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- #1
V5.0 + demo
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Simple Procedural Walk is entirely written in C++ as a custom Animation Blueprint Node that you can use in your Blueprints.
Current limitations:
- Only Character & Pawn Actors are supported.
- Single configurable Animation Blueprint node.
- Use any number of legs (2 and 2+).
- Advanced Solver looks for footholds when no ground is available.
- Body gets animated as well (location & rotation).
- Easy to integrate with your existing Characters & Pawns.
- Support for moving and rotating platforms.
- 40+ parameters to customize your walk cycle.
- Callback Events (from an interface) for foosteps & other effects.
- Beta support for third party code & plugins that implement custom gravity (which involve capsule rotation).
- Entirely written in C++ for performance optimization.
- SimpleProceduralWalk (Runtime)
- SimpleProceduralWalkEditor (UncookedOnly)
Number of Meshes: 4 example creatures in the example project
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Network Replicated: No, but animations will be computed locally on every client
Supported Development Platforms: Windows 32/64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 32/64
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