x04200b86, 0x53202382, 0x05200b86, 0x59202382, 0x06240b86, 0x60000b00, 0x07200b86, 0x6b265182, 0x01000300, 0x09820904,
0x87007421, 0x8201200b, 0x86df2047, 0x00022417, 0x86eb000e, 0x0003240b, 0x86f90018, 0x0004240b, 0x8611010c, 0x0005240b, 0x861d010e, 0x21c1820b,
0x0b862b01, 0xaa820720, 0x6f434138, 0x69727970, 0x20746867, 0x20296328, 0x32393931, 0x726f4320, 0x05836c65, 0x726f702e, 0x6f697461, 0x41202e6e,
0x52206c6c, 0x73372583, 0x73655220, 0x65767265, 0x76412e64, 0x6e6f6c61, 0x75676552, 0x8572616c, 0x5020250c, 0x6e69616c, 0x30260b85, 0x302e3130,
0x0c853330, 0x00391784, 0x006f0043, 0x00790070, 0x00690072, 0x00680067, 0x00200074, 0x00630028, 0x22078229, 0x82390031, 0x82322001, 0x24258309,
0x00650072, 0x200b886c, 0x22378270, 0x82610072, 0x8269202f, 0x006e2209, 0x2019822e, 0x831f8241, 0x88522021, 0x8273204b, 0x82522015, 0x82732037,
0x00722203, 0x20058276, 0x20298264, 0x20098241, 0x232b8261, 0x006e006f, 0x67221d83, 0x0d827500, 0x72006123, 0x22198b00, 0x84500020, 0x82692015,
0x24178b25, 0x00300030, 0x83458231, 0x8c332007, 0x222f8931, 0x84000200, 0x9cff2300, 0x08843200, 0xd520048f, 0x01201082, 0x3c082582, 0x00f200e8,
0x00f100f3, 0x00f400f5, 0x00e900f6, 0x00ed00eb, 0x00ec00ea, 0x000300ee, 0x00050004, 0x00070006, 0x00090008, 0x000b000a, 0x000d000c, 0x000f000e,
0x00110010, 0x00130012, 0x716f1814, 0x6fd008b4, 0x71007000, 0x73007200, 0x75007400, 0x77007600, 0x79007800, 0x7b007a00, 0x7d007c00, 0x7f007e00,
0x81008000, 0x84008200, 0x86008500, 0x88008700, 0x8a008900, 0x8c008b00, 0x8e008d00, 0x91009000, 0x96009300, 0x9d009700, 0xa0009e00, 0xa200a100,
0xa400a300, 0xa900a600, 0xab00aa00, 0xae00ad00, 0xb000af00, 0xb300b100, 0xb400b200, 0xb600b500, 0xba00b700, 0xbe00bd00, 0xc000bf00, 0xc200c100,
0xc500c300, 0xc700c600, 0xc900c800, 0xcb00ca00, 0xcd00cc00, 0xcf00ce00, 0xd100d000, 0xd400d300, 0xd600d500, 0xd800d700, 0xdb00d900, 0xde00dd00,
0x26141640, 0x180c210a, 0x0e652103, 0x36710d0d, 0x65650265, 0x00300d38, 0x3c03b88d, 0x2b2b1d85, 0x3260fa05, 0x0000d96c,
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P.S. Я НЕ заставляю тебя использовать именно файлы из Indigo, это мой совет. Так же перепиши Gui.h под свой SDK.
если у меня членикс, можно файлы из индиго юзнуть?
14 Авг 2017
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14 Сен 2016
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14 Сен 2016
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14 Авг 2017
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14 Авг 2017
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14 Авг 2017
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14 Сен 2016
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