Автор темы
- #1
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Настраиваемая 3D-модель Survival Girl с множеством опций, включая: много волос, одежду, оружие, варианты лица, цвета кожи и многое другое! Приспособлен к эпическому скелету, имеет морфинг-цели для выражения лица.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- A lot of modular clothes
- Body parts separated
- Facial expressions and options (Morph Target)
- Rigged to Epic Skeleton
- PhysAssets with cloth and hair simulation
- 3 different races
- Material Instances so you can change the color of everything (hair, clothes, skin, eyes, etc.)
- 9 Combined Skeletal Meshes as combinations examples
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: Retarget
Number of characters: 9+
Vertex counts of characters: ~46147
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 107
Number of Textures: 168
Texture Resolutions: 4096X4096
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