Автор темы
- #1
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Увлекательная полоса препятствий с более чем 25 уникальными ассетами
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- 25 unique meshes
- Prefabs to get you creating quickly complete with movement such as moving pillars, propellers, see-saws and spinners
- Colors can be changed on nearly every mesh using Material Instances giving extra customization.
- Great customization options
Collision: Yes - Auto
Vertex Count: 20+
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 50+
Number of Textures: 150+
Texture Resolutions: 512 - 2048
Important/Additional Notes:
To set the prefabs moving drag one of the prefabs from the Blueprints folder into your scene and in the details panel set the speed to your desired spee
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