UE4 Plugin JsonParser

12 Сен 2020

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Простой способ чтения, создания и управления JSON в blueprint.

Простой способ читать, создавать и манипулировать JSON в blueprint.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Вы можете передавать файлы с помощью JSON, используя встроенные функции Base64.

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Changelog (4.18, 4.19, 4.20)
  • (09/25/2018) Version 1.7: Bugfix in Make Json Object. There was a bug when a value was an array.
  • (11/07/2018) Version 1.8: Bugfix: Old values were not deleted when used after an custom event.
Changelog (4.25, 4.26, 4.27)
  • (03/18/2021) Version 2.0: Struct to JSON, JSON to Struct.
  • (07/23/2021) Version 2.1: Bugfix: Self-created Enum's in Struct's were not recognized.
  • (09/11/2021) Version 2.2: Added bool (successful) to indicate if parsing worked.
  • (12/01/2021) Version 2.3: Bugfix: In packed Windows builds the variable names in the structures were changed which led to wrong names in JSON.
  • (12/08/2021) Version 2.4: Compression added. Zlib, LZ4 and Gzip (4.26 minimum).
  • (01/06/2022) Version 2.5: Bugfix: The same as version 2.3.
  • (03/28/2022) Version 2.6: Maps in structures are now saved as Json objects by default. Can be changed back to arrays with the function "setStructJsonSettings".

Технические детали / Technical Details:
  • Create JSON Strings
  • Read JSON Strings to Arrays and Maps
  • Manipulate JSON Strings
  • Struct to JSON, JSON to Struct*¹
  • Easy to use. 4 Main Nodes and few optional Nodes.
  • Compatible with UE4 Maps, Variables and Arrays
  • Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
    : Bool, String, Number(double), Object, Arrays
  • File transfer. (Base64 encode/decode)
  • Compression*² (Zlib, Gzip, LZ4)
  • Save JSON to File and read JSON from File
  • Include C++ Source for C++ Projects
  • Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
*¹ See Documentation. At least UE version 4.25 required, Blueprint only
*² Compression of bytes/strings. This does not mean packing/unpacking of zip files.

V4.26 V2.6
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