UE5 Asset Birds

3 Июн 2023
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Трейлер / Trailer:

Птицы для вашей игровой среды от Living Systems. Добавьте интерактивную птицу или целую стаю птиц (ворону, голубя и чайку) в свое игровое окружение. Легко перетаскивать. Встроенный механизм обхода препятствий.
Эти птицы будут ходить и прыгать к случайным наземным целям, делая перерывы для кормления. Они побегут, а затем улетят от любого игрока с меткой врага. Оказавшись в воздухе, они полетят к случайным небесным целям (на регулируемое количество времени), после чего вернутся на землю. Птицы также теперь могут садиться на насест. Простая настройка, просто перетащите несколько небесных мишеней, мишеней для насеста и наземных целей на свой уровень, и птицы позаботятся обо всем остальном. Вы также можете играть за птицу со всеми функциями ходьбы и полета.

Технические детали / Technical Details:

Birds v3.5 Includes:

• (3) rigged and animated Bird skeletal meshes (Crow, Pigeon, and Seagull)
• (87) Animations
• (6) Animation Blueprints
• (3) Character Blueprints with 1 Parent Class
• (2) Game modes (Play as the Enemy character, and Play as a Bird)
• (3) Drag and Drop NPC Birds (Crow, Pigeon, and Seagull)
• AI Controller, Behavior Tree, Backboard setup
• High resolution textures (4K) and materials
• Physics Assets
• LOD’s
• Single trace obstacle avoidance
• Bird Sounds
• Ragdoll on hit

New in version 3.0:

In v3.0 the Birds no longer use Tick, this comes with a significant performance boost.
We are now in a full AI Controller and Behavior Tree environment. The Birds will keep track of all Enemy Actors in their Perception range. If an Enemy gets too close the Birds will run then fly away. In the air they will fly to random Sky Targets. After flying for a while they will either return to the ground or perch on a Perching Target. Both Perching and Flying can be enabled or disabled on a per Bird Basis depending on your desired behavior.

New in version 3.5:
in v3.5 we now have Bird sounds, and Bird calls with Bird call animations. Speaking of animations, we have many new animations (27) including new flying animations. The Birds will now blend between 3 animations while flying based on the Pitch angle of the Bird. If the Bird is flying relatively level it will use a relaxed flying animation. If flying upward they will use a more intense flying animation to gain altitude. When flying in a downward direction the Birds will use a gliding animation. The Perching system has been completely redesigned to be much more reliable. Finally the Birds will now fly away from gunshots or any other sound you wish them to.

Intended Platform: Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation Included: No
Important\Additional Notes:
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V3.5 UE V5.0+
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