thanks. I find out that there is a dylib file.
from what you said I also found the actual function and how it works:
__int64 __fastcall C_DOTA_BaseNPC::IsInRangeOfFountain(C_DOTA_BaseNPC *this)
return C_DOTAGamerules::IsInRangeOfFountain((C_DOTAGamerules *)g_pGameRules, this);
It's outdated a bit, but still helpful
bool __fastcall C_DOTAGamerules::IsInRangeOfFountain(C_DOTAGamerules *this, C_DOTA_BaseNPC *a2)
unsigned __int64v2; // rbx
const __m128i *AbsOrigin; // r14
unsigned int v5; // eax
__int64v6; // rcx
__int64v7; // rsi
C_BaseEntity **v8; // rdx
C_BaseEntity *v9; // rdi
__m128iv10; // xmm0
floatv11; // xmm1_4
v2 = *((unsigned __int8 *)a2 + 667);
AbsOrigin = (const __m128i *)C_BaseEntity::GetAbsOrigin(a2);
if ( v2 > 0xD )
return 0;
v5 = *((_DWORD *)this + v2 + 359);
if ( v5 > 0xFFFFFFFD )
return 0;
v6 = *(_QWORD *)(CEntityHandle::gm_pEntityList + 8LL * ((v5 >> 9) & 0x3F) + 8);
if ( !v6 )
return 0;
v7 = 120LL * (v5 & 0x1FF);
v8 = (C_BaseEntity **)(v7 + v6);
if ( !(v7 + v6) )
return 0;
if ( *(_DWORD *)(v6 + v7 + 16) != v5 )
return 0;
v9 = *v8;
if ( !*v8 )
return 0;
if ( !*((_BYTE *)v9 + 1044) )
return 0;
v10 = (__m128i)_mm_sub_ps(
(__m128)_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)C_BaseEntity::GetAbsOrigin(v9)));
v11 = *(float *)_mm_shuffle_epi32(v10, 1).i32;
return fsqrt((float)(v11 * v11) + (float)(*(float *)v10.i32 * *(float *)v10.i32)) < 1150.0;