Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Advanced AutoInstancing for objects like Prefabs and PLAs
- Very Easy to create Instances of Static Meshes
- Fast Baked/Unbaked Spawning system for Instances, Actors and Niagara (proximity spawning included)
- Proxies - swap to actors at: Short Proximity, Long-Distance Proximity or Destruction based
- Runtime baking of PCG and Foliage volumes for proxy support
- Fast Population system for landscapes built in, control each scalability level
- Fast Actor and Component Pooling with Events
- Fast Spline Manipulation and Population in Editor and at runtime
- All Instances are managed, and looked after behind the scenes
- Access to the actual Instance generators for raw power
- Access the rdInst Subsystem from any actor
- Distributed Spawning
- Have Hierarchies of Actors/Instances, show and hide whenever, Editor or at Runtime
- Assimilate child instances into their parents.
- Apply Randomization of Transform and Visibility with a sophisticated Randomization system
- Use “Themes”, control the sets of visible Actors/Instances by a Theme
- Convert any Instance to a StaticMesh, ChildComponent or a Level Actor at Runtime
- Fast Instance Transformations
- Speeds up rendering while in the Editor – smoother editing large amounts of objects
- rdInst (Runtime)
Number of C++ Classes: 7, 1 Subsystem
Network Replicated: N/A
Supported Development Platforms: Win64,Linux (should work with all platforms with runtime code)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,Linux,Android (should work with all platforms with runtime code)
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Example Project: N/A
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