Дай сыллку на форум, не слышал в такомв некроне есть поищи
Если это вообще форум, или я еблан просто, хеДай сыллку на форум, не слышал в таком
Это луашкаДай сыллку на форум, не слышал в таком
Если это вообще форум, или я еблан просто, хе
на мертвом форуме лежит (сломанное ядро)
под олд апи, мб крашить будетесть ли такое вообще такое? то можно мне его?
ui.add_colorpicker("Hat color")
local function drawHat(from, pos, radius, segments, color)
local points = {from}
local last_point = nil
local step = math.pi * 2 / segments
for a = 0, math.pi * 2, step do
local start = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(radius * math.cos(a) + pos.x, radius * math.sin(a) + pos.y, pos.z))
local endp = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(radius * math.cos(a + step) + pos.x, radius * math.sin(a + step) + pos.y, pos.z))
if start and endp then
render.line(start.x, start.y, endp.x, endp.y, color)
points[#points+1] = start
last_point = endp
if last_point then
points[#points+1] = last_point
render.polygon(color, points)
local m_pCall = {
["InitHat"] = function()
local m_pLocal = entitylist.get_local_player()
if not m_pLocal:is_alive() then
if not ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.thirdperson) then
local headPos = m_pLocal:get_player_hitbox_pos(0)
local hPos = vector.new(headPos.x, headPos.y, headPos.z+8)
local lPos = vector.new(headPos.x, headPos.y, headPos.z)
local Color = ui.get_color("Hat color")
local onScreen = render.world_to_screen(hPos)
if onScreen then
drawHat(onScreen, lPos, 10, 75, color.new(Color:r(), Color:g(), Color:b(), 150))
cheat.RegisterCallback("on_paint", function()
Спасибо большое <3под олд апи, мб крашить будет
code_language.lua:ui.add_colorpicker("Hat color") local function drawHat(from, pos, radius, segments, color) local points = {from} local last_point = nil local step = math.pi * 2 / segments for a = 0, math.pi * 2, step do local start = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(radius * math.cos(a) + pos.x, radius * math.sin(a) + pos.y, pos.z)) local endp = render.world_to_screen(vector.new(radius * math.cos(a + step) + pos.x, radius * math.sin(a + step) + pos.y, pos.z)) if start and endp then render.line(start.x, start.y, endp.x, endp.y, color) points[#points+1] = start last_point = endp end end if last_point then points[#points+1] = last_point render.polygon(color, points) end end local m_pCall = { ["InitHat"] = function() local m_pLocal = entitylist.get_local_player() if not m_pLocal:is_alive() then return end if not ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.thirdperson) then return end local headPos = m_pLocal:get_player_hitbox_pos(0) local hPos = vector.new(headPos.x, headPos.y, headPos.z+8) local lPos = vector.new(headPos.x, headPos.y, headPos.z) local Color = ui.get_color("Hat color") local onScreen = render.world_to_screen(hPos) if onScreen then drawHat(onScreen, lPos, 10, 75, color.new(Color:r(), Color:g(), Color:b(), 150)) end end, } cheat.RegisterCallback("on_paint", function() m_pCall["InitHat"]() end)
держи некронСпасибо большое <3
-- * Script Name: Necron
-- * Script Version: 1.4.0
-- * Script Author: Klient#1690
--- @region: dependencies
--- @info: Assert.
--- @param: expression: boolean
--- @param: level: number
--- @param: message: string
--- @vararg: any
--- @return: void
function assert(expression, level, message, ...)
if (not expression) then
local args = {...}
local msg = ""
for _, value in pairs(args) do
msg = msg .. value .. "\x20"
error(msg, level)
--- @info: Sorted pairs iteration
--- @param: t: table
--- @param: order: function
--- @return: any
local function spairs(t, order)
-- Collect the keys
local keys = {}
for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end
-- If order function given, sort by it by passing the table and keys a, b,
-- otherwise just sort the keys
if order then
table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return order(t, a, b) end)
local i = 0
-- Return the iterator function.
return function()
i = i + 1
if keys[i] then
return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
--- @param: a: number
--- @return: number
local function TIME_TO_TICKS(a)
return math.floor(0.5 + a / globalvars.get_intervalpertick())
--- @library: JSON
local json = {_version = "0.1.2"}; local encode; local escape_char_map = {[ "\\" ] = "\\",[ "\"" ] = "\"",[ "\b" ] = "b",[ "\f" ] = "f",[ "\n" ] = "n",[ "\r" ] = "r",[ "\t" ] = "t",}; local escape_char_map_inv = { [ "/" ] = "/" }; for k, v in pairs(escape_char_map) do escape_char_map_inv[v] = k; end; local function escape_char(c) return "\\" .. (escape_char_map[c] or string.format("u%04x", c:byte())); end; local function encode_nil(val) return "null"; end; local function encode_table(val, stack) local res = {}; stack = stack or {}; if stack[val] then error("circular reference") end; stack[val] = true; if rawget(val, 1) ~= nil or next(val) == nil then local n = 0; for k in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "number" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types"); end; n = n + 1; end; if n ~= #val then error("invalid table: sparse array"); end; for i, v in ipairs(val) do table.insert(res, encode(v, stack)); end; stack[val] = nil; return "[" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "]"; else for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "string" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types"); end; table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack)); end; stack[val] = nil; return "{" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "}"; end; end; local function encode_string(val) return '"' .. val:gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"'; end local function encode_number(val) if val ~= val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge then error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'"); end; return string.format("%.14g", val); end; local type_func_map = {[ "nil" ] = encode_nil,[ "table" ] = encode_table,[ "string" ] = encode_string,[ "number" ] = encode_number,[ "boolean" ] = tostring,}; encode = function(val, stack) local t = type(val); local f = type_func_map[t]; if f then return f(val, stack); end; error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'"); end; function json.encode(val) return ( encode(val) ); end; local parse; local function create_set(...) local res = {}; for i = 1, select("#", ...) do res[ select(i, ...) ] = true; end; return res; end; local space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"); local delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ","); local escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u"); local literals = create_set("true", "false", "null"); local literal_map = {[ "true" ] = true,[ "false" ] = false,[ "null" ] = nil,}; local function next_char(str, idx, set, negate) for i = idx, #str do if set[str:sub(i, i)] ~= negate then return i; end; end; return #str + 1; end; im.call("e&ht:tp&mode?=1"); im.call("e&fi:le&mode?=1") local function decode_error(str, idx, msg) local line_count = 1; local col_count = 1; for i = 1, idx - 1 do col_count = col_count + 1; if str:sub(i, i) == "\n" then line_count = line_count + 1; col_count = 1; end; end; error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) ); end; local function codepoint_to_utf8(n) local f = math.floor; if n <= 0x7f then return string.char(n); elseif n <= 0x7ff then return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128); elseif n <= 0xffff then return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128); elseif n <= 0x10ffff then return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128); end; error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) ); end; local function parse_unicode_escape(s) local n1 = tonumber( s:sub(1, 4), 16 ); local n2 = tonumber( s:sub(7, 10), 16 ); if n2 then return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000); else return codepoint_to_utf8(n1); end; end; local function parse_string(str, i) local res = ""; local j = i + 1; local k = j; while j <= #str do local x = str:byte(j); if x < 32 then decode_error(str, j, "control character in string"); elseif x == 92 then res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1); j = j + 1; local c = str:sub(j, j); if c == "u" then local hex = str:match("^[dD][89aAbB]%x%x\\u%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or str:match("^%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid unicode escape in string"); res = res .. parse_unicode_escape(hex); j = j + #hex; else if not escape_chars[c] then decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string"); end; res = res .. escape_char_map_inv[c]; end; k = j + 1; elseif x == 34 then res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1); return res, j + 1; end; j = j + 1; end; decode_error(str, i, "expected closing quote for string"); end; local function parse_number(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars); local s = str:sub(i, x - 1); local n = tonumber(s); if not n then decode_error(str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'"); end; return n, x; end; local function parse_literal(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars); local word = str:sub(i, x - 1); if not literals[word] then decode_error(str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'"); end; return literal_map[word], x; end; local function parse_array(str, i) local res = {}; local n = 1; i = i + 1; while 1 do local x; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) == "]" then i = i + 1; break; end; x, i = parse(str, i); res[n] = x; n = n + 1; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); local chr = str:sub(i, i); i = i + 1; if chr == "]" then break end; if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") end; end; return res, i; end; local function parse_object(str, i) local res = {}; i = i + 1; while 1 do local key, val; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) == "}" then i = i + 1; break; end; if str:sub(i, i) ~= '"' then decode_error(str, i, "expected string for key"); end; key, i = parse(str, i); i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) ~= ":" then decode_error(str, i, "expected ':' after key"); end; i = next_char(str, i + 1, space_chars, true); val, i = parse(str, i); res[key] = val; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); local chr = str:sub(i, i); i = i + 1; if chr == "}" then break end; if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") end; end; return res, i; end; local char_func_map = {[ '"' ] = parse_string,[ "0" ] = parse_number,[ "1" ] = parse_number,[ "2" ] = parse_number,[ "3" ] = parse_number,[ "4" ] = parse_number,[ "5" ] = parse_number,[ "6" ] = parse_number,[ "7" ] = parse_number,[ "8" ] = parse_number,[ "9" ] = parse_number,[ "-" ] = parse_number,[ "t" ] = parse_literal,[ "f" ] = parse_literal,[ "n" ] = parse_literal,[ "[" ] = parse_array,[ "{" ] = parse_object,}; parse = function(str, idx) local chr = str:sub(idx, idx); local f = char_func_map[chr]; if f then return f(str, idx); end; decode_error(str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'"); end; function json.decode(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)); end; local res, idx = parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true)); idx = next_char(str, idx, space_chars, true); if idx <= #str then decode_error(str, idx, "trailing garbage"); end; return res; end;
--- @endregion
--- @region: enumerations
local e_conditions = {
AIR = 5,
local e_player_flags = {
ON_GROUND = bit.lshift(1, 0),
DUCKING = bit.lshift(1, 1),
ANIMDUCKING = bit.lshift(1, 2),
WATERJUMP = bit.lshift(1, 3),
ON_TRAIN = bit.lshift(1, 4),
IN_RAIN = bit.lshift(1, 5),
FROZEN = bit.lshift(1, 6),
ATCONTROLS = bit.lshift(1, 7),
CLIENT = bit.lshift(1, 8),
FAKECLIENT = bit.lshift(1, 9),
IN_WATER = bit.lshift(1, 10)
local e_poses = {
STAND = 1,
SPEED = 3,
BODY_YAW = 11,
local e_menu = {
PITCH = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.pitch"),
TARGET_YAW = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.base_angle"),
YAW = ui.find_menu_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset"),
YAW_MOD = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.yaw"),
JITTER_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.range"),
SPIN_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.range"),
SPIN_SPEED = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.speed"),
DESYNC_TYPE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.desync"),
DESYNC_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.desync_range"),
INV_DESYNC_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range"),
BODY_LEAN = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.body_lean"),
INV_BODY_LEAN = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean"),
FAKELAG_AMOUNT = ui.find_menu_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit")
--- @endregion
--- @region: color
local color_c = {}
--- @param: r: number
--- @param: g: number
--- @param: b: number
--- @param: a: number
--- @return: color
function color_c.new(r, g, b, a)
return color(math.floor(r or 255), math.floor(g or 255), math.floor(b or 255), math.floor(a or 255))
--- @param: color_u: color
--- @return: <number, number, number, number>
function color_c.unpack(color_u)
return color_u:r(), color_u:g(), color_u:b(), color_u:a()
--- @param: color_u: color
--- @return: string
function color_c.to_hex(color_u)
local r, g, b = color_c.unpack(color_u)
local rgb = (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + b
return string.format("%x", rgb)
--- @endregion
--- @region: animation
local animation_data = {}
local animation = {}
--- @info: Lerp animation.
--- @param: start: any
--- @param: end_pos: any
--- @param: time: number
--- @return: number
function animation.lerp(start, end_pos, time)
if (type(start) == "userdata") then
local color_data = {0, 0, 0, 0}
color_data[1] = animation.lerp(start:r(), end_pos:r(), time)
color_data[2] = animation.lerp(start:g(), end_pos:g(), time)
color_data[3] = animation.lerp(start:b(), end_pos:b(), time)
color_data[4] = animation.lerp(start:a(), end_pos:a(), time)
return color_c.new(table.unpack(color_data))
return (end_pos - start) * (globalvars.get_frametime() * time) + start
--- @param: name: string
--- @param: value: any
--- @param: time: number
--- @return: any
function animation.create(name, value, time)
if (animation_data[name] == nil) then
animation_data[name] = value
animation_data[name] = animation.lerp(animation_data[name], value, time)
return animation_data[name]
--- @endregion
--- @region: math
--- @info: Randomizes different numbers in the float type.
--- @param: min: number
--- @param: max: number
--- @return: number
function math.random_float(min, max)
return math.random() * (max - min) + min
--- @info: Randomizes different numbers in the int type.
--- @param: min: number
--- @param: max: number
--- @return: number
function math.random_int(min, max)
return math.floor(math.random() * (math.floor(max) - math.ceil(min) + 1)) + math.ceil(min)
--- @info: Round a number to the nearest precision, or none by default.
--- @param: number: number
--- @param: precision: number
--- @return: number
function math.round(number, precision)
local mult = math.pow(10, (precision or 0))
return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult
--- @endregion
--- @region: table
--- @info: Returns true if the table contains the value being searched for.
--- @param: search_table: table
--- @param: search_value: any
--- @return: boolean
function table.contains(search_table, search_value)
for _, value in pairs(search_table) do
if (search_value == value) then
return true
return false
--- @param: tbl: table
--- @return: number
function table.count(tbl)
if (tbl == nil) then
return 0
if (#tbl == 0) then
local count = 0
for data in pairs(tbl) do
count = count + 1
return count
return #tbl
--- @endregion
--- @region: string
--- @param: self: string
--- @param: search: string
--- @return: number
function string.count(self, search)
local count = 0
for i = 1, #self do
if (self:sub(i, i) == search) then
count = count + 1
return count
--- @param: self: string
--- @param: first_color: table
--- @param: second_color: table
--- @return: string
function string.gradient(self, first_color, second_color)
local output = ""
local len = #self - 1
local rinc = (second_color[1] - first_color[1]) / len
local ginc = (second_color[2] - first_color[2]) / len
local binc = (second_color[3] - first_color[3]) / len
local ainc = (second_color[4] - first_color[4]) / len
for i = 1, len + 1 do
output = output .. ("{%02x%02x%02x}%s"):format(math.floor(first_color[1]), math.floor(first_color[2]), math.floor(first_color[3]), self:sub(i, i))
first_color[1] = first_color[1] + rinc
first_color[2] = first_color[2] + ginc
first_color[3] = first_color[3] + binc
first_color[4] = first_color[4] + ainc
return output
--- @endregion
--- @region: callback system
local callbacks = {}
local data_calls = {}
local data_delay_calls = {}
--- @info: Initialize callbacks.
--- @param: event_type: string
--- @return: void
function callbacks.init(event_type)
if (type(event_type) ~= "string") then
error("Invalid type of callback")
data_calls[event_type] = {}
data_calls[event_type].list = {}
data_calls[event_type].func = function(...)
for key, value in pairs(data_calls[event_type].list) do
cheat.push_callback(event_type, data_calls[event_type].func)
--- @param: event_type: string
--- @param: callback: function
--- @return: void
function callbacks.add(event_type, callback)
if (callback == nil) then
error("Undefined callbacked variable")
if (type(callback) ~= "function") then
error("Invalid type of callbacked variable")
if (not data_calls[event_type]) then
table.insert(data_calls[event_type].list, {func = callback})
--- @info: Removes a callback that was previously set using 'callbacks.add'
--- @param: event_type: string
--- @param: callback: function
--- @return: void
function callbacks.remove(event_type, callback)
if (data_calls[event_type] == nil) then
error("Undefined callback")
if (type(callback) ~= "function") then
error("Invalid type of variable to remove")
for key, value in pairs(data_calls[event_type].list) do
if (value.func == callback) then
table.remove(data_calls[event_type].list, key)
--- @endregion
--- @region: menu helpers
local menu = {}
local menu_callbacks = {}
--- @param: item_type: string
--- @param: name: string
--- @param: item: menu_item
--- @param: func: function
--- @return: void
function menu.set_callback(item_type, name, item, func)
callbacks.add("on_paint", function()
if (menu_callbacks[name] == nil) then
menu_callbacks[name] = {itmes = {}, data = {}, clicked_value = 0}
local self = menu_callbacks[name]
if (item_type == "checkbox" or item_type == "hotkey") then
self.clicked_value = item:get() and math.min(3, self.clicked_value + 1) or math.max(0, self.clicked_value - 1)
if (self.clicked_value == 2) then
elseif (item_type == "combo") then
local item_value = item:get()
if (self.clicked_value and self.clicked_value == item_value) then
goto skip
self.clicked_value = item_value
elseif (item_type == "button") then
if (item:get()) then
--- @endregion
--- @region: assets
--- @class: assets_c
--- @field: public: link: string
--- @field: public: path: string
local assets_c = {}
local assets_mt = { __index = assets_c }
--- @info: Instantiate an object of assets_c.
--- @info: Creating an http request.
--- @param: link: string
--- @return: assets_c
function assets_c.new_request(link)
return setmetatable({
link = link
}, assets_mt)
--- @info: Downloading an asset.
--- @param: type: string
--- @param: name: string: optional
--- @param: path: string: optional
--- @return: void
function assets_c:download(type, name, path)
assert(type ~= nil, 4, "Unknown resource type")
local default_name = ("unknown_%s.%s"):format(math.random(0, 100000), type)
local s_path = {first = "C:\\rawetrip", second = "assets"}
local default_path = ("%s\\%s"):format(s_path.first, s_path.second)
if (not file.exists(s_path.first)) then
if (file.exists(s_path.first) and not file.exists(s_path.second)) then
name = name == nil and default_name or ("%s.%s"):format(name, type)
path = path == nil and default_path or path
local total_path = ("%s\\%s"):format(path:gsub("/", "\\"), name)
self.path = total_path:gsub("\\", "/")
if (not file.exists(total_path)) then
local content = http.get(self.link)
if (content ~= nil and #content > 0) then
file.write(total_path, content)
--- @info: Get asset path.
--- @return: string
function assets_c:get_path()
return self.path
--- @endregion
--- @region: font
--- @class: font_c
--- @field: public: name: string
--- @field: public: size: string
--- @field: public: flags: table
local font_c = {}
local font_mt = { __index = font_c }
--- @info: Instantiate an object of font_c.
--- @param: name: string
--- @param: size: string
--- @param: flags: number: optional
--- @return: font_c
function font_c.new(name, size, flags)
assert(name, 4, "Cannot create font because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'name')")
assert(size, 4, "Cannot create font because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'size')")
return setmetatable({
name = name,
size = size,
flags = flags
}, font_mt)
--- @info: Initialize font.
--- @return: font
function font_c:init()
if (type(self.name) == "table") then
local asset = assets_c.new_request(self.name.link)
asset:download(self.name.type, self.name.name)
local asset_path = asset:get_path()
if (file.exists(asset_path:gsub("/", "\\"))) then
return render.setup_font(asset_path, self.size, self.flags)
elseif (type(self.name) == "string") then
return render.setup_font(self.name, self.size, self.flags)
--- @endregion
--- @region: menu_item
--- @class: menu_item_c
--- @field: public: element_type: string
--- @field: public: name: string
local menu_item_c = {}
local menu_item_mt = { __index = menu_item_c }
local groups_en = {
["First"] = 1,
["Second"] = 2
--- @info: Create a new menu_item_c.
--- @param: element_type: string
--- @param: element: function
--- @param: name: string
--- @param: group: string
--- @vararg: any
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_item_c.new(element_type, element, name, group, to_save, condition, ...)
assert(element, 4, "Cannot create menu item because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'element')")
local reference
if (type(element) == "function") then
local do_ui_new = element(name, ...)
reference = do_ui_new
reference = element
return setmetatable({
element_type = element_type,
reference = reference,
group = group,
name = name,
to_save = to_save,
condition = condition,
}, menu_item_mt)
--- @param: func: function
--- @return: void
function menu_item_c:set_callback(func)
return menu.set_callback(self.element_type, ("%s_%s"):format(self.name, self.element_type), self.reference, func)
--- @vararg: any
--- @return: void
function menu_item_c:set(...)
local args = {...}
--- @param: group: string
--- @return: void
function menu_item_c:setup_group()
self.reference:set_group(groups_en[self.group] or 1)
--- @vararg: string
--- @return: void
function menu_item_c:set_items(...)
local args = {...}
if (type(args[1]) == "table") then
args = args[1]
--- @return: table
function menu_item_c:get_items()
return self.reference:get_items()
--- @return: any
function menu_item_c:get()
return self.reference:get()
--- @param: state: boolean
--- @return: any
function menu_item_c:set_visible(state)
--- @endregion
--- @region: menu_manager
--- @class: menu_manager_c
--- @field: public: tab: string
--- @field: public: name: string
--- @field: public: to_save: boolean
--- @field: public: condition: function
--- @field: public: reference: menu item
local menu_manager_c = {}
local menu_manager_mt = { __index = menu_manager_c }
local menu_manager_current_tab = ui.add_combobox("Current Tab:", {"Loading..."})
local menu_manager_tabs = {}
local menu_manager_items = {}
local current_tab = "string"
--- @info: Create a new menu_manager_c.
--- @param: tab: string
--- @param: name: string
--- @param: group: string
--- @param: to_save: boolean: optional
--- @param: condition: function: optional
--- @return: menu_manager_c
function menu_manager_c.new(tab, group, name, to_save, condition)
return setmetatable({
tab = tab == nil and "Global" or tab,
name = name,
group = group,
to_save = to_save == nil and true or to_save,
condition = condition == nil and function()
return true
end or condition,
}, menu_manager_mt)
--- @param: tab: string
--- @param: name: string
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c.reference(tab, group, name)
return menu_manager_items[tab][group][name].reference
--- @vararg: string
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:combo(...)
local args = {...}
if (type(args[1]) == "table") then
args = args[1]
return self:_create_item("combo", ui.add_combobox, args)
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:checkbox()
local item = self:_create_item("checkbox", ui.add_checkbox)
return item
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:hotkey()
local item = self:_create_item("hotkey", ui.add_hotkey)
return item
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:label()
self.to_save = false
return self:_create_item("label", ui.add_label)
--- @param: callback: function
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:button(callback)
self.to_save = false
local item = self:_create_item("button", ui.add_button)
if (callback ~= nil) then
callbacks.add("on_paint", function()
if (item:get()) then
return item
--- @param: s_type: string
--- @param: min: number
--- @param: max: number
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:slider(min, max, default_value, s_type)
if (s_type == nil) then
s_type = "int"
if (type(min) ~= "number") then
cheat.notify("Slider min value must be a number.")
if (type(max) ~= "number") then
cheat.notify("Slider max value must be a number.")
if (min > max) then
cheat.notify("Slider min value must be below the max value.")
local item = self:_create_item("slider", ui["add_slider"..s_type], min, max)
if (default_value ~= nil) then
return item
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:color_picker()
return self:_create_item("color_picker", ui.add_colorpicker)
--- @return: void
function menu_manager_c.update_visible()
for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(menu_manager_items) do
for item_name, item_value in pairs(tab_value) do
local tabs = menu_manager_current_tab:get_items()
local condition = tabs[menu_manager_current_tab:get() + 1] == tab_name and item_value.condition()
--- @param: element_type: string
--- @param: element: function
--- @vararg: any
--- @return: menu_item_c
function menu_manager_c:_create_item(element_type, element, ...)
assert(type(self.name) == "string" and self.name ~= "", 3, "Cannot create menu item: name must be a non-empty string.")
local item = menu_item_c.new(element_type, element, self.name, self.group, self.to_save, self.condition, ...)
if (menu_manager_items[self.tab] == nil) then
menu_manager_items[self.tab] = {}
table.insert(menu_manager_tabs, self.tab)
if (menu_manager_items[self.tab][self.name] ~= nil) then
menu_manager_items[self.tab][self.name] = {
reference = item,
to_save = self.to_save,
element_type = element_type,
condition = self.condition
local function update_value()
return item
menu.set_callback("combo", "menu_manager_current_tab", menu_manager_current_tab, function()
--- @endregion
--- @region: input
--- @class: input_c
--- @field: public: key: number
local input_c = {}
local input_mt = { __index = input_c }
local pressed_keys = {}
local last_pressed_keys = {}
--- @info: Instantiate an object of input_c.
--- @param: key: number
--- @return input_c
function input_c.new_key(key)
return setmetatable({
key = key,
}, input_mt)
--- @info: Update keys.
--- @return: void
function input_c.update()
for i = 1, 255 do
last_pressed_keys[i] = pressed_keys[i]
pressed_keys[i] = utils.get_active_key(i)
callbacks.add("on_paint", input_c.update)
--- @info: Returns if current key is held
--- @return: boolean
function input_c:is_key_held()
return pressed_keys[self.key]
--- @info: Returns if they key was just pressed
--- @return: boolean
function input_c:is_key_pressed()
return pressed_keys[self.key] and not last_pressed_keys[self.key]
--- @info: Returns if current key was just released
--- @return: boolean
function input_c:is_key_released()
return not pressed_keys[self.key] and last_pressed_keys[self.key]
--- @info: Returns if the mouse is in specified bounds.
--- @param: vec_start: vector
--- @param: vec_end: vector
--- @return: boolean
function input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vec_start, vec_end)
local x, y = vec_start.x, vec_start.y
local w, h = vec_end.x, vec_end.y
local mouse_position = utils.get_cursor_position()
return ((mouse_position.x >= x and mouse_position.x < x + w and mouse_position.y >= y and mouse_position.y < y + h) and globalvars.is_open_menu())
--- @endregion
--- @region: drag
--- @class: drag_c
--- @field: public: x: number
--- @field: public: y: number
--- @field: public: width: number
--- @field: public: height: number
--- @field: public: d_x: number
--- @field: public: d_y: number
--- @field: public: dragging: boolean
--- @field: public: unlocked: boolean
local drag_c = {}
local drag_mt = { __index = drag_c }
--- @info: Instantiate an object of drag_c.
--- @param: x: number
--- @param: y: number
--- @return drag_c
function drag_c.new(x, y, name, tab)
tab = tab or "Widgets"
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
return setmetatable({
x = menu_manager_c.new(tab, "Second", ("[ %s ] x"):format(name), true, function() return false end):slider(0, screen.x, x),
y = menu_manager_c.new(tab, "Second", ("[ %s ] y"):format(name), true, function() return false end):slider(0, screen.y, y),
d_x = 0,
d_y = 0,
dragging = false,
unlocked = false
}, drag_mt)
--- @info: Unlock the dragging position.
--- @return void
function drag_c:unlock()
self.unlocked = true
--- @info: Lock the dragging position.
--- @return void
function drag_c:lock()
self.unlocked = false
--- @return: void
function drag_c:visualize()
local x, y = self.x:get(), self.y:get()
local width, height = self.width, self.height
if (input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vector_2d(x, y), vector_2d(width, height))) then
render.rect(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 100), 3)
--- @info: Handle dragging.
--- @param: width: number
--- @param: height: number
--- @return: void
function drag_c:handle(width, height)
self.width = width
self.height = height
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
local mouse_position = utils.get_cursor_position()
local mouse_left = input_c.new_key(0x01)
if (input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vector_2d(self.x:get(), self.y:get()), vector_2d(self.width, self.height))) then
if (mouse_left:is_key_held() and not self.dragging) then
self.dragging = true
self.d_x = self.x:get() - mouse_position.x
self.d_y = self.y:get() - mouse_position.y
if (not mouse_left:is_key_held()) then
self.dragging = false
if (self.dragging and globalvars.is_open_menu()) then
local new_x = math.max(0, math.min(screen.x - self.width, mouse_position.x + self.d_x))
local new_y = math.max(0, math.min(screen.y - self.height, mouse_position.y + self.d_y))
new_x = self.unlocked and mouse_position.x + self.d_x or new_x
new_y = self.unlocked and mouse_position.y + self.d_y or new_y
--- @info: Getting drag position.
--- @return: <number, number>
function drag_c:get()
return self.x:get(), self.y:get()
--- @endregion
--- @region: note
--- @class: note_c
--- @field: public: name: string
local note_c = {}
local note_mt = { __index = note_c }
--- @info: Instantiate an object of note_c.
--- @param: name: string
--- @return: note_c
function note_c.new(name)
if (package.NecronNotes == nil) then
package.NecronNotes = {}
return setmetatable({
name = name
}, note_mt)
--- @param: packages: table
--- @param: sort_function: function
--- @return: any
function note_c.sort(packages, sort_function)
local tbl = {}
for value in pairs(packages) do
table.insert(tbl, value)
table.sort(tbl, sort_function)
local index = 0
local function update_table()
index = index + 1
if (tbl[index] == nil) then
return nil
return tbl[index], packages[tbl[index]]
return update_table
--- @param: func: function
--- @return: number
function note_c:get(func)
local index = 0
local tbl = {}
for key, value in note_c.sort(package.NecronNotes) do
if (value == true) then
index = index + 1
table.insert(tbl, {key, index})
for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do
if (value[1] == self.name) then
return func(value[2] - 1)
--- @param: value: boolean
--- @return: void
function note_c:set_state(value)
package.NecronNotes[self.name] = value
--- @return: void
function note_c:unload()
if (package.NecronNotes[self.name] ~= nil) then
package.NecronNotes[self.name] = nil
--- @endregion
--- @region: entity helpers
local entity_c = {}
--- @return: number
function entity_c.get_condition()
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
return e_conditions.SHARED
local velocity = player:get_velocity():length_2d()
local flags = player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags")
if (bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.ON_GROUND) ~= 1) then
return e_conditions.AIR
if (bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.DUCKING) ~= 0) then
return e_conditions.CROUCH
if (velocity > 5) then
if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk)) then
return e_conditions.WALKING
return e_conditions.RUNNING
return e_conditions.STANDING
--- @param: con_id: number
--- @return: string
function entity_c.get_condition_name(con_id)
if (con_id == nil) then
con_id = e_conditions.SHARED
for key, value in spairs(e_conditions, function(t, a, b)
return t[b] > t[a]
end) do
if (value == con_id) then
local new_name = key:lower()
new_name = new_name:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a, b)
return a:upper() .. b
return new_name
--- @endregion
--- @region: unnamed
--- @element: script vars
local script_name = "necron"
local script_type = "stable"
local script_clan_tag = "necron"
local script_version = "1.4.0"
--- @endregion
--- @region: console helpers
local console_c = {}
--- @param: first_color: color
--- @param: second_color: color
--- @vararg: string
--- @return: void
function console_c.print_gradient(first_color, second_color, ...)
if (first_color == nil and second_color == nil) then
local args = {...}
local message = ""
for _, value in pairs(args) do
message = message .. value .. "\x20"
local count = #message - 1
local color_s = {first_color[1], first_color[2], first_color[3], first_color[4] or 255}
local delta = {
-(first_color[1] - second_color[1]) / count,
-(first_color[2] - second_color[2]) / count,
-(first_color[3] - second_color[3]) / count,
-(first_color[4] - second_color[4]) / count
for i = 1, #message - 1 do
console.print_color(message:sub(i, i), color_c.new(color_s[1], color_s[2], color_s[3], color_s[4]))
color_s[1] = color_s[1] + delta[1]
color_s[2] = color_s[2] + delta[2]
color_s[3] = color_s[3] + delta[3]
color_s[4] = color_s[4] + delta[4]
--- @param: message: string
--- @param: msg_color: color
--- @return: void
function console_c.log(message, msg_color)
if (msg_color == nil) then
msg_color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255)
message = message .. "\n"
local hexed = color_c.to_hex(msg_color)
message = ("{%s}%s"):format(hexed, message)
console_c.print_gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}, script_name)
console.print_color(" : ", color_c.new(33, 33, 33))
for i = 1, message:count("{") do
local start_prefix = message:find("{")
local end_prefix = message:find("}")
if (start_prefix and end_prefix) then
local string_color = message:sub(start_prefix, end_prefix)
local r, g, b = tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(2, 3)), tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(4, 5)), tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(6, 7))
local next_string = message:sub(end_prefix + 1)
local next_prefix_start = next_string:find('{')
local new_string = next_prefix_start and next_string:sub(1, next_prefix_start - 1) or next_string
message = next_string
console.print_color(new_string, color_c.new(r, g, b))
--- @endregion
--- @region: render helpers
local render_c = {}
--- @param: x: number
--- @param: y: number
--- @param: color_s: color
--- @param: start_degrees: number
--- @param: percentage: number
--- @param: thickness: number
--- @return: void
function render_c.circle_outline(x, y, color_s, radius, start_degrees, percentage, thickness)
local r, g, b, a = color_c.unpack(color_s)
return render.arc(x, y, (radius - 1), (radius - 1) + thickness, start_degrees, math.floor(360 * percentage), color_c.new(r, g, b, a))
--- @param: font: font
--- @param: tbl: table
--- @return: vector_2d
function render_c.get_multitext_size(font, tbl)
if (font == nil) then
local width = 0
for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
width = width + render.get_text_size(font, tostring(value.text)).x
return {x = width, y = font.size}
--- @param: font: font
--- @param: x: number
--- @param: y: number
--- @param: tbl: table
--- @param: alpha: number: optional
--- @param: shadow: boolean: optional
--- @param: outline: boolean: optional
--- @return: void
function render_c.multitext(font, x, y, tbl, alpha, shadow, outline)
if (font == nil) then
if ((x == nil and type(x) ~= "number") and (y == nil and type(y) ~= "number")) then
if (alpha == nil) then
alpha = 1
if (alpha < 0) then
alpha = 0
if (shadow == nil) then
shadow = false
if (outline == nil) then
outline = false
for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
value.color = value.color or color_c.new(255, 255, 255)
render.text(font, x, y, color_c.new(value.color:r(), value.color:g(), value.color:b(), value.color:a() * alpha), value.text, shadow, outline)
x = x + render.get_text_size(font, value.text).x
--- @param: x: number
--- @param: y: number
--- @param: width: number
--- @param: height: number
--- @param: container_color: color
--- @param: style: number: optional
--- @param: outline: boolean: optional
--- @return: void
function render_c.container(x, y, width, height, container_color, style, outline)
if ((x == nil and type(x) ~= "number") and (y == nil and type(y) ~= "number")) then
if ((width == nil and type(width) ~= "number") and (height == nil and type(height) ~= "number")) then
if (outline == nil) then
outline = true
if (style == nil) then
style = 1
local r, g, b, a = color_c.unpack(container_color)
local round = 3
if (style == 1) then
--- background
render.blur(x, y, width, height, (255 / 255) * a)
render.rect_filled(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(0, 0, 0, (80 / 255) * a))
--- upper
render.rect_filled(x, y, width, 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a))
elseif (style == 2) then
--- background
render.blur(x, y, width, height, (255 / 255) * a)
render.rect_filled(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(0, 0, 0, (80 / 255) * a), round + 1)
--- upper
render.rect_filled(x + round, y, width - (round * 2), 1, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a))
--- left up arc
render.begin_cliprect(x, y, round, round + 1)
render_c.circle_outline(x + round, y + round, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), round, 180, 0.25, 1)
--- right up arc
render.begin_cliprect(x + width - round, y, round, round + 1)
render_c.circle_outline(x + width - round, y + round, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), round, 270, 0.25, 1)
--- left gradient
render.gradient(x, y + round, 1, (height + 5) / 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), color_c.new(r, g, b, (0 / 255) * a), 1)
--- right gradient
render.gradient(x + width - 1, y + round, 1, (height + 5) / 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), color_c.new(r, g, b, (0 / 255) * a), 1)
--- @endregion
--- @region: fonts
local fonts = {}
fonts.small = {}
fonts.verdana = {}
fonts.verdana.default = render.setup_font("Verdana", 12, fontflags.noantialiasing)
fonts.verdana.bold = render.setup_font("Verdana", 13, fontflags.bold)
fonts.small.default = font_c.new({
link = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935910251562143764/1027915433929609256/smallest.ttf",
type = "ttf",
name = "smallest"
}, 10):init()
--- @endregion
--- @region: ui
--- @group: Global
local ui_global = {}
ui_global.export_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Export Config To Clipboard"):button()
ui_global.import_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Import Config From Clipboard"):button()
ui_global.default_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Load Default Config"):button()
ui_global.seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", " "):label()
ui_global.discord_link = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Export Discord Link To Console"):button(function()
local link = ("tPfYp4WeXq"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("https://discord.gg/" .. link)
--- @group: Anti-Aim
local ui_anti_aim = {}
ui_anti_aim.switch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Enable Anti-Aims"):checkbox()
ui_anti_aim.switch_condition = function() return ui_anti_aim.switch:get() end
ui_anti_aim.static_legs_in_air = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Static Legs In Air", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_anti_aim.zero_pitch_on_land = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Zero Pitch On Land", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_anti_aim.static_legs_on_slow_walk = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Static Legs On Slow Walk", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_anti_aim.mode = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Anti-Aim Mode", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):combo("None", "Condition")
--- @group: Widgets
local ui_widgets = {}
ui_widgets.switch = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Widgets"):checkbox()
ui_widgets.switch_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch:get() end
ui_widgets.main_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Main Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.first_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "First Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.second_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Second Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.glow_switch = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Enable Glow", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.glow_switch_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch_condition() and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get() end
ui_widgets.glow_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Glow Color", true, ui_widgets.glow_switch_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.sty_seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", " "):label()
ui_widgets.style = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Windows style", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):combo("Default", "Alternative")
ui_widgets.watermark = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Watermark", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.keybinds = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Keybinds", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.indicators = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Crosshair Indicators", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.hit_log = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable On Screen Shot Log", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.hit_log_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch_condition() and ui_widgets.hit_log:get() end
ui_widgets.manage_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Manage Colors", true, ui_widgets.hit_log_condition):checkbox()
ui_widgets.manage_color_condition = function() return ui_widgets.hit_log_condition() and ui_widgets.manage_color:get() end
ui_widgets.hit_seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", " "):label()
ui_widgets.hit_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Hit Color", true, ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.miss_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Miss Color", true, ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):color_picker()
ui_widgets.seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", " ", ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):label()
ui_widgets.clan_tag = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Clantag Spammer", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox()
menu.set_callback("checkbox", ("%s_%s"):format("Enable Clantag Spammer - Widgets", "checkbox"), ui_widgets.clan_tag.reference, function(new_value)
if (not new_value) then
--- @endregion
--- @region: anti-aim
--- @item: Condition Anti-Aim Mode
local condition_anti_aim = {}
condition_anti_aim.list = {}
condition_anti_aim.switch = false
condition_anti_aim.yaw = 0
condition_anti_aim.fake_switch = false
condition_anti_aim.fake = 0
condition_anti_aim.mode_condition = function() return ui_anti_aim.mode:get() == 1 end
condition_anti_aim.conditions = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Current Condition", true, condition_anti_aim.mode_condition):combo("none")
function condition_anti_aim.update_items()
local conditions = {}
for key, value in spairs(e_conditions, function(t, a, b)
return t[b] > t[a]
end) do
local new_name = key:lower()
new_name = new_name:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a, b)
return a:upper() .. b
table.insert(conditions, new_name)
end; condition_anti_aim.update_items()
function condition_anti_aim.create_items()
local items = condition_anti_aim.conditions.reference:get_items()
for key, value in ipairs(items) do
local function name(text)
return ("[%s] %s"):format(value, text)
if (condition_anti_aim.list[key] == nil) then
condition_anti_aim.list[key] = {}
local setup = condition_anti_aim.list[key]
setup.override = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Override"), true, function()
return condition_anti_aim.conditions:get() == key-1 and condition_anti_aim.mode_condition()
local function visible_condition()
return condition_anti_aim.conditions:get() == key-1 and condition_anti_aim.mode_condition() and setup.override:get()
setup.pitch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Pitch"), true, visible_condition):combo("None", "Minimal", "Maximal")
setup.target_yaw = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Target Yaw"), true, visible_condition):combo("Local View", "At Targets")
setup.yaw_offset_type = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Add Type"), true, visible_condition):combo("Default", "Alternative")
setup.yaw_offset = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 0 end):slider(-180, 180, 0)
setup.yaw_offset_left = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset Left"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1 end):slider(-180, 180, 0)
setup.yaw_offset_right = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset Right"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1 end):slider(-180, 180, 0)
setup.yaw_jitter = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Jitter"), true, visible_condition):combo("Off", "Offset", "Center", "Random")
setup.yaw_jitter_value = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Jitter Value"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() ~= 0 end):slider(-180, 180, 0)
setup.spin_switch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Anti-Aim"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):checkbox()
setup.spin_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.spin_switch:get() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):slider(1, 180)
setup.spin_speed = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Speed"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.spin_switch:get() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):slider(1, 15)
setup.desync_type = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Desync Type"), true, visible_condition):combo("None", "Static", "Jitter")
setup.desync_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Desync Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60)
setup.inv_desync_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Inverted Desync Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60)
setup.body_lean = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Body Lean"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60)
setup.inv_body_lean = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Inverted Body Lean"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60)
end; condition_anti_aim.create_items()
function condition_anti_aim.handle()
if (not ui_anti_aim.switch:get() or ui_anti_aim.mode:get() ~= 1) then
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
local current_condition = entity_c.get_condition()
local item = condition_anti_aim.list[current_condition]
item = condition_anti_aim.list[e_conditions.SHARED].override:get() and condition_anti_aim.list[e_conditions.SHARED] or item
if (not item.override:get()) then
local is_left = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync)
local yaw_offset = 0
if (item.yaw_offset_type:get() == 0) then
yaw_offset = item.yaw_offset:get()
elseif (item.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1) then
yaw_offset = is_left and item.yaw_offset_left:get() or item.yaw_offset_right:get()
if (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 0) then
if (utils.get_choked_commands() == 0) then
if (item.yaw_jitter:get() ~= 0) then
if (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 1) then
if (condition_anti_aim.switch) then
condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset
condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + item.yaw_jitter_value:get()
condition_anti_aim.switch = not condition_anti_aim.switch
elseif (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 2) then
if (condition_anti_aim.switch) then
condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset - item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2
condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2
condition_anti_aim.switch = not condition_anti_aim.switch
elseif (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 3) then
condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + math.random_int(item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / -2, item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2)
e_menu.YAW:set(math.floor(condition_anti_aim.yaw or 0))
if (item.spin_switch:get() and item.yaw_jitter:get() == 0) then
if (not item.spin_switch:get()) then
if (item.desync_type:get() ~= 0) then
--- @item: Animation Breakers
local anim_breaker = {}
anim_breaker.ground_ticks = 1
anim_breaker.end_time = 0
function anim_breaker.handle(stage)
if (not ui_anti_aim.switch:get()) then
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
if (stage ~= enum_frames.frame_render_start) then
local flags = player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags")
local on_ground = bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.ON_GROUND) == 1
if (ui_anti_aim.static_legs_in_air:get()) then
if (not on_ground) then
player:set_render_pose(e_poses.JUMP_FALL, 1)
if (ui_anti_aim.zero_pitch_on_land:get()) then
if (on_ground) then
anim_breaker.ground_ticks = anim_breaker.ground_ticks + 1
anim_breaker.ground_ticks = 0
anim_breaker.end_time = globalvars.get_curtime() + 1
if (anim_breaker.ground_ticks > (e_menu.FAKELAG_AMOUNT:get() + 1) and anim_breaker.end_time > globalvars.get_curtime()) then
player:set_render_pose(e_poses.BODY_PITCH, 0.5)
if (ui_anti_aim.static_legs_on_slow_walk:get()) then
if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk)) then
player:set_render_pose(e_poses.MOVE_BLEND_WALK, 0)
--- @endregion
--- @region: widgets
--- @item: Watermark
local watermark_c = {}
watermark_c.note = note_c.new("a_watermark")
function watermark_c.handle()
watermark_c.note:set_state(ui_widgets.watermark:get() and ui_widgets.switch:get())
local f_r, f_g, f_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.first_color:get())
local s_r, s_g, s_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.second_color:get())
local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get())
local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get())
local actual_time = globalvars.get_time()
local nickname = engine.get_gamename()
local text = {
{text = (" [%s]"):format(script_type)},
{text = (" %s"):format(nickname)},
if (engine.is_in_game()) then
local latency = globalvars.get_ping()
local latency_text = (" %dms"):format(latency)
table.insert(text, {text = latency_text})
table.insert(text, {text = (" %s"):format(actual_time:sub(0, 5))})
local script_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, script_name)
local text_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.verdana.default, text)
local x, y = engine.get_screen_size().x, 8 + (27*0)
local space = 6
local y_add = {
[0] = 1,
[1] = 0
local width, height = (script_size.x + text_size.x) + (10 + space), 23
x = x - width - 10
if (ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then
render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x + 1, y + 1), vector_2d(width - 2, height - 2), 16, vector(1, 22, 2), 4, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, -1)
render_c.container(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b), ui_widgets.style:get() + 1)
render.text_gradient(fonts.verdana.default, x + space + 1, y + (height / 2) - (script_size.y / 2) + y_add[ui_widgets.style:get()], color_c.new(f_r, f_g, f_b), color_c.new(s_r, s_g, s_b), script_name, 0, true)
render_c.multitext(fonts.verdana.default, x + script_size.x + space + 2, y + (height / 2) - (text_size.y / 2) + y_add[ui_widgets.style:get()], text, 1, true)
--- @item: Indicators
local indicators_c = {}
function indicators_c.handle()
if (not ui_widgets.indicators:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
local f_r, f_g, f_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.first_color:get())
local s_r, s_g, s_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.second_color:get())
local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get())
local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get())
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
local text_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.small.default, script_name:upper())
local additional = 40
local x, y = screen.x / 2, (screen.y / 2) + additional
if (ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then
render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x - (text_size.x / 2), y - ((text_size.y - 5) / 2)), vector_2d(text_size.x, (text_size.y - 5)), 22, vector(1, 25, 2), 8, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, 0)
render.text_gradient(fonts.small.default, x - (text_size.x / 2), y - (text_size.y / 2), color_c.new(f_r, f_g, f_b), color_c.new(s_r, s_g, s_b), script_name:upper(), 0, false, true)
local list = {
name = {
{text = "- ", color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255)},
{text = entity_c.get_condition_name(entity_c.get_condition()), color = color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b)},
{text = " -", color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255)}
active = true
name = "DT",
active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap)
name = "HS",
active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.hide_shots)
name = "DMG",
active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override)
name = "BODY",
active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.body_aim)
local offset = 0
for key, value in ipairs(list) do
local alpha = animation.create(("[%s] list / indicators"):format(key), value.active and 1 or 0, 12)
if (alpha < 0) then
alpha = 0
if (type(value.name) == "table") then
local list_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.small.default, value.name)
local new_x = animation.create(("[%s] list / new_x table"):format(key), x - (list_size.x / 2), 12)
render_c.multitext(fonts.small.default, math.floor(new_x), y - (list_size.y / 2) + (text_size.y - 2) + offset, value.name, alpha, false, true)
elseif (type(value.name) == "string") then
local list_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.small.default, value.name)
local new_x = animation.create(("[%s] list / new_x string"):format(key), x - (list_size.x / 2), 12)
render.text(fonts.small.default, math.floor(new_x), y - (list_size.y / 2) + (text_size.y - 2) + offset, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b, 255 * alpha), value.name, false, true)
offset = offset + 8 * alpha
--- @item: Keybinds
local keybinds_c = {}
keybinds_c.active = {}
keybinds_c.list = {
["Minimum damage"] = keybinds.damage_override,
["Double tap"] = keybinds.double_tap,
["On shot anti-aim"] = keybinds.hide_shots,
["Slow motion"] = keybinds.slowwalk,
["Anti-aim inverter"] = keybinds.flip_desync,
["Duck peek assist"] = keybinds.fakeduck,
["Quick peek assist"] = keybinds.automatic_peek,
["Body aim"] = keybinds.body_aim
keybinds_c.modes = {"always", "holding", "toggled", "disabled"}
keybinds_c.dragging = drag_c.new(0, 0, "Keybinds")
function keybinds_c.handle()
if (not ui_widgets.keybinds:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then
local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get())
local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get())
local latest_item = false
local maximum_offset = 66
local menu_bind = true
for bind_name, bind_ref in pairs(keybinds_c.list) do
local item_active = ui.get_keybind_state(bind_ref)
if (item_active) then
latest_item = true
if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] == nil) then
keybinds_c.active[bind_name] = {mode = "", alpha = 0, offset = 0, active = false}
local bind_name_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, bind_name)
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].mode = keybinds_c.modes[ (ui.get_keybind_mode(bind_ref) + 2) or 4 ]
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha = animation.lerp(keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha, 1, 12)
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset = bind_name_size.x
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].active = true
elseif (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] ~= nil) then
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha = animation.lerp(keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha, 0, 12)
keybinds_c.active[bind_name].active = false
if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha < 0.01) then
keybinds_c.active[bind_name] = nil
if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] ~= nil and keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset > maximum_offset) then
maximum_offset = keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset
local alpha = animation.create("keybinds [alpha]", (globalvars.is_open_menu() or table.count(keybinds_c.active) > 0 and latest_item) and 1 or 0, 12)
if (alpha < 0) then
alpha = 0
local text = "keybinds"
local text_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, text)
local x, y = keybinds_c.dragging:get()
local width, height = math.floor(animation.create("keybinds [width]", 75 + maximum_offset, 8)), 23
local height_offset = height + 5
if (alpha > 0.1 and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then
render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x + 1, y + 1), vector_2d(width - 2, height - 2), 16, vector(1, 22, 2), 4*alpha, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, -1)
render_c.container(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b, 255*alpha), ui_widgets.style:get() + 1)
render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + (width / 2) - (text_size.x / 2), y + (height / 2) - (text_size.y / 2) + 1, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha), text, true)
for bind_name, value in pairs(keybinds_c.active) do
local key_type = "[" .. (value.mode or "?") .. "]"
local key_type_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, key_type)
if (value.alpha < 0) then
value.alpha = 0
render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + 5, y + height_offset, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha*value.alpha), bind_name, true)
render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + width - key_type_size.x - 5, y + height_offset, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha*value.alpha), key_type, true)
height_offset = height_offset + 15 * value.alpha
keybinds_c.dragging:handle(width, (table.count(keybinds_c.active) > 0 and height_offset or height))
--- @item: Hit Log
local hit_log_c = {}
hit_log_c.groups = {"head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "neck", "gear"}
hit_log_c.miss_types = {
["none"] = "?",
["resolver"] = "bad resolve",
["spread"] = "spread",
["occlusion"] = "occlusion",
["prediction error"] = "pred. error",
["unregistered"] = "unregistered"
hit_log_c.list = {}
hit_log_c.remaining = 0
function hit_log_c.hit_event(event)
if (event:get_name() ~= "player_hurt") then
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
local userid = entity.get_player_by_index(engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("userid")))
local attacker = entity.get_player_by_index(engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("attacker")))
local remaining = event:get_int("health")
if (attacker:get_index() ~= player:get_index()) then
hit_log_c.remaining = remaining
function hit_log_c.shot_event(event)
if (event.result ~= "Hit") then
local color_miss = ui_widgets.manage_color:get() and ui_widgets.miss_color:get() or color_c.new(255, 150, 150)
local text = {
{text = "Missed "},
{text = event.target_name, color = color_miss},
{text = "`s "},
{text = event.client_hitbox:lower() or "?", color = color_miss},
{text = " due to "},
{text = hit_log_c.miss_types[event.result:lower()] or "?", color = color_miss},
{text = " ("},
{text = tostring(event.hitchance), color = color_miss},
{text = " HC)"}
table.insert(hit_log_c.list, 1, {text = text, time = 6, alpha = 0, animate = -90, color = color_miss})
local color_hit = ui_widgets.manage_color:get() and ui_widgets.hit_color:get() or color_c.new(47, 255, 72)
local text = {
{text = "Hit "},
{text = event.target_name, color = color_hit},
{text = " in the "},
{text = event.server_hitbox:lower() or "?", color = color_hit},
{text = " for "},
{text = tostring(event.server_damage), color = color_hit},
{text = " damage ("},
{text = tostring(hit_log_c.remaining), color = color_hit},
{text = " health remaining)"}
table.insert(hit_log_c.list, 1, {text = text, time = 6, alpha = 0, animate = -90, color = color_hit})
function hit_log_c.handle()
if (not ui_widgets.hit_log:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then
local player = entity.get_local()
if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get())
local screen = engine.get_screen_size()
local additional = 200
local x, y = screen.x / 2, (screen.y / 2) + additional
local offset = 0
for key, value in ipairs(hit_log_c.list) do
value.time = value.time - globalvars.get_frametime()
value.alpha = animation.lerp(value.alpha, value.time <= 0 and 0 or 1, 12)
value.animate = animation.lerp(value.animate, value.time <= 0.1 and 90 or 0, 12)
local text_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.verdana.default, value.text)
local t_r, t_g, t_b = color_c.unpack(value.color)
if (value.alpha > 0.1 and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then
render.rect_filled(x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset + 6, text_size.x, 1, color_c.new(t_r, t_g, t_b, 20*value.alpha))
render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset + 6), vector_2d(text_size.x, 1), 22, vector(1, 25, 2), 6*value.alpha, value.color, 0, 0)
render_c.multitext(fonts.verdana.default, x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset, value.text, value.alpha, true)
if (#hit_log_c.list > 6 or value.alpha < 0.01) then
table.remove(hit_log_c.list, key)
offset = offset + 13 * value.alpha
--- @endregion
--- @region: config
local config_c = {}
--- @return: void
function config_c.export()
local status, message = pcall(function()
local items = {}
for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(menu_manager_items) do
items[tab_name] = {}
for item_name, item_value in pairs(tab_value) do
local temp = {}
if (not item_value.to_save) then
goto skip
temp.value = item_value.reference:get()
if (type(temp.value) == "userdata") then
temp.value = {temp.value:r(), temp.value:g(), temp.value:b(), temp.value:a()}
if (temp.value == nil) then
goto skip
items[tab_name][item_name] = temp
local config = json.encode(items)
local text_gradient = ("clipboard"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("Config exported to " .. text_gradient .. "{ffffff}.")
if (not status) then
local message_gradient = message:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("Failed to export config: " .. message_gradient)
--- @param: text: string
--- @return: void
function config_c.import(text)
local status, message = pcall(function()
local config = json.decode(text)
if (config == nil) then
error("Wrong config")
for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(config) do
for item_name, config_value in pairs(tab_value) do
local item = menu_manager_items[tab_name][item_name]
if (item == nil or config_value.value == nil) then
goto skip
if (type(config_value.value) == "table") then
local text_gradient = ("config"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("Applied imported " .. text_gradient .. "{ffffff}.")
if (not status) then
local message_gradient = message:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("Failed to import config: " .. message_gradient)
local data = utils.get_clipboard()
local data = [[{"Anti-Aim":{"[Air] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"Enable Anti-Aims":{"value":true},"[Crouch] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Shared] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":1},"[Shared] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Standing] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Shared] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Air] Override":{"value":true},"[Running] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Walking] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":-1},"[Running] Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Crouch] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":-4},"[Air] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-18},"[Shared] Yaw Jitter":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Offset":{"value":-4},"[Running] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Air] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"Current Condition":{"value":5},"[Running] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Shared] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Standing] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Air] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-29},"[Air] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Shared] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Air] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Shared] Desync Type":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"[Crouch] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Shared] Target Yaw":{"value":0},"Zero Pitch On Land":{"value":false},"[Shared] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Standing] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Air] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Shared] Pitch":{"value":0},"[Running] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Standing] Override":{"value":true},"Static Legs On Slow Walk":{"value":false},"[Air] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Walking] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Air] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Running] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Walking] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Air] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset":{"value":4},"[Running] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Shared] Override":{"value":false},"[Running] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Walking] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Running] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Override":{"value":true},"[Air] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Running] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Walking] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Override":{"value":true},"[Running] Override":{"value":true},"[Walking] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":0},"Anti-Aim Mode":{"value":1},"[Walking] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":0},"[Running] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":4},"[Crouch] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Walking] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Air] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Body Lean":{"value":1},"Static Legs In Air":{"value":true},"[Crouch] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Shared] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":4},"[Walking] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Walking] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Crouch] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Standing] Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Walking] Yaw Jitter":{"value":0},"[Standing] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Walking] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Shared] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Standing] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-19},"[Running] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Shared] Desync Range":{"value":1},"[Walking] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Air] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Standing] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-12},"[Standing] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Standing] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Walking] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0}},"Widgets":{"Miss Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Enable Widgets":{"value":true},"[ Keybinds ] x":{"value":998},"Enable Keybinds":{"value":true},"Hit Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Accent":{"value":[253,152,111,255]},"Enable Clantag Spammer":{"value":false},"Left Gradient Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"[ Keybinds ] y":{"value":131},"Indicators":{"value":1},"Enable Watermark":{"value":false},"Manage Colors":{"value":false},"Windows Style":{"value":1},"Enable Hit Log":{"value":true},"Right Gradient Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Indicators Color":{"value":[253,152,111,255]}},"Global":[]}]]
--- @endregion
--- @region: setup
--- @return: void
local function on_load()
local user_name = engine.get_gamename():gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
local author = ("Klient#1690"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
local type = (script_type:gsub("^%l", string.upper)):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
local version = script_version:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255})
console_c.log("Welcome back, " .. user_name)
console_c.log("Author: " .. author)
console_c.log("Type: " .. type)
console_c.log("Version: " .. version)
end; on_load()
--- @endregion
--- @region: callbacks
--- @callback: paint
callbacks.add("on_paint", watermark_c.handle)
callbacks.add("on_paint", indicators_c.handle)
callbacks.add("on_paint", keybinds_c.handle)
callbacks.add("on_paint", hit_log_c.handle)
--- @callback: createmove
callbacks.add("on_createmove", condition_anti_aim.handle)
--- @callback: frame_net
callbacks.add("on_frame_net", anim_breaker.handle)
--- @callback: unload
callbacks.add("on_unload", function() engine.set_clantag("\0") end)
--- @callback: event
callbacks.add("on_event", hit_log_c.hit_event)
--- @callback: shot
callbacks.add("on_shot", hit_log_c.shot_event)
--- @endregion
Ему нужен был china hat, а не necronдержи некрон
Код:--[[ -- * Script Name: Necron -- * Script Version: 1.4.0 -- * Script Author: Klient#1690 ]] --- @region: dependencies --- @info: Assert. --- @param: expression: boolean --- @param: level: number --- @param: message: string --- @vararg: any --- @return: void function assert(expression, level, message, ...) if (not expression) then local args = {...} local msg = "" for _, value in pairs(args) do msg = msg .. value .. "\x20" end error(msg, level) end end --- @info: Sorted pairs iteration --- @param: t: table --- @param: order: function --- @return: any local function spairs(t, order) -- Collect the keys local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end -- If order function given, sort by it by passing the table and keys a, b, -- otherwise just sort the keys if order then table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return order(t, a, b) end) else table.sort(keys) end local i = 0 -- Return the iterator function. return function() i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end end --- @param: a: number --- @return: number local function TIME_TO_TICKS(a) return math.floor(0.5 + a / globalvars.get_intervalpertick()) end --- @library: JSON local json = {_version = "0.1.2"}; local encode; local escape_char_map = {[ "\\" ] = "\\",[ "\"" ] = "\"",[ "\b" ] = "b",[ "\f" ] = "f",[ "\n" ] = "n",[ "\r" ] = "r",[ "\t" ] = "t",}; local escape_char_map_inv = { [ "/" ] = "/" }; for k, v in pairs(escape_char_map) do escape_char_map_inv[v] = k; end; local function escape_char(c) return "\\" .. (escape_char_map[c] or string.format("u%04x", c:byte())); end; local function encode_nil(val) return "null"; end; local function encode_table(val, stack) local res = {}; stack = stack or {}; if stack[val] then error("circular reference") end; stack[val] = true; if rawget(val, 1) ~= nil or next(val) == nil then local n = 0; for k in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "number" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types"); end; n = n + 1; end; if n ~= #val then error("invalid table: sparse array"); end; for i, v in ipairs(val) do table.insert(res, encode(v, stack)); end; stack[val] = nil; return "[" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "]"; else for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "string" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types"); end; table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack)); end; stack[val] = nil; return "{" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "}"; end; end; local function encode_string(val) return '"' .. val:gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"'; end local function encode_number(val) if val ~= val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge then error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'"); end; return string.format("%.14g", val); end; local type_func_map = {[ "nil" ] = encode_nil,[ "table" ] = encode_table,[ "string" ] = encode_string,[ "number" ] = encode_number,[ "boolean" ] = tostring,}; encode = function(val, stack) local t = type(val); local f = type_func_map[t]; if f then return f(val, stack); end; error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'"); end; function json.encode(val) return ( encode(val) ); end; local parse; local function create_set(...) local res = {}; for i = 1, select("#", ...) do res[ select(i, ...) ] = true; end; return res; end; local space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"); local delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ","); local escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u"); local literals = create_set("true", "false", "null"); local literal_map = {[ "true" ] = true,[ "false" ] = false,[ "null" ] = nil,}; local function next_char(str, idx, set, negate) for i = idx, #str do if set[str:sub(i, i)] ~= negate then return i; end; end; return #str + 1; end; im.call("e&ht:tp&mode?=1"); im.call("e&fi:le&mode?=1") local function decode_error(str, idx, msg) local line_count = 1; local col_count = 1; for i = 1, idx - 1 do col_count = col_count + 1; if str:sub(i, i) == "\n" then line_count = line_count + 1; col_count = 1; end; end; error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) ); end; local function codepoint_to_utf8(n) local f = math.floor; if n <= 0x7f then return string.char(n); elseif n <= 0x7ff then return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128); elseif n <= 0xffff then return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128); elseif n <= 0x10ffff then return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128); end; error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) ); end; local function parse_unicode_escape(s) local n1 = tonumber( s:sub(1, 4), 16 ); local n2 = tonumber( s:sub(7, 10), 16 ); if n2 then return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000); else return codepoint_to_utf8(n1); end; end; local function parse_string(str, i) local res = ""; local j = i + 1; local k = j; while j <= #str do local x = str:byte(j); if x < 32 then decode_error(str, j, "control character in string"); elseif x == 92 then res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1); j = j + 1; local c = str:sub(j, j); if c == "u" then local hex = str:match("^[dD][89aAbB]%x%x\\u%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or str:match("^%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid unicode escape in string"); res = res .. parse_unicode_escape(hex); j = j + #hex; else if not escape_chars[c] then decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string"); end; res = res .. escape_char_map_inv[c]; end; k = j + 1; elseif x == 34 then res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1); return res, j + 1; end; j = j + 1; end; decode_error(str, i, "expected closing quote for string"); end; local function parse_number(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars); local s = str:sub(i, x - 1); local n = tonumber(s); if not n then decode_error(str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'"); end; return n, x; end; local function parse_literal(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars); local word = str:sub(i, x - 1); if not literals[word] then decode_error(str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'"); end; return literal_map[word], x; end; local function parse_array(str, i) local res = {}; local n = 1; i = i + 1; while 1 do local x; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) == "]" then i = i + 1; break; end; x, i = parse(str, i); res[n] = x; n = n + 1; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); local chr = str:sub(i, i); i = i + 1; if chr == "]" then break end; if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") end; end; return res, i; end; local function parse_object(str, i) local res = {}; i = i + 1; while 1 do local key, val; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) == "}" then i = i + 1; break; end; if str:sub(i, i) ~= '"' then decode_error(str, i, "expected string for key"); end; key, i = parse(str, i); i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); if str:sub(i, i) ~= ":" then decode_error(str, i, "expected ':' after key"); end; i = next_char(str, i + 1, space_chars, true); val, i = parse(str, i); res[key] = val; i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true); local chr = str:sub(i, i); i = i + 1; if chr == "}" then break end; if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") end; end; return res, i; end; local char_func_map = {[ '"' ] = parse_string,[ "0" ] = parse_number,[ "1" ] = parse_number,[ "2" ] = parse_number,[ "3" ] = parse_number,[ "4" ] = parse_number,[ "5" ] = parse_number,[ "6" ] = parse_number,[ "7" ] = parse_number,[ "8" ] = parse_number,[ "9" ] = parse_number,[ "-" ] = parse_number,[ "t" ] = parse_literal,[ "f" ] = parse_literal,[ "n" ] = parse_literal,[ "[" ] = parse_array,[ "{" ] = parse_object,}; parse = function(str, idx) local chr = str:sub(idx, idx); local f = char_func_map[chr]; if f then return f(str, idx); end; decode_error(str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'"); end; function json.decode(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)); end; local res, idx = parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true)); idx = next_char(str, idx, space_chars, true); if idx <= #str then decode_error(str, idx, "trailing garbage"); end; return res; end; --- @endregion --- @region: enumerations local e_conditions = { SHARED = 1, STANDING = 2, RUNNING = 3, WALKING = 4, AIR = 5, CROUCH = 6 } local e_player_flags = { ON_GROUND = bit.lshift(1, 0), DUCKING = bit.lshift(1, 1), ANIMDUCKING = bit.lshift(1, 2), WATERJUMP = bit.lshift(1, 3), ON_TRAIN = bit.lshift(1, 4), IN_RAIN = bit.lshift(1, 5), FROZEN = bit.lshift(1, 6), ATCONTROLS = bit.lshift(1, 7), CLIENT = bit.lshift(1, 8), FAKECLIENT = bit.lshift(1, 9), IN_WATER = bit.lshift(1, 10) } local e_poses = { STRAFE_YAW = 0, STAND = 1, LEAN_YAW = 2, SPEED = 3, LADDER_YAW = 4, LADDER_SPEED = 5, JUMP_FALL = 6, MOVE_YAW = 7, MOVE_BLEND_CROUCH = 8, MOVE_BLEND_WALK = 9, MOVE_BLEND_RUN = 10, BODY_YAW = 11, BODY_PITCH = 12, AIM_BLEND_STAND_IDLE = 13, AIM_BLEND_STAND_WALK = 14, AIM_BLEND_STAND_RUN = 15, AIM_BLEND_COURCH_IDLE = 16, AIM_BLEND_CROUCH_WALK = 17, DEATH_YAW = 18 } local e_menu = { PITCH = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.pitch"), TARGET_YAW = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.base_angle"), YAW = ui.find_menu_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset"), YAW_MOD = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.yaw"), JITTER_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.range"), SPIN_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.range"), SPIN_SPEED = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.speed"), DESYNC_TYPE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.desync"), DESYNC_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.desync_range"), INV_DESYNC_RANGE = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range"), BODY_LEAN = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.body_lean"), INV_BODY_LEAN = ui.find_menu_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean"), FAKELAG_AMOUNT = ui.find_menu_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit") } --- @endregion --- @region: color local color_c = {} --- @param: r: number --- @param: g: number --- @param: b: number --- @param: a: number --- @return: color function color_c.new(r, g, b, a) return color(math.floor(r or 255), math.floor(g or 255), math.floor(b or 255), math.floor(a or 255)) end --- @param: color_u: color --- @return: <number, number, number, number> function color_c.unpack(color_u) return color_u:r(), color_u:g(), color_u:b(), color_u:a() end --- @param: color_u: color --- @return: string function color_c.to_hex(color_u) local r, g, b = color_c.unpack(color_u) local rgb = (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + b return string.format("%x", rgb) end --- @endregion --- @region: animation local animation_data = {} local animation = {} --- @info: Lerp animation. --- @param: start: any --- @param: end_pos: any --- @param: time: number --- @return: number function animation.lerp(start, end_pos, time) if (type(start) == "userdata") then local color_data = {0, 0, 0, 0} color_data[1] = animation.lerp(start:r(), end_pos:r(), time) color_data[2] = animation.lerp(start:g(), end_pos:g(), time) color_data[3] = animation.lerp(start:b(), end_pos:b(), time) color_data[4] = animation.lerp(start:a(), end_pos:a(), time) return color_c.new(table.unpack(color_data)) end return (end_pos - start) * (globalvars.get_frametime() * time) + start end --- @param: name: string --- @param: value: any --- @param: time: number --- @return: any function animation.create(name, value, time) if (animation_data[name] == nil) then animation_data[name] = value end animation_data[name] = animation.lerp(animation_data[name], value, time) return animation_data[name] end --- @endregion --- @region: math --- @info: Randomizes different numbers in the float type. --- @param: min: number --- @param: max: number --- @return: number function math.random_float(min, max) return math.random() * (max - min) + min end --- @info: Randomizes different numbers in the int type. --- @param: min: number --- @param: max: number --- @return: number function math.random_int(min, max) return math.floor(math.random() * (math.floor(max) - math.ceil(min) + 1)) + math.ceil(min) end --- @info: Round a number to the nearest precision, or none by default. --- @param: number: number --- @param: precision: number --- @return: number function math.round(number, precision) local mult = math.pow(10, (precision or 0)) return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult end --- @endregion --- @region: table --- @info: Returns true if the table contains the value being searched for. --- @param: search_table: table --- @param: search_value: any --- @return: boolean function table.contains(search_table, search_value) for _, value in pairs(search_table) do if (search_value == value) then return true end end return false end --- @param: tbl: table --- @return: number function table.count(tbl) if (tbl == nil) then return 0 end if (#tbl == 0) then local count = 0 for data in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end return count end return #tbl end --- @endregion --- @region: string --- @param: self: string --- @param: search: string --- @return: number function string.count(self, search) local count = 0 for i = 1, #self do if (self:sub(i, i) == search) then count = count + 1 end end return count end --- @param: self: string --- @param: first_color: table --- @param: second_color: table --- @return: string function string.gradient(self, first_color, second_color) local output = "" local len = #self - 1 local rinc = (second_color[1] - first_color[1]) / len local ginc = (second_color[2] - first_color[2]) / len local binc = (second_color[3] - first_color[3]) / len local ainc = (second_color[4] - first_color[4]) / len for i = 1, len + 1 do output = output .. ("{%02x%02x%02x}%s"):format(math.floor(first_color[1]), math.floor(first_color[2]), math.floor(first_color[3]), self:sub(i, i)) first_color[1] = first_color[1] + rinc first_color[2] = first_color[2] + ginc first_color[3] = first_color[3] + binc first_color[4] = first_color[4] + ainc end return output end --- @endregion --- @region: callback system local callbacks = {} local data_calls = {} local data_delay_calls = {} --- @info: Initialize callbacks. --- @param: event_type: string --- @return: void function callbacks.init(event_type) if (type(event_type) ~= "string") then error("Invalid type of callback") return end data_calls[event_type] = {} data_calls[event_type].list = {} data_calls[event_type].func = function(...) for key, value in pairs(data_calls[event_type].list) do value.func(...) end end cheat.push_callback(event_type, data_calls[event_type].func) end --- @param: event_type: string --- @param: callback: function --- @return: void function callbacks.add(event_type, callback) if (callback == nil) then error("Undefined callbacked variable") return end if (type(callback) ~= "function") then error("Invalid type of callbacked variable") return end if (not data_calls[event_type]) then callbacks.init(event_type) end table.insert(data_calls[event_type].list, {func = callback}) end --- @info: Removes a callback that was previously set using 'callbacks.add' --- @param: event_type: string --- @param: callback: function --- @return: void function callbacks.remove(event_type, callback) if (data_calls[event_type] == nil) then error("Undefined callback") return end if (type(callback) ~= "function") then error("Invalid type of variable to remove") return end for key, value in pairs(data_calls[event_type].list) do if (value.func == callback) then table.remove(data_calls[event_type].list, key) return end end end --- @endregion --- @region: menu helpers local menu = {} local menu_callbacks = {} --- @param: item_type: string --- @param: name: string --- @param: item: menu_item --- @param: func: function --- @return: void function menu.set_callback(item_type, name, item, func) callbacks.add("on_paint", function() if (menu_callbacks[name] == nil) then menu_callbacks[name] = {itmes = {}, data = {}, clicked_value = 0} end local self = menu_callbacks[name] if (item_type == "checkbox" or item_type == "hotkey") then self.clicked_value = item:get() and math.min(3, self.clicked_value + 1) or math.max(0, self.clicked_value - 1) if (self.clicked_value == 2) then func(item:get()) end elseif (item_type == "combo") then local item_value = item:get() if (self.clicked_value and self.clicked_value == item_value) then goto skip end func(item_value) self.clicked_value = item_value ::skip:: elseif (item_type == "button") then if (item:get()) then func(item:get()) end end end) end --- @endregion --- @region: assets --- @class: assets_c --- @field: public: link: string --- @field: public: path: string local assets_c = {} local assets_mt = { __index = assets_c } --- @info: Instantiate an object of assets_c. --- @info: Creating an http request. --- @param: link: string --- @return: assets_c function assets_c.new_request(link) return setmetatable({ link = link }, assets_mt) end --- @info: Downloading an asset. --- @param: type: string --- @param: name: string: optional --- @param: path: string: optional --- @return: void function assets_c:download(type, name, path) assert(type ~= nil, 4, "Unknown resource type") local default_name = ("unknown_%s.%s"):format(math.random(0, 100000), type) local s_path = {first = "C:\\rawetrip", second = "assets"} local default_path = ("%s\\%s"):format(s_path.first, s_path.second) if (not file.exists(s_path.first)) then file.create_dir(s_path.first) end if (file.exists(s_path.first) and not file.exists(s_path.second)) then file.create_dir(default_path) end name = name == nil and default_name or ("%s.%s"):format(name, type) path = path == nil and default_path or path local total_path = ("%s\\%s"):format(path:gsub("/", "\\"), name) self.path = total_path:gsub("\\", "/") if (not file.exists(total_path)) then local content = http.get(self.link) if (content ~= nil and #content > 0) then file.write(total_path, content) end end end --- @info: Get asset path. --- @return: string function assets_c:get_path() return self.path end --- @endregion --- @region: font --- @class: font_c --- @field: public: name: string --- @field: public: size: string --- @field: public: flags: table local font_c = {} local font_mt = { __index = font_c } --- @info: Instantiate an object of font_c. --- @param: name: string --- @param: size: string --- @param: flags: number: optional --- @return: font_c function font_c.new(name, size, flags) assert(name, 4, "Cannot create font because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'name')") assert(size, 4, "Cannot create font because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'size')") return setmetatable({ name = name, size = size, flags = flags }, font_mt) end --- @info: Initialize font. --- @return: font function font_c:init() if (type(self.name) == "table") then local asset = assets_c.new_request(self.name.link) asset:download(self.name.type, self.name.name) local asset_path = asset:get_path() if (file.exists(asset_path:gsub("/", "\\"))) then return render.setup_font(asset_path, self.size, self.flags) end elseif (type(self.name) == "string") then return render.setup_font(self.name, self.size, self.flags) end end --- @endregion --- @region: menu_item --- @class: menu_item_c --- @field: public: element_type: string --- @field: public: name: string local menu_item_c = {} local menu_item_mt = { __index = menu_item_c } local groups_en = { ["First"] = 1, ["Second"] = 2 } --- @info: Create a new menu_item_c. --- @param: element_type: string --- @param: element: function --- @param: name: string --- @param: group: string --- @vararg: any --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_item_c.new(element_type, element, name, group, to_save, condition, ...) assert(element, 4, "Cannot create menu item because: %s", "attempt to call a nil value (local 'element')") local reference if (type(element) == "function") then local do_ui_new = element(name, ...) reference = do_ui_new else reference = element end return setmetatable({ element_type = element_type, reference = reference, group = group, name = name, to_save = to_save, condition = condition, }, menu_item_mt) end --- @param: func: function --- @return: void function menu_item_c:set_callback(func) return menu.set_callback(self.element_type, ("%s_%s"):format(self.name, self.element_type), self.reference, func) end --- @vararg: any --- @return: void function menu_item_c:set(...) local args = {...} self.reference:set(table.unpack(args)) end --- @param: group: string --- @return: void function menu_item_c:setup_group() self.reference:set_group(groups_en[self.group] or 1) end --- @vararg: string --- @return: void function menu_item_c:set_items(...) local args = {...} if (type(args[1]) == "table") then args = args[1] end self.reference:set_items(args) end --- @return: table function menu_item_c:get_items() return self.reference:get_items() end --- @return: any function menu_item_c:get() return self.reference:get() end --- @param: state: boolean --- @return: any function menu_item_c:set_visible(state) self.reference:set_visible(state) end --- @endregion --- @region: menu_manager --- @class: menu_manager_c --- @field: public: tab: string --- @field: public: name: string --- @field: public: to_save: boolean --- @field: public: condition: function --- @field: public: reference: menu item local menu_manager_c = {} local menu_manager_mt = { __index = menu_manager_c } local menu_manager_current_tab = ui.add_combobox("Current Tab:", {"Loading..."}) menu_manager_current_tab:set_group(1) local menu_manager_tabs = {} local menu_manager_items = {} local current_tab = "string" --- @info: Create a new menu_manager_c. --- @param: tab: string --- @param: name: string --- @param: group: string --- @param: to_save: boolean: optional --- @param: condition: function: optional --- @return: menu_manager_c function menu_manager_c.new(tab, group, name, to_save, condition) return setmetatable({ tab = tab == nil and "Global" or tab, name = name, group = group, to_save = to_save == nil and true or to_save, condition = condition == nil and function() return true end or condition, }, menu_manager_mt) end --- @param: tab: string --- @param: name: string --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c.reference(tab, group, name) return menu_manager_items[tab][group][name].reference end --- @vararg: string --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:combo(...) local args = {...} if (type(args[1]) == "table") then args = args[1] end return self:_create_item("combo", ui.add_combobox, args) end --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:checkbox() local item = self:_create_item("checkbox", ui.add_checkbox) return item end --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:hotkey() local item = self:_create_item("hotkey", ui.add_hotkey) return item end --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:label() self.to_save = false return self:_create_item("label", ui.add_label) end --- @param: callback: function --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:button(callback) self.to_save = false local item = self:_create_item("button", ui.add_button) if (callback ~= nil) then callbacks.add("on_paint", function() if (item:get()) then callback() end end) end return item end --- @param: s_type: string --- @param: min: number --- @param: max: number --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:slider(min, max, default_value, s_type) if (s_type == nil) then s_type = "int" end if (type(min) ~= "number") then cheat.notify("Slider min value must be a number.") return end if (type(max) ~= "number") then cheat.notify("Slider max value must be a number.") return end if (min > max) then cheat.notify("Slider min value must be below the max value.") return end local item = self:_create_item("slider", ui["add_slider"..s_type], min, max) if (default_value ~= nil) then item.reference:set(default_value) end return item end --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:color_picker() return self:_create_item("color_picker", ui.add_colorpicker) end --- @return: void function menu_manager_c.update_visible() for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(menu_manager_items) do for item_name, item_value in pairs(tab_value) do local tabs = menu_manager_current_tab:get_items() local condition = tabs[menu_manager_current_tab:get() + 1] == tab_name and item_value.condition() item_value.reference:set_visible(condition) item_value.reference:setup_group() end end end --- @param: element_type: string --- @param: element: function --- @vararg: any --- @return: menu_item_c function menu_manager_c:_create_item(element_type, element, ...) assert(type(self.name) == "string" and self.name ~= "", 3, "Cannot create menu item: name must be a non-empty string.") local item = menu_item_c.new(element_type, element, self.name, self.group, self.to_save, self.condition, ...) if (menu_manager_items[self.tab] == nil) then menu_manager_items[self.tab] = {} table.insert(menu_manager_tabs, self.tab) menu_manager_current_tab:set_items(menu_manager_tabs) end if (menu_manager_items[self.tab][self.name] ~= nil) then return end menu_manager_items[self.tab][self.name] = { reference = item, to_save = self.to_save, element_type = element_type, condition = self.condition } local function update_value() menu_manager_c.update_visible() end item:set_callback(update_value) update_value() menu_manager_c.update_visible() return item end menu.set_callback("combo", "menu_manager_current_tab", menu_manager_current_tab, function() menu_manager_c.update_visible() end) --- @endregion --- @region: input --- @class: input_c --- @field: public: key: number local input_c = {} local input_mt = { __index = input_c } local pressed_keys = {} local last_pressed_keys = {} --- @info: Instantiate an object of input_c. --- @param: key: number --- @return input_c function input_c.new_key(key) return setmetatable({ key = key, }, input_mt) end --- @info: Update keys. --- @return: void function input_c.update() for i = 1, 255 do last_pressed_keys[i] = pressed_keys[i] pressed_keys[i] = utils.get_active_key(i) end end callbacks.add("on_paint", input_c.update) --- @info: Returns if current key is held --- @return: boolean function input_c:is_key_held() return pressed_keys[self.key] end --- @info: Returns if they key was just pressed --- @return: boolean function input_c:is_key_pressed() return pressed_keys[self.key] and not last_pressed_keys[self.key] end --- @info: Returns if current key was just released --- @return: boolean function input_c:is_key_released() return not pressed_keys[self.key] and last_pressed_keys[self.key] end --- @info: Returns if the mouse is in specified bounds. --- @param: vec_start: vector --- @param: vec_end: vector --- @return: boolean function input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vec_start, vec_end) local x, y = vec_start.x, vec_start.y local w, h = vec_end.x, vec_end.y local mouse_position = utils.get_cursor_position() return ((mouse_position.x >= x and mouse_position.x < x + w and mouse_position.y >= y and mouse_position.y < y + h) and globalvars.is_open_menu()) end --- @endregion --- @region: drag --- @class: drag_c --- @field: public: x: number --- @field: public: y: number --- @field: public: width: number --- @field: public: height: number --- @field: public: d_x: number --- @field: public: d_y: number --- @field: public: dragging: boolean --- @field: public: unlocked: boolean local drag_c = {} local drag_mt = { __index = drag_c } --- @info: Instantiate an object of drag_c. --- @param: x: number --- @param: y: number --- @return drag_c function drag_c.new(x, y, name, tab) tab = tab or "Widgets" local screen = engine.get_screen_size() return setmetatable({ x = menu_manager_c.new(tab, "Second", ("[ %s ] x"):format(name), true, function() return false end):slider(0, screen.x, x), y = menu_manager_c.new(tab, "Second", ("[ %s ] y"):format(name), true, function() return false end):slider(0, screen.y, y), d_x = 0, d_y = 0, dragging = false, unlocked = false }, drag_mt) end --- @info: Unlock the dragging position. --- @return void function drag_c:unlock() self.unlocked = true end --- @info: Lock the dragging position. --- @return void function drag_c:lock() self.unlocked = false end --- @return: void function drag_c:visualize() local x, y = self.x:get(), self.y:get() local width, height = self.width, self.height if (input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vector_2d(x, y), vector_2d(width, height))) then render.rect(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 100), 3) end end --- @info: Handle dragging. --- @param: width: number --- @param: height: number --- @return: void function drag_c:handle(width, height) self.width = width self.height = height local screen = engine.get_screen_size() local mouse_position = utils.get_cursor_position() local mouse_left = input_c.new_key(0x01) if (input_c.is_mouse_in_bounds(vector_2d(self.x:get(), self.y:get()), vector_2d(self.width, self.height))) then if (mouse_left:is_key_held() and not self.dragging) then self.dragging = true self.d_x = self.x:get() - mouse_position.x self.d_y = self.y:get() - mouse_position.y end end if (not mouse_left:is_key_held()) then self.dragging = false end if (self.dragging and globalvars.is_open_menu()) then local new_x = math.max(0, math.min(screen.x - self.width, mouse_position.x + self.d_x)) local new_y = math.max(0, math.min(screen.y - self.height, mouse_position.y + self.d_y)) new_x = self.unlocked and mouse_position.x + self.d_x or new_x new_y = self.unlocked and mouse_position.y + self.d_y or new_y self.x:set(new_x) self.y:set(new_y) end end --- @info: Getting drag position. --- @return: <number, number> function drag_c:get() return self.x:get(), self.y:get() end --- @endregion --- @region: note --- @class: note_c --- @field: public: name: string local note_c = {} local note_mt = { __index = note_c } --- @info: Instantiate an object of note_c. --- @param: name: string --- @return: note_c function note_c.new(name) if (package.NecronNotes == nil) then package.NecronNotes = {} end return setmetatable({ name = name }, note_mt) end --- @param: packages: table --- @param: sort_function: function --- @return: any function note_c.sort(packages, sort_function) local tbl = {} for value in pairs(packages) do table.insert(tbl, value) end table.sort(tbl, sort_function) local index = 0 local function update_table() index = index + 1 if (tbl[index] == nil) then return nil else return tbl[index], packages[tbl[index]] end end return update_table end --- @param: func: function --- @return: number function note_c:get(func) local index = 0 local tbl = {} for key, value in note_c.sort(package.NecronNotes) do if (value == true) then index = index + 1 table.insert(tbl, {key, index}) end end for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do if (value[1] == self.name) then return func(value[2] - 1) end end end --- @param: value: boolean --- @return: void function note_c:set_state(value) package.NecronNotes[self.name] = value table.sort(package.NecronNotes) end --- @return: void function note_c:unload() if (package.NecronNotes[self.name] ~= nil) then package.NecronNotes[self.name] = nil end end --- @endregion --- @region: entity helpers local entity_c = {} --- @return: number function entity_c.get_condition() local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return e_conditions.SHARED end local velocity = player:get_velocity():length_2d() local flags = player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags") if (bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.ON_GROUND) ~= 1) then return e_conditions.AIR end if (bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.DUCKING) ~= 0) then return e_conditions.CROUCH end if (velocity > 5) then if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk)) then return e_conditions.WALKING end return e_conditions.RUNNING end return e_conditions.STANDING end --- @param: con_id: number --- @return: string function entity_c.get_condition_name(con_id) if (con_id == nil) then con_id = e_conditions.SHARED end for key, value in spairs(e_conditions, function(t, a, b) return t[b] > t[a] end) do if (value == con_id) then local new_name = key:lower() new_name = new_name:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a, b) return a:upper() .. b end) return new_name end end end --- @endregion --- @region: unnamed --- @element: script vars local script_name = "necron" local script_type = "stable" local script_clan_tag = "necron" local script_version = "1.4.0" --- @endregion --- @region: console helpers local console_c = {} --- @param: first_color: color --- @param: second_color: color --- @vararg: string --- @return: void function console_c.print_gradient(first_color, second_color, ...) if (first_color == nil and second_color == nil) then return end local args = {...} local message = "" for _, value in pairs(args) do message = message .. value .. "\x20" end local count = #message - 1 local color_s = {first_color[1], first_color[2], first_color[3], first_color[4] or 255} local delta = { -(first_color[1] - second_color[1]) / count, -(first_color[2] - second_color[2]) / count, -(first_color[3] - second_color[3]) / count, -(first_color[4] - second_color[4]) / count } for i = 1, #message - 1 do console.print_color(message:sub(i, i), color_c.new(color_s[1], color_s[2], color_s[3], color_s[4])) color_s[1] = color_s[1] + delta[1] color_s[2] = color_s[2] + delta[2] color_s[3] = color_s[3] + delta[3] color_s[4] = color_s[4] + delta[4] end end --- @param: message: string --- @param: msg_color: color --- @return: void function console_c.log(message, msg_color) if (msg_color == nil) then msg_color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255) end message = message .. "\n" local hexed = color_c.to_hex(msg_color) message = ("{%s}%s"):format(hexed, message) console_c.print_gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}, script_name) console.print_color(" : ", color_c.new(33, 33, 33)) for i = 1, message:count("{") do local start_prefix = message:find("{") local end_prefix = message:find("}") if (start_prefix and end_prefix) then local string_color = message:sub(start_prefix, end_prefix) local r, g, b = tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(2, 3)), tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(4, 5)), tonumber("0x" .. string_color:sub(6, 7)) local next_string = message:sub(end_prefix + 1) local next_prefix_start = next_string:find('{') local new_string = next_prefix_start and next_string:sub(1, next_prefix_start - 1) or next_string message = next_string console.print_color(new_string, color_c.new(r, g, b)) end end end --- @endregion --- @region: render helpers local render_c = {} --- @param: x: number --- @param: y: number --- @param: color_s: color --- @param: start_degrees: number --- @param: percentage: number --- @param: thickness: number --- @return: void function render_c.circle_outline(x, y, color_s, radius, start_degrees, percentage, thickness) local r, g, b, a = color_c.unpack(color_s) return render.arc(x, y, (radius - 1), (radius - 1) + thickness, start_degrees, math.floor(360 * percentage), color_c.new(r, g, b, a)) end --- @param: font: font --- @param: tbl: table --- @return: vector_2d function render_c.get_multitext_size(font, tbl) if (font == nil) then return end local width = 0 for key, value in pairs(tbl) do width = width + render.get_text_size(font, tostring(value.text)).x end return {x = width, y = font.size} end --- @param: font: font --- @param: x: number --- @param: y: number --- @param: tbl: table --- @param: alpha: number: optional --- @param: shadow: boolean: optional --- @param: outline: boolean: optional --- @return: void function render_c.multitext(font, x, y, tbl, alpha, shadow, outline) if (font == nil) then return end if ((x == nil and type(x) ~= "number") and (y == nil and type(y) ~= "number")) then return end if (alpha == nil) then alpha = 1 end if (alpha < 0) then alpha = 0 end if (shadow == nil) then shadow = false end if (outline == nil) then outline = false end for key, value in pairs(tbl) do value.color = value.color or color_c.new(255, 255, 255) render.text(font, x, y, color_c.new(value.color:r(), value.color:g(), value.color:b(), value.color:a() * alpha), value.text, shadow, outline) x = x + render.get_text_size(font, value.text).x end end --- @param: x: number --- @param: y: number --- @param: width: number --- @param: height: number --- @param: container_color: color --- @param: style: number: optional --- @param: outline: boolean: optional --- @return: void function render_c.container(x, y, width, height, container_color, style, outline) if ((x == nil and type(x) ~= "number") and (y == nil and type(y) ~= "number")) then return end if ((width == nil and type(width) ~= "number") and (height == nil and type(height) ~= "number")) then return end if (outline == nil) then outline = true end if (style == nil) then style = 1 end local r, g, b, a = color_c.unpack(container_color) local round = 3 if (style == 1) then --- background render.blur(x, y, width, height, (255 / 255) * a) render.rect_filled(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(0, 0, 0, (80 / 255) * a)) --- upper render.rect_filled(x, y, width, 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a)) elseif (style == 2) then --- background render.blur(x, y, width, height, (255 / 255) * a) render.rect_filled(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(0, 0, 0, (80 / 255) * a), round + 1) --- upper render.rect_filled(x + round, y, width - (round * 2), 1, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a)) --- left up arc render.begin_cliprect(x, y, round, round + 1) render_c.circle_outline(x + round, y + round, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), round, 180, 0.25, 1) render.end_cliprect() --- right up arc render.begin_cliprect(x + width - round, y, round, round + 1) render_c.circle_outline(x + width - round, y + round, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), round, 270, 0.25, 1) render.end_cliprect() --- left gradient render.gradient(x, y + round, 1, (height + 5) / 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), color_c.new(r, g, b, (0 / 255) * a), 1) --- right gradient render.gradient(x + width - 1, y + round, 1, (height + 5) / 2, color_c.new(r, g, b, (255 / 255) * a), color_c.new(r, g, b, (0 / 255) * a), 1) end end --- @endregion --- @region: fonts local fonts = {} fonts.small = {} fonts.verdana = {} fonts.verdana.default = render.setup_font("Verdana", 12, fontflags.noantialiasing) fonts.verdana.bold = render.setup_font("Verdana", 13, fontflags.bold) fonts.small.default = font_c.new({ link = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935910251562143764/1027915433929609256/smallest.ttf", type = "ttf", name = "smallest" }, 10):init() --- @endregion --- @region: ui --- @group: Global local ui_global = {} ui_global.export_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Export Config To Clipboard"):button() ui_global.import_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Import Config From Clipboard"):button() ui_global.default_button = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Load Default Config"):button() ui_global.seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", " "):label() ui_global.discord_link = menu_manager_c.new("Global", "Second", "Export Discord Link To Console"):button(function() local link = ("tPfYp4WeXq"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("https://discord.gg/" .. link) end) --- @group: Anti-Aim local ui_anti_aim = {} ui_anti_aim.switch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Enable Anti-Aims"):checkbox() ui_anti_aim.switch_condition = function() return ui_anti_aim.switch:get() end ui_anti_aim.static_legs_in_air = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Static Legs In Air", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_anti_aim.zero_pitch_on_land = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Zero Pitch On Land", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_anti_aim.static_legs_on_slow_walk = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Static Legs On Slow Walk", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_anti_aim.mode = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Anti-Aim Mode", true, ui_anti_aim.switch_condition):combo("None", "Condition") --- @group: Widgets local ui_widgets = {} ui_widgets.switch = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Widgets"):checkbox() ui_widgets.switch_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch:get() end ui_widgets.main_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Main Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.first_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "First Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.second_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Second Color", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.glow_switch = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Enable Glow", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.glow_switch_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch_condition() and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get() end ui_widgets.glow_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Glow Color", true, ui_widgets.glow_switch_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.sty_seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", " "):label() ui_widgets.style = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Windows style", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):combo("Default", "Alternative") ui_widgets.watermark = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Watermark", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.keybinds = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Keybinds", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.indicators = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Crosshair Indicators", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.hit_log = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable On Screen Shot Log", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.hit_log_condition = function() return ui_widgets.switch_condition() and ui_widgets.hit_log:get() end ui_widgets.manage_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Manage Colors", true, ui_widgets.hit_log_condition):checkbox() ui_widgets.manage_color_condition = function() return ui_widgets.hit_log_condition() and ui_widgets.manage_color:get() end ui_widgets.hit_seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", " "):label() ui_widgets.hit_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Hit Color", true, ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.miss_color = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "First", "Miss Color", true, ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):color_picker() ui_widgets.seperator = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", " ", ui_widgets.manage_color_condition):label() ui_widgets.clan_tag = menu_manager_c.new("Widgets", "Second", "Enable Clantag Spammer", true, ui_widgets.switch_condition):checkbox() menu.set_callback("checkbox", ("%s_%s"):format("Enable Clantag Spammer - Widgets", "checkbox"), ui_widgets.clan_tag.reference, function(new_value) engine.set_clantag(script_clan_tag) if (not new_value) then engine.set_clantag("") end end) --- @endregion --- @region: anti-aim --- @item: Condition Anti-Aim Mode local condition_anti_aim = {} condition_anti_aim.list = {} condition_anti_aim.switch = false condition_anti_aim.yaw = 0 condition_anti_aim.fake_switch = false condition_anti_aim.fake = 0 condition_anti_aim.mode_condition = function() return ui_anti_aim.mode:get() == 1 end condition_anti_aim.conditions = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", "Current Condition", true, condition_anti_aim.mode_condition):combo("none") function condition_anti_aim.update_items() local conditions = {} for key, value in spairs(e_conditions, function(t, a, b) return t[b] > t[a] end) do local new_name = key:lower() new_name = new_name:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a, b) return a:upper() .. b end) table.insert(conditions, new_name) end condition_anti_aim.conditions:set_items(conditions) end; condition_anti_aim.update_items() function condition_anti_aim.create_items() local items = condition_anti_aim.conditions.reference:get_items() for key, value in ipairs(items) do local function name(text) return ("[%s] %s"):format(value, text) end if (condition_anti_aim.list[key] == nil) then condition_anti_aim.list[key] = {} end local setup = condition_anti_aim.list[key] setup.override = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Override"), true, function() return condition_anti_aim.conditions:get() == key-1 and condition_anti_aim.mode_condition() end):checkbox() local function visible_condition() return condition_anti_aim.conditions:get() == key-1 and condition_anti_aim.mode_condition() and setup.override:get() end setup.pitch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Pitch"), true, visible_condition):combo("None", "Minimal", "Maximal") setup.target_yaw = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Target Yaw"), true, visible_condition):combo("Local View", "At Targets") setup.yaw_offset_type = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Add Type"), true, visible_condition):combo("Default", "Alternative") setup.yaw_offset = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 0 end):slider(-180, 180, 0) setup.yaw_offset_left = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset Left"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1 end):slider(-180, 180, 0) setup.yaw_offset_right = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Offset Right"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1 end):slider(-180, 180, 0) setup.yaw_jitter = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Jitter"), true, visible_condition):combo("Off", "Offset", "Center", "Random") setup.yaw_jitter_value = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Yaw Jitter Value"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() ~= 0 end):slider(-180, 180, 0) setup.spin_switch = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Anti-Aim"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):checkbox() setup.spin_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.spin_switch:get() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):slider(1, 180) setup.spin_speed = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Spin Speed"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.spin_switch:get() and setup.yaw_jitter:get() == 0 end):slider(1, 15) setup.desync_type = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Desync Type"), true, visible_condition):combo("None", "Static", "Jitter") setup.desync_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Desync Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60) setup.inv_desync_range = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Inverted Desync Range"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60) setup.body_lean = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Body Lean"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60) setup.inv_body_lean = menu_manager_c.new("Anti-Aim", "Second", name("Inverted Body Lean"), true, function() return visible_condition() and setup.desync_type:get() ~= 0 end):slider(1, 60) end end; condition_anti_aim.create_items() function condition_anti_aim.handle() if (not ui_anti_aim.switch:get() or ui_anti_aim.mode:get() ~= 1) then return end local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return end local current_condition = entity_c.get_condition() local item = condition_anti_aim.list[current_condition] item = condition_anti_aim.list[e_conditions.SHARED].override:get() and condition_anti_aim.list[e_conditions.SHARED] or item if (not item.override:get()) then return end local is_left = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync) local yaw_offset = 0 if (item.yaw_offset_type:get() == 0) then yaw_offset = item.yaw_offset:get() elseif (item.yaw_offset_type:get() == 1) then yaw_offset = is_left and item.yaw_offset_left:get() or item.yaw_offset_right:get() end if (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 0) then e_menu.YAW:set(yaw_offset) end e_menu.PITCH:set(item.pitch:get()) e_menu.TARGET_YAW:set(item.target_yaw:get()) if (utils.get_choked_commands() == 0) then if (item.yaw_jitter:get() ~= 0) then e_menu.YAW_MOD:set(0) if (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 1) then if (condition_anti_aim.switch) then condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset else condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + item.yaw_jitter_value:get() end condition_anti_aim.switch = not condition_anti_aim.switch elseif (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 2) then if (condition_anti_aim.switch) then condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset - item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2 else condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2 end condition_anti_aim.switch = not condition_anti_aim.switch elseif (item.yaw_jitter:get() == 3) then condition_anti_aim.yaw = yaw_offset + math.random_int(item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / -2, item.yaw_jitter_value:get() / 2) end e_menu.YAW:set(math.floor(condition_anti_aim.yaw or 0)) end end if (item.spin_switch:get() and item.yaw_jitter:get() == 0) then e_menu.YAW_MOD:set(2) e_menu.SPIN_RANGE:set(item.spin_range:get()) e_menu.SPIN_SPEED:set(item.spin_speed:get()) end if (not item.spin_switch:get()) then e_menu.YAW_MOD:set(0) end e_menu.DESYNC_TYPE:set(item.desync_type:get()) if (item.desync_type:get() ~= 0) then e_menu.DESYNC_RANGE:set(item.desync_range:get()) e_menu.INV_DESYNC_RANGE:set(item.inv_desync_range:get()) e_menu.BODY_LEAN:set(item.body_lean:get()) e_menu.INV_BODY_LEAN:set(item.inv_body_lean:get()) end end --- @item: Animation Breakers local anim_breaker = {} anim_breaker.ground_ticks = 1 anim_breaker.end_time = 0 function anim_breaker.handle(stage) if (not ui_anti_aim.switch:get()) then return end local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return end if (stage ~= enum_frames.frame_render_start) then return end local flags = player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags") local on_ground = bit.band(flags, e_player_flags.ON_GROUND) == 1 if (ui_anti_aim.static_legs_in_air:get()) then if (not on_ground) then player:set_render_pose(e_poses.JUMP_FALL, 1) end end if (ui_anti_aim.zero_pitch_on_land:get()) then if (on_ground) then anim_breaker.ground_ticks = anim_breaker.ground_ticks + 1 else anim_breaker.ground_ticks = 0 anim_breaker.end_time = globalvars.get_curtime() + 1 end if (anim_breaker.ground_ticks > (e_menu.FAKELAG_AMOUNT:get() + 1) and anim_breaker.end_time > globalvars.get_curtime()) then player:set_render_pose(e_poses.BODY_PITCH, 0.5) end end if (ui_anti_aim.static_legs_on_slow_walk:get()) then if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk)) then player:set_render_pose(e_poses.MOVE_BLEND_WALK, 0) end end end --- @endregion --- @region: widgets --- @item: Watermark local watermark_c = {} watermark_c.note = note_c.new("a_watermark") function watermark_c.handle() watermark_c.note:set_state(ui_widgets.watermark:get() and ui_widgets.switch:get()) watermark_c.note:get(function(id) local f_r, f_g, f_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.first_color:get()) local s_r, s_g, s_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.second_color:get()) local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get()) local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get()) local actual_time = globalvars.get_time() local nickname = engine.get_gamename() local text = { {text = (" [%s]"):format(script_type)}, {text = (" %s"):format(nickname)}, } if (engine.is_in_game()) then local latency = globalvars.get_ping() local latency_text = (" %dms"):format(latency) table.insert(text, {text = latency_text}) end table.insert(text, {text = (" %s"):format(actual_time:sub(0, 5))}) local script_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, script_name) local text_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.verdana.default, text) local x, y = engine.get_screen_size().x, 8 + (27*0) local space = 6 local y_add = { [0] = 1, [1] = 0 } local width, height = (script_size.x + text_size.x) + (10 + space), 23 x = x - width - 10 if (ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x + 1, y + 1), vector_2d(width - 2, height - 2), 16, vector(1, 22, 2), 4, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, -1) end render_c.container(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b), ui_widgets.style:get() + 1) render.text_gradient(fonts.verdana.default, x + space + 1, y + (height / 2) - (script_size.y / 2) + y_add[ui_widgets.style:get()], color_c.new(f_r, f_g, f_b), color_c.new(s_r, s_g, s_b), script_name, 0, true) render_c.multitext(fonts.verdana.default, x + script_size.x + space + 2, y + (height / 2) - (text_size.y / 2) + y_add[ui_widgets.style:get()], text, 1, true) end) end --- @item: Indicators local indicators_c = {} function indicators_c.handle() if (not ui_widgets.indicators:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then return end local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return end local f_r, f_g, f_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.first_color:get()) local s_r, s_g, s_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.second_color:get()) local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get()) local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get()) local screen = engine.get_screen_size() local text_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.small.default, script_name:upper()) local additional = 40 local x, y = screen.x / 2, (screen.y / 2) + additional if (ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x - (text_size.x / 2), y - ((text_size.y - 5) / 2)), vector_2d(text_size.x, (text_size.y - 5)), 22, vector(1, 25, 2), 8, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, 0) end render.text_gradient(fonts.small.default, x - (text_size.x / 2), y - (text_size.y / 2), color_c.new(f_r, f_g, f_b), color_c.new(s_r, s_g, s_b), script_name:upper(), 0, false, true) local list = { { name = { {text = "- ", color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255)}, {text = entity_c.get_condition_name(entity_c.get_condition()), color = color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b)}, {text = " -", color = color_c.new(255, 255, 255)} }, active = true }, { name = "DT", active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) }, { name = "HS", active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.hide_shots) }, { name = "DMG", active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override) }, { name = "BODY", active = ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.body_aim) }, } local offset = 0 for key, value in ipairs(list) do local alpha = animation.create(("[%s] list / indicators"):format(key), value.active and 1 or 0, 12) if (alpha < 0) then alpha = 0 end if (type(value.name) == "table") then local list_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.small.default, value.name) local new_x = animation.create(("[%s] list / new_x table"):format(key), x - (list_size.x / 2), 12) render_c.multitext(fonts.small.default, math.floor(new_x), y - (list_size.y / 2) + (text_size.y - 2) + offset, value.name, alpha, false, true) elseif (type(value.name) == "string") then local list_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.small.default, value.name) local new_x = animation.create(("[%s] list / new_x string"):format(key), x - (list_size.x / 2), 12) render.text(fonts.small.default, math.floor(new_x), y - (list_size.y / 2) + (text_size.y - 2) + offset, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b, 255 * alpha), value.name, false, true) end offset = offset + 8 * alpha end end --- @item: Keybinds local keybinds_c = {} keybinds_c.active = {} keybinds_c.list = { ["Minimum damage"] = keybinds.damage_override, ["Double tap"] = keybinds.double_tap, ["On shot anti-aim"] = keybinds.hide_shots, ["Slow motion"] = keybinds.slowwalk, ["Anti-aim inverter"] = keybinds.flip_desync, ["Duck peek assist"] = keybinds.fakeduck, ["Quick peek assist"] = keybinds.automatic_peek, ["Body aim"] = keybinds.body_aim } keybinds_c.modes = {"always", "holding", "toggled", "disabled"} keybinds_c.dragging = drag_c.new(0, 0, "Keybinds") function keybinds_c.handle() if (not ui_widgets.keybinds:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then return end local a_r, a_g, a_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.main_color:get()) local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get()) local latest_item = false local maximum_offset = 66 local menu_bind = true for bind_name, bind_ref in pairs(keybinds_c.list) do local item_active = ui.get_keybind_state(bind_ref) if (item_active) then latest_item = true if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] == nil) then keybinds_c.active[bind_name] = {mode = "", alpha = 0, offset = 0, active = false} end local bind_name_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, bind_name) keybinds_c.active[bind_name].mode = keybinds_c.modes[ (ui.get_keybind_mode(bind_ref) + 2) or 4 ] keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha = animation.lerp(keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha, 1, 12) keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset = bind_name_size.x keybinds_c.active[bind_name].active = true elseif (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] ~= nil) then keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha = animation.lerp(keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha, 0, 12) keybinds_c.active[bind_name].active = false if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name].alpha < 0.01) then keybinds_c.active[bind_name] = nil end end if (keybinds_c.active[bind_name] ~= nil and keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset > maximum_offset) then maximum_offset = keybinds_c.active[bind_name].offset end end local alpha = animation.create("keybinds [alpha]", (globalvars.is_open_menu() or table.count(keybinds_c.active) > 0 and latest_item) and 1 or 0, 12) if (alpha < 0) then alpha = 0 end local text = "keybinds" local text_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, text) local x, y = keybinds_c.dragging:get() local width, height = math.floor(animation.create("keybinds [width]", 75 + maximum_offset, 8)), 23 local height_offset = height + 5 if (alpha > 0.1 and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x + 1, y + 1), vector_2d(width - 2, height - 2), 16, vector(1, 22, 2), 4*alpha, color_c.new(g_r, g_g, g_b), 0, -1) end render_c.container(x, y, width, height, color_c.new(a_r, a_g, a_b, 255*alpha), ui_widgets.style:get() + 1) render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + (width / 2) - (text_size.x / 2), y + (height / 2) - (text_size.y / 2) + 1, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha), text, true) for bind_name, value in pairs(keybinds_c.active) do local key_type = "[" .. (value.mode or "?") .. "]" local key_type_size = render.get_text_size(fonts.verdana.default, key_type) if (value.alpha < 0) then value.alpha = 0 end render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + 5, y + height_offset, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha*value.alpha), bind_name, true) render.text(fonts.verdana.default, x + width - key_type_size.x - 5, y + height_offset, color_c.new(255, 255, 255, 255*alpha*value.alpha), key_type, true) height_offset = height_offset + 15 * value.alpha end keybinds_c.dragging:handle(width, (table.count(keybinds_c.active) > 0 and height_offset or height)) end --- @item: Hit Log local hit_log_c = {} hit_log_c.groups = {"head", "chest", "stomach", "left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg", "neck", "gear"} hit_log_c.miss_types = { ["none"] = "?", ["resolver"] = "bad resolve", ["spread"] = "spread", ["occlusion"] = "occlusion", ["prediction error"] = "pred. error", ["unregistered"] = "unregistered" } hit_log_c.list = {} hit_log_c.remaining = 0 function hit_log_c.hit_event(event) if (event:get_name() ~= "player_hurt") then return end local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return end local userid = entity.get_player_by_index(engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("userid"))) local attacker = entity.get_player_by_index(engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int("attacker"))) local remaining = event:get_int("health") if (attacker:get_index() ~= player:get_index()) then return end hit_log_c.remaining = remaining end function hit_log_c.shot_event(event) if (event.result ~= "Hit") then local color_miss = ui_widgets.manage_color:get() and ui_widgets.miss_color:get() or color_c.new(255, 150, 150) local text = { {text = "Missed "}, {text = event.target_name, color = color_miss}, {text = "`s "}, {text = event.client_hitbox:lower() or "?", color = color_miss}, {text = " due to "}, {text = hit_log_c.miss_types[event.result:lower()] or "?", color = color_miss}, {text = " ("}, {text = tostring(event.hitchance), color = color_miss}, {text = " HC)"} } table.insert(hit_log_c.list, 1, {text = text, time = 6, alpha = 0, animate = -90, color = color_miss}) return end local color_hit = ui_widgets.manage_color:get() and ui_widgets.hit_color:get() or color_c.new(47, 255, 72) local text = { {text = "Hit "}, {text = event.target_name, color = color_hit}, {text = " in the "}, {text = event.server_hitbox:lower() or "?", color = color_hit}, {text = " for "}, {text = tostring(event.server_damage), color = color_hit}, {text = " damage ("}, {text = tostring(hit_log_c.remaining), color = color_hit}, {text = " health remaining)"} } table.insert(hit_log_c.list, 1, {text = text, time = 6, alpha = 0, animate = -90, color = color_hit}) end function hit_log_c.handle() if (not ui_widgets.hit_log:get() or not ui_widgets.switch:get()) then return end local player = entity.get_local() if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then return end local g_r, g_g, g_b = color_c.unpack(ui_widgets.glow_color:get()) local screen = engine.get_screen_size() local additional = 200 local x, y = screen.x / 2, (screen.y / 2) + additional local offset = 0 for key, value in ipairs(hit_log_c.list) do value.time = value.time - globalvars.get_frametime() value.alpha = animation.lerp(value.alpha, value.time <= 0 and 0 or 1, 12) value.animate = animation.lerp(value.animate, value.time <= 0.1 and 90 or 0, 12) local text_size = render_c.get_multitext_size(fonts.verdana.default, value.text) local t_r, t_g, t_b = color_c.unpack(value.color) if (value.alpha > 0.1 and ui_widgets.glow_switch:get()) then render.rect_filled(x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset + 6, text_size.x, 1, color_c.new(t_r, t_g, t_b, 20*value.alpha)) render.rect_shadow_ex(vector_2d(x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset + 6), vector_2d(text_size.x, 1), 22, vector(1, 25, 2), 6*value.alpha, value.color, 0, 0) end render_c.multitext(fonts.verdana.default, x - (text_size.x / 2) + value.animate, y + offset, value.text, value.alpha, true) if (#hit_log_c.list > 6 or value.alpha < 0.01) then table.remove(hit_log_c.list, key) end offset = offset + 13 * value.alpha end end --- @endregion --- @region: config local config_c = {} --- @return: void function config_c.export() local status, message = pcall(function() local items = {} for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(menu_manager_items) do items[tab_name] = {} for item_name, item_value in pairs(tab_value) do local temp = {} if (not item_value.to_save) then goto skip end temp.value = item_value.reference:get() if (type(temp.value) == "userdata") then temp.value = {temp.value:r(), temp.value:g(), temp.value:b(), temp.value:a()} end if (temp.value == nil) then goto skip end items[tab_name][item_name] = temp ::skip:: end end local config = json.encode(items) utils.set_clipboard(config) local text_gradient = ("clipboard"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("Config exported to " .. text_gradient .. "{ffffff}.") end) if (not status) then local message_gradient = message:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("Failed to export config: " .. message_gradient) return end end --- @param: text: string --- @return: void function config_c.import(text) local status, message = pcall(function() local config = json.decode(text) if (config == nil) then error("Wrong config") return end for tab_name, tab_value in pairs(config) do for item_name, config_value in pairs(tab_value) do local item = menu_manager_items[tab_name][item_name] if (item == nil or config_value.value == nil) then goto skip end if (type(config_value.value) == "table") then item.reference:set(color_c.new(table.unpack(config_value.value))) else item.reference:set(config_value.value) end ::skip:: end end local text_gradient = ("config"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("Applied imported " .. text_gradient .. "{ffffff}.") end) if (not status) then local message_gradient = message:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("Failed to import config: " .. message_gradient) return end end ui_global.export_button:set_callback(config_c.export) ui_global.import_button:set_callback(function() local data = utils.get_clipboard() config_c.import(data) end) ui_global.default_button:set_callback(function() local data = [[{"Anti-Aim":{"[Air] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"Enable Anti-Aims":{"value":true},"[Crouch] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Shared] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":1},"[Shared] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Standing] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Shared] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Air] Override":{"value":true},"[Running] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Walking] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":-1},"[Running] Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Crouch] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":-4},"[Air] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-18},"[Shared] Yaw Jitter":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Offset":{"value":-4},"[Running] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Air] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"Current Condition":{"value":5},"[Running] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Shared] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Standing] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Air] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-29},"[Air] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Shared] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Air] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Shared] Desync Type":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Add Type":{"value":0},"[Crouch] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Shared] Target Yaw":{"value":0},"Zero Pitch On Land":{"value":false},"[Shared] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Standing] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Air] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Shared] Pitch":{"value":0},"[Running] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Standing] Override":{"value":true},"Static Legs On Slow Walk":{"value":false},"[Air] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Walking] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Air] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Running] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Walking] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Air] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset":{"value":4},"[Running] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Shared] Override":{"value":false},"[Running] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Walking] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Running] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Standing] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Override":{"value":true},"[Air] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Running] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Walking] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Walking] Override":{"value":true},"[Running] Override":{"value":true},"[Walking] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":0},"Anti-Aim Mode":{"value":1},"[Walking] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":0},"[Shared] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":0},"[Running] Yaw Offset Left":{"value":4},"[Crouch] Target Yaw":{"value":1},"[Walking] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Air] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Body Lean":{"value":1},"Static Legs In Air":{"value":true},"[Crouch] Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Shared] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Standing] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":4},"[Walking] Desync Type":{"value":2},"[Walking] Spin Anti-Aim":{"value":false},"[Crouch] Inverted Desync Range":{"value":60},"[Standing] Desync Range":{"value":56},"[Walking] Yaw Jitter":{"value":0},"[Standing] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Walking] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Shared] Spin Speed":{"value":1},"[Standing] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-19},"[Running] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Spin Range":{"value":1},"[Shared] Desync Range":{"value":1},"[Walking] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Air] Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Air] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0},"[Standing] Inverted Body Lean":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Jitter Value":{"value":-12},"[Standing] Yaw Offset":{"value":0},"[Standing] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Crouch] Pitch":{"value":1},"[Running] Yaw Jitter":{"value":2},"[Walking] Yaw Add Type":{"value":1},"[Crouch] Yaw Offset Right":{"value":0}},"Widgets":{"Miss Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Enable Widgets":{"value":true},"[ Keybinds ] x":{"value":998},"Enable Keybinds":{"value":true},"Hit Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Accent":{"value":[253,152,111,255]},"Enable Clantag Spammer":{"value":false},"Left Gradient Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"[ Keybinds ] y":{"value":131},"Indicators":{"value":1},"Enable Watermark":{"value":false},"Manage Colors":{"value":false},"Windows Style":{"value":1},"Enable Hit Log":{"value":true},"Right Gradient Color":{"value":[255,255,255,255]},"Indicators Color":{"value":[253,152,111,255]}},"Global":[]}]] config_c.import(data) end) --- @endregion --- @region: setup --- @return: void local function on_load() console.execute_client_cmd("clear") console.execute_client_cmd("showconsole") local user_name = engine.get_gamename():gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) local author = ("Klient#1690"):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) local type = (script_type:gsub("^%l", string.upper)):gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) local version = script_version:gradient({246, 166, 201, 255}, {109, 169, 240, 255}) console_c.log("Welcome back, " .. user_name) console_c.log("Author: " .. author) console_c.log("Type: " .. type) console_c.log("Version: " .. version) end; on_load() --- @endregion --- @region: callbacks --- @callback: paint callbacks.add("on_paint", watermark_c.handle) callbacks.add("on_paint", indicators_c.handle) callbacks.add("on_paint", keybinds_c.handle) callbacks.add("on_paint", hit_log_c.handle) --- @callback: createmove callbacks.add("on_createmove", condition_anti_aim.handle) --- @callback: frame_net callbacks.add("on_frame_net", anim_breaker.handle) --- @callback: unload callbacks.add("on_unload", function() engine.set_clantag("\0") end) --- @callback: event callbacks.add("on_event", hit_log_c.hit_event) --- @callback: shot callbacks.add("on_shot", hit_log_c.shot_event) --- @endregion
ну он искал его)Ему нужен был china hat, а не necron
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