Исходник Eexomi.host dropped nades esp to supremacy

6 Апр 2021
template <typename T>
std::string to_string_with_precision( const T a_value, const int n = 3 )
    std::ostringstream out;
    out.precision( n );
    out << std::fixed << a_value;
    return out.str( );

void getze_nade( int x, int y, double factor, Color color, float spawn_time, std::string name ) {
    render::rect_filled( x - 49, y + 10, 70, 4, { 40, 40, 40, 150 } );
    render::rect_filled( x - 49, y + 10, 70 * factor, 4, color );
    render::rect( x - 50, y + 9, 72, 6, Color( 25, 25, 25, 150 ) );

    // timer
    auto text = to_string_with_precision( spawn_time, 2 );
    auto size = render::small_pix.size( text );
    auto size2 = render::small_pix.size( name );

    int center_x = x - 49 + ( 71 - size.m_width ) / 2 + 8;
    int center_x2 = x - 49 + ( 71 - size2.m_width ) / 2 - 2;
    int center_y = y + 16;

    //std::transform( text.begin( ), text.end( ), text.begin( ), ::toupper );
    render::small_pix.string( center_x, center_y, colors::white, text, render::ALIGN_CENTER );
    render::small_pix.string( center_x2, y - 2, colors::white, name );

void Visuals::DrawProjectile(Weapon* ent) {
    vec2_t screen;
    vec3_t origin = ent->GetAbsOrigin( );
    if ( !render::WorldToScreen( origin, screen ) )

    Color col = g_menu.main.visuals.proj_color.get(); // fuck this out
    col.a( ) = 0xb4;

    // draw decoy.
    if ( ent->is( HASH( "CDecoyProjectile" ) ) )
        render::small_pix.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "DECOY" ) );

    // draw molotov.
    else if ( ent->is( HASH( "CMolotovProjectile" ) ) )
        render::small_pix.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "MOLLY" ) );

    else if ( ent->is( HASH( "CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile" ) ) ) {
        const model_t* model = ent->GetModel( );

        if ( model ) {
            // grab modelname.
            std::string name{ ent->GetModel( )->m_name };

            if ( name.find( XOR( "flashbang" ) ) != std::string::npos )
                render::small_pix.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "FLASH" ) );

            else if ( name.find( XOR( "fraggrenade" ) ) != std::string::npos ) {
                render::small_pix.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "FRAG" ) );

    // find classes.
    else if ( ent->is( HASH( "CInferno" ) ) ) {
        Weapon* grenade_entity = reinterpret_cast< Weapon* >( ent );
        const auto spawn_time = *( float* )( uintptr_t( grenade_entity ) + 0x20 );
        const auto factor = ( ( spawn_time + 7.03125f ) - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime ) / 7.03125f;

        int red = fmax( fmin( 255 * factor, 255 ), 0 );
        int green = fmax( fmin( 255 * ( 1.f - factor ), 255 ), 0 );

        if ( spawn_time > 0.f ) { // l3d saves me
            /* this avoid rendering when nade is not on the ground */
            getze_nade( screen.x, screen.y, factor, Color( 255, 0, 0, 245 ), ( spawn_time + 7.03125f ) - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime, "MOLLY" );

        //render::esp.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "FIRE" ) );

    else if ( ent->is( HASH( "CSmokeGrenadeProjectile" ) ) ) {
        Weapon* pSmokeEffect = reinterpret_cast< Weapon* >( ent );
        const float spawn_time = game::TICKS_TO_TIME( pSmokeEffect->m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin( ) );
        const double reltime = ( ( spawn_time + 17.441 ) - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime );
        const double factor = reltime / 17.441;

        int red = std::fmax( std::fmin( 255 * factor, 255 ), 0 );
        int green = std::fmax( std::fmin( 255 * ( 1.f - factor ), 255 ), 0 );

        if ( spawn_time > 0.f ) { // l3d saves me
            /* this avoid rendering when nade is not on the ground */
            getze_nade( screen.x, screen.y, factor, Color( 0, 213, 255, 245 ), ( spawn_time + 17.441 ) - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime, "SMOKE" );

        //render::esp.string( screen.x, screen.y, col, XOR( "SMOKE" ) );
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