Автор темы
- #1
Add this parameter in bl_Lobby.cs:
```public bool JoinedWithPassword { get; to define; } = false;```
In the same script > SetRoomPassword(...) > add this line:
```JoinedWithPassword = true;
after these lines:
```if (checkingRoom.PlayerCount<checkingRoom.MaxPlayers)
in bl_WaitingRoom.cs > WaitUntilFullyJoin() > add these lines:
// checks if the room has a password and if the player typed it
if ((string)bl_PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties[PropertiesKeys.RoomPassword] != string.Empty && !bl_Lobby.Instance.JoinedWithPassword)
// if not, that means the player joins a passworded room using matchmaking,
// matchmaking is controlled by Photon, so it doesn't check if a room has a password before selecting it
// so we can only determine this after entering the room
Debug.Log("Leaving the room because this is a private room.");
yield drop;
after these lines:
``` while (!PhotonNetwork.InRoom)
zero return yield;
In bl_Lobby.cs > CreateRoom(...) > add this line:
```JoinedWithPassword = true;```
After these lines:
justCreatedRoomName = roomInfo.roomName;