щитпостер стат ратио 0.17
Автор темы
- #1
Void Autoclicker
Работает везде, работает хорошо.
UPD: нашел у себя его сурс, был открытым
этот кликер был популярен почти полгода назад, на ютубе много медии на эдит контест
Работает везде, работает хорошо.
1. Откройте ехе файл и нажмите любую кнопку.
Управление в меню на WASD
2. Настройте кпс как вам удобно. Чтобы настроить
кликер правой кнопки, нужно нажать Q.
3. После того как настроили, нажмите V и кликер заработает.
Управление в меню на WASD
2. Настройте кпс как вам удобно. Чтобы настроить
кликер правой кнопки, нужно нажать Q.
3. После того как настроили, нажмите V и кликер заработает.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
UPD: нашел у себя его сурс, был открытым
<# :
@echo off
:: Like my code?
set bind_UP=W
set bind_DOWN=S
set bind_LEFT=A
set bind_RIGHT=D
set bind_START=V
set "bind_STOP=2E"
set "bind_TOGGLE=2D"
set "bind_HIDE=23"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "debug=false"
set "version=1.3"
set title=
set minABS=5
set maxABS=24
set jitterMAX=10
set left_cps[1]=8
set left_cps[2]=11
set right_cps[1]=8
set right_cps[2]=11
set left_jitter=0
set right_jitter=0
set leftMouse=1
set rightMouse=0
set blockhitChance=0
set "leftMCOnly=false"
set "rightMCOnly=false"
set sel=1
set col=1
title Void Clicker 1.3 ^| www.cheat.ga
if "%debug%" NEQ "true" mode 61, 25
set "slid[5]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>___________________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[6]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>__________________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[7]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>_________________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[8]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>________________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[9]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>_______________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[10]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>______________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[11]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>_____________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[12]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>____________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[13]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>___________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[14]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>__________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[15]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[16]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>________[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[17]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_______[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[18]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>______[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[19]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_____[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[20]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>____[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[21]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>___[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[22]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>__[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[23]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[24]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[40;35m} [40;37m"
set "slid[25]=[40;35m {[40;37m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[40;35m} [40;37m"
set [reset]=[0m
set [inverse]=[45;37m
echo =============================================================
echo [40;35m _ __ _ __
echo [40;35m ^| ^| / /___ (_)___/ /
echo [40;35m ^| ^| / / __ \/ / __ /
echo [40;35m ^| ^|/ / /_/ / / /_/ /
echo [40;35m _____^|___/\____/_/\__,_/
echo [40;35m / ____/ (_)____/ /_____ _____
echo [40;35m / / / / / ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/
echo [40;35m / /___/ / / /__/ ,\ / __/ /
echo [40;35m \____/_/_/\___/_/^|_^|\___/_/ version 1.3[40;37m
echo =============================================================
echo Credits:
echo Vylx/mp3#6239 - Creator / Developer
echo exro#4981 - Inspired GUI
echo [45;37m
echo [40;37m
call :menu
choice /c %bind_UP%%bind_DOWN%%bind_LEFT%%bind_RIGHT%%bind_START%%bind_SWAPBUTTON%%bind_TOGGLEBUTTON% /n
if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 (
if %col%==2 (if %sel%==5 (set /a sel-=2) else (if %sel% NEQ 1 set /a sel-=1)) else (if %sel% NEQ 1 set /a sel-=1)
if %ERRORLEVEL%==2 (
if %col%==2 (if %sel%==3 (set /a sel+=2) else (if %sel% NEQ 5 set /a sel+=1)) else (if %sel% NEQ 5 set /a sel+=1)
if %ERRORLEVEL%==3 (
if %sel%==1 (
if %col%==1 (if !left_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %minABS% set /a left_cps[%sel%]-=1) else (if !right_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %minABS% set /a right_cps[%sel%]-=1)
if %sel%==2 (
if %col%==1 (if %left_cps[2]% NEQ %left_cps[1]% (if !left_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %minABS% set /a left_cps[%sel%]-=1)) else (if %right_cps[2]% NEQ %right_cps[1]% (if !right_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %minABS% set /a right_cps[%sel%]-=1))
if %sel%==3 (
if %col%==1 (if %left_jitter% NEQ 0 set /a left_jitter-=1) else (if %right_jitter% NEQ 0 set /a right_jitter-=1)
if %sel%==4 (
if %blockhitChance% NEQ 0 set /a blockhitChance-=1
if %sel%==5 (
if %col%==1 (if "%leftMCOnly%"=="true" (set "leftMCOnly=false") else (set "leftMCOnly=true")) else (if "%rightMCOnly%"=="true" (set "rightMCOnly=false") else (set "rightMCOnly=true"))
if %ERRORLEVEL%==4 (
if %sel%==1 (
if %col%==1 (if %left_cps[2]% NEQ %left_cps[1]% (if !left_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %maxABS% set /a left_cps[%sel%]+=1)) else (if %right_cps[2]% NEQ %right_cps[1]% (if !right_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %maxABS% set /a right_cps[%sel%]+=1))
if %sel%==2 (
if %col%==1 (if !left_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %maxABS% set /a left_cps[%sel%]+=1) else (if !right_cps[%sel%]! NEQ %maxABS% set /a right_cps[%sel%]+=1)
if %sel%==3 (
if %col%==1 (if %left_jitter% NEQ %jitterMAX% set /a left_jitter+=1) else (if %right_jitter% NEQ %jitterMAX% set /a right_jitter+=1)
if %sel%==4 (
if %blockhitChance% NEQ 20 set /a blockhitChance+=1
if %sel%==5 (
if %col%==1 (if "%leftMCOnly%"=="true" (set "leftMCOnly=false") else (set "leftMCOnly=true")) else (if "%rightMCOnly%"=="true" (set "rightMCOnly=false") else (set "rightMCOnly=true"))
if %ERRORLEVEL%==6 (
if %col%==1 (if %sel%==4 (set col=2 && set sel=3) else (set col=2)) else (set col=1)
if %ERRORLEVEL%==7 (
if %col%==1 (if %leftMouse%==0 (set leftMouse=1) else (set leftMouse=0)) else (if %rightMouse%==0 (set rightMouse=1) else (set rightMouse=0))
if %ERRORLEVEL%==5 (
if %leftMouse%==1 (set "lmb=true") else (set "lmb=false")
if %rightMouse%==1 (set "rmb=true") else (set "rmb=false")
if %ERRORLEVEL%==5 (
call :startac %lmb% %rmb% %left_cps[1]% %left_cps[2]% %right_cps[1]% %right_cps[2]% %left_jitter% %right_jitter% %blockhitChance% %leftMCOnly% %rightMCOnly% %bind_STOP% %bind_TOGGLE% %bind_HIDE%
if "%debug%"=="true" pause>nul
goto main
echo [45;37mVoid Clicker ^| version 1.3[40;37m
if %col%==1 (if %leftMouse%==0 (echo LMB ^| DISABLED) else (echo LMB ^| %[inverse]%ENABLED%[reset]%)) else (if %rightMouse%==0 (echo RMB ^| DISABLED) else (echo RMB ^| %[inverse]%ENABLED%[reset]%))
if %sel%==1 (echo %[inverse]%MINIMUM CPS%[reset]%) else (echo MINIMUM CPS)
if %col%==1 (echo !slid[%left_cps[1]%]! %left_cps[1]% CPS) else (echo !slid[%right_cps[1]%]! %right_cps[1]% CPS)
if %sel%==2 (echo %[inverse]%MAXIMUM CPS%[reset]%) else (echo MAXIMUM CPS)
if %col%==1 (echo !slid[%left_cps[2]%]! %left_cps[2]% CPS) else (echo !slid[%right_cps[2]%]! %right_cps[2]% CPS)
if %sel%==3 (echo %[inverse]%JITTER EFFECT%[reset]%) else (echo JITTER EFFECT)
if %col%==1 (
set /a j=%left_jitter% * 2
set /a j+=5
) else (
set /a j=%right_jitter% * 2
set /a j+=5
if %col%==1 (echo !slid[%j%]! %left_jitter% STRENGTH) else (echo !slid[%j%]! %right_jitter% STRENGTH)
if %col%==1 (
if %sel%==4 (echo %[inverse]%BLOCKHIT CHANCE%[reset]%) else (echo BLOCKHIT CHANCE)
set /a bh=%blockhitChance% + 5
set /a bhc=%blockhitChance% * 5
if %col%==1 (echo !slid[%bh%]! %bhc% %% && echo.)
if %sel%==5 (
if %col%==1 (
if "%leftMCOnly%"=="true" (echo [40;35m {[40;37mYes[40;35m}[40;37m %[inverse]%MINECRAFT ONLY%[reset]%) else (echo [40;35m {[40;37mNo[40;35m}[40;37m %[inverse]%MINECRAFT ONLY%[reset]%)
) else (
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="true" (echo [40;35m {[40;37mYes[40;35m}[40;37m %[inverse]%MINECRAFT ONLY%[reset]%) else (echo [40;35m {[40;37mNo[40;35m}[40;37m %[inverse]%MINECRAFT ONLY%[reset]%)
) else (
if %col%==1 (
if "%leftMCOnly%"=="true" (echo [40;35m {[40;37mYes[40;35m}[40;37m MINECRAFT ONLY) else (echo [40;35m {[40;37mNo[40;35m}[40;37m MINECRAFT ONLY)
) else (
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="true" (echo [40;35m {[40;37mYes[40;35m}[40;37m MINECRAFT ONLY) else (echo [40;35m {[40;37mNo[40;35m}[40;37m MINECRAFT ONLY)
echo [45;37mPress "V" to start, and "E" to enable/disable[40;37m
echo [45;37mPress "Q" to switch between LMB or RMB and "WASD" to navigate[40;37m
goto :eof
echo [45;37mVoid Clicker ^| version 1.2[40;37m
if %leftMouse%==0 (
if rightMouse==0 (echo LEFT RIGHT) else (echo LEFT %[inverse]%RIGHT%[reset]%)
) else (
if rightMouse==0 (echo %[inverse]%LEFT%[reset]% RIGHT) else (echo %[inverse]%LEFT%[reset]% %[inverse]%RIGHT%[reset]%)
echo MINIMUM CPS %~3 %~5
echo MAXIMUM CPS %~4 %~6
echo JITTER EFFECT %~7 %~8
set /a bhc=%blockhitChance% * 5
echo BLOCKHIT %bhc%%% N/A
if "%leftMCOnly%"=="false" (
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="false" (echo MC ONLY DISABLED OFF) else (echo MINECRAFT ONLY OFF ON)
) else
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="false" (echo MC ONLY ENABLED OFF) else (echo MINECRAFT ONLY ENABLED ON)
goto :eof
echo [45;37mVoid Clicker ^| version 1.3[40;37m
if %leftMouse%==0 (
if rightMouse==0 (echo LMB RMB) else (echo LMB RMB)
) else (
if rightMouse==0 (echo LMB RMB) else (echo LMB RMB)
echo MINIMUM CPS : %~3 %~5
echo [40;35m=============================================================[40;37m
echo MAXIMUM CPS : %~4 %~6
echo [40;35m=============================================================[40;37m
echo JITTER EFFECT : %~7 %~8
echo [40;35m=============================================================[40;37m
set /a bhc=%blockhitChance% * 5
echo BLOCKHIT : %bhc%%% N/A
echo [40;35m=============================================================[40;37m
if "%leftMCcOnly%"=="false" (
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="false" (echo MINECRAFT ONLY : OFF OFF) else (echo MINECRAFT ONLY : OFF ON)
) else (
if "%rightMCOnly%"=="false" (echo MINECRAFT ONLY : ON OFF) else (echo MINECRAFT ONLY : ON ON)
echo [40;35mVoid Clicker[40;37m Loading...
echo. Created by Vylx/mp3#6239
endlocal & powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command "$_ = $input; Invoke-Expression $( '$input = $_; $_ = \"\"; $args = @( &{ $args } %POWERSHELL_BAT_ARGS% );' + [String]::Join( [char]10, $( Get-Content \"%~f0\" ) ) )"
goto :EOF
$code = @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Auto
public class Program
private static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(System.Int32 vKey);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr handle, out int processId);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern int GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hWnd);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder text, int count);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindowByCaption(IntPtr ZeroOnly, string lpWindowName);
public enum MouseEventFlags
LeftDown = 0x00000002,
LeftUp = 0x00000004,
MiddleDown = 0x00000020,
MiddleUp = 0x00000040,
Move = 0x00000001,
Absolute = 0x00008000,
RightDown = 0x00000008,
RightUp = 0x00000010
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetCursorPos")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool SetCursorPos(int x, int y);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool GetCursorPos(out MousePoint lpMousePoint);
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint wMsg, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private static extern void mouse_event(int dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, int dwExtraInfo);
static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();
static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
public static void SetCursorPosition(int x, int y)
SetCursorPos(x, y);
public static void SetCursorPosition(MousePoint point)
SetCursorPos(point.X, point.Y);
public static MousePoint GetCursorPosition()
MousePoint currentMousePoint;
var gotPoint = GetCursorPos(out currentMousePoint);
if (!gotPoint) { currentMousePoint = new MousePoint(0, 0); }
return currentMousePoint;
public static void MouseEvent(MouseEventFlags value)
MousePoint position = GetCursorPosition();
public struct MousePoint
public int X;
public int Y;
public MousePoint(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public static IntPtr MAKELPARAM(int p, int p_2)
return (IntPtr) ((p_2 << 16) | (p & 0xFFFF));
public static string GetTopWindowText()
IntPtr hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd);
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(length + 1);
GetWindowText(hWnd, text, text.Capacity);
return text.ToString();
public static void Main() {
Random rand = new Random();
string arg="$args";
string[] args = arg.Split(' ');
bool leftMouse=Boolean.Parse(args[0]);
bool rightMouse=Boolean.Parse(args[1]);
int leftCpsMin=Int32.Parse(args[2]);
int leftCpsMax=Int32.Parse(args[3]);
int rightCpsMin=Int32.Parse(args[4]);
int rightCpsMax=Int32.Parse(args[5]);
int leftJitter=Int32.Parse(args[6]);
int rightJitter=Int32.Parse(args[7]);
int blockhitChance=Int32.Parse(args[8]) * 5;
bool leftMCOnly=Boolean.Parse(args[9]);
bool rightMCOnly=Boolean.Parse(args[10]);
int closeButton=Int32.Parse(args[11], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
int toggleButton=Int32.Parse(args[12], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
int hideButton=Int32.Parse(args[13], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
bool toggled = true;
bool toggledWindow = true;
Console.WriteLine(" Successfully Executed.");
int toggledPosition=Console.CursorTop + 1;
Console.SetCursorPosition(19, toggledPosition);
Console.WriteLine(" [45;37mON[40;37m");
while (true) {
byte[] close = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAsyncKeyState(closeButton));
byte[] toggle = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAsyncKeyState(toggleButton));
byte[] toggleWindow = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAsyncKeyState(hideButton));
if (leftMouse) {
byte[] leftButton = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAsyncKeyState(0x01));
if (leftButton[1] == 0x80) {
if (toggled) {
if (rand.Next(1, 6) == 2) {
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) >> 1);
} else {
bool rbutton = false;
if (leftMCOnly) {
if (GetForegroundWindow() != FindWindow("LWJGL", null)) continue;
int hWnd = (int)GetForegroundWindow();
if (GetForegroundWindow() == GetConsoleWindow()) continue;
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0201, (UIntPtr) 0x0001, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
if (leftJitter > 0) {
SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X - (rand.Next(-leftJitter, leftJitter)), Cursor.Position.Y - (rand.Next(-leftJitter, leftJitter)));
if (blockhitChance > 0) {
if (rand.Next(0, 100) <= blockhitChance) {
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0204, (UIntPtr) 0x0001, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
rbutton = true;
//Console.WriteLine("left down | " + GetTopWindowText() + " | " + leftCpsMin + ", " + leftCpsMax);
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) >> 1);
if (rbutton) {
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0205, UIntPtr.Zero, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0202, UIntPtr.Zero, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
//Console.WriteLine("left up | " + GetTopWindowText() + " | " + leftCpsMin + ", " + leftCpsMax);
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / leftCpsMax), (1000 / leftCpsMin)) >> 1);
if (rightMouse) {
byte[] rightButton = BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAsyncKeyState(0x02));
if (rightButton[1] == 0x80) {
if (toggled) {
if (rand.Next(1, 6) == 2) {
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) >> 1);
} else {
if (rightMCOnly) {
if (GetForegroundWindow() != FindWindow("LWJGL", null)) continue;
int hWnd = (int)GetForegroundWindow();
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0204, (UIntPtr) 0x0002, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
if (rightJitter > 0) {
SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X - (rand.Next(-rightJitter, rightJitter)), Cursor.Position.Y - (rand.Next(-rightJitter, rightJitter)));
//Console.WriteLine("right down | " + GetTopWindowText() + " | " + rightCpsMin + ", " + rightCpsMax);
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) >> 1);
SendMessage((IntPtr) hWnd, 0x0205, UIntPtr.Zero, MAKELPARAM(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
//Console.WriteLine("right up | " + GetTopWindowText() + " | " + rightCpsMin + ", " + rightCpsMax);
if (rand.Next(1, 6) <= 2) Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) - (rand.Next(8, 32)) >> 1);
else Thread.Sleep(rand.Next((1000 / rightCpsMax), (1000 / rightCpsMin)) >> 1);
if (close[1] == 0x80) {
var handle = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(handle, 5);
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, toggledPosition - 1);
Console.WriteLine(" Clicker stopped.");
if (toggle[1] == 0x80) {
if (toggled) {
toggled = false;
Console.SetCursorPosition(19, toggledPosition);
} else {
toggled = true;
Console.SetCursorPosition(19, toggledPosition);
Console.WriteLine("ON ");
if (toggleWindow[1] == 0x80) {
if (toggledWindow) {
toggledWindow = false;
var handle = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(handle, 0);
} else {
toggledWindow = true;
var handle = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(handle, 5);
$assemblies = ("System.Core","System.Xml.Linq","System.Data","System.Xml", "System.Data.DataSetExtensions", "Microsoft.CSharp", "System.Windows.Forms", "System.Drawing")
Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $assemblies -TypeDefinition $code -Language CSharp
iex "[Auto.Program]::Main()"
этот кликер был популярен почти полгода назад, на ютубе много медии на эдит контест
Последнее редактирование: