Автор темы
- #1
Делал их не я, я просто пофиксил под кряк пандорки их и сделал включенный цвет чуть ярче + добавил индикатор на хайдшотсы.
local verdana = render.create_font( "Verdana", 28, 700, bit.bor(font_flags.dropshadow, font_flags.antialias) );
local ENABLED_COLOR = color.new( 5, 155, 205 );
local DISABLED_COLOR = color.new( 170, 33, 33 );
local indicators_dropdown = ui.add_multi_dropdown( "Indicators", {
"Double tap",
"Damage override",
"Force safety",
"Fake duck",
"Hide shots",
} );
local function blend_colors( a, b, multiplier )
return color.new(
a:r( ) + ( multiplier * ( b:r( ) - a:r( ) ) ),
a:g( ) + ( multiplier * ( b:g( ) - a:g( ) ) ),
a:b( ) + ( multiplier * ( b:b( ) - a:b( ) ) ),
a:a( ) + ( multiplier * ( b:a( ) - a:a( ) ) )
local indicators = { }
local cl_lagcompensation = cvar.find_var( "cl_lagcompensation" );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "AX",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Anti-exploit" ) and not cl_lagcompensation:get_bool( ) end,
color = function( ) return ENABLED_COLOR end,
value = function( ) return -1 end,
max_value = function( ) return -1 end
} );
local exploits_enabled_checkbox = ui.get( "Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Enabled" );
local double_tap_key = ui.get( "Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Double tap key" );
local hide_shots_key = ui.get( "Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Hide shots key" );
local fake_duck_key = ui.get( "Rage", "Anti-aim", "Fake-lag", "Fake duck key" );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "DT",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Double tap" ) and not fake_duck_key:get_key( ) and exploits_enabled_checkbox:get( ) and double_tap_key:get_key( ) end,
color = function( ) return blend_colors( DISABLED_COLOR, ENABLED_COLOR, ( exploits.process_ticks( ) / 14 ) ) end,
value = function( ) return exploits.process_ticks( ) end,
max_value = function( ) return 14 end
} );
local damage_override_key = ui.get( "Rage", "Aimbot", "General", "Minimum damage override key" );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "DMG",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Damage override" ) and damage_override_key:get_key( ) end,
color = function( ) return ENABLED_COLOR end,
value = function( ) return -1 end,
max_value = function( ) return -1 end
} );
local force_safety_key = ui.get( "Rage", "Aimbot", "General", "Force safety key" );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "SP",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Force safety" ) and force_safety_key:get_key( ) end,
color = function( ) return ENABLED_COLOR end,
value = function( ) return -1 end,
max_value = function( ) return -1 end
} );
local function get_duck_amount( )
local local_player_idx = engine.get_local_player( );
local local_player = entity_list.get_client_entity( local_player_idx );
return local_player:get_prop( "DT_BasePlayer", "m_flDuckAmount" ):get_float( );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "FD",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Fake duck" ) and fake_duck_key:get_key( ) end,
color = function( ) return blend_colors( ENABLED_COLOR, DISABLED_COLOR, ( get_duck_amount( ) / 1.0 ) ) end,
value = function( ) return -1 end,
max_value = function( ) return -1 end
} );
table.insert( indicators, {
text = "HS",
can_draw = function( ) return indicators_dropdown:get( "Hide shots" ) and not fake_duck_key:get_key( ) and exploits_enabled_checkbox:get( ) and hide_shots_key:get_key( ) and not double_tap_key:get_key( ) end,
color = function( ) return blend_colors( DISABLED_COLOR, ENABLED_COLOR, ( exploits.process_ticks( ) / 14 ) ) end,
value = function( ) return exploits.process_ticks( ) / 2 end,
max_value = function( ) return 7 end
} );
local screen_width, screen_height = render.get_screen( );
local center_x = ( screen_width / 2 );
local center_y = ( screen_height / 2);
local function on_paint( )
if not client.is_alive() or not engine.is_connected( ) then
local count = 0;
local additonal_y = 0;
for idx = 1, #indicators do
local indicator = indicators[ idx ];
local text_width, text_height = verdana:get_size( indicator.text );
local y = center_y + ( count * text_height ) + additonal_y + 112;
if indicator.can_draw( ) then
local color = indicator.color( );
verdana:text( 10, y, color, indicator.text );
local value = indicator.value( );
local max_value = indicator.max_value( );
if value ~= -1 and max_value ~= -1 then
render.rectangle_filled( 10, y + text_height, text_width, 4, color.new( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) );
local value_faction = ( value / max_value );
render.rectangle_filled( 11, y + text_height + 1, ( text_width * value_faction ) - 2, 2, color );
additonal_y = additonal_y + 8;
count = count + 1;
local function init( )
callbacks.register( "paint", on_paint );
init( );
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