это клауд луаха world markers (visuals, effects)
скиньте эти индики дамага плиз
нет, это не то. это вот эта луашка. юзайте, кому нужноэто клауд луаха world markers (visuals, effects)
local ui_get = ui.get
local ui_set = ui.set
local ui_set_visible = ui.set_visible
local globals_tickcount = globals.tickcount
local globals_tickinterval = globals.tickinterval
local globals_realtime = globals.realtime
local client_world_to_screen = client.world_to_screen
local client_draw_text = client.draw_text
local string_format = string.format
local globals_tickcount = globals.tickcount
local entity_get_prop = entity.get_prop
local table_insert = table.insert
local display_duration = 2
local speed = 1
local enabled_reference = ui.new_checkbox("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Damage Indicator")
local duration_reference = ui.new_slider("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Display Duration", 1, 10, 4)
local speed_reference = ui.new_slider("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Speed", 1, 8, 2)
local minimum_damage_reference = ui.reference("RAGE", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage")
local aimbot_enabled_reference = ui.reference("RAGE", "Aimbot", "Enabled")
local damage_indicator_displays = {}
local function on_player_hurt(e)
if not ui_get(enabled_reference) then
--local userid, attacker, health, armor, weapon, damage, dmg_armor, hitgroup = e.userid, e.attacker, e.health, e.armor, e.weapon, e.dmg_damage, e.dmg_armor, e.hitgroup
local userid, attacker, damage, health = e.userid, e.attacker, e.dmg_health, e.health
if userid == nil or attacker == nil or damage == nil then
local player = client.userid_to_entindex(userid)
local x, y, z = entity_get_prop(player, "m_vecOrigin")
if x == nil or y == nil or z == nil then
local voZ = entity_get_prop(player, "m_vecViewOffset[2]")
table_insert(damage_indicator_displays, {damage, globals_realtime(), x, y, z + voZ, e})
local function on_enabled_change()
local enabled = ui_get(enabled_reference)
ui_set_visible(duration_reference, enabled)
ui_set_visible(speed_reference, enabled)
ui.set_callback(enabled_reference, on_enabled_change)
local function on_paint(ctx)
if not ui_get(enabled_reference) then
local damage_indicator_displays_new = {}
local max_time_delta = ui_get(duration_reference) / 2
local speed = ui_get(speed_reference) / 3
local realtime = globals_realtime()
local max_time = realtime - max_time_delta / 2
local aimbot_enabled = ui_get(aimbot_enabled_reference)
local minimum_damage = 0
if aimbot_enabled then
minimum_damage = ui_get(minimum_damage_reference)
for i=1, #damage_indicator_displays do
local damage_indicator_display = damage_indicator_displays[i]
local damage, time, x, y, z, e = damage_indicator_display[1], damage_indicator_display[2], damage_indicator_display[3], damage_indicator_display[4], damage_indicator_display[5], damage_indicator_display[6]
local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255
if time > max_time then
local sx, sy = client_world_to_screen(ctx, x, y, z)
if e.hitgroup == 1 then
r, g, b = 149, 184, 6
if damage < minimum_damage and e.health ~= 0 then
r, g, b = 255, 0, 0
if (time - max_time) < 0.7 then
a = (time - max_time) / 0.7 * 255
if not (sx == nil or sy == nil) then
client_draw_text(ctx, sx, sy, r, g, b, a, "c", 0, damage)
table_insert(damage_indicator_displays_new, {damage, time, x, y, z+0.4*speed, e})
damage_indicator_displays = damage_indicator_displays_new
client.set_event_callback("player_hurt", on_player_hurt)
client.set_event_callback("paint", on_paint)
именно то, что я написал, просто кастомизируй как хочешьнет, это не то. это вот эта луашка. юзайте, кому нужно
DamageIndicators:local ui_get = ui.get local ui_set = ui.set local ui_set_visible = ui.set_visible local globals_tickcount = globals.tickcount local globals_tickinterval = globals.tickinterval local globals_realtime = globals.realtime local client_world_to_screen = client.world_to_screen local client_draw_text = client.draw_text local string_format = string.format local globals_tickcount = globals.tickcount local entity_get_prop = entity.get_prop local table_insert = table.insert local display_duration = 2 local speed = 1 local enabled_reference = ui.new_checkbox("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Damage Indicator") local duration_reference = ui.new_slider("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Display Duration", 1, 10, 4) local speed_reference = ui.new_slider("VISUALS", "Player ESP", "Speed", 1, 8, 2) local minimum_damage_reference = ui.reference("RAGE", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage") local aimbot_enabled_reference = ui.reference("RAGE", "Aimbot", "Enabled") local damage_indicator_displays = {} local function on_player_hurt(e) if not ui_get(enabled_reference) then return end --local userid, attacker, health, armor, weapon, damage, dmg_armor, hitgroup = e.userid, e.attacker, e.health, e.armor, e.weapon, e.dmg_damage, e.dmg_armor, e.hitgroup local userid, attacker, damage, health = e.userid, e.attacker, e.dmg_health, e.health if userid == nil or attacker == nil or damage == nil then return end local player = client.userid_to_entindex(userid) local x, y, z = entity_get_prop(player, "m_vecOrigin") if x == nil or y == nil or z == nil then return end local voZ = entity_get_prop(player, "m_vecViewOffset[2]") table_insert(damage_indicator_displays, {damage, globals_realtime(), x, y, z + voZ, e}) end local function on_enabled_change() local enabled = ui_get(enabled_reference) ui_set_visible(duration_reference, enabled) ui_set_visible(speed_reference, enabled) end on_enabled_change() ui.set_callback(enabled_reference, on_enabled_change) local function on_paint(ctx) if not ui_get(enabled_reference) then return end local damage_indicator_displays_new = {} local max_time_delta = ui_get(duration_reference) / 2 local speed = ui_get(speed_reference) / 3 local realtime = globals_realtime() local max_time = realtime - max_time_delta / 2 local aimbot_enabled = ui_get(aimbot_enabled_reference) local minimum_damage = 0 if aimbot_enabled then minimum_damage = ui_get(minimum_damage_reference) end for i=1, #damage_indicator_displays do local damage_indicator_display = damage_indicator_displays[i] local damage, time, x, y, z, e = damage_indicator_display[1], damage_indicator_display[2], damage_indicator_display[3], damage_indicator_display[4], damage_indicator_display[5], damage_indicator_display[6] local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255 if time > max_time then local sx, sy = client_world_to_screen(ctx, x, y, z) if e.hitgroup == 1 then r, g, b = 149, 184, 6 end if damage < minimum_damage and e.health ~= 0 then r, g, b = 255, 0, 0 end if (time - max_time) < 0.7 then a = (time - max_time) / 0.7 * 255 end if not (sx == nil or sy == nil) then client_draw_text(ctx, sx, sy, r, g, b, a, "c", 0, damage) end table_insert(damage_indicator_displays_new, {damage, time, x, y, z+0.4*speed, e}) end end damage_indicator_displays = damage_indicator_displays_new end client.set_event_callback("player_hurt", on_player_hurt) client.set_event_callback("paint", on_paint)
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz