Автор темы
- #1
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Все реквизиты, включая стол в коллекции: 26,824 triangles 14,362 vertexes.
1. Apple_Pie_Set 1064 triangles, 652 vertices
2. Baked_Sturgeon_Set 5302 triangles, 2776 vertices
3. Baked_Swan_Set 4262 triangles, 2323 vertices
4. Caviar_Pie_Set 2216 triangles, 1224 vertices
5. Chicken_Grill_Set 2836 triangles, 1476 vertices
6. Oysters_Set 4176 triangles, 2206 vertices
7. Piglet_Grill_Set 5968 triangles, 3123 vertices
8. Table 706 triangles, 582 vertices
В комплект поставки входят стол и материал для кирпичной стены.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Physically Based Rendering: Yes
Number of Textures: 11, diffuse, normals, opacity, metallic and specular
Texture Size: 2048x2048, 1024x1024,
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Number of Meshes: 8
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 Materials
Intended Platform: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE
Platforms Tested: PC
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