Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Реалистичный ворон с анимацией, созданной со скоростью 60 кадров в секунду и текстурами 4K.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Raven model
- bone mesh
- animations authored at 60 fps
- all animations available in-space and in-place
- 4K textures
- Maya and 3ds Max animation rigs
- LODs
- ragdoll setup
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 1
Vertex Counts of Characters: 7891, 13300 (bone mesh)
Texture Resolutions: 4k
Number of Animations: 48 (not counting In-place)
Animation Types: Root Motion and In-place
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All
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