local function vtable_thunk(_type, index)
local ffitype = ffi.typeof(_type)
return function (class, ...)
local this = ffi.cast("void***", class)
return ffi.cast(ffitype, this[0][index])(this, ...)
struct pose_parameters_t
char pad[8];
float m_flStart;
float m_flEnd;
float m_flState;
-- Example
local VClientEntityList = utils.find_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003")
local GetClientEntityFN = vtable_thunk("void*(__thiscall*)(void*, int)", 3)
local animation_breakers = {}
animation_breakers.collected_cache = {}
local studio_hdr_offset = 0x2950
local allanimstate_offset = 0x9960
local landing_offset = 0x109
local pose_parameter_pattern = "55 8B EC 8B 45 08 57 8B F9 8B 4F 04 85 C9 75 15"
get_pose_parameters = ffi.cast("struct pose_parameters_t*(__thiscall* )(void*, int)", utils.find_pattern("client.dll", pose_parameter_pattern))
local leg_movement = gui.get_config_item("Rage>Anti-Aim>Desync>Leg Slide")
local dt = gui.get_config_item("rage>aimbot>aimbot>double tap")
local two = false
local land = false
local once = false
local time = 10
local time2 = 2
function SetPose(self_pointer, layer, start_value, end_value)
local new_player_pointer = ffi.cast("unsigned int", self_pointer)
local NULL = 0x0
if new_player_pointer == NULL then
return false
local studio_hdr = ffi.cast("void**", new_player_pointer + studio_hdr_offset)[0]
if not studio_hdr or studio_hdr == NULL then
return false
local pose_parameters = get_pose_parameters(studio_hdr, layer)
if not pose_parameters or pose_parameters == NULL then
return false
if animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer] == nil then
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer] = {}
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flStart = pose_parameters.m_flStart
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flEnd = pose_parameters.m_flEnd
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flState = pose_parameters.m_flState
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = false
return true
if start_value ~= nil and not animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied then
pose_parameters.m_flStart = start_value
pose_parameters.m_flEnd = end_value
pose_parameters.m_flState = (pose_parameters.m_flStart + pose_parameters.m_flEnd) / 2
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = true
return true
if animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied then
pose_parameters.m_flStart = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flStart
pose_parameters.m_flEnd = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flEnd
pose_parameters.m_flState = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flState
animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = false
return true
return false
function on_create_move(cmd)
local self_index = engine.get_local_player()
local local_player = GetClientEntityFN(VClientEntityList, self_index)
local NULL = 0x0
if not local_player or local_player == NULL then
local local_player_address = ffi.cast("unsigned int", local_player)
if not local_player_address or local_player_address == NULL then
local animstate_offset = allanimstate_offset
local animstate = ffi.cast("void**", local_player_address + animstate_offset)[0]
if not animstate or animstate == NULL then
animstate = ffi.cast("unsigned int", animstate)
if not animstate or animstate == 0x0 then
local animation_on_landing = ffi.cast("bool*", animstate + landing_offset)[0]
if not landing_offset or landing_offset == NULL then
local addons_direction = 3
if addons_direction >= 1 then
SetPose(local_player, 6, 0.9, 1)
if(land == true) then
if(time>0) then
SetPose(local_player, 12, 0.999, 1)
time = time - global_vars.frametime*10
land = false
once = false
time2 = 2
if(dt:get_bool() == true) then
time2 = 4
if addons_direction >= 2 then
if animation_on_landing == true and bit.band(cmd:get_buttons(), 2) == 0 then
time2 = time2 - global_vars.frametime*10
if(once == false and time2 < 0) then
time = 10
land = true
once = true
if addons_direction >= 3 then
leg_movement:set_int(cmd:get_command_number() % 3 == 0 and 0 or 1)
SetPose(local_player, 0, -180, -179)
function on_setup_move(cmd)
local self_index = engine.get_local_player()
local local_player = GetClientEntityFN(VClientEntityList, self_index)
local NULL = 0x0
if not local_player or local_player == NULL then
local pose_parameters_cache = animation_breakers.collected_cache
for key, cache in pairs(pose_parameters_cache) do
SetPose(local_player, key)
кто тебя спрашивалтупо взял два офсета добавил и типа сваяlua:local function vtable_thunk(_type, index) local ffitype = ffi.typeof(_type) return function (class, ...) local this = ffi.cast("void***", class) return ffi.cast(ffitype, this[0][index])(this, ...) end end ffi.cdef[[ struct pose_parameters_t { char pad[8]; float m_flStart; float m_flEnd; float m_flState; }; ]] -- Example local VClientEntityList = utils.find_interface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003") local GetClientEntityFN = vtable_thunk("void*(__thiscall*)(void*, int)", 3) local animation_breakers = {} animation_breakers.collected_cache = {} local studio_hdr_offset = 0x2950 local allanimstate_offset = 0x9960 local landing_offset = 0x109 local pose_parameter_pattern = "55 8B EC 8B 45 08 57 8B F9 8B 4F 04 85 C9 75 15" get_pose_parameters = ffi.cast("struct pose_parameters_t*(__thiscall* )(void*, int)", utils.find_pattern("client.dll", pose_parameter_pattern)) local leg_movement = gui.get_config_item("Rage>Anti-Aim>Desync>Leg Slide") local dt = gui.get_config_item("rage>aimbot>aimbot>double tap") local two = false local land = false local once = false local time = 10 local time2 = 2 function SetPose(self_pointer, layer, start_value, end_value) local new_player_pointer = ffi.cast("unsigned int", self_pointer) local NULL = 0x0 if new_player_pointer == NULL then return false end local studio_hdr = ffi.cast("void**", new_player_pointer + studio_hdr_offset)[0] if not studio_hdr or studio_hdr == NULL then return false end local pose_parameters = get_pose_parameters(studio_hdr, layer) if not pose_parameters or pose_parameters == NULL then return false end if animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer] == nil then animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer] = {} animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flStart = pose_parameters.m_flStart animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flEnd = pose_parameters.m_flEnd animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flState = pose_parameters.m_flState animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = false return true end if start_value ~= nil and not animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied then pose_parameters.m_flStart = start_value pose_parameters.m_flEnd = end_value pose_parameters.m_flState = (pose_parameters.m_flStart + pose_parameters.m_flEnd) / 2 animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = true return true end if animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied then pose_parameters.m_flStart = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flStart pose_parameters.m_flEnd = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flEnd pose_parameters.m_flState = animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].m_flState animation_breakers.collected_cache[layer].is_applied = false return true end return false end function on_create_move(cmd) local self_index = engine.get_local_player() local local_player = GetClientEntityFN(VClientEntityList, self_index) local NULL = 0x0 if not local_player or local_player == NULL then return end local local_player_address = ffi.cast("unsigned int", local_player) if not local_player_address or local_player_address == NULL then return end local animstate_offset = allanimstate_offset local animstate = ffi.cast("void**", local_player_address + animstate_offset)[0] if not animstate or animstate == NULL then return end animstate = ffi.cast("unsigned int", animstate) if not animstate or animstate == 0x0 then return end local animation_on_landing = ffi.cast("bool*", animstate + landing_offset)[0] if not landing_offset or landing_offset == NULL then return end local addons_direction = 3 if addons_direction >= 1 then SetPose(local_player, 6, 0.9, 1) end if(land == true) then if(time>0) then SetPose(local_player, 12, 0.999, 1) time = time - global_vars.frametime*10 else land = false once = false time2 = 2 end if(dt:get_bool() == true) then time2 = 4 end end if addons_direction >= 2 then if animation_on_landing == true and bit.band(cmd:get_buttons(), 2) == 0 then time2 = time2 - global_vars.frametime*10 if(once == false and time2 < 0) then time = 10 land = true once = true end end end if addons_direction >= 3 then leg_movement:set_int(cmd:get_command_number() % 3 == 0 and 0 or 1) SetPose(local_player, 0, -180, -179) end end function on_setup_move(cmd) local self_index = engine.get_local_player() local local_player = GetClientEntityFN(VClientEntityList, self_index) local NULL = 0x0 if not local_player or local_player == NULL then return end local pose_parameters_cache = animation_breakers.collected_cache for key, cache in pairs(pose_parameters_cache) do SetPose(local_player, key) end end
корса инженеринг систем
если че это у меня на компе валялась с 22 ещё
сори нельзя отвечать на форуме и глумится с "величайших кодеров"кто тебя спрашивал
а можно как то это переписать, чтобы оно не меняло анимации других игроков?кароче луашка пошла по рукам и я не вижу смысла оставлять это всё так
луашка - мусорный код в котором корса (данжерос на фатал паста) постыдился названия даже поменять
ты просто капсом выделил слова и все..
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz