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- #1
In weave v2, when in a low fps scenario, the model is flicking. The animfix is causing this, because i have tested with a completely different antiaim system, and its the same. The thing is i don't know how to fix it, if anyone has an idea please write.
Here is a video of the issue:
[URL unfurl = "true"]
Note: It also happens during the freezetime, even if there are no low fps scenarios, but only on some servers, and i have not found anything to help me solve it
Here is the code:
Here is a video of the issue:
[URL unfurl = "true"]
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
[/ URL]Note: It also happens during the freezetime, even if there are no low fps scenarios, but only on some servers, and i have not found anything to help me solve it
Here is the code:
if ((! Interfaces.engine-> IsConnected () &&! Interfaces.engine-> IsInGame ()) ||! Csgo-> local)
if (! csgo-> local-> isAlive ())
static CBaseHandle * selfhandle = nullptr;
static float spawntime = csgo-> local-> GetSpawnTime ();
auto alloc = RealAnimstate == nullptr;
auto change =! alloc && selfhandle! = & csgo-> local-> GetRefEHandle ();
auto reset =! alloc &&! change && csgo-> local-> GetSpawnTime ()! = spawntime;
if (change) {
memset (& RealAnimstate, 0, sizeof (RealAnimstate));
selfhandle = (CBaseHandle *) & csgo-> local-> GetRefEHandle ();
if (reset) {
csgo-> local-> ResetAnimationState (RealAnimstate);
spawntime = csgo-> local-> GetSpawnTime ();
if (alloc || change) {
RealAnimstate = reinterpret_cast <CCSGOPlayerAnimState *> (interfaces.memalloc-> Alloc (sizeof (CCSGOPlayerAnimState)));
if (RealAnimstate)
csgo-> local-> CreateAnimationState (RealAnimstate);
if (! RealAnimstate)
if (RealAnimstate-> m_last_update_frame == interfaces.global_vars-> framecount)
RealAnimstate-> m_last_update_frame - = 1;
Vector old_ang = * (Vector *) ((DWORD) csgo-> local + 0x31D8);
* (Vector *) ((DWORD) csgo-> local + 0x31D8) = csgo-> FakeAngle;
csgo-> ShouldUpdate = true;
csgo-> local-> UpdateAnimationState (RealAnimstate, csgo-> CurAngle);
csgo-> ShouldUpdate = false;
if (csgo-> send_packet) {
csgo-> local-> ParseAnimOverlays (csgo-> layers);
csgo-> local-> ParsePoseParameter (csgo-> poses);
if (RealAnimstate)
csgo-> last_gfy = RealAnimstate-> m_abs_yaw;
if (FakeAnimstate && RealAnimstate)
csgo-> desync_angle = clamp (Math :: NormalizeYaw (Math :: AngleDiff (FakeAnimstate-> m_abs_yaw, RealAnimstate-> m_abs_yaw)), -58.f, 58.f);
if (vars.antiaim.staticlegsinair) {
csgo-> local-> m_flPoseParameter () [6] = 1;
csgo-> layers [12] .m_flWeight = FLT_EPSILON;
* (Vector *) ((DWORD) csgo-> local + 0x31D8) = old_ang; [/ CODE]