Требуется услуга Hiring an ImGui designer

14 Июл 2022
Hello. I am looking for an ImGui designer who can edit a cheat menu for me. Mostly small adjustments are required, this work will be paid of course.
Code quality must be at least somewhat good (proper variable and function names at the very least). Core ImGui library files must NOT be modified , instead, create extension methods (if you are not sure how to do this, I will show you. The menu is already written this way).
This work must not be resold or shared in any capacity!

Here is a list of what needs to be done:
  • Increase text brightness without making it too bright and obnoxious to look at
  • Reduce the menu size by about 20-25% and increase the text size after doing this to make sure the text is clearly visible and not too small
  • Make the menu corners rounded, add some blur/transparent effects for the modern feel
  • Add menu DPI adjustments (resizing) which will support text resizing without the fonts being blurry
  • Change the accent colors to the colors I will provide
  • Fix a bug causing elements to go out of the tab bounds when scrolling
  • Some things are misaligned in the menu (not lined up properly), those will need to be lined up
  • Add subtabs to the main tabs of the menu. There should be some animation when switching subtabs like there is for main tabs. You can copy the same animation or make something you like more, does not matter.
Colors are in their own namespace/file, adjusting these will be very quick. If you end up adding more colors, do it in this file.

The menu uses ImGui version v1.90 WIP and DirectX11.
I do not want a full rewrite of the menu, only the changes necessary.
GitHub MUST be used. If you do not know how to use it, ask me and I will explain.
Approximate cost would be around $40. We can negotiate further if needed. Payment will be done via crypto.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.
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