I was pretty lazy to finish it, you still have to finish the buttons and colorpickers
For any questions: dutu1337#1294
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since you are using imgui, why don't you just create a window and get your self a window drawlist? same with groupbox/child/idk whatever you named it just get the ptr to the window's drawlist lol ( I haven't downloaded the src tho ) but will be back and edit this in 5-10 if i remember
edit: ok overall its just a paste from the legendary uwu.csgo source's framework? same mistake and bad codes everywhere.For example:
-GetAsyncKeyState using for getting key_down.. why bother writting input.h/cpp and create a ptr to it?
-calling GetOverlayDrawList() every function,why don't you just create a copy to that ptr + store it inside the namespace as nullptr as set it on init()?
-bad input handling when outside the groupbox... like 1:1 to the uwu.csgo src, at least fix it lol, shouldnt be that hard it's just 1 line
overall its just uwu.csgo's framework but different design + code structure
void groupbox::impl::handle_object( widgets::impl* widget )
i saw you used std::unique_ptr, why just dont use std::shared_ptr here? no need to delete the ptr as it will handle better than you and your code