Исходник Airflow dt to supremacy

6 Апр 2021
#pragma once
#include "../includes.h"

class c_tickbase {
    struct tickbase_data_t {
        int tickbase{};
        int command_number{};
        int shift_amount{};
        int cmd_diff{};
        bool restore_tickbase{};
    } data;
    int simulation_amt{};
    /// <summary>
    /// get data for tickbase restoring after exploit usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tickbase"> tickbase before shift </param>
    /// <param name="cmd"> last command number when shift began </param>
    /// <param name="shift"> how many commands were shifted </param>
    /// <param name="restore"> should we restore tickbase back? </param>
    /// <param name="cmd_diff"> how many commands created after disabling shift </param>
    void store( int tickbase, int cmd, int shift, bool restore, int cmd_diff = 1 );
    void fix( int new_command_number, int& tickbase );

class c_exploits {
    void force_shift( CUserCmd* cmd, int amount, bool buffer = false );

    bool dt_toggled{};
    bool dt_active{};
    bool dt_off{};
    bool teleport{};

    bool hs_toggled{};
    bool hs_active{};
    bool hs_off{};
    bool charge_dt{};
    bool recharge{};
    bool recharge_finish{};
    bool stop_movement{};
    bool hs_works{};
    bool lag_shift{};
    bool toggle_lag{};
    bool break_lc{};
    bool teleportshift{};

    // they should now be updated always on
    // based on sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks cvar
    struct {
        int recharge{};
        int dt_shift{};
        int hs_shift{};
    } amounts;

    __forceinline void update_amounts() {
        amounts.recharge = 16;
        amounts.dt_shift = 16 - 2;
        amounts.hs_shift = std::max<int>( 0, 16 - 5 );

    struct cl_move_t {
        bool shift = false;
        bool shifting = false;
        bool valid = false;
        int amount = 0;

    int shift{};
    int shift_timer{};
    int charge_ticks{};
    int shift_tick{};
    int dt_bullet{};

    void reset_shift( ) {
        recharge = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        lag_shift = false;

        shift = 0;
        shift_timer = 0;
        charge_ticks = 0;
        shift_tick = 0;

    bool recharged( ) {
        return charge_ticks >= amounts.recharge && recharge_finish;

    bool enabled( ) {
        return GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) && this->recharged() ;

    bool dt_enabled( ) {
        return GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) && this->recharged() ;

    //bool hs_enabled( ) {
    // return !g_cfg.binds[ dt_b ].toggled && g_cfg.binds[ hs_b ].toggled && this->recharged() ;

    int tickbase_offset( bool dt = false ) {
        //if ( this->hs_enabled() && !dt )
        // return amounts.hs_shift;

        if ( dt && this->dt_enabled( ) )
            return amounts.dt_shift;

        return 0;

    bool recharging(CUserCmd* cmd);

    void double_tap( );
    void hide_shots( );
    bool should_shift_cmd( int* new_commands, int* backup_commands, void* ecx, int slot, void* buf, int from, int to );

    void on_pre_predict( );
    void on_predict_start( );

    void on_cl_move( float sample, bool final_tick );

extern c_tickbase g_Tickbase;
extern c_exploits g_Exploits;
#include "Tickbase.hpp"

c_tickbase g_Tickbase;
c_exploits g_Exploits;

void c_tickbase::store( int tickbase, int cmd, int shift, bool restore, int cmd_diff ) {
    this->data.tickbase = tickbase;
    this->data.command_number = cmd;
    this->data.shift_amount = shift;
    this->data.restore_tickbase = restore;
    this->data.cmd_diff = cmd_diff;

void c_tickbase::fix( int new_command_number, int& tickbase ) {
    auto d = this->data;
    if ( d.command_number <= 0 )

    if ( d.command_number == new_command_number )
        tickbase = d.tickbase - d.shift_amount + g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame_simulation_ticks;

    if ( d.restore_tickbase && d.command_number + d.cmd_diff == new_command_number )
        tickbase += d.shift_amount - g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame_simulation_ticks;

void write_user_cmd( void* buf, CUserCmd* in, CUserCmd* out ) {
    static auto WriteUsercmdF = pattern::find( g_csgo.m_client_dll, XOR( "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 51 53 56 8B D9 8B 0D" ) );

        mov ecx, buf
        mov edx, in
        push out
        call WriteUsercmdF
        add esp, 4

bool c_exploits::should_shift_cmd( int* new_commands, int* backup_commands, void* ecx, int slot, void* buf, int from, int to ) {
    static auto original = nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;// g_hooks.m_client.GetOldMethod< WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t >( 23 )( this, slot, buf, from, to, isnewcommand ); ;// vtables[ vtables_t::client ].original<write_usercmd_fn>( xor_int( 23 ) );

    // oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

    auto newcmds = *new_commands;
    auto shift_amount = std::clamp( shift, 1, 14 );

    shift = 0;
    *backup_commands = 0;

    auto choked_modifier = newcmds + shift_amount;

    if (choked_modifier > 62)
        choked_modifier = 62;

    *new_commands = choked_modifier;

    auto final_from = -1;
    auto next_cmdnr = g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands + g_csgo.m_cl->m_last_outgoing_command + 1;
    auto final_to = next_cmdnr - newcmds + 1;

    if ( final_to <= next_cmdnr ) {
        while ( original( ecx, slot, buf, final_from, final_to, true ) ) {
            final_from = final_to++;

            if ( final_to > next_cmdnr )
                goto next_cmd;

        return false;

    auto user_cmd = g_csgo.m_input->GetUserCmd( slot, final_from ); //whateer

    if (!user_cmd)
        return true;

    CUserCmd to_cmd;
    CUserCmd from_cmd;

    from_cmd = *user_cmd;
    to_cmd = from_cmd;

    to_cmd.m_tick += 200;

    if (newcmds > choked_modifier)
        return true;

    for ( auto i = choked_modifier - newcmds + 1; i > 0; --i ) {
        write_user_cmd( buf, &to_cmd, &from_cmd );

        from_cmd = to_cmd;

    g_Tickbase.simulation_amt = choked_modifier - newcmds + 1;
    return true;

void c_exploits::force_shift( CUserCmd* cmd, int amount, bool buffer ) {
    if (charge_ticks < amount)

    if (!stop_movement)
        stop_movement = true;

    if ( !teleportshift )
        teleportshift = true;

    shift_tick = g_cl.m_cmd->m_command_number;

    cl_move.shift = true;
    cl_move.amount = amount;

bool c_exploits::recharging( CUserCmd* cmd ) {
    if (cmd->m_weapon_select)
        return false;

    static int last_choke = 0;
    if (recharge && !last_choke) {
        if ( ++charge_ticks >= amounts.recharge ) {
            recharge = false;
            recharge_finish = true;
            stop_movement = true;

        shift = 0;

        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        teleportshift = false;
        return true;
    } else
        last_choke = g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands;

    return false;

void c_exploits::on_pre_predict() {

    static bool toggle_hs = false;
    static bool toggle_dt = false;

    if ( GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) ) {
        if (!toggle_dt) {
            dt_active = true;
            toggle_dt = true;
    } else
        toggle_dt = false;

    bool active = dt_toggled && dt_active /*|| hs_toggled && hs_active*/;

    if (charge_ticks < amounts.recharge && active ) {
        recharge = true;
        recharge_finish = false;

bool is_firing( ) {
    return g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK;

void c_exploits::double_tap() {
    static bool toggle_charge = false;

    if (toggle_charge) {
        toggle_charge = false;
        charge_dt = true;

    static int last_dt_tick = 0;

    if (charge_dt) {
        float shot_diff = std::abs( g_cl.m_weapon->m_fLastShotTime() - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime );
        bool shot_finish = shot_diff >= 0.3f && !cl_move.shift;
        if ( shot_finish && !g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands ) {
            if ( !GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) )
                teleport = false;
                teleport = true;

            dt_bullet = 0;
            charge_dt = false;
            dt_active = true;
        } else if ( g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK ) {

            last_dt_tick = g_csgo.m_globals->m_tick_count;

        shift_tick = 0;

    if ( !GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) ) {
        dt_toggled = false;

        if (!dt_off) {
            stop_movement = true;

            if (teleport) {
                this->force_shift( g_cl.m_cmd, amounts.dt_shift - 1 );
                teleport = false;


            dt_off = true;

    dt_toggled = true;
    dt_off = false;

    if (!recharge_finish)

    if (!teleport)
        teleport = true;

    if ( g_cl.m_weapon->is_misc_weapon() && g_cl.m_weapon_type != WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE && g_cl.m_weapon_type != WEAPONTYPE_TASER ) {
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        break_lc = true;
        shift = amounts.dt_shift;
        shift_timer = 0;

    if ( !g_cl.m_cmd->m_weapon_select && is_firing() ) {
        this->force_shift( g_cl.m_cmd, amounts.dt_shift - 1, true );

        last_dt_tick = g_csgo.m_globals->m_tick_count;


        dt_toggled = false;
        dt_active = false;
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        toggle_charge = true;

    if (/* g_anti_aim->is_peeking() &&*/ g_cl.m_weapon->m_iItemDefinitionIndex() != REVOLVER && !g_cl.m_weapon->is_misc_weapon() ) {
        if (!toggle_lag) {
            if (!lag_shift) {
                shift_timer = 0;
                lag_shift = true;
            toggle_lag = true;
    } else {
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;

    if (lag_shift) {
        shift = shift_timer > 0 ? amounts.dt_shift : 0;

        if ( ++shift_timer >= amounts.dt_shift ) {
            shift_timer = 0;
            lag_shift = false;
    } else {
        shift = amounts.dt_shift;
        shift_timer = 0;
        toggle_lag = false;

    /*static vector3d origin{};
    if (!shift)
        interfaces::debug_overlay->add_text_overlay(g_ctx.local->origin(), 3.f,

void c_exploits::on_predict_start() {
    if (cl_move.shift)


// paste on_clmove
#include "hooker.hpp"

void c_exploits::on_cl_move( float sample, bool final_tick ) {
    if (!cl_move.shift)

    if ( g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands == 0 ) {
        *g_cl.m_packet = false;

    static auto original = hooker.original( &nem_hooks::engine::cl_move );

    while (cl_move.amount >= 0) {
        if ( cl_move.amount >= amounts.dt_shift )
            *g_cl.m_packet = false;

        // update later
        // g_engine_prediction->update();

        cl_move.shifting = true;
        original( 0.f, cl_move.amount <= 0 );


    cl_move.shift = false;
    cl_move.shifting = false;
#pragma once
#include "../includes.h"
#include "../minhook/minhook.h"

namespace detour {
    struct hook_t {
        bool enabled = false;
        void* target = nullptr;
        void* original = nullptr;
        void* custom = nullptr;

        void enable( ) {
            MH_EnableHook( target );
            enabled = true;

        void disable( ) {
            MH_DisableHook( target );
            enabled = false;

    class c_hooks {
        std::vector<hook_t> m_hooks;

        c_hooks() {
            MH_Initialize( );
        ~c_hooks() {
            MH_Uninitialize( );

        template <typename fn = uintptr_t >
        bool create_hook( fn custom_func, void* o_func ) {
            hook_t hook = {};
            hook.target = o_func;
            hook.custom = custom_func;
            if ( MH_CreateHook( o_func, custom_func, &hook.original ) == MH_OK ) {
                m_hooks.emplace_back( hook );
                return true;
            return false;

        void enable( ) {
            for ( auto& h : m_hooks )
                h.enable( );

        void restore( ) {
            for ( auto& h : m_hooks )
                h.disable( );

        template <typename fn = uintptr_t, class ret = fn >
        ret original( fn custom_func ) {
            auto found = std::find_if( m_hooks.begin() ), m_hooks.end() , [ & ]( hook_t hook ) {
                return hook.custom == custom_func;
            } );
            if ( found != m_hooks.end( ) )
                return ( ret )found->original;

            return nullptr;
#include "Tickbase/Tickbase.hpp"

detour::c_hooks hooker = {};
namespace nem_hooks {
    bool __fastcall write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer( void* ecx, void* edx, int slot, void* buffer, int from, int to, bool is_new_cmd ) {
        static auto original = nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;// g_hooks.m_client.GetOldMethod< WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t >( 23 )( this, slot, buf, from, to, isnewcommand ); ;// vtables[ vtables_t::client ].original<write_usercmd_fn>( xor_int( 23 ) );

        //if ( !g_cl.m_local || !g_cl.m_local->alive( ) )
        // return original( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

        if ( g_cl.m_processing && g_csgo.m_engine->IsConnected( ) && g_csgo.m_engine->IsInGame( ) ) {
            if ( g_Exploits.recharge || !g_Exploits.shift )
                return original( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

            if (from != -1)
                return true;

            uintptr_t frame_ptr{};
            __asm mov frame_ptr, ebp;

            CCLCMsg_Move_t* msg = reinterpret_cast< CCLCMsg_Move_t* >( frame_ptr + 0xFCC );
            return g_Exploits.should_shift_cmd( &msg->new_commands, &msg->backup_commands, ecx, slot, buffer, from, to );
        } else {
            return nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

    //void __vectorcall CL_Move2( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool bFinalTick ) {
    // static auto original = oCL_Move;// hooker.original( &cl_move );
    // if ( g_cl.m_local->alive() && g_Exploits.recharging( g_cl.m_cmd ) ) {
    // //g_engine_prediction->update();
    // return;
    // }
    // original( accumulated_extra_samples, bFinalTick );
    // g_Exploits.on_cl_move( accumulated_extra_samples, bFinalTick );

    namespace engine {
        void __vectorcall cl_move( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool final_tick ) {
            static auto original = hooker.original( &cl_move );

            if ( ( g_cl.m_local && g_cl.m_local->alive( ) ) && g_Exploits.recharging( g_cl.m_cmd ) ) {

            original( accumulated_extra_samples, final_tick );

            g_Exploits.on_cl_move( accumulated_extra_samples, final_tick );

// hooks::init
if ( MH_CreateHook( ( *reinterpret_cast< LPVOID** >( g_csgo.m_client ) )[ 23u ], reinterpret_cast< LPVOID >( &nem_hooks::write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer ), reinterpret_cast< LPVOID* >( &nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer ) ) ! = MH_OK ) {

    auto pattern = pattern::find( PE::GetModule( HASH( "engine.dll" ) ), XOR( "55 8B EC 81 EC ? ? ? 53 56 57 8B 3D ? ? 8A" ) );
    hooker.create_hook( nem_hooks::engine::cl_move, pattern );
namespace nem_hooks {
    using WriteUsercmdDeltaToBufferFn = bool( __thiscall* )( void*, int, void*, int, int, bool );
    inline WriteUsercmdDeltaToBufferFn oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;
    bool __fastcall write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer( void* ECX, void* EDX, int nSlot, void* buf, int from, int to, bool isnewcommand );

    //void __vectorcall CL_Move2( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool bFinalTick );
    //inline decltype( &CL_Move2 ) oCL_Move;

    namespace engine {
        extern void __vectorcall cl_move( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool final_tick );

extern detour::c_hooks hooker;
entity.hpp -> weapon class:
__forceinline bool is_misc_weapon( ) {
        auto info = this->GetWpnData( );
        if (!info)
            return false;

        short idx = this->m_iItemDefinitionIndex( );
        int type = info->m_weapon_type;
        return idx == ZEUS || type == WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE || type == WEAPONTYPE_C4;//&& type <= WEAPONTYPE_MELE;
you will have to call the doubletap in client.cpp | discord:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
| idax86
21 Авг 2021
5 Июл 2023
Ревёрсер среднего звена
24 Ноя 2022
#pragma once
#include "../includes.h"

class c_tickbase {
    struct tickbase_data_t {
        int tickbase{};
        int command_number{};
        int shift_amount{};
        int cmd_diff{};
        bool restore_tickbase{};
    } data;
    int simulation_amt{};
    /// <summary>
    /// get data for tickbase restoring after exploit usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tickbase"> tickbase before shift </param>
    /// <param name="cmd"> last command number when shift began </param>
    /// <param name="shift"> how many commands were shifted </param>
    /// <param name="restore"> should we restore tickbase back? </param>
    /// <param name="cmd_diff"> how many commands created after disabling shift </param>
    void store( int tickbase, int cmd, int shift, bool restore, int cmd_diff = 1 );
    void fix( int new_command_number, int& tickbase );

class c_exploits {
    void force_shift( CUserCmd* cmd, int amount, bool buffer = false );

    bool dt_toggled{};
    bool dt_active{};
    bool dt_off{};
    bool teleport{};

    bool hs_toggled{};
    bool hs_active{};
    bool hs_off{};
    bool charge_dt{};
    bool recharge{};
    bool recharge_finish{};
    bool stop_movement{};
    bool hs_works{};
    bool lag_shift{};
    bool toggle_lag{};
    bool break_lc{};
    bool teleportshift{};

    // they should now be updated always on
    // based on sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks cvar
    struct {
        int recharge{};
        int dt_shift{};
        int hs_shift{};
    } amounts;

    __forceinline void update_amounts() {
        amounts.recharge = 16;
        amounts.dt_shift = 16 - 2;
        amounts.hs_shift = std::max<int>( 0, 16 - 5 );

    struct cl_move_t {
        bool shift = false;
        bool shifting = false;
        bool valid = false;
        int amount = 0;

    int shift{};
    int shift_timer{};
    int charge_ticks{};
    int shift_tick{};
    int dt_bullet{};

    void reset_shift( ) {
        recharge = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        lag_shift = false;

        shift = 0;
        shift_timer = 0;
        charge_ticks = 0;
        shift_tick = 0;

    bool recharged( ) {
        return charge_ticks >= amounts.recharge && recharge_finish;

    bool enabled( ) {
        return GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) && this->recharged() ;

    bool dt_enabled( ) {
        return GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) && this->recharged() ;

    //bool hs_enabled( ) {
    // return !g_cfg.binds[ dt_b ].toggled && g_cfg.binds[ hs_b ].toggled && this->recharged() ;

    int tickbase_offset( bool dt = false ) {
        //if ( this->hs_enabled() && !dt )
        // return amounts.hs_shift;

        if ( dt && this->dt_enabled( ) )
            return amounts.dt_shift;

        return 0;

    bool recharging(CUserCmd* cmd);

    void double_tap( );
    void hide_shots( );
    bool should_shift_cmd( int* new_commands, int* backup_commands, void* ecx, int slot, void* buf, int from, int to );

    void on_pre_predict( );
    void on_predict_start( );

    void on_cl_move( float sample, bool final_tick );

extern c_tickbase g_Tickbase;
extern c_exploits g_Exploits;
#include "Tickbase.hpp"

c_tickbase g_Tickbase;
c_exploits g_Exploits;

void c_tickbase::store( int tickbase, int cmd, int shift, bool restore, int cmd_diff ) {
    this->data.tickbase = tickbase;
    this->data.command_number = cmd;
    this->data.shift_amount = shift;
    this->data.restore_tickbase = restore;
    this->data.cmd_diff = cmd_diff;

void c_tickbase::fix( int new_command_number, int& tickbase ) {
    auto d = this->data;
    if ( d.command_number <= 0 )

    if ( d.command_number == new_command_number )
        tickbase = d.tickbase - d.shift_amount + g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame_simulation_ticks;

    if ( d.restore_tickbase && d.command_number + d.cmd_diff == new_command_number )
        tickbase += d.shift_amount - g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame_simulation_ticks;

void write_user_cmd( void* buf, CUserCmd* in, CUserCmd* out ) {
    static auto WriteUsercmdF = pattern::find( g_csgo.m_client_dll, XOR( "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 51 53 56 8B D9 8B 0D" ) );

        mov ecx, buf
        mov edx, in
        push out
        call WriteUsercmdF
        add esp, 4

bool c_exploits::should_shift_cmd( int* new_commands, int* backup_commands, void* ecx, int slot, void* buf, int from, int to ) {
    static auto original = nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;// g_hooks.m_client.GetOldMethod< WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t >( 23 )( this, slot, buf, from, to, isnewcommand ); ;// vtables[ vtables_t::client ].original<write_usercmd_fn>( xor_int( 23 ) );

    // oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

    auto newcmds = *new_commands;
    auto shift_amount = std::clamp( shift, 1, 14 );

    shift = 0;
    *backup_commands = 0;

    auto choked_modifier = newcmds + shift_amount;

    if (choked_modifier > 62)
        choked_modifier = 62;

    *new_commands = choked_modifier;

    auto final_from = -1;
    auto next_cmdnr = g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands + g_csgo.m_cl->m_last_outgoing_command + 1;
    auto final_to = next_cmdnr - newcmds + 1;

    if ( final_to <= next_cmdnr ) {
        while ( original( ecx, slot, buf, final_from, final_to, true ) ) {
            final_from = final_to++;

            if ( final_to > next_cmdnr )
                goto next_cmd;

        return false;

    auto user_cmd = g_csgo.m_input->GetUserCmd( slot, final_from ); //whateer

    if (!user_cmd)
        return true;

    CUserCmd to_cmd;
    CUserCmd from_cmd;

    from_cmd = *user_cmd;
    to_cmd = from_cmd;

    to_cmd.m_tick += 200;

    if (newcmds > choked_modifier)
        return true;

    for ( auto i = choked_modifier - newcmds + 1; i > 0; --i ) {
        write_user_cmd( buf, &to_cmd, &from_cmd );

        from_cmd = to_cmd;

    g_Tickbase.simulation_amt = choked_modifier - newcmds + 1;
    return true;

void c_exploits::force_shift( CUserCmd* cmd, int amount, bool buffer ) {
    if (charge_ticks < amount)

    if (!stop_movement)
        stop_movement = true;

    if ( !teleportshift )
        teleportshift = true;

    shift_tick = g_cl.m_cmd->m_command_number;

    cl_move.shift = true;
    cl_move.amount = amount;

bool c_exploits::recharging( CUserCmd* cmd ) {
    if (cmd->m_weapon_select)
        return false;

    static int last_choke = 0;
    if (recharge && !last_choke) {
        if ( ++charge_ticks >= amounts.recharge ) {
            recharge = false;
            recharge_finish = true;
            stop_movement = true;

        shift = 0;

        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        teleportshift = false;
        return true;
    } else
        last_choke = g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands;

    return false;

void c_exploits::on_pre_predict() {

    static bool toggle_hs = false;
    static bool toggle_dt = false;

    if ( GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) ) {
        if (!toggle_dt) {
            dt_active = true;
            toggle_dt = true;
    } else
        toggle_dt = false;

    bool active = dt_toggled && dt_active /*|| hs_toggled && hs_active*/;

    if (charge_ticks < amounts.recharge && active ) {
        recharge = true;
        recharge_finish = false;

bool is_firing( ) {
    return g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK;

void c_exploits::double_tap() {
    static bool toggle_charge = false;

    if (toggle_charge) {
        toggle_charge = false;
        charge_dt = true;

    static int last_dt_tick = 0;

    if (charge_dt) {
        float shot_diff = std::abs( g_cl.m_weapon->m_fLastShotTime() - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime );
        bool shot_finish = shot_diff >= 0.3f && !cl_move.shift;
        if ( shot_finish && !g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands ) {
            if ( !GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) )
                teleport = false;
                teleport = true;

            dt_bullet = 0;
            charge_dt = false;
            dt_active = true;
        } else if ( g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK ) {

            last_dt_tick = g_csgo.m_globals->m_tick_count;

        shift_tick = 0;

    if ( !GetKeyState( VK_XBUTTON1 ) ) {
        dt_toggled = false;

        if (!dt_off) {
            stop_movement = true;

            if (teleport) {
                this->force_shift( g_cl.m_cmd, amounts.dt_shift - 1 );
                teleport = false;


            dt_off = true;

    dt_toggled = true;
    dt_off = false;

    if (!recharge_finish)

    if (!teleport)
        teleport = true;

    if ( g_cl.m_weapon->is_misc_weapon() && g_cl.m_weapon_type != WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE && g_cl.m_weapon_type != WEAPONTYPE_TASER ) {
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        break_lc = true;
        shift = amounts.dt_shift;
        shift_timer = 0;

    if ( !g_cl.m_cmd->m_weapon_select && is_firing() ) {
        this->force_shift( g_cl.m_cmd, amounts.dt_shift - 1, true );

        last_dt_tick = g_csgo.m_globals->m_tick_count;


        dt_toggled = false;
        dt_active = false;
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;
        toggle_charge = true;

    if (/* g_anti_aim->is_peeking() &&*/ g_cl.m_weapon->m_iItemDefinitionIndex() != REVOLVER && !g_cl.m_weapon->is_misc_weapon() ) {
        if (!toggle_lag) {
            if (!lag_shift) {
                shift_timer = 0;
                lag_shift = true;
            toggle_lag = true;
    } else {
        lag_shift = false;
        toggle_lag = false;

    if (lag_shift) {
        shift = shift_timer > 0 ? amounts.dt_shift : 0;

        if ( ++shift_timer >= amounts.dt_shift ) {
            shift_timer = 0;
            lag_shift = false;
    } else {
        shift = amounts.dt_shift;
        shift_timer = 0;
        toggle_lag = false;

    /*static vector3d origin{};
    if (!shift)
        interfaces::debug_overlay->add_text_overlay(g_ctx.local->origin(), 3.f,

void c_exploits::on_predict_start() {
    if (cl_move.shift)


// paste on_clmove
#include "hooker.hpp"

void c_exploits::on_cl_move( float sample, bool final_tick ) {
    if (!cl_move.shift)

    if ( g_csgo.m_cl->m_choked_commands == 0 ) {
        *g_cl.m_packet = false;

    static auto original = hooker.original( &nem_hooks::engine::cl_move );

    while (cl_move.amount >= 0) {
        if ( cl_move.amount >= amounts.dt_shift )
            *g_cl.m_packet = false;

        // update later
        // g_engine_prediction->update();

        cl_move.shifting = true;
        original( 0.f, cl_move.amount <= 0 );


    cl_move.shift = false;
    cl_move.shifting = false;
#pragma once
#include "../includes.h"
#include "../minhook/minhook.h"

namespace detour {
    struct hook_t {
        bool enabled = false;
        void* target = nullptr;
        void* original = nullptr;
        void* custom = nullptr;

        void enable( ) {
            MH_EnableHook( target );
            enabled = true;

        void disable( ) {
            MH_DisableHook( target );
            enabled = false;

    class c_hooks {
        std::vector<hook_t> m_hooks;

        c_hooks() {
            MH_Initialize( );
        ~c_hooks() {
            MH_Uninitialize( );

        template <typename fn = uintptr_t >
        bool create_hook( fn custom_func, void* o_func ) {
            hook_t hook = {};
            hook.target = o_func;
            hook.custom = custom_func;
            if ( MH_CreateHook( o_func, custom_func, &hook.original ) == MH_OK ) {
                m_hooks.emplace_back( hook );
                return true;
            return false;

        void enable( ) {
            for ( auto& h : m_hooks )
                h.enable( );

        void restore( ) {
            for ( auto& h : m_hooks )
                h.disable( );

        template <typename fn = uintptr_t, class ret = fn >
        ret original( fn custom_func ) {
            auto found = std::find_if( m_hooks.begin() ), m_hooks.end() , [ & ]( hook_t hook ) {
                return hook.custom == custom_func;
            } );
            if ( found != m_hooks.end( ) )
                return ( ret )found->original;

            return nullptr;
#include "Tickbase/Tickbase.hpp"

detour::c_hooks hooker = {};
namespace nem_hooks {
    bool __fastcall write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer( void* ecx, void* edx, int slot, void* buffer, int from, int to, bool is_new_cmd ) {
        static auto original = nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;// g_hooks.m_client.GetOldMethod< WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer_t >( 23 )( this, slot, buf, from, to, isnewcommand ); ;// vtables[ vtables_t::client ].original<write_usercmd_fn>( xor_int( 23 ) );

        //if ( !g_cl.m_local || !g_cl.m_local->alive( ) )
        // return original( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

        if ( g_cl.m_processing && g_csgo.m_engine->IsConnected( ) && g_csgo.m_engine->IsInGame( ) ) {
            if ( g_Exploits.recharge || !g_Exploits.shift )
                return original( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

            if (from != -1)
                return true;

            uintptr_t frame_ptr{};
            __asm mov frame_ptr, ebp;

            CCLCMsg_Move_t* msg = reinterpret_cast< CCLCMsg_Move_t* >( frame_ptr + 0xFCC );
            return g_Exploits.should_shift_cmd( &msg->new_commands, &msg->backup_commands, ecx, slot, buffer, from, to );
        } else {
            return nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( ecx, slot, buffer, from, to, is_new_cmd );

    //void __vectorcall CL_Move2( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool bFinalTick ) {
    // static auto original = oCL_Move;// hooker.original( &cl_move );
    // if ( g_cl.m_local->alive() && g_Exploits.recharging( g_cl.m_cmd ) ) {
    // //g_engine_prediction->update();
    // return;
    // }
    // original( accumulated_extra_samples, bFinalTick );
    // g_Exploits.on_cl_move( accumulated_extra_samples, bFinalTick );

    namespace engine {
        void __vectorcall cl_move( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool final_tick ) {
            static auto original = hooker.original( &cl_move );

            if ( ( g_cl.m_local && g_cl.m_local->alive( ) ) && g_Exploits.recharging( g_cl.m_cmd ) ) {

            original( accumulated_extra_samples, final_tick );

            g_Exploits.on_cl_move( accumulated_extra_samples, final_tick );

// hooks::init
if ( MH_CreateHook( ( *reinterpret_cast< LPVOID** >( g_csgo.m_client ) )[ 23u ], reinterpret_cast< LPVOID >( &nem_hooks::write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer ), reinterpret_cast< LPVOID* >( &nem_hooks::oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer ) ) ! = MH_OK ) {

    auto pattern = pattern::find( PE::GetModule( HASH( "engine.dll" ) ), XOR( "55 8B EC 81 EC ? ? ? 53 56 57 8B 3D ? ? 8A" ) );
    hooker.create_hook( nem_hooks::engine::cl_move, pattern );
namespace nem_hooks {
    using WriteUsercmdDeltaToBufferFn = bool( __thiscall* )( void*, int, void*, int, int, bool );
    inline WriteUsercmdDeltaToBufferFn oWriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer;
    bool __fastcall write_user_cmd_delta_to_buffer( void* ECX, void* EDX, int nSlot, void* buf, int from, int to, bool isnewcommand );

    //void __vectorcall CL_Move2( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool bFinalTick );
    //inline decltype( &CL_Move2 ) oCL_Move;

    namespace engine {
        extern void __vectorcall cl_move( float accumulated_extra_samples, bool final_tick );

extern detour::c_hooks hooker;
entity.hpp -> weapon class:
__forceinline bool is_misc_weapon( ) {
        auto info = this->GetWpnData( );
        if (!info)
            return false;

        short idx = this->m_iItemDefinitionIndex( );
        int type = info->m_weapon_type;
        return idx == ZEUS || type == WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE || type == WEAPONTYPE_C4;//&& type <= WEAPONTYPE_MELE;
you will have to call the doubletap in client.cpp | discord:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
| idax86
Where c_/g_ before every identifier
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