На форуме разыгрывается более 300 ключей на приватные читы! Для этого нужно всего-лишь нажать соответствующую кнопку в теме!
Подробности по ссылке:
var _0x28e823 = _0x5d43;
(function (_0x43b942, _0x1ae81b) { var _0x1f2246 = _0x5d43; while (!![]) { try { var _0x1dbb47 = -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1d9)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x120)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1b1)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x215)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0xf8)) * parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x11d)) + -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1c9)) + -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x12c)) * parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x180)); if (_0x1dbb47 === _0x1ae81b) break;
else _0x43b942['push'](_0x43b942['shift']()); } catch (_0x36c917) { _0x43b942['push'](_0x43b942['shift']()); } } }(_0x2928, 0x56f09));
var _0x4c5a = ['', '\x0a', _0x28e823(0x19d), '█ █▀▀█ █▀▀▀ █▄▄▀ █▄▄▀ █▄▄▄█ ', _0x28e823(0x123), ' ', _0x28e823(0xdf), '</> Creator this JS: seize.#6235', _0x28e823(0x1ed), _0x28e823(0x116), _0x28e823(0x14d), _0x28e823(0xf0), _0x28e823(0x1d6), _0x28e823(0x16e), ' </> Added and Improved Dormant aimbot', _0x28e823(0x173), _0x28e823(0x1f5), _0x28e823(0x191), _0x28e823(0x192), ' </> Added Sk33t indicator\'s', _0x28e823(0x199), _0x28e823(0x12d), _0x28e823(0x12f), _0x28e823(0xb8), _0x28e823(0x162), ' </> Redesign indicators near crosshair', ' </> Improved animation logs', _0x28e823(0x109), _0x28e823(0x1ae), _0x28e823(0x164), _0x28e823(0xed), _0x28e823(0x113), _0x28e823(0x169), _0x28e823(0x1a3), _0x28e823(0xf7), 'Tabs', _0x28e823(0x118), _0x28e823(0x114), _0x28e823(0x20d), _0x28e823(0x127), 'Hits', _0x28e823(0xd9), 'Hitlogs under crosshair', _0x28e823(0x1fc), _0x28e823(0x13e), 'Ping spike key', _0x28e823(0x155), _0x28e823(0x183), _0x28e823(0x1aa), _0x28e823(0x1bb), 'Hide', _0x28e823(0xa3), 'AWP', _0x28e823(0x14e), 'Deagle', _0x28e823(0x214), 'Pistols', _0x28e823(0x126), '[AWP] Min. Damage value', _0x28e823(0x142), _0x28e823(0x15d), _0x28e823(0x1c0), _0x28e823(0x1d1), _0x28e823(0x207), _0x28e823(0x1bd), _0x28e823(0x218), 'Distance [Meters]', _0x28e823(0x11f), '[Scout / R8] Hitchance in air', _0x28e823(0x161), _0x28e823(0x10d), 'Strafer value', _0x28e823(0x1fe), _0x28e823(0xa0), 'Type body yaw', 'Default', 'Custom', _0x28e823(0xfb), 'Real offset', _0x28e823(0xca), _0x28e823(0xcb), _0x28e823(0x1f4), _0x28e823(0x188), _0x28e823(0xe3), _0x28e823(0x12e), 'Anti bruteforce', _0x28e823(0x18d), _0x28e823(0x1a5), 'Legit AA key', _0x28e823(0xc1), 'Disable fakelags on revolver', _0x28e823(0x182), _0x28e823(0xa2), _0x28e823(0x1c4), 'Air', _0x28e823(0xf3), _0x28e823(0xfc), _0x28e823(0xd3), _0x28e823(0x121), _0x28e823(0x14a), _0x28e823(0x1fd), 'Move Trigger Limit', 'Air Limit', _0x28e823(0x144), _0x28e823(0x1e4), _0x28e823(0x176), 'Slide jitter', 'Manual direction', _0x28e823(0xd8), 'Back dir.', _0x28e823(0xc6), _0x28e823(0x167), 'Keybinds', 'Spectators', 'Watermark', _0x28e823(0x17e), 'Cherry', _0x28e823(0x10f), 'Background theme', _0x28e823(0xd4), _0x28e823(0x153), 'Style line', _0x28e823(0xbd), 'Fade', _0x28e823(0x137), _0x28e823(0xce), _0x28e823(0xa5), _0x28e823(0xef), _0x28e823(0x166), _0x28e823(0x15c), _0x28e823(0xa7), _0x28e823(0xf1), _0x28e823(0x9b), _0x28e823(0x219), _0x28e823(0x16b), 'Gradient color 3', _0x28e823(0xec), _0x28e823(0x141), _0x28e823(0x1cc), _0x28e823(0x1af), _0x28e823(0x213), _0x28e823(0x1b5), 'Color bullet tracer', 'Local tracer', _0x28e823(0x140), 'Show ping enemy near esp', _0x28e823(0x146), 'Aspect ratio value', _0x28e823(0x1df), _0x28e823(0x1ff), _0x28e823(0x1b3), _0x28e823(0x1b0), _0x28e823(0x1cd), _0x28e823(0x122), _0x28e823(0x1b2), _0x28e823(0xdc), _0x28e823(0x1a7), _0x28e823(0xc5), _0x28e823(0x1b8), _0x28e823(0x209), _0x28e823(0x184), _0x28e823(0x1d0), _0x28e823(0x172), _0x28e823(0xf2), _0x28e823(0x1a6), _0x28e823(0x16a), _0x28e823(0xe5), _0x28e823(0xd2), _0x28e823(0xd1), 'Local marker', _0x28e823(0xee), 'Fake-Lag', _0x28e823(0x1a9), _0x28e823(0x20b), 'Trigger limit', _0x28e823(0xeb), 'm_vecVelocity[0]', _0x28e823(0x200), _0x28e823(0x156), _0x28e823(0x1d8), 'm_hGroundEntity', _0x28e823(0x115), '_x', '_y', 'round', 'g', 'b', 'r', _0x28e823(0xe1), _0x28e823(0xe6), 'substr', _0x28e823(0x1db), _0x28e823(0xba), 'icon', 'text', _0x28e823(0xb9), _0x28e823(0x1f0), 'color', _0x28e823(0x10e), _0x28e823(0x1ab), _0x28e823(0x135), _0x28e823(0xe8), 'Text', _0x28e823(0x131), 'TargetLoc', _0x28e823(0x1a1), _0x28e823(0x1e5), _0x28e823(0x206), 'stomach', _0x28e823(0x168), _0x28e823(0x171), 'left leg', 'right leg', _0x28e823(0x189), _0x28e823(0x185), 'PI', _0x28e823(0xac), _0x28e823(0x130), _0x28e823(0x1f6), _0x28e823(0xbf), '+speed', '-attack', _0x28e823(0x1eb), _0x28e823(0x197), 'GENERAL', _0x28e823(0xe7), 'Force body aim', _0x28e823(0x1cb), _0x28e823(0xfd), _0x28e823(0x1f1), _0x28e823(0xbe), _0x28e823(0x100), 'AUTOSNIPER', _0x28e823(0x148), _0x28e823(0x1fb), 'Hide shots', 'Misc', _0x28e823(0x105), 'Auto peek', _0x28e823(0x216), _0x28e823(0x158), _0x28e823(0x11b), _0x28e823(0x1e2), _0x28e823(0x1ac), _0x28e823(0x1c3), _0x28e823(0x1a8), _0x28e823(0xa1), _0x28e823(0x150), _0x28e823(0x19e), _0x28e823(0x20a), _0x28e823(0x1be), _0x28e823(0x1c6), 'm_flNextAttack', _0x28e823(0x152), _0x28e823(0xcf), 'Disable', _0x28e823(0x163), _0x28e823(0x9f), _0x28e823(0x132), _0x28e823(0x1ee), _0x28e823(0x1ef), _0x28e823(0xc9), _0x28e823(0xcc), _0x28e823(0xb0), 'p250', _0x28e823(0x190), _0x28e823(0x117), 'desert eagle', _0x28e823(0x203), _0x28e823(0x1a4), _0x28e823(0xc8), _0x28e823(0xd7), 'attacker', _0x28e823(0xae), ' in the ', _0x28e823(0x1a2), _0x28e823(0x19a), _0x28e823(0x20e), ' damage (', _0x28e823(0x187), _0x28e823(0x125), ' ', ' -', ' (', ')', '!', _0x28e823(0x12a), _0x28e823(0x145), _0x28e823(0x13f), _0x28e823(0x16f), _0x28e823(0x11e), _0x28e823(0x212), 'replace', _0x28e823(0x110), 'assaultsuit', _0x28e823(0xc0), 'incgrenade', _0x28e823(0x15b), _0x28e823(0x147), _0x28e823(0x1ea), _0x28e823(0x154), _0x28e823(0x17b), '1', '2', _0x28e823(0x202), '3', '4', '5', '6', _0x28e823(0x1f8), 'Fake duck', '7', 'shift', _0x28e823(0x1bf), 'abs', _0x28e823(0x204), _0x28e823(0xb2), _0x28e823(0x16c), 'x', 'y', 'z', 'm_vecOrigin', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter', _0x28e823(0x9c), _0x28e823(0x103), _0x28e823(0x1d2), _0x28e823(0xde), _0x28e823(0x15f), _0x28e823(0x1f2), _0x28e823(0x138), _0x28e823(0x186), _0x28e823(0xf6), _0x28e823(0xcd), _0x28e823(0xb6), 'Miscellaneous', _0x28e823(0x19b), _0x28e823(0x19c), _0x28e823(0xa6), _0x28e823(0x17f), 'Legit', _0x28e823(0xaa), 'Enabled', _0x28e823(0xfe), _0x28e823(0xc7), _0x28e823(0x10a), '[charge]', _0x28e823(0x193), 'Body aim', _0x28e823(0x1d7), _0x28e823(0x1b6), _0x28e823(0x1cf), _0x28e823(0xc3), '[', ']', _0x28e823(0xbc), 'Minimum damage', 'Freestand', _0x28e823(0xa9), _0x28e823(0xb5), _0x28e823(0x165), _0x28e823(0x196), _0x28e823(0x143), _0x28e823(0x194), 'k', 'spectators', '[watching]', 's', _0x28e823(0x1e7), _0x28e823(0x1c5), _0x28e823(0xd0), '0', ':', 'gamesense [alpha] | ', _0x28e823(0x10b), ' | latency: ', _0x28e823(0x17a), 'none', 'AT', 'LC', _0x28e823(0x1d4), 'Accuracy: ', _0x28e823(0x1a0), _0x28e823(0x1da), 'DA', 'DT', 'ONSHOT', _0x28e823(0x1e0), 'BAIM', 'DUCK', 'AD', 'AP', _0x28e823(0x112), _0x28e823(0x205), _0x28e823(0x178), _0x28e823(0xfa), _0x28e823(0x17c), _0x28e823(0x1c2), _0x28e823(0x13b), _0x28e823(0xb1), _0x28e823(0xc2), _0x28e823(0x18a), _0x28e823(0x175), _0x28e823(0x177), _0x28e823(0x14b), _0x28e823(0x1ad), _0x28e823(0xc4), _0x28e823(0x1b7), 'FD', '>', '<', 'c', 'ch', _0x28e823(0xe9), _0x28e823(0xa4), _0x28e823(0x15a), _0x28e823(0x12b), _0x28e823(0x136), _0x28e823(0x13d), _0x28e823(0x18f), 'eyepos', 'position', '[Scout / AWP] dt peek helper', 'Turn speed', _0x28e823(0x181), 'WORLD', _0x28e823(0xe4), _0x28e823(0x14c), _0x28e823(0x1ba), _0x28e823(0x1fa), 'unload', _0x28e823(0xf5), _0x28e823(0x201), _0x28e823(0x1e9), _0x28e823(0x198), _0x28e823(0x119), 'CreateMove', _0x28e823(0x101), _0x28e823(0x208), _0x28e823(0x11a), _0x28e823(0x134), _0x28e823(0x102), 'round_start', _0x28e823(0x111), _0x28e823(0x1e8), _0x28e823(0x1dc)];
Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x2] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x3] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x4] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x6] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x7] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x8] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x9] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xa] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xb] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xc] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xd] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xe] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xf] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x10] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x12] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x13] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x14] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x15] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x16] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x17] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x18] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x19] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1a] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1b] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1c] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1d] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1e] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1f] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x20] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x21] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), main_ui = function () { var _0x5c120f = _0x28e823;
UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x0]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x22]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x23], [_0x4c5a[0x24], _0x4c5a[0x25], _0x4c5a[0x26]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1ec)](_0x4c5a[0x27], [_0x4c5a[0x28], _0x4c5a[0x29]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x2a]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2b]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x2c]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2d]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x2f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x30], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x31], [_0x4c5a[0x32], _0x4c5a[0x33], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0x35], _0x4c5a[0x36], _0x4c5a[0x37], _0x4c5a[0x38]]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x39], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], 0x1, 0x82), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x3c], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], 0x1, 0x82), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x3e], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x3f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x40]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x41]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x42], 0x1, 0x1e), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x43], 0x1, 0x64), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x44]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x45], 0x1, 0x64), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x46]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x47], 0x1, 0x190), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x48]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x49]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x4a], [_0x4c5a[0x4b], _0x4c5a[0x4c], _0x4c5a[0x4d]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x4e], 0x0, 0x3c), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x4f], 0x0, 0x3c), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0, 0x3c), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x51], [_0x4c5a[0x52], _0x4c5a[0x53], _0x4c5a[0x54]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x55]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x56]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x57]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x58]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x59]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x5a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x5b], [_0x4c5a[0x5c], _0x4c5a[0x5d], _0x4c5a[0x5e], _0x4c5a[0x5f]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x60], [_0x4c5a[0x4b], _0x4c5a[0x61]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x62], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x63], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x64], 0x1, 0xe), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x65], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x66], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x67], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x68], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x69], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x6a]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x6b]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x6c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x6d]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x6e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1ec)](_0x4c5a[0x6f], [_0x4c5a[0x70], _0x4c5a[0x71], _0x4c5a[0x72]]), UI['AddDropdown'](_0x4c5a[0x73], [_0x4c5a[0x74], _0x4c5a[0x75]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x76], [_0x4c5a[0x77], _0x4c5a[0x78]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x79], [_0x4c5a[0x7a], _0x4c5a[0x7b], _0x4c5a[0x7c], _0x4c5a[0x7d], _0x4c5a[0x7e], _0x4c5a[0x7f]]), UI['AddDropdown'](_0x4c5a[0x80], [_0x4c5a[0x81], _0x4c5a[0x82]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x83]), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0x84]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x85]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x86]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x87]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x88]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x89]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x16d)](_0x4c5a[0x8a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x8b]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x8c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], 0xa, 0x28a), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x8e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x90]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x91]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x92]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xe0)](_0x4c5a[0x93], 0.3, 0x2), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x94]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x95], 0x32, 0x12c), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x96]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x97], [_0x4c5a[0x98], _0x4c5a[0x99]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9b]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9d]), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0x9e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x9f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa0], 0x0, 0x1f4), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0xa1], 0x0, 0x1f4), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0xa2]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0xa3]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], 0x0, Global[_0x5c120f(0x210)]()[0x0]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0xa5], 0x0, Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x1]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa6], 0x0, Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x0]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa7], 0x0, Global[_0x5c120f(0x210)]()[0x1]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0xa8]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x0]); }, main_ui();
const hide = function () { var _0x360617 = _0x28e823;
tab = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x23]), minh = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x31]), noscope = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x41]), hair = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x44]), bstrafer = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x46]), aaenable = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x49]), typeaa = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]), bforce = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x55]), advfl = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]), momfl = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x5b]), manual = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6b]), ind = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]), indth = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]), styleline = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x79]), customname = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x89]), btracer = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8c]), marker = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa9]), ltracer = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x8f]), aspect = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x92]), tperson = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x94]), indnc = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x96]), slines = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]), slinesh = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9d]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x27], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2a], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2b], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2c], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2d], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2e], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2f], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x30], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x31], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x39], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3c], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x4), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x5), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3e], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x6), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3f], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x40], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x41], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x42], tab == 0x0 && noscope), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x43], tab == 0x0 && noscope), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x44], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x45], tab == 0x0 && hair), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x46], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x47], tab == 0x0 && bstrafer), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x48], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x49], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4a], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4e], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4f], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x50], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x51], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa !== 0x2 && !bforce), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x55], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa !== 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x56], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x57], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x58], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x59], tab == 0x1), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x5a], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x5b], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x60], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x62], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x63], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x64], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x65], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x66], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x67], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x68], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x69], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6a], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6b], tab == 0x1), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x6c], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6d], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x6e], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6f], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x73], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x76], tab == 0x2 && ind && indth == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x79], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x83], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline != 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x84], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x85], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x86], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x87], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x80], tab == 0x2 && ind && indth == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x89], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8a], tab == 0x2 && ind && customname), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x88], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8b], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8c], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], tab == 0x2 && btracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8e], tab == 0x2 && btracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8f], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x90], tab == 0x2 && ltracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x91], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x92], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x93], tab == 0x2 && aspect), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x94], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x95], tab == 0x2 && tperson), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x96], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x97], tab == 0x2 && indnc), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x9a], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9b], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9c], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9d], tab == 0x2 && slines), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x9e], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9f], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa0], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa1], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa2], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa3], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa5], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa6], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa7], ![]); };
var screen_size = Global[_0x28e823(0x210)]()
, stored = ![]
, x_offs = 0x0
, y_offs = 0x0
, tickcount_fl = 0x0
, flip_fl = ![];
const alt_fl = function (_0x105616, _0x20c70d, _0x2eb432) { var _0x142559 = _0x28e823;
tickcount_fl >= _0x105616 && !flip_fl && (flip_fl = !![], tickcount_fl = 0x0), tickcount_fl >= _0x2eb432 && flip_fl && (flip_fl = ![], tickcount_fl = 0x0), UI[_0x142559(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], !flip_fl ? _0x105616 : 0x2), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], !flip_fl ? _0x20c70d : 0x2), tickcount_fl++; }
, get_velocity = function (_0x1b8ce9) { var _0x47527b = _0x28e823; const _0x3db33b = Entity[_0x47527b(0x20c)](_0x1b8ce9, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xb0]); return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x3db33b[0x0] * _0x3db33b[0x0] + _0x3db33b[0x1] * _0x3db33b[0x1]); }
, get_metric_distance = function (_0x3ffe0d, _0x3663d7) { return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb3]](Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x0] - _0x3663d7[0x0], 0x2) + Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x1] - _0x3663d7[0x1], 0x2) + Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x2] - _0x3663d7[0x2], 0x2)) * 0.0254); }
, local_inair = function () { var _0x5d9803 = _0x28e823; return Entity[_0x5d9803(0x20c)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xb4]) ? !![] : ![]; }
, in_bounds = function (_0x1cc203, _0x371c1f, _0x57a76a, _0x3643f5, _0x39b329) { return _0x1cc203[0x0] > _0x371c1f && _0x1cc203[0x1] > _0x57a76a && _0x1cc203[0x0] < _0x3643f5 && _0x1cc203[0x1] < _0x39b329; }
, move = function (_0x40698d, _0x455e1a, _0xb1e692, _0x36b72e, _0x4e20cb) { var _0x22fcb9 = _0x28e823; if (UI['IsMenuOpen']() && Input[_0x22fcb9(0xf9)](0x1)) { const _0x7e10f9 = Global[_0x22fcb9(0x179)]();
in_bounds(_0x7e10f9, _0x40698d, _0x455e1a, _0x40698d + _0xb1e692, _0x455e1a + _0x36b72e) && (!stored && (x_offs = _0x7e10f9[0x0] - _0x40698d, y_offs = _0x7e10f9[0x1] - _0x455e1a, stored = !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4e20cb + _0x4c5a[0xb6], _0x7e10f9[0x0] - x_offs), UI[_0x22fcb9(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4e20cb + _0x4c5a[0xb7], _0x7e10f9[0x1] - y_offs)); } else stored && (stored = ![]); }
, HSVtoRGB = function (_0x4dcb8d, _0x2126c5, _0x347031) { var _0xd48d42, _0x26d6e4, _0x27f1c6, _0x28500f, _0x1d2b81, _0x31aca8, _0xb8276, _0x96d643;
_0x28500f = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb3]](_0x4dcb8d * 0x6), _0x1d2b81 = _0x4dcb8d * 0x6 - _0x28500f, _0x31aca8 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - _0x2126c5), _0xb8276 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - _0x1d2b81 * _0x2126c5), _0x96d643 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - (0x1 - _0x1d2b81) * _0x2126c5); switch (_0x28500f % 0x6) {
case 0x0:
_0xd48d42 = _0x347031, _0x26d6e4 = _0x96d643, _0x27f1c6 = _0x31aca8; break;
case 0x1:
_0xd48d42 = _0xb8276, _0x26d6e4 = _0x347031, _0x27f1c6 = _0x31aca8; break;
case 0x2:
_0xd48d42 = _0x31aca8, _0x26d6e4 = _0x347031, _0x27f1c6 = _0x96d643; break;
case 0x3:
_0xd48d42 = _0x31aca8, _0x26d6e4 = _0xb8276, _0x27f1c6 = _0x347031; break;
case 0x4:
_0xd48d42 = _0x96d643, _0x26d6e4 = _0x31aca8, _0x27f1c6 = _0x347031; break;
case 0x5:
_0xd48d42 = _0x347031, _0x26d6e4 = _0x31aca8, _0x27f1c6 = _0xb8276; break; } var _0x298852 = {}; return _0x298852['r'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0xd48d42 * 0xff), _0x298852['g'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0x26d6e4 * 0xff), _0x298852['b'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0x27f1c6 * 0xff), _0x298852; }
, adap_render = function (_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, _0x527c61) { var _0xa89867 = _0x28e823; const _0x516c8c = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73])
, _0x17a5be = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83])
, _0x10f876 = HSVtoRGB(Global[_0xa89867(0xb7)]() * 0.09, 0x1, 0x1)
, _0x2a3190 = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x79])
, _0x3bda8c = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x76])
, _0x2c62a2 = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80])
, _0x13ed46 = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x84])[0x3] : _0x17a5be[0x3]
, _0xccc775 = _0x3bda8c == 0x0 ? 0xc : 0xff
, _0x429391 = _0x3bda8c == 0x0 ? 0x19 : 0xeb
, _0x597720 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? -0x1 : _0x52359e
, _0x5d6f95 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? _0x52359e - 0x1 : -0x1
, _0x3223c5 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0x2
, _0x467287 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? -0x1 : 0x3
, _0x15f50a = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? 0x1 : 0x0; var _0x46ac59 = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x85])
, _0x461616 = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x86])
, _0x3d8e0f = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x87])
, _0xd65e6 = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x46ac59[0x0], _0x46ac59[0x1], _0x46ac59[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff]
, _0x2547ca = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x461616[0x0], _0x461616[0x1], _0x461616[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff]
, _0x206d7f = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x3d8e0f[0x0], _0x3d8e0f[0x1], _0x3d8e0f[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff];
_0x516c8c == 0x0 ? (_0x2a3190 != 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x5d6f95, _0x9251a1 - 0x2, 0x1, [_0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46]), Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - _0x15f50a, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [_0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46])), _0x2a3190 == 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x5d6f95, _0x9251a1 - 0x2, 0x1, [_0x429391, _0x429391, _0x429391, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - _0x15f50a, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [_0x429391, _0x429391, _0x429391, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x467287, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x2, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x467287, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x2, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), _0x2a3190 == 0x4 && Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), _0x2a3190 == 0x1 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], 0x0], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], 0x0])), (_0x2a3190 == 0x2 || _0x2a3190 == 0x3) && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0xd65e6, _0x2547ca), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x2547ca, _0x206d7f)), _0x2a3190 == 0x0 && Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1, 0x2, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff])) : (_0x2a3190 != 0x5 && Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [0xc, 0xc, 0xc, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46]), _0x2a3190 == 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e + 0x2, [0x19, 0x19, 0x19, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 - 0x1, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x1, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), _0x2a3190 == 0x4 && Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), _0x2a3190 == 0x1 && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), (_0x2a3190 == 0x2 || _0x2a3190 == 0x3) && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0xd65e6, _0x2547ca), Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x2547ca, _0x206d7f)), _0x2a3190 == 0x0 && Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, 0x2, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff])); }
, getObservators = function () { var _0x2fa003 = _0x28e823
, _0x5bef21 = Entity['GetPlayers']()
, _0x291083 = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()
, _0x278b09 = Entity['GetProp'](_0x291083, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x291083) return;
spec = []; for (i = 0x0; i < _0x5bef21[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x291083)) { if (!_0x5bef21[i] || Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x5bef21[i])) continue; var _0x133443 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x20c)](_0x5bef21[i], _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x133443 || _0x133443 == _0x4c5a[0xbc]) continue; const _0x3f23d4 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x1f9)](_0x5bef21[i]);
_0x133443 == _0x291083 && spec[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x3f23d4[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] >= 0xf ? _0x3f23d4[_0x4c5a[0xbe]](0x0, 0xc) + _0x4c5a[0xbf] : _0x3f23d4); } else { if (!_0x5bef21[i] || Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x5bef21[i])) continue; var _0x133443 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x20c)](_0x5bef21[i], _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x133443 || _0x133443 == _0x4c5a[0xbc]) continue; const _0x51690f = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x1f9)](_0x5bef21[i]);
_0x133443 == _0x278b09 && spec[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x51690f[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] >= 0xf ? _0x51690f[_0x4c5a[0xbe]](0x0, 0xc) + _0x4c5a[0xbf] : _0x51690f); } } };
var da_shot = !![]
, orig_head = !![]
, dtpeek_cache = !![]
, logs = []
, hlogs = []
, dmgi = [];
const log = function (_0x17eb6d, _0x322acd, _0x580e97, _0x1180ff) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc1]] = _0x17eb6d, this[_0x4c5a[0xc2]] = _0x322acd, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0x580e97, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x1180ff; }
, hlog = function (_0x33fef5, _0xcac55f, _0x56d78c, _0x1a07fb) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc2]] = _0x33fef5, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0xcac55f, this[_0x4c5a[0xc5]] = _0x56d78c, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x1a07fb; }
, ind_dmg = function (_0x5454c2, _0x31cb35, _0x497010, _0x66cba7, _0xc316cc, _0x1ab9af, _0x10f949) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc6]] = _0x5454c2, this[_0x4c5a[0xc7]] = _0x31cb35, this[_0x4c5a[0xc8]] = _0x497010, this[_0x4c5a[0xc9]] = _0x66cba7, this[_0x4c5a[0xca]] = _0xc316cc, this[_0x4c5a[0xcb]] = _0x1ab9af, this[_0x4c5a[0xcc]] = _0x10f949; }
, hitboxes = [_0x4c5a[0xcd], _0x4c5a[0xce], _0x4c5a[0xcf], _0x4c5a[0xd0], _0x4c5a[0xd1], _0x4c5a[0xd2], _0x4c5a[0xd3], _0x4c5a[0xd4], _0x4c5a[0xd5]]
, get_weapon = function () { var _0x280289 = _0x28e823; return Entity[_0x280289(0x1f9)](Entity[_0x280289(0x170)](Entity[_0x280289(0x1c1)]())); }
, getHitbox = function (_0x2a5cb0) { return hitboxes[_0x2a5cb0] || _0x4c5a[0xd6]; }
, dtr = function (_0x1f4662) { return _0x1f4662 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; }
, rtd = function (_0x1e4b2a) { return _0x1e4b2a * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]]; }
, deg = function (_0x1a321c, _0x4b40a9) { return x = _0x4b40a9[0x0] - _0x1a321c[0x0], z = _0x4b40a9[0x1] - _0x1a321c[0x1], y = _0x1a321c[0x2] - _0x4b40a9[0x2], [rtd(Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](z, x)), rtd(Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](y, Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](x * x + z * z)))]; }
, dormant_aim = function () { var _0x38a0b7 = _0x28e823;
enemies = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x10c)](); for (i = 0x0; i < enemies[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x217)](enemies[i]) && Entity['IsDormant'](enemies[i])) { var _0x43daed = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0xaf)](Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x1c1)](), 0x0)
, _0x319840 = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0xa8)](enemies[i]);
_0x319840[0x2] = _0x319840[0x2] + 0x26; var _0x501e58 = Trace[_0x38a0b7(0x1c7)](Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x1c1)](), enemies[i], _0x43daed, _0x319840); if (_0x501e58[0x1] > 0x0) { var _0x3fba55 = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x170)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())
, _0x308b7e = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x20c)](_0x3fba55, _0x4c5a[0xd9], _0x4c5a[0xda])
, _0x25e5e8 = deg(_0x43daed, _0x319840)
, _0x266ba0 = _0x25e5e8[0x0]
, _0x110036 = _0x25e5e8[0x1];
Local[_0x38a0b7(0x17d)]() < 0.01 && Globals[_0x38a0b7(0x20f)]() - _0x308b7e > 0.014 && (UserCMD[_0x38a0b7(0x195)]([_0x110036, _0x266ba0, 0x0]), Cheat[_0x38a0b7(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdb]), Cheat[_0x38a0b7(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdc]), da_shot = !![]); } } } }
, dormant_aim_shot = function () { var _0xc25cda = _0x28e823;
da_shot && (Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat[_0xc25cda(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xde]), da_shot = ![]); }
, fhead = function () { var _0x1c8150 = _0x28e823;
UI[_0x1c8150(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2c]) ? !UI[_0x1c8150(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]) && (orig_head && (general_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), pistol_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), hpistol_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), scout_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), awp_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), autosniper_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), orig_head = ![]), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1)) : !orig_head && (UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], general_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], pistol_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], hpistol_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], scout_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], awp_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], autosniper_hbox), orig_head = !![]); }
, dtpeekhelper = function () { var _0x17234c = _0x28e823;
gamerules = Entity[_0x17234c(0x149)](), legitaa = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58]), doubletap = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe9], _0x4c5a[0xea]), hideshots = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe9], _0x4c5a[0xeb]), autopeek = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]), Entity['GetProp'](gamerules, _0x4c5a[0xef], _0x4c5a[0xf0]) ? active = hideshots && autopeek : active = doubletap && autopeek, active && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2]) ? (dtpeek_cache && (autodirection_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]), scoutpbaim_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6]), scoutpsp_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7]), awppbaim_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6]), awppsp_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7]), dtpeek_cache = ![]), !legitaa && UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], !![]), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], !![]), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], !![])) : !dtpeek_cache && (UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], autodirection_cache), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], scoutpbaim_cache), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], scoutpsp_cache), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], awppbaim_cache), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], awppsp_cache), dtpeek_cache = !![]); }
, can_shoot = function (_0x20897d) { var _0x194682 = _0x28e823
, _0x245440 = Entity[_0x194682(0x170)](_0x20897d)
, _0xce03ad = Entity[_0x194682(0x9e)](_0x245440)
, _0x5e0167 = _0xce03ad == 0x6b || _0xce03ad == 0x6c || _0xce03ad == 0x60 || _0xce03ad == 0x63 || _0xce03ad == 0x70 || _0xce03ad == 0x9b || _0xce03ad == 0x2f
, _0xd7423b = Entity[_0x194682(0x20c)](_0x245440, _0x4c5a[0xd9], _0x4c5a[0xf8])
, _0x1afe4a = Entity[_0x194682(0x20c)](_0x245440, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xf9]); if (_0x5e0167 || _0xd7423b == 0x0 || _0x1afe4a & 0x1 << 0x1) return ![]; return !![]; }
, can_shift_shot = function (_0x47ec96) { var _0x337c34 = _0x28e823;
local = Entity[_0x337c34(0x1c1)](); var _0x236167 = Entity[_0x337c34(0x170)](local); if (local == null || _0x236167 == null) return ![]; var _0x39a2df = Entity['GetProp'](local, _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0xfb])
, _0x291567 = Globals[_0x337c34(0xad)]() * (_0x39a2df - _0x47ec96); if (_0x291567 < Entity[_0x337c34(0x20c)](local, _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0xfc])) return ![]; if (_0x291567 < Entity[_0x337c34(0x20c)](_0x236167, _0x4c5a[0xfd], _0x4c5a[0xda])) return ![]; return !![]; }
, dt_recharge_boost = function () { var _0x26ab7f = _0x28e823
, _0x2e53c2 = Exploit['GetCharge']();
Exploit[(_0x2e53c2 != 0x1 ? _0x4c5a[0xfe] : _0x4c5a[0xff]) + _0x4c5a[0x100]](), can_shift_shot(0xe) && _0x2e53c2 != 0x1 && (Exploit[_0x26ab7f(0x13c)](), Exploit[_0x26ab7f(0x163)]()); }
, pistols = function (_0x13050c) { if (_0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x101] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x102] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x103] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x104] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x105] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x106] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x107] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x108]) return !![]; }
, auto_sniper = function (_0x308190) { if (_0x308190 == _0x4c5a[0x109] || _0x308190 == _0x4c5a[0x10a]) return !![]; }
, mindmg_override = function () { var _0x5d1538 = _0x28e823; const _0x2d213e = Entity[_0x5d1538(0x10c)](); for (f = 0x0; f < _0x2d213e[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; f++) { auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d])) : pistols(get_weapon()) && Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e])); } }
, noscopehitchance = function () { var _0x1c9e3c = _0x28e823
, _0x18ec98 = Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x20c)](Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0x10d])
, _0x2b144c = Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0xa8)](Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0xf4)]())
, _0x44126b = Entity['GetEyePosition'](Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x1c1)]())
, _0x1ecd80 = UI[_0x1c9e3c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x42])
, _0x4bb625 = get_metric_distance(_0x44126b, _0x2b144c);!_0x18ec98 && _0x4bb625 <= _0x1ecd80 && Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0x1f3)](Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0xf4)](), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x43])); }
, hitchance = function (_0x2b13aa) { var _0x4e4916 = _0x28e823;
Ragebot['ForceTargetHitchance'](Ragebot[_0x4e4916(0xf4)](), _0x2b13aa); }
, hit_logs = function () { var _0x89ee85 = _0x28e823
, _0x2be68a = UI[_0x89ee85(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2])
, _0x406107 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x157)](Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f]))
, _0x18ea03 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x157)](Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x110]))
, _0x1228c1 = _0x4c5a[0x111] + Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1f9)](_0x406107) + _0x4c5a[0x112] + getHitbox(Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) + _0x4c5a[0x114] + Event['GetInt'](_0x4c5a[0x115]) + _0x4c5a[0x116] + Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x117]) + _0x4c5a[0x118]
, _0x2bcfb2 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1f9)](_0x406107) + _0x4c5a[0x119] + getHitbox(Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) + _0x4c5a[0x11a] + Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x115]) + _0x4c5a[0x11b] + Event['GetInt'](_0x4c5a[0x117]) + _0x4c5a[0x11c]
, _0x2771db = Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x117]) <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0x1;
Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1d5)](_0x18ea03) && _0x18ea03 != _0x406107 && (UI[_0x89ee85(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x27]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && (logs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new log(_0x4c5a[0x11d], _0x1228c1, Globals[_0x89ee85(0x1bc)](), 0x0)), Cheat['PrintColor']([_0x2be68a[0x0], _0x2be68a[0x1], _0x2be68a[0x2], 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11e]), Cheat[_0x89ee85(0x1e6)]([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x1228c1 + _0x4c5a[0x1])), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x2a]) && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new hlog(_0x2bcfb2, Globals[_0x89ee85(0x1bc)](), _0x2771db, 0x0))); }
, on_item_purchase = function () { var _0x5979cd = _0x28e823; if (!(UI[_0x5979cd(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x27]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) return; if (Event[_0x5979cd(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x11f]) != Entity['GetProp'](Entity[_0x5979cd(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x121])) { var _0x3985c1 = UI[_0x5979cd(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2])
, _0x3d12f1 = Event['GetString'](_0x4c5a[0x122]);
_0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x123], _0x4c5a[0x0]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x125], _0x4c5a[0x0]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x126], _0x4c5a[0x127]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x128], _0x4c5a[0x129]); if (_0x3d12f1 != _0x4c5a[0x12a]) { var _0x387355 = _0x4c5a[0x0] + Entity[_0x5979cd(0x1f9)](Entity[_0x5979cd(0x157)](Event[_0x5979cd(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f]))) + _0x4c5a[0x12b] + _0x3d12f1 + _0x4c5a[0x0];
logs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new log(_0x4c5a[0x11d], _0x387355, Globals[_0x5979cd(0x1bc)](), 0x0)), (Cheat[_0x5979cd(0x1e6)]([_0x3985c1[0x0], _0x3985c1[0x1], _0x3985c1[0x2], 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11e]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x387355 + _0x4c5a[0x1])); } } }
, logdraw = function () { var _0x1e4269 = _0x28e823
, _0x133611 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x9, 0x64)
, _0xc54096 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x8, 0x64)
, _0x157bfc = UI[_0x1e4269(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2])
, _0xa66ee9 = 0x0
, _0xead3b9 = [];
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x12e]);
UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x12f]);
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x131]);
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x132]);
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x133]);
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x134]);
UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x137]);
UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x96]) ? _0xa66ee9 += 0x2a + _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0xa : _0xa66ee9 += 0x25; for (var _0x3cc904 in logs) { alpha = logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] > 0x64 ? 0x64 : logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]], Render[_0x1e4269(0x106)](0x5, 0x6 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc1]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alpha], 0x5), Render[_0x1e4269(0x106)](0x4, 0x5 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc1]], [_0x157bfc[0x0], _0x157bfc[0x1], _0x157bfc[0x2], logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], 0x5), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](0x1b, 0x8 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alpha], _0x133611), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](0x1a, 0x7 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], _0x133611), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 > Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x2ee), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 < Globals['Tickcount']() && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x258), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 && logs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](), logs[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x8 && logs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } for (var _0x477305 in hlogs) { color = hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc5]] == 0x1 ? [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]] : [0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 + 0x1, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0xa66ee9 + 0x1 - _0x477305 * -0xb, 0x1, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], _0xc54096), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0xa66ee9 - _0x477305 * -0xb, 0x1, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], color, _0xc54096), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 > Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x3c0), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 < Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x258), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](), hlogs[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x7 && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } }
, hurt = function () { var _0x21a3be = _0x28e823
, _0x2f6c30 = Entity[_0x21a3be(0x157)](Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f]))
, _0x44097e = Entity[_0x21a3be(0x157)](Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x110])); if (Entity[_0x21a3be(0x1d5)](_0x44097e) && _0x44097e != _0x2f6c30) { const _0x370610 = getHitbox(Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) == _0x4c5a[0xce]
, _0x1687dc = Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x115])
, _0x4b38e7 = Globals[_0x21a3be(0xb7)]()
, _0x554de8 = Entity[_0x21a3be(0xa8)](_0x2f6c30);
dmgi[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new ind_dmg(0x0, 0x3c, 0xff, _0x370610, _0x1687dc, _0x4b38e7, _0x554de8)); } }
, dmg_draw = function () { var _0x1b746b = _0x28e823;!UI[_0x1b746b(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8b]) && (dmgi = []); var _0x5727e0 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x139], 0x7, 0x1e); for (i in dmgi) { Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](dmgi[i][_0x1b746b(0x10e)]) < dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc7]] && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] -= 0.15); var _0x3e3162 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xcc]]
, _0x10d333 = Render[_0x1b746b(0x19f)]([_0x3e3162[0x0], _0x3e3162[0x1], _0x3e3162[0x2]])
, _0x1082b2 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc9]] ? [0x0, 0x8c, 0x0, dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]]] : [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]]]
, _0x191e21 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] > 0xb4 ? 0xb4 : dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]];
Render[_0x1b746b(0x13a)](_0x10d333[0x0] + 0x1, _0x10d333[0x1] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] - 0x25, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x0] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xca]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x191e21], _0x5727e0), Render[_0x1b746b(0x13a)](_0x10d333[0x0], _0x10d333[0x1] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] - 0x26, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x0] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xca]], _0x1082b2, _0x5727e0), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xcb]] + 1.2 < Globals[_0x1b746b(0xb7)]() && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] -= Globals['Frametime']() * 0x5dc), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] < 0x0 && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] = 0x0), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] < 0x0 && dmgi[_0x4c5a[0x13b]](i, 0x1); } }
, radian = function (_0x2bc1d2) { return _0x2bc1d2 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; }
, ExtendVector = function (_0x1021e0, _0x31daad, _0x250eb6) { var _0x19e57a = radian(_0x31daad); return [_0x250eb6 * Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x19e57a) + _0x1021e0[0x0], _0x250eb6 * Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x19e57a) + _0x1021e0[0x1], _0x1021e0[0x2]]; }
, VectorAdd = function (_0x408a66, _0x928b16) { return [_0x408a66[0x0] + _0x928b16[0x0], _0x408a66[0x1] + _0x928b16[0x1], _0x408a66[0x2] + _0x928b16[0x2]]; }
, VectorSubtract = function (_0x383289, _0x1654e3) { return [_0x383289[0x0] - _0x1654e3[0x0], _0x383289[0x1] - _0x1654e3[0x1], _0x383289[0x2] - _0x1654e3[0x2]]; }
, VectorMultiply = function (_0x3e9fb4, _0x376682) { return [_0x3e9fb4[0x0] * _0x376682[0x0], _0x3e9fb4[0x1] * _0x376682[0x1], _0x3e9fb4[0x2] * _0x376682[0x2]]; }
, VectorLength = function (_0x1394eb, _0x47e4cd, _0x5b1aa6) { return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x1394eb * _0x1394eb + _0x47e4cd * _0x47e4cd + _0x5b1aa6 * _0x5b1aa6); }
, VectorNormalize = function (_0x42f5e6) { var _0x1cec14 = VectorLength(_0x42f5e6[0x0], _0x42f5e6[0x1], _0x42f5e6[0x2]); return [_0x42f5e6[0x0] / _0x1cec14, _0x42f5e6[0x1] / _0x1cec14, _0x42f5e6[0x2] / _0x1cec14]; }
, VectorDot = function (_0x3739a3, _0x19d666) { return _0x3739a3[0x0] * _0x19d666[0x0] + _0x3739a3[0x1] * _0x19d666[0x1] + _0x3739a3[0x2] * _0x19d666[0x2]; }
, VectorDistance = function (_0x5dce38, _0x43cf29) { return VectorLength(_0x5dce38[0x0] - _0x43cf29[0x0], _0x5dce38[0x1] - _0x43cf29[0x1], _0x5dce38[0x2] - _0x43cf29[0x2]); }
, ClosestPointOnRay = function (_0x508bcb, _0x515733, _0x39c1a5) { var _0x999c6a = VectorSubtract(_0x508bcb, _0x515733)
, _0x2bfdac = VectorSubtract(_0x39c1a5, _0x515733)
, _0x1ed870 = VectorLength(_0x2bfdac[0x0], _0x2bfdac[0x1], _0x2bfdac[0x2]);
_0x2bfdac = VectorNormalize(_0x2bfdac); var _0x3ecd48 = VectorDot(_0x2bfdac, _0x999c6a); if (_0x3ecd48 < 0x0) return _0x515733; if (_0x3ecd48 > _0x1ed870) return _0x39c1a5; return VectorAdd(_0x515733, VectorMultiply(_0x2bfdac, [_0x3ecd48, _0x3ecd48, _0x3ecd48])); }
, VectorAngles = function (_0x42fed4) { var _0x58aac8, _0x1d86a5, _0xd6a1ef, _0x10ab01; return _0x42fed4[0x1] == 0x0 && _0x42fed4[0x0] == 0x0 ? (_0xd6a1ef = 0x0, _0x42fed4[0x2] > 0x0 ? _0x10ab01 = 0x10e : _0x10ab01 = 0x5a) : (_0xd6a1ef = Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](_0x42fed4[0x1], _0x42fed4[0x0]) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]], _0xd6a1ef < 0x0 && (_0xd6a1ef += 0x168), _0x1d86a5 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x42fed4[0x0] * _0x42fed4[0x0] + _0x42fed4[0x1] * _0x42fed4[0x1]), _0x10ab01 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](-_0x42fed4[0x2], _0x1d86a5) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]], _0x10ab01 < 0x0 && (_0x10ab01 += 0x168)), x = _0x10ab01, y = _0xd6a1ef, z = 0x0, _0x58aac8 = [x, y, z], _0x58aac8; };
var lastHitTime = 0x0
, lastImpactTimes = [0x0]
, lastImpacts = [[0x0, 0x0, 0x0]];
const bruteforce = function () { var _0x45cc95 = _0x28e823; if (!UI[_0x45cc95(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x55])) return; var _0x33f621 = Global['Curtime'](); if (Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](lastHitTime - _0x33f621) < 0.5) return; var _0x5884ca = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x157)](Event[_0x45cc95(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f]))
, _0x534946 = [Event[_0x45cc95(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13e]), Event[_0x45cc95(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13f]), Event['GetFloat'](_0x4c5a[0x140]), _0x33f621]
, _0x255b18; if (Entity[_0x45cc95(0x9d)](_0x5884ca) && Entity['IsEnemy'](_0x5884ca)) { if (!Entity[_0x45cc95(0xab)](_0x5884ca)) _0x255b18 = Entity['GetEyePosition'](_0x5884ca);
else { if (Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] - _0x33f621) < 0.1) _0x255b18 = lastImpacts[_0x5884ca];
else { lastImpacts[_0x5884ca] = _0x534946, lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] = _0x33f621; return; } } var _0x56f9ab = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()
, _0x3ec0e3 = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x104)](_0x56f9ab)
, _0x46ef2a = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x20c)](_0x56f9ab, _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x141])
, _0x42828a = VectorMultiply(VectorAdd(_0x3ec0e3, _0x46ef2a), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
, _0x571ed6 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x42828a, _0x255b18, _0x534946)
, _0x6eab69 = VectorDistance(_0x42828a, _0x571ed6); if (_0x6eab69 < 0x55) { var _0x3b94fa = Local['GetRealYaw']()
, _0x44a0bd = Local[_0x45cc95(0xe2)]()
, _0xa00829 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x3ec0e3, _0x255b18, _0x534946)
, _0x3ca928 = VectorDistance(_0x3ec0e3, _0xa00829)
, _0x58ee21 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x46ef2a, _0x255b18, _0x534946)
, _0xb273cf = VectorDistance(_0x46ef2a, _0x58ee21)
, _0x31358f, _0x3dcfd7, _0x5cab67; if (_0x6eab69 < _0x3ca928 && _0x6eab69 < _0xb273cf) _0x31358f = _0x571ed6, _0x3dcfd7 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa + 0xb4, 0xa), _0x5cab67 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd + 0xb4, 0xa);
else { if (_0xb273cf < _0x3ca928) { _0x31358f = _0x58ee21; var _0x128d97 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa - 0x1e + 0x3c, 0xa)
, _0x2e1cb1 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa - 0x1e - 0x3c, 0xa)
, _0x4fc886 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd - 0x1e + 0x3c, 0xa)
, _0x322862 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd - 0x1e - 0x3c, 0xa);
VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x128d97) < VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x2e1cb1) ? _0x3dcfd7 = _0x128d97 : _0x3dcfd7 = _0x2e1cb1, VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x4fc886) < VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x322862) ? _0x5cab67 = _0x4fc886 : _0x5cab67 = _0x322862; } else _0x31358f = _0xa00829, _0x3dcfd7 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa, 0xa), _0x5cab67 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd, 0xa); } VectorDistance(_0x31358f, _0x5cab67) < VectorDistance(_0x31358f, _0x3dcfd7) && (lastHitTime = _0x33f621, UI['ToggleHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])); } lastImpacts[_0x5884ca] = _0x534946, lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] = _0x33f621; } };
var orig_atm = !![]
, oldTick = 0x0
, lastPressed = 0x0
, drawLeft = 0x0
, drawRight = 0x0
, drawOrig = 0x1
, leftPressed = ![]
, rightPressed = ![]
, OriginalActive = !![]
, old_slide = 0x0
, first_fakelag = !![]
, rightActive = ![]
, leftActive = ![]
, backActive = !![]
, orig_legit = !![]
, orig_jit = !![]
, orig_aa = !![]
, orig_ad = !![]
, orig_at = !![]
, flip_aa = ![]
, last = 0x0;
function _0x5d43(_0x5e32c3, _0x135236) { _0x5e32c3 = _0x5e32c3 - 0x9b; var _0x29287e = _0x2928[_0x5e32c3]; return _0x29287e; }
const antiaim = function () { var _0x1a9e73 = _0x28e823; const _0x309fda = Entity[_0x1a9e73(0x1c1)]()
, _0x4fa8a4 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f])
, _0x32f625 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x57])
, _0x3b9366 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4e])
, _0xfbb621 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4f])
, _0x393f2b = UI[_0x1a9e73(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58])
, _0x288b8e = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143]); var _0x5b0e34 = Globals[_0x1a9e73(0x20f)]() - Entity[_0x1a9e73(0x20c)](_0x309fda, _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x144]);
last > _0x5b0e34 && (flip_aa = !flip_aa), last = _0x5b0e34, UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x49]) ? (orig_aa && (yaw_offset = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145]), orig_aa = ![]), UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x0 && AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x0), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x1 && (!(_0x4fa8a4 && _0x32f625) && (r1 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x56]) ? get_velocity(_0x309fda) >= 0x1 ? flip_aa ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366 : _0x288b8e ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366 : _0x288b8e ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366, l1 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x56]) ? get_velocity(_0x309fda) >= 0x1 ? flip_aa ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621 : _0x288b8e ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621 : _0x288b8e ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621, AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim['SetFakeOffset'](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](r1), AntiAim['SetLBYOffset'](l1))), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x2 && (AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](flip_aa ? UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x50]) : -UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x50])), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b4)](0x0)), _0x4fa8a4 && _0x32f625 ? (orig_jit && (jit_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50]), orig_jit = ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](-0x14), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim['SetLBYOffset'](0x0)) : !orig_jit && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], jit_cache), orig_jit = !![]), _0x393f2b ? (orig_legit && (untrusted = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147]), pitch = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148]), attarget = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), yaw = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145]), jitter = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50]), manualaaa = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a]), orig_legit = ![]), AntiAim['SetOverride'](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](_0x288b8e ? -0x3c : 0x3c), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b4)](_0x288b8e ? 0x3c : -0x3c), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0xb4), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a], ![])) : !orig_legit && (UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147], untrusted), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148], pitch), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], attarget), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], yaw), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], jitter), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a], manualaaa), orig_legit = !![])) : (!orig_aa && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], yaw_offset), orig_aa = !![]), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x0)); }
, deg2rad = function (_0x4f8a41) { return _0x4f8a41 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; }
, angle_to_vec = function (_0x41b75c, _0x7da493) { var _0x5f5531 = deg2rad(_0x41b75c)
, _0x3bc74d = deg2rad(_0x7da493)
, _0x579f20 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x5f5531)
, _0x474ae4 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x5f5531)
, _0xb4420 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x3bc74d)
, _0x5cfd46 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x3bc74d); return [_0x474ae4 * _0x5cfd46, _0x474ae4 * _0xb4420, -_0x579f20]; }
, trace = function (_0x13fb04, _0x339cc9) { var _0x368b0a = _0x28e823
, _0x4ea7c4 = angle_to_vec(_0x339cc9[0x0], _0x339cc9[0x1])
, _0x5e549d = Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](_0x13fb04);
_0x5e549d[0x2] += 0x32; var _0x320b4b = [_0x5e549d[0x0] + _0x4ea7c4[0x0] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x1] + _0x4ea7c4[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x2] + _0x4ea7c4[0x2] * 0x2000]
, _0x353acf = Trace[_0x368b0a(0x1ce)](_0x13fb04, _0x5e549d, _0x320b4b); if (_0x353acf[0x1] == 0x1) return;
_0x320b4b = [_0x5e549d[0x0] + _0x4ea7c4[0x0] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x1] + _0x4ea7c4[0x1] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x2] + _0x4ea7c4[0x2] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000]; var _0x536f84 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]]((_0x5e549d[0x0] - _0x320b4b[0x0]) * (_0x5e549d[0x0] - _0x320b4b[0x0]) + (_0x5e549d[0x1] - _0x320b4b[0x1]) * (_0x5e549d[0x1] - _0x320b4b[0x1]) + (_0x5e549d[0x2] - _0x320b4b[0x2]) * (_0x5e549d[0x2] - _0x320b4b[0x2]));
_0x5e549d = Render[_0x368b0a(0x19f)](_0x5e549d), _0x320b4b = Render[_0x368b0a(0x19f)](_0x320b4b); if (_0x320b4b[0x2] != 0x1 || _0x5e549d[0x2] != 0x1) return; return _0x536f84; }
, freestand_desync = function () { var _0xb35f0d = _0x28e823
, _0x4ea7fa = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()
, _0x23a1f3 = UI[_0xb35f0d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x51]); if (UI[_0xb35f0d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x55])) return; if (UI[_0xb35f0d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58])) return; if (Entity[_0xb35f0d(0x9d)](_0x4ea7fa)) { var _0x2a2309 = UI[_0xb35f0d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])
, _0x4efb9b = Local[_0xb35f0d(0x107)]();
left_distance = trace(_0x4ea7fa, [0x0, _0x4efb9b[0x1] - 0x16]), right_distance = trace(_0x4ea7fa, [0x0, _0x4efb9b[0x1] + 0x16]), left_distance > right_distance && ((_0x23a1f3 == 0x2 ? !_0x2a2309 : _0x2a2309) && UI['ToggleHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])), right_distance > left_distance && ((_0x23a1f3 == 0x2 ? _0x2a2309 : !_0x2a2309) && UI[_0xb35f0d(0x1e3)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])); } }
, slidejit = function () { var _0x992002 = _0x28e823;
Globals['Tickcount']() - old_slide > 0x4 && (!UI[_0x992002(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b]) ? UI[_0x992002(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b], !![]) : UI[_0x992002(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b], ![]), old_slide = Globals[_0x992002(0x1bc)]()); }
, auto_dir_on_key = function (_0xe03664) { var _0x14361f = _0x28e823;
active = UI[_0x14361f(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0xe03664), active ? (orig_ad && (dir_cache = UI[_0x14361f(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]), orig_ad = ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], !![])) : !orig_ad && (UI[_0x14361f(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], dir_cache), orig_ad = !![]); }
, fakelag = function () { var _0x574dc6 = _0x28e823
, _0x1ac4b7 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](get_velocity(Entity[_0x574dc6(0x1c1)]()))
, _0x40efe1 = get_weapon() === _0x4c5a[0x10c]
, _0x4afe5c = _0x40efe1 && UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x5a])
, _0x1366af = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f])
, _0x347c01 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x62])
, _0xde70cf = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x63])
, _0x49cec0 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x64])
, _0x361f83 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x65])
, _0x1a0a08 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x66])
, _0x2fcde6 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x67])
, _0x417cea = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x68])
, _0x772204 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x69])
, _0x443294 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x60])
, _0x47e385 = _0x4afe5c ? 0x0 : _0x1ac4b7 <= 0x1 && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x347c01 : _0x1ac4b7 > 0xa && !_0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x49cec0 : local_inair() && !_0x4afe5c ? _0x1a0a08 : _0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x417cea : _0x4c5a[0x0]
, _0x4cc1d5 = _0x4afe5c ? 0x0 : _0x1ac4b7 <= 0x1 && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0xde70cf : _0x1ac4b7 > 0xa && !_0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x361f83 : local_inair() && !_0x4afe5c ? _0x2fcde6 : _0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x772204 : _0x4c5a[0x0];
first_fakelag && (limit = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac]), trigger_limit = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae]), first_fakelag = ![]), UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]) ? _0x443294 == 0x0 ? (UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], _0x47e385), UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], _0x4cc1d5)) : alt_fl(_0x47e385, _0x4cc1d5, 0x8) : !first_fakelag && (UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], limit), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], trigger_limit), first_fakelag = !![]); };
var cache_value_as = 0x0
, butracer = []
, pos = []
, impact = 0x0
, lasttime = 0x0
, original_as = !![]
, scope_a = 0x0
, alphak = 0x0
, alphas = 0x0
, value_arc = 0x0;
const pingenemy = function () { var _0x3e256a = _0x28e823; const _0x35569d = Entity['GetEnemies'](); for (i = 0x0; i < _0x35569d[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x3e256a(0x217)](_0x35569d[i])) { const _0x25c945 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity['GetProp'](_0x35569d[i], _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))[_0x3e256a(0x124)]()
, _0x4ad678 = Render[_0x3e256a(0x108)](_0x4c5a[0x139], 0x7, 0x64); var _0x385097 = Entity[_0x3e256a(0x18b)](_0x35569d[i])
, _0x47a75a = _0x385097[0x3] - _0x385097[0x1];
_0x47a75a /= 0x2, _0x47a75a += _0x385097[0x1]; var _0x3010cc = Entity[_0x3e256a(0xd5)](_0x35569d[i]) ? _0x4c5a[0x14e] : _0x25c945;!Entity[_0x3e256a(0xab)](_0x35569d[i]) && (Render['StringCustom'](_0x47a75a + 0x3, _0x385097[0x2] - 0x17, 0x1, _0x3010cc, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x4ad678), Render['StringCustom'](_0x47a75a + 0x2, _0x385097[0x2] - 0x18, 0x1, _0x3010cc, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x4ad678)); } } }
, aspectratio = function () { var _0x549a0a = _0x28e823;
menu_val = UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x93]), string_menu_val = menu_val[_0x549a0a(0x124)](), original_as && (hidcvars = UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x150]), aspect_cache = Convar[_0x549a0a(0xda)](_0x4c5a[0x151]), original_as = ![]), UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x92]) ? cache_value_as != string_menu_val && (cache_value_as = string_menu_val, Convar['SetString'](_0x4c5a[0x151], string_menu_val)) : !original_as && (UI[_0x549a0a(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x150], hidcvars), Convar[_0x549a0a(0x15e)](_0x4c5a[0x151], aspect_cache), original_as = !![]); }
, keybind = function () { var _0x2016a8 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) { const _0x1896e7 = auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d]) : pistols(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e]) : _0x4c5a[0x152]; var _0x1fe53a = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73])
, _0x3f63a1 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity[_0x2016a8(0x20c)](Entity[_0x2016a8(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))[_0x2016a8(0x124)]()
, _0x7d6ae0 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136])
, _0x3b58eb = Exploit[_0x2016a8(0x211)]()
, _0x4727c7 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x49])
, _0x380e24 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58])
, _0x20d0f7 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83])
, _0x4e1c8a = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139]
, _0x56659c = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7
, _0x4acea1 = Render[_0x2016a8(0x108)](_0x4e1c8a, _0x56659c, 0x64)
, _0x46953e = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x76])
, _0x3623cd = _0x46953e == 0x0 ? 0xf : 0xff
, _0x264dd4 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x30])
, _0x348f3d = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80])
, _0x42a4f7 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa4])
, _0x2069c0 = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa5])
, _0x1949be = [];
info_key = [[_0x4c5a[0x153], [_0x4c5a[0x154], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x155], _0x4c5a[0x156]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x158], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x3b58eb >= 0x1 ? _0x4c5a[0x157] : _0x7d6ae0 ? _0x4c5a[0x159] : _0x4c5a[0x15a]], [_0x4c5a[0xeb], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], _0x7d6ae0 ? _0x4c5a[0x159] : _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15b], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15c], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15d], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x15d]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15e], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15f], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2c]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x160], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2d]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x3f63a1 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x163], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x264dd4 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x164], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x1896e7 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x165], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x48]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x166], null, _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x136], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x5f], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x167], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x167]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0xee], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]], _0x4c5a[0x157]]]; for (var _0x4f276f in info_key) { bind = info_key[_0x4f276f][0x1], name = info_key[_0x4f276f][0x0], bind !== null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind) && _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4f276f), name == _0x4c5a[0x166] && _0x4727c7 && _0x380e24 && _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4f276f); } _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x0 || UI[_0x2016a8(0x1f7)]() ? alphak = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](alphak + 0xa * Globals[_0x2016a8(0x139)](), 0x1) : (alphak = alphak - 0xa * Globals['Frametime'](), alphak < 0x0 && (alphak = 0x0));
alp = _0x20d0f7[0x3] > 0x1e ? 0x1e : _0x20d0f7[0x3], h = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? _0x348f3d == 0x1 ? 0x4 : 0x2 : 0x2, h1 = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12, h2 = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x17 : 0x16, w = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0xa0 : 0x96;
_0x1fe53a == 0x0 && (Render['FilledRect'](_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0 + 0x15, w, 0x1 + _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7 + 0x1, _0x2069c0 + 0x16 + _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, 0x9e, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), _0x348f3d == 0x1 && (Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7 + w - 0x1, _0x2069c0 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp])));
adap_render(_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0, w, h1, alphak), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w / 0x2 - (Render[_0x2016a8(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16b], _0x4acea1)[0x0] / 0x2 - 0x1), _0x2069c0 + h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16b], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render['StringCustom'](_0x42a4f7 + w / 0x2 - Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x4c5a[0x16b], _0x4acea1)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x2069c0 + h, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16b], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1); for (var _0x5da28e in _0x1949be) { bind = _0x1949be[_0x5da28e], name = info_key[bind][0x0], state = info_key[bind][0x2], Render['StringCustom'](_0x42a4f7 + 0x5, _0x2069c0 + h2 + 0x1 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + 0x4, _0x2069c0 + h2 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w - Render[_0x2016a8(0xb3)](state, _0x4acea1)[0x0] - 0x2, _0x2069c0 + h2 + 0x1 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, state, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w - Render['TextSizeCustom'](state, _0x4acea1)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x2069c0 + h2 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, state, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1); } move(_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0, w, h1 + 0x2, _0x4c5a[0x16c]); } }
, spectators = function () { var _0x3aa8aa = _0x28e823; if (World[_0x3aa8aa(0x128)]() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) { var _0x31e2e8 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73])
, _0x39c217 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83])
, _0x1222af = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139]
, _0xc3675e = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7
, _0x5c768e = Render['AddFont'](_0x1222af, _0xc3675e, 0x64)
, _0x487d82 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x76])
, _0x5d9357 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80])
, _0x524813 = _0x487d82 == 0x0 ? 0xf : 0xff
, _0x47412c = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa6])
, _0x1b23c7 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa7]);
spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x0 || UI['IsMenuOpen']() ? alphas = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](alphas + 0x8 * Globals['Frametime'](), 0x1) : (alphas = alphas - 0x8 * Globals[_0x3aa8aa(0x139)](), alphas < 0x0 && (alphas = 0x0));
alp = _0x39c217[0x3] > 0x1e ? 0x1e : _0x39c217[0x3], h = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? _0x5d9357 == 0x1 ? 0x4 : 0x2 : 0x2, h1 = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12, h2 = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x17 : 0x16, w = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0xa0 : 0x96;
_0x31e2e8 == 0x0 && (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7 + 0x15, w, 0x1 + spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c + 0x1, _0x1b23c7 + 0x16 + spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, 0x9e, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), _0x5d9357 == 0x1 && (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c + w - 0x1, _0x1b23c7 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp])));
adap_render(_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7, w, h1, alphas), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w / 0x2 - (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16d], _0x5c768e)[0x0] / 0x2 - 0x1), _0x1b23c7 + h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16d], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w / 0x2 - Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16d], _0x5c768e)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x1b23c7 + h, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16d], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e); for (g = 0x0; g < spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; g++) { name = spec[g], Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + 0x5, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + 0x1 + g * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + 0x4, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + g * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w - Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16e], _0x5c768e)[0x0] - 0x2, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + 0x1 + g * 0x11, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16e], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w - Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x4c5a[0x16e], _0x5c768e)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + g * 0x11, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16e], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e); } move(_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7, w, h2 + 0x2, _0x4c5a[0x16f]); } }
, watermark = function () { var _0x5b2f68 = _0x28e823
, _0x3840ac = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73])
, _0x5f0e3b = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity['GetProp'](Entity[_0x5b2f68(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))['toString']()
, _0x31767c = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80])
, _0x8e85b7 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139]
, _0x4680d0 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7
, _0x6ce229 = Render[_0x5b2f68(0x108)](_0x8e85b7, _0x4680d0, 0x64)
, _0x5b02fa = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x89])
, _0x219d0b = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xda)](_0x4c5a[0x8a])
, _0x2ff1e0 = _0x5b02fa ? _0x219d0b : Cheat['GetUsername']()
, _0x3ac255 = new Date()
, _0x4897f5 = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]()
, _0x12387f = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]()
, _0x33fae2 = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]()
, _0x12c3da = _0x4897f5 <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174]
, _0x856625 = _0x12387f <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174]
, _0x18c7b9 = _0x33fae2 <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]() : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]()
, _0x1ac933 = _0x4c5a[0x175] + _0x2ff1e0 + _0x4c5a[0x176] + _0x12c3da + _0x856625 + _0x18c7b9;
World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && (_0x1ac933 += _0x4c5a[0x177] + _0x5f0e3b + _0x4c5a[0x178]);
h = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? _0x31767c == 0x1 ? 0xb : 0x8 : 0x8, h1 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12; var _0x459278 = Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x1ac933, _0x6ce229)[0x0] + 0xa
, _0x4cd1ab = Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x0];
_0x4cd1ab = _0x4cd1ab - _0x459278 - 0xa, adap_render(_0x4cd1ab, 0x6, _0x459278 - 0x1, h1, 0x1), Render[_0x5b2f68(0x13a)](_0x4cd1ab + 0x6, h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x1ac933, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8], _0x6ce229), Render[_0x5b2f68(0x13a)](_0x4cd1ab + 0x5, h, 0x0, _0x1ac933, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x6ce229); }
, sk33t_ind = function () { var _0x3e28b5 = _0x28e823; const _0x293e16 = auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d]) : pistols(get_weapon()) ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e]) : _0x4c5a[0x179]
, _0x209a7c = UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x30])
, _0x2c6683 = Render[_0x3e28b5(0x108)](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x12, 0x320)
, _0x8e72a4 = Exploit[_0x3e28b5(0x211)]()
, _0x41f586 = screen_size[0x1] / 1.523; var _0x52cbb9 = []
, _0x45da89 = get_velocity(Entity[_0x3e28b5(0x1c1)]()) > 0x127 ? [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff] : [0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff];
skeet_info = [[_0x4c5a[0x17a], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x17b], null, _0x45da89], [_0x4c5a[0x17c], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x17d] + _0x209a7c, [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]], [0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xff]], [_0x293e16 != _0x4c5a[0x179] ? _0x4c5a[0x17e] + _0x293e16 : _0x4c5a[0x17f], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], [0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x180], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x181], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x8e72a4 >= 0x1 ? [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] : [0xd2, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x182], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x183], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], [0xbf, 0xab, 0x15, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x184], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], [0x32, 0x88, 0xd9, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x185], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x186], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x187], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]]]; for (var _0x5e3b88 in skeet_info) { bind = skeet_info[_0x5e3b88][0x1], name = skeet_info[_0x5e3b88][0x0], bind != null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17a] && UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17b] && local_inair() && get_velocity(Entity[_0x3e28b5(0x1c1)]()) > 0xf8 && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17c] && UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x188]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x186] && UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88); } Render[_0x4c5a[0x189]] = function (_0x3dbf3a, _0x528d4f, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, _0x5aef1a, _0x9fa7f2) { var _0x7b2c08 = _0x3e28b5;
width = Render[_0x7b2c08(0xb3)](_0x4b7904, _0x9fa7f2)[0x0], height = Render[_0x7b2c08(0xb3)](_0x4b7904, _0x9fa7f2)[0x1], Render[_0x7b2c08(0x133)](_0x3dbf3a - 0x7, _0x528d4f, width / 0x2, height + 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41]), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x133)](_0x3dbf3a - 0x7 + width / 0x2, _0x528d4f, width / 0x2, height + 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x13a)](_0x3dbf3a + 0x1, _0x528d4f + 0x1, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x64], _0x9fa7f2), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x13a)](_0x3dbf3a, _0x528d4f, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, _0x5aef1a, _0x9fa7f2); }; for (var _0x555455 in _0x52cbb9) { bind = _0x52cbb9[_0x555455], name = skeet_info[bind][0x0], color = skeet_info[bind][0x2], Render[_0x3e28b5(0x205)](0xf, _0x41f586 - 0x22 * _0x555455, 0x0, name, color, _0x2c6683); } }
, get_line = function () { var _0x35befb = _0x28e823;
pos[_0x4c5a[0x18a]](Entity[_0x35befb(0xa8)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())), pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x37 && pos[_0x4c5a[0x18b]](); }
, draw_line = function () { var _0x5bab26 = _0x28e823;!Entity[_0x5bab26(0x217)](Entity[_0x5bab26(0x1c1)]()) && (pos = []); if (Entity[_0x5bab26(0x217)](Entity[_0x5bab26(0x1c1)]())) { var _0x547c27 = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x90])
, _0x4591ca = !![]
, _0x5d20e6 = []; if (pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1)
for (i in pos) { var _0x5b3ce2 = Render[_0x5bab26(0x19f)](pos[i]); const _0x106da0 = pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1 ? [_0x547c27[0x0], _0x547c27[0x1], _0x547c27[0x2], 0xff] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
, _0x1cb3c5 = pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1 ? [_0x547c27[0x0], _0x547c27[0x1], _0x547c27[0x2], 0x64] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0];!_0x4591ca && (Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x106da0), Render['Line'](_0x5b3ce2[0x0] - 0x1, _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0] - 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0] + 0x1, _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0] + 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1] + 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1] + 0x1, _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1] - 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1] - 0x1, _0x1cb3c5)), _0x4591ca = ![], _0x5d20e6 = _0x5b3ce2; } } }
, ind_near_cross = function () { var _0x379d0c = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && Entity['IsAlive'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) { var _0x37f5b8 = Local[_0x379d0c(0x129)]()
, _0x3d28ca = Local[_0x379d0c(0xe2)]()
, _0x4df141 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](_0x37f5b8 - _0x3d28ca) / 0x2, 0x3c)[_0x4c5a[0x18c]](0x1)
, _0x4b1644 = UI[_0x379d0c(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2])
, _0x2dfd1b = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x49])
, _0x2d78b5 = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x4a])
, _0x14349f = UI[_0x379d0c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136])
, _0x1fd0b3 = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f])
, _0x5411bb = UI[_0x379d0c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58])
, _0x305fe2 = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x57])
, _0x4c40df = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x8, 0x64)
, _0x383db2 = screen_size[0x0]
, _0x3d6bf0 = screen_size[0x1]
, _0x1b452d = Exploit[_0x379d0c(0x211)]()
, _0x4c617b = [];
Render[_0x4c5a[0x18d]] = function (_0x198971, _0x303678, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, _0x508450, _0x28a541) { var _0x144729 = _0x379d0c;
UI[_0x144729(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x97]) == 0x0 ? (Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render['StringCustom'](_0x198971 - 0x1, _0x303678 - 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 - 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 - 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541)) : (Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render['StringCustom'](_0x198971, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541)), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971, _0x303678, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, _0x508450, _0x28a541); }, info_ind = [[_0x4c5a[0x18e], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x18f], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x190], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x191], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x192], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x14349f ? _0x4c5a[0x193] : _0x4c5a[0x181], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x1b452d >= 0x1 ? [0x8e, 0xbd, 0x39, 0xff] : [0xc7, 0x8, 0x8, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x194], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], [0xc4, 0xbb, 0x2, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x195], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], [0xbf, 0x81, 0x4e, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x196], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], [0x74, 0x9f, 0xdb, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x197], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], [0xc6, 0xc6, 0xc6, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x180], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], [0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x198], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], [0x9e, 0x97, 0x2, 0xff]]]; for (var _0x2fc8a1 in info_ind) { bind_path = info_ind[_0x2fc8a1][0x1], bind_name = info_ind[_0x2fc8a1][0x0], bind_path !== null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind_path) && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x18e] && (_0x2d78b5 == 0x0 && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb || !_0x2dfd1b) && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x18f] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x2d78b5 !== 0x0 && _0x2d78b5 == 0x1) && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x190] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x2d78b5 !== 0x0 && _0x2d78b5 == 0x2) && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x191] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x192] && _0x2dfd1b && _0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1); } for (var _0x41e669 in _0x4c617b) { bind = _0x4c617b[_0x41e669], name = info_ind[bind][0x0], color = info_ind[bind][0x2], Render[_0x379d0c(0x1c2)](_0x383db2 / 0x2, _0x3d6bf0 / 0x2 + 0x1e + _0x41e669 * 0xa, 0x1, name, color, _0x4c40df); } } }
, manual_arrows = function () { var _0x14caf5 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && Entity[_0x14caf5(0x217)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) { var _0x58835e = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2])
, _0x3c7d91 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x12, 0x320)
, _0x39a1e7 = screen_size[0x0]
, _0x30cdbc = screen_size[0x1];
active = [_0x58835e[0x0], _0x58835e[0x1], _0x58835e[0x2], 0xff], notactive = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, _0x58835e[0x3]], Render[_0x14caf5(0x13a)](_0x39a1e7 / 0x2 + 0x2d, _0x30cdbc / 0x2 - 0x10, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x199], drawRight ? active : notactive, _0x3c7d91), Render['StringCustom'](_0x39a1e7 / 0x2 - 0x38, _0x30cdbc / 0x2 - 0x10, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x19a], drawLeft ? active : notactive, _0x3c7d91); } }
, clantag = function () { var _0x2d9a8a = _0x28e823
, _0x17e56e = UI[_0x2d9a8a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9b])
, _0x15929b = parseInt(Globals[_0x2d9a8a(0x20f)]() * 1.6); if (_0x15929b != lasttime) { if (_0x17e56e) switch (_0x15929b % 0x16) {
case 0x1: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x0]); break; }
case 0x2: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19b]); break; }
case 0x3: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19c]); break; }
case 0x4: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19d]); break; }
case 0x5: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19e]); break; }
case 0x6: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19f]); break; }
case 0x7: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a0]); break; }
case 0x8: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a1]); break; }
case 0x9: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a2]); break; }
case 0xa: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; }
case 0xb: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; }
case 0xc: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; }
case 0xd: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a2]); break; }
case 0xe: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a1]); break; }
case 0xf: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a0]); break; }
case 0x10: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19f]); break; }
case 0x11: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19e]); break; }
case 0x12: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19d]); break; }
case 0x13: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19c]); break; }
case 0x14: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19b]); break; }
case 0x15: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x0]); break; } } } lasttime = _0x15929b; }
, tracer = function (_0x2cfb4e, _0x3dd0bf, _0x30976f, _0x246c7d) { this[_0x4c5a[0x1a4]] = _0x2cfb4e, this[_0x4c5a[0x1a5]] = _0x3dd0bf, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x30976f, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0x246c7d; }
, BulletImpactcm = function () { var _0x236ab5 = _0x28e823; if (Globals[_0x236ab5(0x1bc)]() > impact) { if (Entity['GetEntityFromUserID'](Event[_0x236ab5(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f])) == Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()) { var _0x187ffe = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13e])
, _0x4c862e = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13f])
, _0x5de730 = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x140]);
local = Entity[_0x236ab5(0x1c1)](); var _0x52897f = [_0x187ffe, _0x4c862e, _0x5de730]
, _0x56be6d = Entity[_0x236ab5(0xaf)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), 0x0);
butracer[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new tracer(_0x56be6d, _0x52897f, 0x0, Globals['Tickcount']())), impact = Globals[_0x236ab5(0x1bc)](); } } }
, bullet_tracer = function () { var _0x279e44 = _0x28e823;!UI[_0x279e44(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8c]) && (butracer = []); var _0x2ea7a1 = UI[_0x279e44(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8d])
, _0x3dd29f = UI[_0x279e44(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0x8e]); for (i in butracer) { var _0x2b753d = Render[_0x279e44(0x210)]()
, _0x54df98 = Render[_0x279e44(0x19f)](butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]])
, _0x25ec50 = Render[_0x279e44(0x19f)](butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a5]]);
currenteye = Entity[_0x279e44(0xaf)](Entity[_0x279e44(0x1c1)](), 0x0); var _0x3aa6f6 = currenteye[0x0] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x0]
, _0x468352 = currenteye[0x1] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x1]
, _0x2f93f3 = currenteye[0x2] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x2]
, _0x19421c = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x3aa6f6 * _0x3aa6f6 + _0x468352 * _0x468352 + _0x2f93f3 * _0x2f93f3);
Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x2, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x2, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x6, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render['Line'](_0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x6, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), _0x54df98[0x2] === 0x1 && Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x54df98[0x0], _0x54df98[0x1], _0x25ec50[0x0], _0x25ec50[0x1], [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + _0x2ea7a1 > Globals['Tickcount']() && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x279e44(0x139)]() * 0x2bc), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + _0x2ea7a1 < Globals['Tickcount']() && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals['Frametime']() * 0x28a), (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 || 0x8 < butracer[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]) && butracer[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } }
, scope_lines = function () { var _0x52089b = _0x28e823
, _0x1b4515 = Entity[_0x52089b(0x20c)](Entity[_0x52089b(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0x10d])
, _0x4d109f = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x9e])
, _0x4138df = UI[_0x52089b(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x9f])
, _0x413867 = UI[_0x52089b(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa0])
, _0x101ba5 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa1]);
_0x1b4515 && Entity[_0x52089b(0x217)](Entity[_0x52089b(0x1c1)]()) && (Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x101ba5 + 0x1, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2, _0x413867, 0x1, 0x1, _0x4d109f, _0x4138df), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 - _0x101ba5 - _0x413867, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2, _0x413867, 0x1, 0x1, _0x4138df, _0x4d109f), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0x101ba5 + 0x1, 0x1, _0x413867, 0x0, _0x4d109f, _0x4138df), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 - _0x101ba5 - _0x413867, 0x1, _0x413867, 0x0, _0x4138df, _0x4d109f)); }
, preset = function () { var _0x214afe = _0x28e823;
UI[_0x214afe(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa3]) && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6f], 0x5), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x73], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x79], 0x0), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83], [0x85, 0xa2, 0xcf, 0x89]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x88], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8b], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8c], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], 0xbe), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x8e], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x91], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x92], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x93], 1.1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x94], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x95], 0x68), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x96], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x97], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2], [0x85, 0xa2, 0xcf, 0x32]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xa5], 0x171), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], 0x10b), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x49], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x57], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x59], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x5a], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x60], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x62], 0xa), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x63], 0xa), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x64], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x65], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x66], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x67], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x68], 0xc), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x69], 0xc), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6b], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x27], 0x3), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x2a], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x39], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], 0xc), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], 0xa), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3c], 0x6), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], 0x65), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3e], 0x3), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x1a6], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x40], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x41], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x42], 0xb), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x43], 0x32), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x44], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x45], 0x37), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x46], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x47], 0x118), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa3], ![])); }
, create_move = function () { var _0x1589c1 = _0x28e823; const _0x1a2782 = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6c])
, _0x3b66fa = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6e])
, _0x32f2d2 = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6d]);
UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x156]) && (UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x156]) && (UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]) && dormant_aim()));
UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]) && mindmg_override();
UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]) && hitchance(UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x30])); var _0x292442 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x40]) ? dt_recharge_boost() : Exploit[_0x1589c1(0xb4)]();
UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x41]) && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x109] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10a]) && noscopehitchance(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x44]) && local_inair() && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c]) && hitchance(UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x45])), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6b]) && (_0x1a2782 && leftPressed == ![] ? (orig_atm && (at_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), orig_atm = ![]), lastPressed = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)](), OriginalActive = ![], drawLeft = 0x1, drawOrig = 0x0, drawRight = 0x0, leftPressed = !![], rightPressed = ![], UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], -0x5a), UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], 0x0)) : _0x1a2782 && leftPressed == !![] && Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]() > lastPressed + 0x10 && (OriginalActive = !![], oldTick = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]()), _0x3b66fa && rightPressed == ![] ? (orig_atm && (at_cache = UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), orig_atm = ![]), lastPressed = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)](), OriginalActive = ![], drawLeft = 0x0, drawOrig = 0x0, drawRight = 0x1, leftPressed = ![], rightPressed = !![], UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0x5a), UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], 0x0)) : _0x3b66fa && rightPressed == !![] && Global['Tickcount']() > lastPressed + 0x10 && (OriginalActive = !![], oldTick = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]()), (OriginalActive || _0x32f2d2) && (Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]() > oldTick + 0x10 && (rightPressed = ![], leftPressed = ![], oldTick = Global['Tickcount']()), drawLeft = 0x0, drawOrig = 0x1, drawRight = 0x0, UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0x0), !orig_atm && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], at_cache), orig_atm = !![]))), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]) && get_line(), auto_dir_on_key(_0x4c5a[0x48]), antiaim(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x51]) !== 0x0 && Entity['IsAlive'](Entity[_0x1589c1(0x1c1)]()) && UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) !== 0x2 && freestand_desync(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]) && fakelag(); }
, draw = function () { var _0x16c71d = _0x28e823;
UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x46]) && UI[_0x16c71d(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x1a7], UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x47])), UI[_0x16c71d(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x188], UI[_0x16c71d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2d])), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x3f]) && dtpeekhelper(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6a]) && slidejit(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && keybind(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && spectators(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && watermark(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x88]) && sk33t_ind(), bullet_tracer(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]) && draw_line(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x91]) && pingenemy(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x94]) && UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x1a8], _0x4c5a[0x1a9], _0x4c5a[0x1aa], _0x4c5a[0x94], UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x95])), aspectratio(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]) && scope_lines(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x9a]) && manual_arrows(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x96]) && ind_near_cross(), preset(), dmg_draw(), clantag(), logdraw(), hide(); }
, reset_on_roundstart = function () { old_slide = 0x0, tickcount_fl = 0x0, spec = [], butracer = [], logs = [], hlogs = [], pos = [], Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xde]); }
, reset_on_offline = function () { var _0x35a0c6 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) return;
spec = [], butracer = [], logs = [], hlogs = [], pos = [], Cheat[_0x35a0c6(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xde]); }
, unload = function () { var _0x1cdef0 = _0x28e823;
AntiAim[_0x1cdef0(0x18c)](0x0), Exploit[_0x1cdef0(0xb4)](), aspectratio(), Convar[_0x1cdef0(0x15e)](_0x4c5a[0x151], aspect_cache), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat[_0x1cdef0(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xde]); }
, player_connect = function () { var _0x2dee4b = _0x28e823;
lastPressed = Global[_0x2dee4b(0x1bc)](), oldTick = Global[_0x2dee4b(0x1bc)](); };
Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ab], _0x4c5a[0x1ac]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ad], _0x4c5a[0x1ae]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1af], _0x4c5a[0x1b0]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1af], _0x4c5a[0x1b1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b2], _0x4c5a[0x1b3]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b4], _0x4c5a[0x1b5]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b6], _0x4c5a[0x1b7]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b8], _0x4c5a[0x1b9]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ba], _0x4c5a[0x1bb]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ab], _0x4c5a[0x1bc]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b6], _0x4c5a[0x1bd]);
спасибоJavaScript:var _0x28e823 = _0x5d43; (function (_0x43b942, _0x1ae81b) { var _0x1f2246 = _0x5d43; while (!![]) { try { var _0x1dbb47 = -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1d9)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x120)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1b1)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x215)) + parseInt(_0x1f2246(0xf8)) * parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x11d)) + -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x1c9)) + -parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x12c)) * parseInt(_0x1f2246(0x180)); if (_0x1dbb47 === _0x1ae81b) break; else _0x43b942['push'](_0x43b942['shift']()); } catch (_0x36c917) { _0x43b942['push'](_0x43b942['shift']()); } } }(_0x2928, 0x56f09)); var _0x4c5a = ['', '\x0a', _0x28e823(0x19d), '█ █▀▀█ █▀▀▀ █▄▄▀ █▄▄▀ █▄▄▄█ ', _0x28e823(0x123), ' ', _0x28e823(0xdf), '</> Creator this JS: seize.#6235', _0x28e823(0x1ed), _0x28e823(0x116), _0x28e823(0x14d), _0x28e823(0xf0), _0x28e823(0x1d6), _0x28e823(0x16e), ' </> Added and Improved Dormant aimbot', _0x28e823(0x173), _0x28e823(0x1f5), _0x28e823(0x191), _0x28e823(0x192), ' </> Added Sk33t indicator\'s', _0x28e823(0x199), _0x28e823(0x12d), _0x28e823(0x12f), _0x28e823(0xb8), _0x28e823(0x162), ' </> Redesign indicators near crosshair', ' </> Improved animation logs', _0x28e823(0x109), _0x28e823(0x1ae), _0x28e823(0x164), _0x28e823(0xed), _0x28e823(0x113), _0x28e823(0x169), _0x28e823(0x1a3), _0x28e823(0xf7), 'Tabs', _0x28e823(0x118), _0x28e823(0x114), _0x28e823(0x20d), _0x28e823(0x127), 'Hits', _0x28e823(0xd9), 'Hitlogs under crosshair', _0x28e823(0x1fc), _0x28e823(0x13e), 'Ping spike key', _0x28e823(0x155), _0x28e823(0x183), _0x28e823(0x1aa), _0x28e823(0x1bb), 'Hide', _0x28e823(0xa3), 'AWP', _0x28e823(0x14e), 'Deagle', _0x28e823(0x214), 'Pistols', _0x28e823(0x126), '[AWP] Min. Damage value', _0x28e823(0x142), _0x28e823(0x15d), _0x28e823(0x1c0), _0x28e823(0x1d1), _0x28e823(0x207), _0x28e823(0x1bd), _0x28e823(0x218), 'Distance [Meters]', _0x28e823(0x11f), '[Scout / R8] Hitchance in air', _0x28e823(0x161), _0x28e823(0x10d), 'Strafer value', _0x28e823(0x1fe), _0x28e823(0xa0), 'Type body yaw', 'Default', 'Custom', _0x28e823(0xfb), 'Real offset', _0x28e823(0xca), _0x28e823(0xcb), _0x28e823(0x1f4), _0x28e823(0x188), _0x28e823(0xe3), _0x28e823(0x12e), 'Anti bruteforce', _0x28e823(0x18d), _0x28e823(0x1a5), 'Legit AA key', _0x28e823(0xc1), 'Disable fakelags on revolver', _0x28e823(0x182), _0x28e823(0xa2), _0x28e823(0x1c4), 'Air', _0x28e823(0xf3), _0x28e823(0xfc), _0x28e823(0xd3), _0x28e823(0x121), _0x28e823(0x14a), _0x28e823(0x1fd), 'Move Trigger Limit', 'Air Limit', _0x28e823(0x144), _0x28e823(0x1e4), _0x28e823(0x176), 'Slide jitter', 'Manual direction', _0x28e823(0xd8), 'Back dir.', _0x28e823(0xc6), _0x28e823(0x167), 'Keybinds', 'Spectators', 'Watermark', _0x28e823(0x17e), 'Cherry', _0x28e823(0x10f), 'Background theme', _0x28e823(0xd4), _0x28e823(0x153), 'Style line', _0x28e823(0xbd), 'Fade', _0x28e823(0x137), _0x28e823(0xce), _0x28e823(0xa5), _0x28e823(0xef), _0x28e823(0x166), _0x28e823(0x15c), _0x28e823(0xa7), _0x28e823(0xf1), _0x28e823(0x9b), _0x28e823(0x219), _0x28e823(0x16b), 'Gradient color 3', _0x28e823(0xec), _0x28e823(0x141), _0x28e823(0x1cc), _0x28e823(0x1af), _0x28e823(0x213), _0x28e823(0x1b5), 'Color bullet tracer', 'Local tracer', _0x28e823(0x140), 'Show ping enemy near esp', _0x28e823(0x146), 'Aspect ratio value', _0x28e823(0x1df), _0x28e823(0x1ff), _0x28e823(0x1b3), _0x28e823(0x1b0), _0x28e823(0x1cd), _0x28e823(0x122), _0x28e823(0x1b2), _0x28e823(0xdc), _0x28e823(0x1a7), _0x28e823(0xc5), _0x28e823(0x1b8), _0x28e823(0x209), _0x28e823(0x184), _0x28e823(0x1d0), _0x28e823(0x172), _0x28e823(0xf2), _0x28e823(0x1a6), _0x28e823(0x16a), _0x28e823(0xe5), _0x28e823(0xd2), _0x28e823(0xd1), 'Local marker', _0x28e823(0xee), 'Fake-Lag', _0x28e823(0x1a9), _0x28e823(0x20b), 'Trigger limit', _0x28e823(0xeb), 'm_vecVelocity[0]', _0x28e823(0x200), _0x28e823(0x156), _0x28e823(0x1d8), 'm_hGroundEntity', _0x28e823(0x115), '_x', '_y', 'round', 'g', 'b', 'r', _0x28e823(0xe1), _0x28e823(0xe6), 'substr', _0x28e823(0x1db), _0x28e823(0xba), 'icon', 'text', _0x28e823(0xb9), _0x28e823(0x1f0), 'color', _0x28e823(0x10e), _0x28e823(0x1ab), _0x28e823(0x135), _0x28e823(0xe8), 'Text', _0x28e823(0x131), 'TargetLoc', _0x28e823(0x1a1), _0x28e823(0x1e5), _0x28e823(0x206), 'stomach', _0x28e823(0x168), _0x28e823(0x171), 'left leg', 'right leg', _0x28e823(0x189), _0x28e823(0x185), 'PI', _0x28e823(0xac), _0x28e823(0x130), _0x28e823(0x1f6), _0x28e823(0xbf), '+speed', '-attack', _0x28e823(0x1eb), _0x28e823(0x197), 'GENERAL', _0x28e823(0xe7), 'Force body aim', _0x28e823(0x1cb), _0x28e823(0xfd), _0x28e823(0x1f1), _0x28e823(0xbe), _0x28e823(0x100), 'AUTOSNIPER', _0x28e823(0x148), _0x28e823(0x1fb), 'Hide shots', 'Misc', _0x28e823(0x105), 'Auto peek', _0x28e823(0x216), _0x28e823(0x158), _0x28e823(0x11b), _0x28e823(0x1e2), _0x28e823(0x1ac), _0x28e823(0x1c3), _0x28e823(0x1a8), _0x28e823(0xa1), _0x28e823(0x150), _0x28e823(0x19e), _0x28e823(0x20a), _0x28e823(0x1be), _0x28e823(0x1c6), 'm_flNextAttack', _0x28e823(0x152), _0x28e823(0xcf), 'Disable', _0x28e823(0x163), _0x28e823(0x9f), _0x28e823(0x132), _0x28e823(0x1ee), _0x28e823(0x1ef), _0x28e823(0xc9), _0x28e823(0xcc), _0x28e823(0xb0), 'p250', _0x28e823(0x190), _0x28e823(0x117), 'desert eagle', _0x28e823(0x203), _0x28e823(0x1a4), _0x28e823(0xc8), _0x28e823(0xd7), 'attacker', _0x28e823(0xae), ' in the ', _0x28e823(0x1a2), _0x28e823(0x19a), _0x28e823(0x20e), ' damage (', _0x28e823(0x187), _0x28e823(0x125), ' ', ' -', ' (', ')', '!', _0x28e823(0x12a), _0x28e823(0x145), _0x28e823(0x13f), _0x28e823(0x16f), _0x28e823(0x11e), _0x28e823(0x212), 'replace', _0x28e823(0x110), 'assaultsuit', _0x28e823(0xc0), 'incgrenade', _0x28e823(0x15b), _0x28e823(0x147), _0x28e823(0x1ea), _0x28e823(0x154), _0x28e823(0x17b), '1', '2', _0x28e823(0x202), '3', '4', '5', '6', _0x28e823(0x1f8), 'Fake duck', '7', 'shift', _0x28e823(0x1bf), 'abs', _0x28e823(0x204), _0x28e823(0xb2), _0x28e823(0x16c), 'x', 'y', 'z', 'm_vecOrigin', 'Fake angles', 'Inverter', _0x28e823(0x9c), _0x28e823(0x103), _0x28e823(0x1d2), _0x28e823(0xde), _0x28e823(0x15f), _0x28e823(0x1f2), _0x28e823(0x138), _0x28e823(0x186), _0x28e823(0xf6), _0x28e823(0xcd), _0x28e823(0xb6), 'Miscellaneous', _0x28e823(0x19b), _0x28e823(0x19c), _0x28e823(0xa6), _0x28e823(0x17f), 'Legit', _0x28e823(0xaa), 'Enabled', _0x28e823(0xfe), _0x28e823(0xc7), _0x28e823(0x10a), '[charge]', _0x28e823(0x193), 'Body aim', _0x28e823(0x1d7), _0x28e823(0x1b6), _0x28e823(0x1cf), _0x28e823(0xc3), '[', ']', _0x28e823(0xbc), 'Minimum damage', 'Freestand', _0x28e823(0xa9), _0x28e823(0xb5), _0x28e823(0x165), _0x28e823(0x196), _0x28e823(0x143), _0x28e823(0x194), 'k', 'spectators', '[watching]', 's', _0x28e823(0x1e7), _0x28e823(0x1c5), _0x28e823(0xd0), '0', ':', 'gamesense [alpha] | ', _0x28e823(0x10b), ' | latency: ', _0x28e823(0x17a), 'none', 'AT', 'LC', _0x28e823(0x1d4), 'Accuracy: ', _0x28e823(0x1a0), _0x28e823(0x1da), 'DA', 'DT', 'ONSHOT', _0x28e823(0x1e0), 'BAIM', 'DUCK', 'AD', 'AP', _0x28e823(0x112), _0x28e823(0x205), _0x28e823(0x178), _0x28e823(0xfa), _0x28e823(0x17c), _0x28e823(0x1c2), _0x28e823(0x13b), _0x28e823(0xb1), _0x28e823(0xc2), _0x28e823(0x18a), _0x28e823(0x175), _0x28e823(0x177), _0x28e823(0x14b), _0x28e823(0x1ad), _0x28e823(0xc4), _0x28e823(0x1b7), 'FD', '>', '<', 'c', 'ch', _0x28e823(0xe9), _0x28e823(0xa4), _0x28e823(0x15a), _0x28e823(0x12b), _0x28e823(0x136), _0x28e823(0x13d), _0x28e823(0x18f), 'eyepos', 'position', '[Scout / AWP] dt peek helper', 'Turn speed', _0x28e823(0x181), 'WORLD', _0x28e823(0xe4), _0x28e823(0x14c), _0x28e823(0x1ba), _0x28e823(0x1fa), 'unload', _0x28e823(0xf5), _0x28e823(0x201), _0x28e823(0x1e9), _0x28e823(0x198), _0x28e823(0x119), 'CreateMove', _0x28e823(0x101), _0x28e823(0x208), _0x28e823(0x11a), _0x28e823(0x134), _0x28e823(0x102), 'round_start', _0x28e823(0x111), _0x28e823(0x1e8), _0x28e823(0x1dc)]; Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x2] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x3] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x4] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x6] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x7] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x8] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x9] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xa] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xb] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xc] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xd] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xe] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0xf] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x10] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x5] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x12] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x13] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x14] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x15] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x16] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x17] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x18] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x19] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1a] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1b] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1c] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1d] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1e] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x1f] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x20] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x21] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1e6)]([0xc8, 0xe1, 0x0, 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x0] + _0x4c5a[0x1]), main_ui = function () { var _0x5c120f = _0x28e823; UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x0]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x22]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x23], [_0x4c5a[0x24], _0x4c5a[0x25], _0x4c5a[0x26]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1ec)](_0x4c5a[0x27], [_0x4c5a[0x28], _0x4c5a[0x29]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x2a]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2b]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x2c]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2d]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x2e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x2f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x30], 0x1, 0x64), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x31], [_0x4c5a[0x32], _0x4c5a[0x33], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0x35], _0x4c5a[0x36], _0x4c5a[0x37], _0x4c5a[0x38]]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x39], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], 0x1, 0x82), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x3c], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], 0x1, 0x82), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x3e], 0x1, 0x82), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x3f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x40]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x41]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x42], 0x1, 0x1e), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x43], 0x1, 0x64), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x44]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x45], 0x1, 0x64), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x46]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x47], 0x1, 0x190), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x48]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x49]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x4a], [_0x4c5a[0x4b], _0x4c5a[0x4c], _0x4c5a[0x4d]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x4e], 0x0, 0x3c), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x4f], 0x0, 0x3c), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0, 0x3c), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x51], [_0x4c5a[0x52], _0x4c5a[0x53], _0x4c5a[0x54]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x55]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x56]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x57]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x58]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x59]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x5a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x5b], [_0x4c5a[0x5c], _0x4c5a[0x5d], _0x4c5a[0x5e], _0x4c5a[0x5f]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x60], [_0x4c5a[0x4b], _0x4c5a[0x61]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x62], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x63], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x64], 0x1, 0xe), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0x65], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x66], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x67], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x68], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x69], 0x1, 0xe), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x6a]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x6b]), UI['AddHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0x6c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x6d]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xdb)](_0x4c5a[0x6e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1ec)](_0x4c5a[0x6f], [_0x4c5a[0x70], _0x4c5a[0x71], _0x4c5a[0x72]]), UI['AddDropdown'](_0x4c5a[0x73], [_0x4c5a[0x74], _0x4c5a[0x75]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x76], [_0x4c5a[0x77], _0x4c5a[0x78]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x79], [_0x4c5a[0x7a], _0x4c5a[0x7b], _0x4c5a[0x7c], _0x4c5a[0x7d], _0x4c5a[0x7e], _0x4c5a[0x7f]]), UI['AddDropdown'](_0x4c5a[0x80], [_0x4c5a[0x81], _0x4c5a[0x82]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x83]), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0x84]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x85]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x86]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x87]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x88]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x89]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x16d)](_0x4c5a[0x8a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x8b]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x8c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], 0xa, 0x28a), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x8e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x90]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x91]), UI['AddCheckbox'](_0x4c5a[0x92]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xe0)](_0x4c5a[0x93], 0.3, 0x2), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x94]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0x95], 0x32, 0x12c), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x96]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x160)](_0x4c5a[0x97], [_0x4c5a[0x98], _0x4c5a[0x99]]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9a]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9b]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0x9d]), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0x9e]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x151)](_0x4c5a[0x9f]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa0], 0x0, 0x1f4), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0xa1], 0x0, 0x1f4), UI['AddColorPicker'](_0x4c5a[0xa2]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xd6)](_0x4c5a[0xa3]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], 0x0, Global[_0x5c120f(0x210)]()[0x0]), UI['AddSliderInt'](_0x4c5a[0xa5], 0x0, Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x1]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa6], 0x0, Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x0]), UI[_0x5c120f(0xea)](_0x4c5a[0xa7], 0x0, Global[_0x5c120f(0x210)]()[0x1]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0xa8]), UI[_0x5c120f(0x1d3)](_0x4c5a[0x0]); }, main_ui(); const hide = function () { var _0x360617 = _0x28e823; tab = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x23]), minh = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x31]), noscope = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x41]), hair = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x44]), bstrafer = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x46]), aaenable = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x49]), typeaa = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]), bforce = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x55]), advfl = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]), momfl = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x5b]), manual = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6b]), ind = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]), indth = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]), styleline = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x79]), customname = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x89]), btracer = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8c]), marker = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa9]), ltracer = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x8f]), aspect = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x92]), tperson = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x94]), indnc = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x96]), slines = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]), slinesh = UI[_0x360617(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9d]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x27], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2a], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2b], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2c], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x2d], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2e], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x2f], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x30], tab == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x31], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x39], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3c], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x4), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x5), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3e], tab == 0x0 && minh == 0x6), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x3f], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x40], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x41], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x42], tab == 0x0 && noscope), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x43], tab == 0x0 && noscope), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x44], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x45], tab == 0x0 && hair), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x46], tab == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x47], tab == 0x0 && bstrafer), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x48], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x49], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4a], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4e], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x4f], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x50], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x51], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa !== 0x2 && !bforce), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x55], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa !== 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x56], tab == 0x1 && aaenable && typeaa == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x57], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x58], tab == 0x1 && aaenable), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x59], tab == 0x1), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x5a], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x5b], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x60], tab == 0x1 && advfl), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x62], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x63], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x0), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x64], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x65], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x66], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x67], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x68], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x69], tab == 0x1 && advfl && momfl == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6a], tab == 0x1), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6b], tab == 0x1), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x6c], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6d], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x6e], tab == 0x1 && manual), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x6f], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x73], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x76], tab == 0x2 && ind && indth == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x79], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x83], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline != 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x84], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x85], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x86], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x87], tab == 0x2 && ind && styleline == 0x3), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x80], tab == 0x2 && ind && indth == 0x0), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x89], tab == 0x2 && ind), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8a], tab == 0x2 && ind && customname), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x88], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8b], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8c], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], tab == 0x2 && btracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8e], tab == 0x2 && btracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x8f], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x90], tab == 0x2 && ltracer), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x91], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x92], tab == 0x2), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x93], tab == 0x2 && aspect), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x94], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x95], tab == 0x2 && tperson), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x96], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x97], tab == 0x2 && indnc), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x9a], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9b], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9c], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9d], tab == 0x2 && slines), UI['SetEnabled'](_0x4c5a[0x9e], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0x9f], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa0], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa1], tab == 0x2 && slines && !slinesh), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa2], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa3], tab == 0x2), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa5], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa6], ![]), UI[_0x360617(0x1e1)](_0x4c5a[0xa7], ![]); }; var screen_size = Global[_0x28e823(0x210)]() , stored = ![] , x_offs = 0x0 , y_offs = 0x0 , tickcount_fl = 0x0 , flip_fl = ![]; const alt_fl = function (_0x105616, _0x20c70d, _0x2eb432) { var _0x142559 = _0x28e823; tickcount_fl >= _0x105616 && !flip_fl && (flip_fl = !![], tickcount_fl = 0x0), tickcount_fl >= _0x2eb432 && flip_fl && (flip_fl = ![], tickcount_fl = 0x0), UI[_0x142559(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], !flip_fl ? _0x105616 : 0x2), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], !flip_fl ? _0x20c70d : 0x2), tickcount_fl++; } , get_velocity = function (_0x1b8ce9) { var _0x47527b = _0x28e823; const _0x3db33b = Entity[_0x47527b(0x20c)](_0x1b8ce9, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xb0]); return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x3db33b[0x0] * _0x3db33b[0x0] + _0x3db33b[0x1] * _0x3db33b[0x1]); } , get_metric_distance = function (_0x3ffe0d, _0x3663d7) { return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb3]](Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x0] - _0x3663d7[0x0], 0x2) + Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x1] - _0x3663d7[0x1], 0x2) + Math[_0x4c5a[0xb2]](_0x3ffe0d[0x2] - _0x3663d7[0x2], 0x2)) * 0.0254); } , local_inair = function () { var _0x5d9803 = _0x28e823; return Entity[_0x5d9803(0x20c)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xb4]) ? !![] : ![]; } , in_bounds = function (_0x1cc203, _0x371c1f, _0x57a76a, _0x3643f5, _0x39b329) { return _0x1cc203[0x0] > _0x371c1f && _0x1cc203[0x1] > _0x57a76a && _0x1cc203[0x0] < _0x3643f5 && _0x1cc203[0x1] < _0x39b329; } , move = function (_0x40698d, _0x455e1a, _0xb1e692, _0x36b72e, _0x4e20cb) { var _0x22fcb9 = _0x28e823; if (UI['IsMenuOpen']() && Input[_0x22fcb9(0xf9)](0x1)) { const _0x7e10f9 = Global[_0x22fcb9(0x179)](); in_bounds(_0x7e10f9, _0x40698d, _0x455e1a, _0x40698d + _0xb1e692, _0x455e1a + _0x36b72e) && (!stored && (x_offs = _0x7e10f9[0x0] - _0x40698d, y_offs = _0x7e10f9[0x1] - _0x455e1a, stored = !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4e20cb + _0x4c5a[0xb6], _0x7e10f9[0x0] - x_offs), UI[_0x22fcb9(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4e20cb + _0x4c5a[0xb7], _0x7e10f9[0x1] - y_offs)); } else stored && (stored = ![]); } , HSVtoRGB = function (_0x4dcb8d, _0x2126c5, _0x347031) { var _0xd48d42, _0x26d6e4, _0x27f1c6, _0x28500f, _0x1d2b81, _0x31aca8, _0xb8276, _0x96d643; _0x28500f = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb3]](_0x4dcb8d * 0x6), _0x1d2b81 = _0x4dcb8d * 0x6 - _0x28500f, _0x31aca8 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - _0x2126c5), _0xb8276 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - _0x1d2b81 * _0x2126c5), _0x96d643 = _0x347031 * (0x1 - (0x1 - _0x1d2b81) * _0x2126c5); switch (_0x28500f % 0x6) { case 0x0: _0xd48d42 = _0x347031, _0x26d6e4 = _0x96d643, _0x27f1c6 = _0x31aca8; break; case 0x1: _0xd48d42 = _0xb8276, _0x26d6e4 = _0x347031, _0x27f1c6 = _0x31aca8; break; case 0x2: _0xd48d42 = _0x31aca8, _0x26d6e4 = _0x347031, _0x27f1c6 = _0x96d643; break; case 0x3: _0xd48d42 = _0x31aca8, _0x26d6e4 = _0xb8276, _0x27f1c6 = _0x347031; break; case 0x4: _0xd48d42 = _0x96d643, _0x26d6e4 = _0x31aca8, _0x27f1c6 = _0x347031; break; case 0x5: _0xd48d42 = _0x347031, _0x26d6e4 = _0x31aca8, _0x27f1c6 = _0xb8276; break; } var _0x298852 = {}; return _0x298852['r'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0xd48d42 * 0xff), _0x298852['g'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0x26d6e4 * 0xff), _0x298852['b'] = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](_0x27f1c6 * 0xff), _0x298852; } , adap_render = function (_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, _0x527c61) { var _0xa89867 = _0x28e823; const _0x516c8c = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]) , _0x17a5be = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83]) , _0x10f876 = HSVtoRGB(Global[_0xa89867(0xb7)]() * 0.09, 0x1, 0x1) , _0x2a3190 = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x79]) , _0x3bda8c = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x76]) , _0x2c62a2 = UI[_0xa89867(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80]) , _0x13ed46 = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x84])[0x3] : _0x17a5be[0x3] , _0xccc775 = _0x3bda8c == 0x0 ? 0xc : 0xff , _0x429391 = _0x3bda8c == 0x0 ? 0x19 : 0xeb , _0x597720 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? -0x1 : _0x52359e , _0x5d6f95 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? _0x52359e - 0x1 : -0x1 , _0x3223c5 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? 0x0 : 0x2 , _0x467287 = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? -0x1 : 0x3 , _0x15f50a = _0x2c62a2 == 0x1 ? 0x1 : 0x0; var _0x46ac59 = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x85]) , _0x461616 = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x86]) , _0x3d8e0f = UI[_0xa89867(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x87]) , _0xd65e6 = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x46ac59[0x0], _0x46ac59[0x1], _0x46ac59[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff] , _0x2547ca = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x461616[0x0], _0x461616[0x1], _0x461616[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff] , _0x206d7f = _0x2a3190 == 0x3 ? [_0x3d8e0f[0x0], _0x3d8e0f[0x1], _0x3d8e0f[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff] : [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff]; _0x516c8c == 0x0 ? (_0x2a3190 != 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x5d6f95, _0x9251a1 - 0x2, 0x1, [_0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46]), Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - _0x15f50a, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [_0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0xccc775, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46])), _0x2a3190 == 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x5d6f95, _0x9251a1 - 0x2, 0x1, [_0x429391, _0x429391, _0x429391, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - _0x15f50a, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [_0x429391, _0x429391, _0x429391, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x467287, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x2, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x467287, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x2, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), _0x2a3190 == 0x4 && Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), _0x2a3190 == 0x1 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], 0x0], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], 0x0])), (_0x2a3190 == 0x2 || _0x2a3190 == 0x3) && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0xd65e6, _0x2547ca), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x2547ca, _0x206d7f)), _0x2a3190 == 0x0 && Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 + _0x597720 - _0x3223c5, _0x9251a1, 0x2, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff])) : (_0x2a3190 != 0x5 && Render['FilledRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e, [0xc, 0xc, 0xc, _0x527c61 * _0x13ed46]), _0x2a3190 == 0x5 && (Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, _0x52359e + 0x2, [0x19, 0x19, 0x19, _0x527c61 * _0x17a5be[0x3]]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + 0x1, _0xe2c309 - 0x1, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0xd5, 0xff, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x1, _0x9251a1 / 0x2 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, [0xcc, 0x12, 0xcc, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0xff, 0xfa, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), _0x2a3190 == 0x4 && Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xbb]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xb9]], _0x10f876[_0x4c5a[0xba]], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), _0x2a3190 == 0x1 && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff], [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff]), Render[_0xa89867(0x133)](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x527c61 * 0xff])), (_0x2a3190 == 0x2 || _0x2a3190 == 0x3) && (Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0xd65e6, _0x2547ca), Render['GradientRect'](_0x5b3d09 + _0x9251a1 / 0x2, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1 / 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, _0x2547ca, _0x206d7f)), _0x2a3190 == 0x0 && Render[_0xa89867(0x1ca)](_0x5b3d09, _0xe2c309 - 0x2, _0x9251a1, 0x2, [_0x17a5be[0x0], _0x17a5be[0x1], _0x17a5be[0x2], _0x527c61 * 0xff])); } , getObservators = function () { var _0x2fa003 = _0x28e823 , _0x5bef21 = Entity['GetPlayers']() , _0x291083 = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']() , _0x278b09 = Entity['GetProp'](_0x291083, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x291083) return; spec = []; for (i = 0x0; i < _0x5bef21[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x291083)) { if (!_0x5bef21[i] || Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x5bef21[i])) continue; var _0x133443 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x20c)](_0x5bef21[i], _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x133443 || _0x133443 == _0x4c5a[0xbc]) continue; const _0x3f23d4 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x1f9)](_0x5bef21[i]); _0x133443 == _0x291083 && spec[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x3f23d4[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] >= 0xf ? _0x3f23d4[_0x4c5a[0xbe]](0x0, 0xc) + _0x4c5a[0xbf] : _0x3f23d4); } else { if (!_0x5bef21[i] || Entity[_0x2fa003(0x217)](_0x5bef21[i])) continue; var _0x133443 = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x20c)](_0x5bef21[i], _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xbc]); if (!_0x133443 || _0x133443 == _0x4c5a[0xbc]) continue; const _0x51690f = Entity[_0x2fa003(0x1f9)](_0x5bef21[i]); _0x133443 == _0x278b09 && spec[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x51690f[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] >= 0xf ? _0x51690f[_0x4c5a[0xbe]](0x0, 0xc) + _0x4c5a[0xbf] : _0x51690f); } } }; var da_shot = !![] , orig_head = !![] , dtpeek_cache = !![] , logs = [] , hlogs = [] , dmgi = []; const log = function (_0x17eb6d, _0x322acd, _0x580e97, _0x1180ff) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc1]] = _0x17eb6d, this[_0x4c5a[0xc2]] = _0x322acd, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0x580e97, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x1180ff; } , hlog = function (_0x33fef5, _0xcac55f, _0x56d78c, _0x1a07fb) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc2]] = _0x33fef5, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0xcac55f, this[_0x4c5a[0xc5]] = _0x56d78c, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x1a07fb; } , ind_dmg = function (_0x5454c2, _0x31cb35, _0x497010, _0x66cba7, _0xc316cc, _0x1ab9af, _0x10f949) { this[_0x4c5a[0xc6]] = _0x5454c2, this[_0x4c5a[0xc7]] = _0x31cb35, this[_0x4c5a[0xc8]] = _0x497010, this[_0x4c5a[0xc9]] = _0x66cba7, this[_0x4c5a[0xca]] = _0xc316cc, this[_0x4c5a[0xcb]] = _0x1ab9af, this[_0x4c5a[0xcc]] = _0x10f949; } , hitboxes = [_0x4c5a[0xcd], _0x4c5a[0xce], _0x4c5a[0xcf], _0x4c5a[0xd0], _0x4c5a[0xd1], _0x4c5a[0xd2], _0x4c5a[0xd3], _0x4c5a[0xd4], _0x4c5a[0xd5]] , get_weapon = function () { var _0x280289 = _0x28e823; return Entity[_0x280289(0x1f9)](Entity[_0x280289(0x170)](Entity[_0x280289(0x1c1)]())); } , getHitbox = function (_0x2a5cb0) { return hitboxes[_0x2a5cb0] || _0x4c5a[0xd6]; } , dtr = function (_0x1f4662) { return _0x1f4662 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; } , rtd = function (_0x1e4b2a) { return _0x1e4b2a * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]]; } , deg = function (_0x1a321c, _0x4b40a9) { return x = _0x4b40a9[0x0] - _0x1a321c[0x0], z = _0x4b40a9[0x1] - _0x1a321c[0x1], y = _0x1a321c[0x2] - _0x4b40a9[0x2], [rtd(Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](z, x)), rtd(Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](y, Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](x * x + z * z)))]; } , dormant_aim = function () { var _0x38a0b7 = _0x28e823; enemies = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x10c)](); for (i = 0x0; i < enemies[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x217)](enemies[i]) && Entity['IsDormant'](enemies[i])) { var _0x43daed = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0xaf)](Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x1c1)](), 0x0) , _0x319840 = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0xa8)](enemies[i]); _0x319840[0x2] = _0x319840[0x2] + 0x26; var _0x501e58 = Trace[_0x38a0b7(0x1c7)](Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x1c1)](), enemies[i], _0x43daed, _0x319840); if (_0x501e58[0x1] > 0x0) { var _0x3fba55 = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x170)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()) , _0x308b7e = Entity[_0x38a0b7(0x20c)](_0x3fba55, _0x4c5a[0xd9], _0x4c5a[0xda]) , _0x25e5e8 = deg(_0x43daed, _0x319840) , _0x266ba0 = _0x25e5e8[0x0] , _0x110036 = _0x25e5e8[0x1]; Local[_0x38a0b7(0x17d)]() < 0.01 && Globals[_0x38a0b7(0x20f)]() - _0x308b7e > 0.014 && (UserCMD[_0x38a0b7(0x195)]([_0x110036, _0x266ba0, 0x0]), Cheat[_0x38a0b7(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdb]), Cheat[_0x38a0b7(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdc]), da_shot = !![]); } } } } , dormant_aim_shot = function () { var _0xc25cda = _0x28e823; da_shot && (Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat[_0xc25cda(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xde]), da_shot = ![]); } , fhead = function () { var _0x1c8150 = _0x28e823; UI[_0x1c8150(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2c]) ? !UI[_0x1c8150(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]) && (orig_head && (general_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), pistol_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), hpistol_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), scout_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), awp_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), autosniper_hbox = UI[_0x1c8150(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4]), orig_head = ![]), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], 0x1)) : !orig_head && (UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], general_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe5], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], pistol_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe6], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], hpistol_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], scout_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], awp_hbox), UI[_0x1c8150(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe8], _0x4c5a[0xe3], _0x4c5a[0xe4], autosniper_hbox), orig_head = !![]); } , dtpeekhelper = function () { var _0x17234c = _0x28e823; gamerules = Entity[_0x17234c(0x149)](), legitaa = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58]), doubletap = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe9], _0x4c5a[0xea]), hideshots = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe9], _0x4c5a[0xeb]), autopeek = UI[_0x17234c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]), Entity['GetProp'](gamerules, _0x4c5a[0xef], _0x4c5a[0xf0]) ? active = hideshots && autopeek : active = doubletap && autopeek, active && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2]) ? (dtpeek_cache && (autodirection_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]), scoutpbaim_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6]), scoutpsp_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7]), awppbaim_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6]), awppsp_cache = UI[_0x17234c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7]), dtpeek_cache = ![]), !legitaa && UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], !![]), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], !![]), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], !![])) : !dtpeek_cache && (UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], autodirection_cache), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], scoutpbaim_cache), UI[_0x17234c(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe7], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], scoutpsp_cache), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf6], awppbaim_cache), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0x34], _0x4c5a[0xf5], _0x4c5a[0xf7], awppsp_cache), dtpeek_cache = !![]); } , can_shoot = function (_0x20897d) { var _0x194682 = _0x28e823 , _0x245440 = Entity[_0x194682(0x170)](_0x20897d) , _0xce03ad = Entity[_0x194682(0x9e)](_0x245440) , _0x5e0167 = _0xce03ad == 0x6b || _0xce03ad == 0x6c || _0xce03ad == 0x60 || _0xce03ad == 0x63 || _0xce03ad == 0x70 || _0xce03ad == 0x9b || _0xce03ad == 0x2f , _0xd7423b = Entity[_0x194682(0x20c)](_0x245440, _0x4c5a[0xd9], _0x4c5a[0xf8]) , _0x1afe4a = Entity[_0x194682(0x20c)](_0x245440, _0x4c5a[0xaf], _0x4c5a[0xf9]); if (_0x5e0167 || _0xd7423b == 0x0 || _0x1afe4a & 0x1 << 0x1) return ![]; return !![]; } , can_shift_shot = function (_0x47ec96) { var _0x337c34 = _0x28e823; local = Entity[_0x337c34(0x1c1)](); var _0x236167 = Entity[_0x337c34(0x170)](local); if (local == null || _0x236167 == null) return ![]; var _0x39a2df = Entity['GetProp'](local, _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0xfb]) , _0x291567 = Globals[_0x337c34(0xad)]() * (_0x39a2df - _0x47ec96); if (_0x291567 < Entity[_0x337c34(0x20c)](local, _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0xfc])) return ![]; if (_0x291567 < Entity[_0x337c34(0x20c)](_0x236167, _0x4c5a[0xfd], _0x4c5a[0xda])) return ![]; return !![]; } , dt_recharge_boost = function () { var _0x26ab7f = _0x28e823 , _0x2e53c2 = Exploit['GetCharge'](); Exploit[(_0x2e53c2 != 0x1 ? _0x4c5a[0xfe] : _0x4c5a[0xff]) + _0x4c5a[0x100]](), can_shift_shot(0xe) && _0x2e53c2 != 0x1 && (Exploit[_0x26ab7f(0x13c)](), Exploit[_0x26ab7f(0x163)]()); } , pistols = function (_0x13050c) { if (_0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x101] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x102] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x103] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x104] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x105] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x106] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x107] || _0x13050c == _0x4c5a[0x108]) return !![]; } , auto_sniper = function (_0x308190) { if (_0x308190 == _0x4c5a[0x109] || _0x308190 == _0x4c5a[0x10a]) return !![]; } , mindmg_override = function () { var _0x5d1538 = _0x28e823; const _0x2d213e = Entity[_0x5d1538(0x10c)](); for (f = 0x0; f < _0x2d213e[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; f++) { auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c])) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? Ragebot['ForceTargetMinimumDamage'](_0x2d213e[f], UI[_0x5d1538(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d])) : pistols(get_weapon()) && Ragebot[_0x5d1538(0x159)](_0x2d213e[f], UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e])); } } , noscopehitchance = function () { var _0x1c9e3c = _0x28e823 , _0x18ec98 = Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x20c)](Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0x10d]) , _0x2b144c = Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0xa8)](Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0xf4)]()) , _0x44126b = Entity['GetEyePosition'](Entity[_0x1c9e3c(0x1c1)]()) , _0x1ecd80 = UI[_0x1c9e3c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x42]) , _0x4bb625 = get_metric_distance(_0x44126b, _0x2b144c);!_0x18ec98 && _0x4bb625 <= _0x1ecd80 && Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0x1f3)](Ragebot[_0x1c9e3c(0xf4)](), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x43])); } , hitchance = function (_0x2b13aa) { var _0x4e4916 = _0x28e823; Ragebot['ForceTargetHitchance'](Ragebot[_0x4e4916(0xf4)](), _0x2b13aa); } , hit_logs = function () { var _0x89ee85 = _0x28e823 , _0x2be68a = UI[_0x89ee85(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2]) , _0x406107 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x157)](Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f])) , _0x18ea03 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x157)](Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x110])) , _0x1228c1 = _0x4c5a[0x111] + Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1f9)](_0x406107) + _0x4c5a[0x112] + getHitbox(Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) + _0x4c5a[0x114] + Event['GetInt'](_0x4c5a[0x115]) + _0x4c5a[0x116] + Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x117]) + _0x4c5a[0x118] , _0x2bcfb2 = Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1f9)](_0x406107) + _0x4c5a[0x119] + getHitbox(Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) + _0x4c5a[0x11a] + Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x115]) + _0x4c5a[0x11b] + Event['GetInt'](_0x4c5a[0x117]) + _0x4c5a[0x11c] , _0x2771db = Event[_0x89ee85(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x117]) <= 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0x1; Entity[_0x89ee85(0x1d5)](_0x18ea03) && _0x18ea03 != _0x406107 && (UI[_0x89ee85(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x27]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && (logs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new log(_0x4c5a[0x11d], _0x1228c1, Globals[_0x89ee85(0x1bc)](), 0x0)), Cheat['PrintColor']([_0x2be68a[0x0], _0x2be68a[0x1], _0x2be68a[0x2], 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11e]), Cheat[_0x89ee85(0x1e6)]([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x1228c1 + _0x4c5a[0x1])), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x2a]) && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new hlog(_0x2bcfb2, Globals[_0x89ee85(0x1bc)](), _0x2771db, 0x0))); } , on_item_purchase = function () { var _0x5979cd = _0x28e823; if (!(UI[_0x5979cd(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x27]) & 0x1 << 0x1)) return; if (Event[_0x5979cd(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x11f]) != Entity['GetProp'](Entity[_0x5979cd(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x121])) { var _0x3985c1 = UI[_0x5979cd(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2]) , _0x3d12f1 = Event['GetString'](_0x4c5a[0x122]); _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x123], _0x4c5a[0x0]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x125], _0x4c5a[0x0]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x126], _0x4c5a[0x127]), _0x3d12f1 = _0x3d12f1[_0x4c5a[0x124]](_0x4c5a[0x128], _0x4c5a[0x129]); if (_0x3d12f1 != _0x4c5a[0x12a]) { var _0x387355 = _0x4c5a[0x0] + Entity[_0x5979cd(0x1f9)](Entity[_0x5979cd(0x157)](Event[_0x5979cd(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f]))) + _0x4c5a[0x12b] + _0x3d12f1 + _0x4c5a[0x0]; logs[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new log(_0x4c5a[0x11d], _0x387355, Globals[_0x5979cd(0x1bc)](), 0x0)), (Cheat[_0x5979cd(0x1e6)]([_0x3985c1[0x0], _0x3985c1[0x1], _0x3985c1[0x2], 0xff], _0x4c5a[0x11e]), Cheat['PrintColor']([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x387355 + _0x4c5a[0x1])); } } } , logdraw = function () { var _0x1e4269 = _0x28e823 , _0x133611 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x9, 0x64) , _0xc54096 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x8, 0x64) , _0x157bfc = UI[_0x1e4269(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2]) , _0xa66ee9 = 0x0 , _0xead3b9 = []; UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x12e]); UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x12f]); UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x131]); UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x132]); UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x133]); UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x134]); UI[_0x1e4269(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]) && _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4c5a[0x137]); UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x96]) ? _0xa66ee9 += 0x2a + _0xead3b9[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0xa : _0xa66ee9 += 0x25; for (var _0x3cc904 in logs) { alpha = logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] > 0x64 ? 0x64 : logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]], Render[_0x1e4269(0x106)](0x5, 0x6 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc1]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alpha], 0x5), Render[_0x1e4269(0x106)](0x4, 0x5 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc1]], [_0x157bfc[0x0], _0x157bfc[0x1], _0x157bfc[0x2], logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], 0x5), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](0x1b, 0x8 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alpha], _0x133611), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](0x1a, 0x7 - _0x3cc904 * -0x15, 0x0, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], _0x133611), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 > Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x2ee), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 < Globals['Tickcount']() && (logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x258), logs[_0x3cc904][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 && logs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](), logs[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x8 && logs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } for (var _0x477305 in hlogs) { color = hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc5]] == 0x1 ? [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]] : [0xc8, 0x0, 0x0, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 + 0x1, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0xa66ee9 + 0x1 - _0x477305 * -0xb, 0x1, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]], _0xc54096), Render[_0x1e4269(0x13a)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0xa66ee9 - _0x477305 * -0xb, 0x1, hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc2]], color, _0xc54096), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 > Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x3c0), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + 0xd2 < Globals[_0x1e4269(0x1bc)]() && (hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals[_0x1e4269(0x139)]() * 0x258), hlogs[_0x477305][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](), hlogs[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x7 && hlogs[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } } , hurt = function () { var _0x21a3be = _0x28e823 , _0x2f6c30 = Entity[_0x21a3be(0x157)](Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f])) , _0x44097e = Entity[_0x21a3be(0x157)](Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x110])); if (Entity[_0x21a3be(0x1d5)](_0x44097e) && _0x44097e != _0x2f6c30) { const _0x370610 = getHitbox(Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x113])) == _0x4c5a[0xce] , _0x1687dc = Event[_0x21a3be(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x115]) , _0x4b38e7 = Globals[_0x21a3be(0xb7)]() , _0x554de8 = Entity[_0x21a3be(0xa8)](_0x2f6c30); dmgi[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new ind_dmg(0x0, 0x3c, 0xff, _0x370610, _0x1687dc, _0x4b38e7, _0x554de8)); } } , dmg_draw = function () { var _0x1b746b = _0x28e823;!UI[_0x1b746b(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8b]) && (dmgi = []); var _0x5727e0 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x139], 0x7, 0x1e); for (i in dmgi) { Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](dmgi[i][_0x1b746b(0x10e)]) < dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc7]] && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] -= 0.15); var _0x3e3162 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xcc]] , _0x10d333 = Render[_0x1b746b(0x19f)]([_0x3e3162[0x0], _0x3e3162[0x1], _0x3e3162[0x2]]) , _0x1082b2 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc9]] ? [0x0, 0x8c, 0x0, dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]]] : [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]]] , _0x191e21 = dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] > 0xb4 ? 0xb4 : dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]]; Render[_0x1b746b(0x13a)](_0x10d333[0x0] + 0x1, _0x10d333[0x1] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] - 0x25, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x0] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xca]], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, _0x191e21], _0x5727e0), Render[_0x1b746b(0x13a)](_0x10d333[0x0], _0x10d333[0x1] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc6]] - 0x26, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x0] + dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xca]], _0x1082b2, _0x5727e0), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xcb]] + 1.2 < Globals[_0x1b746b(0xb7)]() && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] -= Globals['Frametime']() * 0x5dc), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] < 0x0 && (dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] = 0x0), dmgi[i][_0x4c5a[0xc8]] < 0x0 && dmgi[_0x4c5a[0x13b]](i, 0x1); } } , radian = function (_0x2bc1d2) { return _0x2bc1d2 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; } , ExtendVector = function (_0x1021e0, _0x31daad, _0x250eb6) { var _0x19e57a = radian(_0x31daad); return [_0x250eb6 * Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x19e57a) + _0x1021e0[0x0], _0x250eb6 * Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x19e57a) + _0x1021e0[0x1], _0x1021e0[0x2]]; } , VectorAdd = function (_0x408a66, _0x928b16) { return [_0x408a66[0x0] + _0x928b16[0x0], _0x408a66[0x1] + _0x928b16[0x1], _0x408a66[0x2] + _0x928b16[0x2]]; } , VectorSubtract = function (_0x383289, _0x1654e3) { return [_0x383289[0x0] - _0x1654e3[0x0], _0x383289[0x1] - _0x1654e3[0x1], _0x383289[0x2] - _0x1654e3[0x2]]; } , VectorMultiply = function (_0x3e9fb4, _0x376682) { return [_0x3e9fb4[0x0] * _0x376682[0x0], _0x3e9fb4[0x1] * _0x376682[0x1], _0x3e9fb4[0x2] * _0x376682[0x2]]; } , VectorLength = function (_0x1394eb, _0x47e4cd, _0x5b1aa6) { return Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x1394eb * _0x1394eb + _0x47e4cd * _0x47e4cd + _0x5b1aa6 * _0x5b1aa6); } , VectorNormalize = function (_0x42f5e6) { var _0x1cec14 = VectorLength(_0x42f5e6[0x0], _0x42f5e6[0x1], _0x42f5e6[0x2]); return [_0x42f5e6[0x0] / _0x1cec14, _0x42f5e6[0x1] / _0x1cec14, _0x42f5e6[0x2] / _0x1cec14]; } , VectorDot = function (_0x3739a3, _0x19d666) { return _0x3739a3[0x0] * _0x19d666[0x0] + _0x3739a3[0x1] * _0x19d666[0x1] + _0x3739a3[0x2] * _0x19d666[0x2]; } , VectorDistance = function (_0x5dce38, _0x43cf29) { return VectorLength(_0x5dce38[0x0] - _0x43cf29[0x0], _0x5dce38[0x1] - _0x43cf29[0x1], _0x5dce38[0x2] - _0x43cf29[0x2]); } , ClosestPointOnRay = function (_0x508bcb, _0x515733, _0x39c1a5) { var _0x999c6a = VectorSubtract(_0x508bcb, _0x515733) , _0x2bfdac = VectorSubtract(_0x39c1a5, _0x515733) , _0x1ed870 = VectorLength(_0x2bfdac[0x0], _0x2bfdac[0x1], _0x2bfdac[0x2]); _0x2bfdac = VectorNormalize(_0x2bfdac); var _0x3ecd48 = VectorDot(_0x2bfdac, _0x999c6a); if (_0x3ecd48 < 0x0) return _0x515733; if (_0x3ecd48 > _0x1ed870) return _0x39c1a5; return VectorAdd(_0x515733, VectorMultiply(_0x2bfdac, [_0x3ecd48, _0x3ecd48, _0x3ecd48])); } , VectorAngles = function (_0x42fed4) { var _0x58aac8, _0x1d86a5, _0xd6a1ef, _0x10ab01; return _0x42fed4[0x1] == 0x0 && _0x42fed4[0x0] == 0x0 ? (_0xd6a1ef = 0x0, _0x42fed4[0x2] > 0x0 ? _0x10ab01 = 0x10e : _0x10ab01 = 0x5a) : (_0xd6a1ef = Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](_0x42fed4[0x1], _0x42fed4[0x0]) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]], _0xd6a1ef < 0x0 && (_0xd6a1ef += 0x168), _0x1d86a5 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x42fed4[0x0] * _0x42fed4[0x0] + _0x42fed4[0x1] * _0x42fed4[0x1]), _0x10ab01 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xd8]](-_0x42fed4[0x2], _0x1d86a5) * 0xb4 / Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]], _0x10ab01 < 0x0 && (_0x10ab01 += 0x168)), x = _0x10ab01, y = _0xd6a1ef, z = 0x0, _0x58aac8 = [x, y, z], _0x58aac8; }; var lastHitTime = 0x0 , lastImpactTimes = [0x0] , lastImpacts = [[0x0, 0x0, 0x0]]; const bruteforce = function () { var _0x45cc95 = _0x28e823; if (!UI[_0x45cc95(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x55])) return; var _0x33f621 = Global['Curtime'](); if (Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](lastHitTime - _0x33f621) < 0.5) return; var _0x5884ca = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x157)](Event[_0x45cc95(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f])) , _0x534946 = [Event[_0x45cc95(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13e]), Event[_0x45cc95(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13f]), Event['GetFloat'](_0x4c5a[0x140]), _0x33f621] , _0x255b18; if (Entity[_0x45cc95(0x9d)](_0x5884ca) && Entity['IsEnemy'](_0x5884ca)) { if (!Entity[_0x45cc95(0xab)](_0x5884ca)) _0x255b18 = Entity['GetEyePosition'](_0x5884ca); else { if (Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] - _0x33f621) < 0.1) _0x255b18 = lastImpacts[_0x5884ca]; else { lastImpacts[_0x5884ca] = _0x534946, lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] = _0x33f621; return; } } var _0x56f9ab = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']() , _0x3ec0e3 = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x104)](_0x56f9ab) , _0x46ef2a = Entity[_0x45cc95(0x20c)](_0x56f9ab, _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x141]) , _0x42828a = VectorMultiply(VectorAdd(_0x3ec0e3, _0x46ef2a), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) , _0x571ed6 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x42828a, _0x255b18, _0x534946) , _0x6eab69 = VectorDistance(_0x42828a, _0x571ed6); if (_0x6eab69 < 0x55) { var _0x3b94fa = Local['GetRealYaw']() , _0x44a0bd = Local[_0x45cc95(0xe2)]() , _0xa00829 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x3ec0e3, _0x255b18, _0x534946) , _0x3ca928 = VectorDistance(_0x3ec0e3, _0xa00829) , _0x58ee21 = ClosestPointOnRay(_0x46ef2a, _0x255b18, _0x534946) , _0xb273cf = VectorDistance(_0x46ef2a, _0x58ee21) , _0x31358f, _0x3dcfd7, _0x5cab67; if (_0x6eab69 < _0x3ca928 && _0x6eab69 < _0xb273cf) _0x31358f = _0x571ed6, _0x3dcfd7 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa + 0xb4, 0xa), _0x5cab67 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd + 0xb4, 0xa); else { if (_0xb273cf < _0x3ca928) { _0x31358f = _0x58ee21; var _0x128d97 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa - 0x1e + 0x3c, 0xa) , _0x2e1cb1 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa - 0x1e - 0x3c, 0xa) , _0x4fc886 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd - 0x1e + 0x3c, 0xa) , _0x322862 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd - 0x1e - 0x3c, 0xa); VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x128d97) < VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x2e1cb1) ? _0x3dcfd7 = _0x128d97 : _0x3dcfd7 = _0x2e1cb1, VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x4fc886) < VectorDistance(_0x58ee21, _0x322862) ? _0x5cab67 = _0x4fc886 : _0x5cab67 = _0x322862; } else _0x31358f = _0xa00829, _0x3dcfd7 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x3b94fa, 0xa), _0x5cab67 = ExtendVector(_0x571ed6, _0x44a0bd, 0xa); } VectorDistance(_0x31358f, _0x5cab67) < VectorDistance(_0x31358f, _0x3dcfd7) && (lastHitTime = _0x33f621, UI['ToggleHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])); } lastImpacts[_0x5884ca] = _0x534946, lastImpactTimes[_0x5884ca] = _0x33f621; } }; var orig_atm = !![] , oldTick = 0x0 , lastPressed = 0x0 , drawLeft = 0x0 , drawRight = 0x0 , drawOrig = 0x1 , leftPressed = ![] , rightPressed = ![] , OriginalActive = !![] , old_slide = 0x0 , first_fakelag = !![] , rightActive = ![] , leftActive = ![] , backActive = !![] , orig_legit = !![] , orig_jit = !![] , orig_aa = !![] , orig_ad = !![] , orig_at = !![] , flip_aa = ![] , last = 0x0; function _0x5d43(_0x5e32c3, _0x135236) { _0x5e32c3 = _0x5e32c3 - 0x9b; var _0x29287e = _0x2928[_0x5e32c3]; return _0x29287e; } const antiaim = function () { var _0x1a9e73 = _0x28e823; const _0x309fda = Entity[_0x1a9e73(0x1c1)]() , _0x4fa8a4 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f]) , _0x32f625 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x57]) , _0x3b9366 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4e]) , _0xfbb621 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4f]) , _0x393f2b = UI[_0x1a9e73(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58]) , _0x288b8e = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143]); var _0x5b0e34 = Globals[_0x1a9e73(0x20f)]() - Entity[_0x1a9e73(0x20c)](_0x309fda, _0x4c5a[0x120], _0x4c5a[0x144]); last > _0x5b0e34 && (flip_aa = !flip_aa), last = _0x5b0e34, UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x49]) ? (orig_aa && (yaw_offset = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145]), orig_aa = ![]), UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x0 && AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x0), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x1 && (!(_0x4fa8a4 && _0x32f625) && (r1 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x56]) ? get_velocity(_0x309fda) >= 0x1 ? flip_aa ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366 : _0x288b8e ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366 : _0x288b8e ? _0x3b9366 : -_0x3b9366, l1 = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x56]) ? get_velocity(_0x309fda) >= 0x1 ? flip_aa ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621 : _0x288b8e ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621 : _0x288b8e ? -_0xfbb621 : _0xfbb621, AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim['SetFakeOffset'](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](r1), AntiAim['SetLBYOffset'](l1))), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) == 0x2 && (AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](flip_aa ? UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x50]) : -UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x50])), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b4)](0x0)), _0x4fa8a4 && _0x32f625 ? (orig_jit && (jit_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50]), orig_jit = ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](-0x14), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim['SetLBYOffset'](0x0)) : !orig_jit && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], jit_cache), orig_jit = !![]), _0x393f2b ? (orig_legit && (untrusted = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147]), pitch = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148]), attarget = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), yaw = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145]), jitter = UI[_0x1a9e73(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50]), manualaaa = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a]), orig_legit = ![]), AntiAim['SetOverride'](0x1), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b9)](0x0), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0xbb)](_0x288b8e ? -0x3c : 0x3c), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x1b4)](_0x288b8e ? 0x3c : -0x3c), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0xb4), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], 0x0), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a], ![])) : !orig_legit && (UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x146], _0x4c5a[0x147], untrusted), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x148], pitch), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], attarget), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], yaw), UI[_0x1a9e73(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x50], jitter), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x14a], manualaaa), orig_legit = !![])) : (!orig_aa && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], yaw_offset), orig_aa = !![]), AntiAim[_0x1a9e73(0x18c)](0x0)); } , deg2rad = function (_0x4f8a41) { return _0x4f8a41 * Math[_0x4c5a[0xd7]] / 0xb4; } , angle_to_vec = function (_0x41b75c, _0x7da493) { var _0x5f5531 = deg2rad(_0x41b75c) , _0x3bc74d = deg2rad(_0x7da493) , _0x579f20 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x5f5531) , _0x474ae4 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x5f5531) , _0xb4420 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13d]](_0x3bc74d) , _0x5cfd46 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x13c]](_0x3bc74d); return [_0x474ae4 * _0x5cfd46, _0x474ae4 * _0xb4420, -_0x579f20]; } , trace = function (_0x13fb04, _0x339cc9) { var _0x368b0a = _0x28e823 , _0x4ea7c4 = angle_to_vec(_0x339cc9[0x0], _0x339cc9[0x1]) , _0x5e549d = Entity['GetRenderOrigin'](_0x13fb04); _0x5e549d[0x2] += 0x32; var _0x320b4b = [_0x5e549d[0x0] + _0x4ea7c4[0x0] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x1] + _0x4ea7c4[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x2] + _0x4ea7c4[0x2] * 0x2000] , _0x353acf = Trace[_0x368b0a(0x1ce)](_0x13fb04, _0x5e549d, _0x320b4b); if (_0x353acf[0x1] == 0x1) return; _0x320b4b = [_0x5e549d[0x0] + _0x4ea7c4[0x0] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x1] + _0x4ea7c4[0x1] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000, _0x5e549d[0x2] + _0x4ea7c4[0x2] * _0x353acf[0x1] * 0x2000]; var _0x536f84 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]]((_0x5e549d[0x0] - _0x320b4b[0x0]) * (_0x5e549d[0x0] - _0x320b4b[0x0]) + (_0x5e549d[0x1] - _0x320b4b[0x1]) * (_0x5e549d[0x1] - _0x320b4b[0x1]) + (_0x5e549d[0x2] - _0x320b4b[0x2]) * (_0x5e549d[0x2] - _0x320b4b[0x2])); _0x5e549d = Render[_0x368b0a(0x19f)](_0x5e549d), _0x320b4b = Render[_0x368b0a(0x19f)](_0x320b4b); if (_0x320b4b[0x2] != 0x1 || _0x5e549d[0x2] != 0x1) return; return _0x536f84; } , freestand_desync = function () { var _0xb35f0d = _0x28e823 , _0x4ea7fa = Entity['GetLocalPlayer']() , _0x23a1f3 = UI[_0xb35f0d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x51]); if (UI[_0xb35f0d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x55])) return; if (UI[_0xb35f0d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58])) return; if (Entity[_0xb35f0d(0x9d)](_0x4ea7fa)) { var _0x2a2309 = UI[_0xb35f0d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143]) , _0x4efb9b = Local[_0xb35f0d(0x107)](); left_distance = trace(_0x4ea7fa, [0x0, _0x4efb9b[0x1] - 0x16]), right_distance = trace(_0x4ea7fa, [0x0, _0x4efb9b[0x1] + 0x16]), left_distance > right_distance && ((_0x23a1f3 == 0x2 ? !_0x2a2309 : _0x2a2309) && UI['ToggleHotkey'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])), right_distance > left_distance && ((_0x23a1f3 == 0x2 ? _0x2a2309 : !_0x2a2309) && UI[_0xb35f0d(0x1e3)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x142], _0x4c5a[0x143])); } } , slidejit = function () { var _0x992002 = _0x28e823; Globals['Tickcount']() - old_slide > 0x4 && (!UI[_0x992002(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b]) ? UI[_0x992002(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b], !![]) : UI[_0x992002(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x14b], ![]), old_slide = Globals[_0x992002(0x1bc)]()); } , auto_dir_on_key = function (_0xe03664) { var _0x14361f = _0x28e823; active = UI[_0x14361f(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0xe03664), active ? (orig_ad && (dir_cache = UI[_0x14361f(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]), orig_ad = ![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], !![])) : !orig_ad && (UI[_0x14361f(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4], dir_cache), orig_ad = !![]); } , fakelag = function () { var _0x574dc6 = _0x28e823 , _0x1ac4b7 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](get_velocity(Entity[_0x574dc6(0x1c1)]())) , _0x40efe1 = get_weapon() === _0x4c5a[0x10c] , _0x4afe5c = _0x40efe1 && UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x5a]) , _0x1366af = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f]) , _0x347c01 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x62]) , _0xde70cf = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x63]) , _0x49cec0 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x64]) , _0x361f83 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x65]) , _0x1a0a08 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x66]) , _0x2fcde6 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x67]) , _0x417cea = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x68]) , _0x772204 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x69]) , _0x443294 = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x60]) , _0x47e385 = _0x4afe5c ? 0x0 : _0x1ac4b7 <= 0x1 && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x347c01 : _0x1ac4b7 > 0xa && !_0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x49cec0 : local_inair() && !_0x4afe5c ? _0x1a0a08 : _0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x417cea : _0x4c5a[0x0] , _0x4cc1d5 = _0x4afe5c ? 0x0 : _0x1ac4b7 <= 0x1 && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0xde70cf : _0x1ac4b7 > 0xa && !_0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x361f83 : local_inair() && !_0x4afe5c ? _0x2fcde6 : _0x1366af && !_0x4afe5c && !local_inair() ? _0x772204 : _0x4c5a[0x0]; first_fakelag && (limit = UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac]), trigger_limit = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae]), first_fakelag = ![]), UI[_0x574dc6(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]) ? _0x443294 == 0x0 ? (UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], _0x47e385), UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], _0x4cc1d5)) : alt_fl(_0x47e385, _0x4cc1d5, 0x8) : !first_fakelag && (UI[_0x574dc6(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xac], limit), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xad], _0x4c5a[0xab], _0x4c5a[0xae], trigger_limit), first_fakelag = !![]); }; var cache_value_as = 0x0 , butracer = [] , pos = [] , impact = 0x0 , lasttime = 0x0 , original_as = !![] , scope_a = 0x0 , alphak = 0x0 , alphas = 0x0 , value_arc = 0x0; const pingenemy = function () { var _0x3e256a = _0x28e823; const _0x35569d = Entity['GetEnemies'](); for (i = 0x0; i < _0x35569d[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; i++) { if (Entity[_0x3e256a(0x217)](_0x35569d[i])) { const _0x25c945 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity['GetProp'](_0x35569d[i], _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))[_0x3e256a(0x124)]() , _0x4ad678 = Render[_0x3e256a(0x108)](_0x4c5a[0x139], 0x7, 0x64); var _0x385097 = Entity[_0x3e256a(0x18b)](_0x35569d[i]) , _0x47a75a = _0x385097[0x3] - _0x385097[0x1]; _0x47a75a /= 0x2, _0x47a75a += _0x385097[0x1]; var _0x3010cc = Entity[_0x3e256a(0xd5)](_0x35569d[i]) ? _0x4c5a[0x14e] : _0x25c945;!Entity[_0x3e256a(0xab)](_0x35569d[i]) && (Render['StringCustom'](_0x47a75a + 0x3, _0x385097[0x2] - 0x17, 0x1, _0x3010cc, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x4ad678), Render['StringCustom'](_0x47a75a + 0x2, _0x385097[0x2] - 0x18, 0x1, _0x3010cc, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x4ad678)); } } } , aspectratio = function () { var _0x549a0a = _0x28e823; menu_val = UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x93]), string_menu_val = menu_val[_0x549a0a(0x124)](), original_as && (hidcvars = UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x150]), aspect_cache = Convar[_0x549a0a(0xda)](_0x4c5a[0x151]), original_as = ![]), UI[_0x549a0a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x92]) ? cache_value_as != string_menu_val && (cache_value_as = string_menu_val, Convar['SetString'](_0x4c5a[0x151], string_menu_val)) : !original_as && (UI[_0x549a0a(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x150], hidcvars), Convar[_0x549a0a(0x15e)](_0x4c5a[0x151], aspect_cache), original_as = !![]); } , keybind = function () { var _0x2016a8 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) { const _0x1896e7 = auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d]) : pistols(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e]) : _0x4c5a[0x152]; var _0x1fe53a = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]) , _0x3f63a1 = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity[_0x2016a8(0x20c)](Entity[_0x2016a8(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))[_0x2016a8(0x124)]() , _0x7d6ae0 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]) , _0x3b58eb = Exploit[_0x2016a8(0x211)]() , _0x4727c7 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x49]) , _0x380e24 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58]) , _0x20d0f7 = UI[_0x2016a8(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83]) , _0x4e1c8a = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139] , _0x56659c = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7 , _0x4acea1 = Render[_0x2016a8(0x108)](_0x4e1c8a, _0x56659c, 0x64) , _0x46953e = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x76]) , _0x3623cd = _0x46953e == 0x0 ? 0xf : 0xff , _0x264dd4 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x30]) , _0x348f3d = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80]) , _0x42a4f7 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa4]) , _0x2069c0 = UI[_0x2016a8(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa5]) , _0x1949be = []; info_key = [[_0x4c5a[0x153], [_0x4c5a[0x154], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x155], _0x4c5a[0x156]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x158], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x3b58eb >= 0x1 ? _0x4c5a[0x157] : _0x7d6ae0 ? _0x4c5a[0x159] : _0x4c5a[0x15a]], [_0x4c5a[0xeb], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], _0x7d6ae0 ? _0x4c5a[0x159] : _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15b], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15c], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15d], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x15d]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15e], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x15f], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2c]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x160], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2d]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x3f63a1 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x163], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x264dd4 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x164], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], _0x4c5a[0x161] + _0x1896e7 + _0x4c5a[0x162]], [_0x4c5a[0x165], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x48]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x166], null, _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x136], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x5f], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0x167], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x167]], _0x4c5a[0x157]], [_0x4c5a[0xee], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]], _0x4c5a[0x157]]]; for (var _0x4f276f in info_key) { bind = info_key[_0x4f276f][0x1], name = info_key[_0x4f276f][0x0], bind !== null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind) && _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4f276f), name == _0x4c5a[0x166] && _0x4727c7 && _0x380e24 && _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x4f276f); } _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x0 || UI[_0x2016a8(0x1f7)]() ? alphak = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](alphak + 0xa * Globals[_0x2016a8(0x139)](), 0x1) : (alphak = alphak - 0xa * Globals['Frametime'](), alphak < 0x0 && (alphak = 0x0)); alp = _0x20d0f7[0x3] > 0x1e ? 0x1e : _0x20d0f7[0x3], h = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? _0x348f3d == 0x1 ? 0x4 : 0x2 : 0x2, h1 = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12, h2 = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0x17 : 0x16, w = _0x1fe53a == 0x0 ? 0xa0 : 0x96; _0x1fe53a == 0x0 && (Render['FilledRect'](_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0 + 0x15, w, 0x1 + _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7 + 0x1, _0x2069c0 + 0x16 + _0x1949be[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, 0x9e, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), _0x348f3d == 0x1 && (Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]), Render[_0x2016a8(0x1ca)](_0x42a4f7 + w - 0x1, _0x2069c0 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, _0x3623cd, alphak * alp]))); adap_render(_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0, w, h1, alphak), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w / 0x2 - (Render[_0x2016a8(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16b], _0x4acea1)[0x0] / 0x2 - 0x1), _0x2069c0 + h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16b], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render['StringCustom'](_0x42a4f7 + w / 0x2 - Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x4c5a[0x16b], _0x4acea1)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x2069c0 + h, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16b], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1); for (var _0x5da28e in _0x1949be) { bind = _0x1949be[_0x5da28e], name = info_key[bind][0x0], state = info_key[bind][0x2], Render['StringCustom'](_0x42a4f7 + 0x5, _0x2069c0 + h2 + 0x1 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + 0x4, _0x2069c0 + h2 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w - Render[_0x2016a8(0xb3)](state, _0x4acea1)[0x0] - 0x2, _0x2069c0 + h2 + 0x1 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, state, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphak * 0xc8], _0x4acea1), Render[_0x2016a8(0x13a)](_0x42a4f7 + w - Render['TextSizeCustom'](state, _0x4acea1)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x2069c0 + h2 + _0x5da28e * 0x11, 0x0, state, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphak * 0xff], _0x4acea1); } move(_0x42a4f7, _0x2069c0, w, h1 + 0x2, _0x4c5a[0x16c]); } } , spectators = function () { var _0x3aa8aa = _0x28e823; if (World[_0x3aa8aa(0x128)]() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) { var _0x31e2e8 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]) , _0x39c217 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83]) , _0x1222af = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139] , _0xc3675e = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7 , _0x5c768e = Render['AddFont'](_0x1222af, _0xc3675e, 0x64) , _0x487d82 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x76]) , _0x5d9357 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80]) , _0x524813 = _0x487d82 == 0x0 ? 0xf : 0xff , _0x47412c = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa6]) , _0x1b23c7 = UI[_0x3aa8aa(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa7]); getObservators(); spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x0 || UI['IsMenuOpen']() ? alphas = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](alphas + 0x8 * Globals['Frametime'](), 0x1) : (alphas = alphas - 0x8 * Globals[_0x3aa8aa(0x139)](), alphas < 0x0 && (alphas = 0x0)); alp = _0x39c217[0x3] > 0x1e ? 0x1e : _0x39c217[0x3], h = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? _0x5d9357 == 0x1 ? 0x4 : 0x2 : 0x2, h1 = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12, h2 = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0x17 : 0x16, w = _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 ? 0xa0 : 0x96; _0x31e2e8 == 0x0 && (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7 + 0x15, w, 0x1 + spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c + 0x1, _0x1b23c7 + 0x16 + spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] * 0x11, 0x9e, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), _0x5d9357 == 0x1 && (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x1ca)](_0x47412c + w - 0x1, _0x1b23c7 + 0x14, 0x1, 0x1, [_0x524813, _0x524813, _0x524813, alphas * alp]))); adap_render(_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7, w, h1, alphas), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w / 0x2 - (Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16d], _0x5c768e)[0x0] / 0x2 - 0x1), _0x1b23c7 + h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16d], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w / 0x2 - Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16d], _0x5c768e)[0x0] / 0x2, _0x1b23c7 + h, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16d], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e); for (g = 0x0; g < spec[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]; g++) { name = spec[g], Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + 0x5, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + 0x1 + g * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + 0x4, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + g * 0x11, 0x0, name, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w - Render[_0x3aa8aa(0xb3)](_0x4c5a[0x16e], _0x5c768e)[0x0] - 0x2, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + 0x1 + g * 0x11, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16e], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, alphas * 0xc8], _0x5c768e), Render[_0x3aa8aa(0x13a)](_0x47412c + w - Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x4c5a[0x16e], _0x5c768e)[0x0] - 0x3, _0x1b23c7 + h2 + g * 0x11, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x16e], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, alphas * 0xff], _0x5c768e); } move(_0x47412c, _0x1b23c7, w, h2 + 0x2, _0x4c5a[0x16f]); } } , watermark = function () { var _0x5b2f68 = _0x28e823 , _0x3840ac = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x73]) , _0x5f0e3b = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb8]](Entity['GetProp'](Entity[_0x5b2f68(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0x14c], _0x4c5a[0x14d]))['toString']() , _0x31767c = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x80]) , _0x8e85b7 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? _0x4c5a[0x12c] : _0x4c5a[0x139] , _0x4680d0 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? 0x9 : 0x7 , _0x6ce229 = Render[_0x5b2f68(0x108)](_0x8e85b7, _0x4680d0, 0x64) , _0x5b02fa = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x89]) , _0x219d0b = UI[_0x5b2f68(0xda)](_0x4c5a[0x8a]) , _0x2ff1e0 = _0x5b02fa ? _0x219d0b : Cheat['GetUsername']() , _0x3ac255 = new Date() , _0x4897f5 = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]() , _0x12387f = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]() , _0x33fae2 = _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]() , _0x12c3da = _0x4897f5 <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x170]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] , _0x856625 = _0x12387f <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x171]]() + _0x4c5a[0x174] , _0x18c7b9 = _0x33fae2 <= 0x9 ? _0x4c5a[0x173] + _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]() : _0x3ac255[_0x4c5a[0x172]]() , _0x1ac933 = _0x4c5a[0x175] + _0x2ff1e0 + _0x4c5a[0x176] + _0x12c3da + _0x856625 + _0x18c7b9; World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && (_0x1ac933 += _0x4c5a[0x177] + _0x5f0e3b + _0x4c5a[0x178]); h = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? _0x31767c == 0x1 ? 0xb : 0x8 : 0x8, h1 = _0x3840ac == 0x0 ? 0x15 : 0x12; var _0x459278 = Render['TextSizeCustom'](_0x1ac933, _0x6ce229)[0x0] + 0xa , _0x4cd1ab = Global['GetScreenSize']()[0x0]; _0x4cd1ab = _0x4cd1ab - _0x459278 - 0xa, adap_render(_0x4cd1ab, 0x6, _0x459278 - 0x1, h1, 0x1), Render[_0x5b2f68(0x13a)](_0x4cd1ab + 0x6, h + 0x1, 0x0, _0x1ac933, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8], _0x6ce229), Render[_0x5b2f68(0x13a)](_0x4cd1ab + 0x5, h, 0x0, _0x1ac933, [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff], _0x6ce229); } , sk33t_ind = function () { var _0x3e28b5 = _0x28e823; const _0x293e16 = auto_sniper(get_weapon()) ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x39]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf2] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3a]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3b]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10b] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3c]) : get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c] ? UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3d]) : pistols(get_weapon()) ? UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x3e]) : _0x4c5a[0x179] , _0x209a7c = UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x30]) , _0x2c6683 = Render[_0x3e28b5(0x108)](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x12, 0x320) , _0x8e72a4 = Exploit[_0x3e28b5(0x211)]() , _0x41f586 = screen_size[0x1] / 1.523; var _0x52cbb9 = [] , _0x45da89 = get_velocity(Entity[_0x3e28b5(0x1c1)]()) > 0x127 ? [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff] : [0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff]; skeet_info = [[_0x4c5a[0x17a], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x17b], null, _0x45da89], [_0x4c5a[0x17c], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x17d] + _0x209a7c, [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]], [0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xff]], [_0x293e16 != _0x4c5a[0x179] ? _0x4c5a[0x17e] + _0x293e16 : _0x4c5a[0x17f], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], [0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x180], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x181], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x8e72a4 >= 0x1 ? [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] : [0xd2, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x182], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x183], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], [0xbf, 0xab, 0x15, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x184], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], [0x32, 0x88, 0xd9, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x185], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x186], null, [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x187], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0xee]], [0x84, 0xc3, 0x10, 0xff]]]; for (var _0x5e3b88 in skeet_info) { bind = skeet_info[_0x5e3b88][0x1], name = skeet_info[_0x5e3b88][0x0], bind != null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17a] && UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17b] && local_inair() && get_velocity(Entity[_0x3e28b5(0x1c1)]()) > 0xf8 && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x17c] && UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x188]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88), name == _0x4c5a[0x186] && UI[_0x3e28b5(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0xf4]) && _0x52cbb9[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x5e3b88); } Render[_0x4c5a[0x189]] = function (_0x3dbf3a, _0x528d4f, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, _0x5aef1a, _0x9fa7f2) { var _0x7b2c08 = _0x3e28b5; width = Render[_0x7b2c08(0xb3)](_0x4b7904, _0x9fa7f2)[0x0], height = Render[_0x7b2c08(0xb3)](_0x4b7904, _0x9fa7f2)[0x1], Render[_0x7b2c08(0x133)](_0x3dbf3a - 0x7, _0x528d4f, width / 0x2, height + 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41]), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x133)](_0x3dbf3a - 0x7 + width / 0x2, _0x528d4f, width / 0x2, height + 0x1, 0x1, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41], [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x13a)](_0x3dbf3a + 0x1, _0x528d4f + 0x1, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x64], _0x9fa7f2), Render[_0x7b2c08(0x13a)](_0x3dbf3a, _0x528d4f, _0x525500, _0x4b7904, _0x5aef1a, _0x9fa7f2); }; for (var _0x555455 in _0x52cbb9) { bind = _0x52cbb9[_0x555455], name = skeet_info[bind][0x0], color = skeet_info[bind][0x2], Render[_0x3e28b5(0x205)](0xf, _0x41f586 - 0x22 * _0x555455, 0x0, name, color, _0x2c6683); } } , get_line = function () { var _0x35befb = _0x28e823; pos[_0x4c5a[0x18a]](Entity[_0x35befb(0xa8)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())), pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x37 && pos[_0x4c5a[0x18b]](); } , draw_line = function () { var _0x5bab26 = _0x28e823;!Entity[_0x5bab26(0x217)](Entity[_0x5bab26(0x1c1)]()) && (pos = []); if (Entity[_0x5bab26(0x217)](Entity[_0x5bab26(0x1c1)]())) { var _0x547c27 = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x90]) , _0x4591ca = !![] , _0x5d20e6 = []; if (pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1) for (i in pos) { var _0x5b3ce2 = Render[_0x5bab26(0x19f)](pos[i]); const _0x106da0 = pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1 ? [_0x547c27[0x0], _0x547c27[0x1], _0x547c27[0x2], 0xff] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] , _0x1cb3c5 = pos[_0x4c5a[0xbd]] > 0x1 ? [_0x547c27[0x0], _0x547c27[0x1], _0x547c27[0x2], 0x64] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0];!_0x4591ca && (Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x106da0), Render['Line'](_0x5b3ce2[0x0] - 0x1, _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0] - 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0] + 0x1, _0x5b3ce2[0x1], _0x5d20e6[0x0] + 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x1], _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1] + 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1] + 0x1, _0x1cb3c5), Render[_0x5bab26(0x1ce)](_0x5b3ce2[0x0], _0x5b3ce2[0x1] - 0x1, _0x5d20e6[0x0], _0x5d20e6[0x1] - 0x1, _0x1cb3c5)), _0x4591ca = ![], _0x5d20e6 = _0x5b3ce2; } } } , ind_near_cross = function () { var _0x379d0c = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && Entity['IsAlive'](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) { var _0x37f5b8 = Local[_0x379d0c(0x129)]() , _0x3d28ca = Local[_0x379d0c(0xe2)]() , _0x4df141 = Math[_0x4c5a[0x16a]](Math[_0x4c5a[0x13a]](_0x37f5b8 - _0x3d28ca) / 0x2, 0x3c)[_0x4c5a[0x18c]](0x1) , _0x4b1644 = UI[_0x379d0c(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2]) , _0x2dfd1b = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x49]) , _0x2d78b5 = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x4a]) , _0x14349f = UI[_0x379d0c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]) , _0x1fd0b3 = UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x5f]) , _0x5411bb = UI[_0x379d0c(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x58]) , _0x305fe2 = UI[_0x379d0c(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x57]) , _0x4c40df = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x8, 0x64) , _0x383db2 = screen_size[0x0] , _0x3d6bf0 = screen_size[0x1] , _0x1b452d = Exploit[_0x379d0c(0x211)]() , _0x4c617b = []; Render[_0x4c5a[0x18d]] = function (_0x198971, _0x303678, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, _0x508450, _0x28a541) { var _0x144729 = _0x379d0c; UI[_0x144729(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x97]) == 0x0 ? (Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render['StringCustom'](_0x198971 - 0x1, _0x303678 - 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 - 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 - 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541)) : (Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971 + 0x1, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541), Render['StringCustom'](_0x198971, _0x303678 + 0x1, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x96], _0x28a541)), Render[_0x144729(0x13a)](_0x198971, _0x303678, _0x43548e, _0x287fb7, _0x508450, _0x28a541); }, info_ind = [[_0x4c5a[0x18e], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x18f], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x190], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x191], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x192], null, [_0x4b1644[0x0], _0x4b1644[0x1], _0x4b1644[0x2], 0xff]], [_0x14349f ? _0x4c5a[0x193] : _0x4c5a[0x181], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xea]], _0x1b452d >= 0x1 ? [0x8e, 0xbd, 0x39, 0xff] : [0xc7, 0x8, 0x8, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x194], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x12d], _0x4c5a[0xeb]], [0xc4, 0xbb, 0x2, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x195], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x130]], [0xbf, 0x81, 0x4e, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x196], [_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0xe2]], [0x74, 0x9f, 0xdb, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x197], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]], [0xc6, 0xc6, 0xc6, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x180], [_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]], [0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xff]], [_0x4c5a[0x198], [_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0x135], _0x4c5a[0x136]], [0x9e, 0x97, 0x2, 0xff]]]; for (var _0x2fc8a1 in info_ind) { bind_path = info_ind[_0x2fc8a1][0x1], bind_name = info_ind[_0x2fc8a1][0x0], bind_path !== null && UI[_0x4c5a[0x169]][_0x4c5a[0x168]](null, bind_path) && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x18e] && (_0x2d78b5 == 0x0 && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb || !_0x2dfd1b) && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x18f] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x2d78b5 !== 0x0 && _0x2d78b5 == 0x1) && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x190] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x2d78b5 !== 0x0 && _0x2d78b5 == 0x2) && !(_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x191] && _0x2dfd1b && (_0x1fd0b3 && _0x305fe2) && !_0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1), bind_name == _0x4c5a[0x192] && _0x2dfd1b && _0x5411bb && _0x4c617b[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](_0x2fc8a1); } for (var _0x41e669 in _0x4c617b) { bind = _0x4c617b[_0x41e669], name = info_ind[bind][0x0], color = info_ind[bind][0x2], Render[_0x379d0c(0x1c2)](_0x383db2 / 0x2, _0x3d6bf0 / 0x2 + 0x1e + _0x41e669 * 0xa, 0x1, name, color, _0x4c40df); } } } , manual_arrows = function () { var _0x14caf5 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0] && Entity[_0x14caf5(0x217)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer']())) { var _0x58835e = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2]) , _0x3c7d91 = Render['AddFont'](_0x4c5a[0x12c], 0x12, 0x320) , _0x39a1e7 = screen_size[0x0] , _0x30cdbc = screen_size[0x1]; active = [_0x58835e[0x0], _0x58835e[0x1], _0x58835e[0x2], 0xff], notactive = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, _0x58835e[0x3]], Render[_0x14caf5(0x13a)](_0x39a1e7 / 0x2 + 0x2d, _0x30cdbc / 0x2 - 0x10, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x199], drawRight ? active : notactive, _0x3c7d91), Render['StringCustom'](_0x39a1e7 / 0x2 - 0x38, _0x30cdbc / 0x2 - 0x10, 0x0, _0x4c5a[0x19a], drawLeft ? active : notactive, _0x3c7d91); } } , clantag = function () { var _0x2d9a8a = _0x28e823 , _0x17e56e = UI[_0x2d9a8a(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9b]) , _0x15929b = parseInt(Globals[_0x2d9a8a(0x20f)]() * 1.6); if (_0x15929b != lasttime) { if (_0x17e56e) switch (_0x15929b % 0x16) { case 0x1: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x0]); break; } case 0x2: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19b]); break; } case 0x3: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19c]); break; } case 0x4: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19d]); break; } case 0x5: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19e]); break; } case 0x6: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19f]); break; } case 0x7: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a0]); break; } case 0x8: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a1]); break; } case 0x9: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a2]); break; } case 0xa: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; } case 0xb: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; } case 0xc: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a3]); break; } case 0xd: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a2]); break; } case 0xe: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a1]); break; } case 0xf: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x1a0]); break; } case 0x10: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x19f]); break; } case 0x11: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19e]); break; } case 0x12: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19d]); break; } case 0x13: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19c]); break; } case 0x14: { Local[_0x2d9a8a(0x14f)](_0x4c5a[0x19b]); break; } case 0x15: { Local['SetClanTag'](_0x4c5a[0x0]); break; } } } lasttime = _0x15929b; } , tracer = function (_0x2cfb4e, _0x3dd0bf, _0x30976f, _0x246c7d) { this[_0x4c5a[0x1a4]] = _0x2cfb4e, this[_0x4c5a[0x1a5]] = _0x3dd0bf, this[_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = _0x30976f, this[_0x4c5a[0xc3]] = _0x246c7d; } , BulletImpactcm = function () { var _0x236ab5 = _0x28e823; if (Globals[_0x236ab5(0x1bc)]() > impact) { if (Entity['GetEntityFromUserID'](Event[_0x236ab5(0xdd)](_0x4c5a[0x10f])) == Entity['GetLocalPlayer']()) { var _0x187ffe = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13e]) , _0x4c862e = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x13f]) , _0x5de730 = Event[_0x236ab5(0x174)](_0x4c5a[0x140]); local = Entity[_0x236ab5(0x1c1)](); var _0x52897f = [_0x187ffe, _0x4c862e, _0x5de730] , _0x56be6d = Entity[_0x236ab5(0xaf)](Entity['GetLocalPlayer'](), 0x0); butracer[_0x4c5a[0xc0]](new tracer(_0x56be6d, _0x52897f, 0x0, Globals['Tickcount']())), impact = Globals[_0x236ab5(0x1bc)](); } } } , bullet_tracer = function () { var _0x279e44 = _0x28e823;!UI[_0x279e44(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8c]) && (butracer = []); var _0x2ea7a1 = UI[_0x279e44(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8d]) , _0x3dd29f = UI[_0x279e44(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0x8e]); for (i in butracer) { var _0x2b753d = Render[_0x279e44(0x210)]() , _0x54df98 = Render[_0x279e44(0x19f)](butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]]) , _0x25ec50 = Render[_0x279e44(0x19f)](butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a5]]); currenteye = Entity[_0x279e44(0xaf)](Entity[_0x279e44(0x1c1)](), 0x0); var _0x3aa6f6 = currenteye[0x0] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x0] , _0x468352 = currenteye[0x1] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x1] , _0x2f93f3 = currenteye[0x2] - butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0x1a4]][0x2] , _0x19421c = Math[_0x4c5a[0xb1]](_0x3aa6f6 * _0x3aa6f6 + _0x468352 * _0x468352 + _0x2f93f3 * _0x2f93f3); Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x2, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x0] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x2, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] - 0x6, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), Render['Line'](_0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x2, _0x25ec50[0x0] + 0x6, _0x25ec50[0x1] + 0x6, [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), _0x54df98[0x2] === 0x1 && Render[_0x279e44(0x1ce)](_0x54df98[0x0], _0x54df98[0x1], _0x25ec50[0x0], _0x25ec50[0x1], [_0x3dd29f[0x0], _0x3dd29f[0x1], _0x3dd29f[0x2], butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]]]), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + _0x2ea7a1 > Globals['Tickcount']() && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] += Globals[_0x279e44(0x139)]() * 0x2bc), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] >= 0xff && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] = 0xff), butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc3]] + _0x2ea7a1 < Globals['Tickcount']() && (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] -= Globals['Frametime']() * 0x28a), (butracer[i][_0x4c5a[0xc4]] < 0x0 || 0x8 < butracer[_0x4c5a[0xbd]]) && butracer[_0x4c5a[0x138]](); } } , scope_lines = function () { var _0x52089b = _0x28e823 , _0x1b4515 = Entity[_0x52089b(0x20c)](Entity[_0x52089b(0x1c1)](), _0x4c5a[0xfa], _0x4c5a[0x10d]) , _0x4d109f = UI['GetColor'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x9e]) , _0x4138df = UI[_0x52089b(0x1de)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x9f]) , _0x413867 = UI[_0x52089b(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa0]) , _0x101ba5 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa1]); _0x1b4515 && Entity[_0x52089b(0x217)](Entity[_0x52089b(0x1c1)]()) && (Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 + _0x101ba5 + 0x1, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2, _0x413867, 0x1, 0x1, _0x4d109f, _0x4138df), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2 - _0x101ba5 - _0x413867, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2, _0x413867, 0x1, 0x1, _0x4138df, _0x4d109f), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 + _0x101ba5 + 0x1, 0x1, _0x413867, 0x0, _0x4d109f, _0x4138df), Render[_0x52089b(0x133)](screen_size[0x0] / 0x2, screen_size[0x1] / 0x2 - _0x101ba5 - _0x413867, 0x1, _0x413867, 0x0, _0x4138df, _0x4d109f)); } , preset = function () { var _0x214afe = _0x28e823; UI[_0x214afe(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xa3]) && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6f], 0x5), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x73], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x79], 0x0), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x83], [0x85, 0xa2, 0xcf, 0x89]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x88], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8b], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8c], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x8d], 0xbe), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x8e], [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x91], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x92], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x93], 1.1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x94], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x95], 0x68), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x96], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x97], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x1dd)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0xa2], [0x85, 0xa2, 0xcf, 0x32]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xa5], 0x171), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xa4], 0x10b), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x49], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x57], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x59], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x5a], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x60], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x62], 0xa), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x63], 0xa), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x64], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x65], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x66], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x67], 0xe), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x68], 0xc), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x69], 0xc), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6b], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x27], 0x3), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x2a], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x39], 0x1), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3a], 0xc), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3b], 0xa), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3c], 0x6), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3d], 0x65), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x3e], 0x3), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x1a6], !![]), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x40], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x41], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x42], 0xb), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x43], 0x32), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x44], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x45], 0x37), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x46], !![]), UI[_0x214afe(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0x47], 0x118), UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xa3], ![])); } , create_move = function () { var _0x1589c1 = _0x28e823; const _0x1a2782 = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6c]) , _0x3b66fa = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6e]) , _0x32f2d2 = UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x6d]); UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x156]) && (UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xdf], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xe1], _0x4c5a[0x156]) && (UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2b]) && dormant_aim())); fhead(); UI[_0x1589c1(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2f]) && mindmg_override(); UI['IsHotkeyActive'](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2e]) && hitchance(UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x30])); var _0x292442 = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x40]) ? dt_recharge_boost() : Exploit[_0x1589c1(0xb4)](); UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x41]) && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x109] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10a]) && noscopehitchance(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x44]) && local_inair() && (get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0xf1] || get_weapon() == _0x4c5a[0x10c]) && hitchance(UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0x10e], _0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x45])), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6b]) && (_0x1a2782 && leftPressed == ![] ? (orig_atm && (at_cache = UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), orig_atm = ![]), lastPressed = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)](), OriginalActive = ![], drawLeft = 0x1, drawOrig = 0x0, drawRight = 0x0, leftPressed = !![], rightPressed = ![], UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], -0x5a), UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], 0x0)) : _0x1a2782 && leftPressed == !![] && Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]() > lastPressed + 0x10 && (OriginalActive = !![], oldTick = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]()), _0x3b66fa && rightPressed == ![] ? (orig_atm && (at_cache = UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149]), orig_atm = ![]), lastPressed = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)](), OriginalActive = ![], drawLeft = 0x0, drawOrig = 0x0, drawRight = 0x1, leftPressed = ![], rightPressed = !![], UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0x5a), UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], 0x0)) : _0x3b66fa && rightPressed == !![] && Global['Tickcount']() > lastPressed + 0x10 && (OriginalActive = !![], oldTick = Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]()), (OriginalActive || _0x32f2d2) && (Global[_0x1589c1(0x1bc)]() > oldTick + 0x10 && (rightPressed = ![], leftPressed = ![], oldTick = Global['Tickcount']()), drawLeft = 0x0, drawOrig = 0x1, drawRight = 0x0, UI[_0x1589c1(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x145], 0x0), !orig_atm && (UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0xaa], _0x4c5a[0xf3], _0x4c5a[0x149], at_cache), orig_atm = !![]))), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]) && get_line(), auto_dir_on_key(_0x4c5a[0x48]), antiaim(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x51]) !== 0x0 && Entity['IsAlive'](Entity[_0x1589c1(0x1c1)]()) && UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x4a]) !== 0x2 && freestand_desync(), UI[_0x1589c1(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x59]) && fakelag(); } , draw = function () { var _0x16c71d = _0x28e823; UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x46]) && UI[_0x16c71d(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0xed], _0x4c5a[0x1a7], UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x47])), UI[_0x16c71d(0x11c)](_0x4c5a[0xec], _0x4c5a[0xe0], _0x4c5a[0x14f], _0x4c5a[0x188], UI[_0x16c71d(0x196)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x2d])), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x3f]) && dtpeekhelper(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6a]) && slidejit(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x0 && keybind(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x1 && spectators(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x6f]) & 0x1 << 0x2 && watermark(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x88]) && sk33t_ind(), bullet_tracer(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x8f]) && draw_line(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x91]) && pingenemy(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x94]) && UI['SetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x1a8], _0x4c5a[0x1a9], _0x4c5a[0x1aa], _0x4c5a[0x94], UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0xb5], _0x4c5a[0x95])), aspectratio(), UI[_0x16c71d(0xff)](_0x4c5a[0x9c]) && scope_lines(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x9a]) && manual_arrows(), UI['GetValue'](_0x4c5a[0x96]) && ind_near_cross(), preset(), dmg_draw(), clantag(), logdraw(), hide(); } , reset_on_roundstart = function () { old_slide = 0x0, tickcount_fl = 0x0, spec = [], butracer = [], logs = [], hlogs = [], pos = [], Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xde]); } , reset_on_offline = function () { var _0x35a0c6 = _0x28e823; if (World['GetServerString']() != _0x4c5a[0x0]) return; spec = [], butracer = [], logs = [], hlogs = [], pos = [], Cheat[_0x35a0c6(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xde]); } , unload = function () { var _0x1cdef0 = _0x28e823; AntiAim[_0x1cdef0(0x18c)](0x0), Exploit[_0x1cdef0(0xb4)](), aspectratio(), Convar[_0x1cdef0(0x15e)](_0x4c5a[0x151], aspect_cache), Cheat['ExecuteCommand'](_0x4c5a[0xdd]), Cheat[_0x1cdef0(0x18e)](_0x4c5a[0xde]); } , player_connect = function () { var _0x2dee4b = _0x28e823; lastPressed = Global[_0x2dee4b(0x1bc)](), oldTick = Global[_0x2dee4b(0x1bc)](); }; Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ab], _0x4c5a[0x1ac]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ad], _0x4c5a[0x1ae]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1af], _0x4c5a[0x1b0]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1af], _0x4c5a[0x1b1]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b2], _0x4c5a[0x1b3]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b4], _0x4c5a[0x1b5]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b6], _0x4c5a[0x1b7]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b8], _0x4c5a[0x1b9]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ba], _0x4c5a[0x1bb]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1ab], _0x4c5a[0x1bc]), Cheat[_0x28e823(0x1c8)](_0x4c5a[0x1b6], _0x4c5a[0x1bd]);
только что ты там пастить собрался?спасибо
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz