UE4 Asset (5) FPS 4K Custom Modern Shotguns - VOL.1

«Unigine Developer»
25 Ноя 2020
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5 специально разработанных современных дробовиков для шутеров от первого лица с отдельными деталями!

Технические детали / Technical Details:
  • (Set of 5) 4K Textured, Highly detailed custom designed modern first person shooter quality Shotguns
  • Includes full gun assembled and individual gun parts - 54 Meshes total
  • Pre Assembled into Blueprint setup
  • High quality and fidelity texture sets - 4k Textures
  • Uses only 1 material for single draw call per gun + Additional Glass Material for sights see through
  • Master material setup that control the all the guns with instances for ease of changes
  • Additional controls for roughness, albedo, normals and more
  • Channel packed Roughness | Metalness | Ambient Occlusion
  • Realistic Post Process and Look Up Table
  • Optimized for games for FPS view!
  • Free of all legal issues as all branding and labels are custom made by our studio
  • Pivots placed for ease of animation and usage
Texture Sizes:
  • 4096 [16]
  • 1024 [2]
  • 512 [1]
  • 256 [1]
  • 128 [3]
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, automatically generated and per-poly mix based on complexity of asset
Vertex Count:
  • Outlaw (15501 Tris)
  • CYJ Hybrid (8711 Tris)
  • DekMax (16412 Tris)
  • Raptr (39985 Tris)
  • TA MarkIX (19802 Tris)
LODs: Base LOD only
Number of Meshes: 54
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 10
Number of Textures: 23
Documentation and Credits:
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