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а ну тут мега изи ты ток код скинь братишка я все сделаю ахуенно
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local ffi = require("ffi")
bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Vector_t;
int VirtualProtect(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flNewProtect, unsigned long* lpflOldProtect);
void* VirtualAlloc(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect);
int VirtualFree(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType);
typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
typedef struct {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
} color_struct_t;
typedef void (__cdecl* console_color_print)(void*,const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...);
typedef struct
char pad0[0x60]; // 0x00
void* pEntity; // 0x60
void* pActiveWeapon; // 0x64
void* pLastActiveWeapon; // 0x68
float flLastUpdateTime; // 0x6C
int iLastUpdateFrame; // 0x70
float flLastUpdateIncrement; // 0x74
float flEyeYaw; // 0x78
float flEyePitch; // 0x7C
float flGoalFeetYaw; // 0x80
float flLastFeetYaw; // 0x84
float flMoveYaw; // 0x88
float flLastMoveYaw; // 0x8C // changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
float flLeanAmount; // 0x90
char pad1[0x4]; // 0x94
float flFeetCycle; // 0x98 0 to 1
float flMoveWeight; // 0x9C 0 to 1
float flMoveWeightSmoothed; // 0xA0
float flDuckAmount; // 0xA4
float flHitGroundCycle; // 0xA8
float flRecrouchWeight; // 0xAC
Vector_t vecOrigin; // 0xB0
Vector_t vecLastOrigin;// 0xBC
Vector_t vecVelocity; // 0xC8
Vector_t vecVelocityNormalized; // 0xD4
Vector_t vecVelocityNormalizedNonZero; // 0xE0
float flVelocityLenght2D; // 0xEC
float flJumpFallVelocity; // 0xF0
float flSpeedNormalized; // 0xF4 // clamped velocity from 0 to 1
float flRunningSpeed; // 0xF8
float flDuckingSpeed; // 0xFC
float flDurationMoving; // 0x100
float flDurationStill; // 0x104
bool bOnGround; // 0x108
bool bHitGroundAnimation; // 0x109
char pad2[0x2]; // 0x10A
float flNextLowerBodyYawUpdateTime; // 0x10C
float flDurationInAir; // 0x110
float flLeftGroundHeight; // 0x114
float flHitGroundWeight; // 0x118 // from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
float flWalkToRunTransition; // 0x11C // from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
char pad3[0x4]; // 0x120
float flAffectedFraction; // 0x124 // affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
char pad4[0x208]; // 0x128
float flMinBodyYaw; // 0x330
float flMaxBodyYaw; // 0x334
float flMinPitch; //0x338
float flMaxPitch; // 0x33C
int iAnimsetVersion; // 0x340
} CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t;
typedef struct {
char pad_0000[20];
int m_nOrder; //0x0014
int m_nSequence; //0x0018
float m_flPrevCycle; //0x001C
float m_flWeight; //0x0020
float m_flWeightDeltaRate; //0x0024
float m_flPlaybackRate; //0x0028
float m_flCycle; //0x002C
void *m_pOwner; //0x0030
float m_flModelScale;
char pad_0038[4]; //0x0034
} CAnimationLayer;
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} vec3_struct;
typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t)(void*, int);
typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_from_handle_t)(void*, uintptr_t);
typedef int(__thiscall* c_weapon_get_muzzle_attachment_index_first_person_t)(void*, void*);
typedef int(__thiscall* c_weapon_get_muzzle_attachment_index_third_person_t)(void*);
typedef bool(__thiscall* c_entity_get_attachment_t)(void*, int, vec3_struct*);
bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
void* CreateFileA(const char*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
uintptr_t GetFileSize(void*, uintptr_t*);
int ReadFile(void*, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t*, void*);
int WriteFile(void*, const void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t*, void*);
int CloseHandle(void*);
typedef struct {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
} color_struct_t;
typedef void (*console_color_print)(void*, const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...);
typedef int(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text_length)(void*);
typedef void(__thiscall* set_clipboard_text)(void*, const char*, int);
typedef void(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text)(void*, int, const char*, int);
int VirtualProtect(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flNewProtect, unsigned long* lpflOldProtect);
void* VirtualAlloc(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect);
int VirtualFree(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType);
typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
int MessageBoxA(void *w, const char *txt, const char *cap, int type);
typedef int BOOL;
typedef unsigned long HANDLE;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned long UINT;
typedef HANDLE HWND;
typedef int bInvert;
antiAim = ui.create('AA',"AA", 2)
animBreaker = antiAim:switch('AnimBreaker', false)
vmt_hook = {hooks = {}}
hooked_function = nil
function updateCSA_hk(thisptr, edx)
local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
local lp_ptr = get_entity_address(local_player:get_index())
if local_player == nil or ffi.cast('uintptr_t', thisptr) == nil then return end
hooked_function(thisptr, edx)
if animBreaker:get() then
ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim","Misc", "Leg Movement"):override('Sliding')
ffi.cast("float*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", thisptr) + 10104)[0] = globals.tickcount%4 == 2 and 0.5 or 1.5
hook_helper = {
copy = function(dst, src, len)
return ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', dst), ffi.cast('const void*', src), len)
virtual_protect = function(lpAddress, dwSize, flNewProtect, lpflOldProtect)
return ffi.C.VirtualProtect(ffi.cast('void*', lpAddress), dwSize, flNewProtect, lpflOldProtect)
virtual_alloc = function(lpAddress, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect, blFree)
local alloc = ffi.C.VirtualAlloc(lpAddress, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect)
if blFree then
table.insert(buff.free, function()
ffi.C.VirtualFree(alloc, 0, 0x8000)
return ffi.cast('intptr_t', alloc)
buff = {free = {}}
vmt_hook = {hooks = {}}
function vmt_hook.new(vt)
local new_hook = {}
local org_func = {}
local old_prot = ffi.new('unsigned long[1]')
local virtual_table = ffi.cast('intptr_t**', vt)[0]
new_hook.this = virtual_table
new_hook.hookMethod = function(cast, zxcvb, method)
org_func[method] = virtual_table[method]
hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, 0x4, old_prot)
virtual_table[method] = ffi.cast('intptr_t', ffi.cast(cast, zxcvb))
hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, old_prot[0], old_prot)
return ffi.cast(cast, org_func[method])
new_hook.unHookMethod = function(method)
hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, 0x4, old_prot)
local alloc_addr = hook_helper.virtual_alloc(nil, 5, 0x1000, 0x40, false)
local trampoline_bytes = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', 5, 0x90)
trampoline_bytes[0] = 0xE9
ffi.cast('int32_t*', trampoline_bytes + 1)[0] = org_func[method] - tonumber(alloc_addr) - 5
hook_helper.copy(alloc_addr, trampoline_bytes, 5)
virtual_table[method] = ffi.cast('intptr_t', alloc_addr)
hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, old_prot[0], old_prot)
org_func[method] = nil
new_hook.unHookAll = function()
for method, zxcvb in pairs(org_func) do
table.insert(vmt_hook.hooks, new_hook.unHookAll)
return new_hook
entity_list_pointer = ffi.cast('void***', utils.create_interface('client.dll', 'VClientEntityList003'))
get_client_entity_fn = ffi.cast('GetClientEntity_4242425_t', entity_list_pointer[0][3])
function get_entity_address(ent_index)
local addr = get_client_entity_fn(entity_list_pointer, ent_index)
return addr
function anim_state_hook()
local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
if local_player == nil then return end
local local_player_ptr = get_entity_address(local_player:get_index())
if local_player_ptr == nil or hooked_function then return end
local C_CSPLAYER = vmt_hook.new(local_player_ptr)
hooked_function = C_CSPLAYER.hookMethod('void(__fastcall*)(void*, void*)', updateCSA_hk, 224)
for _, reset_function in ipairs(vmt_hook.hooks) do
ебать ты сюда напастил..Код:local ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef[[ bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName); void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } Vector_t; int VirtualProtect(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flNewProtect, unsigned long* lpflOldProtect); void* VirtualAlloc(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect); int VirtualFree(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType); typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int); typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } color_struct_t; typedef void (__cdecl* console_color_print)(void*,const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...); typedef struct { char pad0[0x60]; // 0x00 void* pEntity; // 0x60 void* pActiveWeapon; // 0x64 void* pLastActiveWeapon; // 0x68 float flLastUpdateTime; // 0x6C int iLastUpdateFrame; // 0x70 float flLastUpdateIncrement; // 0x74 float flEyeYaw; // 0x78 float flEyePitch; // 0x7C float flGoalFeetYaw; // 0x80 float flLastFeetYaw; // 0x84 float flMoveYaw; // 0x88 float flLastMoveYaw; // 0x8C // changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground float flLeanAmount; // 0x90 char pad1[0x4]; // 0x94 float flFeetCycle; // 0x98 0 to 1 float flMoveWeight; // 0x9C 0 to 1 float flMoveWeightSmoothed; // 0xA0 float flDuckAmount; // 0xA4 float flHitGroundCycle; // 0xA8 float flRecrouchWeight; // 0xAC Vector_t vecOrigin; // 0xB0 Vector_t vecLastOrigin;// 0xBC Vector_t vecVelocity; // 0xC8 Vector_t vecVelocityNormalized; // 0xD4 Vector_t vecVelocityNormalizedNonZero; // 0xE0 float flVelocityLenght2D; // 0xEC float flJumpFallVelocity; // 0xF0 float flSpeedNormalized; // 0xF4 // clamped velocity from 0 to 1 float flRunningSpeed; // 0xF8 float flDuckingSpeed; // 0xFC float flDurationMoving; // 0x100 float flDurationStill; // 0x104 bool bOnGround; // 0x108 bool bHitGroundAnimation; // 0x109 char pad2[0x2]; // 0x10A float flNextLowerBodyYawUpdateTime; // 0x10C float flDurationInAir; // 0x110 float flLeftGroundHeight; // 0x114 float flHitGroundWeight; // 0x118 // from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing float flWalkToRunTransition; // 0x11C // from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running char pad3[0x4]; // 0x120 float flAffectedFraction; // 0x124 // affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1 char pad4[0x208]; // 0x128 float flMinBodyYaw; // 0x330 float flMaxBodyYaw; // 0x334 float flMinPitch; //0x338 float flMaxPitch; // 0x33C int iAnimsetVersion; // 0x340 } CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t; typedef struct { char pad_0000[20]; int m_nOrder; //0x0014 int m_nSequence; //0x0018 float m_flPrevCycle; //0x001C float m_flWeight; //0x0020 float m_flWeightDeltaRate; //0x0024 float m_flPlaybackRate; //0x0028 float m_flCycle; //0x002C void *m_pOwner; //0x0030 float m_flModelScale; char pad_0038[4]; //0x0034 } CAnimationLayer; typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } vec3_struct; typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t)(void*, int); typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_from_handle_t)(void*, uintptr_t); typedef int(__thiscall* c_weapon_get_muzzle_attachment_index_first_person_t)(void*, void*); typedef int(__thiscall* c_weapon_get_muzzle_attachment_index_third_person_t)(void*); typedef bool(__thiscall* c_entity_get_attachment_t)(void*, int, vec3_struct*); bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes); void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd); bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName); void* CreateFileA(const char*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*); uintptr_t GetFileSize(void*, uintptr_t*); int ReadFile(void*, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t*, void*); int WriteFile(void*, const void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t*, void*); int CloseHandle(void*); typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } color_struct_t; typedef void (*console_color_print)(void*, const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...); typedef int(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text_length)(void*); typedef void(__thiscall* set_clipboard_text)(void*, const char*, int); typedef void(__thiscall* get_clipboard_text)(void*, int, const char*, int); int VirtualProtect(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flNewProtect, unsigned long* lpflOldProtect); void* VirtualAlloc(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long flAllocationType, unsigned long flProtect); int VirtualFree(void* lpAddress, unsigned long dwSize, unsigned long dwFreeType); typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int); int MessageBoxA(void *w, const char *txt, const char *cap, int type); typedef int BOOL; typedef unsigned long HANDLE; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned long UINT; typedef HANDLE HWND; typedef int bInvert; ]] antiAim = ui.create('AA',"AA", 2) animBreaker = antiAim:switch('AnimBreaker', false) vmt_hook = {hooks = {}} hooked_function = nil function updateCSA_hk(thisptr, edx) local local_player = entity.get_local_player() local lp_ptr = get_entity_address(local_player:get_index()) if local_player == nil or ffi.cast('uintptr_t', thisptr) == nil then return end hooked_function(thisptr, edx) if animBreaker:get() then ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim","Misc", "Leg Movement"):override('Sliding') ffi.cast("float*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", thisptr) + 10104)[0] = globals.tickcount%4 == 2 and 0.5 or 1.5 end end hook_helper = { copy = function(dst, src, len) return ffi.copy(ffi.cast('void*', dst), ffi.cast('const void*', src), len) end, virtual_protect = function(lpAddress, dwSize, flNewProtect, lpflOldProtect) return ffi.C.VirtualProtect(ffi.cast('void*', lpAddress), dwSize, flNewProtect, lpflOldProtect) end, virtual_alloc = function(lpAddress, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect, blFree) local alloc = ffi.C.VirtualAlloc(lpAddress, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect) if blFree then table.insert(buff.free, function() ffi.C.VirtualFree(alloc, 0, 0x8000) end) end return ffi.cast('intptr_t', alloc) end } buff = {free = {}} vmt_hook = {hooks = {}} function vmt_hook.new(vt) local new_hook = {} local org_func = {} local old_prot = ffi.new('unsigned long[1]') local virtual_table = ffi.cast('intptr_t**', vt)[0] new_hook.this = virtual_table new_hook.hookMethod = function(cast, zxcvb, method) org_func[method] = virtual_table[method] hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, 0x4, old_prot) virtual_table[method] = ffi.cast('intptr_t', ffi.cast(cast, zxcvb)) hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, old_prot[0], old_prot) return ffi.cast(cast, org_func[method]) end new_hook.unHookMethod = function(method) hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, 0x4, old_prot) local alloc_addr = hook_helper.virtual_alloc(nil, 5, 0x1000, 0x40, false) local trampoline_bytes = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', 5, 0x90) trampoline_bytes[0] = 0xE9 ffi.cast('int32_t*', trampoline_bytes + 1)[0] = org_func[method] - tonumber(alloc_addr) - 5 hook_helper.copy(alloc_addr, trampoline_bytes, 5) virtual_table[method] = ffi.cast('intptr_t', alloc_addr) hook_helper.virtual_protect(virtual_table + method, 4, old_prot[0], old_prot) org_func[method] = nil end new_hook.unHookAll = function() for method, zxcvb in pairs(org_func) do new_hook.unHookMethod(method) end end table.insert(vmt_hook.hooks, new_hook.unHookAll) return new_hook end entity_list_pointer = ffi.cast('void***', utils.create_interface('client.dll', 'VClientEntityList003')) get_client_entity_fn = ffi.cast('GetClientEntity_4242425_t', entity_list_pointer[0][3]) function get_entity_address(ent_index) local addr = get_client_entity_fn(entity_list_pointer, ent_index) return addr end function anim_state_hook() local local_player = entity.get_local_player() if local_player == nil then return end local local_player_ptr = get_entity_address(local_player:get_index()) if local_player_ptr == nil or hooked_function then return end local C_CSPLAYER = vmt_hook.new(local_player_ptr) hooked_function = C_CSPLAYER.hookMethod('void(__fastcall*)(void*, void*)', updateCSA_hk, 224) end events.createmove:set(function() anim_state_hook() end) events.shutdown:set(function() for _, reset_function in ipairs(vmt_hook.hooks) do reset_function() end end)
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz