Автор темы
- #1
class ResolverGameInfo
// You can create your public func for init this values.
float LocalSimTime;
int iLocalLastHealth;
float iWeaponSpeed;
float EntSimTime;
int iEntLastHealth;
float iEnemyWeaponSpeed;
CBaseEntity* GetBetterPlayerInfo()
if (iLocalLastHealth > iEntLastHealth)
if (iWeaponSpeed > iEnemyWeaponSpeed)
return G::LocalPlayer;
else if(iEnemyWeaponSpeed - iWeaponSpeed < iLocalLastHealth - iEntLastHealth) {
return G::LocalPlayer;
else { return G::EnemyTarget; }
else { return G::EnemyTarget; }
// if it returns G::LocalPlayer it is mean you prefer to use BAim because you can very high chance to kill your opponent.
else you need to try Headshot hitchance app
as more, as difference you have between you and enemy's info.
// Example how to use this code
/* Your Rage(HVH) .cpp code.
void GetBestBone(int &bonenum)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (i == 0)
if (nresolver.GetPlayerBetterInfo() == EnemyEnt){ continue; }
// bla bla Autowall->GetDamage(i);
if damage > Autowall->GetDamage(i)
bla bla bla
namespace EnemyUsingAA
float hisshittyangles[32];
float calcdelta[32];
float hiscurrentfakesanges[32];
float simtimepertick[32];
float simtimeper64ticks;
float anglewhenihit[32]; // store 'true' values
float anglewhenimiss[32]; /* used for ban unnecessary angles when you can't hit. Be careful, this can make your resolver works slow and not accuracy with a time. */
float accuracyshots;
/* used for adaptive resolver, when it is more > it is bad try to fix aa. If it's lower then this type of your logic works correct so you can make this shit to hit tapping all the server with some time if they don't change their AA. It is Zeus old resolver tactic, be sure. Also don't forget to TraceRay. */
extern ResolverGameInfo nresolver;
ResolverGameInfo nresolver;
extern EnemyUsingAA nenemyaa;
EnemyUsingAA nenemyaa;
// FSN
if (MenuSettings::ResolverNew)
nresolver.iLocalLastHealth = G::LocalPlayer->GetHealth();
nresolver.iWeaponSpeed = G::LocalPlayer->GetWeapon()->GetWeapCSData()->iSpeed;
nresolver.iEntLastHealth = Entity->GetHealth();
nresolver.iEnemyWeaponSpeed = Entity->GetWeapon()->GetWeapCSData()->iSpeed;
// if you know what are you doing, store the simtime values for fix LBY breakers.
Кому надо, можете позаимствовать мою логику, не уверен что оно действительно полезно, но вот боди аим классная штука, если реализовать с умом.